BLOOD The River of Life. How Much? 5 - 6 liters in an average size adult.

BLOOD The River of Life


COMPONENTS G 1. Plasma G Liquid portion - made mostly of water G Carries hormones, glucose, & plasma proteins G1G1. Plasma GLGLiquid portion - made mostly of water GCGCarries hormones, glucose, & plasma proteins

Transcript of BLOOD The River of Life. How Much? 5 - 6 liters in an average size adult.

Page 1: BLOOD The River of Life. How Much?  5 - 6 liters in an average size adult.


The River of Life

Page 2: BLOOD The River of Life. How Much?  5 - 6 liters in an average size adult.

How Much? 5 - 6 liters in an average size adult

Page 3: BLOOD The River of Life. How Much?  5 - 6 liters in an average size adult.


Liquid portion - made mostly of waterCarries hormones, glucose, & plasma


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2. Blood Cells• A. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)

• Don’t have a nucleus• Disc shaped• Red color is due to hemoglobin which

carries oxygen.• Produced by the bone marrow

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B. White Blood Cells (leukocytes) Have a nucleus Produced by bone marrow Attack foreign substances or organisms

Some engulf bacteria Some release chemicals to help fight disease and

resist infection

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• C. Platelets (thrombocytes)• Cell fragments that help with clotting

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• A - has antigen (protein) A on surface• B - has antigen B on surface• AB - has both antigen A and antigen B• O - has no antigens on surface

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Rh factor

• Rh+ : has the protein• Rh- : does not have the protein

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• Transfusion = transfering the blood of another person to an individual

• Blood types must match• Type O: universal donor because can

give to any blood type• Type AB: universal recipient because

can receive blood from any blood type

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Blood Disorders

• Hemophilia – (inherited) lack a protein so the blood does not clot properly

• Anemia – (variety of causes) blood does not carry enough oxygen

• Sickle cell anemia – (inherited) red blood cells shaped like a sickle

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• Leukemia (a blood cancer) bone marrow makes abnormally shaped white blood cells which crowd out normal blood cells

• Hemochromatosis (inherited) too much iron builds up in the body which can damage organs

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Lymphatic System Collects and returns fluid that

leaks from blood vessels

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PARTS• Lymph = fluid

• Lymphatic capillaries: carry lymph back to the superior and inferior vena cava

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• Lymph nodes: act as filters that trap bacteria and other microorganisms

• Spleen: destroys damaged red blood cells and platelets, also helps in phagocytosis of foreign invaders

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Tonsils: trap and destroy bacteria that enter the upper respiratory tract

Thymus: T cells (a kind of white blood cell) mature in

this gland Secretes a hormone that stimulates the body’s

immune system