BLUE WILL MELT -RED AND ORAY AT liii' thle same11...

Established 1878 Vol. LIX No. 32 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 Ten Cents BLUE WILL MELT -RED AND ORAY AT BOSTON RELAY AND HOCKEY TEAMS SUNDAY PRA Hii AMOUS NORTH CAROLINIANS CLASH WITHI EXETER TODAY POPULAR SOUTHERN ORCHESTRA BLUE SEXTET CREDITED TRADITIONAL RIVALRYMROLVRAFRG PROVIDES PROM MUSIC WITH TWO VICTORIES FLAMES UP ONCE MORE - TLSOEXORIN FOR DARTMOUTH, M. I. T. Favored Red And Gray Combine Team Composed Of Kiley, Wolf, - Nte NolitA halostPlays Engagements At Memphis Has Season Of Five Wins Watson, And Donnelly; ExlrrAdessAlso At Baker Hotel And Two Defeats Parsons Alternate AdIn Dallas Small Group GAME TO BE AT ARENA RACE IN MIDDLE OF B.A.A. MEET DESCRIPTIONS- BRILLIANT COMES NOW FROM VIRGINIA Davis Will Lead Home Aggregation Exeter To Enter Parker, Thompson, Experiences In CentralAmrcMisDx LoadndTzWlts From Right Wing; Third Year Burnap, Heintz; Green Sympathetically Related Popular Vocalists Included As Varsity Puckater To Be Alternate Last Night In Famous Bandf 'I'ic ndverhoceyteaml will Thle A\ndover relay teamn will Ilteariirg thle 1.t11innitakahlcŽ -ti Tral I lenlrv and his fanious NorthI The f :\tngdovr ho frt vcky v over mleet P hillips Ex~eter tonight inl of one of the miost ilwrostamp C'Lrr ia ee n Exeter in tenl years this afte'nicon 1 'Ohtolli-it thle annul l..\ \.llet cestrics in America. a Groton and gaged1 to Play at thle Seniior P roni- at the B~oston A\rcna. Althiough lI \thouigl last year this classic ri- lavreuctondaiide-eiat'mIeltar2.. ppua early season records es;tablish Ex- vairy was broken up and A\ndover Rev. Charles R. Brown perience as till ex(plorer. archae- uilit oif radlif andl movie fanile has eter as; the p)re-ganie favorite. thle raced the I funtington School in- - o it n oeit r lvrconiipleted arranigemients to spend( Mlue skaters arc confident that they- steadI, tonight the relay event with I lazard Perry L a Farge le~tured tlhe mou1th (of F-ebruary iii New wvill he able to break the jinx that the Red and (Gray will once again 'Rev. Charles R. Brown last ni-~lit to I Ip~is~ po lr*l ii-land~ ill oirder to play lw requte4~ has followed themn for so long, take place in the Boston Garden. ToBIudfPece eeting Roolii oni "The Rewards for pr ...... at Dartmnouth. M. I. T_. During thle course of the season. )nt the teami for A\ndover vwill be ____of Exploration."at \retr.cceu Exeter won five gaines and lost j1. C. Kiley. A. J. Wolf. W. l'' R~everenid Charles R. lrown The bronzed. Indian-like auithor Tal I Iciirv ha,, spenlt thle greater two. whbile Andover could only "\atson, and J1. C. I )onnlell%. Wilt) will pireachi tomorrow morning of the Pulitzer prize-winining par of the last twvo years lin thle tcore two victories in forgins re scheduled to ruin in that order. atteAalm hpl i a I.,aughiiig l 11v]hel tile attention _Southi. where hie hi~ts play ed a four games. , at the Acadeniy Chapel. I le was ?I ~~~ ~kengaenint a th The only school that both teams \V. HI. Parsons of Lake Forest, Ill., all" lt~ atro h is of his auidieiice by the Slicer bril- thirty-five week lggneta h plaved was Arlington. which was will go wvith the teanii s alternate. apoiigredastiona hrch oft akI'i lirtnce (if his descriptions. and th'. Pe11l Ihtel in Mlemiphis and a tlefeated by Exeter. 2-1. but con- Iiywohlsfo I tu. land. Cal.. in 1896: aint h' hlied rersigsipiiyo adlvr iite-week engagrement at the titieredl Andover, 4-2. in overtinie. has run onl the track teami steadily this position for fifteenl years. in which there was not trace of thle Baker hlotel inl Dallas. I uis or- \11 these previous records meaii for the patst two years. turning iii I).Bonwa lalo h semi-facetious~ness affected b%, chestra. however swl nw o little, however, for miany inferior consisteiitlv good timies. .Against lNvinitv Schoo~l of Yale ('niver- mnyiaiv oensekr.NwFAgadntelvr h teanis have been known to rise to Bridgtont Acadenmy last week lie es- sity fro 1911128ad a [i way, of opemling M1r. L~a Farge have heard his national radio hook- unknown heights in .\mudover- tablished a lead of about twenlty beneeiu ei rmta in a pleasinz cultured oielanded lips amid Victor Recordls. Ile is also, Exeter gamies and (defeat heavily feet over his opponent in the rela~y tm il11"idvdaswo;l-yoeo h :r is rhs tavorerl rivals. ~ ~ ~ ~~M-iichi served to puit the race oil ice. atI.h tnodI nvriy or, Iin Pliars year a ftcr year do, the lead(ers wvho vent it hemve .\nidover's great hopes, for Vic- Wolf, varsity sprinter anti capi- beginninimg 18(9: and lie has alsa r fepo"t)uvtr-Wthasre fVtpoe~irsi tory li heavil on it first orwardthimi of the teamin. is doing his third poena Ya;le.Crel n ceive no public recognition o)f their 1930 while playing at thle Ilotel ,orv li heaviy on is firs forwad I. soken a Cornel. and efforts. lIeIt imientioned several New Yorker. Theli Pre~id(*miis line of Cuirtis at center. Captaini year of relay work. L ast sprinig hie ( olurb-I ia. I ) 1 r. lrownii s ver Davis at right wing. and Eatmes at was unlbeatenl inl both thle 100 aildl well known for his lecturing and sIch men of hIk omvn acquainitance B'irthiday Ball at Dover. N. h I.. r left wving. This combiination hias. 220. %vinnin'a, thle century at the for the nuiliromis hooks bie ha1 n ecie tehrsiswih Tnav3..asteseeo i ,cord nie o til clven oa I Harvard Ineshoatc.e ritten simice 1809. they' endure posinig the quieqtion debut in this territory. muade by thle B~lue team11 this Near Watson of Uniiontownm. Ietcnn., is-, an -igi -h,'1'-I h vck ftl a has lilaveti ~~vell together iii a varsity muiler and thousaiid ~~~ cause theirs is a way of life wvhich I Ienrv unit is MIiss Dixie [.coliard. Is b'en a fine Runniiig excehitiimnallv good ~~~~~~~~~is deeply- satisfactory to the natural chirming billes" siinger whto htrails i~~avCurtisria.s talCe' MUSICAL CLUB DANC nian." - froni Louisville. Kenituckv, and Ilay-iliakIr alsea-son., feeding' his Ilie was uibeti t h1h-to1 is fall m ro I wings; continually' with good lpasses; country Ibe any otint-of-the-schoo-l To ilsrt hspittb iiidteocetatiya rs agfo This ability and his hard shot have mlanl. TO BE HELD TONIG T speaker chose several incidemits of 'while theyr were playitig at the Kenl- Donnelly has been (join,, excel)-somewhat greater substance than tucky I fotel there. Mliss; Leonard iiiatle hi one of te ouastaniiig l~omiehhv has een doimi ticep- the mlativ wvhich lit said piled upl ii, delivers her ;electioiis inl a niannler ninvers in every ganie. Captnin tionally finle timess all winter i te42 Girls From Rogers Hall miake thle principal "reward of ex- wvhich is renliniscent oif ile qualinit IDavis has filled his position pr b- A(X). constantly threatening to tie or To Mleet Partners nlloration." With a careful eve to charmi of the Old South vet wvith thle aldfilniore capably than anyone on break tile Cage recordl A. lthough the'teani. At all 'timies lie has h-cmm lie wyas inl the schoolr infirmary a At 7:30 - detail lie told of aI trioi into aI fittle- finesse and perfection olf the winod- \nrlolver's chief scoring threat and few days -ago with a1 cold. he is'ex- konscino eio h r oti hnteei Tz aim iiisiriiig eader asxvcll, he pectd to liein the mest ofcoil- BENNETT'FS ORCHESTRA juingle. the arrival at a native x'il- Walters. dimiintutivenievoast liliprovenienit of Eatmies sinre last ditionv-today at Boston. WILL FURNVISH MUSIC Iage. it.; goddless.,like wvomlen, anld whose song-s have charmled Tal- "ear has been one of the seas;on's The l'xcter tea ni wvill hie w'ade iil) a nizlht's sojurn there were all ITenry auidiences for y'ears. T-le is ieatnircs. He has dlevelopedl into a of three letter-nien. P'. 1K. Parker: The Mustical (uswill play th vividly' described. The ;o-called knowni evervyvhere Ilie hsplayed Thomipson, and I urnrap. ;along with hsheeongta7:0tote ad nia trb hih nait.(ntinued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 5) another oldnigt at7:3it Ie 1. (i )triewhchinz, whoCon - ~~~~~~~~~~ntiher th iovyea . The lteritit istIoelai lt ant fP ilp tdias paiicua rndian whovailli;t a1rLU Q INTT UBUE GRAPPLERS TO MEET ~~~~~is onl the track squ1tad for the first "iikN of RBogersI liall School it, the speuiker explainiing. "A\ Bad Tmi R. ree, Ilowver imiddler. FlThe Acadelmy '1he girls will comle lo%\v the White M.\an ti, arinup all HARVARD FRISH TODAYrtnning order has;no yet been (Ile r forty-two turong. chaperoned oe i. E A PHR R S (continued on Page 6) by Mtrs. MeGay. the principal. and (Continued on Page 5 noe qa HsHg oe Bird And Cochran Head Team Andve Sua Ha HghHoes In First Major Match RE 4 A L ISOVN iss- Breeden.GAL AN SXOSWNfCotnig is Of Season EV. A. L. INSOLVINGThey will mneet their p~artniers in AgLaADiXSWN fCnstinuingtWin Of Season ~~~~~~~TO ADDRESS S. OF 1. thle wa-in foyer of thle Coinnons at IN-CLUB BASKETBALL AantBigo The Andover wrestling team in 7:30 and p- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thme ganlie with Newy I laniipshirc T~eimly e I\ndo ar varesd ta in-73atIIass to the Sawyer rooinM ereeu otrp er.Tcncl\ehe~, fli~m.tiiig he I lrvardcu~bs this Trinity Church, Boston, Rector where they wyill ble received b)%- wesra. Nrhu. Bry Felnei\'dedx hichi Au- afterno6on at thle gyminasiumn will Always Popular President WNinigate of the Andove'r And Leonard, Are 'Most thover wonli 20-22 ~'sthle first mace, according to Coach Carlson. At Andover Clbs rs ate in McGav ofConsistent Scorers 'trim'~gte of thle year iii which the tilec strongest oppositionl so far this - oesHlMs lueM h lm aktalgmrs corineg th ee fieqfirst-string ded. year. l'p to now thle grapplers have The Reverend Arthur Lee lKiii- Ili sse cuiibsketaMrs. Carl F. Pfa ,.h fiv fi Camrngteron, %'tOii two mhatches and lost one bn solving. Rector of the Trinlity teiclher *of Andicover. amid 3ijiss Bet: pl)a3'ed onl Wednestday the (atials the- P eelor.C.Klo' a very close score. Its dtlefLt. hiow-Cuc i oto.wl la hs N lvln'te rsdn fSu feated the Ronians by tie vein'- V ielus, amid4 Moot~ dv all tallied aboutt ever. was it, thle seasomis w hrh Bsom ~ilsia hs lvln h rsduto t- heltiifi- score of 21-1l. amid liii' thle same11 1mmumuer of poinlts inl over' Watch the muiemi were ~fi rst Sunday at thle regular inectimig of djent G-overnmient at Rogers Hall, Saxoni teami tdefeated the ( ;reet -cl. I coimim this .'tron- O)Jp(ioiiellt T11ii, when mint the Societe of I i(Itiii'y. I Ii' hiui'. Music will hie furiiished by 15-13 inl a close, lhard- fought coin- hon -ws that there-was; mutnch Iwmt in., imearly as w~ell trained as now%. beemi inl pas't years the ialiot hlpopular Nornian Bemimett amnd his orchestrate. envrktiibfo. Selected as today's contestants ill lecturer conmimig to Anidover miext fromii L.owell, ail orchestra of elgh Thle ( ;tils. miioviiig inl thme him-- The floor shiots, of thlese fixC e e,0m their different weight divisiomis arc to Erdliaiit I arris. Trinitv. for-'ta utete e' uhmlr cirieihnm the floi: iiierW I 'itiallh Briooks's church. is Ichmpoilatvat- 1vr laml 'te m1 iviim't 1ii thle 118-pouind class: Borough, one 'of the largest amid mlost well- A\t 0:30 after the grand march hmin atyawr lih ale ,Ciis n npmcnit Who xvil cuer his fourt conseen- knwmi in Bosto, The time aid there will h' amli imitermissiomi of supherior to the RImumatns; dirot-ig mt %%r cr noticed iii ii~ ilv'hier wav', thve mnatch w~ithi two winis and omit' hilace of his talk will ble aminoimmceul hal f ami hotir for refreshments, the gamec. thus redeeinimirg the bs 'r. 'lhe g-amme started with .I. ford-(. tieSmiotn ii udyCae stsml "-'hichi will Ibe servedl ii thile Lower showimig that thley mu1Iad :iais eRIte11'. 'hiomiipsoli. ('in meit. antI lii thme 125-poumnd class: Lederer. Mr iiovn sagahit fMiddle Diniing I-Tall. Then (lanc- cGrc'ks last week. R. Merser'ratt 1iker, aill varsity 'siihstititio'. Ilp- who wame '~'noe i itnteAeairaTelgclSn u xill comitinume ummuil 11:30 wh'len playinig right forward for. the( 1 ;amil.. hioldimug .\muluiver Th t '\hiibmtved ( 1 P4t(iietit last week. imiarv iii Virginia. I-le was sttmdemit thme girls mutst leave for homie, wvas high scorer for the day-. ta~lk -- od diI efemnsive %% ork 61,ii' c tI 1t'iri Iithe 135-pouind class: 'l Minir. pastor at A\nuherst College for a F'romi all imiuicatiomis thisl w~ill be ing niiiiL l)oiits. Ilis teitilimliat es. fo mr iuiulitites ill which otwih)1,ier' I~mm Ile also won last Saturday. long while where lie was v'ery 1another of thle sticcessfiml dlances Leoniard and .1. Mersercaii. cw- scored. haiti then thle s.tronmi oppo- Iiite l4-on ls:IIu 'rIppia' ''n h cx lie as rui l the Musical Clubs. This tribtittet 6 and'4 point% rc('pvct'l' vckI broitshnke t hrui'ghi amid ral till a Dy hmetimigKauseliii te fina try-conicto Philips catlciiv fo sev-dance hi;i tiowe become aui ini- Williamls was high Score miiiti i' i scoi' tif 10.1 fi'ed. Iliv~hetiniF i Ktoay' intefinea. his- lare aud"Iliens caes. foa'rf heeusca Ih sIgm nee prahdacoecn-fi1tmm i o'tescn umtm

Transcript of BLUE WILL MELT -RED AND ORAY AT liii' thle same11...

  • Established 1878Vol. LIX No. 32 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 Ten Cents



    WITH TWO VICTORIES FLAMES UP ONCE MORE - TLSOEXORIN FOR DARTMOUTH, M. I. T.Favored Red And Gray Combine Team Composed Of Kiley, Wolf, - Nte NolitA halostPlays Engagements At Memphis

    Has Season Of Five Wins Watson, And Donnelly; ExlrrAdessAlso At Baker HotelAnd Two Defeats Parsons Alternate AdIn Dallas


    Davis Will Lead Home Aggregation Exeter To Enter Parker, Thompson, Experiences In CentralAmrcMisDx LoadndTzWltsFrom Right Wing; Third Year Burnap, Heintz; Green Sympathetically Related Popular Vocalists Included

    As Varsity Puckater To Be Alternate Last Night In Famous Bandf

    'I'ic ndverhoceyteaml will Thle A\ndover relay teamn will Ilteariirg thle 1.t11innitakahlcŽ -ti Tral I lenlrv and his fanious NorthIThe f :\tngdovr ho frt vcky v over mleet P hillips Ex~eter tonight inl of one of the miost ilwrostamp C'Lrr ia ee n

    Exeter in tenl years this afte'nicon 1 'Ohtolli-it thle annul l..\ \.llet cestrics in America. a Groton and gaged1 to Play at thle Seniior P roni-at the B~oston A\rcna. Althiough lI \thouigl last year this classic ri- lavreuctondaiide-eiat'mIeltar2.. ppuaearly season records es;tablish Ex- vairy was broken up and A\ndover Rev. Charles R. Brown perience as till ex(plorer. archae- uilit oif radlif andl movie fanile haseter as; the p)re-ganie favorite. thle raced the I funtington School in- - o it n oeit r lvrconiipleted arranigemients to spend(Mlue skaters arc confident that they- steadI, tonight the relay event with I lazard Perry L a Farge le~tured tlhe mou1th (of F-ebruary iii Newwvill he able to break the jinx that the Red and (Gray will once again 'Rev. Charles R. Brown last ni-~lit to I Ip~is~ po lr*l ii-land~ ill oirder to play lw requte4~has followed themn for so long, take place in the Boston Garden. ToBIudfPece eeting Roolii oni "The Rewards for pr ...... at Dartmnouth. M. I. T_.

    During thle course of the season. )nt the teami for A\ndover vwill be ____of Exploration."at \retr.cceuExeter won five gaines and lost j1. C. Kiley. A. J. Wolf. W. l'' R~everenid Charles R. lrown The bronzed. Indian-like auithor Tal I Iciirv ha,, spenlt thle greatertwo. whbile Andover could only "\atson, and J1. C. I )onnlell%. Wilt) will pireachi tomorrow morning of the Pulitzer prize-winining par of the last twvo years lin thletcore two victories in forgins re scheduled to ruin in that order. atteAalm hpl i a I.,aughiiig l 11v]hel tile attention _Southi. where hie hi~ts play ed afour games. , at the Acadeniy Chapel. I le was ?I ~~~ ~kengaenint a thThe only school that both teams \V. HI. Parsons of Lake Forest, Ill., all" lt~ atro h is of his auidieiice by the Slicer bril- thirty-five week lggneta hplaved was Arlington. which was will go wvith the teanii s alternate. apoiigredastiona hrch oft akI'i lirtnce (if his descriptions. and th'. Pe11l Ihtel in Mlemiphis and atlefeated by Exeter. 2-1. but con- Iiywohlsfo I tu. land. Cal.. in 1896: aint h' hlied rersigsipiiyo adlvr iite-week engagrement at thetitieredl Andover, 4-2. in overtinie. has run onl the track teami steadily this position for fifteenl years. in which there was not trace of thle Baker hlotel inl Dallas. I uis or-\11 these previous records meaii for the patst two years. turning iii I).Bonwa lalo h semi-facetious~ness affected b%, chestra. however swl nw olittle, however, for miany inferior consisteiitlv good timies. .Against lNvinitv Schoo~l of Yale ('niver- mnyiaiv oensekr.NwFAgadntelvr hteanis have been known to rise to Bridgtont Acadenmy last week lie es- sity fro 1911128ad a [i way, of opemling M1r. L~a Farge have heard his national radio hook-unknown heights in .\mudover- tablished a lead of about twenlty beneeiu ei rmta in a pleasinz cultured oielanded lips amid Victor Recordls. Ile is also,Exeter gamies and (defeat heavily feet over his opponent in the rela~y tm il11"idvdaswo;l-yoeo h :r is rhs

    tavorerl rivals. ~ ~ ~ ~~M-iichi served to puit the race oil ice. atI.h tnodI nvriy or, Iin Pliars year a ftcr year do, the lead(ers wvho vent it hemve.\nidover's great hopes, for Vic- Wolf, varsity sprinter anti capi- beginninimg 18(9: and lie has alsa r fepo"t)uvtr-Wthasre fVtpoe~irsi

    tory li heavil on it first orwardthimi of the teamin. is doing his third poena Ya;le.Crel n ceive no public recognition o)f their 1930 while playing at thle Ilotel,orv li heaviy on is firs forwad I. soken a Cornel. and efforts. lIeIt imientioned several New Yorker. Theli Pre~id(*miis

    line of Cuirtis at center. Captaini year of relay work. L ast sprinig hie ( olurb-I ia. I )1r. lrownii s verDavis at right wing. and Eatmes at was unlbeatenl inl both thle 100 aildl well known for his lecturing and sIch men of hIk omvn acquainitance B'irthiday Ball at Dover. N. h I.. rleft wving. This combiination hias. 220. %vinnin'a, thle century at the for the nuiliromis hooks bie ha1 n ecie tehrsiswih Tnav3..asteseeo i

    ,cord nie o til clven oa I Harvard Ineshoatc.e ritten simice 1809. they' endure posinig the quieqtion debut in this territory.muade by thle B~lue team11 this Near Watson of Uniiontownm. Ietcnn., is-, an -igi -h,'1'-I h vck ftl a

    has lilaveti ~~vell together iii a varsity muiler and thousaiid ~~~ cause theirs is a way of life wvhich I Ienrv unit is MIiss Dixie [.coliard.Is b'en a fine Runniiig excehitiimnallv good ~~~~~~~~~is deeply- satisfactory to the natural chirming billes" siinger whto htrails

    i~~avCurtisria.s talCe' MUSICAL CLUB DANC nian." - froni Louisville. Kenituckv, andIlay-iliakIr alsea-son., feeding' his Ilie was uibeti t h1h-to1 is fall m ro Iwings; continually' with good lpasses; country Ibe any otint-of-the-schoo-l To ilsrt hspittb iiidteocetatiya rs agfoThis ability and his hard shot have mlanl. TO BE HELD TONIG T speaker chose several incidemits of 'while theyr were playitig at the Kenl-

    Donnelly has been (join,, excel)-somewhat greater substance than tucky I fotel there. Mliss; Leonardiiiatle hi one of te ouastaniiig l~omiehhv has een doimi ticep- the mlativ wvhich lit said piled upl ii, delivers her ;electioiis inl a niannler

    ninvers in every ganie. Captnin tionally finle timess all winter i te42 Girls From Rogers Hall miake thle principal "reward of ex- wvhich is renliniscent oif ile qualinitIDavis has filled his position pr b- A(X). constantly threatening to tie or To Mleet Partners nlloration." With a careful eve to charmi of the Old South vet wvith thlealdfilniore capably than anyone on break tile Cage recordl A. lthoughthe'teani. At all 'timies lie has h-cmm lie wyas inl the schoolr infirmary a At 7:30 - detail lie told of aI trioi into aI fittle- finesse and perfection olf the winod-\nrlolver's chief scoring threat and few days -ago with a1 cold. he is'ex- konscino eio h r oti hnteei Tz

    aim iiisiriiig eader asxvcll, he pectd to liein the mest ofcoil- BENNETT'FS ORCHESTRA juingle. the arrival at a native x'il- Walters. dimiintutivenievoastliliprovenienit of Eatmies sinre last ditionv-today at Boston. WILL FURNVISH MUSIC Iage. it.; goddless.,like wvomlen, anld whose song-s have charmled Tal-"ear has been one of the seas;on's The l'xcter tea ni wvill hie w'ade iil) a nizlht's sojurn there were all ITenry auidiences for y'ears. T-le isieatnircs. He has dlevelopedl into a of three letter-nien. P'. 1K. Parker: The Mustical (uswill play th vividly' described. The ;o-called knowni evervyvhere Ilie hsplayed

    Thomipson, and I urnrap. ;along with hsheeongta7:0tote ad nia trb hih nait.(ntinued on Page 6)(Continued on Page 5) another oldnigt at7:3it Ie 1. (i )triewhchinz, whoCon

    -~~~~~~~~~~ntiher th iovyea .The lteritit istIoelai lt ant fP ilp tdias paiicua rndian whovailli;t a1rLU Q INTT UBUEGRAPPLERS TO MEET ~~~~~is onl the track squ1tad for the first "iikN of RBogersI liall School it, the speuiker explainiing. "A\ Bad TmiR. ree, Ilowver imiddler. FlThe Acadelmy '1he girls will comle lo%\v the White M.\an ti, arinup all

    HARVARD FRISH TODAYrtnning order has;no yet been (Ile r forty-two turong. chaperoned oe i. E A PHR R S(continued on Page 6) by Mtrs. MeGay. the principal. and (Continued on Page 5 noe qa HsHg oe

    Bird And Cochran Head Team Andve Sua Ha HghHoesIn First Major Match RE 4 A L ISOVN iss- Breeden.GAL AN SXOSWNfCotnig isOf Season EV. A. L. INSOLVINGThey will mneet their p~artniers in AgLaADiXSWN fCnstinuingtWin

    Of Season ~~~~~~~TO ADDRESS S. OF 1. thle wa-in foyer of thle Coinnons at IN-CLUB BASKETBALL AantBigoThe Andover wrestling team in 7:30 and p- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thme ganlie with Newy I laniipshirc

    T~eimly e I\ndo ar varesd ta in-73atIIass to the Sawyer rooinM ereeu otrp er.Tcncl\ehe~,fli~m.tiiig he I lrvardcu~bs this Trinity Church, Boston, Rector where they wyill ble received b)%- wesra. Nrhu. Bry Felnei\'dedx hichi Au-

    afterno6on at thle gyminasiumn will Always Popular President WNinigate of the Andove'r And Leonard, Are 'Most thover wonli 20-22 ~'sthle firstmace, according to Coach Carlson. At Andover Clbs rs ate in McGav ofConsistent Scorers 'trim'~gte of thle year iii which thetilec strongest oppositionl so far this - oesHlMs lueM h lm aktalgmrs corineg th ee fieqfirst-string ded.year. l'p to now thle grapplers have The Reverend Arthur Lee lKiii- Ili sse cuiibsketaMrs. Carl F. Pfa ,.h fiv fi Camrngteron,%'tOii two mhatches and lost one bn solving. Rector of the Trinlity teiclher *of Andicover. amid 3ijiss Bet: pl)a3'ed onl Wednestday the (atials the- P eelor.C.Klo'a very close score. Its dtlefLt. hiow-Cuc i oto.wl la hs N lvln'te rsdn fSu feated the Ronians by tie vein'- V ielus, amid4 Moot~ dv all tallied abouttever. was it, thle seasomis w hrh Bsom ~ilsia hs lvln h rsduto t- heltiifi- score of 21-1l. amid liii' thle same11 1mmumuer of poinlts inl over'

    Watch the muiemi were ~fi rst Sunday at thle regular inectimig of djent G-overnmient at Rogers Hall, Saxoni teami tdefeated the ( ;reet -cl. I coimim this .'tron- O)Jp(ioiiellt T11ii,when mint the Societe of I i(Itiii'y. I Ii' hiui'. Music will hie furiiished by 15-13 inl a close, lhard- fought coin- hon -ws that there-was; mutnch Iwmt in.,

    imearly as w~ell trained as now%. beemi inl pas't years the ialiot hlpopular Nornian Bemimett amnd his orchestrate. envrktiibfo.Selected as today's contestants ill lecturer conmimig to Anidover miext fromii L.owell, ail orchestra of elgh Thle ( ;tils. miioviiig inl thme him-- The floor shiots, of thlese fixC e e,0m

    their different weight divisiomis arc to Erdliaiit I arris. Trinitv. for-'ta utete e' uhmlr cirieihnmthe floi: iiierW I 'itiallh Briooks's church. is Ichmpoilatvat- 1vr laml 'te m1 iviim't

    1ii thle 118-pouind class: Borough, one 'of the largest amid mlost well- A\t 0:30 after the grand march hmin atyawr lih ale ,Ciis n npmcnitWho xvil cuer his fourt conseen- knwmi in Bosto, The time aid there will h' amli imitermissiomi of supherior to the RImumatns; dirot-ig mt %%r cr noticed iii ii~ ilv'hier wav',

    thve mnatch w~ithi two winis and omit' hilace of his talk will ble aminoimmceul hal f ami hotir for refreshments, the gamec. thus redeeinimirg the bs 'r. 'lhe g-amme started with .I. ford-(.tieSmiotn ii udyCae stsml "-'hichi will Ibe servedl ii thile Lower showimig that thley mu1Iad :iais eRIte11'. 'hiomiipsoli. ('in meit. antI

    lii thme 125-poumnd class: Lederer. Mr iiovn sagahit fMiddle Diniing I-Tall. Then (lanc- cGrc'ks last week. R. Merser'ratt 1iker, aill varsity 'siihstititio'. Ilp-who wame '~'noe i itnteAeairaTelgclSn u xill comitinume ummuil 11:30 wh'len playinig right forward for. the( 1 ;amil.. hioldimug .\muluiver Th t '\hiibmtved(1P4t(iietit last week. imiarv iii Virginia. I-le was sttmdemit thme girls mutst leave for homie, wvas high scorer for the day-. ta~lk -- od diI efemnsive %% ork 61,ii' c tI 1t'iri

    Iithe 135-pouind class: 'l Minir. pastor at A\nuherst College for a F'romi all imiuicatiomis thisl w~ill be ing niiiiL l)oiits. Ilis teitilimliat es. fo mr iuiulitites ill which otwih)1,ier' I~mmIle also won last Saturday. long while where lie was v'ery 1another of thle sticcessfiml dlances Leoniard and .1. Mersercaii. cw- scored. haiti then thle s.tronmi oppo-

    Iiite l4-on ls:IIu 'rIppia' ''n h cx lie as rui l the Musical Clubs. This tribtittet 6 and'4 point% rc('pvct'l' vckI broitshnke t hrui'ghi amid ral till aDy hmetimigKauseliii te fina try-conicto Philips catlciiv fo sev-dance hi;i tiowe become aui ini- Williamls was high Score miiiti i' i scoi' tif 10.1 fi'ed.

    Iliv~hetiniF i Ktoay' intefinea. his- lare aud"Iliens caes. foa'rf heeusca Ih sIgm nee prahdacoecn-fi1tmm i o'tescn umtm


    THE PHILLIPIAN 2 Calendar of Events AnucnMember of Southem Etblhd 88SuracrayNew England Federation of School Nopaer.d0gBsktbnallcadtey /witEChW AMember of Columbia Scholastic Press Association. 2:0Siniq se i/Msanber of Daily Princetionian Association of Preparatory School Newspapers. :0 Swinoctinner.o ju

    Edi~~sor~~in.-C hi ci It ~~~restling inred with, H-ar- NECW/ANEWELL BROWN v~~ard '38. 7 'NEWELL DROWN ~~~~~Hockey gamne witlh Exreter/ SP IA

    Business hfwtaer at the Boston Arena. SPECI ~ d ALE5JAMES S. COPLEY B. A4. A. relay at Boston

    Managing Editor Cir'eulation Mariqer Garden. An Tiupt$35 VleWILLIAM D. HART, Ja. BELTON A. BURROWS 7:30 Movies in thew Meetinq yTeu o$.5 auAssistant Managing Editor Assistms 8sisness Manager Roomt. Anne Harding in

    LEONARD F. PAINE EDWIN P. MASBACK Ja. Enchanted April.Alumni Editor, R. M. WEISSMA" Exchange Editor, C. C. CORY 7:30 If uisiat Clubs Winter Your Choice '9 s eCIn Passing Editor: CHARLES A NG Photograph Editor. 3. C. CAUSEY rorntal Dance its theJuuuior

    ASSOCIATE EDITORS dininq hall.R. Cushman, '35 J. B. Spitzer, '35 H. L Finch, '3M Sunday. Februtary 10A. L. Reed, '35 E. A. Ballard, 2d. 'M6 J. T. Shea, '36 11:00 Mlorni,,q Chapel Ser- SILKS - KNITS - FOULARDS - REPPs

    BUSINESS BOARD vice in the Chapel. DriJ. M. Bird, '35 C. M. Woolley, Jr.. '35 R. T. Thompson, '36 Charles R. Browtn of .\-W. P. Carey, '3 A. B; Adams, '35 K. H. Capers '36 Have,, wfill speak. I l .G. Witachief, Jr., '35 W. A. Wickwire, Jr.. '35 William RI. Kitchel. '36 5'SVserSrie ntebtj ~urnls Qfo.,ji nc'T. S. Curtis, Jr., '35 R. D. Coursen, '36 Stephen F. Ginsber, '37 5'1a peste Sri-cice of l~the ~ p~ HOE

    THE PtinuLpiAw oe not necessarily endorse statements expressed inl communi- 6:45peletSivisq ofte Msocit ___P___N ____________________PHONE_______ 78__cations. Communnications must be signed by the author. 64 etn fteSrci

    Tua PRILLPIAN is published Wedneisdays and Saturdays during the school year - o nur 'rhu eby Tax PHILLVtnr board. II Killsoiving. tile edlitorial writer in mind, tile

    Terms: Subscription, $3.50 the year, $1.25 the term. __________________ Io hAdvertising rates on application. - ABBOT NOTES Ipr~inting oftepaper's viewpoints

    Entered as second clans matter at the post office a Andover. Mass., under ti IAESo isd it hs intllent io urn to tieit (,t,.act of March 3,1879. COACH DAKE'S SWIMMERS ~ ~~~~The Senior Midldlers gave a exreisiths ill-oncoaled dislie It t1

    Office of publication: Smith & Coutts Co., Park Street. Andover. Mass. FAE W RETE O A ery stlccessfttl tea dlance onl Sat- eprtais gti.ll etton jealou dslike..r ,huir(lav -afternoon. Febrtiary second. feelings of anhabitual dissenter?

    Andover, Mass., February 9, 1935 MciDonald, HewoRodsThe floor committee, headed by -Secondly, the editorial in ybt..

    RelaevRegul har des Polly Spear, helped Ceveronle to tioll codnin~~iis a type of persont i;ui;College Boards Again gtitoue.adtesotpo on1(eHlsOn Squad ge nrdcd n h hr r-Jh ~ehmelf. It hinit. at

    ______________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~grain (lanices "broke the ice." sen~seless and unethical ~~popuarmtMi-eady American educaitsioears.risrRsNGLEeANDrDILKESKen R~eeves's well-known orches- hult 'if substitute is offered no

    Already Ameican educaton, progresi~~e througout it er.i RN L N IKStra play'edl from four to six. when other people are suggested] as.1witt.ibeginning to take another step forward, this time in the matter of college STARS OF OPPONEN'IN there wsa nc~iso o tp itdt iltehnrr'pii;admissions. The more farsighted men in the field have seen that thle per and then there wa.Ls irore (lane- Intiton tthelrlaiibAfter I a s Saturdaysover- jug until se'~n. This year. for th au lethor isesth candiapetiltsystemn now usedl, of college entrance determined by lloard Examina- Afhermnin t Victurdav o irst i tilsev. Thsonooears wertea- ofIc t beuchsen fr thIrtions, is oftentimes unfair to college, school, and the individual student Harvard- Intersehi1olastic ineet ltrttm.14 mceswr l ffc ob hsnfrterar-himself. Louder and louder has grown thle storml of coinllaiiit hurled Coachi Dake's swimnuers are look-' lwed. hut the Senior A'Tlds re- efficiency. Perhaps hie wvanlt tileat the institutions of learning by angry paretits and stu(Ients. who (Ie- ing forwar to the clash;I toa otdtegac stebs vr tzet ihtehgetgae.ttnand a change saving that there must be a more satisfactory way ofaantWoicester with a good .**b ttiaial'eetd hm trdletermining admissions than by exaumiations.. For several y'ears editu 'atr f otdne n- te Fbur mt osxhtecham-Oredl for demnocracy.cators have been searching for a new soundler method. anndr gecmpttintocstrSeir lsssenrtenerae in 'Lstly. isn't this editoil iand they are was able to qtiali fv only five men wititer spirts. The girls left Andi- tra ino0w wvorking onl definitely thle right track. for thle finals,; %while te'n Andover over early Miondav morning for mencrtous slpirit of I'air crsaud. tobe dropped unrder fire, or .bi

    The fallacies which can lbe found in the iresent syst-cem are obviotus. men survived thle preliminaries, the Illotel Bellevuie w-here theytw orhee fte ordemMany men who are of a fine character. who are moderately good stit- The former school ranked -third to skied andr skated, went oil snow- abl e. candidates are more seri~tm4I(lents. and who are industriotis a :mnmbitious. are turned down eatci Andover in the fiuial otitcotne. but sho e hlikes anid sleighi rides. 'l'lley ov iee s'tti dtra

    ecar merel because theyIve faldto pass in lioke exmnain \wer Worcester's a-militv cannot h) ereturned WYednesday night slightly closely' connlected to its "br'mtlier"ly tucY I~~iie~i examllmil~t~i~im. ~~,lercas jtidgedl too) muhch ton this basis. The \% ear% and black and bltue. hut vcr of last spring inl object. and \\oimft

    ifadmitted, most of them would do well in their college career. Miany mi optn o Vretrpr tttsatc tClli h aecnein eothuers, who are of a much lower gradle. pas and join the influtx to col- forncil ex(ceet letlj\ Dilkes; in thle * stilts occur?lege after cramming, tutoring,,and using any other possible metans to (lives being" otlperior to all P. A. \Vhile the Seniors twere awayv A 3get by the examination. Certainly if this be so. how canl it ble seriously entries, and Priiigle who does the the bay Scholars were thie guiests-.stated that College Board Examinlations are fair tests of thle stittent S 0~a~ n5 -5sc aigte of\Mis-s jenks and Miss Cornegys__________________

    - ~~~~~cided victories; in thev 50 and 100- fo r d!inner. Later there was aactual knowledge and intellect. vard freestvles;. treasure hunt in thle leiigths; and

    A very significant fault engendered by thle systent is that it is apt to T~ilt opp-mnemts; als*~ have Lanrkini lr e'odlts of Draper H-all. ,NrEGRi1 ~lead to the situation where ain instructor, rather than teach his class tile .s a threat in the breaststrokc, and INTE RITsubject so that they. will get the mocst fromt it. merely drills theni over O'Brien another outstanding 50- We are happy to announce that Some eighty-eight years ago, aand over on points %which the colleges require for entrailce. Ilie is thus yard1 frer-tvler. The [.tine 200- .\,,Ie Cole has been elected to thle New England farmer establishe'dMaking it his ohjective not to teach tlien real knowledge anid to iiiakie '. ard mian. Cushmran. i'. not likelyv pr' ny fteSohm eCls a business at Boston which Ftill

    -er, 'I'M pesidency (f the Sophmore Class exists and still bears his name.them do their own thinking, but to get as large a percentage of his t ebaehwvr n h 0-a asr Teacpac a meitr, v~~~~~~~~~ard relay combination. Sh]and. Th__aceptacewsimmdiatclass past thle Board Examinations as possible. If this type of instrttc- -Citliimail. 'Griffin, and Wimigate. is and its growth assured becauseCOMMUNICATION of two sound attributes which ittion, which is now so prevalent, continues, education will beconmle a alnmoNt ,tire to chalk tipl a first for i_______ hg itgrt atmhere stnadzdprocess oftachline-like precision which trains only P. A.McDonald wo a credlited To, tile Editor of Tim; Pi lt i ii.i.i'i vj. reputation of its's memory, leaving no room for real study or clear thinking, with I nwin. 92-5 see. inl time trials There ar' several po'inlts I Today his descendants still own

    There is also another place w~here College Bloard Examinations very Selisca' Fbury7 ~ ill'si should like to get straiight inl inl% and operate this business. They'ften ail t secue accirate;Ln~lsatisfctoryrestits. I willbe re~lilvin thle backrtroke replacing Me- :iiiid concerniiig the editorial "Tt'i have been ever mindful of thik

    - . [a~~~~~~~\flnti. This; new time of AIc- The' Lowers" inl last W~ediiesd V's hrtg n h vricesngrantedl that sonic studlents, who are normally brighit and alert, whnDnl"I' h ettnetathsise islwa ups number of patron,; attests thi;confronted b~v an examination \\ hich counts so, heavily, lose their heads been donte by anl Andoiver squadfat Try thiq milk today-have it (le-completelyv. They have been worrying for dlays over thle tests. and niemiber this; season. Illevwood

    tIwonlall welln thewngu excep: Zbe Act OfuiIlip 3nn livered to your room.\when thev are actually- farced lby them, they become terror'.stricken. andl holli.heishwn itioa.1vwel il he200-vard free- J. M. STEWART, ProprietorU D UfhltQbJnaturally, beingr worked it]) to suich a high state of niervouis tenston. thle),tlwl ae aoe' lc trcl epof to H.ig I P. HOODJ & ONmake many mistakes which they' otherwise wvouhd not, and in the ma- to~day. Rlhoides -is also ex'pected to rooms with or without bath. Lawrence 5167jority of cases receive poor marks- on the examinatioti. Certainlv this 'ill'('itead of Bums. Open thruout the year. Dia-must not be bl].anied upron the sttidept himself, for hie May have (Iloe iii thet trials Wiednesday. Kiphl- gramn and terms on application.satisfactory work dTuring his year', courses-. b~tit onl the ot-her hand, it tith displayed an unnsual prowess-

    Iin thle breaststroke, lI e tised the SAY IT WITH FLOWERSshows a definite weaknle's in the systenm. At other times a sttudemit miay nlew~ "butterfly" stro-ke with whichhave what is termned, a brainstorm, a time wh'let nothing seenis clear iii Hig~gins of Providence Central was Telegraphed Anywhere, Anytimehis mind and his ability to think is hopelessly muddled. Situatoslk bet raktewrdsrcr J. H. PLAYDON Since 1846this, traceable to numecrous causes, are byv no meiamis inifrequtent amid gemn- in the Interscholastic Swimt. anSre e.7cralhv have disastrotis results. 60Mi tee e.7

    In (lie consideration of these facts, it seems that some change mutst LOST AND FOUNDbe matle in order that college admissions may' be placed onl a much fairer On D isplay Now THE HARTIGAN PHARMACYbasis. Indeed, several of thle larger schools anl colleges, have already ~OTMy entire collection of Acad- When you trade hemconferred upon thle matter. amid, having madhe a few changes with highly Omie British, History by. Mutir emy Panorama Views. You Sae a suMSlelysuccessful resuilts, are now~ moving onl the right track toward a newv Finder lplease return to library' or to Faculty and students are in-

    system. F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. A-. Field. Adams 19. vi'ted to see them. -Main at Chestut-FOUND School group with index now______________

    A\t thle Commons: ready. 7from omme cud of tile court to thle Onie fuir-lined glove. Orders from these samples YLE M. PHILLIPS

    GREEK BASETBALLERS other, the Gtmild members b In One black mitten, taken at any time. s- RIDINGhll'In Arclmaeology- 1 : POLOi-gr' STBLESBEAT A DOVERGUILDmore aggressive bitt less successful One pair of (lark brownm. \'ihimi L U S H NT E S IIN AD

    B EAT ANDOVER GUILD at scorlincdmig.Ther a seond qintte rct Cslivs an w ols wi ala PHOTOGRAPHER JUMPING LESSNBower High Scorer For Team period. The third quarter showed ________________

    With 10 Points; Final Score, ev'idenices of football] tactics, antid ________________22-8, Against Juniors two outt (If the three fritils, called j PRINTING AND ENGRAVING

    ditrimig thle entire gatne Avere called IPERSONAL AND BUSINESS STATIONERYThe Greek chlub basketball team inl this period. Coach Lyford of IWEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS A SPECIALTY V A L E N T IN E S

    engaged the A\ndover Gmild. Jrs., the Grceeks mamd some sumbstittitioll', THE THOMPSON PRESSFOinl an in formal game at thle Borden iii the last framire. Both sides I Mail Orders Promptly rilledFOg~ymnmasium Thutrsday~ evening, at seemniec reimivigorated. and thle pla% t il a Y6 AT ou To CT-oSTN-~nsutUsFrst03 VEE H A T OT E n7 :00. P1,ower woas; thle high scorer was somewhat like that of the be- I---- W E H A TM T E n Afor the home team with eight poinmt, gilinimig. The shootimig w~as moreand w~as followed by D oherty of the( accurate. andI both teamlS took thle Priced from sc to 25coppos-itioii, who scored six of his offensive.'. The quarter had to Ile LEStea Ills eight points. Thle finial score shortened from eight to six imin- L 4of the g-ale was 22-8 itt favor (if uties, as it was later thati had beemi. For good Sandwiches .THE. ANDOVER BOOOKSTOREthe (ireeks. who led at -die mal f-wav expectedl. The p~rimliC purpose (if



    Books Purchased Since 1932 Ruth Etting, FainioU Figures In -On Henry Moseley Fund Sport, And "IRed" Nichols Headmaster's Latest BookA T F R A TS S KNow On ExhibitNO Featured To Be Published A T F R A TSS KOn (li~playin cases i tue entry Famous coaches and players in March Isf.Oil ispay n cses n te etrythe various fields of sport, Ruth After three vears or[ rescearch and(

    and vestibule of the Oliver Weneiicci Etting. versatile star of the stage. wvriting Dr. 'Claude M. FuesHolmes Libary arc te lifl~kscreen and radio, and "Red" Headmaster. complletedl last No-

    which have been purchased siIIce Nichols with his dance orchestra. vemler his latest contribution to New f41932 for tile Freeman Room onl the providle a combination which prom- AnfericaCn literature. This cointii-Flenry Perkins Moseley Fund. hIIisesC a close to 100 per cent follow- bution. A4mherstl Tihe .lorv oi a219.32 Henry Perkins Nfosekey. Phil-i aogteclgeadtclips., Academy student from 1887 to lu amn h olg ine for A.Vew England Collcge. is still inl the1890. established this fund. the im- h new "College Prom" radio prot- p~rocess of publicatimn by Little.

    come ofwhich ws ~ be i~d "agrafi,. starting *Tantiarv 24 over the 1l-rown, andl Company and will Ibecopur fwhchaseboo s tofgenea interest NPIC "Blue Network." The pro- issued M1arch 1. It' is; a colorful

    for usein the reeman oom.** gramn is sponsored by the Kellogg and picturesque history which i.sThere are 68 books in this col- ~o pans' of 1P'attle Creek. Mlich- filled with remnscne i nd por-lecion Al ar oftheles prnt.igan. traits of the leading personalities-

    atind mall are pof thel filestlrant. Fv-erv Thursday cevening at 7:45 lpresidlcnts. teachers, and distill-an~l mans are prousely illstrated E.S,T.) thle program will guished alumini-the tren who have

    withwodgs. paintvings. en o eth bring to listeners the thrill, glamor made Amiherst live.' i'tading. pintngs pe drwins. r and Sociab~ility of a ('ollege Prom, The book tells of suichntae

    photgenraphl itheret cias i en wl lCl social high -light of the year for figures as Lord ,Jefferv Amherst. Syndicte. Inc.veofagencaeral. intresto" has gou students, old grads arid thleir the first President. Zephianiabl Swiftthere are plays, novels. histories f"ins hefrtbo)c-tws -~t~c n-egdA.11Jhsnand books on ~ .at x architecture, ar. X- rmy% and Navy Nigh't, with a cDacou Teruibill." the ill-fated________________plorationi. stage settings. travel, and (Iramatic cliniax' provided by a hirouze goddess Sabrina. 'Prof." J

    \c~rding to Mss Grace Pattll.fashback to one of the greatest Charley. "Old D~oc" I litchieock. No., 90r I ONLYfnature. ~~ otbl casisofal ie, te"Old Ty." the great Garmlan. andcataloguer, the more beautifully ii- .\rmy-N~avy game on Soldiers' other persons who have each dlone 1 WCARZ IT ONLe Aluistrated editions are the ones 'that Field, Chiicago, when thle two teams terlatt aeAhrttevgaIrc particularly valued by the school *battled each other to a 21 to 21 tie. orous and characteristically .\m-authorities. Among those that are Each of the "College Promn" ericaninttiothttisod.

    "lot hgliv teasredareGret boadast wil hve or ts ettng There is anl account of how Am-mosthigly reaure areGret boadast wil hae fr is sttig lerst was founded as a ConnecticutCGeorqian Houses of .4inerica bv the thle chief social event of the Year at aeypocthwitfgtfr

    A\rchitects' Emiiergencv Committee: (tie of America's famous universi- \alypoet o~ tfuh oRock-welikentiana which was autot- ties. Proms at Fordhiam tnliversi- Its chrehwltriItugeIzrapheci by the author. Kent. when ty. the University of Illinois, andfr tvryeien.anlhwthe visited Phillips A'cademy lait the University of Pennsylvania are wsal oclbaetimhnlits centennial inl 1920. Trhe volumeiyear: I'unoderqartept Der .Vature. a scheduled for the early broadcasts, includes manyv lively anecdotes andlmokI containing photozraphls of Onl each occasion drania and a high recollections, includ Ing the storv of7beautiful plant forms. by P'lossfeldt : point of interest for the miillions of.\lertschvmetinpycarair Tortraine. which is illustrated devotees of sports, will le furnished 'elucation and athletics. It is'illuq- _____________________________________________%with 90 drawings and cotiper-platc' by a *flaslw-back to a Sports classic tratedi with niore than seventv old.engravipigs by the author. 'Margaret engraved onl the university's rec- prints. engravings, cartoons,' and.\1lton.- 13vp b ocrd.icord of historic trilimlphs. photozi-aphs.turing the architecture, country. A unique feature of each broad- D r. Vuess is also) auithor oif h'v-andI life of. thle Egyptians; and nas cast! will he the presence before the ron as a Satirist in I 'rrsc,' publishedFORnssischec Theatre. by Gregor and 1microphone of thle famous coach in -1912: .1, Old Xra' Elknqla,:dRA N E C

    Fiiliip-Miller. ~~~~or player who provided the great- School. 1q17: f'liillips . cadentv. -0OR W N'PE1 Dest- single contribution to thle A-ndir'er, inl tie Great Wa r. 1019' - IN SC50 oO (COMMUNICATION triumnph, and lie wvill in his own Tih' Town'I of A-ndov'er. .llassarhil- -

    To te Eito ofTill'. HILAPIN :words picture .the breath-catching selts.. in tih' I Vorid I I 'r. 1921 ' Th,"To th Editr of irE rrrr~iri~~~ : pistole-. of the classic contest. Life of Caleb Cishinti. 1923: . 11Many Lower 'Middlers have Owner's of the greatest names in Far . Indover. 1925: The~ . Interican

    regis;tered comiplaints to each other t l huistory of sports w~ill bring- to !.eqiot itr .1lassaclgnselfs. 1925-abou~lt thle computlsion oif thle course thle radio' audience the greatest The . Indover Way*n. 19206P' . 0inl keligion. A\s yet nothnghs omns n h greate-st conitets flail Coutraqe. 1927': Rufus Cholo -bel'e' said inl the op~en. and we feel of their careers. 1(27:. Daniel II 'rbrTer. 19)30: -'ilit is; high time that something he Malh E-ttilig will atct as thle Schurz. 1932.'lone. "Proml" hostess- andI will contributte ________________I

    Inl thle first place the course is the melodyd of her golden; voice to INN, C WsintFl ),Cvery dull1 to the majority of puptils tile (outstanding attractions, of thle ~~:C ~aligtn I, Ciii s;pite of all ).Mr. Raldwvin has niew% program. The dance ilusic Clvln. Syrause N.KV.: Citn'out' to malke it interesting and will be provided hv "Red" Nichols Cl1'1til. Ohio: Wr 'CKYCCinain- -l.

    ,rivenl twice a week never take more mia~zic rhythm. Authorities at thle KNVK, St. Louiis. M.\o. K\VCR.flian a half-hour: we ourselves great educational institutions Cedlar Railids, lrva : *KSO. Des;peid approximdtelv. tenl *minutes throughout thle country are Co-~ roines, Towa : KOIL, Omaha-

    ,ilthe average assi.gnment. With operating with the authors of thle Council Rlu ff s. Nei). : WVREN., H N~O itte wrk o cverandwih 10 pogrm t gie echbroadcast the Kais. City. Kansas.little to (10 inl the class roonil it authentic local color and atmioq- __________________ TAILORS TO GENTLEMENizeeni, Strange that so large a uI- phere of the annual "Promn." ni-er of studenits are uninterested iii Follow~iliz is thle list 4of station xeine y itCohn o hs h nopomisinl nituo h et\klutj i~ going oni. Nforeov'cr. ninii- fro ii which the programn will leecd Tpe ltigfrtoewoucmrmsnl nituo h besttcmntlu oif the faculty members at biroadlcast: WJIZ. N. V. : WVZ. Will do typing for S0c an hour.flie diaily chap~el exer ci~es si~eak Ofl l1ioston, as WlIZA. Sprino,- Has own typewriter. 745 5th Avenue at 58th Streettil M~illie or onl something with Aclid. Mass. : AVl)l.. 11-altiniore. Call Remington, Andover 2.15%dhieli it is connected: and a suif- M~d. : W\FT. Philadelphia. Pa.; , ________________________________________ficient amiount is absorbed. so that0'anlv those showing a speciral iii-terest inl tile B~ible neced go~ any______________further. A MONTH OV HORSEBACK Iog~ers 1ee

    It is needless to say that only a\crv -,.miall minority are really inl- Two 30-day saddle trips in July and August. on

    - ~~~~~~mountain letrail of New England and Canada.(oniudon Page 61 "oa os 15My reason for- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Write Wayne Anthony Saireka.' ee

    Spring Lake Ledge, Cuttingaville. Vermont g i g R g rBILL POLAND__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Successor toFo th latya or-s, mH. F. CHASE &m# to "Fr h ls ya o om

    Full Line of Beaux-Arts APARTMUNTS,~~~~~, friends have talked nothingFull Lie of B auxiss~ ts 3'07'-MO E441__S but Rogers Peet - their Style,

    .d HCkey. Sktecs where you may obiginx- their Quality - and their easyand Hockey Sticks Attractive., Comfortably Pou~lm prices. Now I'm talking Rogers

    Northland' Skis Suites of 1-2-3 rooms at Nomiiol~ Peet, too, ... and so it goes!"and Poles Tariffs by day, week, montbseasam.

    Some of /he interesting features are:-Developing Printing * RAM ** ai for me ortwo . Clothmng:---Sho0'es'Enlarging * REWAfS served to #b. rooms at so sieud a Furnishings -_.Hats

    SWON TAMI FARMt FMBUS SOMO to SuaftehrOutfitter for all Canlir uuutopping aad 'ooty. zoom) end Owne Cae** (mmPhillips Aeademy Teams ~earty mown IM neaity dawn.

    Phillips Academy Teams* S1UYWS PAMTIE - no m od riaq fer Wse.48 MAIN ST., 0 MM~O TIM USUAL bediroom an boo, be? a camphhw wi48 MAIN ST., ~ ~ ~ ~~~wit liin room for eensmrIalnlg.

    ANDOVER, MASS. CMO OUR 'PINSION PLAN' we am. serw -too 3 aobday for $10 a Week. Thoee whto conown. tle= anl of II A 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b o ocue o n s o r d io n e m s m a y In vf t. a lik e n u m b er o f g u eef .

    "'~OU1N 31. GRECOII 'o you realize Mhat 2 Persons may bmwNE OR-OSOI U~~XPERTI an attractively ftu ffisled apartment -


    JOHN SWARMS ROSTER LIBRARY NOTES tolbr i hook nswlud COLLEGES OFFER AID WILIAS HALL BANDI________________________ chre'are two biographical (li- TOA DVRSUE S GIN GGR TFVRWITH WHIM SECOND tionar~~iesii the Reference RoomnOi ~ UL ~~AI~IjRA AOInI 1931 D~r. I [cnrv I'. NIoselev Of with titles somewhat similar, hut

    William. Rbert. And Jam Satinta I~arliara, California. a min in. covering - quite dilterent fields. Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth LeByKm eO anatoWilextRbet I AnPopu arity l(r of thle class of 1890 ait Phiillip., ['here is thle IPictionorv1 of *4till- Included Among These Furny ish le, Mu giciWeekoy

    Asx FIrs Pouamesy Ac~ilcin, CstaIblished a fund( fromt 4ricani Biogera ph,. a work- in- pro- Universities Forihe Jusiors eklAs First wNamtopechse oos fr MIl's o publication, three v'olumesFoJuir

    i Wlic topuchae bok fo tit.of which appear each s-ear. This i~s DETAILS OBTAINABLETrue to its tradition as the most Ireta om codn otesin'ilar ill type to thle English set, AT oREGISTRAR'Sw OFFICEiliam

    Amrcterms of the gift these hooks were the !'ictionar of Vatiojial Bi- uie fon tol on etWlii.popular boy's namec in Amrct nld lutae dtoso gah.I' t cot--, long sigied A nubrof colleges have re- 11lall after lunch onl Wednesday.lohn exceeds all other first names lcul lutae (iiis , gam. cnnig. centlv offered scholarships to those Saturday, or Sunday, hie wvill he,'at Andover by a large majoritv. st:Liidardl authors in English litera - ariclegs lll~ \ewis10lne nover boys who would be unable rhythmic music floating out of tlo

    ture. hitr.hma . living, to attend themn without financial aid. dfiling hall. It may not sound likcSixty-onestudentsanswer t this . istory. iography science The work which might lhe coil- Bielow are listed those institution%, Casa Lonma, hut the first orchestrattitle whileonly 47 stnd up for nil travel, in short, any ivell- fused with the fDictionarxy of !1filt which have notified the Adnministra- ill the history of this building haL:

    William, its closest rival. rrie nlilsrtdbo fp~ rican Roioraplhmv is ca Lled( (he CW tion bu hshl.Pl eal etnl'gie ra ao nonmanent value which wvould 1we oif inaotti il.Il eal etilgie r;tfvraRobert andJae tiqo hr irrs o the tuents. fLater D r. o, vo'dao ieia l concerning these and other unli- the listeners.

    place with 30 deleates each Moseleythe fund. tli~it raPhlI-. This isastissued inivversities imay lie obtained athte Ten energetic boys organizedramong added to sable o o c)r isast m ya ea rs ago and is largelly stpeierd'(ed Recgistrar's office, last ( )ctober, and since then it I,:,

    thle stuident body. Charles has 28 tllu library is nowv abetoscu vb the D. A\. 11. But thle NVationtil \miherst: The A\ becoime so poIpilar thiat it is 1io%,adlherents while eorge 1~ast 26. booksh teac Fremar ivi'mCclpdjzo .- niro-nPiq r Scholarship). $400 a year to a stu- accepted as an important partw

    Richard followvs closely with 23 getyerc h rea serves onie purpose iii1 it et Iiv tli' dent here oni recomnmeildatiohi of the the weekly entertainment. A-lread'hcollections. p to the presIt P A.- I' It isstiC; an" a Ina feadiliaster. To be held[ for four the band canl llay seven (hifferent

    bovs. and Edward conlies next wvithi tii'e more than 70 volumes have volume called the Current \Viluil(' years or as long as the recip-ient modern jazz htels: by thle tinie of21. Nineteen students claimi Fred- hceen 1 nirchased from this fund, of tile N.C.A.B. and( inl these Cur- miaintains anl average o~f at least 90 its first outside -appearaiice whlirL!crick as their namne, and 15; (to tile These books have been onl (1is rent Volumnes are givehi long, in- percent. w~ill prolably be held at the fina;!samue for David. Henry with 14 plav in the library for a week aiid formative -articles alv mit livingf \iliIl onTejh a-Shlr mvelefrlaieo hstrmand Thomas wvith 12 arc awarded will continue (luring the current cricans. Often the INief acscoiiit iii Ships. $400 a. ye'ar for oultstaiidingIoalud nPae6

    -ninth and tenth places respectively. wee'k. The selection covers a wivie 11iho' II'llo ill Americai is ulii-It is scholarthipuad cnl Pract6rWValter. Arthur, and Samnuel each field to suit all tastes andl raliges factory. Then -coiistmlt the Current Columbia: The I lonor Scln mlar- -____________________have eight representatvsa A\ ei arllsL•ia V Volu'vres A. 'R. C. or 1) (if the( N. shlips. $500 a Vyear for four y'ears ouii iin o lsotnigi o \(lover, while Kenneth. Frank.' andI socadPrrigoOs to C. .\. B. The iiicex~ at the hack o)f r ;inai~mi~ of the H-eadmia-ster 11aadmcsandincmeiieNorman follow wvith six each. Green~ Posturrs and( Art Porint h each volume will tell -on if the( l,; iii competition wvith others.acd icsnigopetve

    The following gZroup is each slip)- Vature. The cases in which the og-raiohv youl wish to~ find( is -oin- D~artmiouth: Regionial Scholar- \Vashiiigtoni and *fefferson:portedI by four boys: Alexander. hofoks; are shown are open to tile tained ill that voluowe The Cur- ships of fromi 5`500 to $700 each to ttlo 75 itiue vrtlPaul. Peter. Louis. H-owvard. 1-lughl. mdreint4 and thle\ maytkefo refit Volti"'c D ie s,ilenud~ a(`'- residlents of Connecticut. California.foreasE'dwin. and finally A\lbert. Three counts of mine pro'miinent today iii New I Tanipsliir-e. or Newv York Weslcyani The (lin Scholarmembers- of the student body ans- the -overunment. Oliit~taniwii( "'ell state,. ships. $5`00 a year for four year-Wer to each of these naimes : Law- THarry. Horace. T-ee, ITeonardl of science. indnqtrialists. eduicators~ I arvardl The I larvardl- \iido~e- competitive.rence. Herbert. Daniel. Gordon. T lovd. N\Iathan. Nathaniel. Parke(r etc. Tnii ost cases :m towtrflit i; i01- Scholarship. 5300 ftir a 14radulate o'f iii addition to these there atoVictor. Philip. Harold. Carl. Ralnii. Ravmonrl. Rola1nd. Rxissv1. chidled in the binzramliv. P'hillip1 As.cade'iuv dutring, lii Frv'~h- available iii all colleges cerviiiiL.ewis, aild Donald. qetlh. Sidnley.Sne. Stephen. The two sets. flic Piclitomrv of inait1 year ill I lamv-ard. fhr hitgh schoilarship grants which a11

    Twentv-six namlies hlave a coni- aiid Wanrreni. .m Iicraic Rinararsihv ;om'l the V,, ~-wholar~hip. awvarded onl the biasis of neci!lmiittee of two boys here. Tn alplri- I~ ty140 students have the fional Cvrlouflrdia of I o'lf1ri,o?7?' fl . iddleburv: S250 a veam-tr ti, character, social qualities, anII!betical order they are: A\lfred. A\l- privile-e of being the sole mipboldor, ''uriahv V erve liffurvnt 1Ilrrpoqe-% ro..icuemt oif Vvrnmoint. c'i tti, scholarshiip wvith special attentiontlen. Andrew~..\nl. P Bruce. ('h-r of their di fferent ailnaes at the hi1 research lv ork- amild -1liumld liif Imh- S~wartbmvmore: ( ipen Schoularshi" paid to the reconvi'rencation of tlwence. Dwight. Edrmund. Flk co. I Iioliifued. FaIchi h:o, it,~ iwn valw 5'~500 a yeair foir hiimr years with p r'~ -wshool inl these niatters.;

    WALTER O'KEEFE st~~~~~~~enrgyjuoftahe boousiess a1gstlena. nd smoing a Came-

    ,~~~~~~PMCST ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ngn vmCamelsehIcanernmeTUESDAY~~~~~~~~ S~~~~oPMMST THURSDAYthy evr ir m


    -Regulations Concerning 0%% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IIC'ss of CflhuiiliCation. "I'lieRegulation. Conceining' DanceSECOND TEAM RUNNERIS BALLOU OUTSTANDING T" 'MVE R -VIEW world becomes mysterious and( enl-The Musical Club ~~~~~DOWN LAWRENCE HIfGH IN CLASS B SKI MEET wrnord ')i lievout g Let your k ri

    Please be in the lower lobby of It is hard to hay wvlither (or nutby pkethle Commons not later than 7:25. IHawkes' Performance In 1000 Team To Go To Tilton Academy Mliss I larding herself thought *7ii- 5I

    Here boys wll form in lphabetical And Murphy's In 600 To Take Part In Annual chanted .April" was a good story, naliilongtw itesyorder before meeting their part- OusadngWneuaria it 1n' this time she knows that it lnniinlonts inmpression', were pre-tiers, and then go to the receiving SCORE OF 35 1-4 TO 32 3-4 A\ ski meet -of all squad B men Is not aI mo1tion picture. Fxcessively -seitedl to thle ,audience. The firstline in the Sawyer room. DEPENDED ON RELAY as wvell as any others in school was talky. the action of die picture is wa obtained oil a1 bitlingly Cold

    Cut-ins ill be alowed oly on .h secondheld Wednesday afternoon. Ba!- freqluently stilted. 'I'lw tr o- ih hn r aFagsrCut-ins will b allowed onlyon The secondtrack team defeated lou was outstanding with a first it, cerns two estrnuged wvive', %%vlm rent rounded by moonlit Navajo te-thle encores of any dance. Lawrence I-igh school Tlhursday thle saoecninted nhillavilunItywthwomr )(sO'eftin esnbig a-

    Smtoking will be allowed onziy in afternoon at the. Cage 1)3' a1 Score of and fourth in the cross country toavilinflywttomreI"thle lowver foyer of the Commons. 35 1-4 to 32 3-4. Thc meiet was gain a total of nine Pit.Ti ladies as paying gttest,. T['le picture fee lanterns. watched a 1eepIA

    Please tke notic of thisregula- arked (ii the whle by god ~d~i-afternoon a full Squad of twelve beconles exceedinglh wordy a,, the signitlicant and symbonlic (alanc an-lion. formances. - Ilerhaps otitstandling wlgotTitnAamyoco-ldesicsslvanIife: thlen refh'cted on) the fact that htere wa';ISecure excuses as usual from wads inItwkes 200 alntie 30 Mupy. pete in the annual winter carnival thle husband turnis till. not to visit 10vh il~t jinto thle blood( of K~it Car-liueofficers. Tickets should heodsite100ad . uri there, hsvie.sf in antI all the other "oldtimer.,,-

    giehous r ao nlavn h iue 22 4-5 seconds in thle 600.. The cross country. Wednesday hi ie.but to court a young, tiiii " oul rather see tilii' happen,(lance and these *will excuse for T le 40-yard high burdlles ended i nacrua ore t ,mridgr.Truhi lMs hl iisis agberwr.Itile ime fterten PM. N ex, close fillish. ( )sborn took iti.nK wasrn on an circu esaelarcous, etat Imarriedgirl.'t Throug itod allMis thloi htv any., tlnibe reward. I

    cu~ses wvill be 'given at the Corn- for thy 'liue in 5-2-5 seconds witith Iti ant endigo i the fo ameo place.s Irhing wi nth ail rhane tove (er0 an-blog o "li a ManyWilhielminithird. Zacchery of I awv- t enfrmtefoofWr'tlig ihterleienenor hist('ier', considlered his '.ynipathleticmuons: and no tickets will be sold rec o h ah nIIa Hat'[ill around the shonlder, over to has Fr-ui \ogni h liilail dcwiption of it thle highlighlt of) thleat the door. This 'rule cannot be of L~awrence likewise took the 300 Prospect Hill, andl back again. The only bright spo inth wol. Thl %('cidiipeitw -broken. Secure them before 6 p.m. bly thle time of 35 3-5 seconlds. kov amiounting in all to a little over a ovraout affair is the chomedi fored by al daybreak inl the jungif vou plan to go. . o tesotptIo lhigih aile. This event was wvon by Burr i

    E-vening dress. scoliih hnyad anr 1 9 minutes 58 ~ecoqds. Zell oReiad(weadJseRlp emo ntevery~thing- was tinkxPlease be prompt. -seconld and third re'spectively. The ffsell thle line S9e6nd. Winship black ; then aI few gray streaks ap-

    visitors also won the high' Jui . A~ Ilandl Ballout fourth. I Mr. Oliver La Farge lpearedl suspended Ol'ethearl : andr aBlue Sextet Credited wvitli a tie at 5 feet 2 inches be NYC took first place in the (town Talks On Exploration seconid. later aI brilliant bIlue skv

    With Two Victories tween Percival and Corcoran. hill race in 57 seconds. There was . a nicvvsbe n i%-d'The relay was a good race; lii,)%%' no set course; the race being from (Continued from Page 1) ' hail begunl .Such incidents as these((Continued from Page 1) ever, not veyeciting becau1se .\i,,- the top of 'Ward's Hill to the lbot- Tegetvre~ f~~i together with thme sCnse~ of having

    (lover was never in danger. it lidI toiii, a (listance of from one- Fnl-hlbdsoeigcntttcOtt s, oth .nlrcanl. and comil)ui'1led- Mfr. L~a Fargec. the chieffast. sart lef wing, nd ha~ een neertheless- decide the final out- quarter to One-half a mile. Bailol Gernian-w~ho live onl the frote reirs feprao.

    wvorking very wvell with C'urti.s anid come of the meet. for before it was second Nvith 58 seconds; A. were next tlrrdwiifuponlfrrtthreI lavis. L~~~~~~~~~~Tawrenice was in thle lead 32 3-4 to Reed and H-averfield third and vivid character sketches. A "bluf-

    The defence liositions will Ile 30 14. Hcale~', running lead-off, four1th respectively. fer" wvho lust thiln't fit in. a Tab- SPECIALplayed by Gatrdner and H azeltiiie. established anl early- lead of about Ballott made his' two slalom runs ascan storekeeper, and a Germnan SN A R A F Swhlio haew played every' lfililitte (if four yards, wvhich Child.s sotil in a combined time of 53 2-5 see- giant 'were all portrayed 'with the 35DAcRE KF Severy .game without rest. G;ardnier, dloublled in his 'turn. Parsons run- onds to easily winl over all coin- stire stroke of the b)orn author. 5% ho' will earn his fourth liockex ning third gained about two more petitors. Burr wyas second in 70 Each was pictured a,; enibodying inllletter todlay, has by consistency o~f yards,,and fnl Gam s sedsecoiics. Zlthr.and I laverfield gi w a eti lmn of TH U T HO S

    perorane.and by his s andti( the tap)C with about a twvelve-yard fourth. the beach-comiber type which is so 26 Salem Street-hieav'y-checking play miade' hinise! f le a d for Andover. LaPlante, The sqluad to go to Tilton this prevalent on the fronirtetplinvaluiable to the teani. I lazeltine Lawvrence anchorman, miade a va- afternoon wvill be composed of Cap- who live "hlard" and dlie -early.' au u .o soi.. atiother whose marked imiprove- liant huit useless attempt to catch tain Flanders. Manager Stevens;. Thaonr noihc hylt* E .MILLEmnent in a year has easily w noit aI up. No conipetition took- place inl Normlanl Cross. I larold - Cross. ase iilntaine l ato hc thspon.NM. *i a9 M.i I trLEet RVosition onl the( first teamnan uit hu' thle pole vaullt or broad jitmp. - Brown. .\tkinls. Fitts. t, Thonip- T~a Farge (Iwelilig patcuai 01 U SHOE REPAIRINGlearned him into a good hockvv Smilmary: soft. Mullin. Rallou. and threeliartifulanly Si 51.00HalfiSoSoseseelsls Si 5t'irmietl him imito a good hocke~' Summary : soit, Mullin. flallon. audI three the e~t reiextr varietyiaffordedrbydits FtilFulles. 52 00200player. A\ great (deal of Andover", 40-vard high Hurdles, \\u'on byv Others.togrpyndciat Th; ea\!nq WM.Or A 3Ilmolx~s res on goalieh-b~t. ~ lii Osbormi(A) : second. I)on':liti A-t thle Berlin Intershlsi oorl)adciae Ti e rt..W.m. Reiter. Bdancofnever played hockey before ILat (T.)I : third. Wilbielmin(\i Time : Championships the ski team did muiot to a pleasing rligrcss;ioi onl the *yecar aiit \who :iever was in a gannc .5 2-5 sec. place : however, it gained a great- _________until this year. H-isi work has been 40-3 ard darsh: \\'onl by /acclier'v (leaf of goodI experience anid got ali AIR'PLANE TICKETS WTalter E . Billin g ssteadv' at all tinies and] occasioiiallk (L :, second. Wilson (A.\ : third idea of what is; being done by the Bemnqda and European Sieamship Ticketseveit brilliant, lIe has giveni lii., McKay (A). Time: 5 sec. best prep school and liith scho-ol 36 Main Streeteaintivates co'fiihence that his po- 300-yard (lash : W~on 1w, l-a skiers in thle east. The teanis nf SPECIII RATES ON SEASONABLE TRIPS

    sdition w~ill be wvell filled, a conti- Plante'(r.) : seconTfntl. l inua A Berlin and Lebhanon.- N. IT.. weri( ADVRTAVLBRA Andover, Massachusettsdence which has been lacking fior :a third, Vrisillo (T.). Time' 3.5 3-5 lbv far the most outstaniding inl thle FREO E. CHEEVER. Mgr.OPrJA - JE E Elong timle. - sec. meet. Although thiq was an Bank Buildinir Phone 775 or 1098 O TCA E E E

    \ndover's secotit forward linle 600-yard ruin: Won by F. Mfur- a'rbitiots, meet to attempt thle firstpresents son'ething of a1 Irolbleli. phy (A) : second. Franciscor (I-) : vcar. it is felt In' Coach SanbornIt consists of 1-azen. W\ickwire. thi-rd. Garrigan (L). Time: I willi. that the teaiii got a. great (heal ofalth Chase. COf -these only Wick- 22 4-5 sec. \'aluahle experience and diad aswvire has had previotis expierienice. 1000-varl :ruiu: \%Witl hv , '%vell as, could lie expected un- P ut WVI N G S on yourhint they have showvn steady pro- Hawkes (.\) secontl. ,N. Ta -ces den thle circu'ustatices.,gress ail along, and if thev' ftillih (A.\) : third. loinitinm IL). Time -thle promisei they- have shIwuviI latelv, 2 miiii. 30 s'c. Ye ANDOVER MANSE sthley will more than hold their ow\\it Shot put - Woni by Roy (L) - ra zo r - us L I Eti-slay. If any defence -substitutes ',!co id ('ael \):ti~ ~i~ STUDENT'S DINNER, $1.00 G ~ IIire Used, the~y will bie Bacon and ners (A\). I)istance: 43 ft. 1-2 ~i Sekad hceflovey, wvhile Rouinds miay Lget it, High iunip: Tie for first betw eet Week End Guests Accommodated- If you are one of the many who preferii"- a oalie. -Perciv'al and Corcoran (.).: tic foi- 109 Main St. Tel. 896 Andover brushless shaving creams-you'll like Glider,

    Tlte Fxyter line-upj will have thr ewe otn I. n ............ _____...__......._ the new Williams Brushless Shave. betterWoodmanat at goal. Captain Fecleu' Iacksonl. Chapin. and T. White than any you've tried yet!and \ugspurger at defence, [tarn:' (A'). Ireight: 5 ft. 2 in. (' LOWE IACONcl' at center, Janieson at left v hl i'nlI \Iovr(feue UW U1rA~ Fingertip a little of this satin-smooth cream

    - and ('ark at right winig. Fouir 0! I Lawrsoiie (Toamni osciis f o DRUGGISTS on your face (you don't need much - that'sthie~e are letter-men in football, ond ar(c(rvt.Bsh t

    ('har beig capainwhil B\tt& Pateman. Laplante). Tine - 2 niii Agnt for Whitman Candies why it's economical). See how evenly andtitan is baebl cpai. TIm"265f quickly it spreads over the entire shaving';ecotid lihe w~ill lie I.. T. ( ha~e._________- surface. Then watch your razor glide.Sfniith. and MINatlies. DR. ADELBERT FERNALD W. B. H IL LGler-isnw hte-yucn ee orSThle greatest hope that Andover - ORTHODONTIST HARDWARE - PAINTS raidor's pahi s snow-cht-ool too. e ou

    hma.~ s itsabiliy to all~'iii te wil he in Andover Wednesdays where he wit! Fishing Tackle rzr ah tsso-oltothird perid, which as (hem-specialize in the stri'aghtenintg of teeth at 10 Eetia pline ulrt~iid peiod whih Ws dcll-Main, Street. Telephone Andover 466'W or Elctica Apoliacs- ulr

    tnoitited onl three occa'sions thi,;s tostan office. 29 Commonwealth Avenue. Men' oshl Supplies TEJ .WLIM OPNGATNUY ONCIUsea.on, When this is combined mnore 6275. Office hours O:30 to 3:00 31 Main Street Tel, 102 TEI .WLIM OPNGATNUY ONCIUl'.'ithi the (hetertiined spirit of thleteatii11 aInt its profountd feeling thm'atlibi is their year, Andover's chances'ee'il brighter than they -have iii


    MfUSIC ShfOP _________________ruOYS' HEADQUARTERS

    For PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS-Victor-. Decc. and tirun'wikk

    RECORDS iStudy Lames. Etc


    H AtILPSIN f PH T G A H Our Representative, Mr. Willidir PetersonISAM DE LUCCA 1ILOA

    'PHONE 903 DIP OM S'ill be at


    Snapshot Finishing C HE EK TM-S Monday, February 11Picture framing and repairing

    123 \Iain St. 'Tel. 1011 Andover- REPORTS

    - ~~~~~~Made by



    Gauls And Saxons Win Saxons-1'5 Blue Quintet Subdues that the Andover and Exeter rela%In Club Basketball T1ower. Wilhlicni, Blimp. rf Dramatic Club Offers New Hampshire Frosh teamis meet this winter. They will

    Northrup. If 6Prize For Beat Poster (tnudroPaemeet again at Exeter on 'March 16

    (Continued from Page 1) Jackson, c 2 (otnefrmPg )when the dlual track mneet takes

    the Gals amasing a earlyStewart. rg 2 The Dramatic club is offering .lcetest. Bens~~~~~~~,onl, rg a first prize of two tickets to the :ItebogtAdvrssad


    lead andl adding to it steadily to I)..esraIgS cmn lla Th .lik I'. ing up to 14 points which tied the Famous -North Carolinians

    lead 14 to 4 at the half. Greeks-~13 or the cash equivalent, for thle score. Ini the third period the first- Popular Southern Orchestra

    The Greek-Saxon game was [ art. rf 2 best ioster drawn. A prize of string men established a sevenmuch lss on-side. The reeksSteves. rf one ticket will he. given for the point leadl over thle Newv


    led at one time in the first half 8-6. Berry'. If 3 poster judged the second best. shire five and kept it for the rc- as 'tle little man with the big

    onli- to have the Saxons tally four B'lovers. c 4 This contest is (ipell to anyv til- midro h ae oc

    more ponts befre thewhistle 1-amilton. rg 2 (egalte Th otrltitMusical style and class are the

    blew, to lead at the half 10-8, an lbiirnhaiii. Ig 2 bie subnittedl to 1Voxcroft IHall The, gamle today with B~ridgton key-note of this orchestra's success.

    -advantage which they held through era% wlthe rest of the ame. The guard- rapplers To MeetNo. I hat later thati I` rnr) wilb heldl at 2 :00 in the Bokrdlen Thie public today is interested in

    tileng s on ahsie gvani ail gurea dil- Haapl rs ard FMseTet- 4h t8~, Gymnasium. This school always goodl dance music and that is wvhat

    inveen o v e r ie ast wek g orethi- Harvard Frshoa rinigs d]own a good teani. for blas,; Tal Henry concentrates on,. His

    rip. -high scorer last week, made (Continued from Page 1) MIRROR ELECTIONS ketball is one of thle inost inipo~r- musical arrangements are sweet

    only six points,; and Derry, who - atsot hr.The teani Iris andl swingy-the type that iniduce

    scored tenl points against thle Gauls Ini the 1 55-pouind class: Capitaini Te irrtaeplsuena-l)Iss through a hardscelie(anrsthadowdsheac-

    was held down to three points on ird Vt eodo lrenticn h lcino h fol- with great sulccess and is expected lo ihteoeigsriso

    foul shots. Three personal fouls straight wins behind him, hie eniters]%\loing, men to thle Business Board; to offer very strohig oppositionl to every musical selection.

    were counted against each teami. Ili- fou'rth match. Two falls .111,l 1reston Toppin Coursenl and thet .\ndover men Tal Henry conies with his four-

    Ini last wveek's games thle Greeks one (lecision support him. WVilbur Mfarvin. Andover has won five of the teen Piece orchestra directly fron,

    defeated the Gauls 23-8. while the Ini the 165-pouind class: Roe. I Ii. eight contests so far this v'ear. But the Tarantutla Gardens in Rich-

    Saxons bowed to the Romans 21- cati-ed a senisation two wveeks ao hoeo h ui uiile Ih \y wining those five ou't of the Tond~. Virginia. where theyha 0

    18. Wednesday's results were coin- in painning his manl in the shorte~t W\ilhiani, -\liddlehr-1l. and Iioy.(l Ia~ si ae h emsov -that ]lust finished anl eight-week stopl)i

    pletely thle reverse of this and so at timec of all the four falls of thlut lPeelle with their trumpets: I ohn it ksai*Thei duianc il toe helfi thes Saw-t

    present each teanil has wvon one and dlay. Nilarsh'helpi conlSidcr1abdV With his tiide. getn etral Thle their wuical tour ofli this cuwtr

    lost one match. The line-ups and Snte15pudcas oh an axophlonie while I,-Illi Stevenlson ____________ver Room of the Commons. Morepersonal scoring in \Wedilesdav's I is record like Bird's is unmarred. keeps itinie with his drumi. Mlack Tiraditional Rivalry details will lbe -announced


    gainles were as follows: Two falls and one referee's (IC- ParneIeilr a ra diinFlames Up Once More

    Gauls-21 cision is his standing in three flhIi ecle t then hlaing Conmiucdmrom Pteo1

    Leonard. rf 6nmatches.h hrisa clprintwhl (Continued from Page 3)

    R. 'Mersereatt. If q In thle hleavy weight class (I. but5 wthohisonloiretawhil

    1-Tardyv. If \damns. who returns to the line-iul sotiids, with his bairitonme horn The1 wvill lhe anchor manl. terested in this course, as very fewv

    T. 'Merisereau. c 4 after an interval of three weeks;. two B~ing Croshv-s of the band ar-'r he relay race will be oil a board dlo the optional reading or the' sug'l-

    Stannard, rZ ~~~~~~~~~James 1 rice anti Edwvard lMaguire. track: each niain running a quarter gested asigmnsSharpies. Ig 2W~illiams Hall Band - rmalacun~te ro ~e~ il .\ noe h em hs It is far from our objective to

    MIurplhv. Ig Gaining Great Favor inlglv alho -l the\y haive noit vet completed(l oly, onl dirt, when they have the course abolished . ThI -

    Romans-1 1 (CniuetrrPae4 ot the famlouls "B ot, boo boo)hv were clocked in 2 nlinut('s 21 1-51 certainly would not be fair to thoqe

    W\illiami;. rf 4 datt (IC" down%-i pat. NtlcondsI for two laps about thle cage who are enthusiastic about taking

    Schreiber. rf they inteiid tliave several mre The nlemnlers- of thii, ,rgani'-atioi i10 nd'.-t ttw l rps htti w(

    Miller, If soBrngs on their program. have workied very ha;rd ito make ;t Tonlight Coach I allowell antici- hour course be mnade optional in

    Smith, If L~ed hv thle able Luthene Kiinble. a success : tihe\ wvithist,orl -re't pates anl average quarter (if 55 s.,:- order to give the fellows a variety

    Flood. c ~~~~~2 the orchestra consists of seven bov, dislike at first aol hv itlvoil.Teeetwl aepaeil in their selection of the studic

    Angell. Carroll. rg with iiitiical instruments aInd two gained tlt the godwvill ~,f about evri'v about tile mlidd~le oif tile l1. V V which they wish to pursue.

    G. Smith. Ig 2 so-called 'crooners. The real hack- peso in Willianis 1lall. prgamad will betefrs ux Several members of P. A. '37.

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    a P. M, lo~s a -COLUnr~tgaMBIA EWORK