Bioshock Infinite b

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Transcript of Bioshock Infinite b

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


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    |_||_| |_||_|_______________________________________________________________________________ -and- Blitz Knight Stunt Present:________________________________________________________________________________

    ______...--------------------------------------------------------..._______ `. ____...-----------------------------------------------------...____ ,' | | ____ _ ____ _____ _ _ ____ _____ _ __ | | | | | _ \ | | / __ \ / ____| | | | | / __ \ / ____| | |/ / | | | | | |_) | | | | | | | | (___ | |__| | | | | | | | | ' / | |

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    Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt.

    That was the deal.

    The details elude me now...

    but the details wouldn't change a god-damned thing.

    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Platform: Playstation 3 Version: 1.20 Last Updated: 4/29/2013

    Email: FAQs @ bkstunt .com Web Site: Facebook Page:

    This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New. If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________

    ..-`-..O==< Table of Contents >==O ``-.______________________________________________________________.-

    Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


    - Introduction......................................................[BSI-INT]

    - Controls..........................................................[BSI-CON]- Vigor Guide.......................................................[BSI-VIG]- Weapon Guide......................................................[BSI-WPN]- Tips and Tricks...................................................[BSI-TIP]


    o ACT I: Bring us the Girl..........................................[ACT-01]- Chapter 01: The Lighthouse...............................[BSI-01]- Chapter 02: Welcome Center...............................[BSI-02]- Chapter 03: Raffle Square................................[BSI-03]

    - Chapter 04: Comstock Center Rooftops.....................[BSI-04]- Chapter 05: Monument Island Gateway......................[BSI-05]- Chapter 06: Monument Tower...............................[BSI-06]o ACT II: To the First Lady!........................................[ACT-02]- Chapter 07: Battleship Bay...............................[BSI-07]- Chapter 08: Soldier's Field..............................[BSI-08]- Chapter 09: The Hall of Heroes...........................[BSI-09]- Chapter 10: Inside the Hall of Heroes....................[BSI-10]- Chapter 11: Hall of Heroes Gift Shop.....................[BSI-11]- Chapter 12: Return to Hall of Hero's Plaza...............[BSI-12]o ACT III: Together Again (The Story of Chen Lin)...................[ACT-03]- Chapter 13: Finkton Docks................................[BSI-13]- Chapter 14: Beggar's Wharf...............................[BSI-14]- Chapter 15: Fort Franklin Pier...........................[BSI-15]- Chapter 16: Worker Induction Center......................[BSI-16]- Chapter 17: The Plaza of Zeal............................[BSI-17]- Chapter 18: The Good Time Club...........................[BSI-18]- Chapter 19: The Plaza of Zeal 2..........................[BSI-19]- Chapter 20: The Gunsmith Shop............................[BSI-20]o ACT IV: Industrial Revolution.....................................[ACT-04]

    - Chapter 21: Shantytown...................................[BSI-21]- Chapter 22: The Bull House Impound.......................[BSI-22]

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


    - Chapter 23: The Bull Yard................................[BSI-23]- Chapter 24: Finkton Proper...............................[BSI-24]- Chapter 25: On to the Factory............................[BSI-25]- Chapter 26: The Factory Courtyard........................[BSI-26]- Chapter 27: The Factory..................................[BSI-27]o ACT V: Learning of the Past.......................................[ACT-05]

    - Chapter 28: Emporia......................................[BSI-28]- Chapter 29: Port Prosperity..............................[BSI-29]- Chapter 30: Downtown Emporia.............................[BSI-30]- Chapter 31: Memorial Gardens.............................[BSI-31]o ACT VI: Fearing the Future........................................[ACT-06]- Chapter 32: Comstock House...............................[BSI-32]- Chapter 33: The Atrium...................................[BSI-33]- Chapter 34: Warden's Office..............................[BSI-34]- Chapter 35: The Operating Theater........................[BSI-35]

    o ACT VII: Wipe away the Debt.......................................[ACT-07]- Chapter 36: The Hand of the Prophet......................[BSI-36]- Chapter 37: Hangar Deck..................................[BSI-37]- Chapter 38: Engineering Deck.............................[BSI-38]- Chapter 39: Command Deck.................................[BSI-39]- Chapter 40: The Sea of Doors.............................[BSI-40]


    - Gear Inventory....................................................[BSI-GEA]

    - Voxophone Transcripts.............................................[BSI-VOX]- Trophies..........................................................[BSI-TPH]- Version History...................................................[BSI-HIS]- Credits...........................................................[BSI-CRE]

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..O==< Introduction >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[BSI-INT]___.-

    Hey everybody, Bkstunt here with a guide for Bioshock Infinite.The original Bioshock is PROBABLY my favorite first-person shooter gameof all time. I've played a LOT of FPS games in my time and very rarely doany of them grab me and become more than mindless slaughter. What fun isthat?

    This is what made Bioshock different. It was not only more engrossing thanyour average shooter but it made you THINK. With that fond memory firmlyimplanted, I decided to take on this challenge.

    Hopefully you have your own fond memories and not only want to playthrough Bioshock Infinite, but really EXPERIENCE it. That's where I come in

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    to help my friend. We'll go through the floating city together, and discovereverything we possibly can out of it. I'll make sure you are ready to getthrough Columbia PHYSICALLY... so you can enjoy it even more MENTALLY.

    To those who have decided to join me again... welcome back. Good to haveyou here with me once more.

    To all those who are new... good to meet you. Hopefully this guide is allyour looking for and more.

    Enjoy the guide everyone!

    ~ Bkstunt


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    I also have a website you can visit to see what other guides I've written,as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that willgo up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!).

    _____________ Bkstunt.com_____________

    So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime.

    ___________ Donations___________

    First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is,and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing justa few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give methese games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe oneday!

    Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating tohelp me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below:

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


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    Paypal ID:

    Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com

    Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallestamount will be appreciated.

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    ALTERNATELY, if you shop at (who doesn't?!) you can ALSO help meout by shopping through me! It doesn't cost you a SINGLE CENT either, whichis kick-ass. All you do is visit my webpage's donation page below:____________________________

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    Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Orjust send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day!

    ~ Bk

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..O==< Controls >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[BSI-CON]___.-

    Here are the controls for Bioshock Infinite:

    _,.--.,_ _,.--.,_ | _____ | | _____ | |-' `'.__________________________,'` `-|

    ,' __ `. ,' .,. `. / | | \ SONY / (/_\) \ ! __ \/ __ | ! ,-. `-' ,-. |

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


    | |__ > < __| !__SELECT START__| ([ ]) ( O ) ! ! /\ ___`-. ,-' `-' ,-. `-' | |\ |__| ,' `. \ / ,' `. ( X ) /| | `. / \ | | / \ `-' ,' | | `-.____,-. \ / |____| \ / ,-.____,-' | | ,'\ `.___,' / \ `.___,' /`. | | / `-.___,-' `-.___,-' \ |

    \ / \ / \ / \ / `.__,-' `-.__,'

    .''.| || Right Analog: Look Around. || || Left Analog: Movement. || |

    | X Button: Jump / Sky-Line Attach. || || Square: Use / Reload. || || Hold: Open Tear. || || Triangle: Melee. Hold to Execute. || || Circle: Crouch. || || R1: Fire Weapon. || || L1: Fire Vigor. |

    | || R2: Switch Weapon. || || L2: Switch Vigor. || || Hold: Open Radial Vigor Menu. || || R3: Toggle Iron Sights. || || L3: Sprint. || || UP Button: Display NAV Aid. || || DOWN Button: Replay Voxophone. || |'.______________________________________________________________________.'

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..O==< Vigor Guide >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[BSI-VIG]___.-

    Like Bioshock and Bioshock 2, Infinite has Plasmi.. er, I mean Vigors.

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    These powers are EXTREMELY handy and you'd be a fool not to take advantageof them. Here we'll review what you can look forward to from EACH of theeight (8) individual Vigors.


    The first thing you should know (which the game doesn't really point out) isthat you can COMBINE Vigors to produce awesome effects. There are a total ofEIGHT combinations you can do:

    1. Possession + Devil's Kiss 2. Possession + Shock Jockey 3. Murder of Crows + Devil's Kiss 4. Murder of Crows + Shock Jockey 5. Devil's Kiss + Charge 6. Bucking Bronco + Devil's Kiss 7. Bucking Bronco + Charge

    8. Undertow + Shock Jockey

    They are powerful, so be sure to try them out when you can!(-NOTE-) Doing one of each will also net you the 'Combination Shock' Silver trophy as well. Motivation!



    The enemy of my enemy...

    The first Vigor you will obtain, Possession only initially allows you totake control of machines (such as turrets) and make them fight for you.

    Once you buy "Possession Aid" (the first Possession upgrade, which you getreally early in the game), you'll be able to possess humans and lay possessiontraps. The second Possession upgrade, "Possession For Less", lowers the costof using Possession significantly.

    - Upgrades:

    Name: Possession AidCost: $50Effect: "Adds ability to possess humans who suicide when the effect expires."

    Name: Possession For LessCost: $1653Effect: "Decreases the Salts necessary to use Possession."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Possession + Devil's Kiss

    Turns the target into a walking pillar of fire, all while fighting for you.

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    2. Possession + Shock Jockey

    Turns the target into a walking Tesla Coil, shocking nearby enemies, allwhile fighting for you.

    - Special Notes

    1. Possessing machines only temporarily allows them to become you allies as, after awhile, they will revert back to being your enemy.

    2. Possessing regular foes (Police, Soldiers) again only turns them into your allies temporarily. However, after your control is done they will realize what they've done and will kill themselves (out of regret).

    3. Possessing stronger foes (Motorized Patriots, etc) will result in them fighting for you but for a VERY short time. Once the effect is done they will just resume being hostile to you.

    4. You can possess vending machines to have them spit out Silver Eagles for you. The amount varies but it's never a lot.

    Devil's Kiss The power of fire, in your hands!

    The second Vigor you will obtain. Devil's Kiss allows you to throw fierygrenades and create grenade traps. Most normal, human enemies are vulnerableto fire.

    The first upgrade, "Devil's Kiss Aid", allows you to create a cluster ofgrenades in the area you throw at which obviously increases your killing range.The second upgrade, "Devil's Kiss Boost", ups your damage potential with theVigor.

    - Upgrades

    Name: Devil's Kiss AidCost: $1241Effect: "Adds mini clusters for greater area of effect range and damage."

    Name: Devil's Kiss BoostCost: $666Effect: "Increases damage."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Possession + Devil's Kiss

    Turns the target into a walking pillar of fire, all while fighting for you.

    2. Murder of Crows + Devil's Kiss

    Sets the summoned crows alight, turning them into fiery crows of death whileincreasing damage done.

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    3. Bucking Bronco + Devil's Kiss

    While enemies are floating in the air, toss in a fiery grenade to causegrenades to bombard the area.

    4. Devil's Kiss + Charge

    This combo makes the target EXPLODE. I haven't used this one as much, butdefinitly try it out at least once to see what you think.

    - Special Notes

    1. Remember that your shots ricochet if you aim them right.2. You need this Vigor to obtain some Gear in Memorial Gardens.

    Murder of Crows

    Summon feathery friends to fight for you!

    Murder of Crows is the third Vigor you'll obtain. It is particularlyeffective in stun-locking standard enemies as you summon a group (murder)of crows to pick at your foe's flesh.

    The first upgrade, "Crows Trap Aid", causes any enemy that dies to theVigor turn into an instant Crow trap. Since Crows don't do a TON of damagethis makes timing important on your part but with good timing you can oftenwind up with free traps. The second upgrade increases the stun duration,which helps you kill while enemies are busy fending off the murderous birds.

    - Upgrades

    Name: Crows Trap AidCost: $1485Effect: "Causes the corpses of Muerder of Crows victims to become crow traps."

    Name: Crows BoostCost: $545Effect: "Increases stun duration."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Murder of Crows + Devil's Kiss

    Sets the summoned crows alight, turning them into fiery crows of deathwhile increasing damage done.

    2. Murder of Crows + Shock Jockey

    Turns the summoned crows into electrified crows, increasing damage done.

    - Special Notes


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    Bucking Bronco You're in for a ride...

    Bucking Bronco is a fairly unique Vigor. When used, it will levitate

    everything in the area it is used at. This alone doesn't damage your foe,but enemies caught up in the levitation are extremely vulnerable and take25% more damage than normal.

    The first upgrade adds the ability to chain the floating effect from oneenemy to others. The second upgrade here, "Bronco Boost", DOUBLES theduration that Bucking Bronco effects enemies for. Holy crap!

    - Upgrades

    Name: Bronco AidCost: $777

    Effect: "Adds ability to chain floating effect from one enemy to others."

    Name: Bronco BoostCost: $421Effect: "Increases duration of the enemy's float time (2x)."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Bucking Bronco + Devil's Kiss

    While enemies are floating in the air, toss in a fiery grenade to causegrenades to bombard the area.

    2. Bucking Bronco + Charge

    Get out of here! Using Bucking Bronco followed by a Charge attack resultsin Booker decking an enemy so hard they fly off. VERY useful for knockingenemies off of Columbia and letting them fall to their death.

    - Special Notes

    1. Bucking Bronco is one of the cheapest Vigors you can use.2. You CANNOT make BIG enemies float, but you can do more damage to them after using the Vigor.

    Shock Jockey Electric Nightmare.

    Ugh. You go through a LOT just to get this Vigor. But in the end its worthit. Not only do you need it to power up various machines and doors but it canalso shock (and stun) regular enemies while providing good damage to mechanicalfoes.

    The first upgrade you can buy is "Shock Chain Aid". It allows Shock Jockeyto become a chain-lightning attack, which as you can imagine is incrediblyuseful. The second upgrade increases the shock / stun time, which is also

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    very nice.

    - Upgrades

    Name: Shock Chain AidCost: $1265

    Effect: "Adds ability to chain lightning strikes from one enemy to others."

    Name: Shock Duration AidCost: $575Effect: "Increases stun duration"

    - Special Combinations

    1. Possession + Shock Jockey

    Turns the target into a walking Tesla Coil, shocking nearby enemies, all

    while fighting for you.

    2. Murder of Crows + Shock Jockey

    Turns the summoned crows into electrified crows, increasing damage done.

    3. Undertow + Shock Jockey

    Oh man. This one may very well be my favorite. After using Undertow toencase and trap an enemy in water use Shock Jockey on them to amplify thedamage. This often results in complete enemy disintegration.

    - Special Notes

    1. Bodies that die due to Shock Jockey disintigrate. This isn't a big deal whatsoever, unless you have an enemy that can bring bodies back from the dead....

    Charge Up close and personal!

    The Charge vigor may very well change the way you play the game, as it allowsyou to quickly close the gap between you and a targeted enemy so Booker canpunch them in the face. This can be easily coupled with, say, a shotgun andused to deadly effect. Don't get TOO cocky!

    The upgrades for it help out immensely. The first one adds someinvulnerability time to your attack and recharges your shield. The secondone adds explosive damage to the punch. Wow!

    - Upgrades

    Name: Charge AidCost: $1614

    Effect: "Adds brief invulnerability on attack and recharges shield."

    Name: Charge Boost

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    Cost: $555Effect: "Adds explosive damage."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Devil's Kiss + Charge

    This combo makes the target EXPLODE. I haven't used this one as much, butdefinitly try it out at least once to see what you think.

    2. Bucking Bronco + Charge

    Get out of here! Using Bucking Bronco followed by a Charge attack results inBooker decking an enemy so hard they fly off. VERY useful for knocking enemiesoff of Columbia and letting them fall to their death.

    - Special Notes

    1. As mentioned before, Charge pairs up fantastically well with a Shotgun or some other close-quarters Vigor.2. Charge is considered a melee strike, and as such pairs up well with whatever melee Gear you may have on.

    Undertow Introducing the giant killer!

    Undertow is great. It's just... great. With it you can basically either pushpeople away or pull them to you, which gives you a lot of tactical options.

    Use it to push someone off of Columbia? Use it to hold them in place next toyou while you shoot their face? The choice is yours!

    The upgrades to Undertow focus on either drawing in more enemies or by doingit from further away, both of which help with your game play options.

    - Upgrades

    Name: Undertow AidCost: $306Effect: "Increases number of enemies you can pull at one time."

    Name: Undertow BoostCost: $1143Effect: "Increases effective range (2x)."

    - Special Combinations

    1. Undertow + Shock Jockey

    Oh man. This one may very well be my favorite. After using Undertow toencase and trap an enemy in water use Shock Jockey on them to amplify thedamage. This often results in complete enemy disintegration.

    - Special Notes

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    1. Undertow is especially effective at pushing enemies off of ledges, which can help a ton with the "Bon Voyage" trophy. It also makes certain parts of the game (like the Zeppelin fight) very easy.2. Undertow wreaks havoc on mechanical foes and can be used to easily bring down things like Motorized Patriots.

    Return to Sender Thanks, but I don't want these.

    Return to Sender is the last Vigor you'll get in the game, but it candefinitely pull you out of a tight spot. It has two unique functions. Ifyou just use the Vigor as normal, a magnetic shield will protect you fromenemy fire for a limited time. If you HOLD the shield in front of you (HoldL1), you will collect bullets (while draining Salt) and can then releasethe bullets back to the enemy! As you can imagine, having an extra shieldcan do wonders for your health.

    The first upgrade for it (Send for Less) gives you more bang for your Saltwhen it comes to using the Vigor. The second is more unique as it lets youabsorb and collect incoming ammunition. Wow...

    - Upgrades

    Name: Send for LessCost: $898Effect: "Increases shield duration (press) and decreases Salts cost (hold)."

    Name: Sender Aid

    Cost: $1287Effect: "Adds ability to absorb and collect incoming ammunition."

    - Special Combinations

    N/A. Return to Sender is the only Vigor without a special combination. Awww!

    - Special Notes1. The shield is very effective at extending your life and can be VERY useful in certain situations. Pop it up before taking on some snipers and see how much it can help. It's also very useful for when your main shield breaks and you need to retreat.

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    Here you can get a glance of the game's weapons. Each weapon in the gamehas four upgrades you can buy for it. I'll post the weapons here along withtheir upgrades and my thoughts on them.

    Just a warning: I am a huge fan of the Founder Weapons vs. the Vox weapons.This is mainly due to their (much better) weapon selection and the fact thatyou get to play with and upgrade Founder weapons MUCH earlier than Vox


    FYI: This is the order they are listed in the game's menu.


    A powerful, single-shot weapon that you'll encounter fairly early inthe game. The carbine is a fantastic weapon. It's got great stopping powerand is second only to the Sniper Rifle in the long-range game. It holds adecent clip and magazine. I didn't think I would like this weapon at first

    but it's more than won me over.

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases CARBINE damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Clip Increase

    Increases CARBINE clip size by 50%o UPGRADE 3: Recoil Decrease

    Decreases CARBINE recoil by 60%o UPGRADE 4: Damage Boost 2

    Increases CARBINE damage by 25%

    VOLLEY GUNTalk about power. The Volley Gun is pretty much a grenade launcher and assuch it can cause massive damage. Not RPG massive, but massive. It doesexceptionally well taking out grouped up enemies.

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases VOLLEY GUN damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Radius Increase

    Increases VOLLEY GUN explosion radius by 50%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases VOLLEY GUN damage by 25%

    o UPGRADE 4: Clip Increase

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


    Increases VOLLEY GUN clip size by 100%

    HAND CANNONA weapon so good, I can tell you exactly where you pick your first HandCannon up at (The Plaza of Zeal). This revolver means business. 1-2 shots

    from this thing can down just about anything. It's power is fantastic, butits clip size and ammo limit holds it back a bit. Still, one of my veryfavorite weapons. Think mid-range shotgun.

    o UPGRADE 1: Reload Increase

    Increases HAND CANNON reload speed by 50%o UPGRADE 2: Damage Boost 1

    Increases HAND CANNON damage by 25%

    o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases HAND CANNON damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Recoil Decrease

    Decreases HAND CANNON recoil by 20%

    MACHINE GUNOl' Faithful. This is the second weapon you'll get in the game. It's your

    average machine gun. Low power, high fire rate... good accuracy can toastmost enemies you run across. You'll probably outgrow it at some point butyou can always rely on it (especially with the damage boosts!).

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases MACHINE GUN damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Clip Increase

    Increases MACHINE GUN clip size by 100%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases MACHINE GUN damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Accuracy Boost

    Reduces MACHINE GUN weapon spread by 75%

    PISTOLYour first weapon. Pretty standard. You'll likely dump this thing in favor

    of better weaponry as soon as you can, but it holds up well enough in thebeginning chapters of the game.

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    o UPGRADE 1: Clip Increase

    Increases PISTOL clip size by 50%o UPGRADE 2: Damage Boost 1

    Increases PISTOL damage by 25%o UPGRADE 3: Ammo Increase

    Increases PISTOL reserve ammo by 50%o UPGRADE 4: Damage Boost 2

    Increases PISTOL damabe by 25%


    The king of power. Too bad it's slow as hell and requires a lengthy reloadafter each shot. The drawbacks to the weapon are so bad that I found myselfnot even using the damn thing on my 2nd-4th play-throughs. Still, give it atry and see what you think.

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases RPG damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Clip Increase

    Increases RPG clip size by 50%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases RPG damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: RPG Speed Boost

    Increases RPG projectile speed by 100%

    SHOTGUNMy main man. Seriously, I love this damned thing. It is so very powerful.Plus it pairs well with certain Gear and the Charge Vigor. It can only holda limited amount of shots and needs cocked each time though. Still, it willserve you well throughout the game.

    (-NOTE-) Certain pre-orders came with the "Comstock's Broom" perk, which I'm fairly sure is just a beefed-up "Damage Boost 1" that you get for free. Just FYI.

    o UPGRADE 1: Comstock's Broom

    Increases SHOTGUN damage by 35%o UPGRADE 2: Reload Increase

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    Decreases SHOTGUN reload time by 50%

    o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases SHOTGUN damage by 25%

    o UPGRADE 4: Spread Boost

    Increases SHOTGUN cone width by 20%

    SNIPER RIFLEHave long-range trouble? Look no further. Seriously... this is the onlySniper Rifle in the game, so look no further. Despite the lack of options,this gun works well. It's got a good clip and nice standard zoom (nothingfancy, mind you). It should take care of your long-range killing desires.

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases SNIPER RIFLE damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Damage Boost 2

    Increases SNIPER RIFLE damage by 25%o UPGRADE 3: Fire-Rate Boost

    Increases SNIPER RIFLE fire rate by 100%

    o UPGRADE 4: Recoil Decrease

    Reduces SNIPER RIFLE recoil by 50%


    The Vox equivalent of the Carbine. Like I mentioned earlier, I prefer theFounder weapons due to being able to power them up earlier, but this gunstill works just fine (even if the sights are a bit different). Try it outfor yourself.o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases BURSTGUN damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Recoil Decrease

    Decreases BURSTGUN recoil by 50%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases BURSTGUN damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Ammo Increase

    Increases BURSTGUN reserve ammo by 50%

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    The Vox equivalent of the Volley Gun. This one I'll use if I want someexplosive fire power. I've read (not seen) that the main differences hereare that the Hail Fire can bounce its projectiles off of walls and can firefaster. I never had the need for those things, but hey, good for you Hail


    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

    Increases HAIL FIRE damage by 25%o UPGRADE 2: Radius Increase

    Increases HAIL FIRE explosion radius by 100%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases HAIL FIRE damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Clip Increase

    Increases HAIL FIRE clip size by 60%

    REPEATERThe Vox version of the Machine Gun. I've read (not seen) that it is morepowerful. Still, by the time this comes around I'm usually not playing withmachine guns. Handy in a pinch. Try it out and see what you think.

    o UPGRADE 1: Recoil Decrease

    Decreases REPEATER recoil by 50%o UPGRADE 2: Damage Boost 1

    Increases REPEATER damage by 25%o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases REPEATER damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Clip Increase

    Increases REPEATER clip size by 100%

    HEATERThe Vox version of the Shotgun. Ok, now you have my attention. The Heateris aptly named as it can set enemies on fire (and has a wider damage radius).However, it only holds 2 shots. How crappy is that? Gear can make that betterbut C'MON!

    o UPGRADE 1: Damage Boost 1

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    Increases HEATER damage by 25%

    o UPGRADE 2: Reload Increase

    Decreases HEATER reload time by 50%

    o UPGRADE 3: Damage Boost 2

    Increases HEATER damage by 25%o UPGRADE 4: Spread Boost

    Increases HEATER cone width by 20%

    CRANK GUNThis gun isn't officially listed under your weapon list in the game, but

    it's a handy weapon nonetheless. This is the Crank Gun, the gun that you canuse after killing a Motorized Patriot or, sometimes, find in certain tears.It has no upgrades, but it's LARGE clip and high fire rate makes it a beastnonetheless. When you can, be sure to grab it and use it to mow down 4-8soldiers all while saving your own ammo.

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..O==< Tips and Tricks >==O


    Here's some basic tips and tricks to the game.

    (-NOTE-) This guide is still very new, so if you have something that you think belongs in here let me know!

    o IMPORTANT NOTE: I haven't done this myself but apparently you can enter in the KONAMI CODE while highlighting the "Play Game" option to IMMEDIATELY unlock 1999 Mode (Very Hard Mode).

    I feel like I shouldn't need to tell you, but the code is:

    Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X, Start.

    o Want to understand the story better? Find and listen to all the Voxophones in the game! This seriously helps a ton and the guide shows you where they all are.

    o IMPORTANT NOTE: The GEAR you receive is randomized. You will (very likely)

    get a different piece of gear than I do. Keep that in mind. However, SOME of the gear you find will be the same as some of the gear is always found at the same place.

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    o SEARCH EVERYWHERE! You can get rich by looking in every crate and container for Silver Eagles. They scale up as you progress through the game as well, so it is ALWAYS a good idea to thoroughly explore.

    o Do the sidequests as soon as you can. The guide does them as soon as you can, and you should as well. You can miss them entirely if you don't!

    o Learn the enemies weaknesses! Some enemies have weak spots (The Handyman's exposed heart, the Motorized Patriot's gears) but enemies also have Vigors that they are weak against. Humans are generally weak against things like Devil's Kiss, Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco, etc. Machines are generally weak against things like Undertow and Shock Jockey.

    o Learn your Vigor Combinations! The game doesn't expressly tell you this,

    but you can combine Vigors to devastating (and satisfying) results. Check out the following Vigor combinations and be sure to try them for yourself:

    1. Possession + Devil's Kiss 2. Possession + Shock Jockey 3. Murder of Crows + Devil's Kiss 4. Murder of Crows + Shock Jockey 5. Devil's Kiss + Charge 6. Bucking Bronco + Devil's Kiss 7. Bucking Bronco + Charge 8. Undertow + Shock Jockey

    Check out the Vigor section for more info on Vigors in general and what you

    can expect out of them.

    o You can POSSESS Vending Machines to make them spit out money for you.

    o Be sure to stop and review your GEAR choices every once in awhile. It is really easy to forget about and you could be helping yourself out a ton by remembering to simply review your gear.

    o The game DOES NOT give you enough INFUSIONS to let you max everything, so you will be forced to choose between SHIELDS, HEALTH and SALT. In the end it is your choice, but I strongly recommend shields given their regenerative property.

    o Similarly, you won't have enough money to upgrade EVERY weapon and Vigor, so prioritize upgrading the weapons and Vigors you personally use and avoid wasting money on something you'll rarely use. That money can be better spent elsewhere.

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _|

    | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..

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    O==< ACT I: Bring us the Girl >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[ACT-01]___.-

    Chapter 01: The Lighthouse [BSI-01]

    \ Infusions: 0 Telescopes 0 Voxophones: 0 Kinetoscopes: 0 /`

    We'll start out in a rowboat listening to the two characters in front of ushave an interesting conversation. The lady will also hand you a box containingsome useful items. Hmm, experiment, huh? Interesting. Soon we'll be at a dockand you can climb the ladder on the left (try sitting there for a bit to hearthem make a remark about you).

    When you get out they'll leave you without so much as telling you when they'llbe back. Examine the shed to the left for [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] on the floor,which is this game's currency. Head forward now and make your way up to the

    lighthouse. When you reach the door go check out the path on the left to findanother [_SILVER EAGLE_] and a searchable [_BARREL_] in the corner. This barrelis a "container" and will contain some useful items. There's a lot of thesetypes of containers throughout the game, much like previous Bioshock games.

    Head back on the door and knock. Booker will open it. You can check out thenote on the door as well. Once inside, ignore the basin in front of you andcheck the dresser behind it. Here pick up the [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] and eat thefood if you wish. There's a [_BARREL_] back here too.

    Go use the basin if you wish (you get Booker to say a comment) and then head

    up a flight of stairs.

    Up here search the [_CABINET_] to your left. Under the bed in this room isa [_WALLET_] you should also grab for a nice cash infusion. You can also usethe radio and sink in here if you wish, although it's really not necessary.Above the radio is some food and salt as well (neither of which we need yet).Head on up the next set of stairs.

    Well, up here it looks like someone's been tortured. A message, perhaps?On the table to the right are [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. You can also loot another[_BARREL_] in here before heading up once more.

    You'll climb for a ways now but soon you'll be at the top of the lighthouse.Once you see the bells, head past them to find a [_BARREL_], then go back anduse them. Here Booker will pull out a card:


    This is the order which you're supposed to ring the bells in. Pretty simple,right. Go ahead and ring them (Left to Right) and watch the scene. Soon thedoor will open. Once it does go sit down. Sit back! Enjoy the ride!

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    (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Written in the Clouds' Bronze trophy here.

    Chapter 02: Welcome Center [BSI-02]

    \ Infusions: 0 Telescopes 1 Voxophones: 4 Kinetoscopes: 3 /`

    Well, here we are in Columbia. What a view! Once you are free you'll begiven an objective and also taught how to navigate to it by pressing the uparrow. Handy! Of course you guys have me... what!? I'm handy too!

    o OBJECTIVE: Find a way into the City

    Search underneath the stained-glass window in front of you for some[_SILVER EAGLE x2_] and then head left. You'll be in a circular room soon.Head right here into a chapel area. In the right cubby is a [_BASKET_] tosearch and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] on the table with the candles. The centerarea has [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] as well as a [_GIFT_] to search. Finally, theleft cubby has a [_HATBOX_] and [_FIDDLE CASE_] to search.

    Head back out to the central area and head to the other chapel area on theother side. If you head right to get there Booker will talk to the manstanding nearby. Over in the other chapel area you can search a [_BAG_] inthe pews. In the right cubby is your first [_VOXOPHONE_], which are just likethe audio logs in previous games. Good stuff! The center area has [_SILVER

    EAGLE x5_] while the left cubby has a [_GIFT_] and lone [_SILVER EAGLE_].

    Head back out to the center area and head down the stairs past the man.Keep heading forward here as the preacher carry's on (they have a tendency todo that, I hear). Soon you'll see the throng of people. Head forward and enterthe circle.

    Here you really have no choice but to "Accept Baptism". Go ahead and do it.After the second plunge you'll wake up to someone banging on a door. Take alook around for a peek at Booker's life and answer the door to see a scene.

    New Garden of Eden

    Once you come to, take a look at the statues. Key, Sword, Scroll. Makes sense,given what our founder's did. We need to make our way to a landmark.

    o OBJECTIVE: Locate the statue of Columbia

    Climb the stairs and check the benches for [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] and some food,which you actually need now. Head forward while listening to the disciples.

    When you see the pond on the left jump in for [_SILVER EAGLE x4_] and somemore food. As you go on you can check a gazebo on the left for another pieceof food. Open the doors you find to continue on.

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    New Eden Square

    Here you can find a [_TRASHCAN_] on the left to search. The popcorn standalso has some food if you want it. You apparently don't have to pay for it

    either (you thief you).

    Wow, the statue out here is just... spectacular. To the right you can reacha shop. To the right of the shop (outside) are [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] and somefood down on the ground near a bench. Inside the shop you can listen to a manbellyache for awhile. More importantly there is a [_KINETOSCOPE_] in here,which when used is similar to watching a black and white movie. Cool! Behindthe counter is a [_VOXOPHONE_] as well. There's a RADIO you can use in here aswell but it doesn't do much. Too bad we can't buy stuff!

    Head back outside and follow the objective marker. In the cafe on the rightis some food on one of the tables if you still need it. Head down the street.On the first steps to the right is some salt (not that we need it). Up thestreet on the left is some more food on a table and a [_TRASHCAN_], so be onthe lookout for them. The mechanical horse here is pretty cool. At the end ofthe street you'll have to wait a bit for a mini-parade to go by, which helpsto sum up how Comstock sees the future. Interesting.

    The road will open up once it passes. In the grassy area past the bridge issome food (Mmm, Cotton Candy!). Head up the stairs. In this general area, youcan find [_BARREL x3_] (one by the stairs, two by the store), a [_TRASHCAN_](by the stairs on the left) and a [_KINETOSCOPE_] to the left of the store.


    In the Grocery Store, you can rob the "Honor System" of [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]if you wish. There is a [_BARREL_] here as well as food and salt items,including some BOOZE (which naturally makes you a bit tipsy). There is a boxof [_CULTERY_] here as well to search. The [_FIRST AID KIT_] here doesn't doanything for you if your health is full.

    Outside you'll have to choose to go left or right. The game wants us to goright so head left up the stairs. A barbershop quartet will rise as you do soand began to serenade you. And yes, that is the Beach Boys. And yes, this issupposedly 1912. Yeah... good tune though.

    Past the bridge check the bench on the left for a [_PURSE_]. The lady herewill try to sell you a bouquet, which Booker will turn down. To the right isa [_TRASHCAN_], and past that is a garden area. There is a [_TOOLBOX_] you cansearch here and further in a [_VOXOPHONE_] on a table. The table also has somefood and a [_WALLET_].

    Head back now and take the right path. The left area by the fireworks hasa [_BARREL_], some food and some salt. Up ahead by the right hand wall thereare some kids playing. Behind them is a treasure trove of apples which meanstons of food if you want it. There is a [_BARREL_] nearby too. You should be

    well over 100 bucks by now!

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    Head up the next set of stairs and you'll see the statue. A kid will handyou a telegram here as well. #77 huh? That's like ASKING us to pick it! Heh.

    o OBJECTIVE: Go to Monument Island and find the Girl

    Here, head to the left. You'll find a [_TELESCOPE_] here with a [_SILVEREAGLE_] nearby. It really doesn't show anything useful though. Nearby is a[_TRASHCAN_] with food and salt on top of it. Head back and take the otherdirection now. Down the road to the left (below where you were) is another[_TRASHCAN_] with more food and salt nearby.

    After grabbing that, head back and up the stairs (the street to the left hasnothing interesting, but you're welcome to explore it). Up another set ofstairs will be a salesman preaching the wonders of VIGOR to everyone nearby,with two assistants to demonstrate some powers. Feel free to check it out toget a glimpse of what you'll be able to do in the future. The wall oppositethe salesman has a [_KINETOSCOPE_] by it. Hah, the video here is, well...

    we know a lot more than we did a year ago...

    The FairgroundsWow, this is a spectacle.

    The cart on the right has some food in in. Let's explore this right streetfirst, shall we? Keep an eye on the right to find the SKY-LINE VOX tent. Hereyou can interact with the AIR SHOTGUN to play the game.

    SKY-LINE VOX.-|| This mini-game is pretty easy. You have an Air Shotgun and need to| blast moving Vox targets to bits. They come in on three separate rails| but you can blast whatever you see: there are no bad targets. Focus on| shooting them as soon as they show up and get in place for your next| shot while you reload. With a little practice First Place will be| yours easily enough!|| 5 POINTS: CIGARETTES [-HEALTH +SALT]|| 10 POINTS: SILVER EAGLES [10]|| 20 POINTS: SILVER EAGLE PURSE [20]|`-.----------------------------------------------------------------------'

    Behind the Vox booth is a juggler. Search the [_TRASHCAN_] behind him. Tohis left is the HIGH STRIKER, a traditional fair game. Booker will win thisevery time you try it and there are no prizes. Further down the street is amechanical horse display. Search the right wall for a [_TRASHCAN_] and a[_CRATE_]. There's some kids smoking! Heh.

    Let's head back down the street to the entrance and play the "Cast Out the

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    Devil" game (the one with all the flames).

    CAST OUT THE DEVIL.-|| This mini-game is VERY easy. You are basically looking for wherever the

    | "Devil" is hiding and then using the vigor to lift him up! He'll always| be hiding behind one of the chairs and is very easy to see. Just be sure| to shoot at him when the woman IS NOT in the way.|| The game is so easy that you only get a single prize: SILVER EAGLE PURSE.|`-.----------------------------------------------------------------------'

    Well, that was easy. Behind you is a skyline display. To its left is a[_CRATE_] you can search. There is a VENDING MACHINE nearby as well, but it'sonly got "Bucking Bronco" in it for $375... a little too rich for us right now!

    To the left of that is a game called "Hunt Down the Vox", a chance topractice our marksmanship some more!

    SKY-LINE VOX.-|| This mini-game is more challenging than the other two. We have a rifle| here and need to take down the Vox that pop up. They only pop up in| three places though, so it's easy to get into a groove. However, the BEST| tip I can give you is to use R3 and AIM down the scope. Doing this you| should be able to hit your targets much more effectively!

    || At some point during the mini-game, "Daisy Fitzroy" will appear and| move in the FAR background. Go ahead and try to shoot him. You don't| NEED to to win, but it can't hurt.|| 5 POINTS: CIGARETTES [-HEALTH +SALT]|| 10 POINTS: SILVER EAGLES [10]|| 20 POINTS: SILVER EAGLE PURSE [20]|`-.----------------------------------------------------------------------'

    (-NOTE-) I'm pretty sure shooting "Daisy Fitzroy" here just ups your points or something. If you know better, send me an email.

    Well, that was fun. You can head up the stairs nearby to see a Voxophonedisplay (and try out a demo if you wish for some Booker dialog). Past therifle mini-game is a band and a Handyman on display. You just KNOW you aregoing to have to fight one of these things! Ha!

    Go check out the nearby green both now. This is the POSSESSION both. Here,grab a free sample of [_POSSESSION_] from the girl to get your first Vigor!

    You'll see a sample movie of someone turning a machine into an ally once youuse it!

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    POSSESSION: With Possession equipped, press L1 to make a machine friendly to you.

    (-NOTE-) Try POSSESSING the Vigor Vending Machine (and any vending machine) when you can to make it spit out money for you.

    Well, this can certainly come in handy. The booth also has a supply of [_SALTKIT x3_] in it but you should be full. Nearby is a TICKET BOOTH we need to usePOSSESSION on. Do so and open the way forward. You can turn around and fillup your Salt with a nearby [_SALT MACHINE_] by the right stairs. There's alsosome food up there on a table if you want to explore this little cubby but itshardly necessary. Enter the gate past the ticket booth once you are ready.

    Here you'll have to flip a coin for an odd couple. Head or tails!? Bookerwill pick tails here on his own and of course he is wrong. Look at the man's

    billboard. Hmm...

    Path of the ScrollHere, check the left wall for the [_BARREL x2_]. There is a vending machinein this area as well that sells Food and Salt, though we hardly need it:

    VENDING MACHINE - Path of the Scroll

    o Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19

    Head up the stairs and in the center area the women will comment on you.Heh! Search the [_BASKET_] here and eat the food if you wish. There arethree doors up here as well. The middle one has [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] by it.

    Head down the road now and stick to the upper right. You can find a [_BARREL_]and a [_TRASHCAN_] by the right-hand wall as you go. Head back and go down thestairs now. There's a couple talking in a corner. They are actually leaningagainst a [_TRASHCAN_] that you can search if you try (this one is hard to getbut if you duck and move slowly you can get it). Continue on and you'll seesome police officers with a skyhook. Looks fun.

    Continue down the road. You can hold square to look at a distant statue ifyou wish, but grab the [_TRASHCAN_] on the right. To the right of the kids isa [_PICNIC BASKET_] as well. Go search the bench below the statue for some[_FOOD_] and a [_VOXOPHONE_].

    Further on look to the right for a [_TRASHCAN_] and then look by the cart onthe right for a [_BARREL_] and go up the left stairs to find some [_BARREL x2_]near the wall. Head back down and the game will teach you how to sprint by

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    pressing L3. We may need that soon as a sign says the "False Shepherd" willhave the mark "AD" on his hand. Booker takes a second to notice that he hasthat mark... where the hell did that come from!? This makes this entiremission seem fishy...

    Chapter 03: Raffle Square [BSI-03]\ Infusions: 0 Telescopes 0 Voxophones: 1 Kinetoscopes: 0 /`

    Past the big gate, go search near the far bench for a [_PURSE_]. Head up thestairs now and notice the street to the left. You can find a [_BARREL_], a[_MAILBOX_] and a [_PURSE_] by sticking to the left hand wall here. The wagonat the end has a [_CULTERY BOX_] in the back of it as well. One of the bencheson the right-hand side has some food, salt and a [_BASKET_].

    Head up another set of stairs. You'll see some people in a line. There's acart to the right with a [_BARREL_] near it. There's also another vendingmachine up here, although again we don't need it.

    VENDING MACHINE - Raffle Parko Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14

    o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19

    Head up the stairs to a fountain area now. There's some food and a[_TRASHCAN_] here. Grab them and carry on. You'll enter the main area soonand will get trapped by people. Here a woman will yell over to you and offeryou a ball. We have no choice here but to talk to the woman (similar to thebaptism thing...). Go ahead and take a ball. You'll win, of course.Go figure. Your prize? First throw!

    At this point a couple will come out on stage. A white man and a blackwoman. Well, nothing screams party like good ol-fashioned racism. We havea choice here:


    (-NOTE-) Your choice here doesn't matter in the end. You'll get a random

    piece of GEAR as your reward no matter what you do. I personally still like to throw the ball at Fink.

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    Let's throw it at the announcer here. As you try a policeman will grab yourhand and notice the AD on it. Watch the scene here as Booker demonstrates hisawesomeness and gets free. The game will also teach you to melee now bypressing TRIANGLE, so go ahead and try it to kill the other policeman.

    o OBJECTIVE: Fight your way to Monument Island

    Two more policemen will come down, so take them out with melee attacks. Thegame will teach you to HOLD triangle down on enemies with a skull over theirheads to finish them off. Keep that in mind as these finishing moves lookawesome. Once they are dead loot the corpses (ALWAYS try to loot the corpses!)and continue.

    Up the stairs are two more policemen. Take them out. To the left is a[_TRASHCAN_]. Up ahead the bridge will raise up and protect the civilians.Some more police will come in now, and one has a pistol. Wait until he is

    reloading to charge him by using the obstacles in the way to stand behind.Once you take him out you will have a [_PISTOL_] of your own!

    The center stall has a [_FIRST AID KIT_] in it in case you took any damage,and the nearby cart has a [_SALT KIT_] and a [_CRATE_] in it. Keep on going.Down the stairs is a [_BARREL_] to the left. Also check between the cagesdown here for a [_VOXOPHONE_]. There's some Rotten Apples here too that willactually hurt your health, so don't eat them.

    Nearby is a Vending Machine but by it is a [_SILVER EAGLE BAG_]. Thisvending machine is actually different!

    VENDING MACHINE - Raffle Park 2o Possession Aid $50

    This little aid adds the ability to possess humans who suicide when theeffect expires, making it a MUST BUY. Especially if you've been following theguide since you are rolling in cash!

    POSSESSION AID 1: Press L1 to turn machines OR PEOPLE into allies!

    Hole and release L1 to create a Possession trap.

    Man, that is sweet. We can create traps now. Grab the [_BARREL_] by theramp and then head up it. Search the [_CRATE_] right in front of you. Headforward and a policeman will show up. I tried out my possession vigor hereand he beat himself to death with a club. Oh man!

    There's some [_TOOLBOX x2_] here to the left and to the right. Play with thefireworks if you wish. Up ahead to the left is [_BARREL x2_] and to the rightis a[_SALT KIT_] and [_PISTOL AMMO_]. Now, use Possession on the machine upahead. This will make the machine gun down some policemen that show up, saving

    you time and ammo! Ha! Jump down and help it mop up as you'll kill six alltogether.

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    You are now back in the first part of Raffle Park and need to head right.You can use the first vending machine if you wish. It HAS changed its stockand has now added pistol ammo in case you need it:

    VENDING MACHINE - Raffle Park

    o Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    Wow, that's some cheap ammo. Now, up ahead overlooking the street belowis another turret. Go ahead and use Possession on it as there are fourpolicemen down below. Be careful of it turning back though. I ended up takingthe turret out after it helped me by going over to the left of the vendingmachine and shooting it, then ducking to the left when it fires, then waitingfor it to forget about me and shooting it some more.

    Down on the street you can loot corpses and approach the gate. To the leftof it is a blue police box with a [_SALT KIT_] and [_PISTOL AMMO_]. Past thegate kill two more policeman. Search the left wall for a [_BARREL_]. There's asmall store here too that you can raid for a [_BARREL_] in a corner and the[_COIN PURSE_] and [_CASH REGISTER_] on the counter. The doors in here open up

    as well when you approach them to reveal [_SILVER EAGLE x3_], some booze, aPistol and [_PISTOL AMMO_].

    Outside to the left (past the shop) is another [_BARREL_]. Down the streetin a cart is some [_SALT KIT_] and a [_FIRST AID KIT_] in the front and a[_CUTLERY BOX_] in the back. When you're ready, open the gate!

    Here you will fight a FIREMAN! He shoots fire at you from a distance andtries to close in on you. When he gets close he'll burn up everything aroundhim. Stay at range and unload on him. It'll take a couple of clips but you candrop him rather easily.

    o OBJECTIVE: Take the Vigor from the Fireman

    When he's dead go ahead and pick up his lockbox and the Vigor "Devil's Kiss".The animations that follow afterward and just plain awesome!

    DEVIL'S KISS: With Devil's Kiss equipped, press L1 to throw a fiery grenade.

    Hold and release L1 to create an explosive trap.

    Now that he's dead, let's explore. A blue police box to the left of where

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    you came in at has a [_SALT KIT_] and some [_PISTOL AMMO_]. Continue on andhead up the stairs on the right. With this high ground you can see anotherturret up ahead. Use Possession on it.

    (-TIP!-) Hold down L2 to easily swap between Vigors!

    This will make it kill several policemen that charge you. Be sure to retreatand kill the turret afterwards (the gazebo is a good spot). Down below you cansearch under the fireworks for [_CRATE x2_] and can find some [_SALT_] in ablue police box. Head past the gate now.

    Up ahead is the Blue Ribbon restaurant. Behind the center hostess booth isa [_PISTOL_], [_PISTOL AMMO x2_] and a [_SALT KIT_]. To the right around thecorner is a [_TRASHCAN_] and to the left is some food on a table. Go aheadand enter the restaurant now.

    Chapter 04: Comstock Center Rooftops [BSI-04]\ Infusions: 2 Telescopes 1 Voxophones: 6 Kinetoscopes: 4 /`

    In front of you is a [_SALT KIT_] and some soda. To the right on the counterare [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. Behind the counter is some [_PISTOL AMMO_] and somebooze. There's a [_CABINET_] nearby you can search as well. Head forward now.

    (-NOTE-) If you played the pre-order game Industrial Revolution, you can get some of your prizes at this time. The game will tell you that you must get them before leaving to Monument Island.

    Up ahead of you are no less than [_KINETOSCOPE x3_]. THREE! They tell, ina brief summation, how and why Columbia left America. Interesting.

    Check the nearby table for some food stuffs and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. There'salso a LOT of BOOZE and CIGARETTES in this area if you want to hurtyour salt. On the main bar is a [_CASH REGISTER_] and a [_SALT KIT_]. Behindthe counter is a [_FIRST AID KIT_], a [_WALLET_] and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. Anearby room also has some Wine and a Sink in it... not that either of thosedo you much good...

    (-NOTE-) One of the tables in the back should have your Industrial Revolution items on it. You will get the following message:

    Gear is special clothing that grants you unique abilities.You can only wear 4 pieces at a time (one per type).

    Manage your Gear from the Gameplay Menu.

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    Now, gather the items on the table for the below items:

    NEW BOOTS! [_FLEET FEET_]: When evading, movement speeds are increased. Affects side strafing and backpedaling.

    NEW BOOTS! [_HANDYMAN NEMESIS_]: Increased damage against Handymen by 50%.

    NEW SHIRT! [_SUGAR RUSH_]: After eating a snack, move 50% faster for 3 seconds.

    You should also find a [_GOLD BAR_] on the table (500 Silver Eagles!).

    (-END NOTE_)

    If you DO NOT have an Industrial Revolution code... that kinda sucks. Ohwell, you can get by without all this crap, trust me. The table should havesome coffee on it.

    Now to continue on we have to take the [_SHIELD UPGRADE_] from the ladystanding in our way.

    SHIELD: Adds a magnetic-repulsive field to improve defense.

    We now have a shield. And yes, it can recharge. The dialog after drinking

    the tonic is quite funny. Who exactly ARE these people!?

    Well, let's continue on into the kitchen. There's a TON of FOOD and SALT inhere, so I won't point it out. To the right are some [_BARREL x2_] and a[_CRATE_]. Past that is a [_VOXOPHONE_]. To the left of the doors we enteredis a pot full of [_SILVER EAGLES_].

    Continue on out the back and grab the [_BARREL x2_] you find and the single[_CRATE_] past that. There's a bunch of booze on a chair further on but it'sunneeded. Head outside now and follow the path to a dead end.

    The Hooks

    Here, look to the left and you'll see a hook in the distance. The game willtell you to hook onto it by facing it and pressing 'X'. Use it with the nextone and the next! You can drop down below to search [_CRATE x2_], but you wantto head to the last hook to see an enemy in the distance.

    The game will now teach you to hover over them and use 'X' to do a "SkylineStrike". Try it out. You'll not only automatically kill him but you'll makehim drop his [_MACHINE GUN_]. This gives you a second weapon! The game willalso tell you to press R2 to switch weapons.

    Grab the nearby Machine Gun (for ammo) and [_MACHINE GUN AMMO x2_], as wellas a [_TOOLBOX_] to the right. Further on are some soldier with machine guns.Get the drop on them and use cover. Your shield really shows how useful it is

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    now. Down below search the place for a [_SALT KIT_] and a [_BARREL_]. When youare in front of the barrel you can turn around and search for [_TRASHCAN x2_].

    Continue on and stick to the right wall. There will be a small shop witha [_SALT KIT_], a [_BAG_], a [_CRATE_] and [_BARREL x2_]. Outside is a turretthat I choose to kill while using the shop as cover. There's also a [_MACHINEGUN_] and [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_] by some crates out there to the left (which you

    may have got on your way over here).

    Further on you'll meet some more soldiers. Possession is good here. Up thestairs to the left can give you an overview of the area but puts you in harmsway (there's some Booze and Cigs up here too). I'd use the ground path as itprovides more cover. As you press forward you'll see a ship with plenty ofsoldiers on it. If you can, use Possession on the turret at the back of theship. I never did but it would undoubtedly help. Be sure to destroy it afteras well. Beware of enemies running around the area to melee you. This areahas [_SALT KIT x2_] on the left wall near the ship if you need it.

    Once you clear out the ship head right. The right wall has a [_CRATE_] andsome [_BARREL x2_] on it. You can now jump down to the next rooftop. Here wecan break the windows and jump down into the building...

    Lansdowne ResidenceHome Invasion! Heh. You can grab the [_SALT KIT_] from the table if you needit and then search the [_PURSE_], [_CABINENT_] and [_DESK_]. Head downstairsnow. The desk by the bathroom has [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] and some food. The nearbyroom has a CHEST in it that is LOCKED. The game will explain here:

    Optional quests give you an opportunity to find valuable resources. Stay alert for a key that may open this chest.o OPTIONAL: Find the key that fits the lock

    Ok then. We can search the [_CABINET_] and [_NIGHTSTAND x2_] here. There'salso a [_WALLET_] on the nightstand. Be sure to grab the [_VOXOPHONE_] and[_MACHINE GUN AMMO_] as well. Sounds like the "Feathered Brothers" have ourkey!

    Head down to the main floor now and search the [_DESK_] as the man tells youhe is a progressive. OK... grab the [_SILVER EAGLE PURSE_] and food from thetable. The far cabinet also has a [_SALT KIT_] and a [_SILVER BAR_] on it.Head back up to the top floor now and out to the terrace. There's some Boozeout here if you wish. Use the hook to advance. You can drop down to theplatform below you for [_CRATE x2_], so grab them and launch yourself onward!

    You can search this outside area for a table with wine, food and [_SILVEREAGLE x2_]. Head into the doors to continue.

    Montgomery Residence

    In here the game will tell you to consider NOT shooting first... a foreignconcept to so many, I'll bet. The right cubby has [_BARREL x2_] in it. Grab

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    them and enter the next set of doors. You'll see these people run a fewprinting presses. The police will come and go if you stay quiet. To the leftof the far doors is a [_PURSE_] you can search. Go down the hall the peopleare in now. The bathroom here has a [_FIRST AID KIT_] in it if you need it.The door across the way has a [_FIRST AID KIT_] as well as [_DESK x2_] tosearch. I'm guessing that harboring black people is a risky business inColumbia. The photo of Lincoln here is well placed.

    Head out to the big room now. The desk to your left against the wall has a[_WALLET_] and [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] on it as well as some Whisky. The chairin the corner has a [_SALT KIT_] and a [_MACHINE GUN_]. A small table in themiddle of the room has some cigs and a [_WALLET_]. The big table at the endof the room has a [_BAG_] and some more cigarettes.

    Once you are done raiding the house use the doors to exit. Outside to theleft you will have to fight off a group of soldiers. This group includes aFireman in their midst, so try to Possession one of them and use the nearbystalls as cover. Beware of any enemies coming out of the house you were in,as I had one do that. There is also a turret in the distance that you can try

    to Possess as well, but remember to destroy it no matter what you do.

    Once they are dead grab the nearby [_SALT KIT_] to refill. There is avending machine here as well. Note that it is now stocking Machine Gun ammo.

    VENDING MACHINE - Outside of Montgomery Residenceo Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14

    o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    o Machine Gun Ammo [35] $8

    Once you're done with that go down the stairs to the booth. You can finda [_VOXOPHONE_] here from the famous marksman Preston E. Downs. You can find[_CRATE x5_] behind the display (one on it, one behind the cart, one by atent, two by some stairs). There's also a [_FIRST AID KIT_] down here as well.Head back up and explore the stack of crates all the enemies were by. Thereare [_CRATE x2_] here you can search (one of them is behind the wagon wheel).Beyond the statue to the left is a [_TRASHCAN_] with some food and salt on itand up above on the upper left street you can find [_CRATE x2_].

    One last thing: face the front of the Preston Downs stage and go search theright-hand side of the upper area nearby for a [_KINETOSCOPE_] near a tent.Once you have gathered up all these goodies feel free to carry on, followingthe objective arrow through some doors into a creepy area.

    On the statue in here is a [_FIRST AID KIT_] and some [_PISTOL AMMO_] andbehind it is a [_SALT KIT_]. Enter the next set of doors now. Amidst therotten food is some good food (an apple) but... ewww. To the left under the

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    robe rack is [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] and there's another [_SALT KIT_] past that.

    In the next room is a statue of John Wilkes Booth, one of the last peopleyou want a statue of. Head into the left room now and some people will see youhere, wait a second, and become hostile. Take all three of them out. Searchthe [_CIGAR BOX_] on the first table. There is a LOT of booze and vices inhere. On the bar is a [_VOXOPHONE_]. Behind the bar is some [_PISTOL AMMO_],

    a [_FIRST AID KIT_], a [_PURSE_] and a [_SALT KIT_]. The right end of the baralso has [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. There is some coffee on one of the tables inhere too.

    Let's take the other exit out of the bar to find a library of sorts. Thetable on the right here has a [_SILVER EAGLE_] while the far cubby has a[_MACHINE GUN_]. The next room is a dining hall. There's another very wrongpainting here. The only thing that is interesting in here is halfway down thetable on the left side: [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] and a [_PISTOL_]. Grab them andfollow the room around back to the lobby.

    Out here head up the staircase and continue on. You'll see a meeting taking

    place down below you. Take note that the statue up here has a [_FIRST AID KIT_]and a [_SALT KIT_] next to him. Now take either way downwards. Soon all thosecultist dudes will rush you! It's a good idea to either possess one, use a trapor throw down some fire in the choke-point by the stairs. Others will take theother way up. Most of them have melee weapons but a few have guns so be carefuland take them out, using the statue supplies afterward if you need to.

    Down below in the pews is a [_VOXOPHONE_]. Wow.. yeah, some people are justnuts. Up on the stage is the [_KEY TO THE CHEST_]. Nice! Next, the [_INFUSION_]Tonic which lets you either:

    - Increase your maximum health.

    - Increase your shield capacity.- Increases your salt capacity.This is really your choice, but I chose shield. Also, now that we have theKEY, we can go get an (optional but recommended) Infusion from the LansdowneResidence:

    (-OPTIONAL-) You'll have to back-track a ways for this one. On the way you will run into five soldiers in the Preston Downs area, so be ready to take them out. Head through the Montgomery House and use the Sky Hooks again to reach the balcony of the Lansdowne House. Go to the chest and unlock it for an [_INFUSION_] and [_SALT KIT_].

    Let's continue on to the next area where you'll hear a radio announcementabout you. There's nothing to do in here besides listen, so once its overhead left and enter the elevator then push the button. You'll come up toanother lobby area with a vending machine on the other side of the roomdivider:

    VENDING MACHINE - Fraternal Order

    o Health Kit [80%] $36

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    o Health Kit [20%] $14o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19

    o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    o Machine Gun Ammo [35] $8

    Stock up and head into the next room. On the table here is a [_SALT KIT_],a [_SILVER EAGLE PURSE_] and a group of [_SILVER EAGLES_]. To the left is awhite bookshelf that you can move when prompted.

    Behind it is a [_BARREL_], a [_CRATE_] and a package of [_GEAR_]!

    NEW PANTS! [_HEAD MASTER_]: Increases critical hit damage by 50%.

    Now THAT is a good piece of gear. Head out now and into the room directlyacross from you. In here search the right cubby for some [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_],a [_VOXOPHONE_], and search the [_DESK x2_]. Head onward down the middle pathnow and you'll soon see a scene where a poor Chinese guy is just ripped toshreds. The Crow (that's his name) will teleport off before you can engage.

    Don't worry, he didn't go far. Note the [_FIRST AID KIT_] and [_SALT KIT_]nearby and chase after him. He attacks with the (new) Vigor "Murder of Crows"and will try to rush you and stab you with his sword. He can also teleportaround when he's taking damage. Note that you can EASILY follow the trail of

    crows and see where he pops up. It is recommended to use Devils Kiss and theMachine Gun in this fight.

    (-NOTE-) Do your best NOT to kill him down in the water areas as I've seen the Vigor disappear. If this does happen to you, go ahead and use the "Restart Checkpoint" feature and you'll likely get the Vigor to appear near his corpse.

    Once you drop him you can raid his body and pick up the "Murder of Crows".

    MURDER OF CROWS: Press L1 to summon murderous Crows to stun and damage your enemies.

    Hold and release L1 to create a nest trap. Enemies take more damage during crow attacks.

    After you hit accept a group of soldiers will charge you down the middlelane. This is a great chance to try out Murder of Crows. Stun them and aimfor the head with your pistol to easily take them out. At the end of thewalkway is a [_SALT KIT_] as well.

    Head past the statue and up either set of steps. Up here is a broken-downvending machine, but next to it is a piece of [_GEAR_]! This should be your

    second piece!

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    NEW HAT! [_BURNING HALO_]: 70% chance that a melee target is set ablaze.

    Victim takes 300 damage over 4 seconds.

    VERY nice. Seriously makes melee worth it even more! Head onward. The PAannouncement is funny here. Through the next set of doors you'll be outside.

    Out here to the left is a [_SILVER EAGLE PURSE_] and some wine. Also, be sureto jump over to the airship to the left and use the [_TELESCOPE_] as it countsto the "Sightseeing" trophy. Booker will notice the Gondola station soon aswell.

    o OBJECTIVE: Go to the Gondola Station

    Now let's use our skyhook to grapple the hook in the distance. Down belowyou can search the [_CRATE x2_]. Use the hooks again and on the next balconysearch the tables for some [_SALT_] and a [_BASKET_] on the ground. You can

    head inside here. The first and second room have a LOT of food ([_FOOD x5_]),but be sure to check the second room for [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. You can hear awoman giving the police a description here as well.

    You can head downstairs and check the [_DESK_] and snatch a [_PURSE_]sitting on it. Further in you can get in a fight with three policemen anddestroy your picture (which looks nothing like you). The big room has somefood but that's all. Head back out to the balcony now.

    Use the hooks to continue and at the big area up ahead two soldiers willbe patrolling. You can take one out with a skyline strike easily enough. Thelower two floors have [_CRATE x2_] while the upper one has a [_FIRST AID KIT_],

    some [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_] and [_CRATE x2_] of its own. Head to the doors now(grab the [_TRASHCAN_] on the right) and enter the station.

    Chapter 05: Monument Island Gateway [BSI-05]\ Infusions: 1 Telescopes 1 Voxophones: 1 Kinetoscopes: 1 /`

    o OBJECTIVE: Find a gondola to Monument Island

    To the right in here is a [_TRASHCAN_] and a [_KINETOSCOPE_]. To the leftyou can find some soda pop on the ground as well as a Vending Machine AND aVigor Machine.

    VENDING MACHINE - Monument Island Gatewayo Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14

    o Salt [100%] $67

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    o Salt [25%] $19o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    o Machine Gun Ammo [35] $8

    VIGOR MACHINE - Monument Island Gatewayo Crows Trap Aid $1485

    o Devil's Kiss Aid $1241

    Well, those Vigor aids are DAMNED EXPENSIVE. I guess I'm passing on themfor now. In the next area you'll have a good fight on your hands. You canbait and kill 2-3 policemen from the safety of the vending machine area.Head into the next room and use the large columns as a shield while picking

    off more enemies. There is a turret up ahead that you can possess by gettingin close using the sides of the area. Up ahead are 6-8 more policeman as well.

    If you need help (or when everyone is dead) you can find a [_SALT KIT_] and[_FIRST AID KIT_] in the middle of the area by a [_CRATE_]. To the left by acolumn is another [_SALT KIT_] and to the right behind the first police barrieris some [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_] and a small [_FIRST AID KIT_].

    Head forward now. You can examine the office on the right for a [_PURSE_],[_MACHINE GUN_], a [_FIRST AID KIT_] and a [_SILVER EAGLE_], as well as arotten banana (ew) and some booze and cigarettes. Let's go check out thecenter booth now. Through one of the windows you can search a [_DESK_] aswell as grab [_SILVER EAGLE STACK x2_]. Very nice. The left office has a lot

    to search including [_DESK x2_] and [_CABINET x2_]. Who leaves cotton candy ina post-office box!? Really!? Be sure to grab the [_SILVER EAGLE STACK x2_] bythe safe as well before leaving through the far doors.

    Out here you can go through some doors on the right to get to the centeroffice. You can grab those items from earlier now as well as search some[_CABINET x2_]. Outside there's another set of vending machines, but theircontents haven't really changed at all.

    VENDING MACHINE - Monument Island Gateway 2o Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14o Salt [100%] $67o Salt [25%] $19o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    o Machine Gun Ammo [35] $8

    VIGOR MACHINE - Monument Island Gateway 2

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    o Crows Trap Aid $1485

    o Devil's Kiss Aid $1241

    Head forward and the automated airship pilot guy will tell you the ride is

    out of commission. Booker will mention taking the skyline manually here (overand over if you stay still long enough). On the ship is [_TRASHCAN x2_], a[_BAG_] you can search and some [_SALT_] and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_]. Well, I guessit is time to take the skyline. Attach yourself to it the same way you wouldas a sky hook.

    SKYLINE CONTROLSLeft Analog Stick: ThrottleL1: Lock-On Target

    Circle: Reverse'X': Strike'X': Dismount

    Using the Skyline is pretty easy. The most important thing to note is thatthe left analog stick can slow you down and speed you up. You can lock on totargets as well. Circle will make you travel back the way you came while the'X' button is contextual and can hurt foes or make you dismount.

    Ride it forward and get a feel for it. You'll soon be by a docking area whereyou can skyline strike a foe. Take him out and watch for another police officerto rush you afterward. Out in the air there is a [_TELESCOPE_] to use. Insidethe building is an office with [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] and a TON of beer. There isalso a rare [_INFUSION_] Vigor as well (I picked Shield again).

    Head back out and use the skyline to proceed. Once you get in the buildingslow up and skyline strike the guard. In the left cubby you won't find anythingbut to the right you can find a [_SALT KIT_] and a [_VOXOPHONE_]. The rightside also has a lever you can use to advance the cargo. Do so to open the wayforward.

    Continue on and you'll see a policeman airship. You can skyline strikesomeone here and then either start a fight from the ship or jump down to killoff 3 more policemen (or both!). Take them out and jump down. Down here thereis a total of [_BARREL x6_] and some items in the back of some of the carts(some soda pop and a [_SALT KIT_]). Once you've grabbed them all look for aHOOK across from where the police ship is. This will get you up in the air.Below you on the ledge is [_CRATE x2_] and some [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_]. You canuse the hook to get to the balcony on the building across the way.

    Here watch out for some police officers occupying the building. You MAY havekilled them already but maybe not. There's two of them. Take them out and

    enter the building. To the right side of the bed, behind the dresser, is a[_PURSE_], [_SILVER EAGLE x5_] and some new [_GEAR_]!

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    NEW SHIRT! [_COAT OF HARMS_]: Enemies become easier to melee execute.

    Very nice. There's a [_CABINET_] here as well. Further in is another policemanto take down as well as a dresser with a [_WALLET_] and a [_SALT KIT_]. Thispath leads to another balcony where you can easily jump back on the skyline.

    Take it to continue. As you carry on you'll get a new objective.

    o OBJECTIVE: Ascend the building to reach the Sky-Line

    The TollingSoon you'll be able to jump to a new building. Here there will be severalpolicemen but with the stand down order they will lay down their arms andstart to pray... Note that you CAN kill them here but, well... it just doesn't

    feel right.

    Enter the doors to continue. More praying guards. Here use the lever in themiddle of the area to ascend and have Comstock talk to you. He knows WAY toomuch. Exit the lift when you can (more praying guards) and once you leave themiddle area it will crumble down.

    o OBJECTIVE: Board Prophet Comstock's Zeppelin

    Head forward and you'll notice a gigantic hole in the building. The Zeppelinfired on it! Huh. You can kill a few policemen from here or jump to the hook

    in the distance and fire from there. There are three policeman outside. Fromthe hook you can jump down to the Zeppelin and search for a [_SALT KIT_] andsome [_CRATE x2_] outside before heading in.

    Inside are more guards of course. There's a [_CRATE_] and a [_TOOLBOX_] hereas well. Enter the door now to find a woman (Booker comforts her) and someshrines. The Comstock one has [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] on the ground. Go ahead andrig the steering now and you'll see a scene. Look behind you to see the womankill herself and start to bring the zeppelin down!

    o OBJECTIVE: Escape the zeppelin

    Damn! Head out the door and to the back. Look down into the sky to see an"Attach" message. Jump down and grab a sky line! Sheesh! This line will leadto Monument Island, so jump off when you can.

    o OBJECTIVE: Enter Monument Island

    There's some soda pop on a bench on the right boarding platform. Up near thedoors are some vending machines and a [_TRASHCAN_] as well. These machines havethe same stock as before though.

    VENDING MACHINE - Monument Island Station

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    o Health Kit [80%] $36

    o Health Kit [20%] $14o Salt [100%] $67

    o Salt [25%] $19o Pistol Ammo [12] $8

    o Machine Gun Ammo [35] $8

    VIGOR MACHINE - Monument Island Stationo Crows Trap Aid $1485

    o Devil's Kiss Aid $1241

    Buy whatever you will and enter the doors to Monument Island.

    (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Welcome to Monument Island' Bronze trophy here.

    Chapter 06: Monument Tower [BSI-06]

    \ Infusions: 1 Telescopes 0 Voxophones: 4 Kinetoscopes: 0 /`

    Well, we're on the island finally. Time to find the girl.

    o OBJECTIVE: Find the girl

    Hear forward. The gate is shut tight but there is a hook up above it we canuse to get past it. Head into the tower now. There's a chair here that's beenknocked down with some food and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_] near it. The open lockernearby has a [_VOXOPHONE_] and a [_WALLET_] in it. Head further in to see alarge blackboard. Huh. Underneath it search the [_DESK_] and grab the coffeeand [_SILVER EAGLE_]. Around the room in the far corner is another [_DESK_].

    Move forward and use the levers here if you wish. Behind them on a table tothe left is some more coffee. Enter the next door and hang a left so you gothrough a metal door. In this room you can find a [_VOXOPHONE_] on the table.There's also a [_CABINET_] in here, [_FIRST AID KIT x2_] and a [_SALT KIT_].Head back out and check the next left room to see some photographs and searcha [_DESK_]. The room on the right has some soda pop but not much else.

    Carry on and underneath the next blackboard is a [_VOXOPHONE_]. So, he hascancer. Interesting. Now, check BEHIND the desk (from the right side) to findan [_INFUSION_] hidden away. Tricky! Head down the stairs and past the machine

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    to find an elevator.

    Specimen ObservationUp here there's a lever in front of you that opens up some nearby windows.

    Use it if you wish. Go down the path and use the "Specimen Tracker" if youwish. Dressing room. The door will open up regardless. Follow it to anothersmall room with a lever. Use it to see Elizabeth for the first time, althoughshe can't see us. There's some food and salt by the chair here. Push on andthe Specimen Tracker will state she's in the Dining Room now. Follow the pathand use the next lever to see her... whoa! Wow... um... ok...

    Well damn. Let's uh, keep going. In the next room you'll find a [_VOXOPHONE_]and another lever. Open it up if you wish, but we'll need to continue on.The path leads outside and concerns Booker a bit but its no big deal. You'llbe inside soon enough. Keep going until you see a scene.

    o OBJECTIVE: Escape the statue with Elizabeth

    Well, clearly the girl WANTS to leave. No surprise given the way they treather I suppose. Follow her past the door and onward. This whole place is fallingapart. Keep following Elizabeth and as you get to the elevator you'll see why!The Songbird will create a path once it leaves, so keep following her and watchwhatever scenes may come.

    During the flashback, you have no other choice except to open the frontdoor to continue.

    ___ ___ | _ ) |_ _| | _ \ I O S H O C K | | N F I N I T E __________|___/_________________|___|_________________________ ..-`-..O==< ACT II: To the First Lady! >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[ACT-02]___.- Chapter 07: Battleship Bay [BSI-07]\ Infusions: 1 Telescopes 1 Voxophones: 5 Kinetoscopes: 2 /`

    After Elizabeth help revive you she'll hear some music and run off. It willtake Booker a bit to come to and you are low on health and salts, but at leastyou are alive...

    o OBJECTIVE: Find Elizabeth

    On the beach you can find [_BASKET x3_] (Two BIG ones, one small one) andover underneath the surfboards is a [_WALLET_]. Further down the left-handwall is some food as well. In the back near the stall you can find some

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    [_SILVER EAGLE x2_] and underneath the cart is a [_VOXOPHONE_]. To the rightof the cart are some [_BARREL x2_] and in the far right corner is a searchable[_CIGAR TIN_].

    Now let's carry on. Head to the right exit and grab the [_TRASHCAN_] on theleft. Booker will note the airship poster. Further on in a baby stroller is

    some [_PISTOL AMMO_] and past that is a [_BASKET_] and a [_KINETOSCOPE_]. Pastthat is some food and a [_SALT KIT_] (which we can use) and a set of doorsfurther on ahead.

    Head through them for a [_BARREL_], [_CRATE x2_], [_LOCKBOX_] and[_LUNCHBOX_]. Should be pretty good on health by now. The man here willcomplain about something or other. To his left is a [_SILVER EAGLE PURSE_]and to his right is a [_TOOLBOX_] and [_BARREL_].

    Head back and out to the second beach. There's a cotton candy booth herewith plenty of food. Yep, you can only eat three of them. Ha! To the left of

    the booth is a horn-dog dude with a [_BASKET_] nearby. Behind the booth issome [_MACHINE GUN AMMO_], some food and [_SILVER EAGLE x3_], as well as a[_SALT KIT_] and [_TRASHCAN_] nearby.

    Following the back wall you also will come across a [_BASKET_] and, in thefar corner by the cart, some [_PISTOL AMMO_]. If you hang a right and headpast the people working out and continue past the last couple you can find a[_CIGAR BOX_] to the left. By the nearby cart is a [_BASKET_]. The kid by thecart also has some [_SALT x2_] near him. Y'know, if you want to take a kid'ssoda...

    Ok, head over to the red cart in the middle now and grab the [_TRASHCAN_],

    then head over to where the middle wooden walkway is (there is a [_CRATE_]nearby). Head down it and you'll see Elizabeth enjoying herself. Here you'llhave to "Get her attention" with the square button. Heh. Booker will useParis to convince her to leave. Bad Booker!

    Head past the turnstile into a shop. To your left and further in are[_BARREL x3_]. To the right is a set of doors. Enter in and search the backof the room for [_CRATE x3_], a [_CIGAR TIN_] and a stack of [_SILVER EAGLES_].Back in the shop check behind the counter for [_CIGAR TIN x3_], a [_FIRST AIDKIT_] and of course the [_CASH REGISTER_]. Don't know why the guy nearby wouldlet you steal, but oh well. There's some stairs up to an "Employee Only" areaas well you should check out. Heh. Head up the other set of stairs aftergrabbing the [_TRASHCAN_] by them.

    Carry on and grab a [_TRASHCAN_] at the top of the stairs. The cart has some[_FOOD x2_] but also a searchable [_BOX OF CARAMELS_]. Thr right hand side ofthis area has a [_CRATE_] and [_BARREL_]. Soon Elizabeth will get caught upwith the two people who seem to be following and helping us. Talk to Elizabethto be faced with a choice!


    (-NOTE-) There really isn't a choice here, so just choose whatever you

  • 8/10/2019 Bioshock Infinite b


    wish. I personally like the Bird, given what Elizabeth has been through and all...

    After your choice everyone will stop and look at the scene in the distance.Look if you wish, then examine the area to the right for a [_CRATE_] and[_BARREL x2_]. One of those barrels is behind the table to the right. Continue

    on now and stick to the right wall for a [_PURSE_] and [_TRASHCAN_]. The cartsup ahead has some food and the far cotton candy stand ha