Birthday Ballet Instructions

BIRTHDAY BALLET Judith Maslen TRACE. With sepia ink and a fine nib, trace the profile, hair, arms, legs, shoes and shoulder straps and the outline of the shield. Use white pencil to trace the dress and the line around the outside of the design. I used white ink to trace the greeting but you could also use gold, or a peel-off. SHALLOW-PERFORATE with the almond and moon tools where shown on the pattern. Turn the parchment to work on the reverse. EMBOSS. With your smallest tool or stylus, emboss the pencilled line around the outside of the design. Also use this fine tool to emboss a few lights in the hair. With medium and large tools emboss the dress. COLOUR. Still working on the reverse, use flesh-coloured blendable pencils to colour the face, arms and legs. Use brown pencil to colour the outside of the shield. Smooth with a little blending medium on a tissue. Turn the parchment to work on the front and with well-sharpened pencils, use small strokes to colour the hair with light brown, and black in the shadows. With dark brown add shadows on the shield where shown. Use pink to colour the shoulder straps and the shoes. RE-PERFORATE with the almond and moon tools. GRID. Place the parchment on any grid (I used a bold diagonal) and perforate every hole inside the moon-shapes on the shield. CUT. Use parchment scissors to cut out all the almond and moon tool perforations. FINISH. Lightly emboss the brown frame. Work around the outside of the design with a two-needle perforating tool, then snip all the perforations to release the design from the parchment. Attach to a blue card with a decorative brad in each corner. Use double-sided tape to stick the blue card to a folded white card, leaving a narrow white border. Copyright Judith Maslen 2015



Transcript of Birthday Ballet Instructions

Page 1: Birthday Ballet Instructions

BIRTHDAY BALLET Judith Maslen TRACE. With sepia ink and a fine nib, trace the profile, hair, arms, legs, shoes and shoulder straps and the outline of the shield. Use white pencil to trace the dress and the line around the outside of the design. I used white ink to trace the greeting but you could also use gold, or a peel-off. SHALLOW-PERFORATE with the almond and moon tools where shown on the pattern. Turn the parchment to work on the reverse. EMBOSS. With your smallest tool or stylus, emboss the pencilled line around the outside of the design. Also use this fine tool to emboss a few lights in the hair. With medium and large tools emboss the dress. COLOUR. Still working on the reverse, use flesh-coloured blendable pencils to colour the face, arms and legs. Use brown pencil to colour the outside of the shield. Smooth with a little blending medium on a tissue. Turn the parchment to work on the front and with well-sharpened pencils, use small strokes to colour the hair with light brown, and black in the shadows. With dark brown add shadows on the shield where shown. Use pink to colour the shoulder straps and the shoes. RE-PERFORATE with the almond and moon tools. GRID. Place the parchment on any grid (I used a bold diagonal) and perforate every hole inside the moon-shapes on the shield. CUT. Use parchment scissors to cut out all the almond and moon tool perforations. FINISH. Lightly emboss the brown frame. Work around the outside of the design with a two-needle perforating tool, then snip all the perforations to release the design from the parchment. Attach to a blue card with a decorative brad in each corner. Use double-sided tape to stick the blue card to a folded white card, leaving a narrow white border. Copyright Judith Maslen 2015