BLOOD. Plasma Red blood cell White blood cell Platelets.


Transcript of BLOOD. Plasma Red blood cell White blood cell Platelets.

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Red blood cell

White blood cell


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Formed Elements

• ____________ = red blood cells (RBCs)

• __________ = white blood cells (WBCs)

• ____________ = cell fragments

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Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

The main function is to _____________

Anatomy of circulating erythrocytes◦Biconcave disks◦Essentially bags of hemoglobin◦ _______________ (no nucleus)◦Contain very few organelles; lack

mitochondriaOutnumber white blood cells 1000:1

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Hemoglobin (Hb)

__________-containing protein

Binds strongly, but reversibly, to ______Each hemoglobin molecule has four

oxygen binding sites

Each erythrocyte has 250 million hemoglobin molecules

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When there is a high concentration of oxygen (ex. in the lung) hemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. When the blood reaches the tissue which have a low concentration of oxygen the hemoglobin dissociates with the oxygen and the oxygen is released into body tissues

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Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)

Crucial in the body’s defense against disease

These are complete cells, with a __________ and ____________

Able to move into and out of blood vessels (_____________)

Can move by ameboid motionCan respond to chemicals

released by damaged tissues – _______________

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Leukocyte Levels in the BloodNormal levels are between 4,000 and 11,000 cells per millimeter

Abnormal leukocyte levels◦Leukocytosis

Above 11,000 leukocytes/ml Generally indicates an infection

◦ Leukopenia Abnormally low leukocyte level Commonly caused by certain drugs

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Types of LeukocytesGranulocytes

◦Granules in their cytoplasm can be stained

◦ Include:

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Types of LeukocytesAgranulocytes

◦ Lack visible cytoplasmic granules◦ Include:

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GranulocytesNeutrophils (most common)

◦Multilobed nucleus with fine granules◦Act as _________ at active sites of

infectionEosinophils (not a common WBC)

◦Large brick-red cytoplasmic granules◦Found in response to ____________


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GranulocytesBasophils (not a common WBC)

◦Have _______________-containing granules

◦Initiate ____________; involved in ________

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AgranulocytesLymphocytes (second most

common WBC)◦Two types play an important role in

the_______________ B-cells – produce antibodies T-cells – direct immune response

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◦Largest of the white blood cells◦Function as ________________◦Important in fighting chronic


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PlateletsDerived from ruptured

multinucleate cells called __________________

Needed for the clotting processNormal platelet count =


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Hematopoiesis_______________ formation occurs

in ____________ bone marrowAll blood cells are derived from a

common stem cell - ______________Hemocytoblast differentiation

◦_________ stem cell produces lymphocytes◦_________ stem cell produces other formed elements

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Fate of ErythrocytesUnable to divide, grow, or

synthesize proteinsWear out in _____________________When worn out, are eliminated

by____________ in the _______ or _____

Lost cells are replaced by division of hemocytoblasts

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Control of Erythrocyte ProductionRate is controlled by a hormone -

___________________________ produce most

erythropoietin as a response to reduced oxygen levels in the blood

Homeostasis is maintained by __________ feedback from blood oxygen levels

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Control of Erythrocyte Production

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