Blocked Flopian Tube

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  • 8/12/2019 Blocked Flopian Tube


    Seven Strategies For Healing Blocked Tubes

    Fallopian tubes are nothing short of amazing. Each tube is about 10 cm long

    and 5 mm or so wide and is lined with tiny hair-like cilia that beat

    vigorously to waft the embryo along in perfect time. The wafting cilia are

    helped by the muscular contractions of the tube which together help theembryo to move along.

    Simultaneously, the tubes secrete a blend of nutrient-rich fluids to feed

    the rapidly growing embryo which is then detained at a specific point along

    the tube for a period of intensive nourishment. The whole process of tubal

    nourishment, holding and movement takes about 4 days.

    A HSG (hysterosalpingogram) is commonly used to establish whether you tubes

    are clear - or not - by flushing a water-based dye through both tubes. This

    creates an X-ray image of the flow of the dye which shows the dye either

    spilling out the end of the tube, or being blocked and unable to pass


    The way that the dye spills into the pelvis when it exits the tube can be

    revealing also, the 'spill pattern' can reveal possible areas of scar tissue

    or adhesions where the dye pools in pockets.

    However, an HSG can only tell if your tubes are clear - or relaxed - enough

    for fluid to pass through. A HSG cannot tell whether the tube is functional,

    whether the cilia waft the embryo along vigorously enough, hold it at the

    appropriate place for the right amount of time and secrete the right

    nutrients for healthy embryo development. A clear HSG does not mean that

    your tubes are working optimally, it just means that they are clear.

    PID can be caused by sexually transmitted organisms the most common of which

    is Chlamydia, currently the most common sexually transmitted disease.

    Chlamydia is often symptomless in women allowing the organism to cause

    blocked tubes before you even know that you have a hidden infection. An

    antibody test can show if you have had a prior infection with chlamydia.

    It is very common for tubes to be blocked in some way, shape or form. Tubal

    factor infertility is very common and has various causes and

    manifestations. A frequent cause of blocked fallopian tubes is current or

    historical pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which can cause inflammation

    and scarring within the tube long after the infection is cleared. Active

    infections can be subtle and hidden making accurate diagnosis tricky.

    A diagnosis of blocked tubes can be real or false. The tiny tubes can spasm,

    or plug with mucus which creates the appearance of a blockage but the

    blockage may be only temporary. A repeat HSG should always be ordered to

    confirm the diagnosis if the tubes appear blocked. If a tube is

    intermittently blocked on HSG you might be a good candidate for natural


    Natural treatments for tube blockages are ideally suited to tubes that

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    spasm, are prone to mucus plugs or are intermittently blocked. If there

    is infection, antibiotics and conventional medicine is essential to stop

    the progression of disease. It is always important to have a full diagnostic

    work-up before choosing a treatment strategy as inappropriately treated

    tubal infections can cause irreversible damage.

    If a tube is suffering due to scar tissue, adhesions and damage due to ahistorical infection, natural methods can sometimes help immensely. Some

    women have had pregnancy success naturally even when the blockage was

    thought to be severe. I have seen at least one client who had been diagnosed

    with severely blocked tubes and advised to pursue IVF - which failed - who

    went on to conceive naturally after some months of natural treatments.

    Even if IVF is the chosen route to conception, the health of the tubes are

    still important. If a tube is infected it can contain toxic fluids

    accumulations - called a hydrosalpynx - this fluid can leak into the uterus

    making conception difficult even with IVF. Any tube infections must be

    thoroughly evaluated and treated before pursuing IVF which sometimes

    requires removal of the tube if a hydrosalpynx is present.

    Many women have partially or intermittently blocked tubes that may be

    responsive to natural healing techniques when natural conception is

    desired, or when IVF is simply not an option. Here is an overview of the

    techniques I have used in my acupuncture practice - or have referred clients

    to receive - that have been helpful:

    1. Clear Passage. This unusual healing system has an excellent reputation

    for restoring fallopian tube health and is a form of intensive physical

    therapy. The work of Clear Passage has been the subject of a number of

    scientific studies, the results of which were very positive.

    Patients receive specialized physical therapy every day in a week long

    intensive administered by specially trained physical therapists.

    Treatments involve bodywork directly over the fallopian tubes and ovaries,

    and much of the work is done internally to directly loosen scar tissue and

    adhesions on the ligaments, tubes and ovaries. It is potent work, I have

    had a number of clients do the one week intensive and they have found it

    to be very powerful and profoundly relaxing.

    2. Maya Massage. The beauty of this massage technique - which is performed

    externally over the low abdomen - is that the practitioner can teach you

    how to do the massage technique yourself so treatment can be applied daily.

    This is a noninvasive technique.

    Simply having one Maya massage session can teach you how to treat yourself

    every day which can have huge impact on circulation because of the frequency

    with which you can apply the technique. The Maya massage also works on the

    lower back and the sacrum, a nerve rich area that affects the blood flow.

    A helpful practitioner may let your partner learn this part of the massage

    so your partner can work on you daily also.

    3. Enzymes. An enzyme called serrapeptase is a powerful anti-inflammatory

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    with a reputation for helping to dissolve and break down scar tissue and

    adhesions and calm inflammation thought to be a factor in many tube

    problems. When using enzymes for their anti-inflammatory benefits they must

    be taken on an empty stomach and caution should be used if you take blood

    thinning medication (enzymes are also natural blood thinners) or have

    stomach ulcers.

    4. Mucus-reducing diet. Some Chinese and Ayurvedic experts feel that

    following a diet which eliminates dairy and other foods and beverages which

    are thought to increase mucus production may be helpful for keeping the

    pelvis clear of blockages. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine are both rooted

    in the belief that your diet can create a build up of 'dampness,' 'phlegm,'

    or 'ama' in your body which is associated with blockages such as blocked

    tubes. These traditional medicine systems believe that your diet can

    promote pelvic circulation - or congestion - depending on what kinds of

    food choices you make every day.

    A diet based upon white flour products, sugar and dairy foods - especially

    if iced - think grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, cookies, cheesy pastadishes and ice cream is thought to be especially mucus-forming. You can

    read about the healing dietary principles of Chinese Medicine in 'The

    Infertility Cure,' by Randine Lewis and 'Making Babies,' by Jill Blakeway

    and Dr. Sami David, M.D. Be sure to ask your physician or consult a dietitian

    before making any radical diet changes, some fertility docs actually

    recommend dairy free diets while others don't. If you are advised to cut

    out dairy be sure to ask your physician or dietitian about calcium


    5. Chinese herbal medicine. Herbs can be used to resolve damp, phlegm, Qi,

    and blood stagnation which are the principal elements thought to cause tube

    blockages in Chinese medicine.

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formulas are individualized to treat

    more effectively, some women may need cooling herbs and others warming,

    some need more focus on phlegm accumulations and others on Qi stagnation.

    Consulting an herbalist who specializes in fertility will help you to get

    good care, check the ABORM web site for practitioners in your area. While

    such formulas need to be prescribed by a qualified herbalist, some herbs

    can be used in teas on a daily basis.

    6. Adjunctive therapies. Phlegm and mucus thinning products such as

    Robitussin which are frequently used to thin cervical mucus and bronchial

    phlegm may have a helpful effect on thinning mucus within blocked tubes.

    Castor oil packs have been used by many women directly over the tubes and

    although messy are worth trying alongside the other measures.

    7. Electro-acupuncture. This is a powerful technique where tiny electrical

    pulses are transmitted through acupuncture needles to stimulate the area

    around the fallopian tubes and ovaries. An acupuncturist who specializes

    in fertility (check ABORM - American Board Of Oriental Reproductive

    Medicine website for listings) will be familiar with this technique. I use

    this technique often and find it to be very helpful.

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    This article is for purely educational and informational purposes only and

    is NOT a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical or dietetic advice

    for which you should consult a physician or dietitian.

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