Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners' Course

Become a Qualified Blue Ocean Strategy® Praconer and Develop your Blue Ocean Strategy Advisory Skills Blue Ocean Strategy Praconers’ Course Blue Ocean Strategy ® Australia SUITE 204, LEVEL 2, 7 JEFFCOTT ST, WEST MELBOURNE VIC 3003 TelePhOne: +61 (0)3 9326 6666 WeBSiTe: BlueOceAnSTrATegyAuSTrAliA.cOm.Au UCSI BlUe OCeAn StrAtegy regIOnAl Centre AUStrAlIA OffICe Pty ltd (ABn 68 132 956 711) t/A BlUe OCeAn StrAtegy AUStrAlIA


If you are an experienced business or training consultant and want to add Blue Ocean Strategy to your core competencies then the Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners’ course is for you. Come and learn how to teach and consult on the systematic and proven Blue Ocean Strategy methodology to enable others to successfully create and capture blue oceans.The 2-day Practitioners’ Course is for consulting and training professionals seeking to be certified as Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) Qualified Practitioners or Accredited Affiliates.This course teaches participants the advanced application of BOS tools, methodologies, and frameworks. It takes participants through the entire BOS process as if in a client environment. Participants who complete the entire qualification process (including the course) are armed with the knowledge and materials to effectively create BOS learning environments for organisations.

Transcript of Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners' Course

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Become a Qualified Blue Ocean Strategy® Practitionerand Develop your Blue Ocean Strategy Advisory Skills

Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners’ Course

Blue Ocean Strategy®Australia

Suite 204, LeveL 2, 7 Jeffcott St, WeSt MeLbourne vic 3003TelePhOne: +61 (0)3 9326 6666 WeBSiTe: BlueOceAnSTrATegyAuSTrAliA.cOm.Au

UCSI BlUe OCeAn StrAtegy regIOnAl Centre AUStrAlIA OffICe Pty ltd (ABn 68 132 956 711) t/A BlUe OCeAn StrAtegy AUStrAlIA

Page 2: Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners' Course

if you are an experienced business or training consultant and want to add Blue Ocean Strategy to your core competencies then the Blue Ocean Strategy Practitioners’ course is for you. come and learn how to teach and consult on the systematic and proven Blue Ocean Strategy methodology to enable others to successfully create and capture blue oceans.

The 2-day Practitioners’ course is for consulting and training professionals seeking to be certified as Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) Qualified Practitioners or Accredited Affiliates.

This course teaches participants the advanced application of BOS tools, methodologies and frameworks. it takes participants through the entire BOS process as if in a client environment. Participants who complete the entire qualification process (including the course) are armed with the knowledge and materials to effectively create BOS learning environments for organisations.

Qualification OptionsOption 1 - Qualified Practitioner Option 2 - Accredited Affiliate

Our most experienced and most qualified practitioner

2.1 Strategy experienced strategy consultants

2.2 Implementation Project execution consultants

2.3 In-house training licensed to teach BOS within an organisation

2.4 tertiary training Tertiary institution professors, lecturers and tutors

The licensed activities vary with each qualification.

Qualification ProcessThere are 5 or 6 stages to the qualification process depending on which qualification you pursue.

Option 1 - Qualified Practitioner Option 2 - Accredited Affiliate Strategy/Implementation/In-house Training/Tertiary Training

Stage 1 Screening: Submission of CV and interview Screening: Submission of CV and interview

Execution of BOSA Licensing Agreement

Stage 2 Completion of course pre-requisites

Mentor provided through whole qualification process

Completion of course pre-requisites

Mentor for slide presentation skills and case study (short version) development

Stage 3 2 day course 2 day course

Stage 4 Detailed case study development

Short version case study development

Stage 5 Practical work supervised (30 hours)

Practical work supervised (20 hours)

Stage 6 BOSIC exam Stage 6 not required

Provision of Qualified Practitioner Certificate Provision of Accredited Affiliate Certificate

Time Elapsed time typically 6-8 months Elapsed time typically 6-8 Weeks

Candidates who pursue the path of the Affiliate qualification but later decide to become a Practitioner will have their prior learning as an Affiliate recognised.

Blue Ocean Strategy in Practice: Practitioners’ Course invitation only

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Blue Ocean Strategy in Practice: Practitioners’ Course invitation only

Continuous Professional development (CPd)To maintain your qualification there are annual ongoing cPD obligations to ensure expertise and delivery in the market is maintained at a high standard.

Qualified Practitioners and Accredited Affiliates must log a minimum of 200 hours per annum of BOS experience which can include briefings, courses, advisory, peer review and applied research activities. Practitioners and Affiliates must also submit at least one case study per annum to the database using a case study template.

BOS Practitioners’ 2-day Course Agenda

Day 1 Day 2Opening and Introductions the Buyer experience Cycle & Buyer Utility MapWorkshop overview Shifting focus from customers to noncustomersBlue Ocean Strategy review Questions facilitation: leading BOS Initiativesexplore your understanding of BOS and the complex client situations you face

Adding value without taking over: don’t outsource your eyes

Planning a Blue Ocean Strategy Initiative the Six Paths frameworkTips, tools, and land-mines to avoid in organising and directing a BOS initiative

reconstructing market boundaries

Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy Visual explorationexplore the underlying logic and process behind Blue ocean Strategy

capturing noncustomer insights using the Six Paths Framework in fieldwork.

the Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map Capturing noncustomerscapturing the current state-of-play at the portfolio level

identifying noncustomer insights: targeting the mass of buyers

Project Identification errC grid & “to Be” Strategy CanvasDetermining the correct starting-point and scope of your BOS initiatives

Value innovation: The simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost

the “As Is” Strategy Canvas Visual Strategy faircapturing the current state-of-play how to plan and lead a Visual Strategy Fairrecapping on day 1 recapping on day 2 and the entire CourseQ&A session with BOS practitioners Q&A session with BOS practitioners

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Course OutcomesOver the 2-day course participants will:

explore the central concepts, tools and frameworks of • boS

learn how to conduct workshops and training exercises • using the BOS tools and frameworks

receive access to templates for BOS exercises•

receive outlines for various BOS workshops in addition • to mSPowerPoint based slide presentation kits

receive a BOS Dictionary with all the key terms and tools • defined and explained for easy reference

have sufficient time to ask questions and seek • clarification on BOS concepts, tools and frameworks

explore continuous professional development, peer • review and licensing requirements

receive access to the broader network of Practitioners • and Affiliates in Australia and overseas

receive on-line access to our resource • library and on-line learning platform where:

o All BOS Practitioner and Affiliate training, licensing, professional support and professional development materials can be found

o Practitioners and Affiliates can project manage their clients’ BOS initiatives and ongoing training

o Practitioners and Affiliates are promoted to visitors and subscribers

o Public workshops and events are promoted

o cPD and peer review is monitored

receive access to the “Practitioners and Affiliates Only” • forum operated via linkedin where BOS network matters and issues are shared and debated

receive a certificate on completing the course•

Course leadersThe 2-day Practitioners’ course will be led by two qualified BOS experts with consulting and training experience across a variety of industrial sectors and proven success in creating breakthrough business ideas using BOS formulation and execution methodology. your course leaders are creative thinkers with a high energy level and passion for BOS, debate and discussion.

Course Pre-requisitesParticipants who want to complete the BOS Practitioners’ course are expected to:

have studied the Blue Ocean Strategy book •

be familiar with the BOS presentation slides which will • be provided prior to the workshop

Start and finish timesStart: 9.00am sharp

Finish: 4.30pm to 5.00pm

PriceQualified Practitioner: $6,000 per participant (excl. gST)

Accredited Affiliate: $2,500 per participant (excl. gST)

Please note that the price does not cover travel, accommodation, parking and other personal expenses.

More InformationFor full details of the qualification options and qualification process see the document titled, BOSA Qualified Practitioners and Accredited Affiliates Qualification Process and Options.

To read more about the ongoing continuous professional development (cPD) and licensing obligations see the separate documents titled BOSA cPD requirements, BOSA Peer review guidelines and BOSA licensing Fee Structure.

If you would like to speak to someone in person, contact:

Andrew nelson managing Director Blue Ocean Strategy Australia Suite 204, 7 Jeffcott St WeSt MeLbourne vic 3003

T : +61 (0)3 9326 6666 m: +61 (0)404 87 0305 e : [email protected]

Blue Ocean Strategy in Practice: Practitioners’ Course invitation only