BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central · 2020. 1. 12. · on the development of computational models...

BMC Bioinformatics Research Bio-jETI: a framework for semantics-based service composition Anna-Lena Lamprecht* 1 , Tiziana Margaria* 2 and Bernhard Steffen 1 Address: 1 Chair for Programming Systems, Dortmund University of Technology, Dortmund, D-44227, Germany and 2 Chair for Service and Software Engineering, Potsdam University, Potsdam, D-14882, Germany E-mail: Anna-Lena Lamprecht* - [email protected]; Tiziana Margaria* - [email protected]; Bernhard Steffen - [email protected] *Corresponding author from Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences, 2008 Edinburgh, UK 28 November 2008 Published: 01 October 2009 BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10(Suppl 10):S8 doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S10-S8 This article is available from: © 2009 Lamprecht et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Background: The development of bioinformatics databases, algorithms, and tools throughout the last years has lead to a highly distributed world of bioinformatics services. Without adequate management and development support, in silico researchers are hardly able to exploit the potential of building complex, specialized analysis processes from these services. The Semantic Web aims at thoroughly equipping individual data and services with machine-processable meta-information, while workflow systems support the construction of service compositions. However, even in this combination, in silico researchers currently would have to deal manually with the service interfaces, the adequacy of the semantic annotations, type incompatibilities, and the consistency of service compositions. Results: In this paper, we demonstrate by means of two examples how Semantic Web technology together with an adequate domain modelling frees in silico researchers from dealing with interfaces, types, and inconsistencies. In Bio-jETI, bioinformatics services can be graphically combined to complex services without worrying about details of their interfaces or about type mismatches of the composition. These issues are taken care of at the semantic level by Bio-jETIs model checking and synthesis features. Whenever possible, they automatically resolve type mismatches in the considered service setting. Otherwise, they graphically indicate impossible/incorrect service combinations. In the latter case, the workflow developer may either modify his service composition using semantically similar services, or ask for help in developing the missing mediator that correctly bridges the detected type gap. Newly developed mediators should then be adequately annotated semantically, and added to the service library for later reuse in similar situations. Conclusion: We show the power of semantic annotations in an adequately modelled and semantically enabled domain setting. Using model checking and synthesis methods, users may orchestrate complex processes from a wealth of heterogeneous services without worrying about interfaces and (type) consistency. The success of this method strongly depends on a careful semantic annotation of the provided services and on its consequent exploitation for analysis, validation, and synthesis. We are convinced that these annotations will become standard, as they will become preconditions for the success and widespread use of (preferred) services in the Semantic Web. Page 1 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes) BioMed Central Open Access

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Page 1: BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central · 2020. 1. 12. · on the development of computational models for intracellular processes. Besides the provision of mere “access to the most current

BMC Bioinformatics

ResearchBio-jETI: a framework for semantics-based service compositionAnna-Lena Lamprecht*1, Tiziana Margaria*2 and Bernhard Steffen1

Address: 1Chair for Programming Systems, Dortmund University of Technology, Dortmund, D-44227, Germany and 2Chair for Service andSoftware Engineering, Potsdam University, Potsdam, D-14882, Germany

E-mail: Anna-Lena Lamprecht* - [email protected]; Tiziana Margaria* - [email protected];Bernhard Steffen - [email protected]*Corresponding author

from Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences, 2008Edinburgh, UK 28 November 2008

Published: 01 October 2009

BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10(Suppl 10):S8 doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S10-S8

This article is available from:

© 2009 Lamprecht et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: The development of bioinformatics databases, algorithms, and tools throughout the lastyears has lead to a highly distributedworld of bioinformatics services.Without adequatemanagement anddevelopment support, in silico researchers are hardly able to exploit the potential of building complex,specialized analysis processes from these services. The Semantic Web aims at thoroughly equippingindividual data and services with machine-processable meta-information, while workflow systemssupport the construction of service compositions. However, even in this combination, in silicoresearchers currently would have to deal manually with the service interfaces, the adequacy of thesemantic annotations, type incompatibilities, and the consistency of service compositions.

Results: In this paper, we demonstrate by means of two examples how Semantic Web technologytogether with an adequate domain modelling frees in silico researchers from dealing with interfaces,types, and inconsistencies. In Bio-jETI, bioinformatics services can be graphically combined tocomplex services without worrying about details of their interfaces or about type mismatches ofthe composition. These issues are taken care of at the semantic level by Bio-jETI’s model checkingand synthesis features. Whenever possible, they automatically resolve type mismatches in theconsidered service setting. Otherwise, they graphically indicate impossible/incorrect servicecombinations. In the latter case, the workflow developer may either modify his service compositionusing semantically similar services, or ask for help in developing the missing mediator that correctlybridges the detected type gap. Newly developed mediators should then be adequately annotatedsemantically, and added to the service library for later reuse in similar situations.

Conclusion: We show the power of semantic annotations in an adequately modelled andsemantically enabled domain setting. Using model checking and synthesis methods, users mayorchestrate complex processes from a wealth of heterogeneous services without worrying aboutinterfaces and (type) consistency. The success of this method strongly depends on a careful semanticannotation of the provided services and on its consequent exploitation for analysis, validation, andsynthesis. We are convinced that these annotations will become standard, as they will becomepreconditions for the success and widespread use of (preferred) services in the Semantic Web.

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Page 2: BMC Bioinformatics BioMed Central · 2020. 1. 12. · on the development of computational models for intracellular processes. Besides the provision of mere “access to the most current

BackgroundResearch projects in modern molecular biology rely onincreasingly complex combinations of computationalmethods to handle the data that is produced in the lifescience laboratories. A variety of bioinformatics data-bases, algorithms and tools is available for specificanalysis tasks. Their combination to solve a specificbiological question defines more or less complexanalysis workflows or processes. Software systems thatfacilitate their systematic development and automation[1-7] have found a great popularity in the community.

More than in other domains the heterogeneous servicesworld in bioinformatics demands for a methodology toclassify and relate resources in a both human andmachine accessible manner. The Semantic Web [8,9],which is meant to address exactly this challenge, iscurrently one of the most ambitious projects incomputer science. Collective efforts have already leadto a basis of standards for semantic service descriptionsand meta-information.

Most importantly, the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) set up a number of working groups addressingdifferent technological aspects of the Semantic Webvision. Among their outcomes are the Semantic Annota-tions for WSDL (SAWSDL) recommendation [10], theResource Description Framework (RDF) specification[11], and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [12].While SAWSDL is designed to equip single entities withpredicates, RDF and the more powerful OWL formallydefine relationships between the resources of a domain.

Without a reasonably large set of semantically annotated(web) services, it is, however, difficult to evaluate theSemantic Web technologies with significant results anddevelop practical software for the client side. On theother hand, providers are not willing to put effort inannotating their services as long as they can not beconfident which technologies will finally become estab-lished. Community initiatives like the Semantic WebServices (SWS) Challenge [13] or the Semantic ServiceSelection Contest (S3C) [14] address this problem. Theyprovide collections of services, domain information andconcrete scenarios that the different participants, beingdevelopers of methodologies for different Semantic Webaspects, have to deal with. In the scope of the S3 Contest,OPOSSum [15,16], an “online portal to collect and shareSWS descriptions” [16], was set up. It aims at collecting,sharing, editing, and comparing SWS descriptions withina community infrastructure in order to collaborativelyevaluate and improve SWS formalisms. As of March2009, however, OPOSSum does not list any bioinfor-matics services.

An example of a knowledge base particularly capturingbioinformatics data types and services are the constantlyevolving namespace, object and service ontologies of theBioMoby service registry [17,18]. BioMoby’s aim is to“achieve a shared syntax, shared semantic, and discoveryinfrastructure suitable for bioinformat-ics” [19] as a partof the Semantic Web. Originating from the early 2000s,the 1.0 MOBY-S(ervices) spec-ifications, however, do notadhere to the Semantic Web standards that have beendeveloped in the last years. Consequently, the S(emantic)-MOBY branch of the project came into beingto migrate to common technologies. It has recently beenmerged into the SSWAP (Simple Semantic Web Archi-tecture and Protocol) [20,21] project, which aims atproviding life science knowledge using standard RDF/OWL technology. SSWAP provides a number of ownontologies, but also incorporates third-party domainknowledge like the MOBY-S object and service onto-logies.

Generally, the development of ontologies in the bioin-formatics community is already very promising. Projectslike the Gene Ontology (GO) [22] and the OpenBiomedical Ontologies (OBO) [23] have already becomewidely used and also, for instance, incorporated by theSSWAP project. The majority of publicly availableontologies in the bioinformatics domain is, however,designed for the classification of scientific terms and thedescription of actual data sets, and not for (technical)descriptions of service interfaces and data types.

The lack of properly semantically annotated services hasevidently already been recognized by the community, asdifferent projects are commencing to address the issue.For instance, major service providers like the EuropeanBioinformatics Institute (EBI) plan to extend their serviceinfrastructure to provide meta-information conformingto Semantic Web standards. Other initiatives aim atsetting up stand-alone collections of service URIs andcorresponding annotations, without influencing theservice infrastructures as such.

While the provision of semantically annotated services ismainly the service providers’ task, on the client sidesoftware is needed that fully utilizes the availablesemantic information in order to provide helpful toolsto the in silico researcher. The challenge for user-sidesoftware is to abstract from the underlying Semantic Webtechnology again and provide the achievements in anintuitive fashion.

A simple but useful feature building upon semanticinformation about services is the categorization ofservices according to different criteria. A corresponding

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functionality has already been available in the mean-while discontinued BioSPICE Dashboard, where it waspossible to arrange services by location, provider,function, or I/O type (see Figure 1). The BioSPICEproject is a meanwhile abandoned initiative that focusedon the development of computational models forintracellular processes. Besides the provision of mere“access to the most current computational tools forbiologists” [24], the work also aimed at integrating theservices into a convenient graphical user environment,called the BioSPICE Dashboard. Thus, the need of multi-faceted service classification has been recognized severalyears ago, but until present services hardly provideappropriate meta-information.

More advanced examples of utilizing semantic informa-tion about services are, for instance, available in thescope of the SWS Challenge [13]. Among others, projectslike SWE-ET (Semantic Web Engineering Environmentand Tools) [25] and WSMX [26] participate in thechallenge, adressing both discovery and mediationscenarios for Semantic Web Services. However, thesesolutions demand quite some technical understandingfrom the user, which hampers the uptake by a largerbiological user community.

As an example from the bioinformatics domain, theBioMoby project provides a simple composition func-tionality for its services. [17,18]. With the MOBY-S WebService Browser [27] it is, e.g., possible to search for anappropriate next service, while in addition the sequenceof actually executed tools is recorded and stored as aTaverna [4] workflow. A substantial drawback of thisapproach is, however, its restriction to the services thatare registered in the respective platform.

In this paper, we present our approach to semantics-based service composition in the Bio-jETI platform[7,28]. By integration of automatic service compositionfunctionality into an intuitive, graphical process man-agement framework, we are able to maintain theusability of the latter for semantically aware workflowdevelopment. Furthermore, we can integrate services anddomain knowledge from any kind of heterogeneousresource at any location, and are not restricted to anysemantically annotated services of a particular platform.

This manuscript is structured as follows: In the nextsection, Results and Discussion, we discuss two examplesthat we developed in Bio-jETI with the help of asemantics-aware workflow synthesis method and

Figure 1BioSPICE Dashboard. Graphical user interface of the BioSPICE Dashboard [24]. Services can be arranged accordingto the categories location, contributor, function, and I/O type (top left).

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model checking: a simple phylogenetic analysis work-flow and a more sophisticicated, highly customizedphylogenetic analysis process based on Blast andClustalW. Subsequently, the Conclusion deals withdirectives for the future development of our approach.Finally, the Methods section describes the appliedtechniques in greater detail.

Results and discussionThe approach to semantics-based service compositionthat we present in this paper builds upon the Bio-jETI[7,28] framework for model-based, graphical design,execution and management of bioinformatics analysisprocesses. It has been used in a number of differentbioinformatics projects [29-32] and is continuouslyevolving as new service libraries and service and softwaretechnologies become established. Technically, Bio-jETIuses the jABC modeling framework [33,34] as anintuitive, graphical user interface and the jETI electronictool integration platform [35,36] for dealing withremote services. Using the jABC technology, processmodels, called Service Logic Graphs (SLGs) are constructedgraphically by placing process building blocks, calledService Independent Building Blocks (SIBs), on a canvas andconnecting them according to the flow of control.Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the graphical user interface

of the jABC. SLGs are directly executable by an interpretercomponent, and they can be compiled into a variety oftarget languages via the GeneSys code generation frame-work [37]. As Figure 3 (bottom) illustrates, GeneSysprovides the means for transforming SLGs into native,stand-alone programm code (e.g., Java, C++) as well asinto other workflow languages (e.g., BPEL).

Workflow development in Bio-jETI is already supportedby several plugins of the jABC framework, for instanceproviding functionality for component validation orstep-wise execution of the process model for debuggingpurposes. Now we are going to exploit further jABCtechnology, such as model checking and workflowsynthesis, in order to enable Bio-jETI to support thedevelopment of processes in terms of service semantics.

Model checking [38,39] can be used for reasoning aboutproperties of process models. This can help to detectproblems like undefined data identifiers, missing com-putations, or type mismatches. Solving these problemsmight require the introduction of further computationalsteps, for instance a series of conversion services in caseof a data type mismatch. The approach here is toautomate the creation of such process parts via workflowsynthesis methodology [40-43] that allows for the

Figure 2Bio-jETI GUI. The jABC framework, which provides the graphical user interface for Bio-jETI, supports the orchestrationof processes from heterogeneous services. Workflow models are constructed graphically by placing process building blocksfrom a library (top left) on a canvas (center) and connecting them by labeled branches to define the flow of control.The models are directly executable by an inbuilt interpreter component (right).

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automatic creation of (linear) workflows according tohigh-level, logical specifications. Figure 3 (top) illus-trates the relationship between our specification lan-guage SLTL (Semantic Linear Time Logic) and the actualBio-jETI workflow models, the SLGs: Provided with alogical specification of the process and semanticallyannotated services, the workflow synthesis algorithmgenerates linear sequences of services, which can befurther edited and combined into complex processmodels on the SLG level.

For the study that we present in this paper we used a SIBcollection offering various remote and local services.Examples for contained remote services are the dataretrieval services provided by the EBI (European Bioin-formatics Institute) [44,45], sequence analysis algo-rithms offered by BiBiServ (the Bielefeld BioinformaticsServer) [46], web services hosted by the DDBJ (DNAData Bank of Japan) [47], and some tools of theEMBOSS suite [48]. On the local side, there arespecialized components such as visualizer for phyloge-netic trees [49] and more generic ones like SIBs thatrealize user interaction or functionality for file manage-ment. Table 1 lists the fragment of the library that isrelevant for our examples.

In the jABC, the SIBs are displayed to the user in ataxonomic view, classified according to their position inthe file system (by default) or to any other usefulcriterion, like the provider or the kind of service. The SIBshave user-level documentation, explaining what theunderlying tool or algorithm does, that is deriveddirectly from the provider’s service descriptions. Inaddition, the SIBs provide information about theirinput and output types via a specific interface. This isalready an integral part of the semantic information thathelps to systematically survey large SIB libraries and it isused by our process synthesis and model checkingmethods. It is, in addition, possible to add arbitraryannotations to the SIB instances and by doing soproviding further (semantic) information that is takeninto account by our formal methodologies.

Figure 3Relationship between SLTL and workflow languages.SLTL is designed to specify linear workflows on an abstractlevel. In conjunction with a set of services and adequatesemantic information about the domain, it serves as input forthe synthesis algorithm, which generates linear workflowsaccording to the SLTL specification. The results are availableas Bio-jETI SLGs, which can be further edited, combined, andrefined. The SLGs can then be compiled into a number ofdifferent target languages by the GeneSys code generationframework.

Table 1: Exemplary set of services. Fragment of a componentlibrary that we used in the examples. The table lists the names ofthe building blocks (SIBs) along with function descriptions andselected service predicates

SIB Description

Archaeopteryx Displays a phylogenetic tree [49].type:visualization, location:local,

BLAST BLAST [63] against a DDBJ database.type:analysis, location:ddbj, contributor:ddbj

ClustalW Runs ClustalW [64].type:analysis, location:ddbj, contributor:ddbj

Emma EMBOSS [48] interface to ClustalW.type:analysis, location:ebi, contributor:emboss

ExtractPattern Extracts all parts of a string that match a regularexpression.type:stringprocessing, location:local, contributor:jabc

GetDDBJEntry Fetches an entry in at file format from a DDBJdatabase [51].type:dataretrieval, location:ddbj, contributor:ddbj


Fetches an entry in FASTA format from a DDBJdatabase [51].type:dataretrieval, location:ddbj, contributor:ddbj

List2String Concatenates all entries of a list.type:stringprocessing, location:local, contributor:jabc

MatchString Tries to match a string against a regular expressionpattern.type:condition, location:local, contributor:jabc

PutExpression Stores a user-supplied context expression or itsvalue into the execution context.type:definition, location:local, contributor:jabc

PutInteger Provides an integer value.type:definition, location:local, contributor:jabc

RepeatLoop Realizes a counting loop.type:loop, location:local, contributor:jabc

ReplaceString Replaces substrings of a string with anothercharacter sequence.type:stringprocessing, location:local, contributor:jabc

ShowInputDialog Input dialog, provides a string.type:definition, location:local, contributor:jabc

WSDBFetch Gets sequences from an EBI database [44,45].type:dataretrieval, location:ebi, contributor:ebi

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The knowledge base that is needed for the processsynthesis consists, furthermore, of service and typetaxonomies that classify the services and types, respec-tively. Taxonomies are simple ontologies that relateentities in terms of is-a and has-a relations. Theseclassifications provide sufficient information for oursynthesis methodologies.

We assume simple taxonomies for our examples, whichhave the generic OWL type Thing at the root. Goingdownwards, classifications are introduced, for instancerefining the generic type into integers and strings,whereas the latter is further distinguished into align-ments, trees, sequences, tool outputs, and so on. Figure 4shows the service taxonomy for the services that weuse in our examples, edited in the OntEd ontology editorplugin of the jABC. The corresponding type taxonomyclassifying the involved data types is given in Figure 5.

The basic input and output information for the servicesis defined in terms of the data types contained in thetype taxonomy. Table 2 lists the set of data types that isrelevant for our examples. The services are characterizedby input-output-pairs of types, where the input oroutput may well be empty (as it is the case, e.g., forShowInputDialog and Archaeopteryx), respectively.

Services may also provide multiple possible transforma-tions and thus achieve polymorphism. For instance,BiBiServ’s ClustalW can process sequences in FASTA or inSequenceML format, and produces a FASTA or Align-mentML output, accordingly.

Example 1: a simple phylogenetic analysis workflowWhen developing bioinformatics analysis workflows,users often have a clear idea about the inputs and finalresults, while their conception of the process thatactually produces the desired outputs is only vague.Figure 5 (upper left) shows a stub for a workflow: thestart SIB (left) is an input dialog for a nucleic or aminoacid sequence, which is followed by a SIB running aBLAST query with the sequence having been input inorder to find homologous sequences. The workflowends by invoking Archaeopteryx to display a phyloge-netic tree (right). The configuration of the SIBs is soundat the component level, as the Local Checker plugin(producing the small overlay icons top left) confirms.However, there are errors regarding the correct config-uration of the model as a whole, as the required inputtype for Archaeopteryx, some phylogenetic tree format,is not produced previously in the process. This isdetected by our model checker GEAR (indicated by a

Figure 4Service taxonomy. Service taxonomy for the services that we use in our examples, edited in OntEd, the ontology editingplugin of the jABC.

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red overlay icon with a white cross in the top rightcorner of the SIBs), that checks a temporal formulacovering the following constraint (please refer to theMethods section for details on the model checkingprocedure):

If a SIB uses an input of type tree this input must have , bbeen defined before . (*)

An experienced bioinformatician might be aware of theproblem immediately, due to his familiarity with theinvolved tools. This is, however, only a small workflow.An automatic, semantically supported detection ofmisconfigurations and modeling errors unfolds its fullpotential when processes become more complex, and itis not feasible for the in silico researcher to dive into the

documentations of all services or to explore theirbehaviour by trial-and-error executions.

Once detected, there are different ways to fix theproblem. One can look for replacements for one of theinvolved SIBs that essentially compute the same results,but provide them in a data format that fits in thesurrounding process. Another approach, assuming thatthe user has chosen these services for good reason, is tosearch for a sequence of additional services that resolvethe mismatch and insert them into the process. Such datamediation sub-workflows are usually linear. They canconsist of type conversions that simply adapt theinvolved data, or also of real computational serviceswhen the match can not be realized so easily.

As a means for resolving the violation of property *, theexample process model stub implies a process specifica-tion adequate as input for our workflow synthesisalgorithm (please refer to the Methods section fordetails). In a high-level formulation, it reads:

How can a phylogenetic tree be derived from a BLAST result ??

Utilizing the semantically annotated SIB collection anddomain information from above, and computing theshortest service combination that satisfies the specifica-tion, our synthesis algorithm proposes the followingsimple four-step workflow for the above query (bottomleft in Figure 6):

1. Extract the IDs of the hits from the BLAST result(using a regular expression).2. Turn the matches into a comma-separated list.3. Call DBFetch (fetching the correspondingsequences from a database).4. Run emma (computing a multiple sequencealignment and phylogenetic tree).

The generated sequence of SIBs can now be inserted intothe process stub and all parameters configured appro-priately. As Figure 6 (right) shows, neither the local northe model checking does reveal errors any more. Theprocess is now ready for execution. Figure 7 illustratesthe corresponding runtime behaviour: the workflowstarts by asking the user for a query sequence, thenperforms a similarity search, data retrieval and sequenceanalysis before it finally displays the resulting phyloge-netic tree.

Example 2: Blast-ClustalW workflowA simple phylogenetic analysis like in the previousexample is an often recurring element of complex in silicoexperiments. In many cases, however, a customized,

Table 2: Exemplary set of types. The set of data types that wasused in the example processes

Type Description

Accession Single accession number.AccessionList Iteratable (java.util.)list of accession

numbers.Accessions Concatenation of accession numbers,

separated by some character.Alignment Multiple sequence alignment.BlastResult Tool output of BLAST.ClustalWResult Tool output of ClustalW.Counter Counter, i.e. positive integer value.DDBJEntry DDBJ entry in flat file format.Limit Limit, i.e. positive integer value.Sequence Single or multiple nucleic or amino

acid sequences.Tree Phylogenetic tree.

Figure 5Type taxonomy. Type taxonomy classifying the data typesinvolved in our examples.

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Figure 6Example 1. A simple phylogenetic analysis process. The upper left shows an erroneous stub for a simple phylogenetic analysisprocess, it lacks a sequence of services leading from a BLAST result to a phylogenetic tree. Below is the appropriate sequenceof services that is proposed by our synthesis algorithm. The complete and correct analysis process is shown on the right.

Figure 7Execution of example 1. Execution of the simple phylogenetic analysis process. The execution begins with an interactivestep, where a dialog is displayed in which the query sequence is entered (top). After some non-interactive steps, the finallyavailable phylogenetic tree is displayed using Archaeopteryx (bottom).

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more specific processing of intermediate results isrequired, like in the Blast-ClustalW workflow [50] thatis one of the DDBJ’s sample workflows for the Web APIfor bioinformatics [51]. It is the archetype for our secondexample.

The Blast-ClustalW workflow [50] has the same inputsand outputs as the simple phylogenetic workflow fromexample 1: It finds homologuous sequences for an inputDNA sequence via BLAST and computes a hypothesisabout the phylogenetic relationship of the obtainedsequences (using ClustalW). The proposed analysisprocedure consists of four major computation steps(the blue rectangles in Figure 8, whereby steps 2 and 3have to be repeated for each Blast hit that is taken intoaccount (not evident from the figure):

1. Call the Blast web service to search the DDBJdatabase for homologues of a nucleic acid sequence.The input is a 16S RNA sequence in FASTA format,the output lists the database IDs of the similarsequences and basic information about the localalignment, e.g. its range within the sequences.2. Call the GetEntry web service with a database IDfrom the Blast output to retrieve the correspondingdatabase entry.3. Extract accession number, organism name andsequence from the database entry. Trim the sequenceto the relevant region using the start and endpositions of the local alignment that are availablefrom the BLAST result.4. Call the ClustalW web service to compute a globalalignment and a phylogenetic tree for the preparedsequences.

Due to the loop that is required for repeating steps 2 and3 a certain number of times, this process can not becreated completely by our current synthesis algorithm,which is restricted to produce linear sequences ofservices. It is, however, possible to predefine a sparseprocess model in which the looping behaviour and othercrucial parts are manually predefined, and to subse-quently fill in linear parts of the process automatically.

Figure 9 (top) shows an advanced, but still incompletemodel of the Blast-ClustalW workflow. Like in example1, the process begins with displaying a dialog forentering the query sequence (start SIB top left). Theresult of the subsequent Blast web service invocation issplit into the separate results (SIB get blast hits). Beforethe loop is entered, a maximum is set for number of hitsthat is to be considered in the analysis. For this definedmaximum number of hits, the loop’s body is executed.The current hit is split into its seperate elements, e.g.accession number, score, and the start and end positionof the local alignment that produced by BLAST withinthe whole sequence. The accession number is used tocheck whether the sequence corresponding to the currenthit has already been added to the analysis in order toavoid duplicate sequences. If a duplicate is detected, themaximimum number of hits is incremented, so thatanother hit can be taken into account. Otherwise, thecorresponding entry is fetched from the database usingthe DDBJ’s GetEntry web service (SIB getFASTA_DDB-JEntry). The SIBs extract organism and extract sequenceare then applied to extract the corresponding informa-tion from the DDBJ entry by means of a regularexpression. The sequence is formatted, i.e. whitespacesremoved, and the start and end positions that are knownfrom the BLAST result are used to cut the subsequencethat actually contributed to the local alignment duringthe BLAST search. The prepared sequence is then addedto the analysis (SIB append sequence). Note that incontrast to the original representation of Figure 8, we seehere the structure and the data-driven loops of the actualworkflow. Finally, the resulting phylogenetic tree isdisplayed by Archaeopteryx.

At this state of the process, the local checking of thecomponents detects no errors, but themodel checker revealsproblems (overlay icons top right): As in the previousexample, the SIB Archaeopteryx uses a variable tree, which isnot defined before. Moreover, the SIBs extract organism andextract sequence use a variable ddbjentry, which is definedwith an incompatible type. Details on the model checkingprocedure can be found in the Methods section.

To resolve the first problem, we proceed similar as inexample 1, by providing the synthesis algorithm with atemporal formula that asks for a sequence of services thattakes a set of sequences as input (which is the lastintermediate result that is computed previous toArchaeopteryx in the process) and produces a phyloge-netic tree (the input that Archaeopteryx expects). AsFigure 9 (center) shows, a single call to emma is one ofthe (shortest) sequences that fulfils this request.

The second problem is the presence of a type ddbjfastawhere the type ddbjentry is expected. To solve this

Figure 8Blast-ClustalW workflow. Blast-ClustalW workflow assketched by the DDBJ (following [50]).

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Figure 9Example 2. The more complex Blast-ClustalW workflow. The model checking detects three errors for the original process (top).To bridge the gap between the available sequences and the required tree, the emma web service can be inserted, computing a multiplealignment and providing the corresponding phylogenetic tree. No mediating sequence can be found that converts DDBJ entry intoFASTA format, but it is possible to get this format when the also available DDBJ accession number is used as input (center). Thecomplete process (bottom) has an additional SIB emma and has substituted getFASTA_DDBJEntry by getDDBJEntry.

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mismatch, we ask our synthesis algorithm for a way toderive the latter from the former. It returns with anempty result (see Figure 9, center), which means that ourSIB collection can not provide an appropriate sequenceof services. We exclude the type ddbjfasta and the SIBgetFASTA_DDBJEntry, by which is it produced, and tryour luck with the type ddbjaccession, which has beendefined last, as starting point for the synthesis. Theanswer is a service sequence consisting of the SIBgetDDBJEntry (center), by which we can now substitutethe improper data retrieval SIB from above.

The bottom of Figure 9 shows the completely assembledprocess. We omit to demonstrate its execution beha-viour, as it is very similar to that of example 1.

Discussion and perspectivesBy means of two examples, the previous sectionsdemonstrated the local checking, model checking andworkflow synthesis methodology that is currently avail-able in the jABC framework and thus part of Bio-jETI.The Local Checker plugin provides domain-independentfunctionality and is already conveniently integrated inthe framework. We are now working on a user-friendlyintegration of the domain-specific model checking andsynthesis techniques, especially with regard to thebioinformatics application domain. This ongoing workspans three dimensions, which are discussed in thefollowing sections: domain modeling, model checking,and model synthesis.

Domain modelingThis dimension is the heart of making informationtechnology available to biologists, as it enables them toexpress their problems in their own language terms – onthe basis of adequately designed ontologies. It raises theissue where the domain knowledge ideally comes from.It is, of course, possible for each user to define customservice and type taxonomies, allowing for exactly thegeneralization and refinement that is required for thespecial case. However, as the tools and algorithms thatare used are mostly third-party services, it is desirable toautomatically retrieve domain information from a publicknowledge repository as well. Therefore we plan toincorporate knowledge from different publicly availableontologies, like BioMoby [17,18] and SSWAP [20,21],and to integrate it into the service and type taxonomiesfor use by our synthesis methodology.

It is, of course, also necessary that the services themselvesare equipped with meta-information in terms of theseontologies. Again, we are looking at BioMoby withinterest: numerous institutions have registered their webservices at Moby Central, describing functionality and

data types in pre-defined structures using a commonterminology. Although BioMoby does not yet usestandardized description formalisms like SAWSDL, it isalready clear that there is semantic information availablethat we can use as predicates for automatic serviceclassification.

Furthermore it will be interesting to consider theincorporation of more content-oriented ontologies likethe Gene Ontology [22] or the OBO (Open BiomedicalOntologies) [23] into our process development frame-work. This would allow the software to not only supportthe process development on a technical level, but also interms of the underlying biological and experimentalquestions. Additional sources of information, like theprovenance ontologies of [52] could be also easilyexploited by our synthesis and verification methods.

Model checkingThis dimension is meant to systematically and auto-matically provide biologists with the required IT knowl-edge in a seamless way, similar to a spell checker whichhints at orthographical mistakes – perhaps alreadyindicating a proposal for correction. Immediate concreteexamples of detectable issues are (cf. the examplespresented earlier):

• Missing resources: a process step is missing, so thata required resource is not fetched/produced.• Mismatching data types: a certain service is not ableto work on the data format provided by its predecessor.

However, this is only a first step. Based on adequatedomain modeling, made explicit via ontologies/taxo-nomies, model checking can capture semantic propertiesto guarantee not only the executability of the biologicalanalysis process but also a good deal of its purpose, andrules of best practice, like:

• All experimental data will eventually be stored inthe project repository.• Unexpected analysis results will always lead to analert.• Chargeable services will not be called beforepermission is given by the user.

On a more technical side, model checking allows us alsoto apply the mature process analysis methodology thathas been established in programming language compi-lers in the last decades [53] and has shown to berealizable via model checking [54,55]. By providing apredefined set of desirable process properties to themodel checker we plan to achieve a thorough monitor-ing of safety and liveness properties within the

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framework. Similar to the built-in code checks that mostIntegrated (Software) Development Environments pro-vide, this would help Bio-jETI users to avoid the mostcommon mistakes at process design time. In addition,the list of verified properties is extendable by the user,and can thus be easily adapted to specific requirementsof the application domain.

Model synthesisThis dimension can be seen as a step beyond modelchecking: The biologist does not have to care about datatypes at all – the synthesis automatically makes thematch by inserting required transformation programs.This is similar to a spell checker which automaticallycorrects the text, thus freeing the writer from dealing withorthography at all. (In our model-based framework,things are well-founded, without the uncertainties ofnatural language. Please do not be put off by thisexample because of annoying experiences with spellcheckers!)

The potential of this technology goes even further:ultimately, biologists will be able to specify theirrequests in a very sparse way, e.g. by just giving theessential corner stones, and the synthesis will completethis request to a running process. In our text writinganalogy, this might look like a mechanism thatautomatically generates syntactically and intentionallycorrect text from text fragments according to predefinedrules that capture syntax and intention. For instance, thefragments “ten cars”, “1000 Euro for shipping”, “19%value added tax”, “four days” and “Mercedes”, may besufficient to synthesize a letter in which a logisticscompany offers its services to Mercedes according to aspecific request.

Back to biology, the fragments “DNA sequences”,“phylogenetic tree”, and “visualization”, may automati-cally lead to a process that fetches EBI sequence data,sends them in adequate form to a tool that is able toproduce a phylogenetic tree, and then transfers the resultto an adequate viewer. Typically there are manyprocesses that solve such a request. Thus our synthesisalgorithm provides the choice of producing a defaultsolution according to a predefined heuristics, or topropose sets of alternative solutions for the biologist toselect.

ConclusionWe demonstrated by means of two examples howSemantic Web technology together with an adequatedomain modelling frees in silico researchers from dealingwith interfaces, types, and inconsistencies. In Bio-jETI,bioinformatics services can be graphically combined to

complex services without worrying about details of theirinterfaces or about type mismatches of the composition.These issues are taken care of at the semantic level byBio-jETI’s model checking and synthesis features. When-ever possible, they automatically resolve type mis-matches in the considered service setting. Otherwise,they graphically indicate impossible/incorrect servicecombinations. In the latter case, the workflow developermay either modify his service composition usingsemantically similar services, or ask for help in develop-ing the missing mediator that correctly bridges thedetected type gap. Newly developed mediators shouldthen be adequately annotated semantically, and addedto the service library for later reuse in similar situations.

In the first example we developed a simple phylogeneticanalysis workflow. The model checker detected a SIBtrying to access a data item that has not been definedpreviously in the workflow, which indicates thatnecessary computation steps are missing. We used thesynthesis algorithm to generate the sequence of thesemissing steps.

The second example dealt with a more complexphylogenetic analysis workflow, involving several localsteps processing intermediate data. Here, the modelchecker did not only detect missing computations, butalso a type mismatch that lead to an incorrect processmodel. Again, the synthesis algorithm was used to findan appropriate intermediate sequence of services and analternative to the erroneous part of the workflow,respectively.

We believe that our model checking and synthesistechnologies have great potential with respect to makinghighly heterogeneous services accessible to in silicoresearchers that need to design and manage complexbioinformatics analysis processes. Our approach aims atlowering the required technical knowledge according tothe "easy for the many, difficult for the few” paradigm [56].After an adequate domain modeling, including thedefinition of the semantic rules to be checked by themodel checker or to be exploited during model synth-esis, biologists should ultimately be able to profitablyand efficiently work with a world-wide distributedcollection of tools and data, using their own domainlanguage. This goal differentiates us from other workflowdevelopment frameworks like Kepler [3] or Triana [5],which can be seen as middleware systems that facilitatethe development of grid applications in a workflow-oriented fashion. They require quite some technicalknowledge. In Kepler, for instance, the workflow designinvolves choosing an appropriate Director for theexecution, depending on, e.g., whether the workflowdepends on time, requires multiple threads or

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distributed execution, or performs simple transforma-tions. These aspects have to be taken into account forefficient execution of complex computiations, but notnecessarily when dealing with the actual composition ofservices. This way, these frameworks address a bioinfor-matics user, and not the biologists themselves.

We believe that Bio-jETI’s control flow-orientedapproach is suitable for adressing non-IT personnel: itallows them to continue to think in “Dos” and “Dont’s”,and steps and sequences of action in their own terms attheir level of domain knowledge. In contrast, dataflow-oriented tools like Kepler [3], Taverna [4], or Triana [5]require their users to change the perspective to a resourcepoint of view, which, in fact, requires implicit (technical)knowlegde to profitably use them.

The challenge for us is now to integrate the availablesemantic information and the semantically aware tech-nologies into our process development framework in themost user-convenient way. One central issue is to find anappropriate level of abstraction from the underlyingtechnology: we would like to provide a set of general,pre-defined analyses and synthesis patterns, but at thesame time give experienced users a way to addspecialized specifications. Another issue is how tointegrate semantic information about the applicationdomain and its services into this (partly) automatedworkflow development process, since such knowledge isessential to achieve adequate results.

On the one hand, this requires predicates characterizingthe single services, i.e. their function and their input/output behaviour. On the other hand, taxonomies orontologies are required which provide the domainknowledge against which the services (their predicates)are classified. The majority of this information has to bedelivered by the tool and database providers, coveringsemantics of services as well as semantics of data. Theconvenience on the client side will increase as theSemantic Web spreads and new standards becomeestablished.

MethodsThis section describes the methodologies for processmodel verification and synthesis that we used fordeveloping the presented examples.

Process model verification via model checkingModel checking provides a powerful mechanism toanalyze and verify static aspects of (arbitrary) models.

Generally speaking, it can be used to check whether amodel M satisfies a property j, usually written as

M |= f

where j is expressed in terms of a modal or temporal logic.Applying model checking to process models can help todetect problems in the design phase. It is in particular usefulto analyze aspects of the whole model, where syntax or typechecking at the component level is not sufficient. Examplesfor errors whose detection requires awareness of the wholemodel are manifold, ranging from undefined variables orsimple type mismatches to computational gaps and incom-plete processes. The list of properties againstwhich themodelis evaluated is easily extendable, since including a newconstraint in the verificationonly requires towrite amodal ortemporal formula expressing the property of interest.

The model checker GEAR [39] allows to evaluate staticproperties of models within the jABC, basically using theComputation Tree Logic (CTL) [57] to formulate appropriateconstraints. CTL is a temporal, branching time logic designedto reason about models represented as directed graphs, andwhose syntax can be described by the following BNF:

f f f f f f f f f f f f:: | | | ( ) | ( ) | ( ) | ( ) | ( , ) | ( , )= ¬ ∨p AF EF AG EG AU EU

Thus, in addition to the operations and operands knownfrom propositional logic, it comprises the modalities AF,EF, AG, EG, AU, and EU. The As and Es are path-quantifiers, providing a universal (A) or existential (E)quantification over the paths beginning at a state. F, G,and U express linear-time modalities for the path,specifying that j must hold finally (F), generally (G),or that j1 has to be valid until j2 finally holds (U). Forexample, the CTL formula

AF( )Rome

expresses that on all paths through the model that beginat the considered state, finally Rome is reached. Asanother example from routing, the formula

EG( )free

states that there is a path that is completely (globally)free of charge. That all routes should be toll-free until aparticular place, say Rome, is reached, can expressedusing the Until operator:

AU( , ).free Rome

GEAR extends this variant of CTL further and includesadditional overlined modalities representing a backwardview, i.e. considering the paths that end at a given state.We apply it to our (bioinformatics) process models, the

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Service Logic Graphs (SLGs), where the entire processesare the models, the individual activities (the services, inthe form of SIBs) are the nodes, and the edges express theconditional flow of control. As both nodes and edges arelabeled, these models are formally so-called KripkeTransition Systems.

Basis for the analysis of processes are the atomicpropositions, simple properties that hold for singlenodes of the process model. For instance, we can addan atomic proposition use(x) to a SIB to express that adata item x is used by the service, or def(x) to state that itis produced (defined). Furthermore we can assume tohave information about the types of the input andoutput data, and denote that a used or defined item x isof type y by type(use(x)) = y and type(def(x)) = y,respectively. Figure 10 shows the atomic propositions ofthe SIBs in example 1.

As we have seen in the examples, a model property ofinterest for processes orchestrated from remote servicescould be

if a service uses an input it must have been defined be ×, ffore.

The dependence between the two parts of this require-ment is a usual Boolean implication, the temporalconstraint in the second part is expressed by thebackward CTL modality AF :

use def( ) ( ( )).× ⇒ ×AF

While this is sufficient to ensure that the variable x hasbeen defined at all, it does not say anything about typecorrectness. Since the name x, however, could be used torefer to different data throughout the process, it isreasonable to extend the above constraint and to includethe type of the used variable. In example 1, weconsidered, for instance, a variable of tree of type Tree:

If a service uses a data item treeof type tree, treemust havebeen defined before with precisely this type, without havingbeen overwritten since.

If a service uses a data item tree of type tree tree must , have been defined before with precisely this type



tt having been overwritten since .

The corresponding CTL formula is:

( ( ) ( ( )) ) ( ( ), ( )use tree type use tree tree def tree def tree t∧ = ⇒ ¬ ∧AU yype def tree tree( ( )) )=

The model checking reveals a property violation, as canbe seen in Figures 6 (top left) and 10 (top): therightmost SIB is marked by a red overlay icon in theupper right corner, indicating that the property isviolated at that node. The reason is that the processdoes not provide the appropriate input type for the treevisualizer. The same formula can be applied analogouslyto other variables with other types, as we did, forinstance, in our second example.

Process synthesisBy process synthesis we refer to techniques that constructworkflows from sets of services according to logical

Figure 10Atomic propositions of the SIBs in example 1. Atomic propositions of the process stub and complete processmodel of example 1. The propositions describe basic data flow properties, like defined and used variables and their typesin terms of the data types of the taxonomy.

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specifications [58]. The algorithm that we use for ourapproach is based on a modal logic that combinesrelative time with descriptions and taxonomic classifica-tions of types and services [40]. It was implemented forthe ABC and ETI platforms [43,59], and lately also usedwithin the jABC framework. We applied it, for instance,in the SWS Challenge [13] to synthesize a mediatorprocess converting between different message formatsthat were used by the web service providers in thescenario of [60,61].

In the following we describe how to apply our synthesismethod, i.e. 1) how the domain knowledge forms aconfiguration universe, 2) how a modal logic can beused for workflow specification, and 3) what thealgorithm can finally derive from this information.Note that we focus on usage here, details on theunderlying logics and algorithms can be found in[40,59].

The configuration universeThe domain knowledge that has to be provided for oursynthesis algorithm comprises basically three sets: types,services, and transitions. The set of types that is availablein the domain form the static aspects, i.e. typeconstraints that are used as atomic propositions by theunderlying logic. The set of services represents thedynamic aspects of the domain, which can be used asactions by the logic. According to the observation thattools and algorithms can simply be seen as transforma-tions that take an input and produce a correspondingoutput [59], the set of transitions is given in triples of theform (input, service, output). Together, types, services, andtransitions form the configuration universe, in whicheach (finite) path represents a possible workflow. Figureillustrates a configuration universe that is implied by theSIBs and data types of our examples. The synthesisalgorithm searches the configuration universe for a pathsatisfying a particular specification.

Figure 11Fragment of the configuration universe. Fragment of the configuration universe based on the services and typesfrom Tables 1 and 2. Paths through the configuration universe represent possible sequences of services. Note that theconfiguration universe is able to express service polymorphisms: the service ExtractPattern, for instance, can be appliedto different inputs, and produces different outputs, accordingly.

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In addition, the domain knowledge can be extendedfurther by hierarchically organizing types and services intaxonomies, i.e. simple ontologies that relate entities interms of is-a and has-a relations. The types and servicetaxonomies for our examples are given in Figures 4and 5. The taxonomies are considered by the synthesisalgorithm when evaluating type or service constraints.

The specification languageOur workflow specification language, which we call SLTL(for Semantic Linear Time Logic), can be seen as a linear-time variant of CTL (see previous section) or interpretedversion of the Propositional Linear Time Logic. SLTL isdescribed by the following BNF:

f f f f f f f f:: | | | | | |= ¬ ∧ ⟨ ⟩true t s G Uc c

where tc and sc express type and service constraints,respectively.

Thus, SLTL combines static, dynamic, and temporalconstraints. The static constraints are the taxonomicexpressions (boolean connectives) over the types orclasses of the type taxonomy. Analogously, the dynamicconstraints are the taxonomic expressions over theservices or classes of the service taxonomy. The temporalconstraints are covered by the modal structure of thelogic, suitable to express the order in which services canbe combined.

A formal definition of the semantics of SLTL can befound in [40]. Intuitively, true is satisfied by everysequence of services, and tc by every sequence whose firstcomponent has an input interface satisfying tc. Negationand disjunction are interpreted in the usual fashion. Theconstruct ⟨sc⟩j is satisfied if the first component satisfiessc, and the continuation of the service sequence satsifiesj. A formula of the form Gj requires that j is satisfiedGenerally, and jUψ expresses that the property j holdsfor all services of the sequence, Until a position isreached whare the corresponding continuation satisfiesthe property j.

It is convenient to derive further operators from thesebasic constructs. The boolean disjunction

f y f y∨ = ¬ ¬ ∧ ¬def ( )

and the Eventually operator

F Udeff f= true

are two common examples.

Coming to concrete examples of workflow specifications,the synthesis algorithm can be used to generate linearworkflows just on the basis of an intial type (e.g.BlastResult) and a final type (e.g. Tree) via the followingSLTL formula:

BlastResult Tree∧ F( )

As we have seen in the workflow examples, already thissimple query has a real practical impact, as it allows toautmatically resolve type mismachtes.

As another example, it is possible to query for an explicitsequence of services, let’s say an input dialog asking foran accession number followed by the retrieval of thecorresponding sequence from a database and a BLASTquery:

f = ⟨ ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ ⟩InputDialog DBFetch BLAST true

Note that the service constraints in the formula are notconcrete service names, but terms from the servicetaxonomy that define higher-order service categories.The synthesis algorithm takes care of instantiating theresult with concrete services.

The synthesis algorithmThe synthesis algorithm interprets SLTL formulas overpaths of the configuration universe, i.e. provided with aspecification, it searches the configuration universe for(finite) corresponding paths. The algorithm is based on atableau method, of which a detailed description is givenin [40]. It automatically generates all, all minimal, or allshortest service compositions that satisfy a specification,according to the selected synthesis mode. The algo-rithm’s output is the basis for the final assembly of thecorresponding SLG.

The presently available implementation of the algorithmhad been developed for use within the ABC, the jABC’spredecessor that has been written in C++. In order tomake it accessible from within the Java-based jABCframework, we integrated it using the jETI technology.The complete synthesis process is then defined by anSLG, as shown in Figure 12: The main process (top)triggers the execution of the synthesis and displays thesolution that is returned. Then, it assembles the SLGcorresponding to this solution and displays it on acanvas, where it can be used for further processdevelopment. The actual synthesis is carried out by thesub-process (bottom): It captures the available domainknowledge by collecting information about the availableservices (SIB CollectModules) and types (LoadSymbo-licTypes) while evaluating the workflow specification(GenerateQuery). The collected information is stored in

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a specific database file (GenerateLola) and sent to thesynthesis algorithm, which computes one shortes solu-tion (SynthOneShort). The generated sequence ofservices is then converted into the jABC’s graph format(PL2jABC) in order to allow further processing withinthe framework.

We are currently re-implemening the algorithm in Java,making it suitable for seamless integration into the jABCframework. Also, we will add functionality for facilitat-ing the synthesis procedure for the user, for instance byproviding a graphical interface supporting the domainmodeling and formula patterns for the specification ofworkflows. Furthermore, we plan to incorporate alter-native methods for the composition of services, such asan algorithm based on MoSeL [62] or different tools thatare available in the Plan-jETI collection of planningalgorithms.

List of abbreviationsAPI: Application Programming Interface; BLAST: BasicLocal Alignment Search Tool; BNF: Backus-Naur Form;BiBiServ: Bielefeld Bioinformatics Server; CTL: Computa-tion Tree Logic; DDBJ: DNA Data Bank of Japan; DNA:DeoxyriboNucleic Acid; EBI: European BioinformaticsInstitute; EMBOSS European Molecular Biology OpenSoftware Suite; GEAR: Game-based Easy And Reversedmodel checking tool; GO: Gene Ontology; GUI:

Graphical User Interface; IT: Information Technology;(j)ABC: Application Building Center (Java implementa-tion); (j)ETI: Electronic Tool Integration platform (Javaimplementation); LTL: Linear Time Logic; MoSeL:Monadic Second order Logic; OBO: Open BioinformaticsOntologies; OWL: Web Ontology Language; RDF:Resource Description Framework RNA: RiboNucleicAcid; S3C: Semantic Service Selection Contest; SAWSDL:Semantic Annotations for WSDL; SIB: Service-Indepen-dent Building block; SLG: Service Logic Graph; SLTL:Semantic Linear Time Logic SSWAP: Simple SemanticWeb Architecture and Protocol; SWS: Semantic WebServices; URI: Uniform Resource Identifier; W3C: WorldWide Web Consortium; WSDL: Web Service DescriptionLanguage.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competinginterests.

Authors’ contributionsAL developed the presented examples and drafted themanuscript. TM and BS have been developing theconcept of the jABC and jETI platforms since 1993,first in the area of formal verification tools, then in thearea of Semantic Web services. They have revised andedited the manuscript. All authors read and approved thefinal manuscript.

Figure 12Synthesis SLG. Complete synthesis process, realized as jABC SLG. The main process (top) triggers the execution of thesynthesis and displays the solution that is returned. Then, it assembles the SLG corresponding to this solution and displays it ona canvas, where it can be used for further process development. The actual synthesis is carried out by the sub-process(bottom): It captures the available domain knowledge and evaluates the workflow specification. The collected information isstored in a specific database file and sent to the synthesis algorithm, which computes one shortest solution (SynthOneShort).The generated sequence of services is then converted into the jABC's graph format in order to allow further processing withinthe framework.

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AcknowledgementsMany thanks to Stefan Naujokat for technical support with the synthesistools and algorithms.

This article has been published as part of BMC Bioinformatics Volume 10Supplement 10, 2009: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for LifeSciences, 2008. The full contents of the supplement are available online at

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