BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

Huanying Book 2  Additional A ctivities UNIT 3 LESSON 5 Notes to the teacher: 1. Print out t he questi on cards and cut th em along the dot ted line s. Y ou ca n also print ou t the cards on stickers and paste them on index cards, so that you can reuse them. 2. Dist ribut e the cards t o your st udents – on e person pe r card. I you ha!e a la rge cl ass, di!ide the class into t"o groups and distribute cards accordingly. #. $sk the s tudent s to pair u p "ith a par tner , take tu rns to as k their q uesti on on the car d, and listen careully to the ans"er. %odel the correct ans"er i necessary. &nce both students ha!e asked and ans"ered the questions, s"ap their question card "ith each other and ind a ne" partner to repeat the acti!ity. © by Cen! " Ts#i Co$%any& All 'i!ts 'ese'ved& Huanying 2, 3.5 Additional E(e'c ises

Transcript of BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

7/23/2019 BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

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Huanying Book 2 Additional Activities UNIT 3 ∙ LESSON 5

Notes to the teacher:

1. Print out the question cards and cut them along the dotted lines. You can also print out the

cards on stickers and paste them on index cards, so that you can reuse them.

2. Distribute the cards to your students – one person per card. I you ha!e a large class,

di!ide the class into t"o groups and distribute cards accordingly.

#. $sk the students to pair up "ith a partner, take turns to ask their question on the card, and

listen careully to the ans"er. %odel the correct ans"er i necessary. &nce both students

ha!e asked and ans"ered the questions, s"ap their question card "ith each other and ind

a ne" partner to repeat the acti!ity.

© by Cen! " Ts#i Co$%any& All 'i!ts 'ese'ved& Huanying 2, 3.5 Additional E(e'cises

7/23/2019 BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

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Huanying Book 2 Additional Activities UNIT 3 ∙ LESSON 5

  名 ___________________  班级 _____________ 


3.5 Group Activity

Step 1: 'ranslate the ollo"ing sentences into (hinese.

1. Is there a tour group going to )ei*ing+


2. -e can plan a trip or you.


#. 'he tour group "ill irst go to hanghai, then /an*ing, and inally )ei*ing.


0. You can take a ship rom (hongqing.


. $re there any lights around # p.m.+


. I need an 3nglish4speaking tour guide.


5. 'he tra!el agency can book the lights and hotels or us.

  6. 'heir business hours are rom 7 to .


7. $pproximately t"enty $merican tourists !isited our school today.


18. 9et me ask my riend irst and call you back later.


© by Cen! " Ts#i Co$%any& All 'i!ts 'ese'ved& Huanying 2, 3.5 Additional E(e'cises

7/23/2019 BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

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Huanying Book 2 Additional Activities UNIT 3 ∙ LESSON 5

Step 2

You "ill recei!e a question card rom your teacher. 'he questions are identical to those in tep 1.

Pair up "ith a partner, ask him:her the question on your card, and listen careully to the ans"er.

I the ans"er is incorrect, explain the correct ans"er to your partner. Your partner "ill then ask

you the question on his:her card. &nce both o you ha!e asked and ans"ered the questions, s"ap

your question cards and ind a ne" partner to repeat the acti!ity.

;汉语怎么说 Is there a tour 

group going to )ei*ing+”

 ;汉语怎么说 -e can plan a

trip or you.”

汉语怎么说“'he tour group

"ill irst go to hanghai, then

 /an*ing, and inally )ei*ing.< ;汉语怎么说 You can tra!el by

 boat rom (hongqing.”

;汉语怎么说 $re there any

lights around # p.m.+”

汉语怎么说“I need an

3nglish4speaking tour guide.<

汉语怎么说“'he tra!el agency

can book the lights

and hotels or us.<

;汉语怎么说 'heir business

hours are rom 7 to .”

© by Cen! " Ts#i Co$%any& All 'i!ts 'ese'ved& Huanying 2, 3.5 Additional E(e'cises

7/23/2019 BK2, 3.5 Q&A Mixer Activity

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/bk2-35-qa-mixer-activity 4/4

Huanying Book 2 Additional Activities UNIT 3 ∙ LESSON 5

汉语怎么说“$bout t"enty

$merican tourists !isited our 

school today.<

汉语怎么说“9et me ask my

riend irst and call you back 


© by Cen! " Ts#i Co$%any& All 'i!ts 'ese'ved& Huanying 2, 3.5 Additional E(e'cises