Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: A Lean Approach ... · G. Perboli et al.: Blockchain in...

Received August 30, 2018, accepted October 2, 2018, date of publication October 16, 2018, date of current version November 9, 2018. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2875782 Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: A Lean Approach for Designing Real-World Use Cases GUIDO PERBOLI 1,2,3 , (Member, IEEE), STEFANO MUSSO 1,2 , AND MARIANGELA ROSANO 1,2 1 DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy 2 ICT for City Logistics and Enterprises Center, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy 3 Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux D’entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport, Montreal, H3T 1J4 QC, Canada Corresponding author: Mariangela Rosano ([email protected]) ABSTRACT The Blockchain technology can be defined as a distributed ledger database for recording transactions between parties verifiably and permanently. Blockchain emerged as a leading technology layer for financial applications. Nevertheless, in the past years, the attention of researchers and practitioners moved to the application of the Blockchain technologies to other domains. Recently, it represents the backbone of a new digital supply chain. Thanks to its capability of ensuring data immutability and public accessibility of data streams, Blockchain can increase the efficiency, reliability, and transparency of the overall supply chain, and optimize the inbound processes. The literature concerning Blockchain in non-financial applications mainly focused on the technological part and the Business Process Modeling, lacking in terms of standard methodology for designing a strategy to develop and validate the overall Blockchain solution and integrate it in the Business Strategy. Thus, this paper aims to overcome this lack. First, we integrate the current literature filling the lack concerning the digital strategy, creating a standard methodology to design Blockchain technology use cases, which are not related to finance applications. Second, we present the results of a use case in the fresh food delivery, showing the critical aspects of implementing a Blockchain solution. Moreover, the paper discusses how the Blockchain will help in reducing the logistics costs and in optimizing the operations and the research challenges. INDEX TERMS Blockchain, hyperledger, supply chain. I. INTRODUCTION Blockchain emerged as a leading technology layer for finan- cial applications. Nevertheless, in the past years, the attention of researchers and practitioners moved to the application of the Blockchain technologies to other domains [14], [15]. In this context, Supply Chain and Logistics are the topics paying more attention to the Blockchain, with the creation of several startups [38] and the introduction of the Blockchain in the agenda of countries and companies [1], [13]. The Blockchain is a disruptive innovation, due to its capa- bility of ensuring data immutability and public accessibility of data streams. Moreover, its decentralized and distributed infrastructure prevents the problems of the present central- ized approaches, including trust issues, such as fraud, cor- ruption, tampering and falsify information, and their limited resiliency. Centralized systems are vulnerable to collapse since a single point of breakdown might lead the whole sys- tem to be crashed. However, since this technology is still in its early stages, it presents some inherent defects and its deploy- ment in factual Supply Chain and Logistics applications is somehow problematic. In particular, there is a general lack in the literature of Blockchain. To the best of our knowledge, just a few papers deal with non-finance implementations. The literature mainly considers the Business Process Mod- elling and the Technology Design Process of a Blockchain- based solution [7], [8], [12], [22], [24], [35]. In particular, Weber et al. [37] proposed a Blockchain solution for solv- ing the problem of lack of trust in collaborative processes. The authors focused their attention on the representation of the Business Process Model and Notation. The prototype, implemented through Ethereum for the Blockchain infras- tructure and Solidity for the Smart Contracts, was vali- dated by applying it to business processes taken from the literature. Guerreiro et al. [17] focused on the Business Process Modelling, presenting a meta-model for executing secure business transactions using Blockchain and an Enter- prise Operating System. They intended to solve the security risks involved in business transactions executions increas- ing trust, authenticity, robustness, and traceability against fraud. 62018 2169-3536 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. VOLUME 6, 2018

Transcript of Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: A Lean Approach ... · G. Perboli et al.: Blockchain in...

Page 1: Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: A Lean Approach ... · G. Perboli et al.: Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: Lean Approach for Designing Real-World Use Cases is changed,

Received August 30, 2018, accepted October 2, 2018, date of publication October 16, 2018, date of current version November 9, 2018.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2875782

Blockchain in Logistics and Supply Chain: A LeanApproach for Designing Real-World Use CasesGUIDO PERBOLI1,2,3, (Member, IEEE), STEFANO MUSSO1,2, AND MARIANGELA ROSANO 1,21DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy2ICT for City Logistics and Enterprises Center, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, Italy3Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux D’entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport, Montreal, H3T 1J4 QC, Canada

Corresponding author: Mariangela Rosano ([email protected])

ABSTRACT The Blockchain technology can be defined as a distributed ledger database for recordingtransactions between parties verifiably and permanently. Blockchain emerged as a leading technology layerfor financial applications. Nevertheless, in the past years, the attention of researchers and practitioners movedto the application of the Blockchain technologies to other domains. Recently, it represents the backbone ofa new digital supply chain. Thanks to its capability of ensuring data immutability and public accessibility ofdata streams, Blockchain can increase the efficiency, reliability, and transparency of the overall supply chain,and optimize the inbound processes. The literature concerning Blockchain in non-financial applicationsmainly focused on the technological part and the Business Process Modeling, lacking in terms of standardmethodology for designing a strategy to develop and validate the overall Blockchain solution and integrate itin the Business Strategy. Thus, this paper aims to overcome this lack. First, we integrate the current literaturefilling the lack concerning the digital strategy, creating a standard methodology to design Blockchaintechnology use cases, which are not related to finance applications. Second, we present the results of ause case in the fresh food delivery, showing the critical aspects of implementing a Blockchain solution.Moreover, the paper discusses how the Blockchain will help in reducing the logistics costs and in optimizingthe operations and the research challenges.

INDEX TERMS Blockchain, hyperledger, supply chain.

I. INTRODUCTIONBlockchain emerged as a leading technology layer for finan-cial applications. Nevertheless, in the past years, the attentionof researchers and practitioners moved to the applicationof the Blockchain technologies to other domains [14], [15].In this context, Supply Chain and Logistics are the topicspaying more attention to the Blockchain, with the creation ofseveral startups [38] and the introduction of the Blockchainin the agenda of countries and companies [1], [13].

The Blockchain is a disruptive innovation, due to its capa-bility of ensuring data immutability and public accessibilityof data streams. Moreover, its decentralized and distributedinfrastructure prevents the problems of the present central-ized approaches, including trust issues, such as fraud, cor-ruption, tampering and falsify information, and their limitedresiliency. Centralized systems are vulnerable to collapsesince a single point of breakdown might lead the whole sys-tem to be crashed. However, since this technology is still in itsearly stages, it presents some inherent defects and its deploy-ment in factual Supply Chain and Logistics applications is

somehow problematic. In particular, there is a general lack inthe literature of Blockchain. To the best of our knowledge,just a few papers deal with non-finance implementations.

The literature mainly considers the Business Process Mod-elling and the Technology Design Process of a Blockchain-based solution [7], [8], [12], [22], [24], [35]. In particular,Weber et al. [37] proposed a Blockchain solution for solv-ing the problem of lack of trust in collaborative processes.The authors focused their attention on the representation ofthe Business Process Model and Notation. The prototype,implemented through Ethereum for the Blockchain infras-tructure and Solidity for the Smart Contracts, was vali-dated by applying it to business processes taken from theliterature. Guerreiro et al. [17] focused on the BusinessProcess Modelling, presenting a meta-model for executingsecure business transactions using Blockchain and an Enter-prise Operating System. They intended to solve the securityrisks involved in business transactions executions increas-ing trust, authenticity, robustness, and traceability againstfraud.

620182169-3536 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.

Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.

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More recently, considerable attention was devoted to appli-cations of the Blockchain to the agriculture and fresh food.The reason is the importance, in these applications, of trustand immutability of the data, the interaction of several actors,and the costs due to the need of creating documentation forthe different regulations and to specific accidents, as foodcontamination. Leng et al. [21] proposed a public Blockchainof the agricultural supply chain system based on double chainarchitecture to enhance the efficiency of Blockchain in theagricultural supply chain. They showed that their solutionprovides adaptive rent-seeking and matching mechanism forpublic service platform. It guarantees the transparency andsecurity of transaction information and privacy of enterpriseinformation. Moreover, it can improve the public serviceplatform and the overall efficiency of the system. The maindrawbacks come from the size of the underlying Blockchainnetwork and the related performance issues. Moreover, thesystem is just simulated, and further work should be doneto obtain a running application. Mao et al. [23] proposeda Blockchain-based credit evaluation system to strengthenthe effectiveness of supervision and management in the foodsupply chain. In particular, they gather credit evaluation textfrom traders by smart contracts on the Blockchain. Then thetext is analyzed by a deep learning method named Long ShortTerm Memory (LSTM). They show the effectiveness of theirmethod, but they do not consider the overall system costs andbenefits explicitly.

As above mentioned, these frameworks lack in terms ofstandard methodology to design, develop and validate theoverall Blockchain solution at the Strategic level. In partic-ular, there is limited evidence of the value for the actors,the overall costs and benefits, preventing the development ofreal cases. The consequence is that, as highlighted in [11],there are very few Blockchain projects with high longevity.Only the 8% of projects are actively maintained, while theremaining part fails. Linking the Strategic level, and the digi-tal strategy in particular, with the Business Process Modelingand the Technology Design Process is crucial, being the keyaction to move from the pioneering phase of the Blockchainto a more mature exploitation phase.

FIGURE 1. Phases of a Blockchain project definition and coverage by theliterature.

To our vision, the Business Process Modeling and theTechnology Design Process phases must be preceded by thedefinition of a proper digital strategy (Fig. 1). In this step,the main actors, their roles, as well as the financial andoperational goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

are defined. Moreover, the Business Processes, the informa-tion migrating to the Blockchain and the characteristics of theBlockchain in use are designed too.

To the best of our knowledge, this phase is not addressedin the literature. Thus, this paper contributes to the literaturealong two axes. First, it integrates the other contributions,while proposing a standard and repeatable methodology toaddress the digital strategy design in Blockchain projects.Second, we discuss the results of a use case in the freshfood delivery, showing the critical aspects of implement-ing a Blockchain solution. The paper will discuss how theBlockchain will help in reducing the logistics costs and inoptimizing the operations, its recent applications, and theresearch challenges [6], [35]. An essential aspect of the nov-elty of this paper is that, on the contrary of other contributionsbased on simulations, our analysis refers to a Blockchainsolution that has been really implemented.

II. BLOCKCHAIN AND LOGISTICS:A POSSIBLE MARRIAGEIf Supply Chain Management is an integrating function withprimary responsibility for linking business functions withinand across companies into a cohesive and high-performingbusiness model, Logistics is considered by the differentactors as the ‘‘reason to be’’ of each firm belonging toa supply chain [32]. Without logistics, no raw materialcan be extracted, transformed and delivered to the finaluser [9] and [16]. Logistics is evolving rapidly in thepast decade, thanks to the introduction of new manage-ment frameworks, as the Physical Internet and Industry 4.0,and new technologies, mainly ICT-based, as the Internet ofThings (IoT), Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, andBlockchain companies [1]. The Blockchain is one of themost promising technologies in Logistics Management andOptimization, thanks to some intrinsic characteristics, as dataintegrity and decentralized operations. But how to incorporatea Blockchain in a real Logistic system, and how andwhen thismarriage might be fruitful are still open questions [9]. In thefollowing, we give a quick depiction of the requirements ofa modern Supply Chain, the characteristics attributed to aBlockchain system and finally, we discuss the issues relatedto the scalability and the costs of the technology itself.

A. BLOCKCHAIN CHARACTERISTICSBlockchain can be viewed as a decentralized database inwhich information can be stored, and that is particularlyadaptable to deal with the transaction of assets. However, it isbased on important pillars that make it different from a simpledatabase and one of the leading emerging technologies.

From a system design standpoint, the key characteristics ofthe Blockchain are the following:• Open distributed ledger. The Blockchain is designedto be decentralized. Thus, the database is distributed,and copies of all information are shared among theparticipants. They can validate this information withoutthe need for a centralized authority. If a transaction

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is changed, a new block is created and chained tothe previous blocks. Ledger data between nodes ofthe Blockchain network are matched at random inter-vals [19]. This randomly matching is what makes thistechnology secure from hackers, as there is no bankinformation or identities of the parties and the data ispublic in real-time. The decentralization combined withthe real-time updating of information make Blockchaingood in networks involving different organizations.Indeed, its adoption is encouraged in Supply Chainapplications.

• Rules to share data. Participants govern the Blockchain.They agreed in advance the types of transaction, whichare stored in the chain as smart contracts.

• Few intermediary third parties. A traditional businesstransaction involves two parts: a public ledger entryabout the transaction and private messages between theparties involved about identities, security keys for trans-actions and location [19]. The combination of these twoparts and the decentralization of the system accessibleto anyone who validates makes it possible to avoid theintermediary trusted third party (i.e., banks, exchanges,brokerage firms or price reporting agencies), execut-ing a transaction with limited cost and time, and in asecure way.

• Consensus-based and trustiness. As above mentioned,participants independently validate a transaction. Dueto the decentralized storage and the presence of morethan one copy of the database, participants have to agreeby consensus, on the source of truth and thus validatethe transaction. The consensus mechanism allows avoid-ing that mistakes or fraudulent actions could affect thedatabase.

• Cryptographically sealed and Immutability of data. Oneof the most important pillars of Blockchain is the cryp-tography. In fact, cryptographic technologies (e.g., theSecure Hash Algorithm SHA-256) are needed for thedigital signatures and data integrity, avoiding the manip-ulation of a block, once the transaction has been val-idated and recorded. This cryptographic mechanismmakes data stored in the Blockchain immutable andunique.

• Time-stamped and Chronological blocks. As its namesuggests, Blockchain is composed of chronologically-linked blocks. They let a user create analytics based ondynamic data.

For these reasons, in recent years Blockchain has beenapplied in different fields, and in particular in the publicsector, with focus on the identification of the drivers of costsand benefits [3]. Through the collection and the analysisof data from nine diversified Blockchain implementation,this paper highlights the need to provide insights, based onempirical evidence, on the economic constraints and effectsof Blockchain implementation in the public sector.

The need to analyze the benefits of the application ofBlockchain to enable government services, focusing on the

security implications of the adoption of distributed ledgertechnologies, arises in [2] and [25]. In these papers, differentuse cases were examined concerning economic and socialbenefits. In particular, the study highlights how Blockchaincan overcome the security challenges in IoT, such as theidentification and trust management of the different devices,the information tracking, the authentication and access con-trol, and the accountability in IoT based applications.

The literature review highlights the lack of publicationsbased on the analysis of use cases in the logistics field. More-over, there is also a gap of the literature on the methodologyto build realistic use cases.

B. OPPORTUNITIES IN LOGISTICSDefining a modern Logistic system is a hard task due tothe high interconnection of the different actors in the systemand the availability of different technologic frameworks (CityLogistics, Physical Internet, Cyber-physical systems).

FIGURE 2. A logistic system as a network of actors (Crainic et al., 2018).

Crainic et al. [9] present a possible model, where thelogistic system is defined in terms of a multi-actor system(see Fig. 2 for a depiction). In details, the figure illustratesthis situation and complexity through the Social BusinessNetwork (SBN). The SBN represents a complex system in astandard visual manner and is part of the GUEST method-ology [30], [36]. The SBN is a graph composed of nodesand arcs. The nodes represent players grouped by type, whilethe arcs symbolize the relationships between nodes, and theirgraphical representation is based on their type (i.e., commer-cial, normative, or stakeholdership). The graph clarifies thata logistic system has an additional level of complexity dueto the correlations between the actors. Moreover, this level ofcomplexity is just one of many that come from examining thesystem from various points of view, including the presenceof multiple objectives (e.g., performance-based, economic,environmental, or social) and of different levels of decisionmaking (e.g., real-time, operational, tactical, or strategic).

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Thus, logistics and (specifically Intermodal) transportationare complicated systems. This complexity involves severalchallenges within the following topics:• City Logistics is the process for entirely optimizing thelogistics and transport activities in urban areas whileconsidering the traffic environment, congestion andenergy consumption within the framework of a marketeconomy [29], [34].

• Synchromodality is the 5th pathway of ALICE roadmap.It involves a step change from the current system,towards the ultimate vision of the Physical Internet,by synchronizing intermodal services between modesand with shippers [28].

• Physical Internet is an open global logistics systemfounded on physical, digital, and operational inter-connectivity, through encapsulation, interfaces, andprotocols [26].

All these challenges have a common need: the benefitscome from the network effect, and this can be obtained onlywith a proper sharing of the information. On the other side,the data sharing must be secured, distributed (e.g., for opti-mizing the subsystems locally) and with some automatedactions related to the different regulations and negotiations.Thus, Blockchain appears as a natural technology for imple-menting these common issues. Presently, the main limitsare the issues related to the scalability and the costs of theBlockchain and the few use cases with clear costs/benefitsanalysis.

C. SCALABILITY AND COSTSIn the present, an open question concerns the scalability,which refers to the limits on the amount of transaction thatthe Blockchain network can manage. The co-founder ofEthereum (i.e., one of the most widely used cryptocurren-cies with Bitcoin) coined the term ‘‘scalability trilemma’’ toindicate the difficulty of combine decentralization, scalabil-ity, and security. He stated that Blockchain systems couldhave at most two of these three properties. According to thistrilemma, public Blockchains (i.e., anyone can participate),such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are designed to be decentral-ized and secure, compromising their scalability. They canachieve only 7 and 15 transactions per second as maximumthroughput, respectively [4], [31].

Private or enterprise Blockchain systems (i.e., permis-sioned Blockchain governed by a restricted group of users),such as Quorum and Hyperledger Fabric, claim a highernumber of transactions per second. Quorum stated thattests had demonstrated throughput of dozens to hundredsof transactions per second depending on system config-uration [5]. Hyperledger Fabric claims 3500 transactionsper second, while IOTA supports 180 transactions per second,with the aim to arrive at 1600 for the end of 2018. Com-paring Blockchain performances with those of the main-stream payment processor as Visa credit card that processes2000 transactions per second on average and a pick rate of56000 transactions per second, a gap in term of scalabilityexists [10]. In particular, public Blockchains are far from

usable in finance, while with less decentralization, the per-formance and scalability of enterprise Blockchains, particu-larly Hyperledger Fabric are more adaptable to be used [31].However, private Blockchains have different properties andmechanisms not sustainable, wasting a considerable amountof energy [33].

In the remaining part of this paper, we discuss another chal-lenging issue concerning the costs of Blockchain technology.Although different contributions state that Blockchain coulddramatically reduce the cost of transactions [18], this tech-nology implies a relevant amount of set-up costs, especiallyfor small-medium sized enterprises.

III. DESIGN METHODOLOGYThe GUEST methodology [30], [36], used in this paperfor the use case design, has been developed by a pool ofresearchers from the Politecnico di Torino. GUEST aimsto provide companies with an innovative framework forbusiness management. The aim is to provide an easy-to-understand methodology, applicable to the entire decision-making process, to increase efficiency and improve qualityfor the companies. The GUEST methodology controls theprocess, from the original idea to its implementation, pro-viding conceptual and practical tools to the different actorsinvolved, enabling them to communicate their vision, dif-ficulties, and opportunities within the same structure. Themethodology is articulated in five steps (GO, UNIFORM,EVALUATE, SOLVE, and TEST), and each step allows theactors to monitor their projects and, at the same time, grantsthe standardization of documents and tools that should beused to evaluate ideas, successes, actions, and results.

In order to correctly apply the methodology, the first stepis to define the different actors involved in the process, iden-tifying for each actor the jobs (what are they trying to achievein their work), the gains (the concrete benefits that they areseeking), and the pains (problems connected with their work).

Once the jobs, gains, and pains for each actor have beencollected, it is possible to prioritize them to highlight themoreimportant or urgent ones, and visualize them through theValue Ring, a graphical tool able to show quickly and imme-diately the real needs of the actors. The Solution Canvas,an analytical tool used in the GUEST methodology with theintention of outlining the chosen solution to apply it, willaddress these needs. The Solution Canvas is divided into ninesections:• Decision makers: who makes the decisions listed inthe proposed solution, their hierarchy and, if possible,the timing.

• Constraints: actions necessary to implement the solu-tion, how they will be carried, their target and thepossible technological constraints.

• Decisions: decisions taken, specifying their characteris-tics, priority, and methods for the implementation.

• Information & Resources: sources of the informationthat led to the solution chosen, also specifying the levelof detail of the information available and the level ofuncertainty.

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• Users/Decision makers relationships: relations bet-ween those who took the decisions and who will makeuse of them.

• Users: actors involved in the solution, those who willbenefit from the solution implemented. It is essential toengage the final users in the process, in order to avoiddangerous phenomena of resistance at the corporatelevel.

• Channels: channels through which actors will beinformed of the change due to the proposed solution,and the channels through which the solution will beimplemented.

• Goals/Objectives: objectives to be achieved through theimplementation of the solution, defined by Key Per-formance Indicators (KPIs) identified in the previousEvaluate phase.

• Costs: list of the set-up costs to implement the pro-posed solution and its maintenance costs. Furthermore,this section considers also the negative impact that thecompany would incur not implementing the proposedsolution.

IV. FRESH FOOD USE CASEIn this section, we apply the GUEST methodology to designthe use case related to an e-commerce food retailer locatedin Europe. In particular, in Subsection A, we present thecompany and the as-is process with the focus on the inboundoperations. Then, in Subsection B we discuss the main stepsof the methodology, applied to our case. First, we definethe actors and the value proposition that a Blockchain-basedsolution could offer to them. Then, we depict the solutioncanvas. Finally, we present the solution from a technologicalviewpoint.

FIGURE 3. Inbound supply chain process.

A. THE COMPANY AND AS-IS PROCESSThe use case refers to an e-commerce food retailer locatedin Europe (10 warehouses and 3 distribution centers), withsuppliers situated worldwide. Suppliers can deliver either ata cross-docking center or directly at selected warehouses,and a specific carrier is contracted by the retailer to ensuredeliveries from the cross-docking center to the warehousesand from warehouse to warehouse for inventory balancingand out-of-stock emergencies. Fig. 3 shows the simplified

structure of the supply chain, highlighting both the flows ofphysical goods and data.

Inbound operations begin with the Product Order (PO)confirmation. The POs can be regular or urgent based onthe in-stock situation and forecast accuracy. Once the sup-plier confirms the PO, regarding quantities and delivery date,either supplier-owned transportation or third-party carriersare in charge of picking up the truckload. Based on the POrequest and the agreements between supplier and retailer,a destination warehouse or distribution center is selected forthe delivery. An Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) is thencreated, which is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) doc-ument containing details on the delivery. Thanks to the ASN,the receiving warehouse should have visibility of the incom-ing goods as soon as the delivery is planned. The retailer’swarehouses are quite small and only have from 2 to 5 dockdoors for truck unloading, so the carriers must request andbook a time slot for delivery. Once the booking is confirmed,the carrier can plan its delivery to the distribution center orwarehouse.

When the truck arrives at the warehouse, inbound physicaloperations take place: unloading, scanning shipment bar-codes, the signature of the Bill of Lading and shipping doc-uments, placing the load on the inbound dock. The inboundoperations are considered as finished when the operators scanthe delivered product. This process can be furtherly optimizedconsidering potential drawbacks in the different steps, suchas inaccurate quantity information, delays (caused by traf-fic, custom operations, weather conditions, etc.), wrong orinaccurate information about incoming goods.

B. USE CASE DESIGNThe following subsections outline how the different steps ofthe GUEST methodology described in Section III have beenapplied to the use case of the e-commerce food retailer.

1) ACTORSThe first step is devoted to identifying the main actorsinvolved in the process, their jobs, gains and pains, and thevalue proposition in terms of the gain creators and painrelievers that the solution based on the Blockchain technologycould offer.

In particular, as highlighted in the Fig. 3, we identify thefollowing key players:• Producer, who represents the supplier of the product.• Warehouse manager of the e-commerce food retailerand intermediary facilities. It is responsible for all theaspects related to the supply chains and manages thewarehouses and inventory levels at all the concernedfacilities, and packaging issues.

• Distributor/carrier. It is in charge of the transportationand logistics activities along the entire chain. In partic-ular, it ensures deliveries from the cross-docking centerto the warehouses and from a warehouse to another forinventory balancing and out-of-stock emergency.

• Final user. The two main customer segments ofthe e-commerce retail are the Business-to-Business

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FIGURE 4. Value Ring.

represented by retailers, food store, and the Hotel/Resturant/Cafè (HoReCa) companies, and finally,the Business-to-Consumer that includes the individualfinal user of the product.

Fig. 4 shows the Value Ring (that for the convenience of thereader we illustrated as a chart with two axes) and depictsthe value proposition that the adoption of the Blockchaintechnology could offer to the above-listed actors.

In particular, in the horizontal axis, these actors are orderedaccording to their importance to the chain, while the verticalaxis describes the priority of each gain creator or pain reliever.

The first actor that plays a central role in our use case isthe producer. As described, the inbound process implies thatthe producer generates an ASN with the detailed informationon the delivery to the receiving warehouse. Based on thetechnology the supplier uses, the receiving station will be ableto receive information by scanning the ASN at a pallet level,since the pallet barcode contains Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)level details, or the pallet will have to be unpacked andeach SKU will have to be scanned individually. However,small-sized producers might not use the EDI system andthe information in the barcodes and ASNs might be inaccu-rate. Thus, from a technological standpoint, the Blockchaincould guarantee the end-to-end integration, and transfer ofinformation flow concerning items and batches, by providinginteroperability within the existing systems and EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP) software.

One of the most critical issues that the producer has to faceregards the certification of its product that given its relevancecan be considered as a priority. Producers can request thecertification and authentication of its product units, regard-ing the provenance and the compliance with the health reg-ulations. Producers are thus in charge of creating unifiedbatches of units and storing the information in digital format,

generating the equivalent token. Moreover, the batches aretracked at the transformation nodes, where they are used asinput for other products.

In a medium-term perspective, the inaccuracy of infor-mation regarding incoming goods affects the computation,evaluation, and monitoring of the Key Performance Indica-tors for both the producer, the warehouse management andthe distribution/carrier companies. On the contrary, havingvisibility of the whole supply chain and avoiding to provideinaccurate or trustworthy information, could help to reducethe chances of human errors, counterfeits, while improvingthe forecast. As a consequence, the producer can optimize theproduction and planning processes, anticipating a situation ofout-of-stock and reducing the bullwhip effect. It refers to thephenomenon of demand variability amplification as movingup in the supply chain, due to several factors as demand fore-casting updating, order batching, price fluctuation, rationingand shortage gaming [20].

Higher inventory levels to increase protection against thebullwhip effect could be reduced, resulting in decreased totallogistics costs and increased margins and profitability. Theproducers would benefit from the highest savings since itsposition upstream in the supply chain would mean higherbullwhip effect: thanks to greater visibility of the wholesupply chain, this issue would be reduced. Although, the mostvisible decrease in demand standard deviation occurs for theproducer, the warehouse manager, and distributor/carrier arealso affected by the bullwhip effect reductions, but to a minorextent.

Concerning the warehouse manager, in doing its jobsthat mainly consists on the planning and the managementof inventory levels at all the facilities, detailed informationabout incoming goods are crucial for the capacity and laborplanning. Thus, the adoption of the Blockchain technology

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could improve inbound efficiency regarding the optimiza-tion of planning decisions, thanks to the access to certi-fied data and information, and the visibility of the wholesupply chain and thus, on inbound processes and inventorystatus.

In a short-term perspective, one of the more critical painfor the e-commerce retailer is the fight against counterfeit andexpired products (i.e., with exceeded sell-by or use-by date),or waste caused by not correct preservation or unsafe stor-age conditions (i.e., wrong packaging, wrong transportationconditions, late delivery at the retailer’s warehouse). Indeed,one of the principal cause of food recalls in our context is thebacterial contamination due to unsanitary product handlingand pest infestations.

All these issues compromise the selling of products, gen-erating waste time in paperwork and cost due to the foodrecall campaign and the chargeback disputes regarding theresponsibility of the conditions mentioned above. If a livetracking of the products is available, each participant wouldhave access to the single version of the truth and chargebackswould be assigned to the responsible party, with no need formore extended investigations and exchange of unnecessarypaperwork.

Thus, a certification system and the tracking of goodsbecomes necessary to ensure the compliance with healthregulation and a fast response in case of a food recall. If thecontamination occurs, for example, in some warehouses ortrucks, it is possible to track and identify the batches ofproduct and safely remove from the market only the affectedones.

Implementing a Blockchain-based solution is an opportu-nity for both producers and warehouse managers, in terms offast actions that must be planned to prevent further contami-nations, with quick recalls and costs savings. In fact, the costsrelated to the notifications, include the campaign to find thecontaminated units, and the additional costs for chargebackdisputes.

Using the Blockchain technology, in the medium and long-term, the distributor/carrier benefits from the reduction ofthe bullwhip effect and the forecast improvement, as abovediscussed. In the short run, the most critical aspect for thedistributor/carrier is represented by the delays in deliveryoperations.

The distributor/carrier has to request a time slot for deliverybatches in the warehouse. Once a time slot is booked, thedistributor/carrier can plan its delivery to the distributioncenter or warehouse. However, traffic situation, customsoperations, and unexpected weather conditions can lead toa delay in delivery operations and cause missed timeslotappointment, with delay costs and paperwork.

Details on incoming products and trusted real-time infor-mation are thus crucial for the planning of time slots andfuture adjustments regarding appointments in the warehouseswhen needed.

Finally, the most critical issue that affects the finaluser concerns the problem of bacterial contamination and

food recall. However, the value proposition that Blockchainoffers is different depending on the customer segment.Indeed, the Business-to-Business segment benefits from theeasier identification and removal of unsafety or expiredunits and batches that such technology guarantees. Whilefor the Business-to-Consumer the primary value propositionis represented by the health protection and the reduction ofpotential issues related to the contaminations.

2) SOLUTION CANVASThis section is devoted to analyzing the solution canvasdesigned for our use case, and shown in Fig. 5.

The decision maker is represented by the e-commerce foodchain retailer and specifically, its supply chain and warehousemanagement that should foster and promote the adoption ofBlockchain technology.

The users of the Blockchain-based solution are the actorspresented in the previous subsection and thus, the producer,warehouse managers, distributor/carrier, and final users.Besides, certifiers and auditors, which are the inspectors ofstandards can be considered as a user. They are interestedin trusted data concerning the method of production andthe provenience, to assign certification (e.g., organic or biolabels).

Regarding the relationships between the decision makerand the users, the warehouse managers interact with the pro-ducers to obtain detailed information, optimizing and plan-ning the inbound flows. As above discussed, in this direction,the Blockchain could increase the visibility of the wholenetwork of producers and warehouses on inbound processesand inventory status.

Moreover, the distributor/carrier interact with the ware-house managers to book the time slot, and delivery theincoming products collected from producers.

The solution could be implemented by means of a pilotproject promoted by the e-commerce food retailer that selectsa group of producers and distributors/carriers, which are will-ing to adopt the Blockchain technology. The pilot projectrepresents an implementation and decision channel, as itallows to adopt the system on a smaller scale, to demonstratethe increase in visibility in inbound processes and the insighton forecasting future product orders, as well as reducingchargebacks and paperwork costs to confirm the return oninvestment.

Moreover, in addition to the digital security thatBlockchain guarantees, a ‘‘Consortium’’ can be set up group-ing some participating actors that have access to the data andtrusted to read and write, with a combination of public andprivate keys.

The objectives of the adoption of the Blockchain technol-ogy in the solution are:• create a network of producers, distributors, certifiers,and final retailers and customers;

• create a certified and distributed data center by dis-tributed ledger, which collects data and tracks batchesof products from the producer to the final customer;

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FIGURE 5. Solution Canvas.

• monitor and certify the respect for regulations in termsof safety, expiration date, certifications, all along thesupply chain;

• improve the food supply chain in terms of efficiency andspeed, supporting and optimizing the forecast activitiesand the warehouse management.

Themain decisions that must be taken are related to the keyelements of the solution. Thus, decisions regard to the mecha-nism of tracking of products, the accuracy of the informationflow along the supply chain, and the visibility of inboundprocesses and inventory status to guarantee the forecastimprovement and efficiency.

To implement the solution, the principal resource neededis the Blockchain technology. In particular, among the dif-ferent technologies, in the use case proposed in this paper,Hyperledger Fabric has been adopted. It provides a modu-lar architecture that allows a variety of implementations oncryptography, identity and consensus algorithms that can beadapted to the needs of the Consortium. More details aboutthe solution from a technological standpoint will be providedin the next subsection.

Another relevant resource concerns the token that in ouruse case represents the digital equivalent of the batch ofgoods, with the additional parameter of the certification.

The solution implies some constraints that must be consid-ered in the implementation phase. They can be summarizedas follows:• adopt the IBM Blockchain Platform already availableas an Enterprise Membership program. The platformis built on the latest code and ensures enterprise-levelsecurity, data integrity, scalability, and performance. Themembership cost guarantees technical support and acloud-based option that is enterprise-ready in terms ofmanaging a secure business network across multipleorganizations.

• Producers and the other actors involved in thechain must adopt the Blockchain and track products,in terms of batch ID and all transformations along thechain.

• It is thus necessary to set up overall volume controlsto verify that no untracked products are inserted in thesupply chain along the processes. Algorithms can be

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implemented in each step to guide the upload of correctinformation and reduce human error.

• Consensus structure based on participants in a transac-tion: producer, distributor/carrier, certifier, retailer.

• Permissioned endorsements allow a distributed trustamong participants.

The solutionmust be scalable with the possibility of inclusionof private Blockchains.• Data models need to be designed so that the infor-mation flow can be transferred electronically end-to-end to secure interoperability within Blockchain andexisting ERPs.

Finally, the last building block of the solution canvasconcerns the costs of the solution.

TABLE 1. Costs and revenues.

They can be grouped in four main categories:• Development costs that are related to the implemen-tation of the Blockchain and its integration with cur-rent ERPs and systems of the organizations involved.These costs also include the personnel costs for technicalIT experts and project managers, as shown in Table I.Moreover, they include the expenditure for hardware andsoftware assets (e.g., IBM Blockchain Platform licenseand member subscription).

• Cost of the introduction of the solution. It refers to thetraining costs of all the operators.

• Maintenance costs. As the term suggests, they referto the cost of maintaining the whole infrastructureand guarantee its correct functioning. Thus, theyinclude the maintenance of the system in Amazon WebServices (AWS).

• Cost for not introducing the solution. It refers to allthe inefficiencies along the supply chain that determineadditional economic efforts. For example, the costs forfood recall campaigns, products waste (e.g., expireditems or caused by unsafe stocking conditions), and timeand cost spent on chargebacks disputes.

3) SOLUTION DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGYThe Blockchain technology, based on a Hyperledger Fabricnetwork over the Amazon AWS Cloud, is applied in the freshfood company with the aim to increase the efficiency andreduce the costs. Moreover, the visibility of the supply chaincan benefit the entire business. For this purpose, as mentionedbefore, the general requirements are:• Create a network of producers, suppliers, distributors,certifiers, and final retailers;

• Track batches all along the supply chain, to create adigital ledger of the products;

• Monitor and certify the respect for regulations in termsof the expiration date and certifications;

• Monitor and certify the respect of specific requirementsall along the supply chain.

The number of products to trace is of the order of1000000 per day, with peaks of transactions in the orderof 5000000. Not all the data related to the process can bemigrated in the Blockchain. The data stored in the Blockchainare the ones relevant, from a legal point of view, for theofficial documents automatic creation by Smart Contracts andthe certification of the regulations on the cold chain. Theremaining data are still in the legacy systems of the differentactors. In a second phase of the project, it will be through thefull migration, but this is still far to come, due to the presentperformances of the different available Blockchain systems.

The choice of Hyperledger Fabric comes from theindustrial-level implementation of the code, the possibilityto easily integrate analytics and deep learning, as well asthe compatibility of Hyperledger with the existing networkof sensors monitoring the fleet and the operations on theproducts (temperature in particular).

The adoption of the Blockchain technology is aimed at thecreation of a distributed ledger that collects data all alongthe supply chain and tracks each batch of product from theproducer to the final customer. A further objective is toimprove the food supply chain in terms of efficiency andspeed, supporting and optimizing warehouse management,and ensuring respect for regulations. The main benefits of theadoption of the Blockchain technology are:• Improvement of the inbound efficiency, in terms ofworkforce and capacity planning;

• Reduction of expired items or waste caused by unsafestocking conditions;

• Improvement of the accuracy in the tracking of ingredi-ents, to ensure the compliance with health regulations.

Moreover, the benefits of the adoption of the Blockchainin the supply chain could result in an increase in sales,mainly driven by the reduction of the counterfeits and theimprovement of the customer trust.

C. RESULTSWe identify two main types of results: the first are relatedto the Blockchain solution, while the second concern themethodology adopted to build the use case.

Notice that, due to the coverage of the methodology andthat the solution is actually implemented in the company,we provide high-level results, while precise figure cannot bedisclosed for confidentiality reasons.

Concerning the first type of results, the case study showsthat the cost of implementing Blockchain is highly sustain-able when compared with the resulting benefits. Assumingthe adoption of IBM Blockchain Platform, the companyexclusively needs an internal IT support team made of5 people (3 technical experts and 2 project managers). In thiscase, the total yearly costs are fully covered by the costsavings, as shown in Table 1. Savings come from the increase

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of the inbound efficiency, given by 850 working hours savedby the optimization of operations, the transfer of 2 operatorsto a different area, and the increased accuracy of the data (andconsequent reduction of recovery actions). The main savingsare generated by the reduction of the waste of goods thanksto the better management of use-by-date information, and theidentification of possible unsafe storage conditions. To thesesavings, extra value may come from an increase of the marketshare (+10 of revenues by the counterfeit reduction and theincrease in brand image and customer affection for certi-fied products) and the reduction of the impact of the costsgiven by the recalls for possible contaminations (from morethan 1Meto about 600Ke).

The final cost, spread among the actors, becomes of about1000e per month per actor, paid by sharing the possiblesavings. On the contrary, the main thread for the adoption ofthe Blockchain is actually the need of having all the actorsinvolved.

Concerning the results related to the methodology, we candraw some managerial insights.

Before the technological aspects and business processmodeling, it is necessary a preliminary design and deploy-ment of a digital strategy. In this phase, the actors, theirgains, and pains, and their advantages in using Blockchaintechnology must be identified and sized.

Starting from the value offered to each actor represents akey factor in the implementation of a successful and efficientBlockchain solution represents a key factor.

In our use case, the methodology adopted allows to transitfrom the assessment of the digital strategy to the implemen-tation of the solution in 4 months (thanks to the advanced IoTsystem). Moreover, the focus on the actors allows identifyingfrom the beginning the benefits of the Blockchain solutions,increasing the stakeholders’ willingness to participate. Thesubsequent monitoring of the KPIs has exposed unexpectedbenefits for some actors.

The system must be monitored continuously to iden-tify unexpected gains not emerged before. For example,at the beginning of the project, the distributor/carrier per-ceived the Blockchain as a mandatory solution. While, withthe development of the project, they understood the gainsin term of efficiency obtained from the adoption of suchtechnology.

Finally, although we are in an early phase, it is crucial tofocus on the performance aspects and to evaluate which partof the process to migrate to the Blockchain.

Replacing the whole process and legacy system onBlockchain is not reasonable, due to the integration withthe other business processes and the willingness-to-share ofthe actors. Thus, in the preliminary phase, the assessment ofwhich parts of the process and information to move to theBlockchain is needed.

In our case, initially, there was the intention to move all theinformation and data from the IoT network to Blockchain.Later the actors decided to record on Blockchain only theinformation on critical events in terms of safety.

V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTSThe adoption of the Blockchain technology in the sup-ply chain is a promising enhancement, suitable to providebenefits to all the different actors involved in the process.

One of the most critical issues to be addressed in theimplementation of Blockchain in the supply chain is the needto include all the different actors. Moreover, the sharing of theinformation along the entire Blockchain could lead to inertiain adopting the solution. For this reason, a correct implemen-tation of the Blockchain technology in the supply chain muststart from an analysis of the needs and the objectives of thedifferent actors involved, with the aim to create a businessmodel capable of highlighting the returns (both in economicand customer satisfaction terms) of this solution.

Future work concerns the integration of our methodologywith the Business Process Modeling, to guide the Blockchainprojects from the value definition to the implementation.Moreover, a future direction of our research is devoted toextending our methodology to other applications. In partic-ular, a possible application will be the automotive industry,with a focus on the vehicle identity and integration Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure for autonomous drivingand data exchange purposes.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTWhile working on this paper, Prof. Guido Perboli was theleader of the Urban Mobility and Logistics Systems initiativeof the interdipartimental Center for Automotive Researchand Sustainable mobility CARS@POLITO at Politecnico diTorino, Turin, Italy.

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GUIDO PERBOLI founded the ICT for CityLogistics and Enterprises Center, Politecnico diTorino (ICELab@POLITO), a research centerfocused on two of the main activities support-ing the Urban growth: logistics and enterprisesin 2016. He is currently a Professor of strate-gic management and operations research with thePolitecnico di Torino and an Associate Member ofthe Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur lesRéseaux d’Enterprise, la Logistique et les Trans-

port, QC, Canada. He is also the Director of ICELab@POLITO. He is alsoa member of scientific boards and awards, including the Scientific Boardof SOS Log, the main Italian Association of Sustainable Logistics, and theAmazon InnovationAward, the International Award ofAmazon on LastMile,and Logistics and Emerging Business Models.

STEFANO MUSSO was born in CasaleMonferrato, Italy, in 1974. He received the degreein management engineering from the Polytechnicof Turin in 2004. From 2004 to 2015, he was apartner in a private consultancy company operat-ing in the field of strategic consulting, with specificfocus business development, market analysis, anddigital transformation. Since 2015, he has been aResearcher with the Department of Control andComputer Engineering (DAUIN), Politecnico di

Torino, mainly involved in national and European projects (H2020) andteaching in operations research and management courses. He has a goodexperience (over 10 years) in professional training courses.

His research activity mainly focuses on optimization in the transport andlogistics field.

He currently co-authored five articles, mainly focused on the role of thetechnology in the development of sustainable logistics solutions.

MARIANGELA ROSANO was born in Turin,Italy, in 1987.

She received the B.S. degree in businessorganization engineering and M.S. degree inindustrial engineering and management from thePolitecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2010 and2015, respectively.

She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degreein computer and control engineering with thePolitecnico di Torino.

From 2009 to 2014, she was a Consultant on the management and moni-toring of health and safety at work for several small-medium enterprises inTurin, Italy.

In 2017, she joined as a Visiting Researcher with the Centre Interuni-versitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux D’entreprise, la Logistique et leTransport (CIRRELT), Montreal, Canada.

Her research interests include city logistics, business development, andbusiness models, and operations management in the last-mile logistics forSmart Cities applications.

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