Birthday Bless- Safety Tips While Celebrating Your Child’s Birthday


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A birthday is definitely a time to celebrate. While you celebrate it is always better to be wiser and to play it safe. Be it a child’s first birthday or a party in your teenage years or your 21st birthday, it is always wiser to take the necessary precautions to prevent any mishap from happening during the party. Here are some of the safety rules that should be enforced prior to a birthday celebration.

Transcript of Birthday Bless- Safety Tips While Celebrating Your Child’s Birthday

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Safety Tips While Celebrating Your Child’s Birthday

A birthday is definitely a time to celebrate. While you celebrate it is always better to be wiser and to play it safe. Be it a child’s first birthday or a party in your teenage years or your 21st birthday, it is always wiser to take the necessary precautions to prevent any mishap from happening during the party. Here are some of the safety rules that should be enforced prior to a birthday celebration.

1) Do not provide any alcohol to any underage person, under any circumstances.

2) Do not turn a blind eye towards any activities that may be taking place without your consent, particularly in unsupervised events such as drinking, drug use, sex, and malicious mischief such as throwing eggs, toilet paper usage, graffiti etc.

3) Do not forget to go over the safety precautions with everyone before the start of the birthday celebrations such as no texting while driving, the perils of drug use, unprotected sex etc. to minimize or prevent engaging in risky behaviors. If you are looking for reliable birthday orgainsers in Delhi then i would recmommend Birthday bless..

4) Make sure your house is baby-proof with furniture and valuable items kept away so as to prevent any destruction to property.

5) Make it very clear to the kids and guests that you will not tolerate any destruction to property.

6) Do not leave the kids unsupervised and make sure that there is at least one adult with a group of children at all times.

7) Make sure that they have transport to commute from the birthday party to wherever they live.

8) Celebrate with friends you can trust: It is especially important that you celebrate with trusted group of friends, one who won’t tell test your limits or push you into doing things you don’t want to do. Bring a supportive and trustworthy group along for fun who will be able to take care of you if necessary.For all these queries hire any famous birthday party oragniser in your area.

9) Check the lawn and pool area for sharp objects and hidden holes. Make sure cupboards, drawers and toilets are latched. Close the doors to rooms which do not fall into supervised party zone. If you are hosting a backyard bash, check that yard tools are safely stored. Make sure there are no water objects that a kid could fall into unsupervised.

10) Food Safety: Food allergies are becoming quite common in children, and food poisoning can be a problem at birthday parties too. To avoid children getting sick, make sure all food is cooked thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate food and

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drinks until the children are ready to eat. Leaving food out all afternoon can cause food to spoil.

11) Balloons: Balloons are another common choking hazard. Children see adults put balloons in their mouth to blow them up all the time. An ambitious child may try the same or start chewing on an uninflated balloon. Good supervision of foil balloons instead of latex can help prevent this from happening.