BMGT Essay

Below is a short story that lays out an opportunity. You are expected to deliver to me a memorandum/essay that lays out your plan for how you would take advantage of the opportunity as an entrepreneur. This is an opportunity for you to apply what you have learned in class, and also to have some fun. The best answers will be ones that are careful and complete in their analysis. Think about how to provide specific guidance. If you are suggesting a particular product, what is your basis for assuming demand? If you are making a statement as to price, what is your basis for price? If you have a particular business model in mind, a clear discussion of why and how it would work would make sense. In other words, try to make this as “real world” as you can. There is not a minimum page requirement for this project. However, if you are motivated to impress me, you should seek to be as comprehensive as possible in looking at the different aspects of evaluating an opportunity and starting a business. In other words, use this as an opportunity to show that individually you’ve taken in the lessons of the class. Good luck!!! Just a Normal Night at the Dorm Larry Fields was sitting in his dorm room late on Tuesday evening drinking an Upslope Beer and eating a cupcake. His life was better than usual because he didn’t have his evening lecture to go to. Just a quiet Tuesday night. A knock at the door roused him from his deep thoughts about life, the universe and the spread on the next Big Ten slugfest. As he stood up to cross his room, the knocking became a bit urgent. “Larry,” came a whispered voice, “you’ve got to check this out.” Larry recognized the voice as belonging to his childhood friend Lester Demento. He hadn’t seen Lester in a while – Lester didn’t go off to University, and spent most of his time in the basement of his parents’ house. He’d always been a bit eccentric – muttering about physics and exotic compounds. Larry laughed to himself slightly – the time Lester magnetized the desks at the Physics lab was pretty funny – who knew that braces on teeth could be that attractive to a near field electro magnet. Not sure that Timmy Owens ever recovered from the shame, however. With happy memories and feeling a bit discombobulated, Larry opened the door and saw…. Nothing. “Larry. Hey what’s up?” It was Lester’s voice, but no Lester. “Larry. Up here.” As Larry looked up, a hand 1


essay on bmgt

Transcript of BMGT Essay

Below is a short story that lays out an opportunity. You are expected to deliver to me a memorandum/essay that lays out your plan for how you would take advantage of the opportunity as an entrepreneur. This is an opportunity for you to apply what you have learned in class, and also to have some fun. The best answers will be ones that are careful and complete in their analysis. Think about how to provide specific guidance. If you are suggesting a particular product, what is your basis for assuming demand? If you are making a statement as to price, what is your basis for price? If you have a particular business model in mind, a clear discussion of why and how it would work would make sense. In other words, try to make this as real world as you can. There is not a minimum page requirement for this project. However, if you are motivated to impress me, you should seek to be as comprehensive as possible in looking at the different aspects of evaluating an opportunity and starting a business. In other words, use this as an opportunity to show that individually youve taken in the lessons of the class.Good luck!!!Just a Normal Night at the DormLarry Fields was sitting in his dorm room late on Tuesday evening drinking an Upslope Beer and eating a cupcake. His life was better than usual because he didnt have his evening lecture to go to. Just a quiet Tuesday night.A knock at the door roused him from his deep thoughts about life, the universe and the spread on the next Big Ten slugfest. As he stood up to cross his room, the knocking became a bit urgent. Larry, came a whispered voice, youve got to check this out. Larry recognized the voice as belonging to his childhood friend Lester Demento. He hadnt seen Lester in a while Lester didnt go off to University, and spent most of his time in the basement of his parents house. Hed always been a bit eccentric muttering about physics and exotic compounds. Larry laughed to himself slightly the time Lester magnetized the desks at the Physics lab was pretty funny who knew that braces on teeth could be that attractive to a near field electro magnet. Not sure that Timmy Owens ever recovered from the shame, however.With happy memories and feeling a bit discombobulated, Larry opened the door and saw. Nothing. Larry. Hey whats up? It was Lesters voice, but no Lester. Larry. Up here. As Larry looked up, a hand came down and grabbed the underside of the door frame. A short downward gymnastic moment later there was Lester standing on what looked as much as anything as a Tony Hawk skateboard having a bad Goth- cyberpunk hair day. Help me anchor this baby. Larry reached up and pulled Lesters hand towards him. There was surprisingly little friction, and Lester seemed to bob into the center of the room, hovering above the stained shag carpet Larry had brought from home. Clearly, this moment was going to trump the Senior After Prom with Claire Neil, when if the rug could talk asides were made in the future. And, there stood, or more accurately, floated Lester. Metallica and Vans outfitted Lester -- Standing on a porcupine roadkill in black and silver. Lester, what did you do? Its cool isnt it? Here, let me turn it off. A quick touch to his wrist and Lester and his flat porcupine settled down onto the beer stained carpet. This frightened the cat on the sofa, which to this point had been sleeping quietly in an old pizza box.Well, what do you think? To say Larry was nonplused would be inaccurate, Larry was freaking square rooted, inverse factored plussed. What do I think? What the hell is that thing? Larry felt his reality shifting, his stomach jumped and he wondered if perhaps this was the working of a bad mushroom from his pizza. The Dominos Pizza was very cheap.Its an antigravity skateboard, exclaimed Lester. Isnt it cool? I made it myself. Larry fell back on to the sofa, and grabbed for his beer. The Upslope Beer had gotten warm, but it gave him something to do. Lester, really? I mean its impossible. People have talking about it for years, but no ones ever done it. I mean, NASAs full of people that think stuff like this up, and they havent done it. Fess up. You stole it right?Lester looked hurt. I figured youd understand. Forget it. A flick of the wrist and he rose back up into the air looking like Poseidon astride his sea critters. Or, whatever. The analogies were killing Larry. This was all just too much for him. Like someone elses voice, Larry heard someone say Oh screw it, come down and lets talk about it. So Lester did.As the friends conversed Lester shared the following information with Larry.1. He had invented the process of generating a cancellation of gravity within a field created by his device.2. He had not determined how high he could travel off the ground, as he had been scared to try.3. Travel on the device appeared to be frictionless, although wind resistance appeared to be an issue.4. The device in the skate board was contained in a box that was six inches long, three inches wide, and an inch deep.5. Lester believed the technologys repulsive effects were geometric, so that devices did not have to be significantly larger to support larger loads.6. The technology used rare earth minerals, which were expensive to acquire. THIS MEANS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TO BE SOLD FOR A HIGH PRICE.7. Other components were surprisingly off the shelf. The magic was in the integration.8. Lester was going to keep the right to develop and market any transportation products using the technology. He was willing to let Larry use the technology for any other business idea he wanted, since they were old friends. But, Larry could only use the technology for one business idea. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT POINT. LARRY WAS GOING TO KEEP THE TECHNOLOGY FOR TRANSPORTATION. SO, ANY BUSINESS IDEA HAD TO BE FOR SOMETHING ELSE. NOTHING THAT INVOLVES TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE TO YOU.After a few more beers, Lester got on his board and floated down the hall. Larry, overcome with a sense of opportunity and disbelief picked up the phone and called. You.Larry had heard that you had taken Professor Abermans course on entrepreneurship. He figured that you might have some ability to help him work this through. Here is what he asked you to do.Come up with a proposal for Larry of how you would use this technology to create a business. Give him specific guidance on the business model you would choose. Explain how you reached that conclusion. Give him a sense of the competitive environment. Explain how you would market the business, who you would market it to and why. Talk about pricing and production challenges and opportunities. In other words, use the tools you have acquired to date from Professor Abermans class to come up with a plan of attack.