Bloggers Join Venture

- always unc Little concept to improve blogo and to improve r Yo copyrighted | share & build fun | copy & crea power by osphere to rise your blog - my blog readers life path by our reminders. & By Mat Veni and Yaro Starak ate 1 g - their blog .


How to explore your blog as a blogger. What is important and why join with other bloggers.

Transcript of Bloggers Join Venture

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Little concept to improve blogosphere to

and to improve readers life path by our reminders


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blogosphere to rise your blog - my blog

and to improve readers life path by our reminders. &

By Mat Veni and Yaro Starak

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my blog - their blog


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You managed to create & run A Blog. Congrats!

Now, there are at least 2 of us wanting to 'save the world' via blogosphere. Am I

close? Or maybe we just like to share our opinions and experiences worldwide.

However in both cases we want to spread our word. That's why I'm sending you this

paper. Not because I think I can reach big bloggers or spread the world via yelling on

the streets neither by spending thousands of dollars for marketing (and sell the last

pair of boots to get the money --> I could probably do this, cause I like barefoot, but

that's not the case.. especially not in the winter).

I've been studying lots of techniques about ''How to get more readers''. I'll

mention some tactics that Yaro Starak wrote. He is a true blog scout with great

experiences (I recommend reading more about him and his work on his page And also I believe with cooperation we can do much

more and working all alone. Don't you think? And my 'goal' is not to get a few more

readers just because of our interactions. My true intention is to gain a win-win

situation. Actually a triple win: win-win-win. --> You get more readers, I get more

readers and Readers get more meaningful knowledge.

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Here are few tactics (mostly written by Yaro)

Tactic 1

Leave comments on other blogs& forums

''It’s well known that leaving comments on other blogs is a method of attracting

people to your blog. Each comment you leave has a link back to your blog. All you

need to do is spend a few seconds, write a sentence or two, and ta-da, you have

your first communication channel leading people back to your blog.That’s an easy

tactic and consequently a lot of people do it. Comments are everywhere and while

they are certainly an integral part of the blogging phenomenon, the effectiveness of

commenting as a marketing tool is poor.

They send a trickle of traffic at best. There are more powerful ways to use

comments as a communication channel. For example, spend more time on each

comment you make so that you add significant value to the conversation, focus a lot

of comments on a certain few key blogs and use comments to form a relationship

with high profile bloggers.''

Tactic 2

Write a free report and release it on your blog

''Then email other bloggers to let them know about it. A powerful technique is to

spend a week writing a comprehensive report, release it on your blog, email several

popular bloggers and ask them to check it out. The results can vary, but if all goes

well a lot of other blogs will link to your blog to recommend the report, driving a

surge of new readers.

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I consider this a communication channel with significant breadth and scope. It’s

like a large river rather than a small stream - a more powerful blog marketing

technique that will continue to drive traffic for many months, even years to come. If

you are looking for an example of this technique look no further than the report you

are reading right now. Be sure to forward this report to all your friends and make a

blog post recommending your readers download it too, so you can help prove my

point :-) .''

Tactic 3


Guestposting is said by many to be the most effective way to drive traffic to your site.

Guest post tips for success:

- Before writing guest post writ equality comments on the blogs that offer guest post

submission so that you can begin a relationship with the blog owners (when they trust

you they are more likely to accept your submission).

- Read the guide lines for guest posting before digging deeper.

- When you write guest post do your best job.

- Reply to every comment left on your guest post.

e.g. ''Once you have 5,000 daily readers and you post a great pillar article,

those5,000 people act as little and big communication channels for you, bringing

more readers, possibly by writing about your article on their blogs, or linking to you

in a forum post, or talking about your blog to a friend.

Before you go off grumbling that you will never reach 5,000 daily readers, or

even 1,000, remember that every great blog started with no readers. We all start at

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the same place – at the beginning with a big fat 0 on that traffic counter (or maybe

a 1 since you read your own blog).

Best of all, when you do make it there you can focus your energies on great

content instead of marketing because your readership will spread the word for you.''

– by Yaro

Tactic 4

Publish other blogger’s eCourse, eBook, white-paper, post, etc.

Yaro's example on publishing guest post: ''One of the first significant sources of

traffic I attracted came from posting an article to three very popular forums related

to my blog’s topic. I wrote a solid article about affiliate marketing, with references

to my blog, and instead of posting it to my blog, I posted it in three forums.

Consequently a discussion ensued in each forum after my article was published and

a lot of people clicked through to see my blog.''

Tactic 5

Contact other bloggers and offer a work that might interest their audience

They eventually might see your post in the future that would interest their

audience, and they will link to it. That's all you need !

''This is a classic case of establishing a peer relationship. Peer relationships are

your key for accessing big communication channels and it’s all about making friends

online. Bloggers are more likely to read the blogs of people they know and like. If

your blog isn’t read by other top bloggers then you have no chance of them linking

to you.

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There’s a few ways you can begin forming peer relationships. Here are some

ideas that have worked well for me:

1. Send some links before expecting to receive any

One of the best ways to get the attention of another blogger is give before you

receive. Send a link their way in one of your articles and your blog will appear on

their “radar”. Do this often enough and they will take notice and hopefully link back

to you, especially if you have great content on your blog worth linking to.

2. Email to introduce yourself

Email another blogger, say hello, explain what you enjoy about their blog and

that’s it. Lay the foundation of a relationship first before asking for anything. It’s a

much smarter practice to shoot for relationships with people like you. Your true

peers – bloggers with similar traffic and goals as yours – are more likely to be open

to making contact with you, to doing traffic exchanges by linking to each other’s

articles and to making friends with other bloggers. Form friendships with people like

you, and work together to share traffic and build communication channels.'' – by

Yaro Create posts where you mention other bloggers and let them know.

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Little concept based on tactics


Send a post and an image. I'll edit or spin the post and publish it (so it want look the same

as the one you might published on your blog). Make sure your post is well written (more

about the content you can read in post guidelines or in Yaro's Blog profits blueprint) – let it

be your experience, your How to, your tips, list or opinions.

When published I'll get you know. Then you share it on your social networks (FB,

Twitter,...) or bookmarks. Let me know, so that I can write a comment or like or share... I'll

also share it on official Joy Reminder FB page and Twitter.


If there will be enough interest, I'll invite you to a group that will enhance cooperation

and remind us on sharing other bloggers posts.


When you prepare eBook, white/blue paper, eCourse, audio/video material etc. let me

know. I'll publish the link and article/review you send me about your new goods. And of

course all the sharing, like for the post.

If the material is labeled as GiveAway, get me know. Probably I'll let other bloggers (from

the community) know for this, so that they can use it and publish on their pages...

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If you have in mind a project that could interest our readers, we can talk about this, see if

anyone from the community can help building it or share / sell it (it might be via affiliate


At the moment I'm preparing a Board Game, based on personal development (with

cards/tasks to do, missions/environment influence, wrapped in a story and 10 themes... like

Affirmations, Empowering questions, Goals, Simplicity, Co-Naturalizing, Awareness etc.). It's

a project for all of us. I will do a basic FREE game and another almost FREE :) Let's see if

Kickstarter can Kick it far.

YaroYaroYaroYaro StarakStarakStarakStarak

deep info about marketing in free blueprint

Mat VeniMat VeniMat VeniMat Veni

Blog :

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… plus …

BLOGROLL One of the things that many weblogs have in common is a blogroll. These are usually

located somewhere in the sidebar of the blog. The basic purpose of the blogroll is to build

connections between blogs. Not only is it a handy reference for you to be able to easily locate

your favorite blogs, but it also tells your readers "these are blogs that interest me...maybe

you would want to check them out too."

Often the bloggers you love the most will have at least a couple of blogs in their blogroll

that are comparable to their own.

Another nice thing about adding someone to your blogroll is that often they will return

the favor, especially if you send a nice message to them (another peer relation), letting you

know they made it to your favorites. ����nice, but not good enough.

SEO Search engine optimization for blogs: most blogs derive a fairly significant chunk of their

traffic from search engines.

The thing is: a lot of this will happen if you simply put out good content on a consistent basis.

Write your best quality posts, make that your ''daily'' ritual and get content flowing. If you do

that, more than half the battle is already won for the SEO.���� doing more on SEO will cost

you (time and money)

HEADLINES ''Headlines: as you likely know, headlines are crucial in almost any written communication,

whether it be a sales letter, blog post or article. When blogging, your perfect headline is

extremely compelling and keyword rich, but if you have to choose between the two, go with

what’s compelling to people first.

A blog post that gets read and linked to is more valuable than a post with a keyword-packed

title that get sign. When submitting articles to directories for syndication, headlines are still

crucial, but you’re now writing for a slightly different audience. You’re still writing for people,

but now you’re writing for publishers first. And the prevailing attitude among the people

most likely to republish your content is that keywords matter most.

So your focus with articles is just the opposite of your blogposts. Write the most compelling

headline you can, but it absolutely must include attractive keywords. Don’t feel like you need

to aim for the most popular keyword combinations related to the subject matter; there’s

simply too much competition. Think Long Tai linstead.''– byYaro���� let it be attractive