Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio

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  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    The Blue Ribbon Panel onGrants and Contributions

    Summary of Online ConsultationsJan Donio

    [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    BRP Consultation Process Online consultation with Recipients (August- September)

    and Program Managers (September-October)

    Consultation meetings with sectors such as the volunteer

    sector, business, research, Aboriginal, etc. Consultation meetings with Government officials at

    senior levels and from the front line

    Online discussion forums

    Symposium U of T November 2006

    Validation Session November 2006 Sharing of Recommendation Themes with those

    significantly impacted by the proposed direction

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    The 1089 recipients were from all sectors as well as from all provinces.The 543 Program Managers indicated considerable experience and workwith all types of recipients with a strong representation of managersworking with the not for profit sector.

    60%Not for

    Profit /





    (community or



    Online Workbook Responses Who Participated

    You work

    Primarily from a

    296 / 543 Regional

    / Local Office?

    247 / 543 National

    Office /



    Recipients Managers

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Priorities for Improvement Recipients indicated a one window approach with better

    integration across departments. Respondents fromQuebec and the aboriginal sector indicated better

    relationships with government officials is a priority, butthis view was not shared for most other recipient groups.

    Program Managers also see a one window approach asa priority along with better communication and a clientcentered approach. Those working in the regionsstrongly emphasized a client centered approach.

    Both groups indicated that technology could enablethese priorities .

    and now for some data

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    The concept of a one window approach had wide appeal to all recipient sectors

    as it would save time by applying only for those funds that are appropriate

    and enable groups to easily be informed of new funding sources available. This type

    of online resource was seen as decreasing the constant phone calls and searches for

    information related to new grants and contributions.

    81% identify this as one of thetop 3 priorities

    Recipients The Priorities for Action

    "One window" that would identify federal grants and contributions for whichyour organization may qualify

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    One of the main frustrations for grant and contribution recipients is thelack of consistency across departments and the inability for departments to share

    information easily. The concept that departments could easily share information

    was viewed as a means to decrease duplication of effort by recipientorganizations in the application and administration processes. For smallorganization these savings would enable greater service to client groups.

    73% identify this as one of the

    top 3 priorities

    Recipients The Priorities for Action

    More integration across departments and sharing of information

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    There were several options for priorities and the option of a one window approachwas selected the most often. There were several notations that indicated a onewindow approach with the inconsistency in language for objectives anddeliverables may not be beneficial. It may be more appropriate to consider onewindow after policies and procedures/ business practices are revised.

    74 / 280 2

    141 / 280 1

    65 / 280 3

    Managers The Priorities for Action

    One window that would facilitate coordination of similar services within thedepartment, or across government, to potential recipients

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    The concept of better communications was to clarify what is relevant to recipientsto minimize false expectations and time wasted on apply for funds when vaguecriteria may be misleading. There was also a sense that some smallerorganizations lack the internal staff to constantly stay on top of what grants andcontributions are relevant to them.

    88 / 264 1

    87 / 264 3

    89 / 264 2


    Better communication / promotion of existing grant and contribution

    programs with potential recipients

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Several notations about this priority stressed the weight of the current application

    process for smaller organizations and the need to view recipients as clients who

    should have readily access to the correct information to facilitate application.

    59 / 210 3

    81 / 210 1

    70 / 210 2

    Priorities - A client centered approach whereby programs are automatically

    identified to potential applicants based on needs, attributes and eligibility

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    How to Improve Recipients indicated that services standards, if used

    would save time and effort

    Smaller not for profits view longer term funding as thetop priority.

    Recipients saw the need forgreater use of technologyand improved business processes as important to goodservice standards.

    Managers indicated that the simplification of policies andprocedures governing accountability and reportingrequirements was equally as important as having strongleadership or champions driving improvements.

    and now for some data.

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    74% of respondents ranked service standards as number 1 or 2 of their top three

    choices. This is a very high percentage and the narratives strongly suggest that

    service standards need to be clearly understood and followed at all levels of

    government for this to be effective.

    26% 3

    32% 142% 2

    Recipients Improvements

    Service standards for the application and administration processes that are

    clearly understood by all parties

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    75% ranked this highly and it is clearly a reflection of the voluntary sector. The

    issues related to longer term funding would decrease the number of applications,

    minimize the number of different accountability processes and generally seen as

    giving stability and saving time so that the focus can be on delivering the services

    and meeting the needs of clients.

    49% 1

    26% 226% 3

    Recipients Improvements

    More certainty about the government's longer term financial commitment tothe sector

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    The concept of simplifying existing rules in departmental procedures and practiceswas selected by the greatest number of respondents as the most important issuefor the panel to address. The narrative comments indicated a lack of clarity acrossdepartments because Treasury Board sets a minimum standards and eachdepartments adds rules as they see appropriate.

    73 / 233 1

    67 / 233 3

    93 / 233 2

    Managers- Improvements

    Simplification and/or reduction in reporting/monitoring/evaluation

    requirements in departmental procedures and practices for grant andcontribution programs

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Challenges Both Recipients and Managers indicated that too much

    of their efforts are devoted to the administration of grantsand contributions, with little or no perceived benefit or

    real increases in accountabilities. Recipients perceived the constant changing of staff and

    the lack of transparency as secondary issues

    Managers indicated that ongoing training and delays inprocessing are issues. Program Managers working in theregions consider the lack of delegation of authority astheir main challenge.

    and now for some data

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Data from program Managers was difficult to aggregate because they had so manychoices about challenges but suffice to say that there is a high level of frustration amongthose that responded and a concern that after many consultations very little has changed.Some Program Managers mentioned their own special efforts to improve.

    8% Risk management

    18% Lack of transparency of

    government policies

    25% Lack of transparency of

    program procedures

    25% Relationship with

    government officials

    18% Lack of consistency across

    government departments

    7% Lack of technologicalexpertise by user groups


    Recipients were asked to indicate the three main challenges to implementing

    application and administrative improvements to federal grants andcontributions

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    Accountability & Other Instruments Recipients indicated that over the past few years there had been

    new accountability procedures put in place for many grants andcontributions but there was not a strong sense that anyone hadreviewed all the requirements for overall effective accountability.

    Program Managers stressed several tools that had been used toassess risk and assist in longer term planning however there was astrong sense that the tools devised were often not playing thepurpose for which they were designed.

    Both Program Managers and Recipients strongly understood theneed for accountability for government funds and there was strongagreement on both sides that every effort should be made to ensurefunds are used for the intended purpose.

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  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    In the voluntary sector longer term funding is a key issue especially for smaller

    voluntary groups throughout the country. The business sector indicated that

    service contracts or tax incentives could be more beneficial and the instruments

    being used should be reviewed regularly. Other instruments such as horizontal

    funding and possible foundations were seen as requiring significantly more

    research and maybe more of a longer term solution

    62% Yes

    18% No

    19% Maybe

    1% N/A

    Alternative Instruments

    Would long term funding be more appropriate than short term

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio



    Narrative Comments Promote a better understanding ofthe role grants and contributions play in our

    society through a communications strategy

    Considerable resources wasted on trying to track applications, continuous audits,separate bank accounts, hiring external evaluations without any clarity of the rational

    Recipients that responded to the survey tend to view themselves as being inpartnership with the government to meet needs of society, roles need clarification

    Program Mangers believe they are trying to do their best in a very difficultenvironment with limited resources

    Less time on applying for funds and administering projects would mean more timewith clients/ fulfilling mandate

    There are some good practices but they are not being fostered across government

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Summary of Findings Across the board there is a deep frustration with the continuous consultation

    and the lack of improvements in government administration

    Most respondents agreed that a one window approach to information aboutgrants and contributions would be beneficial.

    Investing in greater use of technology to track applications, etc is also seenas viable but may require some capacity building for smaller groups

    This group also agreed that conformity in paper work requirements acrossgovernment departments would be an improvement

    Generally there is a perception that the risk adverse culture of governmentdeters government officials from improving service

    Government officials not seen as having adequate authority, although in arisk adverse culture not clear that greater authority is the answer

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    ..contd. Organizations understand the concerns of government and

    expect to be held accountable for funds received, simplywant it to be less onerous and more productive.

    Application processes need to be more transparent from thebeginning and approvals need to occur within the statedtimeframes. Recipients and Program Managers need towork together to design new procedures where possible.

    Improving the business processes and setting servicestandards as well as the effective use of technology would

    go a long way in improving the processes and increasingaccountabilities.

    It is time to stop consulting and start improving.

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    Conclusions of the Online Consultation Review of Policies and Procedures to support good business


    Longer term funding

    Shorter turn around times for processing applications and reportsdeveloped with the recipients (service standards)

    Capacity building of recipient organizations to be able to meetthe requirements of funders make better use of umbrellaorganizations to deliver required training

    Consistency in reporting processes across departments

    Application processes online that draw on previously completedapplications for data and information Invest in technology for one

    window access to information and to allow tracking ofapplications online and to process reports/ meet accountabilityrequirements

    Leadership at the top to share best practices and engage thepublic service/recipients in designing improvements andimplementation.

  • 8/9/2019 Blue Ribbon Panel - Symposium Presentation - Jan Donio


    A focus on Implementation

    It is time to stop asking about what is wrong and it

    is time to start improving the application and

    administration processes for grants andcontributions so that those citizens being served

    through this funding can see greater benefitsComment by a recipient organization in the online consultation process

    To learn more: http://[email protected]