Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is...

Black Max MANUAL INCLUDES SECTIONS 1,3, &4 Link Lite 305 Black Max User Requirements Installation Information Operating Instructions LINK ELECTRIC & SAFETY CONTROL COMPANY 444 McNALLY DRIVE, NASHVILLE TN 37211 PH (615)-833-4168 FAX (615)-834-1984

Transcript of Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is...

Page 1: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Black M



1,3, &4

Link Lite 305Black Max

User RequirementsInstallation InformationOperating Instructions


PH (615)-833-4168 FAX (615)-834-1984

Page 2: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 1 - User Requirements



The Link Lite Black Max light curtain is apresence sensing device whose mostcommon use is to enhance protection ofpersonnel from point of operation hazardson industrial machinery. A light curtainperforms the simple function of a lightactivated switch that can be used toprovide a signal as to whether somethingor someone is in the sensing field betweenits transmitter and receiver units. Itcannot, as a stand alone component,provide personnel safety enhancement orother function. Only when a light curtainis properly applied, installed, adjusted, andused as a component of a productionsystem whose other components also meetthe requirements for use of a light curtaindoes it act, in conjunction with othercomponents of the system, to enhancepersonnel safety. Because only the user/employer has continuous knowledge andcontrol over all elements of productionsystem design and use (and attendanthazards), both OSHA regulations andANSI standards assign the employer theresponsibility for providing and insuringthe use of properly applied and adjustedpoint of operation safeguarding.

It is the user's/employer's responsibility toread, understand, and enforce thefollowing requirements when using a LinkLite Black Max as a safeguarding device.Link Electric and Safety Control Co. takesno responsibility where its light curtainsare improperly installed, adjusted, or used,and where machines on which its lightcurtains are used are not properlymaintained.

1.1. Machine and Machine ControlConstruction Requirements

All light curtains depend on the electrical,mechanical, pneumatic, and/or hydrauliccontrol components and drive systems ofthe machine to stop hazardous motionwhen the light curtain gives a stop signalto the machine control. If machine controlcomponents or drive systems fail tofunction properly, the machine may fail tostop, or may not stop quickly, even thoughthe Black Max is functioning properly.Install Black Max light curtains forsafeguarding only on machines orproduction systems that meet thefollowing requirements.

1. The machine construction must complywith any applicable OSHA or ANSIstandards for such a machine.

2. The machine design and constructionmust allow hazardous action to be stoppedquickly at any time or position within itscycle.




ARNING! Do not install the Black Maxn full revolution mechanical power pressesr any other machinery that can only betopped at the end of a complete cycle.erious injury may result, because theachine cannot immediately respond to a

top signal.

. The machine action must belectrically controllable.

. The electrical, pneumatic, and/orydraulic control system that governsachine action must be designed and

onstructed so that de-energization oflectrical components or loss of pressureesults in stopping the machine action.

Page 3: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 1 - User Requirements


5. Machine controls must be designed for"Control Reliability", i.e., so that a singlefailure in electrical, pneumatic, orhydraulic components does not prevent thenormal stopping of machine action whenrequired but does prevent initiation offurther machine action.

6. The machine must require manualinitiation of action after power is turnedon, after changes in operating modes, andeach time a stop signal is applied to thecontrol.

7. Where presence sensing devices suchas the Black Max are used to safeguardpart revolution mechanical power presses,the control system must include a brakemonitor"! See 1910.217(b)(14) ofOSHA's General Industry Standards.

NOTE! Link Systems' engineers willprovide assistance upon request inevaluating your machine tool as tocompliance with control requirements.Link Systems can provide control systemsfor part revolution mechanical powerpresses and mechanical press brakes, andinterface systems for many hydraulicpresses and press brakes that meet OSHAand ANSI requirements for the use of theLink Lite Black Max as safeguardingdevice. Link Electric and Safety ControlCo. assumes no responsibility when theBlack Max is used on machines withcontrols that do not comply with the aboverequirements or where controls not

supplied by Link fail in such a manner asto not stop the machine action when theBlack Max provides a stop signal to thecontrols.

1.2. Installation

It is the user's/employer's responsibility toproperly install (or have installed) the LinkLite Black Max, using qualified installers.Proper installation of any necessarysupplemental barriers or safety devices, oralternative safeguarding methods is theresponsibility of the user/employer.

1.3. Use Requirements

1.3.1. Safeguarding Configuration

It is the user's/employer's responsibility toperform a hazard analysis for every jobperformed by a machine or productionsystem using a Black Max light curtain asa safety component. The user/employermust determine and implement asafeguarding configuration of Black Maxunits, any necessary supplemental barriers,and/or alternative safeguardingcomponents to enhance personnel safetyon every job performed.

1.3.2. Training

It is the employer's responsibility to trainall setup personnel, operators, maintenancepersonnel, and supervisors in all aspects ofthe safe setup and use of the productionsystem for every job performed on themachine. Training must include thefollowing items.

1. The required safeguardingconfiguration for each job.

WARNING! If machine controls are notdesigned to stop hazardous machine actionif a component fails, the control may notstop the machine action when the Link LiteBlack Max sends a stop signal, withpossible consequent serious injury or deathto personnel.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 1 - User Requirements


2. The specific duties and actions to beperformed by setup and operator personnelfor each job relative to both productionand safety. These work practices must bein conformance with any OSHA or ANSIstandards that apply.

3. The machine manufacturer's operatinginstructions.

4. Instructions to never use the machinein such a manner or for any job that willexceed any rated capacity for the machine.

5. All operating instructions and warningsin the Link Lite Black Max TechnicalManual including the "Safety SystemSetup" and "Operator Safety SystemCheckout" prescribed in section 4 of thismanual.

6. Instructions to never operate themachine or production process if thecheckouts required in item 5 of this listreveals that any safeguarding componentis not properly set up and functional, orthat the machine is not working properly.

7. Instructions to never remove, bypass,or rewire the Link Lite Black Max orother safety devices, controls, orguards on the machine.

NOTE! Where illiteracy or a languagebarrier would keep a person from reading(or listening) and understanding warningsand training instructions, the employer

must read or provide translation of theseinstructions to the person. The employermust ascertain that the instructions areunderstood.

1.3.3. Supervision

OSHA requires the employer not only toprovide but to "insure" the use of properlyapplied and adjusted point of operationsafeguarding. Supervisors mustunderstand and enforce all items coveredin the preceding Training section for thesafe setup and operation of the machine.

1.4. Maintenance

OSHA requires the employer to establishand follow a maintenance program forindustrial machinery. No presence sensingdevice, including the Black Max, willprotect personnel from abnormalhazardous machine action(s) that resultfrom failure, wear, or misadjustment ofmechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic orelectrical drive components of the machineupon which it is installed. Inspection andpreventative maintenance of drive systemsthat govern machine action is necessary toreduce risks of abnormal machineaction(s) that cannot be stopped by themachine control (and hence the stop signalfrom the Black Max). Maintenance mustalso be performed as required to keepstopping time of machine action less thanthe stopping time that the safety distance,

Ds, explained in the Installation andOperating Instruction sections of thismanual is based upon. Maintenancepersonnel must always follow any OSHArequired lockout procedures when workingon the machine and never work on themachine while production is being run.

WARNING! Failure to train personnel inthe correct setup and use of the productionsystem, including the safety componentscan lead to unsafe production systems andwork practices with consequent severeinjury or death to personnel.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 1 - User Requirements


Where a production system uses auxiliaryequipment for scrap chopping, materialfeeding, part removal, part transfer, orother purposes, and where any hazard topersonnel posed by auxiliary equipment isalso to be safeguarded by the Link LiteBlack Max, maintenance of this equipmentfor the purposes of safety is also a must.

WARNING! Failure to maintainmachines, or improper repairs oradjustments to machines on which the LinkLite Black Max is used as a safeguardingcomponent, may result in abnormal,uncontrollable machine action(s) that causeserious injury or death even though theBlack Max is functioning properly.

Page 6: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation3 INSTALLATION

3.1 General Requirements

Both OSHA and ANSI standards make itthe user/employer's responsibility to see thatsafety components of the production systemare installed, adjusted, and used properly toenhance personnel protection. One or moreinstallers, chosen from qualified employeesor contracted from outside sources, may beused to install the Black Max and anynecessary auxiliary or supplementalsafeguarding. Each installer must bequalified to do the task assigned to him inaccordance with the requirements of thismanual and standards or regulatoryagencies.




3.2.1 Summary of Black Ma x Installa-tion Requirements

Installation of the Link Lite Black Maxmust include the following procedures andrequirements. These procedures andrequirements are discussed in more detail insections 3.3 through 3.8. The installer(s) ofthe Black Max must:

1. Calculate, or obtain from otherpersons qualified to calculate, the SafetyDistance, Ds at which the sensing field ofthe Black Max(s) must be located from thenearest hazard to prevent a person fromreaching the hazard before the machine canstop.

2. Determine the mounting location andorientation of the Black Max(s) withconsideration of the safety distance andother operational and safety requirementsand mount the Black Max transmitter andreceiver units.

3. Electrically interface the BlackMax(s) to power and the machine control(s).

WARNING!! The Link Lite BlackMax must be installed by qualifiedpersons. If the Black Max is notproperly installed, it will not afford theprotection intended from hazardousmachine action which can causeserious injury or death.


.2 Summary of Installation Requirements

stallation procedures and requirements fore Link Lite Black Max and any necessary

upplemental safeguarding components areummarized in this section to provide anverview of the tasks that installers musterform.

NSTALLERS! Read this manualompletely through before beginning thestallation of a Link Lite Black Max on anyachine as a safety device.

4. Set the Black Max(s) power level.

5. Align the Black Max(s) transmit-ter(s) and receiver(s).

6. Perform a checkout sequence toverify proper operation of the Black Max(s),machine control, and machine.

3.2.2 Summary of Suppleme ntal GuardRequirements

When barriers are necessary (or used bydesign of the safety system) to supplementprotection provided by the sensing fieldprovided by Black Max units, the desig-nated employees or outside contractor(s)

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


selected by the user/employer to install thebarriers must:

1. Determine where barriers arenecessary and the location and size ofbarriers.

2. Design and fabricate (or have fabri-cated) the necessary barriers.

3. Mount the barriers and confirm theireffectiveness and that pinch points or otherhazards are not created between barriers andmoving machine parts.

Supplemental guard requirements arediscussed in more detail in section 3.9.

3.3 Calculating the Required BlackMax Safety Distance.

Every machine requires a period of time(stopping time) to stop hazardous actionafter a stop signal is applied to its controlsystem because of reaction times in controlcomponents, valves, and actuators andbecause of inertial effects of movingmachine parts. All light curtains also have areaction time to detect an object in theirsensing field and send a stop signal. TheLink Lite Black Max must be installed toprovide an OSHA and ANSI requiredminimum safety distance, Ds, between itsprimary sensing field and the nearest pointof operation hazard, or other movingmachine hazard to be safeguarded. Thissafety distance must be calculated by aformula specified by OSHA and ANSIstandards. The safety distance is intendedto prevent injury by requiring a longer timefor a person to reach the hazardous areaafter interrupting the presence sensing fieldthan the time it takes to stop the machineaction that poses the hazard. Figure 3.1depicts one application of the safetydistance.

Figure 3.1: Minimum Safety Distance

The Minimum safety distance in the mostrecent ANSI standards is calculated by theformula:

DS = K (Ts+Tc+Tr+Tbm) + Dpf


Ds = the required minimum safety dis-tance

K = 63 in/sec (the average handspeedconstant)

WARNING!! The Link Lite BlackMax must be installed at a distancegreater than or equal to the safetydistance, Ds.Failure to do so canresult in serious injury to personnelbecause it may be possible to reachinto the hazardous area before themachine can stop.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Ts = the stop time (in seconds) of themachine measured from the controloutput stop signal to the actuator(s)(valves, etc.) that govern machinemotion till the machine actuallystops.

Tc = the response time (in seconds) of themachine control to a stop signal fromthe presence sensing device (BlackMax).

NOTE! If the Link Lite Black Max outputcontacts are connected to the emergencystop circuit of relay controls, most controldesigns will cause the Black Max contactsto directly remove power from the actua-tors that cause motion without waiting forother control elements to de-energize. Thismeans that Tc=0 in the case of thesecontrols. If the machine is a part revolu-tion mechanical power press and isequipped with Link Electric and SafetyControl Co.'s SS501 controls or OmniLink5000 controls, use Tc=0.005 seconds (5milliseconds).

Tr = the response time of the presencesensing device (Response time forBlack Max units is less than 20 ms -see unit label for specific time).

Tbm= the additional amount of time overthe actual average stopping timeallowed by a brake monitor (stop-ping performance monitor) to permitsome normal wear of friction brakesand other components before thesafety distance, Ds, is violated andthe brake monitor preventssuccessive strokes.

NOTE! Stopping performance monitors(brake monitors) are required on partrevolution presses when light curtains areused for safeguarding mechanical power

presses. See ANSI B11.1 1988 sections6.3.2(15) and 4.11 and OSHA's CFR1910.217 sections (c)(5) and (b)(14).Where time based monitors with the abilityto set predetermined stop time limits areprovided on machines, Tbm is determined bythe relation:

Tbm = Brake Monitor Time Setting-Ts

Where Ts is the actual machine stop timealready described.

NOTE! On machines where stopping timeperformance monitors are not required, amarginal amount of stopping time to allowfor some normal wear or degradation ofmachine stopping mechanisms withoutviolating safety distance must be substi-tuted for Tbm. Link recommends that avalue from 10% to 20% of the actualmachine stopping time Ts, i.e. from .1Ts to.2Ts, be used in place of Tbm. Periodicmeasurement of actual stopping time mustbe performed to prevent stopping timeincrease beyond the allowed margin.

Dpf = the added safety distance required tocompensate for the possibility thatfingers or hand could penetratebeyond the plane of the light curtainsensing field plane before the profileof the finger/hand/arm is largeenough to be detected by the sensingfield.

All presence sensing devices have a limitedobject sensitivity, i.e., it takes a certain sizeobject to be detected at all points in thesensing field. Penetration depth dependson the minimum object sensitivity, M.O.S.,of the light curtain. M.O.S. is defined asthe smallest object profile that will bedetected at all points in the active sensingfield of the light curtain. The penetrationdepth factor, in inches, is described by the

Page 9: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


following formula. Use this formula onlyfor M.O.S. less than 2.75 inches.

Dpf = 3.4 (M.O.S. - .276)

Figure 3.2 illustrates the penetration depthfactor in graphical form

Figure 3.2: Graphical Representation ofpenetration depth factor, Dpf, vs. minimumobject sensitivity.

The minimum object sensitivity in inchesfor Link Lite Black Max light curtains isspecified on a label on both transmitter andreceiver enclosures. Standard range units(to 50') for primary point of operationguarding have a M.O.S. of .95 inches.Long range units (to 100') for primary pointof operation guard-ing have a M.O.S. of1.25 inches. Perimeter guarding modelsand supplemental remote extension guard-ing units may have larger M.O.S.. Alwaysdetermine M.O.S. from the labels on theactual units used. Always verify that bothreceiver and transmitter units have thesame M.O.S. stated on their labels beforeinstalling.

PLEASE NOTE! When individualchannels are to be blanked (turned off) toallow fixtures or obstructions that extendinto the primary Black Max sensing field,additional safety distance may be necessary

to account for the increase in M.O.S. due toblanking. Blanking is possible on BlackMax units with .95" M.O.S. and 1.25"M.O.S.. Each contiguous (side by side)channel blanked increases the M.O.S. by.75".

When the Link Lite Black Max is used onmachines such as power presses, pressbrakes, and other machines that have slidesused to impart motion and force to tooling,the stop time must be measured at approxi-mately midstroke in the closing (hazard-ous) portion of the stroke. The beststopping performance of a machine will beattained when all machine adjustments thataffect stopping time are adjusted within themachine manufacturer's specifications. Itis the user/employer responsibility toalways maintain mechanisms that affectstopping time in good repair and adjust-ment where safety devices like the BlackMax depend on the stopping action of themachine to protect personnel.

Where a time-base brake monitor is usedon a press or other machine that is to havea Black Max installed for point-of-opera-tion safeguarding, the stopping time, Ts,can be determined by use of the brakemonitor. On time base brake monitorsequipped with stop time display, stop themachine at approximately the mid point ofthe die closing portion of the stroke andread the stopping time displayed. For atime based brake monitor with no directdisplay of stopping time but that has a dialor other method of setting allowable stoptime, make repeated machine stops nearmidstroke, adjusting the time setting eachtime until the lowest time setting thatresults in the brake monitor allowing asuccessive stroke without resetting isfound. This is the stop time, Ts, that mustbe used.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


When no stopping performance monitor isused on a machine (you must use one whenrequired by OSHA or ANSI standards) andthere is no statutory or standards require-ment to use a stopping performancemonitor, a stop time measurement devicecan be used to measure Ts. These areportable devices that usually attach to themoving slide of the machine to detect whenthe slide is stopped after another mecha-nism of the device gives a stop signal.

3.4 Mounting Considerations andRequirements

Any installation of Link Lite Black Maxlight curtains as a safety component of aproduction or other system must includedetermination of mounting locations andorientations of the components of theBlack Max(s) that meet both the safety andoperational requirements of the productionsystem. General mounting requirements ofvarious Black Max components areprovided in the following subsections. Anyspecial requirements must be determinedby the user/employer and must not violatethe general requirements.

3.4.1 Black Max Main Transmitter andReceiver Units.

All Black Max installations will have maintransmitter and receiver units that must belocated and oriented to create a primarysensing field whose function is to detect aperson's hand or other body part and toprovide a stop signal to the machinecontrol to prevent or stop hazardousmachine action(s) when the hand or otherbody part is detected. The main Link LiteBlack Max transmitter and receiver unitsmay be mounted vertically, horizontally, orat an angle as long as the following generalrequirements are met.

1. Any location and orientation of themain Black Max transmitter and receiverunits must place the sensing field at adistance from the hazard greater than orequal to the safety distance required insection 3.3 of this manual, i.e. so, thathands or fingers are Ds from the hazardwhen the sensing field is interrupted by anypart of the body.

2. Locate the main Black Max transmitterand receiver units at the same height andorient at the same angle. The numbersbeside the acrylic lens on the front of thetransmitter unit and the receiver unitdesignate the transmitter and sensorchannels. Each transmitter channel numbermust be directly across from each similarlynumbered receiver channel. See Figures3.3.a and 3.3b.

Figure 3.3a: Front view of transmitter andreceiver units mounted at a common height.

Figure 3.3b: Top view of transmitter andreceiver units.

Page 11: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


3. The mounting location or method mustleave access for work pieces, tool changes,and other operational requirements.

4. The main transmitter and receiver mustbe mounted so that the indicator lights andwarning messages on their enclosure doorsare clearly visible to operators and supervi-sors and so that the enclosure door can beopened.

5. The main transmitter and receivermay be mounted directly to the machine, onbrackets attached to the machine, or on floorstands as long as safety distance andoperational requirements are met.Mounting brackets must be sturdy toprovide a rigid mounting support that is noteasily knocked out of alignment. Whenprefabricated brackets are not provided, theinstaller must design and make suitablemounting brackets.

6. When Black Max light curtains are tobe installed on two or more machines thatare arranged in a row, alternate the trans-mitter and receiver units (as to which unitis mounted on the left and which on theright side of the machine) on each adjacentmachine as shown in Figure 3.4 to reducethe possibility of crosstalk. Crosstalkoccurs when light pulses from transmitterunit mounted on one machine are "seen"not only by the intended receiver unit, butalso by receiver units on other machines.For many infrared light curtains on themarket today this creates a danger tooperators because their receiver unitsaccept crosstalk pulses just as they acceptpulses from the correct transmitter. Anoperator may have a hand or arm in a lightcurtain sensing field, blocking light pulsesfrom the transmitter on his machine, and atransmitter on another machine can passover or under his arm, "fooling" the re-ceiver into not providing a stop signal to

the machine control as required. TheBlack Max is designed to detect crosstalkfrom other light curtains and to provide astop signal if it occurs. It is important toinstall Black Max light curtains in such amanner as to avoid nuisance machine stopscaused by crosstalk.

Figure 3.4: Mounting scheme to minimizecrosstalk.

The scheme shown in Figure 3.4 shouldalso be followed when infrared lightcurtains other than the Black Max are usedon adjacent machines.

7. Mount the Black Max main transmitterand receiver units on the rubber shockmounts provided in the shipment box usingone of the two mounting methods shown inFigure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: Use of rubber shock mounts.

Page 12: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation8. The Black Max transmitter and receivereach have four mounting holes, two in eachend mounting flange. See Figure ---, page---, for mounting hole dimensions andpatterns for various length units.

3.4.2 Black Max Remote SegmentTransmitter and Receiver Units.

Black Max remote segment transmitter andreceiver units are housed in separateenclosures from the main Black Maxtransmitter and receiver. When electricallyconnected to the main transmitter and re-ceiver units, they provide additionalchannels of emitters and receptors which aresequenced by the logic electronics in themain transmitter and receiver, respec-tively. Remote segment units will be partof the installation only when theuser/employer has purchased them as

components of the safety system to supple-ment the protection provided by the maintransmitter and receiver units.

Since the remote segments are in separateenclosures from the main Black Max units,they can be used to create "L" shaped orother sensing field shapes when combinedwith the main transmitter and receiverunits. When safety distance requirements,machine configuration, or operationalrequirements place the primary sensingfield between the main transmitter andreceiver at a location that allows a personto pass completely through the primarysensing field toward the hazard, horizon-tally oriented remote segment Black Maxunits can be used to detect a person stand-ing inside the sensing field as shown inFigure 3.6.

Figure 3.6: Horizontally mounted remote segment Black Max units to detect aperson inside the main sensing field.


Page 13: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - InstallationFigure 3.7. Shows remote segment unitsmounted on a straight side press withcolumns extended beyond the bed andslide.

Figure 3.7: Remote segment Black Maxunits mounted between columns of straightside power press to detect a person standinginside the primary sensing field.

The mounting requirements for remotesegment Black Max units are generally thesame as for main transmitter and receiverunits except that when used forsupplemental guarding between the mainsensing field and the hazard, there is no

safety distance, Ds, requirement for thelocation of remote segment units.

NOTE! If remote segment units are used inany manner intended to extend and be partof the main sensing field, safety distancerequirements will then apply to the remotesegment units.

Figure 3.8: Remote segment Black Max units oriented at an angle to sense a personbetween the primary sensing field and the hazard.


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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Also, the mounting arrangement is some-what different for the remote segement unitsas shown in Figures 3.9a and 3.9b.

Figure 3.9a: Example of remote segmentBlack Max unit mounting.

Figure 3.9b: Alternate remote segmentBlack Max unit mounting.

Figure 3.10: Mount main and remotetransmitter and receiver units on the samerespective sides.

Black Max remote segment transmitter andreceiver units must always be mounted onthe same side of the machine, respectively,as the main transmitter and receiver units asshown in Figure 3.10

3.4.3 Use of Mirrors for Multi-SidedPoint of Operation or PerimeterSafeguarding Applications

In some safeguarding applications mirrorsmay be used to "bend" the sensing fieldprovided by main Black Max units toprovide two or more sided safeguarding forpoint of operation or perimeter safeguard-ing. Mirrors for this purpose can bepurchased from Link Systems. Since eventhe finest quality mirrors do not reflect100% of incident light and some diffusionof light occurs, the maximum sensing fielddistance between transmitter and receiverwill be reduced by about 10% per mirrorused. Figure 3.11 illustrates a three sidedpoint of operation safeguarding application.

NOTE! Safety Distance, Ds, must bemaintained on all sides of sensing field.

Figure 3.11: Example of three sided pointof operation guarding on C frame press.

Page 15: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - InstallationFigure 3.12 Illustrates a four sided perime-ter guarding application.

Figure 3.12: Top view of four sidedperimeter guarding application.

3.5 Electrical Wiring to Interface LinkLite Black Max Units to Power andthe Machine Control.

When all Link Lite Black Max transmitterand receiver units have been mounted, youare ready to make electrical connections tointerface the Black Max(s) to power andthe machine control. Also, if remotesegment Black Max units are used, youmust connect the remote segment transmit-ter unit to the main transmitter unit and theremote segment receiver unit to the mainreceiver unit with the cables provided.



accommodate a 1/2" conduit fitting. Run a1/2" conduit from the machine controlenclosure to each main Black Max trans-mitter unit. Similarly, run a 1/2" conduitfrom the machine control enclosure to eachmain Black Max receiver unit. All wiresrequired for the transmitter and receivershould be pulled through the 1/2" conduit.Use of flexible conduit with integral armorand ground wire, such as Seal Tite, ispreferable. When such flexible conduit isused, it is also desirable to route it in sucha way as to leave slack that will allow theBlack Max units to be moved further awayfrom the machine if future setups necessi-tate moving the transmitter(s) and re-ceiver(s) to meet safety distance require-ments.

There are also two holes that are sized for3/4" fittings, one in both ends of the maintransmitter and receiver units. These holesare closed with screw in type plugs. Theyshould only be used for cable connectionsbetween main transmitter and receiverunits and remote segment receiver andtransmitter units. DO NOT use theplugged openings for conduit between themain Black Max units and the controlenclosure. Use the open 7/8" hole only.

3.5.2 Power Connections

Both the transmitter and receiver units ofthe Black Max must be supplied with 115VAC (Nominal) power. Generally, thispower should be supplied from a trans-former with 115 VAC secondary in the

WARNING! To prevent electricalshock hazards lock all power to themachine off before beginning thewiring procedures for the Link LiteBlack Max. In the U.S., follow OSHALockout regulations.


.5.1 Conduit Requirement s

he main Black Max transmitter andceiver units both have a 7/8" hole to

machine control. Pull a "hot" wire, aneutral wire, and a ground wire through theconduit from the control enclosure to theBlack Max main transmitter unit. Refer toFigure 3.13 for the location of the combi-nation three connection power terminal andplug in connector.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Figure 3.13: Location of transmitter power connector.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - InstallationUnplug the terminal/connector from itssocket and turn the three wire clampscrews counterclockwise so that the powerwires can be inserted into the wire clamp-ing slots. Strip the three power wires about1/4" from their ends, insert them into thewire clamping slots, and tighten theclamping screws in the following order.

"Hot" wire connects toterminal marked L1

Neutral wire connects to terminalmarked L2

Ground wire connects to terminalmarked GND

When finished connecting the wires, plugthe terminal/connector back into its socket.

Three power wires must also be pulledthrough the conduit from the machinecontrol to the main Black Max unit. Thelocation of the three connection powerterminal/connector is shown in Figure 3.14for the receiver unit. Connect the powerwires to the receiver to the power termi-nal/connector by following the sameprocedures outlined for transmitter powerconnections.

3.5.3 Control Connections

Link Lite Black Max(s) must be wired intothe machine control circuit in such a


All control wiring connections to the LinkLite Black Max are made to the eightposition terminal/connector located on therelay board in the main Black Max receiverenclosure, accessible by opening the doorto the receiver enclosure as shown inFigure 3.14. Run wires through the 1/2"flexible conduit from the machine controlenclosure to the main Black Max receiverunit to interconnect the light curtain to thecontrol.

Two normally open (N.O.) and one nor-mally closed (N.C.) contact paths aresupplied in the Link Lite Black Maxreceiver unit for interconnection tomachine control circuits. Two separaterelay contacts whose operation is checkedby Black Max logic circuits are used ineach path as shown in Figure 3.14. Theinterconnection of the Black Max(s) to thecontrol circuit depends on the design andconfiguration of the machine controlcircuit. When the Black Max is used witha machine control supplied by LinkSystems, schematics will be provided thatshow the connections that must be madebetween the Black Max light curtain andthe control. Wire as shown in the sche-matic. Do not deviate from the schematicunless Link gives written approval of analternative wiring scheme.

When interconnecting Black Max units tocontrols not supplied by Link, at least oneof the normally open contact paths must beused to provide the stop signal to themachine control in such a manner that thecontrol immediately initiates machinestopping action. In some cases use of bothnormally open contact paths of the BlackMax may be necessary. The normally

WARNING! Improper connection ofLink Lite Black Max(s) to the machinecontrol can cause the Black Max to beineffective as a safety device withpossible consequent injury to personnelby the machine hazard intended to besafeguarded.


anner that their stop signal to the controlsults in the control immediately initiatingachine stopping action.

closed contact path between terminals 3and 4 must never be used to provide thestop signal to the press control. Linkprovides these terminals for use in additionto normally open contact

Page 18: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Figure 3.14: Power and relay connections for Black Max receiver.

Page 19: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installationpaths in special interfaces between theBlack Max and the machine controlsdesigned by Link Systems.

Link Systems will evaluate existingmachine controls as to their suitability foruse with the Link Lite Black Max uponcustomer request and provision of schemat-ics, and will mark schematics for intercon-nection with the Black Max when suchcontrols are suitable for use with the BlackMax.



mechanical power presses, hydraulic powerpresses, power press brakes, etc., OSHAand ANSI allow presence sensing devicessuch as the Link Lite Black Max to beinterconnected or interfaced with themachine control so that the protectivefunction is bypassed (muted) during thenon-hazardous portion of the stroking cycleonly. Never simply use unmonitored limitswitch contacts to mute the Black Max inthe non-hazardous part of a machine cycle.Interfacing to maintain "control reliability"in the event of a component fault in themuting circuit is necessary.

Some machine controls are designed torequire cycling of light curtain outputrelays on each cycle of the machine even ifthe sensing field is not interrupted.Terminals 1 and 2 on the eight positionterminal/connector provide an input tocycle the output relays. To activate therelay cycle circuit a jumper must be re-moved on the receiver logic board in thereceiver unit. See Figure 3.15. When thejumper is removed, a voltage must besupplied between terminals 1 and 2 toenergize the output relays in each receiverunit (but only when the Black Max trans-mitter and receiver are properly alignedand no obstruction is in the sensing field).Switching this voltage off at least 35milliseconds will cause relays LC1 andLC2 to de-energize. If both relays switchoff and the voltage is switched back ontoterminals 1 and 2, the relays will againenergize. This relay cycle is normally doneduring the non-hazardous portion of themachine stroke when the Black Max is

WARNING! Never use the normallyclosed contact path only to provide astop signal to the machine control. Aloose connection or broken wire wouldresult in no stop signal being suppliedto the control by the Black Max eventhough the Black Max itself wasoperating properly.

WARNING! When Link Systemsprovides machine controls or marksexisting machine control schematics forinterconnection with Black Max units,always wire as shown by Link onschematics. Improper connection ofBlack Max units to the machine controlmay result in failure of the machine tostop even though the Black Maxcomponent is functioning properly withpossible serious injury or death topersonnel.


some cases, Link Systems may have torovide an interface circuit to accomplishroper interconnection of the Link Litelack Max with a customers existingontrol circuit.

n linearly stroking machines such as

muted to avoid stopping the machine whenthe relays are de-energized.

As shipped, a voltage of 12VDC to 30VDCmay be used for the relay cycle input toterminals 1 and 2 when the jumper isremoved. Removing jumpers J2 and J3 onthe receiver Relay Board as

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation

Figure 3.15: Location of relay check con-figuration jumpers.


Page 21: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installationshown in Figure 3.15 will configure therelay cycle circuit for 115VAC inputvoltage between terminals 1 and 2.

Some machines use programmable logiccontrollers (PLCs) as the machine control.The Black Max must never be connected toonly the inputs of a single PLC controller.Always contact Link before using a LinkLite Black Max as a protective device on amachine with a PLC control. Most PLCcontrols do not meet OSHA's controlreliability requirement for use of a presencesensing device.



screw-in plug in the large hole in the endcap, running the ribbon cable through thehole, and screwing the cable fitting into thehole. Always leave the screw-in plug inplace on the unused end of the maintransmitter or receiver unit to retain theNEMA 4 performance of the enclosure. Insome cases, two remote segment units maybe used, one off of either end of the maintransmitter or receiver enclosure. This isillustrated in Figure 3.18.

3.6 Setting The Black Max Transmit-ter Power Level

After mounting and electrically connectingthe Black Max transmitter and receiverunits, the transmitter power must be set forthe separation distance between the trans-mitter and receiver. Using more powerthan necessary to transmit between trans-mitter and receiver is undesirable becauseof the possibility that the excess lightenergy can be detected by other Black Maxreceiver units on other machines. Thiscross talk would result in nuisance stops onthe other machines. Also, the life of theinfrared light emitting diodes in the trans-

WARNING! Never use a Link LiteBlack Max on a machine controlled bya PLC without first consulting LinkSystems as to whether the Black Maxshould be used and how it should beconnected to the control. Failure of thePLC control could cause the machine tofail to stop even though the Black Maxis functioning properly if the controlsystem is not designed to provide a stopsignal to the machine in the event ofa component failure or program fault.Serious injury or death may result fromthe hazard intended to be safeguarded.


.5.4 Connections Between Main BlackMax Units and Remote SegmentsUnits

onnections between main Black Maxansmitter and receiver units and remoteegment units are accomplished by a cableat terminates inside the main and remote

nits in a ribbon cable plug-in connector.he cable enters each unit enclosurerough a water and oil tight screw ontting. See Figures 3.16 and 3.17. Themote segment unit may be connected to

ither end of the main unit by removing the

mitter is somewhat dependent on powerlevel. These components will have pro-longed life at lower power levels.

To set the transmitter power level, open thedoor of the main transmitter enclosure,locate the small 4 position DIP switch onthe outside edge of the transmitter logicboard, and adjust the switch positionsaccording to the power level table locatedon the inside of the transmitter door. Thelocation of the 4 position switch and powerlevel table are shown in figure 3.19. Always adjust the power level correctly forthe separation distance between the BlackMax transmitter and receiver.

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Figure 3.16: Use of remote segment at bottom of main transmitter


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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Figure 3.17: Remote segment unit used at top of main transmitter.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Figure 3.18: Use of two remote segment units with main transmitter


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Figure 3.19: Location of the transmitter power level switch and power level table


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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


NOTE! The receiver unit of the BlackMax light curtain is designed to supply astop signal when far too much light isreceived from the transmitter.

3.7 Aligning The Black Max Trans-mitter(s) and Receiver(s)

After setting the proper transmitter powerlevel, make sure that both the Black Maxtransmitter and receiver enclosure doors areclosed and screwed shut. If the mountinginstructions in section 3.4 have been cor-rectly followed, the acrylic lens on thetransmitter and receiver units should faceeach other, the channel numbers beside theacrylic lens on the transmitter and receiverunits should be directly across from eachother, the receiver and transmitter should bemounted at the same height from the floorand in the same plane. Final alignment mustnow be done. Each transmitter channel ofthe Black Max sends out a focused cone ofinfrared light at a diverging angle rather likea sharply focused flashlight. This beam oflight from a transmitter channel must fallupon the similarly numbered receiverchannel. Also, each receiver channel has alens to provide a limited cone of view. Eachreceiver channel must "look" at thetransmitter channel with similar number.Figures 3.20 and 3.21 illustrate correct andincorrect alignment from front and topviews, respectively.

Figure 3.20a: Black Max transmitter andreceiver out of alignment from front view.

Figure 3.20b: Black Max transmitter andreceiver in alignment from front view.

Figure 3.21a: Black Max transmitter andreceiver out of alignment from top view.

Figure 3.21b: Black Max transmitter andreceiver in of alignment from top view.

Figure 3.22 illustrates alignment of trans-mitter and receiver from the side view. IfBlack Max units are not aligned properly,the receiver will not see the transmitterlight, and a continuous stop signal will be

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


sent by the Black Max receiver unit to themachine control.

Figure 3.22a: Transmitter and receiver outof alignment from side view.

Figure 3.22b: Transmitter and receiver inalignment from side view.

To align the Black Max transmitter andreceiver units perform the following steps.

1. Turn on the main disconnect switch tothe machine control to supply power to theLink Lite Black Max transmitter and

receiver units. Verify that power is on thetransmitter by observing that the green"POWER" LED in the front center of thetransmitter unit is on. Verify that power ison the receiver by observing that either thegreen "CLEAR" LEDS or the red "STOPSIGNAL" LEDS in the front center of thereceiver unit are on. Don't start themachine for this alignment procedure.Leave all motors off.

2. Check to make sure that no grease ordirt covers the red acrylic lens in the frontof the transmitter and receiver units andthat no obstruction is between the transmit-ter and receiver. Also, check the front ofthe main receiver unit to make sure that theamber colored "NO BLANKING" light ison and that the RUN-PROGRAM -SE-LECT switch is in the "RUN" position. Ifnot, use the key for the RUN -PROGRAM - SELECT switch to obtainthese conditions.

3. Observe the green "CLEAR" and red"STOP SIGNAL" lights on the door of themain receiver unit. If the transmitter andreceiver are aligned to where some part ofthe cone of light from each emitter in thetransmitter falls upon its similarly num-bered phototransitor channel on the re-ceiver and, if the receiver is aligned wellenough that some sector of its cone ofvision can see the light from the emitter,the "CLEAR" lights will be on. If not, the"STOP SIGNAL" lights will be on. Even ifthe "CLEAR" lights are on, indicating atleast rough alignment, perform the follow-ing steps to achieve best alignment. Bestalignment results when the cone of trans-mitted light and the cone of receiver visionare centered on each other.

4. The L shaped mounting "ears" for theLink Lite Black Max units are designed toallow easy alignment if the mounting

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


brackets (or surface) to which the transmit-ter and receiver are to be mounted are in

reasonable alignment. The two mountingholes in the "ears" that bolt to the mountingsurface are slotted to allow the transmitterand receiver units to be aligned lengthwiseas shown in Figure 3.20b. The frontmounting hole on the section of themounting ear that attaches to the transmit-ter and receiver unit is slotted (the rear holeis not) to allow pivoting motion to align thetransmitter and receiver in the directionshown in Figure 3.21b. To achieve bestalignment, first loosen the bolts on themounting ears of transmitter and receiverunits that attach the ears to the mountingbrackets or other mounting surface and usea carpenters level to get them plumb asshown in Figure 3.20b. When plumb,tighten mounting ear bolts to the bracket orsurface.

5. Now loosen the mounting ear bolts thatconnect the mounting ears to the transmit-ter and receiver units and pivot transmitterand receiver back and forth until the green"CLEAR" light comes on the door of thereceiver unit. Tighten the bolts that holdthe mounting ears to the receiver unit only,making certain that the green "CLEAR"light stays on as you do so.

6. Pivot the transmitter clockwise just tillone or more of the red LEDS behind theacrylic lens on the front of the receivercome on, indicating that these channelshave lost alignment. Then pivot thetransmitter counterclockwise. The redchannel LEDS should first turn off as thetransmitter is rotated back into alignment,then turn back on as alignment is lost in thecounterclockwise direction. Again pivotthe transmitter clockwise until the transmit-ter is located at an angle halfway betweenthe clockwise and counterclockwise loss ofalignment angles. Tighten the bolts that

connect the mounting ears to the transmit-ter unit to lock the transmitter into angularalignment.7. Loosen the bolts that connect themounting ears to the receiver unit andrepeat the procedure of step 6 with thereceiver to bring the receiver into angularalignment.

NOTE! When aligning Black Max unitsthat have remote segment units, first alignmain receiver and transmitter units andthen remote segment receiver and transmit-ter units. Until both main and remotesegment units are roughly aligned, thegreen "CLEAR" lights on the main receiverdoor won't come on.

3.8 Functional Checkout of the LinkLite Black Max Installation andMachine.

When the installation steps described insections 3.3 through 3.7 have been success-fully completed, a functional checkout ofthe operation of the machine and the LinkLite Black Max(s) must be performedbefore placing the machine into produc-tion, or before beginning installation ofsupplementary barriers if necessary.

WARNING! The functional checkoutof the Link Lite Black Max Installationand the machine on which it is installedmust be performed to verify that theBlack Max is wired into the machinecontrol to provide on immediateinitiation of stopping action and thatthe machine is functioning correctly.Serious injury or death can result fromhazardous machine action if there areinstallation errors or machinemisadjustments or malfunctions.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Perform the following checkout steps:

1. Turn on power to the Link Lite BlackMax units by turning the main disconnectto the machine control to the on position.Do not turn on machine motor(s). Verifythat there are no obstructions betweentransmitter and receiver units.

2. Look at the door of the main Black Maxreceiver unit and verify that the green"CLEAR" lights are on, that the amber "NOBLANKING" light is on, and that the RUN- PROGRAM - SELECT switch is in theRUN position. If not, use the key for theRUN - PROGRAM -SELECT switch toobtain these conditions.

3. Both the main transmitter and receiverunits have a label that states their minimumobject sensitivity (M.O.S.). Check theselabels to verify that both transmitter andreceiver have the same M.O.S.. If adifferent M.O.S. is stated on the receiverand transmitter, a different model numbertransmitter and receiver have inadvertentlybeen installed. find the transmitter orreceiver that corresponds with the intendedmodel number and exchange to correct thissituation. When you have determined theM.O.S. of the installed units, obtain a testbar or strip that has a width equal to theM.O.S. of the installed Black Max system.

NOTE! If remote segment units are alsoused as supplementary safeguarding, theM.O.S. of these units will usually bedifferent than the main units. Check thelabels on these units for M.O.S..

4. Place the test bar or strip obtained initem 3 immediately in front of the topchannel of the main receiver unit andslowly lower the bar or strip through thesensing field to the bottom channel,observing to confirm that each channel

indicator light behind the acrylic receiverlens lights as its channel is blocked, andthat the red "STOP SIGNAL" lights on thereceiver door stay continuously on as thebar or strip is lowered from top to bottom.

5. Repeat step 4 with the bar or stripplaced immediately next to the maintransmitter unit and lowered from top tobottom.

6. Repeat step 4 with the bar or striphalfway between the transmitter andreceiver units and lowered from top tobottom.

7. If remote segment transmitter andreceiver units are installed, block eachchannel of the remote segment unit andconfirm that its channel indicator lightlocated behind the acrylic lens on theremote segment receiver unit comes on andthat the red "STOP SIGNAL" lights on thedoor of the receiver come on.

8. If any of the results in the test per-formed in the preceding steps are not asspecified, go to the troubleshooting sectionof this manual or contact Link Systems tocorrect the problem. Do not start themachine until the problem is corrected. Ifthe preceding tests were successful, startthe machine and, with no obstructionbetween the Black Max transmitter andreceiver units operate the machine in allmodes to confirm normal operation. If thegreen "CLEAR" lights on the main receiverunit door are on but the machine won'toperate, incorrect wiring from the BlackMax to the machine control is indicated. Ifthe machine operates properly proceed tothe next step.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


9. Take the test bar or strip used in steps 4through 6 and insert it into the sensing fieldbetween the transmitter and receiver. Themachine stopping action should immedi-ately be initiated when the sensing field isinterrupted. An exception to this occurswhen the Black Max is muted during a partof a machine cycle that is not hazardous.The interruption of the sensing field shouldthen only stop the machine action duringthe hazardous portion of the cycle check tosee that the machine does stop in allhazardous parts of the stroke. Repeat thistest several times, making sure that themachine stops properly and that the safetydistance requirement of section 3.3 is metfor the stopping time encountered underthe conditions of this test. If the machinethat the Black max is installed on hasmultiple operating modes (such as Inch,Single Stroke, and Continuous on amechanical power press) repeat this test inall modes to verify the intended stoppingaction. If the stopping mechanisms of themachine seem to be working improperly orerratically, notify the user/employer andrequest that a maintenance person qualifiedto adjust or repair the stopping mechanismsbe assigned to do so. Don't proceed to thenext step until the problem is corrected.

10. If all requirements of the precedingcheckout steps are met, the installation ofthe Link Lite Black Max components of thesafety system is complete. If the in-staller(s) of the Black Max components hasbeen contracted or assigned the responsi-bility to provide any other necessarysupplemental guarding components of thesafety system, proceed to section 3.9. Ifsomeone else is to install other componentsof the safety system that may be required,the Black Max installer(s) should notify theuser/employer that his phase of theinstallation is complete.

3.9 Supplemental Guard InstallationRequirements

Although a safety system design for anindustrial machine that uses only lightcurtains, such as the Link Lite Black Maxunits in addition to the machine compo-nents involved in stopping hazardousaction can often be accomplished, it issometimes necessary to make and installbarriers to supplement the safeguardingfunction intended to be performed by theBlack Max sensing field(s) to comply withOSHA and ANSI standards. Often, therequirement and physical configuration forbarriers can only be determined after theBlack Max installation. The safety dis-tance requirement, configuration of themachine, size, and location of the lightcurtain and tooling can all be factors whichaffect the specific application. There aretwo areas of concern that must be consid-ered when determining whether supple-mental guards or barriers are required.

1. Any light curtain, including the BlackMax, only protects people who reachthrough its sensing field as they approachthe hazard to be safeguarded. Therefore,once the Black Max units have beeninstalled, if it is possible to enter thehazardous area over, under, or around theBlack Max(s) sensing field(s) from anynormal position associated with the tasksof operators or other personnel, barriersmust be installed to cause the only path tothe hazard to be through the Black Max(s)sensing field(s).

2. The Black Max will not protect peopleif the required safety distance discussed insection 3.3 places the main transmitter andreceiver far enough away from the hazardthat a person can assume any normalposition between the Black Max sensingfield and the hazard, i.e., so that he can

Page 31: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link

Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installationhave a body part in the hazardous areawithout being detected. If remote segmentBlack Max units are not used to detect aperson standing between the primarysensing field created by the main transmit-ter and receiver and the hazard (see section3.4.2), then barriers must be installed tokeep someone from passing completelythrough the Black Max sensing fieldtoward the hazard.



the point of operation, except through theBlack Max(s) sensing field(s).

2. Openings in the guard must meet therequirements of OSHA Table 0-10.

3. The barrier must be installed so that itdoesn't create hazards (such as pinchpoints) between the guard and movingmachine parts.

4. Unless the barrier is interlocked withthe machine control to prevent hazardousaction of the machine when it is not inplace, it should use fasteners that requiretools to remove.

Barriers to prevent someone from assuming

WARNING! Failure to installsupplemental barriers, when required,may result in serious injury to someonereaching the hazard through an openingor area not sensed by the Black Maxlight curtain(s).


arriers installed to prevent people fromaching over, under, or around the Blackax(s) sensing field(s) must meet severalSHA construction requirements. These


. The guard should prevent reachingver, under, or around the guard and into

a position between a Black Max sensingfield and the hazard without being detectedmust be installed to prevent a persons bodyfrom passing completely through the BlackMax sensing field as he approaches thehazard.Figures 3.23 through 3.26 give generalillustrations of the use of supplementalbarriers.

Table 0-10 Distance of Opening Maximum Width to Nearest Hazard of Opening

½” to 1 ½” ¼” 1 ½” to 2 ½” 3/8” 2 ½” to 3 ½” ½” 3 ½” to 5 ½” 5/8” 5 ½” to 6 ½” ¾” 6 ½” to 7 ½” 7/8” 7 ½” to 12 ½” 1 ¼” 12 ½” to 15 ½” 1 ½” 15 ½” to 17 ½” 1 7/8” 17 ½” to 31 ½” 2 1/8”

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation


Figure 3.23: Illustration of barriers installed to prevent someone from reaching overthe top of a Black Max sensing field or through the openings of a C frame machine.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 3 - Installation

Figure 3.24: A Black Max with supplemental barrier to prevent standingbetween light curtain and hazard.


Figure 3.25: Example of a Black Max on a press brake with supplemental barriers

Figure 3.26: Use of Black Max remote segment units in the horizontal position toprotect inside primary sensing field, and barriers to prevent entry from the side.


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Link Lite Black Max Section 4 - Operating Instructions



IMPORTANT! All setup personnel,operators, supervisors, maintenancepersonnel, and other persons associatedwith the care and use of machines orproduction systems using Link Lite BlackMax light curtains as safety componentsmust read (or be provided with the knowl-edge of) the material in this OperatingInstructions, Requirements and Precautionssection to enhance safety to the fullestpossible extent. OSHA and ANSI stan-dards make it the employer's responsibilityto train all employees associated with thesetup, operation, and maintenance of themachine, and to provide supervision toensure that employees follow proper setupand operation procedures.

4.1 Safeguarding System Limitationsand Requirements

Link Lite Black Max light curtains are notthe safety system, but rather are a compo-nent of the machine safety system. Lightcurtains send a stop signal to the control ofa machine when someone of somethingblocks their sensing field light. Theydepend on other electrical, pneumatic,mechanical, and/or hydraulic componentsof the machine drive system to actuallystop hazardous action when you are in thesensing field. In some cases, supplementalbarriers or safety devices may be requiredin addition to light curtains to protect youfrom the machine or production systemhazard(s). Light curtains must be properlyinstalled, located, and used in conjunctionwith any other necessary safety compo-nents to protect you, in accordance with thefollowing requirements.

1. Link Lite Black Max light curtainpresence sensing devices are designed andmanufactured to comply with OSHA andANSI standards for construction of point ofoperation devices. Properly installed,located, adjusted and used presencesensing devices enhance personnel safetyby preventing normal initiation of hazard-ous machine action or by stopping normalhazardous action in progress if the opera-tor's (or other's) hand or other body part arein the sensing field (the plane directlybetween the Black Max transmitter andreceiver units as shown in Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1: Illustration of sensing fieldlocation between main Black Maxtransmitter and receiver units when noblanking is used.


WARNING! No presence sensingdevice, including the Link-Lite BlackMax, will protect you from abnormalhazardous machine action(s) caused byfailure, wear, or misadjustment ofmechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, orelectrical components of the machineupon which it is installed. Seriousinjury or death may result from suchfailures.

roper machine preventative maintenanceust be performed to reduce the risk ofcidents that result from failure, wear, orisadjustment of machine components.

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Link Lite Black Max Section 4 - Operating Instructions


2. The main Black Max sensing field mustbe located far enough away from thehazardous area that machine action will bestopped before a persons hand that passesthrough the light curtain sensing field canreach the closest hazard. This safetydistance is required by both OSHA andANSI. The minimum safety distance, DS, isdetermined by a formula which is ex-plained in section 3.3 of the installationsection of this manual.

It must never be assumed that the originalinstallation of a Black Max light curtain willalways result in maintaining DS for allsetups and under all operating conditions.For several reasons, safety distance must beverified for each setup under actualoperating conditions.

First, DS depends on the stopping time, TS,of the machine, which can vary dependingon many factors, including position instroke, cycle rate, air or hydraulic pressure,speed of moving parts (stroking speed),temperature of hydraulic fluid, weight oftooling attached to moving machine parts,and counterbalance adjustment. Onmachines equipped with friction clutchesand brakes, clutch and brake wear over aperiod of time can cause the stopping timeto increase. Some hydraulically operatedmachines have adjustments that can affectstopping time.

Second, the size and location of the toolingused in a machine often varies for eachmachine setup, bringing the hazardouspoint of operation closer or farther awayfrom the Black Max sensing field ondifferent setups and thus affecting DS. Forthis reason the person(s) assigned to set themachine up for different production jobsmust verify the safety distance for eachsetup. See Figure 4.2

Figure 4.2: Illustration of Minimum SafetyDistance Measurement



WARNING! The Link Lite Black Maxsensing field must be located at adistance greater than or equal to thesafety distance, DS. Failure to do socan result in serious injury to personnelbecause it is possible to reach into thehazardous area before the machine canstop.

. Light curtains, including the Blackax, only protect people who reachrough their sensing field as they ap-

roach the hazard to be safeguarded.

WARNING! The Black Max lightcurtain will not protect you if youreach over, under, or around its sensingfield and into the hazard. Seriousinjury may result if you can enter thehazard other than through the BlackMax sensing field.

epending on the safety system design ande machine or production system config-

ration, supplemental barriers may be

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Link Lite Black Max Section 4 - Operating Instructions


required to prevent someone from reachingthe hazardous area from any normalposition associated with the employerdefined tasks of operators or other person-nel other than through the Black Maxsensing field. These barriers must beprovided and used when necessary tosupplement the Black Max safeguardingcomponent.

4. The required safety distance of item 2may place the main Black Max sensingfield far enough away from the hazard thata person can assume a normal workingposition between the sensing field and thehazard. A person in such a position canreach into, or enter into, the hazardous areawithout being detected by the main BlackMax sensing field, and the Black Max willprovide no protection if hazardous machineaction is started.

A physical barrier to prevent persons fromstanding inside the main Black Maxsensing field or Black Max remote exten-sion units oriented horizontally andextending outward from the machine todetect persons inside the main sensing fieldand prevent normal machine action must beused if every person operating or helpingwith the production system doesn't have hisown set of active operator controls, locatedon the other side of the main Black Maxsensing field, from the hazard. Theseoperator controls must be designed to beoperated concurrently with all otheroperator controls to initiate machineaction.

5. Any task associated with a machine orproduction system using a Black Max as asafeguarding component that requires aperson to enter into the hazardous area sothat he is not protected by the Black Maxor other safeguarding components must bedone in accordance with OSHA's lock-out/tagout regulations, CFR1910.147,where all hazardous energy is locked outon the machine or production system byeach person involved in the task. Forexample, tool or die repairs or adjustmentsin the machine and repair or adjustment ofparts transfer or other feeding systemslocated in the hazardous area may causethe person(s) doing these tasks to assumepositions or locations that aren't protectedby production mode safeguarding.


WARNING! The Link Lite BlackMax will not protect a person in aposition between the sensing field andthe hazard. Serious injury or deathmay be inflicted by the hazard ifmachine or production system action isstarted while a person is in such aposition.

WARNING! Repair, maintenance, orproduction system corrective measuresor tasks that cause persons to enter thehazardous area and assume positions orlocations so that they aren't protectedby the Black Max or othersafeguarding components must beperformed in accordance with OSHA'sCFR1910.147 lockout procedures.Serious injury or death may result fromthe machine or production system iflockout procedures are not followed.

. OSHA and ANSI standards permituting" (bypassing the presence sensing

evice stop signal) in the non-hazardousortion of the cycle - such as the diepening portion of the cycle - on linearlyroking machines such as power pressesd press brakes. If the muting means isproperly adjusted, the Black Max stop

gnal may be bypassed during all or part ofe dangerous closing portion of the stroke.

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When muting is used, it must be checkedfor proper adjustment each time mainte-nance is performed on the machine, themachine control, or the Black Max.

7. The use of Link Lite Black Max lightcurtains as a safeguarding component on amachine does not remove the need to heedthe warnings and follow the operatingpractices and instructions supplied by themachine manufacturer.

8. Because no safeguarding system,including those that use the Link LiteBlack Max as a safety component, abso-lutely prevents injury to personnel from allsources of human error and machinerelated failure, operators, die setters,maintenance personnel, and others mustuse the same caution and good practices intheir tasks as if no safety system werepresent to attain greatest enhancement ofsafety.

4.2 Blanking Instructions and Re-quirements

In order to provide "windows" in the fieldof vision for machine setups where someobject(s) must of necessity intrude into themain Link Lite Black Max sensing field, akeyed selector on the main receiver unit isprovided to select VARIBLANK, FIXEDBLANKING, or a combination of thesetwo types of blanking. Only a limitednumber of sensors in the main Black Max

sensing field can be blanked. Sensors inremote extension Black Max units used forsupplemental safeguarding cannot beblanked.


All blanking modes for the Link Lite BlackMax are selected using the keyed selectorswitch located on the front door of themain Black Max receiver unit. The keyedselector switch has three positions - RUN,PROGRAM, and SELECT. The switch hastwo stable positions, i.e., positions that itwill stay in when turned there by the key.These positions are RUN and PROGRAM.The key has one "momentary" position, i.e.,if the key is used to turn the switch to theSELECT position, when the key is releasedto key and switch will return to the PRO-GRAM position.

To select the VARIBLANK mode, use thekey to turn the RUN/PROGRAM/SELECTswitch to the select position. Then releasethe key to let the switch return to thePROGRAM position while observing thetwo LED indicators beside each of theblanking mode choices located on the frontdoor of the main Black Max receiver unit.The blanking mode choices are NOBLANKING, VARIBLANK, and FIXEDBLANKING. Each time you rotate the keyto the SELECT position and release it tothe PROGRAM position, the lights willchange to indicate a different blankingchoice. To select to VARIBLANK modeonly, turn the key to the SELECT positionand release the key to the PROGRAMposition the required number of times toget only the VARIBLANK mode indicatorlights on, as shown in Figure 4.3, thenturning the keyed selector to the RUNposition.

WARNING! If muting is used, andthe muting means is improperlyinstalled or adjusted, the Black Maxstop signal may be bypassed in ahazardous portion of the machinecycle. Serious injury or death canresult from improper muting.

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NOTE! The Black Max always gives astop signal unless the blanking modeselector switch is in the RUN position.Always remove the key from the switchwhen blanking mode selection is complete.

Figure 4.3: VARIBLANK mode selected.

When VARIBLANK mode is selected, itrequires that any two (not necessarily sideby side) sensors in the main Black Maxunit sensing field be blocked before theBlack Max will signal the machine orproduction system to stop hazardousaction. This mode is sometimes useful forfeeding strip stock or material that is thinenough that it will only block one sensor ata time through the sensing field of theBlack Max so that it doesn't stop themachine. Of course, since its possible thata person will also now have to block twosensors to stop hazardous machine action,VARIBLANK has the effect of increasingminimum object sensitivity, M.O.S., by thespace between any two adjacent sensors(.75 inches for most main Black Maxunits). This is the case if the material thatblocks one sensor doesn't stay in place atall times and extend all the way across theBlack Max sensing field. You must followthe safe blanking requirements of section4.2.4.


Fixed blanking is the turning off of specificsensor channels in the main Black Maxsensing field to allow fixed objects that arenecessary to the production system to

extend through the sensing field withoutpreventing the machine or productionsystem from operating. No more thanseven (7) sensors can be fixed blanked ona standard Black Max unit. Anycombination of seven sensor channels canbe blanked.

If the object that requires sensors to beblanked is perfectly stationary in thesensing field, you may use the blankingmode selector switch to select FIXEDBLANKING mode by turning the key tothe SELECT position and releasing the keyto the PROGRAM position until only theFIXED BLANKING mode indicator lightsare on, as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: FIXED BLANKING selected.

After you have selected FIXEDBLANKING return the blanking modeselector switch to the RUN position andremove the key. Any receiver sensor (butonly up to seven in total number) that isblocked from receiving its signal from thetransmitter by a stationary object will beautomatically blanked when you turn theblanking mode selector to the RUNposition, and will remain blanked as longas the object is in place. The blankedsensors will be indicated by the channelindicator lights (located behind the redacrylic lens in the front of the receiver).The indicator light for each blankedchannel will blink, as opposed to beingOFF when there is no obstruction or ONwhen there is an obstruction but the sensoris not blanked.

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NOTE! When FIXED BLANKING isused, removal of the object(s) that blocksthe transmitter light from the receiversensor channel will automatically unblankthe sensor channel.

If the object(s) that requires sensors to beblanked moves up and down enough(through vibration or shock or othereffects) in the sensing field that a sensor issometimes blocked and sometimes not, youmust use one of the seven fixed blankingtabs provided with your Black Max unit tocover the receiver sensor so that it won'tautomatically unblank during those timeswhen the object doesn't block the sensor.The blanking tab is a metal strip with alocking screw that inserts into the wedgeshaped channel next to the red acrylic lenson the Black Max receiver. You must slidethe blanking tab into position to cover thesensor channel to be blanked and lock it inplace with its set screw. Figure 4.5illustrates the use of the blanking tab.

Figure 4.5: Front View of Black MaxMain Receiver Unit Showing Channel 3Sensor Blocked by Blanking Tab.

To unblank any sensor channel using fixedblanking with blanking tabs, you mustremove both the object in the sensing fieldthat requires blanking and the blanking tab.As soon as the sensor sees its transmitterlight, it will automatically unblank itself.

NOTE! Because fixed blanking provides"windows" in the Black Max sensing field,you must follow the safe blankingrequirement of section 4.2.4 when it isused.


You can select both VARIBLANK andFIXED BLANKING if necessary for aparticular production setup. However,when you use both VARIBLANK andFIXED BLANKING only six channels mayuse FIXED BLANKING. Rotate theblanking mode selector switch to theSELECT position and release it to thePROGRAM position repetitively until boththe VARIBLANK and FIXED BLANKINGMODE indicator lights are on, as shown inFigure 4.6.

Figure 4.6:CombinationVARIBLANKINGand FIXED BLANKING selected.

Place any blanking tabs in place that arenecessary for use with channels to useFIXED BLANKING, return the blankingmode switch to the RUN position andremove the key from the switch. Channelsthat use FIXED BLANKING will haveblinking channel indicator lights or will beindicated by being covered by blankingtabs. Since VARIBLANK is also selected,two channels that are not FIXEDBLANKED must be blocked for the BlackMax to provide a stop signal.

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4.2.4 Requirements for Safe Use ofBlanking

Since blanking leaves "windows" in theLink Lite Black Max sensing field thatcould allow a person to penetrate closer orcompletely to the hazard before beingdetected, the following blankingrequirements must be followed.

1. Always try to design and set up theproduction system to avoid blanking anyBlack Max sensors.

2. When a necessary obstruction blockspart of the Black Max sensing field, allBlack Max sensor channels that can be leftactive. NEVER blank any Black Maxsensor that can be left on!

3. If the obstruction that requires blankingdoes not prevent entry through the blankedarea(s) of the sensing field by extending allthe way across the blanked area,supplemental barriers must be used toprevent a person from reaching through theblanked area. Alternatively, if only FIXEDBLANKING is used in such a way that notwo side by side sensors are blanked, or ifVARIBLANK only is used, the safetydistance, Ds, can be increased by 2.55inches to account for an increased M.O.S.of .75 inches and no supplementarybarriers used. If no more than any two (2)side by side sensor channels use FIXEDBLANKING, or if a combination ofVARIBLANK and FIXED BLANKING isused so that no side by side channels useFIXED BLANKING, the safety distance,Ds, can be increased 5.1 inches to accountfor an increased M.O.S. of 1.5 inches andno supplementary barriers used. For anypattern of FIXED BLANKING that blanksmore than two (2) side by side sensorchannels, the blanked area must be

obstructed to prevent a person fromreaching through the blanked area.Otherwise item 4 of this list applies. Forany combination of VARIBLANK andFIXED BLANKING that uses two or moreside by side sensor channels in FIXEDBLANKING, the fixed blanked area mustbe obstructed to prevent a person fromreaching through the fixed blanked areaand the safety distance, Ds, must beincreased by 2.55 inches. Otherwise, item4 of this list applies.

4. If any production job requires a set up,including blanking, such that a person canreach the hazard without being sensed bythe Link Lite Black Max at the requiredsafety distance, alternative OSHA or ANSIaccepted safeguarding devices or guardsmust be used to protect personnel.

5. Close supervision of blanking must bemaintained. Only those persons trainedand authorized by the employer in the safeuse of blanking and required supplementalor alternative safeguarding should beallowed access to the blanking selectionkey. The blanking selection key must neverbe left in the blanking mode selectorswitch.

WARNING! Failure to follow therequirements for safe use of blankingwill leave personnel unprotected oronly partly protected from the hazardfor which protection is intended.Serious injury or death may resultbecause a person may be able to reachinto the hazardous area while machineaction is in progress.

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4.3 Safety System Setup

Each time a machine or production systemis set up with new tooling, feedingequipment, or other elements to run adifferent job or part, the person(s) settingup the production system must perform a"Safety System Setup" before turning themachine or production system over to theoperator. (In some cases the setup personand operator may be the same.) The SafetySystem Setup must include the followingsteps.

1. The setup person must determine thedesignated safeguarding systemconfiguration required to protect theoperators on the production job.

2. During each change in productionsystem setup, the setup person must checkto see that the minimum safety distancerequirement, DS, from the main Black Maxunit sensing fields to the hazard is metunder actual working conditions, includingany additional safety distance for blanking.See sections 3.3 and 4.2 of this manual.

3. If blanking of Black Max sensorchannels is required, the setup person mustfollow the requirements of section 4.2 ofthis manual for each setup.

4. The setup person must make sure thatall supplementary, auxiliary, or alternativesafeguarding components called for by thesafeguarding system configuration are inplace and functional.

5. The setup person must run the machineand verify that the machine is functioningproperly and that placing an object in thesensing field of each Link Lite Black Maxlight curtain on the machine causes themachine to stop. He should also block

each Black Max receiver channel andverify that the red LED indicator seenthrough the red acrylic strip next to thechannel numbers turns on (except forchannels with fixed blanking).

6. The machine must not be turned over toproduction till steps 1 through 5 of this listare satisfactorily accomplished, includingany necessary maintenance or adjustmentnecessary to meet these requirements.

4.4 Operator Safety System Checkout

After every new production set up, at thestart of each shift, or after an operatorchange, the operator(s) must perform thefollowing "Operator Safety SystemCheckout" to make sure that the Link LiteBlack Max light curtain(s), machinecontrol, and machine mechanical,pneumatic, and/or hydraulic drivecomponents are working properly beforeoperating the machine. this check mustalso be made to verify that all safetycomponents are used and set up properly.

1. Observe the VARIBLANK LEDindicators on the front door of theenclosure unit. If they are off, proceed to

WARNING! Failure to perform the"Safety System Setup" each time themachine or production system ischanged to run a new job can result inimproper use of safeguarding compo-nents or failure to use required com-ponents of the safeguarding systemconfiguration. Serious injury or deathcan result from a machine orproduction system hazard that is notproperly safeguarded or a machine thatis not functioning correctly.

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step 2. If they are on, have an authorizedperson use the RUN/PROGRAM/SELECTswitch to turn them off while leaving anyFIXED BLANKING necessary for thesetup.

2. Check to see if any Black Max sensorchannels are blanked, that no sensorchannels are unnecessarily blanked, andthat, if blanking is used, that therequirements for safe blanking in section4.2.4 of this manual are met. If therequirements of section 4.2.4 are not met,have any authorized person set up thesafeguarding system to comply with theserequirements.

3. Insert a test rod or bar with a widthequal to the minimum object sensitivity(M.O.S.) stated on the labels attached tothe Link Lite Black max receiver andtransmitter units into the Black Maxsensing field next to the receiver unit.Mover the bar slowly from the top to thebottom of the receiver unit, observing tosee that every receiver channel LEDindicator turns on as the bar blocks itsposition in the sensing field, except forthose channels that are blanked. Also,check to see that the red STOP SIGNALLEDS on the front door of the receiver stayon except in blanked areas. If remotesegment Black Max transmitter and re-ceiver units (usually mounted horizontallyor at an angle) are used, block each channelnext to the receiver and observe that thechannel indicator turns on and that theSTOP SIGNAL LEDS on the main receiverunit light up.

4. Repeat step 3 of this procedure with thetest bar passing through the sensing fieldnext to the transmitter unit.

5. Repeat step 3 of this procedure with thetest bar passing through the sensing field

about half way between the transmitter andreceiver units.

6. Initiate machine action and insert thetest bar into the Black Max sensing field inthe hazardous portion of the cycle orstroke. The machine should stop withnormal reaction time. (If muting is used,the machine will not stop in the non-hazardous portion of the cycle when thebar is inserted into the sensing field.)

7. Check to make sure that any othersupplemental or alternative safeguardingcomponents used with the safeguardingsystem configuration in addition to theBlack Max safety components are in placeand functioning.

8. Do not operate the machine if any resultor requirement of this "Operator SafetySystem Checkout" is not satisfactory.Immediately notify a supervisor of anysetup or equipment problem and don't runthe machine until the problem is corrected.

4.5 Checkout after Repai r or Modifi-cation

Any time that a Link Lite Black Max isrepaired or re-installed or the machine ormachine control is repaired, rebuilt, ormodified, the functional checkout of theLink Lite Black Max and machine de-

WARNING! MACHINE OP-ERATOR(S) must perform the "Opera-tor Safety System Checkout" at eachshift change, operator change, andproduction setup change to verifyproper safety system operation and use.Serious injury or death can result froma machine or production system hazardthat is not properly safeguarded or amachine that is not functioning cor-rectly.

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scribed in section 3.8 of this manual mustbe performed before placing the machineback into production.

WARNING! After repair or re-instal-lation of a Link Lite Black Max or themachine or machine control is repaired,rebuilt, or modified, the functionalcheckout of the Black Max installationand the machine on which it is installeddescribed in section 3.8 of this manualmust be performed to verify that theBlack Max is wired into the machinecontrol to provide an immediate initia-tion of stopping action and that themachine is functioning correctly.Serious injury or death can result fromhazardous machine action if there areinstallation errors, machine mis-adjustments, or machine malfunctions.

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Page 45: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link
Page 46: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link
Page 47: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link
Page 48: Black Max - Link SystemsBlack Max provides a stop signal to the controls. 1.2. Installation It is the user's/employer's responsibility to properly install (or have installed) the Link