BL Draft Form

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Transcript of BL Draft Form

  • 8/17/2019 BL Draft Form


    OOCL Bills of Lading - Draft Copy for Customers OnlyShipper / Exporter (Complete Name and Address Boo!ing No" Bill of Lading N

    Export #eferen$es

    Consignee (Complete Name and Address %or&arding Agent-#eferen$es / %'C No"

    oint and Country of Origin of )oods

    Notify arty (Complete Name and Address Also Notify arty-#outing * +nstru$tions

    re Carriage By la$e of #e$eipt ,y parti$ipating $arrier  

    essel/oyage/%lag ort of Loading E.D at Loading ort Originals to ,e relea

    ort of Dis$harge la$e of Deliery ,y parti$ipating $arrier  

    FCL / FCL

    arti$ulars %urnished ,y Shipper 

    Des$ription of a$!ages and )oods )ross 0eight

    Basi$ +nstru$tions 1

    Other +nstru$tions 1

    .ype of 'oement (+f mixed2 use des$ription of pa$!age

    Container nos &ith seal nos"'ar!s and Num,ers


  • 8/17/2019 BL Draft Form


    FORM: QFCSV003

  • 8/17/2019 BL Draft Form



    sed at


    s and goods field

  • 8/17/2019 BL Draft Form
