Black Diamond Ranch Newsletter January 2013



golf course newsletter

Transcript of Black Diamond Ranch Newsletter January 2013

Page 1: Black Diamond Ranch Newsletter January 2013


w w w. b l a c k d i a m o n d r a n c h . c o m

Happy NEW yEaR

Page 2: Black Diamond Ranch Newsletter January 2013

Club StaffDoug EglyGeneral Manager

[email protected]

Matt DiMasEDirector of Golf Course Maintenance

[email protected]

PEggy glEasonAccounting

[email protected]

Zach KlEMMExecutive Chef

[email protected]

Mary naPolitanoFitness Center

[email protected]

BraD t. rEiDClub Manager

[email protected]

Bryan richarDDirector of Golf

[email protected]

KErry rossElEtMembership Director

[email protected]

MEriDEth rossEttiSpecial Events Manager

[email protected]

JEnniFEr stauFFPOA Manager

[email protected]

PatricK lEahyJohn Jacobs Golf School

Director of [email protected]



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Dear Member and Resident: Asweapproachtheendof2012,Ithoughtitwasappropriatetoreflectontheyear’saccomplishments and look ahead to the opportunities of 2013. Theeconomyisshowingsignsofimprovementsandseveralkeyleadingindicatorspointtoabettereconomicclimatethanwhatwehaverecentlyexperienced.NumerousreportsshowrealestateinFloridaisonthereboundandthatlessrestrictivelendingpracticeswillopenthegatesforpeoplewhowouldliketospendmoretimeplayinggolfthanshovelingsnow. Todatein2012,therehavebeen24separaterealestatetransactionsinthecommunitytotalingnearly$6millioninsales.Asacomparisontherewere17transactionsin2011totalingjustover$2millioninsales,and16transactionsin2010for$4.5millioninsales.Wehavesetourinternalgoalfor$10millioninsalesfor2013andbelieveitisrealisticandachievable.OurrealestateteamiscommittedtofindingbuyersandhelpingsellersinsideBlack Diamond. Onthenewhomefront,werecentlycompletedourfirstnewhomeandarestartingconstructiononournexthomebeforetheendofthisyear.Ourthirdnewhomewillstartconstructioninthefirstquarterof2013.OurnewhomedivisioniscreatingnewinterestandactivityinBlackDiamond.Wewillkeepyouinformedofoursalesasweprogress. Thisyearwetouchedmorethantenthousandpotentialresidentsandmembersthroughourvariousmarketingcampaigns.TheBlackDiamondwebsiteandnewFacebookpagehelpedbuilduponadatabaseofpeopleinterestedinlearningmoreaboutthiscommunityand club. Likewise, our direct mail efforts, social media presence, email and phone contacts are helping us create a greater awareness for those who are interested in where we are headed.AnewwebsiteforBlackDiamondwillbelaunchedinthefirstquarterof2013whichwillfeaturecuttingedgetoolsforhelpingpotentialbuyerslearnmoreaboutthelifestylepotentialatBlackDiamond. ThechangingeconomyimpactedclubsacrossthecountryandBlackDiamondwasnoexception.Mostprivateclubsexperiencedsignificanterosioninmembershipnumbersthatarejustnowbeginningtoleveloffand,insomecases,rebound. While we recognize the realization that we will lose some additional members going into2013,wearegainingconfidencethatthemembershipisstabilizingandwillbegintogrowinthecomingyears.WeexperiencedasubstantialincreaseinparticipationofourStayandPlaybusinessthatresultedinthesaleof11newmemberships. Wearepleasedthattheclubhouserenovationhasbeensowarmlyreceived.Theprojecthasexceededourexpectationsandwehopethatyouenjoythenewatmosphereandenvironment.Finalinstallationofallremainingitemswillbeinplacebytheendoftheyear. ThebunkerprojectontheHighlandsCoursewillbecompletedbytheendoftheyear.Thereare35bunkersontheHighlandsninetotalingmorethan57,000squarefeet.Roughly1,500tonsofsandisbeinginstalledatadepthof4inchesinthebottomofthebunkerand2inchesontheface.The“G-Angle”sand,brightwhiteincolor,isspecificallyminedforsteep-facedbunkerssuchasthoseatBlackDiamond.ThissandwasselectedtomaximizethefunctionalityoftheBetterBillyBunkerdesign. OverallweareverypleasedwiththecommunityandthedirectionBlackDiamondisgoing.Wehavemadetremendousprogressthisyear..butclearlyrecognizewehavemoretodo.Ourteamontheground,andallofusinFortWortharemoreexcitedthaneveraswehead into 2013. OnbehalfofeveryoneatEscalanteGolf,Iwanttopersonallythankyouforyourcontinued support and commitment to Black Diamond. We appreciate the partnership we sharewitheachofyouinsuchauniquecommunity. HaveablessedHolidaySeason,andahealthyandprosperousNewYear.


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Attention Members: Happy New Year to All! 2013 will continue with enhancement work which will now be done on the Quarry. Now that the Highlands Bunkers are complete, MacCurrach will be onsite to work on Quarry #17 and #14. We will be adding drainage around and behind #17 green as well as repairing the grass bowls. We have plans to add two Green Side Bunkers to Quarry #17 which will make for a very challenging Par 3 as well as a visually beautiful golf hole. We are also going to repair Quarry #14. This includes reshaping the front fairway bunker along the transitional area as well as repairing the drain pipes that are currently exposed. #14 Quarry will also have select drainage redone. I would like to remind everyone that the ropes and stakes combination are temporary and serve as directional guides to aide in turf recovery. With that being said, we have been encountering numerous areas of ropes being cut as well as stakes run over and broken. Please follow directional stakes, cart signs, and any other traffic control mechanisms used on the courses. Please remember to fill your divots and repair ball marks. Thank you.

Message from Matt DiMaseDirector of Golf Course Maintenance

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Florida State Golf Association recently re-rated the courses at Black Diamond Ranch, so golfers will notice a change to their Handicap Indexes, and therefore their Course Handicaps. Remember that your Handicap changes from course to course, because the Slope Ratings are different for each course – and every combination of 9-holes.

It is the golfer’s responsibility to enter correct scores for all games played, home and away, match play and stroke play, tournament and casual play, from the correct tee boxes. For handicap purposes, a player is required to adjust hole scores (actual or most likely) when the scores are higher than the player’s maximum ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) number. When a player completes 7 holes, he or she shall enter a score for 9 holes; for 13 holes completed, enter an 18-hole score. Holes not played are posted as par plus any handicap strokes to which the player is entitled. This hole score is not the same as the ESC hole score.

Post scores made in an area observing an active season. Many Black Diamond members have seasonal residences, and many members enjoy golf vacations. It’s important that Black Diamond members post all scores from other courses – and post these scores in a timely fashion, to keep handicaps current.

On a regular basis, your Handicap Committee randomly confirms entered scores with the daily tee sheets.

With the changes to Course Rating and Slope Rating, it’s appropriate to update the Stroke Allocation on the courses at Black Diamond Ranch. Your Handicap Committee will analyze complete score cards from men and women, to establish new Stroke Allocations. There will be more on this analysis in future columns. For the time being, remember that the #1 Stroke Allocation does not signify the “hardest hole.” It signifies the hole on which the bogey golfer most needs a stroke to tie the scratch golfer, in match play. Similarly, the #18 Stroke Allocation does not signify the “easiest hole.” It is the hole on which the bogey golfer least needs a stroke to tie the scratch golfer.

Best wishes from your Handicap Committee for good golf with good friends in 2013. Please contact any member of the Handicap Committee with concerns and suggestions.

Skip Johnson, ChairmanPamela Vlcko, MemberLinda Youell, MemberBryan Richard, Director of Golf, Staff Advisor

HAnDiCAP CoMMitteeBlack DiamonD ranch

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The 2012 tournament schedule was completed this past month with the Final Major of the year. We had 24 couples that competed in this wonderful tournament with our repeat Gross Champions Brent and Debbie MookSang. They were victorious with rounds of 74 and 79 to win for a 2nd consecutive year. The net championship went to Ed and Linda Shurly with rounds of 70-61, for their first victory within this championship. A Special thank you goes out to all that competed and to Joan Beasley for all of her hard work in assisting with the event.

Message from the Director of Golf

Bryan Richard


This years Member-Guest Tournaments are set and we will begin the process of registering.

Please see the dates below, tournament registration will be notified via email in the

near future.

Couples’ MeMber-GuestMarch 6th - 8th

Men’s MeMber-GuestMarch 20th - 22nd

ladies’ MeMber-GuestApril 10th - 12th

During the summer months we have been working very hard with the Florida State Golf Association (FSGA) with getting all of the golf courses re-rated for the 2013 season. This past December those numbers have been calculated and went into effect on December 1st. The procedure of rating the golf courses is a process that is done every few years and was last accomplished in 2008. The ratings that have come in are slightly lower then the previous ratings, however they are more in line with past ratings of the golf course. Our next procedure will be to begin the process of the handicap allocation. This will begin the first part of January and will require certain handicap range scorecards to be collected by a member of the golf shop staff and then calculated into a spreadsheet. The time frame should take approximate 2 weeks to complete.



MeMber-Guest tournaMents 2013

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Make a Plan, not Just a Resolution!By Patrick Leahy, PGA Director of Instruction


As 2012 nears its end, most golferswillundoubtedlybegintolooktoward2013aspossiblytheirbreakoutyear.It’sthistimeofyearwhenpeoplemaketheirNewYear’sresolutionsand,withhealthandself-improvementleadingthelistofresolutions,improvinga particular part or an entire golf gameisusuallyhighonthelistformostavidgolfers. Howeverresolutionsarejusthope and wishes without a well-organizedplantohelpachievethem.It’snotgoodenoughtosimplysayyouwanttobeabettergolferandshootlowerscores.Youhavetoaskyourself,“HowamIgoing to shoot lower scores?” We’veallhearditbefore,“IfIfail to plan I plan to fail.” Failure of a resolution is nothing more than alackofplanning.Justliketryingtoachieveanyselfproclaimedgoalinlifeyoumustbeawareofyourstrengthsandweaknessesandhaveaplantonotonlyimproveuponyourweaknessesbutalsomaintainyourstrengths.AsItellmanyofmystudents,“Hopeisnotaplan!” Withregardtoyourgolfgame,anyimprovementplanshouldconsist of four basic steps:1. Assessyourabilitiesin

comparisonoftheplayeryouwant to become.

2. Learn how and what to do to improvethemovementsandactionsofyourfullswingand/or short game.

3. Developimprovedskillsthroughproperexecutionofassigned practice drills and monitoringofyourskillsimprovement.

4. Performinactualon-courseconditions and situations,

monitoring performance so yourimprovementplancanbeadjustedinordertomaximizeyoursuccess.

Nowifyou’rewonderinghowtodevelopthistypeofplan,thenwondernomore!Beginningin 2013, we will be featuring ournewGameImprovementPrograms. These programs will follow a simple four-step process of Assessing, Learning, Developing and Performing. These programs will combine an initial student gameevaluationwithprivateorgrouplessons,supervisedpracticesessions and on-course coaching. Eachmemberorguestparticipating in our Golf ImprovementProgramswillbegintheprocesswithacomprehensiveon-coursegameevaluationhighlighting the strengths and weaknesses of their game with regardstotheplayertheywanttobecome.Followingtheevaluationeach student will sit down with myselfforaconsultationandgoalsetting session where we will developapersonalizedlessonand practice plan guiding each student through the process of improvement. Next,whileeachparticipantattendsprivateorgrouplessons,tolearn proper swing mechanics of thefullswingand/orshortgameelements,theycanalsoparticipateinsupervisedskilldevelopmentsessionsonvariousdaysandtimeseach week helping to ensure proper understanding of lesson content and proper practicing of assigned practice drills. Lastly,studentscanalsoelecton-course coaching sessions helping them to utilize their skills

in actual on-course situations. These sessions will focus on playingskillssuchasgreenreading,playingfromunevenliesanddifficultlies,recoveryshots,teeshotstrategiesandmanymore! Ifthat’snotenough,participating members will also receiveonlinesoftwarethattheycanusetotracktheirplayingand practice skills This software will help the student and their golf coach adjust their personal improvementplantoensurethefastestandmosteffectiveresults.Afterall,ifyou’renotassessingyou’reonlyguessing! Sowhetheryouwanttobeabetter putter, shoot lower scores or win a club tournament, a well-organizedplanwillprovideyouwiththebestopportunityforsuccess and we look forward to helpingyou! Ifyouwouldliketoscheduleacomplimentaryconsultation,Icanbecontactedbyphone,(352)233-9199,orbyemail,[email protected]!

Until next time, great golfing everyone!

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s’ Golf Ass




LADIES’ DAY GAMES (Some games may be switched to different

days because of course selection)

JAN. 8, 2013Highlands-Ranch Back

Individual Game: Blind 9. Gross and Net. Shop will draw 9 holes after play has begun.

JAN. 15, 2013Full Ranch

Team Game: Net Bridgeman (3 balls on Par 3s,

2 on par 4s, 1 on Par 5s)

JAN. 22, 2013Full Quarry

Team Game: Step Aside Scramble (Gross only)

each player’s drive must be used twice.

JAN. 29, 2013Highlands-Ranch Front

Team Game: 1 BB net on even holes. 2 BB net on odd holes

Guest dAy is FebruAry 12th

Each member may invite 1 guest only. Members who

chose not to have a guest will play in a separate division.

page 6


Golf outside the Gatescheck bulletin board or BDLGA section of website for details

21st annual ladies’ Winter invitational

Monday, Jan. 21, 2013the oaks at Citrus hills

all aboard the Grasslands express!thursday, Jan. 24, 2013

the traditionJan. 28th & 29th, 2013

Mardi Gras invitational 2013

feb. 25, 2013high point ladies’ Golf

“sChool-astiC” Golf tournaMent

feb. 25, 2013the Women of

sugarmill Woods

The Black Diamond Ladies’ Golf Association wishes everyone in the Black Diamond community a Happy New Year. We have more than one hundred members to date and look forward to returning snowbirds joining us.

appy to live in such a wonderful community

ctive women enjoying golf

ay-offs each week

laying with different members

our volunteers working for you

ew friends are made through our golf games

xciting matches

orking to play better golf

ear-round competition

ating lunch together after golf is a highlight

birdie board honors members

espectful of each other as we play


Welcome New members

to BDlGA

Jewel Hasek

Nancy coleman

BDLGA Ladies’ Day 9-holers TOYS FOR TOTS 2012



Page 7: Black Diamond Ranch Newsletter January 2013

Black Diamond Foundation

In less than 10 years, the Foundation has given back more than $1,000,000 to the residents of Citrus County. These funds have provided scholarship support for deserving students, not just pounds, but tons of food, youth activities, public safety, and other deserving projects. Without your charitable support we cannot accomplish any of this, and the annual tournament is our most important tool in bringing people together to benefit the Foundation. We encourage and ask you for your participation in this wonderful day of giving. Talk to your friends or business associates and form a team. The Pro-Am has had a full field for three years running, and we expect a full tournament again this year. The field will be limited to the first 32 paid teams, so sign up soon. Join Us and Help Make Our Tenth Tournament the Most Memorable Yet!

black diamond Foundation meets Monday, January 7, 2013 at 4:00 pm in the Clubhouse boardroom.all Members and residents of black diamond are welcome to attend.

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The Black Diamond Foundation Pro-Am Tournament Committee Invites You to Participate in the 10th Annual Pro-Am Tournament

TOURNAMENT INFORMATIONWednesday, January 23, 2013

9:00 AM Registration & Breakfast11:00 AM Shotgun Start

Four Person TeamTwo Net Best Ball Per HoleMaximum Field of 32 TeamsThree Amateurs and One Pro

Awards Ceremony & Reception Immediately Following Tournament

PLAYER OPPORTUNITIESCrystal Automotive Poker Run

Long Putt ContestClosest to the Line for Women

Longest Drive for MenClosest to the Hole for Men & Women

i want to update you on a few of our past black diamond foundation recipients and give you a brief overview of this semester’s recipients.

vivian l. successfully completed Practical Nursing and is thrilled to be working as a nurse. Melissa f. was the only female in last year’s Welding program and was able to finish the program ahead of schedule. She has begun a very successful welding career in Arkansas with Shaw Corporation. nashala d. completed Medical Administration and is currently working in the field. John o. will be completing Automotive Service Technology this year and serves as the shop foreman.

i am excited to report the following new recipients receiving this semester’s scholarships:

William e. is 42 years young and is beginning a new career in Industrial Machine Maintenance.Karen b. is also training for a new career. She is former military and is excelling in our Culinary Arts program.darnell C. is one of the few males we have pursuing his certification in Medical Administration.ernest s. is a return student who completed his Patient Care Assistance License and is continuing his medical career in our Practical Nursing program.Christian r. began his education in Auto Collision repair as a high school student and will be finishing this year as an adult student.

devin d. would not have been able to continue his education without your support. He was planning on taking a semester off in order to work and earn enough money to come back in the spring. Your scholarship has made it possible for him to continue his education in Automotive Service Technology without taking time off.lori t. is also making a dramatic life change in our Cosmetology program. She will be completing this semester and is looking forward to working in a local salon. Her thank you note to BDF states “My future career that I have been dreaming about since I was a little girl is now a reality. “dylan p. the hardest and most responsible young man currently at WTI. In addition to his full-time role as a student in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, he also works full-time at Little Caesars. As a young man he is responsible for supporting his family as his father was diagnosed with a debilitating disease and has not been able to work for the past 5 years. As always, words cannot express the gratitude that is felt throughout WTI for your continued support and generosity. I am always in awe when I meet the students and discuss the obstacles they have to overcome in order to make better lives for themselves and their loved ones. Their journeys could not be possible without you and for that we are grateful.

Signed-Sandy VanDervort, Guidance Counselor WTI

This letter exemplifies what the BDF does for our community. Your donated dollars have changed the lives of many people in our community. All of your donations go to citizens who reside in Citrus County. YOU make a difference! We need your support. Please consider helping our cause with your donations to the Black Diamond Foundation.

The following memo is from Withlacoochee Technical Institute…

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J a n u a r y C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s












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Landscape Luncheon11:30 am

Irish Night5:30 - 7:30 pm

Italian Night5:30 - 7:30 pm

Pacific Rim5:30 - 7:30 pm

Chef’s HomeCooking Classics

5:30 - 7:30 pm


2524Club Closed 3pm

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

5:30-7:00 pmGame Starts

6:30 pm





Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day


A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required


A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

Lunch Schedule

Daily11 am - 4 pm


No Dinner Service

17Reading &

Discussion Group4:00 pm

— MeMbers —Please help us to ensure that your dining experience

is satisfactory by making reservations in advance for all evening dinner service. Our staffing is

based on your reservations. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Bible Study 9:30 am

Mahjong 12:00 pm

bd Foundation meeting 4:00 pmClub Closed

Bible Study 9:30 am

Mahjong 12:00 pm

poa meeting 4:00 pmClub Closed

Bible Study 9:30 am

Mahjong 12:00 pm

Club Closed

Bible Study 9:30 am

Mahjong 12:00 pm

Club Closed

DupliCate BriDGe - 6:30pM

kNitters & Crafters

10aM - 12 NOON



11 12

18 19

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

Movie Night5:00 pm

Nine and Dine


TurkeyBuffet5:30-7:00 pm

Reservations Required

1 3 52NewYear’s Day

Club CloseD

No Dinner Service

Chef ’sCooking

Class6:00 pm

A la Carte5:30 – 7:30 pm

Reservations Required

No Dinner Service


Olde WorldWine Night5:30 pm

Wine Dinner5:30 Reception

6:15 Dinner

26 Dinner &

Dance5:30 pm

Scotch Tasting6:00 pm


DupliCate BriDGe - 6:30pM

kNitters & Crafters

10aM - 12 NOON

kNitters & Crafters

10aM - 12 NOON

BriDGe - 9:00aM

BriDGe - 9:00aM

BriDGe - 9:00aM

BriDGe - 9:00aM

golF Committee 4:00-6:00 pm

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Reading & Discussion

GroupThe book club will be meeting on Thursday,

January 17th at 4:00 pm.

They will be discussing The Beach Trees by Karen White.

Hours of Operation

Driving RangeMonday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmSunday: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Golf ShopMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmForeTees Internet: 24-Hour Access

Tennis CourtsMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm

PoolMonday – Sunday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pmPool temperature maintained at 84°

Fitness CenterOpen 24/7 with use of Access Code

The Clubhouse @ Black Diamond RanchBreakfast: Sunday: 8:30 am – 11:00 amLunch:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 4:00 pmDinner: See Calendar Take-Out Window:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Men’s LoungeTuesday – Friday:12:00 noon – closeSaturday: 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm


A Special Thank You To the Women whohelped to decorate The Club for the holidays.

Arlene Arndt Ann Caldwell Faeth Houle Ivy Herman-Smith Dorothy Caracciolo Betty Baskin

Trivia NighT WiNNers - 12-6-121st Place:

Smarty PantS$183.00

Lois & Phil CorsiArlene & Bob ArndtBetty & Ken Baskin

Ruth Schlabach

2nd Place tie: nO It aLLS


Peter & Elizabeth BlickDon & Joan WeaverWalt & Marge Rizzi

Russ & Judy DelaneyJohn & Linda Williams

2nd Place tie: WtF


Walt & Pam FordBob & Diana Storek

Paul & Carol SpragueJoel & Cathy Cipolla

Rod & Pat Pierce

Green Cart Syndrome I would like to take a moment to address what is known as Green Cart Syndrome at Black Diamond. Simply defined, Green Cart Syndrome is the automatic assumption that anyone in a green cart is a “public” player at the club. There are a number of ways to enjoy the Black Diamond experience including joining as a member, participating in one of our Stay and Play packages, coming from another private club, playing with a guest of a member or in one of our outside events. Our Stay and Play packages are an important part of our marketing strategy as it gives people a chance to experience our terrific club and community. In fact, many of our residents and members enjoyed this opportunity before moving here. We offer a Pro-to-Pro for members of other private clubs to come play at Black Diamond. We are always happy to make arrangements for you to experience some of the other great private clubs throughout the country. This is a benefit of the club and our staff is happy to help you with any tee times you need. The overwhelming majority of “green carts” are used by guests of members. Black Diamond is somewhat unique in that we have one color of cart for members and another color for guests. Thus, it makes it easy to identify a member versus a guest. However, it may surprise you how many members with guests use green carts. Finally, we are blessed at Black Diamond to have 45 holes of amazing golf. We do hold outside events and plan these events to limit disruptions to member play, typically on a Monday. The above outlines how a “guest” can play one of our terrific courses. Black Diamond is a private club and there is no public play – period. Don’t become a victim of Green Cart Syndrome. When you see a green cart, please introduce yourself and welcome them to the club. Tell them about our great community and make them feel at home. Who knows, they may be your neighbor some day.


Bobcat on Quarry #17.