Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o...

Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive Alessandro Buffa 9/11/2017

Transcript of Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o...

Page 1: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart



Page 2: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

Sha-Rock ,Echo chambereffectSha-Rock,laprimaMC(MikeChanter)donna.E’stataanchelaprimaafareuntipodirapchiamato“echo chambereffect”utilizzandosolounsemplicemicrofono

FunkyFourPlusOne,Rappin andRockin theHouse.LiveatTheKitchen,NYC(1980)

Page 3: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

Bessie Smith,BackwaterBlues(1927)

WhenitrainsfivedaysandtheskiesturndarkasnightWhenitrainsfivedaysandtheskiesturndarkasnightThentrouble'stakin'place Inthelowlandsatnight


Thenthey roweda littleboataboutfivemiles 'crossthepondThentheyroweda littleboataboutfivemiles 'crossthepondIpackedallmyclothesThrowed them inandtheyrowedmealong

Whenitthundersandlightnin'andwhenthewindbeginstoblowWhenitthundersandlightnin'andthewindbeginstoblowThere's thousandsofpeopleAin't gotnoplacetogo


Backwaterbluesdonecallme topackmythingsandgoBackwaterbluesdonecallme topackmythingsandgo'CausemyhousefelldownAndIcan'tlivetherenomore

Ican'tmovenomoreIcan'tmovenomoreThereain't noplaceForapooroldgirltogo

Page 4: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

SandraMariaEstevesOdetoCelia(2004)Imayhavebeenanonly childfromtheBronxbutCeliatakesmebacklifetimesBeforeImasteredEnglish inNewYorkCityschools,orSpanish intobaccofieldsevenbeforethatmiddlepassagewheresomanycousins, uncles, andauntsperishedallthewaybacktomotherlandAfrica’sfamilyshoreswithSpanish gypsyguitarsempoweredbyArabiclovesongs

CeliaCruz,Quimbara (1974)

Page 5: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart


Jazz-jazzyjass juice,Justsosmooth…Flyin acrossMiles‘nSonny, acrossjohn, Rhasaan ‘nMonk’s 81,AcrossDizzyblue congajerryhom

SandraMaría Esteves,“BlackNotesand‘YoudoSomethingtome,’” inBluestownMockingbirdMambo(Houston:ArtePublico Press,1990),75.

Thelonious Monk dancing

Rahsaan RolandKirk,Serenade To ACuckoo (1972)


Page 6: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

JamesSenese"SononatoneroesononatoaMiano,suonoilsaxtenoreesoprano,losuonoametàstradatraNapolie ilBronx,studioColtrane,dallamattinaallasera,sonoinnamoratodiMiles Davis,deiWeatherReporteinpiùhosemprecreatoistintivamente, cercandoditrovareunmiopersonalelinguaggio,noncopiandomainessuno.Ilmiosaxportalecicatricidellagioiaedeldoloredellavita”

JamesSenese, LoveSupreme(1988)

PinoDanieleconJamesSenese, Chiteneomare (1981)

Page 7: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart


Itisthebeatoftheheart/Thispulsingofblood /Thatisabublin' bass/Abadbad beatPushin' againstthewall/Wheybarblackblood (LintonKwesiJohnson, BassCulture)

Page 8: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

Theechoof Dub“Whenyoudouble ordub,youreplicate,reinvent,makeoneofmanyversions.”DavidToop, “Replicant:OnDub,”InChristophCoxandDanielWarner,eds.AudioCulture(NewYork:Continuum,2004),355.

Linktoclip(Virgil’s TourfromTheBrotherfromAnotherPlanet):

Page 9: Blues Continuum: Suoni, scrittura e visioni fuggitive · Pino Daniele con James Senese, Chi tene o mare(1981) FK6mdzk. Bass Culture and Musical Resonance It is the beat of the heart

Futurity‘Theneighborhood wall is amassive,loomingpresence nearby. Isee it as acrouchinganimal...Butmy stepmother is there andsheisn'tafraid...Ilookupatthestars andthedeep,black sky. ‘Why couldn'tyou see thestars?’Iask her.‘Everyone cansee them."Citylights,"she says."Lights,progress,growth,all those things we'retoo hotandtoo poor to bother with anymore.

OctaviaE.Butler,ParableoftheSower (NewYork:GrandCentralPublishing,1993),5.

Almamegretta,Obbuono e'omalamente (1993)