Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar:...

Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS Network Jessica.swainbradway@pbisillinoi

Transcript of Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar:...

Page 1: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1

Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D.Illinois PBIS Network

[email protected]

Page 2: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

A word about bamboo…

Greg Bell, Water the Bamboo

What are you building that will take several years to realize?

Page 3: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Agenda: Part 1

Academic Seminar defined and conceptual framework

Links to school retention and drop out literature

Adolescent brain developmentImportance of universal school-wide

foundations to support implementation

Page 4: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Agenda: Part 2 (8:30 am Wed)

Curricular material, School and student level data, School-level and district systems necessary

for implementation, Link to the logic for building individual Tier

3 plans of support

Page 5: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.


I will Be as clear and concise as possible, Provide relevant examples and, Embed activities

You will Ask questions when I am not clear, Share examples that link to the content,

Unicorn Dog will prompt all activities…

Page 6: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Unicorn Dog

Page 7: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Stage of T2 Implementation?

Page 8: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Conceptual Foundation

Page 9: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar

Tier 2 Support Class

• 45 minutes• Meets every day• 10-15 minutes of explicit instruction and practice in

organizational skills• 25-30 minutes in homework completion- applying organizational

skills– Curriculum ( search Academic Seminar)

More complex than CICO• May be an appropriate addition to the foundation of CICO

Additional “layer” of T2• Addresses work avoidance

Page 10: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Conceptual Framework

Kansas University Learning Strategies Teaching organizational skills to students with learning

disabilities results in significant gains in grades without re-teaching or supplementing content skills.

Best practices in teaching tell us to: Increasing scaffolding Increase opportunities to practice correctly Increase reinforcement of skill fluency

PBIS tells us to: Create systems of support to maximize efficiency and


Page 11: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.
Page 12: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Secondary Supports

Increase structure and consistency Increase positive adult interactionsLink academic and social supportsIncrease home engagement

Are readily and continuously available Increase progress monitoring

Page 13: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar

Class functions as: MORE intense Extension of & Intensified

Universal Tier :• Expectations• Acknowledgements

Addition of Organization Skill Set Explicit instruction Frequent practice opportunities Explicit, frequent acknowledgement for

demonstration of organization skills

Page 14: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Support in the classroom…

Tier 2 isn’t “stuck” in the Academic Seminar Classroom Or CICO Coordinator’s office…

Tier 2 in the classroomSTART PBIS in middle and high school in the

classroom Differentiated instruction

Page 15: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Drop Out Literature

Wherever they roam…

Page 16: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic failure (Allensworth & Easton,

2005; Balfanz, & Herzog, 2005),

Problem behavior (e.g. disruption, disrespect, etc.) (Sweeten, 2006; Tobin & Sugai, 1999

Poor teacher relationships (Barber &

Olson, 1997)

History of grade retention (Allensworth

et al, 2005),

Low attendance (Balfanz, & Herzog, 2005; Jerald, 2006;

Neild & Balfanz, 2006), and

Diagnosed with a disability (NTLS-2, ; Wagner, Newman,

Cameto, Levine, Garza, 2006).

Page 17: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Why students drop out

Academic failure is the most empirically robust predictor of drop out is (Allensworth & Easton, 2005; Berktold, Geis, & Kaufman, 1998; Harlow, 2003; Jordan McPartland, & Lara, 1999; Kemple, Herlihy & Smith, 2005; Markow & Scheer, 2002).

Students who drop out are NOT connected to school (Berktold, Geis, & Kaufman, 1998; Harlow, 2003 : Jerald, 2006; Bridgeland, DiIulio, & Morison, 2006).

24% of students who drop out are unable to identify an adult in the school by whom they feel supported (2006 High School Survey of Student Engagement).

Page 18: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

School Retention Literature

Adult feedback or interaction (Croninger & Lee, 2001; Dynarski, 2001; Fashola & Slavin, 1998; Hayward & Tallmadge, 1995; Kerr & Legters; Lee & Burkham, 2003; McPartland, 1994; Schargle & Smink, 2001; Sinclair, Christenson, Lehr, & Anderson, 2003; Thurlow, Christenson, Sinclair, Evelo, & Thornton, 1995)

Increase home / school connection (Dynarski, 2001; Fashol & Slavin, 1998; Sinclair, Christenson, Lehr, & Anderson, 2003; Thurlow, Christenson, Sinclair, Evelo, & Thornton, 1995)

Page 19: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

School Retention Literature

Increase structure and predictability (Dynarski, 2000; Fashola and Slavin, 1998; Hayward and Tallmadge, 1995; Lee and Burkham, 2003; Sinclair, Christenson, Lehr, and Anderson, 2003)

Both academic and social supports (Dynarski, 2001; Fashol & Slavin, 1998; Hayward & Tallmadge, 1995; Kemple, Herlihy, & Smith, 2005; McPartland, 1994; Schargle & Smink, 2001; Thurlow, Christenson, Sinclair, Evelo, & Thornton, 1995).

Page 20: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Brain Development

Page 21: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Path through the grassy field…

Page 22: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Not just a cool hat…

• Observing which brain structures participate in specific functions …

• Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Blood oxygen levels

• Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Electrical currents in neurons

Page 23: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Frontal Lobe: Self control, judgment, emotional regulation

Parietal Lobe: Sensory integration

Temporal Lobe: Emotional maturity

Corpus callosum: communication between 2 sides of brain

Regulating conscious and subconscious behaviors

Page 24: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Prefrontal cortex

For adults, the Prefrontal area, is the “CEO” of the brain Memory Attention Reasoning Planning Decision Making Impulse Control

Page 25: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Adolescent cognitive processes ARE VERY DIFFERENTfrom adult cognitive processes

Page 26: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Surprise! (Not)

Adolescent brains actually function differently than adult brains.

The physical evidence gathered from fMRI and MEG images shows that the adolescent brain is only about 80 percent as developed as an adult brain.

Notably, the frontal lobes are responsible for planning, organization, and impulse control, are typically under-developed during adolescence. In some cases the “adolescent brain” may persist until about the age

of 30.

Elizabeth Sowell, Prof of Neurology, UCLA Lab of Nero Imaging

Page 27: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Frontal Lobe: Self control, judgment, emotional regulation

Parietal Lobe: Sensory integration

Temporal Lobe: Emotional maturity

Corpus callosum: communication between 2 sides of brain

Restructured in teen years

Reaches full maturity in


Still developing after age 16 +/-

Immature until age 16+/-

Page 28: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

The Amygdala! Previously, erratic behavior during the teen years attributed largely to the influx of steroidal hormones around puberty.

Evidence from brain research suggest that differences in structure and functional connectivity may also play a role.

Adolescent brain functioning relies heavily on the instinctual part of the brain, the amygdala – which regulates our emotional responses

Page 29: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations

Page 30: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations

Bottom line, student success, across MOST of our students and groups (85%+)

Small groups that “fall out” of the data inspection: Because Universal doesn’t “fit” them? Because they need additional supports? There is a difference

Page 31: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations

Universal system must be extremely robust Withstand changes in funding, administration,

student body demographics, community trauma, etc.

Universal teams anticipate changes and challenges and build in systems to mitigate

Page 32: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Valued Outcomes? When students leave your doors, what do you

want them to be able to do?

Explicitly supported by universal systems (expectations, R+, consequences)?

Are your universal systems flexible enough to incorporate student views, community views, family views? Who is defining “success”?

Page 33: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations

Universal practices and systems: Academic enablers Student centered / Family Friendly

Define expectations, provide reinforcement for demonstration of academic enabling social behaviors.

Systems supporting student involvement Ownership

Page 34: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations: Academic Enablers

Expectations of high academic achievement Define, teach and reinforce the social

behaviors that support academic achievement Asking questions Organization Tracking progress

Treat Self-Management like a content area that happens in every classroom

Page 35: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations: Student Centered

From students, for students With family and community input

Start with “self” Define expectations Create acknowledgements Refine consequences

NOT Top Down: Example of Top Down- Respect means students are on time to

class because the teachers need to start teaching right away. Example of Student Centered- Respect means students are on

time so they receive all the information they need to be successful

Page 36: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Universal Foundations

How do YOU know it’s working? What evidence do you have? Does it all align? (fidelity, outcomes,

perception data, etc.)What information are you missing? For whom is it NOT working?

What isn’t working? Why isn’t it working?

Page 37: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

GRADE% Meeting Attendance


% Students on track to


% Students passing all

content area classes

% Students Failing one

content area class


9 75% 70% 60% 25% 50%

10 70% 60% 50% 10% 25%

11 87% 92% 78% 5% 13%

12 67% 93% 85% 10% 12%

EthnicityIEP status / CategoryGenderOther?

1. How do you currently “cut” data? 2. What are other ways to disaggregate that are meaningful to your school? Community?

Page 38: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Bottom Line Tier 2

Build capacity to support about 15%Increase strength of universal systems

Consider brain development Embed Tier 2 in the classroom

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PBIS.orgPbisillinois.orgNational Institute of Mental HealthNational High School Center

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Page 41: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Until Tomorrow…

Breakout D: 8:30-9:45 am Cypress

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Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 2

Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D.Illinois PBIS Network

[email protected]

Page 43: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Agenda: Part 1

Academic Seminar defined and conceptual framework

Links to school retention and drop out literature

Adolescent brain developmentImportance of universal school-wide

foundations to support implementation

Page 44: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Agenda: Part 2

Review School and student level data Curricular material:

Eligibility Skill sets Classroom features Instructional practices

Systems necessary for implementation School District

Link to the logic for building individual Tier 3 plans of support

Page 45: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar

Tier 2 Support Class

• 45 minutes• Meets every day• 10-15 minutes of explicit instruction and practice in

organizational skills• 25-30 minutes in homework completion- applying organizational

skills– Curriculum ( search Academic Seminar)

More complex than CICO• May be an appropriate addition to the foundation of CICO

Additional “layer” of T2• Addresses work avoidance

Page 46: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar

Outcomes • Increase self-management

sufficient to document increases in assignment completion, credit accrual.

Practices • Explicit teaching,

reinforcement of self-management skills.

• Work completion supports

Page 47: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar

Data • Screening data (grades,

attendance, teacher referrals, discipline referrals).

• Progress data (grades, attendance, assignment completion, CICO points, etc.)

• Outcome data (grades, graduation rates, etc.)

Systems• Early Identification• Communication

Amongst teachers From middle school

• Academic Class• Check-In Check Out• Decision-making rules • Training, FTE

Page 48: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

School Successes

School Demographics # students per term

% successful each term

% “Repeaters”% requiring additional supports

School Total Enrollment Academic Seminar

Archibald 800 80-90 75% 25% 6-10%

Ingenuity 800 80-90 60% 30% 6-10%

World * 200 12-15 95% 30% N/A

Canter ** 1,300 90-110 90% 25% 3-5%

Percentages represent average over the past 4 years.

* World High School is an international baccalaureate school. ** Exceptionally good at in-classroom differentiation of content

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Page 51: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Curricular Materials

Academic Seminar Handbook, 2nd Edition

Page 52: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Academic Seminar, 2nd Edition

Build skills necessary across content areas and school-levels (including college, post high school) Organizational Skills Student Guided Supports

Page 53: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Eligibility: Academic Seminar for Students who…

At risk for failing 1 or more content area class Not earning credits due to lack of work completion:

Have appropriate supports / skill level for content area classes Incomplete homework, class work

Could use additional supports organizing Black hole back pack Missing work Don’t know due dates, class requirements

Find at least one adult reinforcing Are not in “crisis”

Have organizational / self-management goals in IEP

Page 54: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Student Guided Supports

Interacting with TeachersGreetingAcknowledging HelpRequest for FeedbackAsking “Good” QuestionsAsking for Help

Page 55: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Organization Skill Set

Goal SettingTracking ProgressPlannerNotebookGraduation PlanTest TakingStudy Skills

• Utility across content areas

• Immediate access to classroom reinforcers

Page 56: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Scope and Sequence *p.20

Model, lead, testStudents only move to the next skill / and

the next level of instruction when they are at 95%

Page 57: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Classroom / Instructional Features *p 19

High structureBest practices in behavior management and

instructionDifferentiated instructionSet up for success

All worksheets, books, materials, etc.

Page 58: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Lesson Plan format *p 21

Pre-requisiteGoalsTime / materialsTeacher talk

Model, lead, testWrap-upFollow up activities Special notes

Page 59: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.


Page 60: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Systems: District

Support T2 implementationA commitment to staffing the class,

hiring staff and / or adding FTE as necessary to meet anticipated capacity,

funding related materials, Providing credit for course completionRegularly reviewing student progress data

(as with all interventions).

Page 61: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Systems: School

Strong Universal Tier 2 in the classroom Tier 2 Systems team Universal screening A commitment to staffing the class(es),

providing physical classroom and related materials, facilitating attendance of training opportunities for Academic

Seminar teacher(s), providing a regular planning period, regularly reviewing and sharing student progress data. Make AcSem 1st period Keep enrollment below 15 students per classroom

Page 62: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Systems: Classroom

45 minute daily classFive minute entry task, 10-15 minutes teaching and practice, 20-25 minutes supported homework completion. High density of explicit teaching, practice,

corrective feedback and reinforcement. Students may/ may not also be enrolled in

additional layers of Tier 2 support (Check In Check Out, Check & Connect, mentoring, etc.).

Page 63: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Questions / Obstacles / Facilitators

Activity 1- Make a list of questions• Be prepared to share

2- What obstacles can you see to implementing this type of class?• Be prepared to share

3- What systems would you need to have in place to facilitate implementation? • You guessed it, be prepared to share.

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Page 65: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

How Are Schools Doing This?

Freshman SeminarJunior / Senior Transition CourseRevamped Study HallElective In conjunction with CICO:

To address work avoidance

Page 66: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

OR School Examples

NEHS• 80+ students per term• 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th

graders• IEP and Non IEP

11 / 12 extend curriculum to transition goals

• About 60% success rate (non-repeaters)

CHS• 80+ students per term• Mostly freshman • IEP and non-IEP • About 80%-85% success

rate (non-repeaters)

Page 67: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Linking to Tier 3

Increased T2 supportsScreening for T3

Small classroom setting provides increased information on student needs and functioning

Individualized Wraparound, RENEW, FBA

Not THE entire T3 intervention Place to monitor goals, plan implementation, etc. IF it fits

Page 68: Blending Social and Academic Supports for Middle and High School students at-risk: Academic Seminar: Part 1 Jessica Swain-Bradway, Ph.D. Illinois PBIS.

Resources (Search Academic Seminar)Chapter 10 in Responding to Problem

Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program, Second Edition, Eds. Crone, Horner, & Hawken ISBN: 978-1-60623-600-0

Thank you! [email protected]