Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw...

Vicar The Rev. Dr. George Okusi Bishop’s Committee Sue Williams, Bishop’s Warden Jane Topper, People’s Warden Karen Adelsek, Clerk Stacey Bergman, Treasurer John Mitchell, Bookeeper Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister of Music & Editor of Canterbury Tales William Henderson St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church 5306 East Arbor Road Long Beach, CA 90808 (562) 425-4457 Vicar’s email:stlb47@ Web homepage Canterbury Tales January 2017 The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ January 6, 2017

Transcript of Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw...

Page 1: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Vicar The Rev. Dr. George Okusi

Bishop’s Committee Sue Williams, Bishop’s Warden Jane Topper, People’s Warden Karen Adelsek, Clerk Stacey Bergman, Treasurer John Mitchell, Bookeeper Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid

Minister of Music & Editor of Canterbury Tales William Henderson St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church 5306 East Arbor Road Long Beach, CA 90808 (562) 425-4457 Vicar’s email:[email protected]

Web homepage

Canterbury Tales

January 2017

The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ

January 6, 2017

Page 2: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Happy New Year Message for 2017

Theme: New Beginnings – Finding and Growing “Green Shoots”

As a church, Christine and I would like to thank God and all our members and friends for how far we have come. He has brought us together. We have passed through different stages or transitions in our life journey in 2016. We have seen these transitions in different ways - at our places of work, homes, new jobs, cars, apartments, relationships, sickness and even death, but our faith in Christ keeps us going.

So as we come to the New Year 2017, it is worth our celebration, for reliving and for looking back. We do this because our members worked so hard for our financial stability, pastoral programs, St. Martha’s Guild meetings and activities, Men’s Breakfast meeting every second week of the month, Lectio Divina fellowship at the church every second week of the month, baptisms taking place, confirmations, sickness, and deaths. Fr. George and Christine had time for their vacation in Kenya in August 2016. Fr. George attended CREDO Conference in Alabama in October.

I want to thank the Altar Guild, LEMS, Ushers, Acolytes, the mighty choir of St. Thomas under Bill Henderson, Men’s Breakfast group, Tom, Bert and Larry for maintenance, Sue for helping with the administration, Lectio Divina, Bible Study group, everyone who made donations to IRIS, Food Bank or the services given to the church in 2016. We did several repairs to the kitchen, like getting the stove to work again, the extinguishers, a member bought a Lawnmower, members repaired the broken areas of the church, we did our fundraisings – Auction, Bake Sales and Bazaar twice, visited by the Deanery 8 Clericus fellowship, paid our Mission Share and part of the loan to the Diocese, members brought photocopying paper and stamps for administration, members donated items for Rummage Sale, Bazaar, baked bread, we organized a picnic at the Park, had a worship service in Larkin hall with a BBQ for the volunteer members day, organized a retreat for all our leaders, Easter celebrations, Children’s Pageant and witnessed the signing of the Montessori agreement with the church.

We have also seen Side by Side working with us in some occasions, and Sisters Fellowship International are doing very well in Larkin Hall. The use of our halls and compound did well to give us some extra money. We welcome our members who are coming back to join us either after being away or being sick for some time.

We thank God that we opened our hearts, our doors and received 9 people who walked in and joined our church. My friends, it is a time to move forward as a family, for together we can do it better. Whether your resolutions consist of keeping your hands out of the cookie jar or giving your heartfelt word to work on relationships with loved ones, it can make all the difference to put these hopes into words and warm wishes. Seeing is believing! Let us continue to find new ways and grow in the grace of God. Fr. George and Christine

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St. Thomas

Archbishop of Canterbury

Born in London in 1118, St Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his cathedral on 29th

December 1170. A deacon when he was appointed chancellor of England, he became a close friend of

King Henry II. His ordination as bishop brought an abrupt conversion of life and led him to oppose the

king over Church rights. After six years’ refuge in a French monastery, he returned to his diocese, but

careless words from the king inspired four knights to assassinate him. Immediately acknowledged as a

martyr, he is remembered for his courage in defense of the rights of the Church.


O God, who gave the Martyr Saint Thomas Becket

the courage to give up his life for the sake of justice,

grant, through his intercession,

that renouncing our life

for the sake of Christ in this world,

we may find it in heaven.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.


Page 4: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

January 6 - Epiphany starts

Sunday January 22 - Annual General Meeting

February 25 - Rummage Sale fundraising

Tuesday, February 28 - Shrove Tuesday

Wednesday March 1 – Ash Wednesday

March 4 – Rosary Building Day

April 16 – Easter Sunday

April 29 – Dinner Auction Fundraising

Annual General Meeting Our Annual General Meeting this time will be on Sunday January 22nd. We shall have a combined service at 9:00 a.m and then attend the meeting after the service. You are all welcome. We will have time to vote for new members to the Bishop’s Committee. We will vote in 5 people:

4 people for 3 years and 1 person for 1 year. If you would like to be a member of the Bishop’s Committee, or would like to nominate someone, please feel free to contact Fr. George or Sue Williams.

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2017 Dinner Auction

Auction - April 29, 2016 THE ST. THOMAS PIPE ORGAN

An Organ Committee, consisting of Fr. George, Bill Henderson, Marc Skuster and John Mitchell,

has formed to look into some problems with our organ. The organ itself (the pipes and the

mechanisms in chambers above and behind the altar), is in reasonably good condition. There

are some small problems, which are repairable.

The console, where the organist sits and plays, is a different matter. This console is a little older

than our organ, is very worn and is much larger than necessary. It is also very mechanically

complicated, compared with more modern organ consoles. The keyboards and the pedal board

are somewhat worn but usable. However, the stop knobs are not reliable. Stop knobs are used

to turn on various ranks of pipes, such as an oboe or a flute. Our organists have pushed in

toothpicks to keep some knobs from popping in and out by themselves. The preset buttons, a

memory system of the console, no longer functions. Our organists manage to use the organ

despite the stop knob problems. These problems make it harder to change the sound of the

organ while they’re playing.

There are several options to remedy our console problems, such as buying a new console,

repairing the present console, or getting a used console that’s suitable for our organ. This gets

into technical matters that we’re not familiar with. We decided that it would be wise to engage an

organ consultant, who would be hired to advise us.

The Organ Committee presented this idea to the Bishop’s Committee on December 11. We

asked that a designated Organ Fund be established. We also asked for a blessing on hiring an

organ consultant, who would be paid by the Organ Fund. The Bishop’s Committee approved

these requests.

John Mitchell talked with Manuel Rosales and he agreed to work with us. He is very

knowledgeable and reputable. His company has renovated pipe organs in Southern California.

Manuel said it will cost about $500 to $1000 to do an examination and present a report to us. He

will estimate prices for various solutions to the console problems. He also commented that

nothing will happen until after the holidays, which is fine with us.

After we have a report from Manuel Rosales, we can decide how we can go forward and we will

probably ask for contributions to the Organ Fund to finance our plan. While we’ve received one

donation, we invite more contributions to pay for the consultant. Please mark ORGAN FUND on

your check or offering envelope.

Although we’re a small church, we need to move forward. Feel free to talk with anyone on the

Organ Committee.

Page 6: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Our last Advent Bible Study

Our Advent Bible Study which started on Thursday December at 12 Noon, went so well. We had a steady number of 8 members coming in the afternoon with their lunch. It was held in Larkin Hall and took place on Thursdays December 1, 8, 15 & 22.

In this book,

Underdogs and Outsiders by Tom Fuerst, we learned from Matthew’s Gospel, the names of five women in the family tree of Jesus; Tamar, a forgotten daughter in-law and widow: Rahab, a prostitute; Ruth, a foreigner; Bethsheba, the wife of Uriah, and adulteress; and of course, Mary, a young virgin. This Advent study explored the stories of each of these five women, showing how they all played a

pivotal role in God’s purposes. Readers uncovered new dimensions to the story of God’s people and how

that story comes into focus in the hope for the messiah.

The Author, TOM FUERST is the associate teaching pastor at Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Soon it shall be time for Lenten Bible study. Feel free to call or text the Vicar, at (323) 602 – 9769 for another Bible Study Series for the Lent period.

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Christmas Eve Children Pageant – 6:00 p.m. Service

The Christmas Eve Pageant at our 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service has come again. We take this opportunity to thank Stacey Bergman, our Treasurer, and her team for this yearly exciting event in our church. We don’t want to forget to thank our celebrities – our children who, in 2015 did their best and made us laugh our hearts out. We appreciate your dedication and stewardship to the church. We all enjoyed the pageant, and much thanks to Stacey and her team, and especially our little kids. They did remarkably well. It was a good evening for all of us. We love you all!

Nativity evening services have been great times of celebration in our church. They are an integral component of Christian Christmas celebrations. We always have a small figurine manger scene in our church. We have manger scenes with actors, sheep, goats, and donkeys. Nativity brings Christmas alive always in the church, and we love to watch our kids play. It captures so much of the birth narratives in the Gospel (Matthew and Luke). We have a classic scene with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, the star shinning above, angels, and all the animals adorning baby Jesus.

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Lessons and Carols December 18 at 4pm

We all take pride in what the choir is doing under the leadership of Bill Henderson. He worked hard on this and the choir sacrificed to attend all the services. Thank you brothers and sisters, I salute all of you.

We thank Hazel and Andrew and St. Martha’s Guild for the good job of hospitality. Below, you can see us enjoying ourselves in the Larkin Hall. We had delicious food. Thank you, Hazel, and Bill.

These are the poinsettia flowers in Larkin Hall. We hope to plant more for future use.

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The Restaurant Fundraising I want to thank Becky for helping me organize a restaurant fundraising for our church. It was at Heritage Family Pantry. Thanks to St. Martha’s and everyone who supported us at this time.

This is Montessori Eureka school celebrating Christmas in Crosby Hall. It was something to watch,

seeing the parents and grandparents together with friends flocking the Hall to capacity. It was so full that some parents had to stand against the wall.

These beautiful kids did their parts so well. I was

happy that I was invited.

On the left, she even knew how to carry a baby.

What an evening. We are proud of Montessori

school, the students, parents, teachers and the

Director, Petra.

Happy New Year2017!

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Thanks to the Altar Guild Team for the good job!

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Beautiful Poinsettia

We planted this flower in January 2015 after the last

Christmas of 2014. These flowers remind me of when

I came to St. Thomas as Fr. Fede was leaving for

Mexico. I am very proud that they are doing very

well and we have started using them when we have

functions. We are proud of Fr. Fede and we wish him

well in his new ministry.

Thanks to Hazel, Andrew and Chase

We want to thank you for the good job of making our church bright and sparkling with flowers and

lights. You did a good job and we value your voluntary work at the church. Keep it up.

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Lectio Divina

Our last Lectio Divina for 2016 was well attend and I want to thank all the participants and more so to brother

Allen Stout who has dedicated his time and expertise to lead this very important time to greater spirituality.

Allen, we appreciate the work you have been doing and dedication to do more for the ministry God had assigned

to you, even before you were born. Thank you, let us all join in 2017.

Visiting our sick members

I want to thank God that the Vicar’s

office did make sure that all our

church members at home or in

hospitals were all visited. I had quality

time with them, did anointing and

gave Holy Communion. Many a time

we would pray with the families.

Thanks to everyone who went with

me as you can see here below when

we visited Karen Adelseck. We took

for her this beautiful flower.

On the Right, this is when I visited Gerry Nash, with a

bright Poinsettia from St. Martha’s Guild.

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Anglican Rosary Workshop and Potluck Lunch

A Lenten event on March 4 is designed to have fun for all ages 10 to adult. Beading experience is not needed, the date will be announced and a signup sheet will be available in the Narthex in February. Come and have fun putting together a personalized Anglican Rosary. All supplies will be available to create your own rosary while learning all about the Anglican Rosary and how to use it.

Joanne and Allen.

Men’s Breakfast

It cannot go without giving

thanks to John Hannan and

the Men’s Breakfast group

for the great job they have

done. I missed quite a

number of meetings, but I

enjoyed every Saturday

when we could come

together for breakfast. As

you can see, we had

members from Costa Mesa

joining us during our last

meeting. Feel free to invite

your friends to visit. This group had also started looking into how we can have new Books of Common

Prayer. And already the Society for Bibles and Book of Common Prayer have sent us 40 new Books of

Common Prayer. Hureeeeeeeeeeeee! Amen!

Your Views on Week Day Bible Study.

Concerning Bible study, we did not do very well in 2016 and I hope we can get a

day and time for Bible Study. This is the time we can pray for one another, study

the Bible, and encourage one another. I need your thoughts on this. Feel free

even to select a book or a topic you might want us to discuss. In studying

together, we built one another.

Page 14: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Can We Have Epiphany? Maybe Thursdays at 12:00pm?

Epiphany, or the 12th day of Christmas, falls on January 6 and marks the official end to the festive season for

many Christians. The ancient Christian feast day is significant as a celebration of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, as well as a more general celebration of his birth. The six Sundays which follow Epiphany are known as the time of manifestation.

The word 'Epiphany' comes from Greek and means 'manifestation'. It celebrates 'the revelation of God in his Son as human in Jesus Christ'. According to the Gospel of Matthew, the three kings found baby Jesus by following a star across the desert to Bethlehem. The three kings - named Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar - followed the star of Bethlehem to meet the baby Jesus.

According to Matthew 2:11 - they offered symbolic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gifts were symbolic - the gold representing his royal standing; frankincense his divine birth; and myrrh his mortality.

For many Protestant churches, the season of Epiphany extends from January 6 until Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The last Sunday of the Epiphany is celebrated as Transfiguration Sunday. Give Fr. George a call at 323 602 9769 if you feel we can do it.

Week Day Service

As part of opening our Doors during week days, I am looking forward for a day that we can have a week

day service. Everyone is welcomed and even those who might not be able to come to church sometimes

on Sundays can come and join us. I need your suggestions if it is something possible our church can do.

Most of our churches in Long Beach area have services during the week. I am here at your service. It can

be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. It shall be for about 45 minutes. It can be in the

morning or in the evening. Let us communicate.

Episcopalians, Lutherans to celebrate Martin Luther King Day together

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry will be the keynote speaker when members of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America come together on Sunday, Jan. 15 at 3:00 p.m. for a joint worship service celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The theme for the gathering, to be held at Westchester Lutheran Church, is "Living the Dream of God Now." All are welcome; clergy are invited to vest (white albs and red stoles) and process.

For further information, contact the Rev. Canon Frank Alton, provost of the Cathedral Center, at 213.482.2040, ext. 201, or [email protected]. Westchester Lutheran Church is located at 7831 South Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles.

Page 15: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

John H. Taylor elected bishop coadjutor of Los Angeles

Rancho Santa Margarita vicar elected on eighth ballot. December 03, 2016. By Pat McCaughan

The Rev. John Taylor was elected bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles on the eighth

ballot Dec. 3 by delegates gathered for the 121st

annual meeting of the diocese at the Ontario

Convention Center. Taylor, 62, has served as vicar

of St. John Chrysostom Church and School in

Rancho Santa Margarita, California, since 2004. He

was elected by 122 votes in the clergy order and

194 votes in the lay order. The election culminated

a nearly two-year search process. Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno announced during his

address to convention that he will retire at the beginning of Diocesan Convention 2017.

A lifelong Episcopalian, Taylor was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1954, the son of journalists and

formerly served as chief of staff to former President

Richard M. Nixon and later as the executive director

of the Nixon Library.

He received a bachelor's degree in political science

at the University of California, San Diego, and a

master of divinity at the Claremont School of

Theology and Bloy House. He is a graduate of

Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. He was ordained a priest in January 2004 and

served as curate at the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle in Fullerton.

The Diocese of Los Angeles "groans with the potential for growth through mission and ministry

to those in our communities who do not know our church but whom our God in Christ

commands us to reach, embrace, empower and serve," Taylor has said.

His is a "via media" leadership style -- listening to his own instincts in consultation with others. "I

listen to all stakeholders to learn from them," he has said. "If they've been heard, they'll be more

likely to affirm my decision even if they don't agree with it. Taylor married Kathleen Hannigan

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O'Connor in 2002 (pictured together above); he has two daughters, Valerie and Lindsay, and

two stepchildren, Daniel and Meaghan.

Taylor will be ordained and consecrated as bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles on

July 8, 2017 at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center in Los Angeles.

From Bishop J. Jon Bruno

The Gospel of Jesus Christ constantly calls us forward into new and abundant life. As we know, moving into the future always involves change, which some people embrace while others resist. As Episcopalians, we share a unique faith tradition of welcoming change and overcoming fear while also maintaining the best of prior traditions. Since my election in 1999 as bishop coadjutor of this diocese, I have reflected on words of my predecessors in addressing change. Joseph Horsfall-Johnson, who served this diocese from 1896-1928 as its first bishop, chose as a theme of his episcopate the biblical imperative to “Fear not!” Likewise, Bishop Fred Borsch made “Adelante” his watchword calling us forward together into the future. For my own episcopate, I chose to focus on reaching out to one another with “Hands in Healing,” a theme that remains especially pertinent both to our current national context and to our shared diocesan life. At the outset of my episcopate the world and the nation were coping with new levels of terrorist activity, and also moving into new levels of understanding around marriage equality and full inclusion of LGBTQ members of the church and society. At that time, I could not have envisioned the depths to which I would personally and professionally experience, in the years that followed the healing grace of God in all its power and possibility for health and vitality. One key to healing is, of course, the correct diagnosis of illness or other problems. And I believe similarly that the naming of issues in our common diocesan life, and the steps we have taken together to address various challenges, have brought us to places of greater well-being. At this annual meeting, Convention is electing my successor. I give thanks for this blessing and for the steps we will now take together to achieve a smooth and productive transition. As part of this process, I offer in these pages an update on key ministry areas in the diocese as together we move forward into the future.

Rebecca Stevens of Thistle Farms will keynote 2017 ECW meeting. November 10, 2016.

By EN staff

The Rev. Rebecca Stevens, founder of Thistle Farms, will be keynote speaker as the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Los Angeles come together Friday, Feb. 24 (4 - 9 p.m.) and Saturday, Feb. 25 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) for their annual meeting at All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena.

Stevens founded Thistle Farms (originally "Magdalene") in 1997 to provide referral and case management services for women who have escaped from the sex trade. Stevens is author of several books, of which the most recent is Letters from the Farm: A Simple Path for a Deeper Spiritual Life. She has been featured in the New York Times, on ABC World News, NPR, PBS, and CNN. In 2011, the White House named Becca a "Champion of Change" for her work against domestic violence.

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National ECW President Lisa Towle and Margaret Nolde, president of the Girls Friendly Society in the Diocese of Los Angeles, will speak at the Friday evening event. The meeting also will feature workshops, led by Stevens; Cathy Salser, executive director of A Window Between Worlds; and the Rev. Nathan Biornstad, assistant at Church of the Transfiguration, Arcadia, and St. Luke's Church, Monrovia. Bishop Suffragan Diane Jardine Bruce will celebrate Eucharist; Stevens will preach.

All meals, including the Friday evening hospitality hour and dinner, will be prepared by Chef Holly Hale and her staff at Gooden Delicious. Parking will be available at the church and several locations within walking distance. The board of ECW-LA hopes your congregation will attend this meeting.

Nominees for Bishop’s Committee Sought -- Are You Called to Lead?

Nominations are now open for membership on the 2017 Bishop’s Committee. Nominees should be baptized and active members of St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church who are committed to serving the congregation in a leadership capacity. Here is a brief overview about the roles and responsibilities of Vestry members.

Bishop’s Committee

The Bishop’s Committee of St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church is a working board and members committed to active participation. Members are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting, and, together with the Vicar of the Church, are entrusted with responsibility to discern the mission of St. Thomas Church today and in the future, and to set goals and priorities to support that mission. The Bishop’s Committee is responsible for St. Thomas having the necessary funds, and necessary and appropriate assets, to accomplish this mission. The Committee is entrusted with responsibility to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place so that the people on the Church property are protected against harm. The Committee is entrusted with responsibility to measure the degree to which St. Thomas’ mission is achieved.

The Bishop’s Committee establishes policies to ensure ministry is carried out in accordance with the Cathedral's values, mission, goals, and priorities. The Bishop’s Committee delegates authority for the day-to-day management of the Church to the Dean and to the administrative and ministry leaders. Feel free to contact Fr. George or Sue Williams

Please submit the nomination form by the January 22, 2017 deadline. Use the form on the next


Page 18: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Bishop’s Committee Nomination Form:

St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church 2017

Nominee Name: _________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________

Member of St. Thomas of Canterbury: Yes No

How long have you attended St. Thomas church? ________

1. Why do you want to serve on the vestry? ____________________________________


2. What gifts do you bring? Include professional and community experience if it is pertinent.


3. In what activities or ministries have you participated? __________________________

4. Which service do you most often attend? ____________________________________

5. How would you be willing to serve on Stewardship, Strategic Planning, Finance, or Facilities,

Fundraising? ____________________________________________________

I’ve read and understand the expectations and responsibilities above and, if elected, I agree to fulfill


Signed: _________________________________ Date: ______________________

The Person who nominated the Candidate. Name _____________________________

Date _____________________________

Page 19: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

Sign for our Instagram

account, we have one!


Check out our Webpage!

Our Webmasters Clara and Marc are doing a beautiful job making our webpage more

interesting and up to date!!!!

Page 20: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

JANUARY 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Feast of St. Thomas

of Canterbury


8:00 am - Holy Communion Said 9:30am-Side by Side Church - CH 10:15 am – Holy Communion Sung 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal

2 3

9:30 am – 1:00pm -

St. Martha’s

7:00 pm – AA / CH

7:30 pm – Side by Side


7:00 pm – AA / CH


7:00 pm – AA / CH

6 The



8:00am - Side by


4:00PM – Sisters Fellowship

8 1st Sun. after the

Epiphany The Baptism of Our Lord

8:00 am - Holy Communion Said 9:30am-Side by Side Church - CH 10:15 am – Holy Communion Sung 12:00 Noon - Bishop’s Committee meeting 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal

9 10

9:30 am – 1:00pm -

St. Martha’s

Clericus at St. Luke’s,

L. Beach

7:00 pm – AA / CH

7:30 pm – Side by Side


7:00 pm – AA / CH


7:00 pm – AA / CH

13 14

8:00am - Side by


8:00 am - Men’s

Breakfast at

Denny’s Lakewood

11:00 am - Lectio Divina 4:00PM – Sisters Fellowship

15 2nd Sun. after the


8:00 am - Holy Communion Said 9:30am-Side by Side Church - CH 10:15 am – Holy Communion Sung 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal

16 17

9:30 am – 1:00pm -

St. Martha’s

7:00 pm – AA / CH

7:30 pm – Side by Side

18 Confession of St Peter, Apostle 7:00 pm – AA/CH

19 7:00 pm – AA / CH

20 21

8:00am - Side by


4:00PM – Sisters


22 3rd Sun. after the


9:00 am - Holy Communion Service 9:30am-Side by Side Church - CH 11:00am Annual General Meeting - Larkin Hall

23 24

9:30 am – 1:00pm -

St. Martha’s

7:00 pm – AA / CH

7:30 pm – Side by Side


Conversion of St Paul, Apostle 7:00 pm – AA/CH


7:00 pm – AA / CH

27 28

8:00am - Side by


4:00PM – Sisters


29 4th Sun. after the

Epiphany 8:00 am - Holy Communion Said 9:30am-Side by Side Church - CH 10:15 am – Holy Communion Sung 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal

30 31

9:30 am – 1:00pm -

St. Martha’s

7:00 pm – AA / CH

7:30 pm – Side by Side

Page 21: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

For Your Prayers

We pray especially for Our Presiding Bishop Michael, our Bishops Jon and Diane, and

our Priest George.

The world, especially the people of the United States, and for peace all over the world and wherever there is oppression or trouble.

Serving in the Armed Forces at home and around the world as listed: members of the U. S. Army: Deanne, Robert, and Adam; the U.S. Marine Corps: Sean and Mark; the U.S. Air Force: Jordan, Joshua and Carlos; the U. S. Navy: Jonathan and Charity; and the U.S. Coast Guard: Jennifer and Corey.

The protection and guidance of Parishioners and Friends as listed: Bob, Wayne, Richard, Penny, John, Bradley, Wendy, Peter, Mary B., Sandra, Amy, Ashley, Jason, Jacob, Amanda, Angelina, Liz, Cheri, Ashley, Rachel, Margaux, Evan, Christian, Ed, Sandy, Raul, Mindy, Anthony, Mary, Sativia, George, Dario, Marge, Lydia, John, Jonathon, Gary and Darrelyn.

The healing of Parishioners and friends as listed: Rachel, Andrew, Terry, Nell, Margo, Vicki Misner, Vicki Howe, Katie, Linda, Connie, Martha, Diana, Richard, Ana, Michael-Andrew, Taft, Mary, Doreen, Peter, Manuel, Lorenzo, Doug, Joel, Dina, Kathie, Allyson, Karen, Liz, Lynn, Evelyn, Ellen, Carlene, Rellen, Jeanine, Steve, Becky, Michael, Mia, Katherine, Rose Marie, Myrna, Joy, Heather and Gabriel.

Homebound and Special Needs: Bette, Gerry, Dorothy, Ellen, Becky, Karen, Bettina and the homeless, the poor and the unemployed, affordable housing for families, the end of Ebola, AIDS and Cancer in the world, and for those suffering from mental illness.

Birthdays: Allen Arnold 1/1, Patrick Riley 1/4, Maria Gordon 1/5, Wilma Oppenheim

1/6, Andrew Gordon 1/10, Ellen Heatherly 1/11, Carlene Owen 1/13, Ashley Krumwied

1/14, Auggy Sanchez 1/14, Salim Khoury 1/22, Shelly Arnold 1/23, Rosemary Perry

1/23, Sabrina Hicks 1/27, and Andy Bellak 1/28

In Memorium: Alice Pinkerton 1/9/06 and Gladys Middaugh 1/22/14

Page 22: Bishop’s Committee Bishop’s Warden People’s Warden Karen ......Jeremy Richmond Larry Shaw Allen Stout Amanda Tapia Rellen Owen Hazel Bellak Precious Nwazota Tom Krumweid Minister

St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church

5306 East Arbor Road

Long Beach, CA 90808-1109

Phone: (562) 425-4457

Fax: (562) 425-8317

E-mail: [email protected]

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