Blockchain and distributed ledgers: so much more than just bitcoin

Blockchain and distributed ledgers ------- So much more than just bitcoin Professor Robin Teigland Stockholm School of Economics [email protected] @RobinTeigland April 2016

Transcript of Blockchain and distributed ledgers: so much more than just bitcoin

Virtual Worlds

Blockchain and distributed ledgers-------So much more than just bitcoin

Professor Robin Teigland Stockholm School of[email protected] @RobinTeiglandApril


Time will tell..The Blockchain is the glue that is going to drive a productivity revolution across the globe on par with what Henry Ford did with the automobile.

Paul Brody, Americas Strategy Leader, Technology Sector, Ernst & Young

>USD 1 bln invested in Bitcoin/Blockchain

What is money?

Challenging our mindsetMoney = Fiat currencyCountrys primary currencyDerives value from government backing


A vocabulary list of currenciesFiat currencyNational currencyAlternative currencyBonus points/vouchers, e.g., frequent flyer milesDigital currencyIn-game currencies, e.g., Stardollars, Farmville cashVirtual world currencies, e.g., Linden dollars, PEDsMobile currency, e.g., M-pesaCryptocurrency, e.g., Bitcoin

>6000 alternative currencies

Real cash economy in Entropia Universe

GDP >USD 440 mlnPEDs USD, EURRecord virtual good: USD 625,000


an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. The beginnings of Bitcoin on the internet in 2008-2009


Bitcoin as described on sourceforgeBitcoin is a decentralized P2P (peer-to-peer) electronic cash system without a central server or trusted parties.

Users hold the crypto keys to their own money and transact directly with each other, with the help of the network to check for double-spending.

Banking is essential, but banks are not.Bill Gates

Self-organizing, global community of strangersLibertarianEfficiencyProfitChallengeCommunity

November 2009 is the month when the first message to the forum was posted. Therefore, we have the complete forum between day 1 and beginning of Jan 2013.12

InstitutionsEmergent CollectiveVSE.g., Central Bank~ Long-standing financial institutions and regulationsE.g., Bitcoin Community ~ Emergent collective of users across globe connected through internetTeigland, Yetis, Larsson 2013

No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity.

networks.Adapted from Lvy 1997

Image: Krebs

14Here is a quotation from Pierre Levy, a researcher who studies collective intelligence, or . He says, No one knows, but I have adapted this to be that all knowledge resides in networks. What good is knowledge if you cannot access it? Knowledge is created and transferred through networks. How many of you have heard of six degrees of separation? (raise hands)this means that we are collected to all other human beings on the face of the planet through six links, where a link is from me to person x in audience. Thus, each of us actually has access to all knowledge and resources that exist. (Next slide)

mobile phone, internet, here could have farmer in Asia, President Obama, Zlatan, Lvy, Collective Intelligence: Mankind's Emerging World in Cyberspace, 1997

My example of how this presentation was made. Asked a question on Socnet and received many good answers with peoples presentations and links to interesting sources

Continued growthOn April 27, 20161 BTC = USD 463 15.5 mln bitcoins in circulationMarket capitalization of USD 7.1 bln245,000 transactions

How does Bitcoin work? The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. All confirmed transactions are included in the block chain. This way, Bitcoin wallets can calculate their spendable balance and new transactions can be verified to be spending bitcoins that are actually owned by the spender. The integrity and the chronological order of the block chain are enforced with cryptography.

Digital (nothing new)Decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P), i.e., no central, third party (first of its kind)

Uses cryptography to validate/secure transactionsAlso uses cryptography to generate currency itself

Non-technical explanation of Bitcoin


Bitcoin is a ..combination of several innovations, arranged in a novel way: A peer-to-peer networkA proof-of-work algorithmA distributed timestamped accounting ledger An elliptic-curve cryptography and key infrastructure

A bitcoin transaction

Bitcoins and the Blockchain to use bitcoinsWays to get bitcoins


Where can I buy bitcoins?

32 lnder i Europa

Yesterday I bought 1000 SEK of bitcoins

The blockchain underlies bitcoin transactions

Financial Times


A global network of Bitcoin nodes verify the transactions

Mycelium wallet on my phone

Where can I spend my bitcoins?


On 260+ airlines through Bitnet

Where can I spend bitcoin in Prague?

my bitcoin purchase

The chances are that when Alice wants to send bitcoins to Bob, she wont have exactly the right number of bitcoins from other transactions. Perhaps she only wants to send 1.5 BTCto Bob.None of the transactions that she has in her bitcoin address are for that amount, and none of them add up to that amount when combined. Alice cant just split a transaction into smaller amounts. You can only spend the whole output of a transaction, rather than breaking it up into smaller amounts.Instead, she will have to send one of the incoming transactions, and then the rest of the bitcoins will be returned to her as change.Alice sends the two bitcoins that she got from Jane to Bob. Jane is the input, and Bob is the output. But the amount is only 1.5 BTC, because that is all she wants to send. So, her wallet automatically creates two outputs for her transaction: 1.5 BTC to Bob, and 0.5 BTCto a new address, which it created for Alice to hold her change from Bob.


What is so novel about Bitcoin?

Distributed timestamped public ledger Decentralized, P2P networkProof-of-work algorithmAll transactions ever made loggedChronology and integrity enforced by cryptographyNo third party overseeingTrust in the network

Screenclip from: How Bitcoin Works under the hood, by Curious Inventor The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. All confirmed transactions are included in the block chain. This way, Bitcoin wallets can calculate their spendable balance and new transactions can be verified to be spending bitcoins that are actually owned by the spender. The integrity and the chronological order of the block chain are enforced with cryptography.

Digital (nothing new)Decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P), i.e., no central, third party (first of its kind)

Uses cryptography to validate/secure transactionsAlso uses cryptography to generate currency itself

Non-technical explanation of Bitcoin


Bitcoin one of 100s of cryptocurrencies

Sluggish growth in bitcoin usage?Users satisfied with current payment systems that continuously improving Practical difficulty of purchasing bitcoinsVolatility of bitcoins value relative to governmentissued currenciesPerception that bitcoin is insecurePerception that only used for money laundering, drugs, etc.Questions over bitcoins legal statusIrreversible and unforgiving nature of bitcoin transactionsLack of support for bitcoin in mainstream financial sector

The blockchain (Ethereum)

- Andreas Antonopolous Saying that Bitcoin is a currency is like saying that the internet is email. Currency is just the first app!

The blockchainDecentralized and distributedRobust, no central control or authority required to coordinate behavior or interaction Shared public history of all transactions

Displaces roles of trusted third partiesCant do same transaction twice No transaction repudiation Initial entry requires trust but then system operates on trustless basis The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. All confirmed transactions are included in the block chain. This way, Bitcoin wallets can calculate their spendable balance and new transactions can be verified to be spending bitcoins that are actually owned by the spender. The integrity and the chronological order of the block chain are enforced with cryptography.


Centralized vs distributed ledgers

Financial Times

Benefits of blockchain for financial servicesLower costs through shared infrastructureFaster settlement that leads to lower capital and liquidity needsIncreased transparency, especially with cross border paymentsGreater security through cryptography, transparencyCiti Research, Jan 2016

Betting on the blockchain - together

>40 banks and countingGoldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, State Street, RBS, BBVA, UBS, Nordea, SEB, +



What can be decentralized using blockchains?Trading, stocks, bonds, Contracts, notary services InsuranceLaw, dispute resolution, Matchmaking servicesCrowdfunding, peer-to-peer lendingEtc.

Blockchain insurance applications

Enabling smart contracts?Weather dataalgorithm

Insuranceclaim payout

Enabling smart contractsImagine a blockchain-based script that is activated when two parties sendbitcoins to an escrow Bitcoin account controlled by the script, and which willrelease the bitcoins in the future to whoever wins a bet on the average level of rainfallover a certain period. This smart-contract is programmed to read data from weatheragencies, and after a set amount of time releases the bitcoins from the escrow, sending itto a farmer who requires protection against low rainfall. This is a blockchain-basedweather derivatives contract.-Brett Scott

IBM Institute for Business Value (PDF)

"In the absence of a centralized server brokering messages, supporting file storage and transfers, and arbitrating roles and permissions, any decentralized IoT solution should support three foundational types of transactions: Trustless peer-to-peer messaging Secure distributed data sharing A robust and scalable form of device coordination."


Worlds first decentralized computer?Commoditizes trust


Enablers of a true Collaborative Economy?BlockchainsSharing/ Collaborative EconomyIoT/sensorsP2P/M2M micropaymentsBig data


All our knowledge is about the past, but all our strategic decisions are about the future.

What we dont know we dont know

Most of what we need to know to make good decisions today is outside our comprehension: We dont even know its there.

What we knowWhat we know we dont know

Swinburne University of Technology51Thinking Futures, An Introduction to Scenario Planning, M Conway, 2003

1950s vision of home PC in 2004

If the rate of change on the outside (of an organization) exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.... -Jack Welch

Business has to be fun. For too many people, it's "just a job."

Of original Forbes 100 in 191761 companies ceased to exist by 198718 of remaining 39 underperformed market by 20%Only 2 beat market index (GE & Eastman Kodak)Only 1 (1%) today!Of companies in original S&P 500 in 1957426 companies ceased to exist by 1997Only 12 (2.4%) outperformed S&P 500 index in 1997 Of top 100 companies in Korea in 1955Only 7 still on list in 20041997 crisis destroyed half of 30 largest conglomerates


Robin [email protected]/[email protected]

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