BizMOOC for universities

BizMOOC for universities ICEM 2017 Napoli 22.0.2017 Jutta Pauschenwein ZML – Innovative Learning Scenarios with support of Christian Friedl Institute of International Management FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria

Transcript of BizMOOC for universities

BizMOOC for universities

ICEM 2017

Napoli 22.0.2017

Jutta Pauschenwein

ZML – Innovative Learning Scenarios

with support of Christian Friedl

Institute of International Management

FH JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria

Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017


- Jutta Pauschenwein: head of ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios at FH JOANNEUM, professional identity as e-convener

- FH JOANNEUM: small university of applied sciences in Graz, Austria

- BizMOOC – MOOC for the world of business: Knowledge Alliance Project 2016-2018

- Christian Friedl: Project manager of the BizMOOC Project


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

MOOCs for universities

- MOOCs generate excitement and concern in the academic community:

How can MOOCs be integrated into university classes?

Does MOOC pedagogy and schedule fit the teaching practice?

- Our three steps endeavour


BizMOOC project

Outlook on the integration


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

Cope14 / 15 MOOCs

- interdisciplinary team (ZML, Institute for International Management, 2 other institutes)

- hybrid MOOC combining a connectivist approach with a model for moderating online groups (structure!) and an emergent learning approach

- Facilitators & conveners – moderated learning process

- delivered twice

- evaluated


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

Seven principles of the cope MOOCs

- Openness: everybody can learn in an anonymous way (wordpress platform)

- Autonomy and Abundance: learners decide about their learning path & choose from an abundance of materials

- Networking: learners connect with other learners

- Visibility: visible learning activities (via comments)

- Continuity: to get the badge activities in at least 4 weeks

- Support: conveners help & motivate, make the common learning efforts visible in posts

- Challenge: learners are challenged by the MOOC as a whole and by advanced tasks during the weeks


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

Implementation in university

- integrate the cope MOOC into courses of different disciplines

- acknowledge student’s participation with 1 ECTS within a normal university course

- cope14

537 participants from 34 countries

15,4 % got a badge, but only 4 management students

- cope15

460 participants from 32 countries

65,7 % of the registered participants were active at the cope15 website by writing at least one comment

27,4% got a badge (42% of the active learners), 102 management students


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

What have we learned?


- Teachers who „let“ their students learn in a MOOC need to understand how a MOOC works => teachers should learn in MOOCs !

- Students need a clear framework /rules – then they appreciate an open learning approach „learned something new“ „got new insights“ „learned something unexpected“

- The conveners were perceived as very helpful and assisting.

Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

Knowledge Alliance to enable a European-wide exploitation of the potential of

MOOCs for the world of business (562286-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-KA)

Funding Scheme: Erasmus+, KA2 – Knowledge Alliances

Project Duration: 36 months, 1/1/2016 – 31/12/2018

Grant: € 758.264 plus own contribution by partners

Coordinator: FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences, Graz

11 full partners:

Open University (UK), University de Alicante (ES), Burgas Free University (BG), University of

Economics Krakow (PL), AVL List GmbH (AT), Hasso-Plattner-Institute (DE), DIDA srl (IT), Košice

IT Valley (SK), The National Unions of Students in Europe (BE), EADTU (NL) | | |

Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

BizMOOC project: investigation

Investigation of 50 European universities via qualitative, semi-structured interviews

- 90% of university representatives interviewed were familiar with the MOOC concept but only 20% have already offered/produced a MOOC (2016)

- MOOCs should be a complementary tool for courses or curricula

- Quality of MOOCs is an issue

- Recognition and language skills are perceived as barriers

- Largest disadvantage: low interaction level with teacher


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017



Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

How to integrate the BizMOOCsinto our university?


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017


Teachers as learners in MOOCs

1. We will encourage our teachers to participate in the Learning with MOOCS for Professional Development – 4 weeks in Oct/Nov 2017

2. We will build an online course around this self-passed MOOC & support teachers in their learning process – Feb18

Our students in the MOOC

1. Using the concept for integration a MOOC into university we will invite students into the Intrapreneurship: Make your business great againMOOC – 6 weeks in 26. Feb-April 2018

2. Our great vision: we will build an intrapreneurship/entrepreneurship MOOC for all our students from 6 departments using materials, concepts and ideas of the BizMOOCs and the AtLTyc MOOC (another project where we are building a MOOC for athletes)


Jutta Pauschenwein, IECM 2017

Thank you

Jutta Pauschenwein@twitter – jupidu

ZML Innovative Learning Scenarios -


BizMOOC project -

Learning with MOOCS for Professional Development (registration starts at 1. Oct) -