Blogging as Reflection

Blogging as Using to Capture the Learning Process Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013


Using WordPress to Capture Learning A presentation on the use of WordPress blogs by teachers to share their insights, including how to make a engaging blog post

Transcript of Blogging as Reflection

Page 1: Blogging as Reflection

Blogging as

Using to Capture the Learning Process

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

Page 2: Blogging as Reflection

The Rundown

• Why blog?

• Why WordPress?

• Why would anyone read it?

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

Page 3: Blogging as Reflection

Long ago, in a Fellowship not too far away...

Kenan Fellows Daily Externship Reflection

Name: ______________________________________________________






Paul Cancellieri


My first day at Cisco. Got a tour of the facility as well as a telepresence presentation about

the company history and culture. Met (via telepresence) with Cisco contact in San Jose, CA re partner

classrooms for collaboration

I am amazed at the collaborative culture and the many different tech tools that are used to communicate

within the campus and around the world. Hopeful that I can bring some of these skills (and tools) back to

my classroom.


Sat in on 2 education related meetings, witnessing how Cisco supports the education community with

expertise, funding, and tools. Also, observed the nature of business meetings for this group.

Was encouraged to "put in my 2 cents" when asked about issues related to my experiences. Felt valued

as a professional educator!

Began to assemble tools for eventual student project, including Ning and networks for finding classrooms.


Spent the day connecting with resources to find foreign classroom to collaborate with, and learning about

best practices for global collaboration from Cisco employees/managers with experience in the education


Had very productive "debriefing" meeting with my mentor and her assistant. Fleshed out the pieces that

need to be completed and the action steps to make that happen.


Had demonstration of Webex online collaboration tool today. This is the tool that will bring this project

together electronically. Psyched about playing around with it.

Also spend time today gathering information and best practices for global collaboration in order to begin

lesson plans.

Still no luck finding partner classrooms, but the search continues...


Spent the day at the North Carolina New Schools Project's Summer Institute in Durham. Sat in on

sessions about STEM education, Project-Based Learning (which will be the core of my Kenan unit), and

Scientific Inquiry.

Kenan Fellows Daily Externship Reflection

Name: ______________________________________________________






Paul Cancellieri


Slowly leaving the "research" phase of the externship. Starting to feel as though I have gathered all of

the information, met all of the people, and used all of the tools that I can here. Still, I appreciate the

space to continue to collaborate with experts and a focused atmosphere to plan out the unit.


Have some GREAT ideas for the final unit which will follow a Project-Based Learning (PBL) format. Have

acquired some resources to learn more about it. Am also investigating using Webex Meeting Center as

the digital meeting space in which my students will connect with experts and foreign classrooms. Will

use for in-house collaboration.


Progress has been great on the instructional side of things. I have found some fantastic resources (books,people,

websites) that will help me plan out the Problem-Based lessons and for my students to learn more about water use

issues in this country. I have even connected with experts who can educate my students about the problems here

and abroad. The Cisco tools are phenomenal and I hope/plan to use them extensively.

The only concern is that I have not had as much progress as I would have hoped in finding partner schools. I have

reached out to NAIS's Challenge 20/20 program, but they won't be assigning classroomsuntil September. I am working

on connections in ePals, but this part has not been as easy as I had hoped.


Traveled to and attended NCCAT in Cullowhee. Met with other Fellows and created some great

connections. Looking forward to incorporating some of their ideas into my project.


Spent the entire day participating in a workshop from the Center for Inquiry-based Learning (CIBL) on

writing inquiry lessons. As a science teacher, I have received lots of training on inquiry lessons. Also,

the sessions seemed a bit poorly organized. As a result, the time was not very productive. However,

I was able to rough out a plan for the various lessons that will be a part of this unit.

Kenan Fellows Daily Externship Reflection

Name: ______________________________________________________






Paul Cancellieri


Spent today whitewater rafting on the Nantahela River. It was an amazing experience that

will definitely inform my science lessons, particularly on the issue of water.

Also, it was a fantastic team-building activity that has brought me closer to my peers in this

Kenan cohort which will help me network with them on my project.


Today was spent continuing to learn about Inquiry based learning. Since I am a Science teacher who

already uses Inquiry in my lessons, I am not finding this very useful. I definitely appreciate that this is

the required format for our submitted lessons and that we need to learn how to use the CIBL lesson plan

format. I prefer the 5E format, and it sounds like I will be able to continue to use this more rigorous format.

Kenan Fellows Daily Externship Reflection

Name: Paul Cancellieri

Date: July 1, 2011

I spent today at home working on the overall organization of the unit. Made great progress and

plotted out a timeline for future work on my project, based on conversations with my mentor.

Date: July 4, 2011

Spent this holiday at home while the family was away on vacation, and managed to churn out some

great ideas. I’ve been reading through some Project-Based Learning resources and have outlined

how this project will work with PBL.

Date: July 9, 2011

Responded to emails from several international schools. Completed the application for an

international electronic exchange program. Wish I had more progress on this aspect of the project.

Plan to contact Cisco for more help.

Date: July 12, 2011

With feedback from a PBL specialist, I reworked several parts of my core lesson plan. Will need to

focus on how to make the CIBL model jive with PBL. I don’t think that it will be an issue, but the

biggest hurdle might be the difference in “lingo”.

Date: July 13, 2011

Heard back from an Indian school that appears to be on board for a collaboration this fall. Excited to

work out the details. I am especially intrigued because we haven’t found a school in our general time

zone, which means that we will be focused on asynchronous collaboration, which I think is more

authentic and more logistically feasible.

Date: July 16, 2011

Slow day. Rearranged elements of the overall pacing of the unit.

Date: July 17, 2011

Responded to more requests for information from Indian schools. Cisco has reached out to the

NPOs (non-profit organizations) that they work with, and I have received eager greetings from some

schools. I am no longer concerned that there won’t be a partner school to work with.

Date: July 19, 2011

I have decided not to pursue the Brazil connection for my students. The fact that an Indian school is

now all but guaranteed, and that Brazilian students might not speak English as well, has made it

easier to focus on one or two school groups in Indian rather than Brazil. I am taking steps to focus

the research aspects of the lesson plans on Indian water issues.

Date: July 20. 2011

Reworked the timeline for the project based on the expectation that it will be interspersed with other

curricular activities.

Date: July 23, 2011

Received exciting news that a NPO that works to close the gap between rich and poor students in

India wants their flagship school to participate in the project.

Date: July 24, 2011

Met with mentor to update Cisco folks on the project.

Date: July 26, 2011

More time spent today developing the outline of the lessons, in preparation for Summer Institute.

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

Page 4: Blogging as Reflection

Purpose of KF Reflections

Documentation Journaling

MetacognitionFeedback from

Others?Critical Analysis


Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

Page 5: Blogging as Reflection

Purpose of BLOGS

Documentation Journaling

Feedback from

Others?Critical Analysis



Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Blog: Website based around frequent entries arranged in reverse chronological order with the ability to have a conversation about each one

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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hy?Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Tips for Successful Blogging

1. Grab their Attention

2. Start with a Share

3. Add your Spin

4.Get them Talking

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Grab Their Attention




Post Titles

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Start with a Share

Image Website Lesson Idea

Story Recommended Apps

Experience from School Educator Tip

Newspaper Article Interesting Video


Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Add your Spin

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Get them Talking

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

Page 14: Blogging as Reflection

Tips for Successful Blogging

1. Grab their Attention

2. Start with a Share

3. Add your Spin

4.Get them Talking

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Your Kenan Fellows blog

Great Examples

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Blogging as

Using to Capture the Learning Process

Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach

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Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Paul Cancellieri - [email protected] - @mrscienceteach - June 25, 2013

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Slide by Bill Ferriter