Bleve ( explosion)

BY REG NO: 2013418009

Transcript of Bleve ( explosion)

Page 1: Bleve ( explosion)


REG NO: 2013418009

Page 2: Bleve ( explosion)

what is fire???

A process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke

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fire triangle

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What is explosion???

An explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner

Usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases

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Explosion pentagan

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Deflagration & detonation

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Types of explosion…

confined explosion

Unconfined explosion


Vapor cloud explosion

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Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion.



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To be continued…

Explosion Heated liquid expands transforming rapidly into vapor which in turn causes a pressure build up inside a closed container.

If the container is not designed to hold that pressure the pressure will cause the container to fail, releasing all of the vapor in the form of an explosion.

If the vaporized liquid is flammable and mixes with air it can easily be ignited by an ignition source.

Page 10: Bleve ( explosion)

The murdock BLEVE, sep 3, 1983

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The murdock BLEVE, sep 3, 1983

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