Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if...

Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted By Gwen Lister HUNDREDS of lives could have been saved if the Special Representative of the United Nations, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, had acted swiftly and promptly on information received from the South African -Foreign Affairs Minister on March 31, reported a large gqerriIla presence just north ofthe border with Angola. According to a report by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar, released yesterday. Mr Ahtisaari was informed on March 31 by the SA Foreign Affairs Minister that in the previous 10-12 days 150 armed Swapo personnel had crossed the border into Namibia. and between 500 to 700 fighters were at the time deployed just north of the Martti Ahtisaari Namibian border. If Mr Ahtisaari had taken action immediately per- haps the bloody battles between Swapo forces and SA security forces which started on April 1 and are still con- tinuing, could have been averted if he had acted promptly to defuse the situation. Mr de Cuellar's report said that Mr Botha had also informed the Special Representative at the same meeting that 60 percent of Swapo' s forces in Angola were south of the sixteenth parallel, in breach, he had said, of undertakings in terms of the Geneva Protocalof August 5 last year, signed by Angola, Cuba and South Africa. Mr de Cuellar then stated that before noon the next day (April 1) the Administrator General informed Mr Ahtisaari that the Swapo guerrillas had cross the border during the night of March 31, and that incidents were occurring across a broad front in northern Namibia with numerous casualties. Mr de Cuellar himself had urged Mr Botha to "show restraint" when he gave sanction to the deployment of military to deal with the situation. Mr Botha had informed him that it was "impossible for South Africa to remain passive, and its troops con- fined to base in the face of these . ,events, particularly since Untag's deployment had been delayed". Mr de Cuellar said he had then contacted Mr Theo Ben Gurirab, Foreign Secretary of Swapo, and the Permanent Representative of Angola, and urged them to do what they could to "affect the situation positively". Mr de Cuellar admitted that the UN was behind schedule, and !itated that "while 280 of the 300 military monitors were in place throughout the territory on April I, their effec- tiveness was seriously hampered by their limited mobility and restricted access to comrmmications". He added that it was unlikely that Untag re- cont. on page 2 CAPTURED Swapo righter, Johannes Mathias, pictured in the north this week by Guy TiIlim of Afrapix. Relatively few (apparently four) PLAN guerrillas have been captured, and the death toll of Swapo insurgents was almost 200 late yesterday. 'WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER' send urgent message to UN following Onandjokwe hospital raid THE Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia yesterday sent a telext to the United Nations Special Representative, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, expressing concern at the 'wholesale slaughter' taking place in northern Nam ibia. The m es'sage was sent following reports of army and police units surrounding the hospital at Onandjokwe in the north yesterday. The church also expressed con- cern at the lack of Untag observers with police and military forces in the area. Mean while it is understood that there are presently only nine Untag police in Namibia, and those Untag members in the far north are merel y 'monitoring empty army bases' ac- cording to one source. It has also been lel/.med that Mr Ahtisaari's report on the war situ- ation to the Secretary General, Mr Javier perez de Cuellar, upholds claims of a large Swapo infiltralirn of Namibia from Angola but states that the fight- ers did not come in an 'aggressive' capacity, but in order to 'hand them -- selves over' for confmement to base by the Unitt:d Nations. The Churches said that' it seems as that Swapo guerrillas had expected to be safe with Un tag forces, military observers and police observers to stay between them'. The churches also fe lt that clashes could have been avoided had police and military been accompanied by Untag. Untag had not been seen investiga- tion the sites where the clashes had taken place, the telex stated, adding that neither the people, nor church officials, knew where Untag could be contacted in the north. In a statement, Mr Kandetu said he regretted that the Untag force com- mander had not replied to an invita- tion by Swapo in March to discuss steps in demobilisation and confme- ment to bases in the light of there being 'confusion on the interpreta- tion of United Naticns Security Council Resolution 435 regarding the demo- bilisation and restriction to bases of warring factions'. The CCN expressed its trust in the United but added 'they must STOP PRESS . . . STOP PR ESS . .. STOP 435 ON BR ,INK 't OF COLLAPSE ·A··F ' -- S.A .. . '. WARNING do their job properly' , a spokesman said. If they were not able to 'handle the thing' because of the low deploy- ment of forces due to logistical rea- sons, the Security Council should be called on to discuss the matter. THE ENTIRE Namibian peace process was in danger of collapse, South African Foreign Minister warned late last night. In a letter addressed to United Nations Secretary-General Dr Javier Perez De Cuellar, Mr Botha called for active and effective measures to be taken in a matter of hours to halt the bitter fightin . in northern Namibia. Continued on page 6

Transcript of Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if...

Page 1: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket

Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted By Gwen Lister

HUNDREDS of lives could have been saved if the Special Representative of the United Nations, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, had acted swiftly and promptly on information received from the South African -Foreign Affairs Minister on March 31, reported a large gqerriIla presence just north ofthe border with Angola. According to a report by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar, released yesterday.

Mr Ahtisaari was informed on March 31 by the SA Foreign Affairs Minister that in the previous 10-12 days 150 armed Swapo personnel had crossed the border into Namibia. and between 500 to 700 fighters were at the time deployed just north of the

Martti Ahtisaari

Namibian border. If Mr Ahtisaari had taken action immediately per­haps the bloody battles between Swapo forces and SA security forces which started on April 1 and are still con­tinuing, could have been averted if he had acted promptly to defuse the situation.

Mr de Cuellar's report said that Mr Botha had also informed the Special Representative at the same meeting that 60 percent of Swapo' s forces in Angola were south of the sixteenth

parallel, in breach, he had said, of undertakings in terms of the Geneva Protocalof August 5 last year, signed by Angola, Cuba and South Africa.

Mr de Cuellar then stated that before noon the next day (April 1) the Administrator General informed Mr Ahtisaari that the Swapo guerrillas had cross the border during the night of March 31, and that incidents were occurring across a broad front in northern Namibia with numerous casualties.

Mr de Cuellar himself had urged Mr Botha to "show restraint" when he gave sanction to the deployment of military to deal with the situation. Mr Botha had informed him that it was "impossible for South Africa to remain passive, and its troops con­fined to base in the face of these

. , events, particularly since Untag's deployment had been delayed".

Mr de Cuellar said he had then contacted Mr Theo Ben Gurirab, Foreign Secretary of Swapo, and the Permanent Representative of Angola, and urged them to do what they could to "affect the situation positively" .

Mr de Cuellar admitted that the UN was behind schedule, and !itated that "while 280 of the 300 military monitors were in place throughout the territory on April I, their effec­tiveness was seriously hampered by their limited mobility and restricted access to comrmmications". He added that it was unlikely that Untag re-

cont. on page 2

CAPTURED Swapo righter, Johannes Mathias, pictured in the north this week by Guy TiIlim of Afrapix. Relatively few (apparently four) PLAN guerrillas have been captured, and the death toll of Swapo insurgents was almost 200 late yesterday.

'WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER' ~utherans send urgent message to UN following Onandjokwe hospital raid

THE Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia yesterday sent a telext to the United Nations Special Representative, Mr Martti Ahtisaari, expressing concern at the 'wholesale slaughter' taking place in northern Nam ibia. The m es'sage was sent following reports of army and police units surrounding the hospital at Onandjokwe in the north yesterday.

The church also expressed con­cern at the lack of Untag observers with police and military forces in the area. Mean while it is understood that there are presently only nine Untag police in Namibia, and those Untag members in the far north are merely ' monitoring empty army bases' ac­cording to one source.

It has also been lel/.med that Mr Ahtisaari's report on the war situ­ation to the Secretary General, Mr Javier perez de Cuellar, upholds claims of a large Swapo infiltralirn of Namibia from Angola but states that the fight­ers did not come in an 'aggressive'

capacity, but in order to 'hand them -­selves over' for confmement to base by the Unitt:d Nations.

The Churches said that' it seems as that Swapo guerrillas had expected to be safe with Un tag forces, military observers and police observers to stay between them'. The churches also fe lt that clashes could have been avoided had police and military been accompanied by Untag ..

Untag had not been seen investiga­tion the sites where the clashes had taken place, the telex stated, adding that neither the people, nor church officials, knew where Untag could

be contacted in the north. In a statement, Mr Kandetu said he

regretted that the Untag force com­mander had not replied to an invita­tion by Swapo in March to discuss steps in demobilisation and confme­ment to bases in the light of there

being 'confusion on the interpreta­tion of United Naticns Security Council Resolution 435 regarding the demo­bilisation and restriction to bases of warring factions'.

The CCN expressed its trust in the United ~ations. but added 'they must


435 ON BR,INK 't OF COLLAPSE t~, ·A··F' -. TE-,·R: ~ -- S.A . .. ~;C~'.. .

W~ '. WARNING .~,

do their job properly ' , a spokesman said.

If they were not able to 'handle the thing' because of the low deploy­ment of forces due to logistical rea­sons, the Security Council should be called on to discuss the matter.

THE ENTIRE Namibian peace process was in danger of collapse, South African Foreign Minister warned late last night. In a letter addressed to United Nations Secretary-General Dr Javier Perez De Cuellar, Mr Botha called for active and effective measures to be taken in a matter of hours to halt the bitter fightin . in northern Namibia.

Continued on page 6

Page 2: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket

2 Wednesday April 5 1989


oR ~. B ....... 1.· '·· ··0··· .,' X ?A')? ~. '. ~ . . ' I(VL.. ,


Picketers outside the Kalahari Sands protest the Un Secretary General's permission to SA to deploy Battalions 101 and 202 in the north.


THE state-run South West African Performing Arts Council (Swapac) is to be privatised in the form of a company known as the National Theatre of Namibia - but opposition to the idea has emerged.

Two weeks ago, Dr Daan Gresseof the Department of National Educa-

Hannes Horne

cont. from page 1

gional and district centres would be fully operational before late April, and police monitors would also not be deployed until the same time. Furthennore, the three enlarged bat­talions to be deployed would not be emplaced before April 20.

Mr de Cuellar had then agreed that , 'certain specified units (of the mili-

tion sent letters to 11 N amibians informing them that in tenns of an interim government Cabinet resolu­tion on February 28, they had been nominated as possible signatories to a memorandum outJiniJlg the func­tions of the new C9ffipany.

The letter stated that the Cabinet had recently ordered Swapac to be registered as a non-profit company.

The nominees included DrGresse, Mr Hannes Home, Adv Pio Teek, Mr Dieter Voigts,Mr.FreddiePhilander, Mrs P Muundjua and Bishop Kle­opas Dumeni.

It was suggested that the signato­ries meet as soon as possible, under ~e chainnanship of the Secretary of the Department of National Educa­tion, to discuss stepS necessary to establish the company.

UNTO BLAME tary) to be agreed, will be released from restriction to base to provide such support as may be needed by the existing police forces in case they cannot handle the situation by them­selves. The situation will be kept . under continuous review and the movement out of existing bases will throughout be monitored by Untag military observers". (The Namibian understands that reinforcements are

We congratulate the editor and staff of the

Namibian on the in-c~pt.iof' . o.f t~ei~ ·,d.~ily



The letter added that the Depart­ment was presently engaged "in the design of a scientifically-based for­mula for the subsidisation of hte performing arts" which will take effect at the beginning of the 1990/91 fmancial year.

At least one nominee has refused the offer to become a signatory.

The nominee, who did not wish to be quoted, said that while she sup­ported the idea of a National Theatre, she also believed that the fonnation of national 'institutions should be delayed unitl Namibia was an inde­pendent nation.

In the memorandum, the names of the first employees of the company are given. The executjve director of the proposed National Theatre of Namibia is Mr Hannes Home and the Head of Orama is Mr Mees Eksteen.

The names of people filling other posts ranging from the Liaison Offi­cer to the cleaners are also men­tioned.

arriving from as far afield as Walvis Bay, where convoys of Ratels were seen travelling north. Are the Untag monitoring these military movements in addition to those in the north? - Ed)

Mr de Cuellar claimed that two Swapo combatants taken prisoner had been interviewed by a UN team on the night of April 1. The men had said they had been instructed to enter Namibia by their regional command­ers, but that they were' 'not to engage the security forces, even if (they) saw them, because a ceasefire was to. be in effect and there was to be no more fighting". The fighter had been told that once in N'amibia, the UN would supervise him and his colleagues. Their purpose was to establish bases in N arnibia.

Swapo, he said, had emphatically denied violating the ceasefrre and stated its personnel had responded in self-defence. . ·On -the 'basis of infonnation so far available, Mr A,h~saari WII$ of the. vjew that Swapo ha4 infiltrated armed personnel and material'into Namibia 'around the time of the ceasefrre\ This infiltration may not have offen­sive intent but instead may be aimed at the establishment of Swapo base camps in the territory which Swapo would then ask the UN to monitor.

Pickets complain about UN

Staff Reporter THE United Nations and its peacekeeping force in Namibia, Untag, was heavily critisised this week from aU quarters. During the picketing yesterday in the city centre the placard-yielding protestors expressed their concern about the serious incidents ofthe past days following ·April 1 as well as what was described as the UN's 'slackness' and 'don't care' attitude.

The picketers complained about the redeployment of the "dreaded" 101 Battalion. In tenns of resolution 435, was now hanging on a thread, SW A territory forces were to be dis­banded and the SADF confmed to base, yet the redeployment 101 Bat­talion was approved by the UN-Spe­cial Representative, Mr Marui Ahti­saari.

The picket is one way in which people are expressing their disap­pointrnentin the United Nations. The UN on its arrival, was hailed by the people of Namibia as the 'saviour'.

The picketers also expressed con­cern that the blood-spilling which was taking place right now under the noses of Untag seemed to be ignored

by peacekeepers. From the placards it was clear that

the people of Namibia were disap­pointed in Untag and that the reputa­tion of the peacekeepers is at stake.

The happenings of the past four days warranted an increase in the number of Untag soldiers in terms of the original provisions of the peace plan, the placards of the picketers suggested.

One picketer asked whether the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General had become the lackey of the Administrator Gener­als.

The picket was closely monitored by the police but no incidents oc­curred.

Dutch want assurances for

.th~s~fety of theirlroo'ps

THE DUTCH Government warned yesterday i~ would not allow deployment of its contingent of UN peacekeeping forces in Namibia unless it is given a guarantee for the troops' safety. The Foreign Minister said he had sought UN assurances that the Dutch troops would not get caught in the nghting between South African troops and guerrilas or Swapo.

He said he had asked Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar for his 'opinion' on the safety of the 33 Dutch military police assigned to Namibia. He added that "this is first of all a peacekeeping force and not a force that should be involved in the fighting itself" he said. .

The Dutch troops have been on standby for departure to N arnibia since April I, and a precise date for their deployment there, which is pending an Untag request, has not yet been set. In all, only 1000 of Un tag 's 4650 troops have been deployed.


THE Chairman of the British-based Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM), Robert Hughes MP, has called on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to support the fuU and immediate deployment of United Nations peacekeepers in Namibia. - Mr Hughes 'Said yesterday in London it was tragic that after having made so much progres~, the' UN plan could now fall to pi~s because of. a lack of UN _ forces. < ,

: "It is totally unacceptable that South African ~ are beiI1g deployed. . Such a deployment will certainly prevtn! conditions developing in which there will be free and fair elections," Mr Hughes said.

He pointed out that the AAM had consistently warned the five Permanent Mem bers of the Security Council that their plans to reduce the size of UNT AG would have disastrous results.

"Our worst fears are now being confmned," he said.

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Page 3: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket


THE BODIES .ARE STILL THERE THE BODIES of21 Swapo insurgents sbot and killed at Ondeshifilwa near Endola earlier this week, are stiD tbere, according to late reports received last night. The Legal Assistance Centre in Windhoek said residents were having to vacate bomes nearby since the bodies were already in an advanced stage of decomposition. Tbe LAC said if tbe corpses are not removed today, they are considering an urgent application on the matter.


By Rajah Munamava

SCORES of beavily army police and army contingents surrounded the Onandjokwe Hospital in Ondangwa early yesterday mor,ning, searcbing every component of tbe hospital complex before moving on to Oniipa church premises to conduct a similar operation.

On or about 7.30 am yesterday morning a combined army/police squad surrounded the Onandjokwe Hospital before moving in, accord­ing to Dr Amaambo, the hospital Superintendant.

The combined army/police force told the hospital authorities that they had instructions to search the prem­ises but did not say what they were looking for.

Dr Amaambo was on the line trying to contact the police in Oshakati to go and remove or defuse the explo­sive.

The same police/army contingent later was seen moving in close to the Oniipa church premises where a similar search was conducted.

Church workers were ordered out of the premises and one employee

was slapped by one of the soldiers. A Police spokesman in Windhoek,

Warrant Officer Leon Rust said the police in Oshakati knew nothing about the operation.

He further said in fact the police would not have time to conduct sueh operations, thereby implying that the war situation required the full atten­tion of these forces.

Wednesday April 5 1989 3

Nightwatchman disappears - pool of blood nearby

------- By Rajah Munamava ------­A NIGHTwatcbman from Omege in tbe Uukwambi area Mr Elifas Kuushomwa is missing after being led away into darkness by white South African Defence Force members who arrived in four army buffets in the early morning hours of Tuesday night (yesterday).

Around midnight yesterday, four army Buffels loaded with about 50 white soldiers pulled up at several cuca s~ at Omege in the Uukwambi.

Two nightwatchmen who were on guard at the cuca shops were held at gun point and told not to move.

The soldiers proceeded to break into the cuca shops smashing win­dows and. breaking doors to force their way in.

Allegedly, goods estimated at thousands of rands were removed from 11 cuca shops. The soldiers also left live bullets at the scene.

According to one of the watch­men, the soldiers had first asked about the whereabouts of Swapo guerril­las.

They also claimed that an unused and stationary Ford bakkie which was standing next to the cuca shop had been seen off-loading guerrillas.

Just after they had fmished with their looting, the soldiers made a fire and ordered one of the watchmen Mr

Paulus Joharmes to stand next to it. Meanwhile they escorted the other night watchman away. .

Villagers at daybreak yesterday, followed the footprints of the sol­diers who led Mr Kuushomwa away and arrived at a pool of blood.

And near the scene a few metres away were up to 50 spent cartridges, according to residents.

The residents then began to sus­pect that the missing man could have been killed and started searching in nearby bushes and Mahungu fields but found nothing.

They then sent emissaries to report the matter to the nearby police sta­tion but by yesterday afternoon, the police had still not arrived. Mean­while the search for the missing man on the part of residents is continuing.

Mr Paulus Johannes, who survived the ordeal, said one of the registra­tion numbers was RMI while an­other Buffel had the words "Hotten­tots Hot" scribbled on its sides.

Zambia calls emergency frontline summit

ZAMBIA's President yesterday announced he had called an emergency summit of the six-nation Frontline States to discuss the fighting between South Arrican and Swapo rorces in northern Namibia.

President Kaunda also disclosed the texts of messages he had sent to SA President PW Botha, UN head Javier Perez de Cuellar and Swapo leader Sam Nujoma expressing concern over the clashes. Mr Kaunda, in his message to Mr de Cuellar, said that the leaders of the Frmtline States woold meet in Luanda on Thursday "to do all they can to strengthen your hand" in securing peace in Namibia.

Kaunda urged the UN chief to "move immediately" to deploy UNT AG forces to Namibia.

Kawida appealed to Botha to "use your good office to prevail on the

South African security forces ... to exercise maximum constraint and understand'mg in handling the deli­cate field situation' in Namibia".

The Zambian leader called on Nujoma and his military command to ' • exercise maximum restraint" in the crisis.

"Swapo, through your command, must ensure that nothing is done that will jeopardize the process of mov­ing forward the implementation of the independence plan ...


SWAPO The search teams went into every single room at the hospital including patient's wards, cupboards, looked under every bed and even in the ceil­ings.

The operation lasted until 10.30 am but as far as the church hospital authorities are concerned, nothing was recovered by the police/army search tearns.

Holidaying students harassed at roadblock

THE NAMIBIA National Front (NNF) in a release by its Chairman, Mr Vekuii Rukoro, criticised the Swapo movement, saying "we find it ironic that for months the belligerent forces had observed a voluntary ceasefire but that the moment they were under a legal obligation to observe a cessation of hostilities they created! allowed a situation to arise which is wholly inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the settlement plan".

Accordini to Dr Amaambo, when the hospital staff saw the army/police forces sorrounding the hospital , they went out to enquire what was amiss.

One of the policeman, who did not introduce himself, told the staff that the police had instructions to search the premises.

ThehospitalstaffaskedifUNTAG had been notified about the operation to which the police replied that they had been informed the previous night.

On the premises, the "search teams"

came across some foot-prints which they said were the "enemy".

And when the staff wanted to know what that meant, the police obliter­ated the foot-prints and refused to say anything further.

A little later after the police/army forces had called off the operation, an exploisive device was found between the tar road and the printing press of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) which is not far from the hospital.

A GROUP of students returning to schools in Rundu from holiday in their home villages were subjected to beatings and harassment by soldiers at an army roadblock at Makena, east of Rundu on Monday.

According to a source in the area, a group of students were travelling in a truck to Rundu from Andara.

The truck in which they were trav­elling stopped for a while to pick up some more students at a place called Mayara.

While waiting there in the truck, a 32 Battalion Samil army truck pulled up and soldiers in the truck started stoning the students.

The students then requested the driver after this action to drive back to Makushe to report the matter to the police.

At the police station, the students were assured that a police escort would ' be provided to have them driven through to Rundu and they were in­structed to drive ahead. This was the last they saw of the police.

At Makena, their truck pulled up at

. an army roadblock where they were ordered out of the truck.

All hell broke loose then when the soldiers unleashed a vicious attack on the students with batons, fists and rifle buts.

The truck was later allowed to pass through the roadblock and over­nighted at Linius Shashipapu.

The same source revealed yester­day that in another incident. two army Buffels loaded with soldiers arrived at a cuea shop on Monday where they molested people dressed Swapo colours .

The soldiers at first are said to have ordered people at one of the cuea shop premises to display the DTA V sign.

One of those ordered to display the DT A V sign, Mr Petrus Matende responded by giving the black power

salute Whereupon, he was attacked by the soldiers.

Sources at the scene identified two of the soldiers as a Lt Eberhard Muyambo aM troopel' Robert Ngongo.

After this action the same soldiers driving past a homestead raised the V sign when Redentious Shikwendge raised the black power salute.

The soldiers stopped and drove back to the homestead where they assaulted the occupants of the home­stead.

Mr Shikwedge was assaulted with pick handles, rifle buts and was left bleeding through his ears, nose and mouth. Relatives took him to hospi­tal.

Lt Eberhard Muyambo is said to have been involved in the action against Mr Shikwendge together with a few others.

Mr Rukoro also questioned "the bona fides of whoever initiated the military confrontation knowing full well that \ffi escalation of the fighting could seriously jeopardise the entire 435-process' .

This was evidenced by the deci­sion of the Administrator General to activate some six Battalions, includ­ing WI, which has 'far-reaching consequences for the independence process'.

Saying it regretted the violations of ceasefrre JIOVisions, the NNF called on the UN Secretary General to speed up deploymen~of Untag forces and reach full deployment 'without fur­ther delay' .

Page 4: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket

4 Woensdag April 5 1989

lets "Vir' in The NaIBiltian F 'oeus

Ahtisaari naPrem Chand ot'We mu limbili'Wa

FYE ovakwashiwana vokOumbangalanhu woshilongo otu udite oudjuu kombinga yaPrem Chand naAhtisaaari eshe ve tu ifanena omakakunya etu dipae.

1. Ahtisaari naChand nava ka Ie 'hava pula oamuyelele oshili. koilyo eyi ina sha nouwa woshilongo shetu ngaashi oilyo yeengeleka dilili nokulili.

oyi Ii ya djala oikutu yo O.T.A ndele yo ina i ha 1a oilyo yoogudu yoSW APO idjale oikutu yoSW APO. Ehoololo otalikaningwapauyuukingooshili? Prem Chand na Ahtisaari nava

kendabale va pule eenhele apa pa fudikwa oilwifo ku South Africa lUlene tuu mOumbangalanhu woshilongo shaNamibia. Omolwashike ngeenge ta va ende oha va fmdikilwa koilyo yoPienaar. Kierie du Rand. Malan naGouws ovo ve li oilyo yoBroe­dersbond oyo ihe na konasha noshi­longo shetu.

Prem Chand naAhtisaari ove shi shi ngoo kutya oilyo oyo ye li luka

yoovene kutya etanga leameno noKoevoet, yoo oilyo yetanga ledi­pai moshilongo shaNamibia. Ahti­saari ngeenge ota longo pauyuuki ina ama ombinga. Ahtisaari otwe mu mona kutya ye oshilyo shoO.T.A. Omolwashike omakakunya ina hala oilyo yongudu yoSW APO i djale oifutu yoSW APO yaNamibia omanga vo va djala oikutu yoO.T.A.

Oshiningwanima eshi shoilyo yoSWAPO ya yashelwa pokati

Sam Nauyoma

Sam Nauyoma

ote uya paife OMUPRESIDENTwoSWAPO yaNamlbla okwa popya moHarare onghela kutya ye ote ke ya dlvll koNamlba. Konlma eshl a pulwa kovatooUnghundanll kutYIl ota ka aluklla natlnl koNamlbla oko ye a nyamukula kutya ota kit shuna diva. Osho oshlfonghundana shoZlana sha shlvlfll ngaho. Okwll tI ota ekeleshl Qmapopyo 00 ta tandll vellfwa kuSouth Africa kutYIl ope na ovakwaltll voPLAN ve II keengaba vefike lunga 1200 vena elalakano opo va tauluke eengaba. Okwa tI eshl ka shl nande oushlll, wa sha. Ota Indlle olwana hangano opo I konakone olnlngwanlma oyo tal nlngwll ku South Africa menlloshllongo moNamlbla

kaTsumeb nOnamutuni. ore shi taleko nagahelipi?

Ahtisaari naPrem Chand omu shii ngoo kutya South Africa okwa Ii a djaleka UNIT A omidjalo doilyo yoSW APO/PLAN ve Ii tava ende nomakatana nomaonga ta va sha sha la ovanhu ta va ti voo oSW APO nelalakano okunyateka edina loSW APO ngaashi hava ningi shito.

Omapulo aa okwa ukilila omusha­mane Ahtisaari naPrem Chand:

2. Etanga 10UNT AG ne Ii tume diva koNooli yoshilongo opo Ii ete ko ombili nelalandulafano.

3. Prem Chanda naAhtisaari nava shiivifile Pienaar kutya etanga 10-Batallion 101 noKoevoet ota li hepelce.

4. Fyeovakwashiwana vokoNooli otwa hal a pa kale eyooloko pokati koO.T.A noilyo yetanga leameno. Shaashi paife oilyo yetanga leameno

Hano Prem Chand naAhtisaari nava konaakone oinima aishe ei iIi ta i ningilwa ovakwashiwana koNooli yoshilongo. Etumwalaka eli na li fike momatwi oilyo yoUNT AG aishe na va longe osho va endela. oilonga yoUNTAG oya shike hanD moNamibia?

(N. ShiJongo,M.Nakatbingona U. Kalimbo mOshakati)

Oshilyo sho D.T.A ta shi tu oilyo

yoSWAPO omaminimin" Frieda 00 eli ~shilyo sho' D.T.A ina ha la vakwao va djale oikutu yoluvala ·loSWAPO. -';f

• '11,1

OMUPOPI wongeleka yaELCIN okwa shiivifl1a ombelewa yo "The Namibian" kombinga y~hiningwama osho pokati koshilyo shoSWAPO yaNamibia noshilyo shaD.T.A. Omupopi ou okwa hokolola tati. meme Frieda Amutenya womomukunda Oshigambo okwa shundulwa kuHileni Andreas womomukunda Oikango, momudingonoko wOshitutuma moshilongo shaNdonga. Frieda oku Ii molukanda 010 la shivika ned ina Onguta. Meme Amutenya oye umwe womwaavo ovo kwa Ii va ya koshiongalele shoSWAPO nokehambelelo lomuponhele hamushanga djai woiwana hangano omushamane Martti Ahtisaari momafiku 31 March 1989.

Moku shlUla kwa ye okudja koV­enduka opamwe noovakwao. okwa helukila pOluno nelalakano opo Ii ta Ie nge ta mono otuwa oyo ta i dulu oku mufikifa keumbo. Otundi oya Ii onihamano yokomatango. meme Frieda okwa hangika a djala oikutu yoluvala 10SW APO. Konima eshi a heluka motuwa oyo adja nayo koV­enduka. oku wete ash ike koshilyo shoO.T.A shedina Hileni Andreas 00

naye kwa Ii adja la oikutu yoO.T.A. Hileni okwa hangika navakwao ve Ii va vali omumati nokakadona kamwe. elihumbato laye ka kwa li nande liwa.

Hileni 00 kwa Ii adjala oshikutu shoD.T.A, okwa hove1a oku pula Frieda omapulo elili nokulili. Arn we omomapulo oya ta shikula apa. Hileni ina hovela nomapulo rete okwe mu ulika nedidiliko 100. T.A. oko Frieda naye okwa ulika ongonyo oyo ili edidilko 10SWAPO yaNamibia.

Hileni: Omolwashike wa djala oshikutu sholuvala olo?

Frieda: Arne onda djala oshikutu shange.

Hileni: Omolwashike wa djala oshikutu osho?

Frieda: Arne oshikutu eshi onde shi djala molwo okatokolifo koiwanahangano 435 oko kaya moilonga meflku I Apilili 1989.

Hileni: Omolwashike wa u lika nge nongonyo?

Frieda: 010 enyamukulo ashike molwaashi naave wa ulikange nom­inwe mbali odo ta di ti O. T.A. Hileni okwa nukila okambale koluvala 10SW APO oko kwa Ii ka djalwa ku Frieda ndele te ka kufako. Okwa tokolamo okalyenge mofmgo yaF­rieda, okwa ka la ta kondjifa oshikutu

sholuvala loSW APO yaNamibia osho kwa i sha ndjalwa kuFrieda. Elao oli nene okwe sill pombola ashike kom­buda yasho.

Ovanhu ava va hangwa naHileni ova hetekela oku mu kumaida ta va ti: "lnopombolamooshikutushaye, molwaashi ye omukulunhu ke fike pwove, naave mwene ou mu wete kutya kefi wepipi loye". Osho vak-

General Prem Chand

wao va kala noku mu lombwela, ye okwa kala ashike ta longo ehalo laye.

N ande Hileni a ka la ta kumaidwa kuvakwaookwakala takondjifa opo a pombolemo oshikutu shameme Frieda. Meme Frieda okwa kala ashike amwena ina nyamukula sha vali. Hileni

. okwa kala ta longifa omatuka nosho tuu.

Hileni okwa nyamukula ngaha kelombwelo eli ladjaku vakwaoovo va Ii naye" Arne nghina ko nasha nande Frieda omukulunhu kwaame, ngeenge Frieda omulodi ke na eshi ta ningi nge, ngahelipi aame naame onda

dalwa" . Osho Hileni a kala reli humbata ngaho. Vakwao ovo va hang­ikanaHileni ova kala ta va lombwele Hileni opo a shuneko oinima ya Frieda oyo e mulrufa, Hileni okwe mu ekela okalyenge ka ye a tokola mofmgo. okwa ka la ta a nyene okambale fiyo a ya nako keenghono. Hileni okwa kala ashike ta ingaana afa omuyan­amwengu, shiwana kotokela ovanhu ngaashi naana a va voludi la Hileni oVahapu moshilongo shetu.

Ngaashi naana ovakwashana vahapu mu shi shi kutya oilyo ihapu yoD.T.A ka ina elandulafano nande. keshe omunhu ota hoolola ongudu yaye oyo aha la hano k.apena oikutu irnwepo oyo ta i djalwa ndele ikwao ahowe. Ehoololo eli la haiika 010 pauyuuki nolaaveshe. Ovakwashiwana mOwambo ota va indile opo ovawi­liki veengudu dilili nokulili di Ionge oilyo yavo ornikalo.

Okambale kaFrieda oka iwa nako ye opo a fiwa opo noshikutu sha pombololwamo molutu. shili mo ashike sha endjelela. Hileni okwa herekela oku mu londwela ta ti ngeenge okwe shi ningile owina ndele ta djala vali oshikutu sholuvala loSW APO naye ota ka dipawa a fa Sam (omupre­sidente woSW APO).

Oku Ii ta ku tengenekwa kutya Hileni Andreas ou ekakunya la deulwa, noha longele SADFI SWA TF.Ookaume kaye oilyo yoBat­allion 101 noKoevoet oyo ashike ha kala nayo.Omakakunya ota longele ovanhu oirninyonena di tilifa nokutwa ovanhu omainirnini nomatilifo. Paife omakaftmya ota longo nee ngaashi a hala shaashi okwa pewa oufemba wo ku long a ngaash:i omahalo avo taati.

Page 5: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket


'"#l>< Progressiewe leiers het reeds oor die naweek gewaarsku dat die proses na gelykheid in .Nami~ie nie

. maklik sal kom nie. Dit was duidelik dat hulle verwys na wit-op-swart-geweld, wat onno(bge Iydmg sal teweeg bring. Op die foto kan gesien word hoe brandstigters verlede jaar die kantore van Die Namibian afgebrand het. Ontevredenbeid beers oor die jongste skietdrama in die Noorde waarby twee wit mans betrokke is.

*Skietdrama op pad kry nuwe wending

Wit geweld op pad bring verlamming

Deur Pius Dunaiski

DIE polisie op Tsumeb is warm op die spoor van twee wit mans wat Sondag op die hoofpad tussen Oshivello en Tsumeb 'n terugreis van Swapo-ondersteuners in 'n nagmerrie verander deur wild op hulle te vuur.

Hierdie inligting is gister deur kol. Johan Hannse, distrikskommissaris van Tsumeb, aan Focus verskaf.

Vier Swapo-lede van Owambo is ' • in die opspraakwekkende skietvoorval gewond. Twee mans, mnr. Dawid Indongo en Johannes Shipila is albei in die drama in die maag geskiet en moes inderhaas na die Katutura­hospitaal afgevoer word.

Mme. Sevelino Bernardo (23) en Simon Ashipala (21), wal in die voorval ligle koeelwonde in hul rug en kop opgedoen het, se toestand is bevredi­gend en hulle word op Tsurneb be­handel.

Intussen het die skietvoorval, wat verreikende politieke implikasies <ira, gister 'n nuwe wending gekry toe dit bekend geword dat mnr. Indongo vir die res van sy lewe nie sal kan loop nie.

Die koeel wat sy maag deurged­ring het, het sy rugwerwels deurboor en algehele verlamming in sy onder­lyf veroorsaak.

Die tragiese nuus is gisla op navraag

deur die hoofmediese superintendent, dr. Andreas Obholzer , aan Focus bekend gemaak.

Volgens dr. Obho1zer het albei mans vandeesweek buik-operasies onder­gaan. Hy het hul toestand as stabiel beskryf nadat daar Maandag vir hul lewens gevrees is.A1bei was gisteraand steeds in die akute nasorg-eenheid van die Katutura-hospitaal.

Die polisie op Tsurneb ondersoek 'n saak van poging tot moord nadat die voorval aan hulle gerapporteeris.

Kol. Harmse het gister op navraag bevestig dat hy warm op die spoor van die twee wit mans is wat vir die voorval verantwoordelik is.

"Ons het positiewe leidrade wat opgevolg sal word, " het hy gese.

Volgens hom ondervind die poli­sie probleme met getuies omdat "hulle vreeslik onwillig is om verklarings af te Ie.' 'Maar die polisie het reeds genoeg positiewe leidrade gekry om die ondersoek deurgevoer Ie kry, het kol. Harmse bygevoeg.

Ooggetuies het vertel dat 'n groot

groep Swapo-ondersteuners van Windhoek na Owambo onderweg was toe die skiettragedie plaasgevind het.

Die groep agter op 'n groot vragmo­tor van mnr. Frans Indongo, die miljoener van Owambo, het gesien hoe 'n wit motor op hulle afpyl terwyl hulle tussen Oshivello en Tsurneb was.

Toe ditredelik naby die vragmotor kom, het dit dwars in die pad ges­waai, 'n wit man het uitgespring en wild op die groep op die vragmotor begin vuur.

Die motor het daama koers gevat. Kol. Harmse het gister aan Focus

ge~ die voorval het omstreeks 14hOO plaasgevind, maar die aangeleentheid is eers die aand omstreeks 20hOO op Tsumeb aangemeld toe die vreesbevange reisigers om begeleid-

. ing by die polisie kom vra het. Gerugte op Tsurneb wil dit he dat

die voertuig wat in die voorval be­trokke is, moontlik van die polisie kon wees. Geen duidelikheid hieroor kon gister verkry word nie.

'n VERSLAE werknemer van Die Namibian kyk hier na die skade wat politieke kwaaddoeners verlede jaar aan die kantore van Die Namibian verrig het. Die sabotasie het heelwat opslae tot gevolg gehad. Voorvalle wat die aard kan in die verkiesing verwag word indien die veiligheidsituasie in die land verder versleg.

Woensdag April 5 1989 5

Storm rondom Untag se Martti *Bloedbad kon gekeer gewees het

VEGTERS van Swapo se militere vleuel, Plan, het Namibie binnegekom om basi sse in die land te vestig wat deur Untag gemonitor kon word. Daar was by hulle geen voorneme om geweld te kom pleeg nie.

So lui die voorlopige verslag van die Sekretaris-generaal van die VV, dr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, wat eer­gister voor 'n dringende nie-ampte­like byeenkoms van die lede van die Veiligheidsraad gedien het.

Die lede het drie uur lank in private konsultasies agter geslote deure die vertroulike verslag In New York

. bespreek. Intussen het die gevegte tussen

Plan-veglers en die SA veiligheids­magte gisternog voortgeduur terwyl 'n grootse diplomatieke poging aangewend word om die gevegte beindig en die staakvuurooreenkoms weer inwerking gestel Ie kry.

Gister se amptelike syfers volgens 'n polisie-woordvoerder in Windhoek was dat 161 Swapo-guerrillas en 19 polisiemanne sedert Saterdag in die skermutselinge omgekom het.

Die lede van dle Velligheidsraad van die VV het na hul samesprekinge 'n beroep gedoen op die strydende magte om selfbeheersing aan die dag te Ie en die gevegte stop te sit.

'n Polisiewoordvoerder het egter gister laat weetdat dit nie moontlikis om oor die aangeleentheid te onder­handel nie aangesien dit volgens hom 'n uiters moeilike situasie is om in die bos met wydverspreide Swapo­guerrillas te praat.

Volgens dr. De Cuellar is die &teeds stygende dodetal in die gevegte 'n geweldige tragedie juis omdat dit voorkom op die tydstip dat die mense van Namibie vir so lank vir onafhan­klikheid gewag het.

Op grond van voorlopige inligting, bevind Untag dat Swapo weI die land binnegedring het.

"Maar, Untag voel dat hierdie inflitrasie met geen aanvallende voomeme uitgevoer is nie, maar daarop gemik was om Swapo-basisse binne die Gebied te kom vestig, wat Swapo dan sou gevra het dat Untag moet monitor," lui die verslag wat streng vertroulik gehou is.

Intussen het 'n storm rondom die kop van die hoof van Untag en die Spesiale Verteenwoordiger van die SG, mnr. Martti Ahtisaari, losge­breek het.

Mm. Ahtisaari, wat Vrydag in Wmdhoek moontlik in die mees stoel tans lcom belard het, woo.l in 'n traktaat wat gister in Windhoek se strate uitgedeel is, beskryf as' 'die man wat die bloedige dolk dieper in die rug van ons gemartelde land" gesteek het toe hy die' 'onwettige Suid-Afri­kaanse moordmasjien op ons vryheidsvegters losgelaat het.' ,

Martti Ahtisaari

Die druk op mnr. Ahtisaari lui op namate dit voorkom uit die SG-ver­slag, wat hyself help opstel het, dat hy niks gedoen het om die hele bloed­bad in die Noorde af Ie weer nadat hy reeds 'n dag voor die beweerde infll­trasie behoorlik in die verband deur mnr. Roelof Botha, minister van buitelandse sake van SA, oor die aangeleentheid ingeJig was.

Volgens politieke waarnemen kan druk toegepas word dat mnr. Ahti­saari weens hierdie blaps teruggeroep moet word sodat iemand anders sy posisie vul.

Mm. Ahtisaari word veral sterk veroordeel dat hy die gevreesde 101 Battaljon van Ow ambo, wat as die beste gevegseenheid van die SAW beskryf word, laat losgelaat het om die polisie in hul stryd te help.

Intussen was mnr. Ahtisaari weer gister saam met die AG, adv, Louis Pienaar, genl. Jannie Geldenhuys, bevelvoerder van die SAW, en ander senior person eel van Untag en SA in Owamoo.

Die hele drama het ook reeds wye veroordeling van Afrika-kant teenoor SA tot gevolg gehad en 'n dringende byeenkoms van Afrika-Ieiers gaan more plaasvind.

Eerste SAW-offisier dood DIE eerste offisler van die Suld­Afrlkaanse Weermag, Chrlstlaan PhUUpus Els (20), bet g1ster beswyk weens koeelwonde wat by tydens skermutsellnge met Swapo­guerrillas op die Namlblese noord­grens opgedoen het. Volgens 'n woordvoerder van die SA W In Pretoria was wyle lultenant Els ontplool om die SW A Polisle In die gevegte te help. Hy word oorleef deur sy ouers op Welkom In die Vrystaat.

Skietery ironies, se NNF DIE Namibia National Front vind dit ironies dat die strydende magte op die noord-grens vir maande vrywillig ' n skietstaking bandbaaf bet, maar noudat bulle ingevolge 'n wettige ooreenkoms daartoe gebind is, toelaat dat die hele onafhanklikheidsproses bedreig word.

So lui 'n verklaringwatgisterdeurdieNNF-voorsitter,mnr. Vekuii Rukoro, in Windhoek uitgereik is.

Daarvolgens word spyt uitgespreek dat die staakvuurooreenkoms se bepal­ings verbreek is.

Die NNF bevraagleken in die verklaring die bona fides van diegene wat die militere konfrontasie begin het terwyl hulle besef dat dit die hele onafhan­klikheidsproses kan verongeluk.

Die besluit van die Administrateur-generaal, adv. Louis Pienaar, en die VV se Spesiale Verteenwoordiger, mnr. Martti Ahtisaari, om ses battaljonne, wat 101 Bn insluit, te aktiveer word deur die NNF veroordeel.

Volgens hom doen die NNF voorts 'n beroep op die betrokke partye om die maksimale selfbeheersing aan die dag te Ie in die sensiti~e aangeleentheid.

Die NNF versoek ook die VV-Sekretaris-generaal om sy Untag-troepe vinniger na Namibie te mng dat die toepassing van Res. 435 ordelik te laat verloop.

Page 6: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket

6 Wednesd 15 1989

Manna from hotel heaven?

IS THE INFLUX of UN staff and troops, of diplomats and press, causing a boom for Windhoek's hotels? Rumours are rife of hotel rooms doubling in price overnight, as UNTAG members packed into them by fours and upwards pay R6 for a beer to console themselves.

According to Mr Horst Frehse who runs the Kalahari Sands Protea Ho­tel, UNT AG has at no time occupied more than 30 of its 187 rooms. They did have to double up - but only for two days in March when they checked in, because the hotel was fully boooked.

The S!ltlds allpws an additional 25 rooms for dilpomats, but takes care to keep 60 available for tourists. They and business travellers are the custom that the hotels do not want to offend.

Hoteliers, it seems, are acutely aware that diplomats, if they stay, will soon be moving into permanent embassy premises. And UNT AG troops are already moving out as they fmd flats and rooms, while the longest most of the press will stay is a matter of weeks - or until a hotter story calls.

SO what about prices? The Sands has upped prices to R1 80 for a single room and R210 for a double. Mr Frehse says the main reason for this was a renovation progranmme, now almost complete, which'was decided on this time last year. This, he feels, has raised the hotel from the middle­range tourist category to the deluxe range.

But, he concedes, had the demand for rooms not been strong, he would have "thought three times" before raising prices. And last winter was a record tourist season, a trend which has continued

The Safari Motel has also taised its prices, to R170 for a single and R240 for a double 'room, while it is reported its suite prices have jumped more substantially.Mr Tim Park­house, Group Manager of the Namib

Suns hotel chain which has hotels in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Keetman­shoop and Tsumeb, says the group's occupancy for February averaged 76%, just 4% up on the previous year. The rate for the next two months will probably be up, though his chain does not accommodate any UNT AG people because of pre-booked tour groups who take up the rooms.

The main difference the 435 in-flux makes, he believes, is that the traveller who arrives without book­ing now will not be able to fmd a room. Bookings are being made not just from Europe and the US, but from Angola, Botswana And Zim­babWe, as Nanubia's neighbours come to take a look.

Occupancy rates have been above 70% in Namibia for some time. South Africa suffered a drastic drop in tourism when its unrest hit world television screens in 1985, but this slump did not extend to Namibia.

In fact , when the rand fell through the floor, more South Africans came to spend their money in Namibia, since they could no longer afford Europe, while most of the non-Afri­can tourists to Namibia are German and have kept coming.

Mr Peter McDonald of the Trade and Tourism Department argues that hotel charges in Windhoek are below theirequivialents in Cape Town, and that inflation has forced prices to be rais¢ to meet costs. Tours frOm South Africa are oversubscribed at the moment, he says.

.Tourism is worth about R120 million a year to Namibia, which puts it with fishing in third place as a national earner after mining and agriculture.


SA and Namibian money drain

HOWEVER GLAD Namibians may be to say goodbye to South African troops when they go, we are going to miss one thing about them: theirmoney.SADF troops spend about R6 million a month, mainly in the north.

The SADF has been spending about R 1 bllllon a year to keep itself in the country, but by no means all of that was spend in Namibia: the bulk went to South African suppliers - even the army's beer came from South Africa.

Untag has undertaken to source as much of Its supplies from Na­mibia if possible, and if not, from the rest of Southern Africa in pref­erence to South Africa. But UN­TAG's budget will not match the South Africa expenditure.

South Africa has cut Its "aid" contribution to Namibia's budget by R280 million so all government departments are cutting back on their spending - and in some cases their employees.

At thi same time the Inflation rate is also eating away at income. In January 1989, Inflation stood at 15,6%; in February this year, you could expect to pay 16,2% more for a range of basic goods than in February 1988.

The Consumer Price Index, which calculates the rate of increase of such basic goods month by month, shows a steady increase in, prices. The IndexJumps by four points be­tween January and February this year, but It is too soon to see yet whether inflation is really speed­ing up.

Namibia can expect a recession to start at the time of the 435 elec­tions unless some kind of com pen­satory Input takes Its place.



Offers are hereby solicited for the supply of vehicles on a lease basis as described below;

4x4 wheel drive Sedans & Kombis

Period of lease 2 months commencing immediately Compan'ies and, private individuals ,may write to the u':ldersigned by April 7, 1989 providing the quantity, ma'ke,. , ,year and km reading. All vehicles must be in

good working condition

Dermot Hussey Chief Procurement Officer

Untag Prviate Bag 13329 Windhoek 9000

ECONOMIC REFORM: how Africa is faring Half 45 sub-Sahara Africa countries have introduced policy reforms since 1983. This is how they fared in 1985-87.


• All figures = avg. annual % change

Farm output

Gross domestic , product

Per capita consumption

Real domestic investment

~~~~COlJntries with strong reforms I Countries with weak or no reforms 0 0


Those African countries which introduced economic reform programmes seem to be reaping some benefits from them. In most cases they were austerity programmes demanded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before it would allow further loans. They were usually bitterly unpopular since governments had to cut back on the number of people they employed and on the amounts they spent on food subsidies.

Further intimidation by 202 Batalion in

Rundu area FURTHER incidents of intimi­dation by members of 202 Bat­talion before their redeployment to Owamboland were repOrted in Nkurenkuru on Monda}'.

Units of the Kavango based Bat­talion left Rundu on Monday in a convoy consisting of 60 Buffels and ' 50 Casspirs.

Swapo supporters who happened to be on the roadside are reported to have been the target of abusive lan­guage and several assaults.

At one crossroad leading to Nep­ara where 11 Casspirs were parked a group of Swapo supporters were at­tacked and a young boy thought to be wearing a Swapo cap was pushed around, threatened with death and had his cap torn into pieces Among those in the group were a Gideon Kasanga, Oladi Kalifa, Martin Tjukulya and Werner Musonga. Members of the battalion again shouted at the group when they were on their

way to a local mission station. None of them responded to their taunts, but one of the soldiers jumped of a Cass­pir 'and ran after them.

The soldier asked Oladi Kallfa why he was wearing a Swapo T-shirt and then started tearing' the T-shirt into pieces. When his friends asked the soldier why he was tearing the T-shirt he assaulted several of them.

He also allegedly told them that Resolution 435 was dead and that Koevoet would be brought to life again.

Soldiers also swore at Werner Mushongo who was wearing Manwu T-shirt and threatened him with death. Two white soldiers allegedly assaulted him and threw stones at him.

When he went to report the inci­dents at the local police station the duty officers Sgt Barnes allegedly told hhim that Swapo Supporters in Nkurenkuru would Shoot this year because they were all Swapo sup­porters.

Continued from page 1

SA's 435 ULTIMATUM In the letter, Mr Botha said, he had received "disconcerting

evidence" that: * more than 1000 Swapo insurgents had infitrated Namibia * Swapo's tank elements 'were move~ from Luanda to the border area -* About 4450 Swapo fighters were deployed South of the 16th parallel * two m~ed'Swapo and .Cub~n ba.ttalions each or 450 strong were pos~tioned 600 metres nOr'th of Beacon 12 on the Angolan border and at Ongiva airfield. .

Mr Botha sa'id his government could not be expected to adhere to the peace plan "while Swapo continues to act In flagrant violation of the provisions of those agreements with ••. the Security Council."

Under these circumstances, South Africa had the " undoubted right" to pull out of the peace process.

"Swapo must now face up to the realltites. Effective and Immediate steps must be taken to ensure Its compliance with all Its obligations."

Returning from the battled-ravaged n&-th, Administrator General Louis Plenaar called for S.wapo to withdraw to the 16th parallel.

Page 7: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket


Wo~ker complains of political bias A GENERAL worker, Mr Krevastus Tobias has accused his employer or political bias claiming that he witS dismissed ror rerusing to rurther the aims and objectives or a certain pro status quo political party.

The worker told The Namibian yesterday that his employer. a Mr P.W. van Schalkwyk. who is also the son in law of DT A Chairman. Mr Dirk Mudge. fIred him for being anti DT A. and for refusing to promote that party's objectives.

Mr Tobias claimed that his em­ployer ordered him to carry out cer­tain tasks aimed at promoting the DT A during the arrival last weekend of UN Special Representative for Namibia. Mr Marti Ahtisaari.

He explained that Mr Van SchaJkwyk on last Thursday toldhim that they both had to work overtime during that occasion. and that Mr Tobias should go to the Windhoek Airpon to assist with whatever odd jobs required from him.

The worker was also told to go to Katutura on Saturday. to help with putting up the DT A tent. and to help with other necessary arrangements for the meeting.

He explained to his employer that he was a staunch Swapo member. and that as such. it was just not proper for him. and even to be seen by his comrades that he was working to promote the DT A.

The employer reported became vecy angry. and told the worker that if that was his attitude. whilst being em­ployed by a DTA member. then the worker should leave and seek a job fromSwapo.

After a brief argument with the employer. Mr Tobias was handed a letter of dismissal stating that his duties were being terminated for refusing to render services during a fIlming of the arrival of Mr Ahtisari.

Included was also one month· s salary. a cash amount of R350.

Mr Tobias said that he felt very bitter over the incident. as he is the only breadwinner in his family. and that he had to suppon two younger brothers.

He added. however. that notwith­standing this. he was happy he made he right choice. "I think it is better to starve. rather than earning a living

Mr. Krevastus Tobias

from a neo<Olonialist,·· he concluded. Approached for comment. Mr Van

SchaJkwyk admitted that he was in fact a DT A member. but denied that he fIred the worker for political rea­sons.

He said he too felt sad over the incident. as he found MrTobias. who he said is handicapped in one hand. while seated at a comer in a Wind-

hoek street, waiting for someone to offer him a job.

He said he offered "the man from Ovamboland," a job. and even bought him a dictionary to upgrade his Afri­kaans. offered him free accommoda­tion and paid for tuition fees to en­able him to get a driver's licence.

Elaborating funher on the extra­ordinary relationship between them. Mr Van Schalkwyk said he organi­sed Mr Tobias various odd jobs. every time he got fIred.

"We became good friends. 1 knew MrTobiaswasaSwapomember.but that did not hinder me in the least," he explained. He said the worker used to come to him with whatever problem saying: "Tate. please help me with this and that.· ·

"I felt it was my duty to do some­thing for him. 1 helped him pay for school fees for studies in Ovambo­land. and he was expelled forenpreg­nating a girl. and he yet came back to me saying. 'Tate' please. help me. and 1 used to do what 1 could."

, 'Even now. he has a camera that does not belong to him. which he uses for his own private business for some extra income. That camera belongs to Mr Gerhard Botha. a Windhoek freelance journalist. this is just to give you an idea of our relationship." the employer said.

He said that their good relation­ship came to an end after he ex­plained to Mr Tobias that they had to work over weekends. and that the fIlming of Mr Ahtisaari • s arrival was amongst those duties.

The workerrefused to carry out the said duties. and he felt he could not pay a salary to someone who refuses to work. explained Mr Van Scha1kwyk.



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Page 8: Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had … · Bloodshed could have been averted if Ahtisaari had acted ... The m es'sage was sent following reports ... saari. The picket

8 Wednesday April 5 1989

Cup showdown for Liverpool

Clash of the

champs By Conrad Angula

TEAM OF THE MOMENT Liverpool and Celtic of Glasgow arrived in Dubai where they were supposed to play for the Dubai Cham pions Cup yesterday.

The English and Scottish League champions held light training ses­sions at the Ali-Nasr Stadium, the venue for a match dubbed the unoffi­cial British Soccer Championship.

The cup carries a prize of $17,200 dollars.Liverpool player-manager Kermy Dalglish, a former Celtic player. said: "We will be treating this game as our next league or cup match. It is important for us."

Liverpool, hunting a League and Football Association (FA) Cup double, are just one point behind leaders Arsenal in the First Division after staging a late-season surge . . ,

Celtic. beaten 2-1 by arch-rivals Glasgow Rangers in the Scottish League on Saturday, are keen to avenge their 1986 defeat by the Merseyside club in the Dubai Cup on penalties.

Celtic manager, Billy O'Neil, said:

Swimming Namibian

NAMIBIAN SWIMMING won­dergirl, Monica Dahl, topped the honours list in the Junior South African championships.

She won the 200m Individual Medley and the 100m Freestyle in records times and came second in three other events - the 100m Butter­fly , 100m Breastroke and 100m Backstroke - all in tile 13/14 Age Group.

Monica's achievements during the championships in Bloemfontein gave her enough points to win the coveted Victrix Ludorum trophy in the 13/14

"We want to win and take some­thing back for our fans. We had adis­appointing weekend and we hope we can make amends ."

Since British soccer teams are banned from European competition because of the 1985 Heysel Stadium tragedy in Brussels, the Dubai game gives Liverpool . a rare chance of showing off the skills that have made them Britain's most successful soc­cer team in the last decade.

Liverpool fans were largely blamed for the deaths of 39 fans during the 1985 European Cup fmal against Juventus of Italy. The European Football Union (UEFA) later banned Liverpool until 1991 while English clubs were banned until 1990.

Welsh star Ian Rush. recovering from a leg injury, is out of tyhe Liverpool side.

triump~ for youngsters

age group. Her 200m Individual Medley time

of 2:36,98 and her 100m Butterfly time of 1:09 ,23 were also Namibian records for her age group.

And to add to her record haul, she was a member of two Namibian­record breaking relay teams.

All these honours opened the eyes of the SA swimming selectors and she was one of five girls chosen for the South African Team.

Gunter WeyermOller. at his sec­ond SA Juniors Gala. decided to repeat last year's gold medal vic-

Namibia's own swimming wondergirl, Monica Dahl, who won the Victrix Ludorum in the 13/14 Age Group.


Celtic's midfield star, Paul McStay, voted Scotland's 'Footballer of the Year' last season, is the man that could swing victory for his team against Liver pool.




KENYAN Paul Ereng conOrmed his potenUalas the fastest 800 metres runner ever, and Cuba made a tri­umphant return to major Interna­tional competition at the World Indoor Athletics Championships which ended on Sunday.

Ereng broke Sabastian Coe's slx­year-old world 800 metres Indoor record and It seems only a matter of time before he betters the Briton's

tory in the 15/18 boys Bunerfly event. This he did in a South Afican junior record time of 1 :02,59, beating his nearest rival by two seconds.

Not satisfied with this, he went on to gain a silver medal in the 400m Freestyle and a bronze in the 15/18 4x5Om freestyle relay.

H is fourth place fmish in the 100m Freestyle gave him enough points for second place in the Victor Ludorum log for his age group.

Gunter WeyermUller set a new SA record in the 100m Butterfly in the 15/18 Age Group.

faster outdoor time. The performances of Ereng, a

psychology student at the Univer­sity of Virginia In the United States, revealed the enormous talent of a man who had never run a serious 800 metres race before last year.

The 21-year-old Kenyan arrived here to find that none of his com­patriots had turned up for the roam­plonshlp.

Running In his university oolours, Ereng shrugged otT the etTects of jet lag to run his fastest time of the year In the first round heats on Friday.


NATIONAL team manager Gus­tavo de Simone has been sacked by the Costa Rican Soccer Federation (FEDEFUTBOL) following SUD­day's 1-0 World Cup defeat by Guatemala.

De Simone, a Ur·uguyan, will be replaced by Spaniard Antonio Moy­ano Reina, FEDEI<'UTBOL omclal Oscar Aguilar told reporters on Wednesday.

Costa Rica, who have never quali­fied for a World Cup flnals, are competing with Guatemala, El Sal­vador, the United States and Trlnklad and Tobago for two North and Central American places In Italy next year.


SWEDEN'S men surprised even their coach Glenn Osth with a 5-0 semi-fi nal whitewash of Nor th Ko­rea on Monday to earn another shot a t ending China's dominance of world table tennis.

Osth, always the most loyal of trainers, had to admit he was taken aback by the ease with which his

players swept in to the team Onalat the World Champloshlps.

"We played well throughout the tournament, but today we were top class," he said.

China, 10 times champions since 1961, had only brief worrying moments In their 5-1 drubbing of surprise semi-finalists the Soviet Union.

China have beaten Sweden 5-0 In the last two finals but the Swedish players feel their luck might change on Tuesday.

"This Is the fourth time we will have played the final against China and I think maybe this Is the best chance we have ever had," said European champion Mlkael Ap­pelgren, who beat North Korea's Kim Song Hu121-14 21-13.


MANY changes have been made to the SWA Team to meet Natal in a Yardley Gold Cup rugby match at Ellis Park in Johannesburg tonight.

From the team that narrowly beat Border 15-1 I in a Lion Cup game last Saturday - thanks to a last-gasp try from Willem Maritz - right-wing Gerhard Mans (tonsillitis) and full ­back Andre Stoop (thigh injury) were unavailable for selection, while flank Johan Barnard and lock Jurie Jor­daan have been axed.

Wally Clark moves from left-wing to full-back, Hawie Engels comes in on the right-wing and Ben Swarts will play left-wing. In the pack, Piet Nel replaces Barnard and Sarel du Toit comes in at lock.

Flank Willem Maritz takes over the captaincy from Mans.

The team: Wally Clark = Ben Swanr., Danie van der Merwe, Wim Lotter, Hawie Engels. Johan Deysel. Basie Builendag, Daan Slabbert, Stephan Smit, Manie Grobbler. Piet Nel. Marthin Potgieter, Sarel du Toit, Willem Maritz (captain) and Sarel Lospet\

Reserves: l ohan Venter and Japie Vermaak.