Blogger improvements


Transcript of Blogger improvements

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PRELIMINARY TASK- COVER PAGE On the preliminary task I hadn’t put any clear effort into the colour scheme as I hadn’t even thought about the target audience. One big mistake was that I didn’t even add any cover lines so no one would know what they would find inside of the magazine. I also clearly didn’t focus on the layout as the images just look like they are just put on the cover in no particular order and I didn’t put any captions with the images so no one would know what these images are of. One thing I did do was put the logo in the correct place and I also used a san-serif font, this is conventional as it shows that the magazine is formal and informative.

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PRELIMINARY TASK- CONTENTS The contents page of the preliminary task has many faults. One is that I have only included 5 pages which is not enough for a magazine which makes the magazine look unprofessional and wouldn’t appeal to anyone. The contends page starts to show a colour scheme however because I have used the same background colour on the cover and contents. I have also used the same fonts and put the logo in place which shows the magazine is informative and formal. This magazine shows no target audience and nothing that is appeal as it does not include any conventions such as route of the eye, layout and conventional colours.

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FINAL MAGAZINE- COVERBy my final magazine cover I had changed and improved many things such as I have included cover lines and captions next to all images, this is appealing to the target audience as it will intrigue them to read the whole article on this magazine. Another improvement I made was on the colour scheme I actually thought about the target audience and the colours that would appeal to them. I also used images which would appeal to the target audience I used people who look like typical pop artists. I also ensured that my cover lines were all articles based on the target audiences interests so they will be interest in reading the magazine.

I also focused more on the fonts, I used fonts that would stand out and fonts that would also appeal to the target audience.

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FINAL MAGAZINE- CONTENTSOn the contents page I improve by making sure I included a range of articles and pages. I also improved by researching the layout of this genre of magazines to ensure it appealed to the target audience. I focused on getting a colour scheme and making sure these colours would again appeal to the target audience. I used fonts and font colour that would stand out so they would be eye-catching for the target audience. I made sure that I included certain things on the contents page which are conventional for the genre, such as an image of the cover page, numbers, sub headings and an editors letter.

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On my double page spread I have definitely improved considering in the preliminary task I didn’t do a double page spread. I feel after completing this I have a better understand of layout because I focused on how to layout my double page spread into a way that would be appealing to my target audience. I laid out the text so it was clear to see the differences between questions and answers. This will make it easier for the target audience as they are young and like things to be easy for them.I have improved on images because to start with I thought the image could only be placed in the centre of the page but it is also conventional for the image to be place on the right hand side of the double page spread.