Blended learning presentation to the Board of Education

Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Good Afternoon Board of Directors

Transcript of Blended learning presentation to the Board of Education

  • 1.The Power to TransformTeaching and Learning

2. To increase the readinglevel. To personalize learning,and enhance themotivation for eachstudent. To help each studentmaster the content andskills they need. 3. (Learning is a process) 4. (From passive learning to active learning) 5. Commercialization Research 1992 2000Blended Learning Blended Learning is The Futureemerged from E- 1997 particularly effective in its ability toBlended Learning willlearning whichThe first continue to grow quickly.originated with thefacilitate a communityarticle in of inquiry.The Department of overlaunch of the World internet- Education plans to spendWide Web by British based over $30 million dollars ininventor, Tim trainingthe future to bring blendedBerners-Lee.appeared. learning to schools aroundDevelopment the country. Need 6. When it was introduced, how far it hasmatured, and the rate of adoption over time. 7. 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10% 0% 1999 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 8. Teachers Team Leaders Technology Teachers Administrators Media Specialists Parents Board Members Students 9. Strategies toEncourageAdoption ofBlendedLearning Provide one onone and smallgroup trainingfor everyone. Follow up withsupport 24/7. 10. Relative Advantage-Tools teachers use daily Complexity-Easy to create and use-Early adopters can providesupport Observability-Show the positive advantages forusage of Blended Learning 11. Why Innovators of BlendedLearning can be trained tospread the knowledgefaster within the school.Who Teachers who areknowledgeable abouttechnology and are eagerto learn the different waysto implement technology inthe classroom. 12. Role of Change Agent Persuading other teachers that Blended Learning would maketheir job easier. Providing support for early adopters so they can support lateadopters of Blended Learning. Providing support with any problems or questions that mayarise in the early stages of adoption. 13. The Power to TransformTeaching and Learning 14. Barseghian, T. (2013, January 07). [Web log message]. Retrieved from, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed). New York: Free Press. Rogers,