Bishop Arts Updated Design Package - Advocate



Exxir Capital, the Nazerian family company, released new artwork and plans for their Bishop Arts Village project, which eventually will connect Bishop Arts to Jefferson Boulevard.

Transcript of Bishop Arts Updated Design Package - Advocate

BISHOP ARTS PROJECTJUNE 5, 2015tocttt\ iNsriro nntsnNnt unnkrtcoNfrxf-srNsifivr soutqur nrtntBISHOP ARTS PROJECTJUNE 5, 2015oiscovrtstr tNo orticfrut rrorstnnN stnrrttrrtufrNfic cnnrtsunNsurBISHOP ARTS PROJECTJUNE 5, 2015nrsroNsvr tNo Ntutvr orsicNnntrut tNo vsnnNt tirrsf\trBISHOP ARTS PROJECTJUNE 5, 2015uuunN scntr coNscious orsicNcuttunnttv ovrnsr sorriNc tNo oiNiNc rxrrirNcr