Bluegrass Power Constructors

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Transcript of Bluegrass Power Constructors

  • 8/18/2019 Bluegrass Power Constructors


    Bluegrass Power ConstructorsCane Run 7 NGCC

    Louisville Gas & Electric

    Circulating Water Pump1500LB!"#5$%

    Circulating Water Pump " ag No 0RC"P""001'Circulating Water Pump " ag No 0RC"P""001B

    esting Proce(ure

    )Rev C*

    !P+ Cl,(e-nion PumpsC.angs.a LE/ !wan n(ustrial Pump Co$ Lt(

    2ec #013

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  • 8/18/2019 Bluegrass Power Constructors


    C/NEN1$ Pre4ace

    #$ Guarantee values o4 pump

    3$ esting (evice an( arrangement

    $ 6easurement o4 parameters

    4.1 Measurement of capacity

    4.2 Measurement of pressure

    4.3 Measurement of shaft power 

    4.4 Measurement of speed

    4.5 Measurement of noise

    4.6 Measurement of vibration

    5$ Calculation an( anal,sis o4 test results

    5.1 Pump head calculation

    5.2 fficiency calculation

    5.3 Measured value conversion

    5.4 !esting results analysis and processing

    %$ Pump testing operating proce(ure

    6.1 "apacity measurement point

    6.2 #perating procedure before pump test

    6.3 !esting staff 

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  • 8/18/2019 Bluegrass Power Constructors


    1$ Pre4ace1.1. !his testing procedure specifies related details for shop testing of

    "irculating $ater Pump 0RC"P""001' 0RC"P001B 15%%&'()*25.6+

    comply with stated 2( re,uirements in )tandard -)/0&/ 14.6*2%11

    otodynamic pumps &ydraulic performance acceptance tests.1.2. !his testing procedure applicable to performance test of "irculating $ater

    Pump 0RC"P""001'+ 0RC"P001B 15%%&'()* !his testing procedure will be conducted as performance test reference for

    test of "irculating $ater Pump 0RC"P""001'+ 0RC"P001B 


    1.4. eference to -)/0&/ 2.6 ertical Pump !est in P# document shall refer to

     -)/0&/ 14.6 for all applicable parts of the standard.

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  • 8/18/2019 Bluegrass Power Constructors


  • 8/18/2019 Bluegrass Power Constructors
