Blood Pressure Rescue

The Mediterranean Blood Pressure Secret that Works, even when every other solution fails! Research from Harvard and other prestigious institutions show it can improve blood pressure by as much as 37% - and the news keeps getting better. As you may know, high blood pressure is one of the most accurate predictors of cardiovascular problems, the No. 1 killer of Americans. With today's aging baby boomers, elevated blood pressure - is one of the biggest health crises. In fact, the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes estimates that a whopping two-thirds of Americans over the age of 65 have blood pressure above the healthy zone. Until now, your only solution for supporting healthy blood pressure was a bland, salt-free diet, moderate exercise and expensive medication with unwelcome side effects. However, new studies conducted by Harvard Medical School and other prestigious medical institutions have just sent a shockwave through the cardiovascular world. The subject? The heart-healthy benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:

Transcript of Blood Pressure Rescue

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The Mediterranean

Blood Pressure Secret

that Works,

even when every other solution fails!

Research from Harvard and other prestigious institutions show it can

improve blood pressure by as much as 37% - and the news keeps getting better.

As you may know, high blood pressure is one of the most accurate predictors of cardiovascular problems, the No. 1 killer

of Americans. With today's aging baby boomers, elevated blood pressure - is one of the biggest health crises.

In fact, the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes estimates that a whopping two-thirds of Americans over the

age of 65 have blood pressure above the healthy zone.

Until now, your only solution for supporting healthy blood pressure was a bland, salt-free diet, moderate exercise and

expensive medication with unwelcome side effects.

However, new studies conducted by Harvard Medical School and other prestigious medical institutions have just sent a

shockwave through the cardiovascular world.

The subject? The heart-healthy benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:

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Including a remarkable compound that promises

to be a near-miracle for blood pressure support

I have to admit that while this news was certainly groundbreaking

to mainstream doctors and cardiologists around the country, it

wasn't all that surprising to me.

You see, as someone of Italian heritage, the Mediterranean Diet

was a tradition in our household.

We regularly ate salads with lots of olive oil, fresh fruit, pasta

with fresh tomato sauce (my mother would never open a jar!) and

lots of fish. Dinner was often accompanied by a glass or two of

red wine.

Today, entire cookbooks are written about the Mediterranean

Diet. And I still eat this way today.

My name is Dr. Victor Marchione. I'm a practicing physician and

author of theHealth eTalk newsletter. For over 25 years, I've had

remarkable success helping my patients and readers improve their

health using the world's most powerful natural solutions.

In a short while, I will tell you how...

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You can maintain healthy blood pressure

... even if you've been struggling with unhealthy blood pressure for years. As you'll soon discover, this new discovery for

healthy blood pressure centers around a food that's been a staple in the Mediterranean Diet since biblical times. This could

be one of the most effective remedies to support healthy blood pressure.

For example, scientists say it can...

Improve healthy blood pressure levels as much as 37%

Boost heart health by 30% while protecting overall heart function

Revitalize aging arteries and promote clear blood flow...

But the best news is that you can be able to notice results in as little as one week! That's right! In just 7 days you can

begin to experience all the health benefits of optimized blood pressure. You will wake up energetic, breeze through the

day's activities and enjoy a good night's sleep.

I'll explain more in a moment. But first, let's discuss...

Is the silent killer stalking you?

Your blood pressure can be high if you're overweight, suffer from blood sugar imbalances or kidney problems. Sleep

apnea, fluid retention, a high-salt diet and over-the-counter painkillers can trigger unhealthy blood pressure levels too.

If you have a family history of heart or blood pressure problems, it's especially important to pay attention to your blood

pressure health on a regular basis.

High blood pressure often doesn't have any symptoms, so you usually don't feel it. You can have it for years without

knowing it.

Meanwhile, this silent killer can damage your heart, blood vessels and kidneys. It can trigger permanent vision loss.

And here's even worse news: A recent article published in TIME magazine says that even slightly elevated blood pressure

in middle age can, over a period of time, lead to lowered brain function and even be the root cause of poor memory down

the road!

According to studies conducted at the UC Davis Alzheimer's Disease Center, 40-year-olds with blood pressure readings

slightly above normal had a brain that looked 7.2 years older than a person with healthy blood pressure. More and more

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studies are proving that people with a continuous high systolic blood pressure, are at a higher risk of cognitive decline and

brain aging.

That's why, knowing your blood pressure numbers is important, even when you're feeling fine. If your blood pressure is

normal, you must work to keep it that way. If your blood pressure is too high, you should take care of it now to prevent

damage to your body's organs.

People from the Mediterranean tend to live up to

50% longer than most Americans do

They also tend to be slimmer, healthier, and more fit

It shouldn't really come as a surprise that the people living along the Mediterranean coast are a lot healthier than the

average American.

It's widely accepted that the traditional Mediterranean Diet - rich in nuts, fish, fruits, olive oil and wine is one of the best

approaches to eating for maximum health and longevity.

The evidence of this viewpoint has always been the fact that the French, Italians and Greeks live up to 50% longer than

Americans do.

But here's what's even more surprising: People from the Mediterranean have stronger hearts. Healthier cholesterol levels.

And they don't seem to have the blood pressure problems that many Americans do.

Harvard researchers claim that the Mediterranean Diet appears to be far more effective than a low-fat diet in bringing

about long-term changes to cardiovascular health. One large, 5-year study showed that the Mediterranean Diet reduced the

risk of heart problems as much as 30%!

Which led scientists to wonder... what was it about the traditional Mediterranean Diet?

It wasn't the wine. It wasn't the fish. It was the olive

Harvard scientists decided to find out. And they started with one of the oldest food

known to man - the olive.

The olive is more than just a food in the Mediterranean culture: it is a way of life. The oil

of its fruit has anointed the Caesars and Pharaohs. Olive branches have crowned

champion athletes and victorious generals.

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The Romans slathered olive oil on their skin to moisturize after bathing. The philosopher Homer called it"Liquid

Gold," and in Spain an ancient medical text states: "Olive oil makes the pain go away."

And even today the olive branch is known everywhere as a symbol of peace.

But what makes olives so good for you and for your heart? For one thing, olives are a potent antioxidant... with more than

twice the free radical fighting power of green tea.

But here's the best news: Scientists finally isolated the molecule that provides olives with their unique, heart-healthy

benefits. It's called oleuropein. And it seems that this simple compound can work near miracles for supporting healthy

blood pressure and cholesterol health! Oleuropein is...

The Mediterranean secret behind maintaining healthy blood pressure

Each and every day, your blood pumps through 100,000 miles of arteries, veins and capillaries. 24/7 without a moment's


The diameter of your veins and arteries affects the rate of blood flow and the amount of pressure needed to pass through

your arteries. The bigger the opening, the less pressure is needed.

So guess what happens when those blood vessels become hard, stiff and lined with layers of calcium plaque deposits?

The pathway narrows and your blood literally has to squeeze through those arteries and veins - causing your blood

pressure to skyrocket.

Oleuropein specifically targets arterial walls and helps maintain blood vessels.

As a result, oleuropein can help keep your arteries flexible and clear... promote healthy blood flow... keep your blood

pressure healthy and under control... and support healthy cholesterol and triglycerides to boot. All without any nasty side


How well does oleuropein work? Let's take a look at what the science has to say.

Healthier cholesterol and triglyceride numbers in as little as 7 days

In one 8-week clinical study, patients taking just 500 mg of Benolea® olive leaf extract saw their healthy blood pressure

numbers improve, and also saw healthier cholesterol and triglyceride levels. What's more, patients noticed improvement

in as little as 7 days!

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In another study, doctors recruited 20 pairs of identical twins (to minimize any differences in response based on genetics).

One twin was given a standardized 1,000 mg of highly concentrated

olive leaf extract called Benolea®. The other twin received a placebo

along with lifestyle changes to support healthy blood pressure.

Eight weeks later, the doctors were shocked at the results. The twins

taking Benolea® saw their blood pressure numbers optimize by a huge


The big question is, how does one get enough oleuropein to make a difference? Well, you could consume gallons of olive

oil every day to get the levels of oleuropein you need for optimal blood pressure support. But then you'll have to worry

about fat content, extra calories and expense! The solution is oleuropein supplements.

Unfortunately, there are cheap oleuropein supplements that degrade and break down quickly. These supplements could

lose their potency sitting on store shelves, and you could be buying stuff that is completely "dead" on arrival.

That's why scientists developed Benolea® - a standardized highly concentrated form of olive leaf extract that does not

break down easily. Thanks to its processing technology, Benolea® stays fresh and potent for months together. While this

breakthrough by itself can give you healthy blood pressure numbers...

I want you to get even better results for your blood pressure.

I contacted the top-notch research team at Bel Marra Health to come up with a blood pressure formula using Benolea®.

We added Benolea® olive leaf extract to select Mediterranean nutrients and the results was beyond our expectations.

Based on these results, I consider this formula to be the best support for healthy blood pressure. This formula is aptly


Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support contains Benolea® olive leaf extract in the forms and levels used in the

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clinical studies. But as powerful as Benolea® is, we didn't stop there.

My goal was to combine many of the best blood pressure-friendly ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet and put them into

a convenient pill for daily consumption. Together, these ingredients complement Benolea's effects and work wonders for

your arteries and heart function too.

Like the nutrient I am going to tell you about now. It's a common vitamin that you're probably taking already. But you

probably don't know that it's essential to keep your blood pressure healthy!

Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support gives you the best of 'Mediterranean Diet' in a


Another part of the Mediterranean Diet is its reliance on fresh fruits and vegetables. Every spring, my grandfather would

grow a huge vegetable garden... filled with tomatoes, green beans, eggplant and spinach. He even had a fig tree growing

in the backyard!

And what do all these wonderful foods have in common? They are all rich sources of vitamin C.

You already know that vitamin C is an antioxidant, which helps neutralize cell-

damaging free radicals. It's also good for your immune system. And today,

researchers from University of California at Berkeley confirm that vitamin C is

essential for supporting your blood pressure, too!

Research has shown that vitamin C can help maintain healthy circulation by

protecting your body's supply of nitric oxide, a molecule that relaxes blood vessels.

In a 17-week study, Berkeley scientists controlled the dietary levels of vitamin C in 68 middle-aged men. To the surprise

of the scientists, the volunteers with the highest levels of vitamin C in their blood had the healthiest blood pressure levels.

As you can see, vitamin C is a "no brainer" when it comes to keeping blood pressure healthy. Clinical Strength Blood

Pressure Support contains the exact dose of vitamin C shown to deliver the most benefits. Which brings me to the next

blood pressure superstar. As you know, French, Italians and other people of the Mediterranean region are known for their

wine... especially red wine. I remember how my dad always drank at least two glasses of wine a day with dinner.

What does this have to do with Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support? Well, red wine is packed with potent

compounds that help to...

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Boost circulation and supercharge your heart!

It probably comes as no surprise that grapes were used for thousands of years for everything from relieving aches and

pains to boosting longevity.

But it wasn't until 1936 when scientists discovered the remarkable

health-boosting secret locked inside the grape seed itself. That's

when Professor Jacques Masquelier found that grape seeds were an

abundant source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs for


The OPCs in grape seed extract helps to strengthen blood vessels by

increasing the tone and elasticity of the capillary wall.

Grape seed extract also slows down the oxidation of the fats that are responsible for cholesterol.

The longer it takes for fats to oxidize, the less likely they will clog up your veins and arteries. As a result, grape seed

extract supports free flowing circulation throughout your entire body.

Several French studies show that grape seed extract is so good for your blood pressure health because it's a natural

vasodilator - which means it helps promote flexible, relaxed blood vessels. Relaxed arteries allow optimum blood flow

throughout your entire body.

When you maintain healthy blood pressure, stronger capillaries and veins, and improved circulation, your heart stays

strong and healthy... and your entire cardiovascular system begins to "act younger."

Last, but not least, we added a nutrient that's opening the eyes of natural health researchers for its ability to optimize your

blood pressure at any age - copper. This trace mineral is found in almost all body tissues.

Not only is copper one of the most important antioxidants which helps cell membranes remain healthy, it also plays a vital

role in respiration, and in keeping your blood pressure healthy. But, the sad thing is, most people are deficient in this

underrated nutrient.

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Supports and strengthens artery cells too

What do shellfish, beans and sun-dried tomatoes

have in common? Besides the fact that they are all

an integral part of the Mediterranean Diet, they are

also rich sources of copper!

Research shows that people with low levels of

copper have a higher risk of blood pressure

problems. Copper supports and strengthens the cell

membranes of artery cells too. A Spanish study

shows that 62% of patients who supplemented with copper saw healthier blood pressure numbers. Meanwhile, the control

group saw no changes in their blood pressure at all.

Can you see why Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support wouldn't be complete without grape seed extract, vitamin C

and the right amount of copper?

While having all the nutrients required for healthy blood pressure is good, it's also very important to have them in the right

dosages. And the good news is...

Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support delivers Benolea®, vitamin C, grape seed

extract and

copper in their effective forms and dosages

That's right. In order to make Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support the best formula for blood pressure support bar

none, I made sure it contained only the best quality ingredients available anywhere. Plus, I included them in the same

forms and levels shown in the clinical studies to deliver the most benefits.

So if you are already concerned about your blood pressure...

If you have a history of blood pressure problems in the family...

Or if your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are not at the levels you would like...

I urge you to take action now to help keep your blood pressure in the normal range and maintain your precious health.

Nothing can help you do this as safely, naturally and effectively as Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support!

Only Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support provides the most effective

Mediterranean secrets to support

Page 10: Blood Pressure Rescue

healthy blood pressure on multiple levels

You've seen the rock-solid evidence about Benolea®, vitamin C, grape seed extract and copper - and how these

Mediterranean secrets can support your heart and blood pressure health.

And you've read how Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support can also help you maintain the health of your arteries

and blood vessels... improve your circulation... and support cholesterol health, too.

Now, I hear you asking,

'Dr. Marchione, what kind of results can I expect?'

Well, of course everyone is different. But I can tell you that once you start incorporating the secrets of the Mediterranean

(Benolea®) into your daily routine, you can notice results very quickly!

According to the science, the ingredients in Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support start working in as little as one

week. You should notice an overall improvement within two months.

What's more, you may see your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers become healthier.

Your circulation may improve, too. The Mediterranean secrets in Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support help make

your arteries more flexible, which helps boost blood flow throughout your entire body. Relieving cold hands and feet!

In any case, the longer you take Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support, the better it works for you.

Look, it's imperative to keep your blood pressure health under control - even if you have healthy blood pressure. I know

of nothing better than Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support to help you reach your goal. And I am sure of this: Once

you try Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support, you'll keep using it to promote healthy blood pressure for years to


In fact, I'm so confident the secrets of the Mediterranean will work for you that I've even arranged to send you a "little

something extra" that will help you get off the fence and take action.

Receive Up to $220.54 in Discounts and FREE GIFTS

When you make the decision to try Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support today, you can get this amazing formula

for less than 50% off the original price per bottle. Here's how it works � the more bottles you order, the more discount

you get. It's that simple. A 6 bottle purchase or more entitles you to three free gifts that are designed to improve your


Page 11: Blood Pressure Rescue

FREE GIFT #1: Special Report: Rescue Your Heart: A Complete Guide to Heart Health

$14.95 value - yours FREE!

Heart disease and stroke account for more than 40% of all deaths. But there are simple things you can do today to live a

long, healthier life. For example:

The Asian secret to slashing your risk of cardiovascular disease in half. The secret is in a popular type of

protein. No, it's not fish.

The common kitchen spice that protects against hardening of the arteries.

Tired heart? Pump up heart energy with the best antioxidant for your body. Bonus: It protects brain cells too.

Plus much more!

FREE GIFT #2: Special Report: Eat to Your Hearts Content: Foods that Deliver the Most Powerful Antioxidants

$14.95 value - yours FREE!

In this report, you will come across a variety of delicious and healthy foods that will not only help you protect and

strengthen your heart, but also support your overall health and well being.

The 3 antioxidant superstars of the vitamin world. And the delicious foods you'll find them in.

University of California study reveals the healthiest wines to drink. They have the highest concentration of

flavonoids – a powerful antioxidant.

The French secret to eating rich foods and staying healthy. Relieves stress too.

Plus much more - all in your FREE report!

FREE GIFT #3: Special Report: Heart Health and the Importance of Omega-3s

$14.95 value - yours FREE!

This report reveals the secret of Omega-3's. For instance:

How Omega-3's lower your risk of heart disease.

Are Omega-3 enhanced eggs worth the extra cost? We let you know.

Plus... how much is too much Omega-3? A must-read before your start supplementing with Omega-3s

Plus much more - all in your FREE report!

There is more good news. I do not want you to spend even a single penny on something that does not work for you. That

is why I insist that you are completely risk free.

Page 12: Blood Pressure Rescue

With our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, there's no risk to you!

This 100% satisfaction guarantee is as good as it gets, and I stake my personal reputation on it. If you aren't fully satisfied

with Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support, simply return the bottles to us within 30 days for a full refund - no

questions asked. Whatever you decide, you get to keep the free gifts you receive with my thanks, just for giving

Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support a try! And before I forget...

You don't pay a penny in shipping charges too!

When you order one or more bottles of Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support the shipping's on us. That's like putting

$7.99 right back in your pocket!

So if you want to...

Stop worrying about your blood pressure health

Help keep your veins soft, clear and supple...

Improve circulation all over your body

Support a stronger, healthier heart

Or enjoy peace of mind knowing that you're doing everything you can to keep your blood pressure healthy - and

make sure it stays that way...

Then I strongly urge you to try Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support right now and see how good you can feel when

the Mediterranean secrets help you finally break free from the worries of blood pressure problems.

Page 13: Blood Pressure Rescue

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1. 2. 3. Maillard, Pauline, et al. "Effects of systolic\blood pressure on white-matter integrity in young adults in the Framingham Heart Study: a cross-sectional study." The Lancet Neurology (2012). 4. Hypertension Canada � Understanding and Managing Your Blood Pressure 5. Estruch, Ram�n, et al. "Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet." New England Journal of Medicine 368.14 (2013): 1279-1290. 6.

7. Perrinjaquet-Moccetti, T., Busjahn, A., Schmidlin, C., Schmidt, A., Bradl, B., Aydo- gan, C., 2008. Food supplementation with an olive leaf extract reduces blood pressure in borderline hypertensive monozygotic twins. Phy- tother. Res. 22, 1239�1242 8. Susalit, Endang, et al. "Olive (< i> Olea europaea) leaf extract effective in patients with stage-1 hypertension: Comparison with Captopril." Phytomedicine 18.4 (2011): 251-258. 9. Lockyer, Stacey, et al. "Olive leaf phenolics and cardiovascular risk reduction: Physiological effects and mechanisms of action." Nutrition and Aging 1.2 (2012): 125-140. 10. Parzonko, Andrzej, et al. "Oleuropein and oleacein may restore biological functions of endothelial progenitor cells impaired by angiotensin II via activation of Nrf2/heme oxygenase-1 pathway." Phytomedicine 20.12 (2013): 1088-1094.

11. Block, Mangels, et al. �Ascorbic Acid Status and Subsequent Diastolic and Systolic Blood Pressure.�Hypertension. 2001; 37: 261-267 12. Furumura, Minao, et al. Clinical Interventions in Aging 7 (2012): 275. 13. Alarcon OM, Guerrero Y, et al. Effect of copper supplementation on blood pressure values in patients with stable moderate hypertension. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2003 Sep;53(3):271-6. 14. ________________________________________ Disclaimer: The statements made in this presentation have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or

prevent any disease. If you are currently taking prescription medication or have any specific medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. While clinical research supports the effectiveness of Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support, individual results may differ from those in the study. You should carefully read all product packaging and labels. Benolea® is a registered trademark of Frutarom, Ltd. Copyright © 2015. The information contained herein is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. Information herein, while believed to be correct by the author, is not guaranteed as accurate or appropriate for all persons. Testimonials are from real users of Clinical Strength Blood Pressure Support. To protect our customers privacy, stock photos have been used for all customer testimonials. No statement �herein is to be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, preventive, or cure for any disease, disorder, or abnormal physical state. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Victor Marchione is compensated by Bel Marra Health for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.