Bioshock - Game Guide - for

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  • 8/13/2019 Bioshock - Game Guide - for


  • 8/13/2019 Bioshock - Game Guide - for


  • 8/13/2019 Bioshock - Game Guide - for


  • 8/13/2019 Bioshock - Game Guide - for


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    Welcome to Rapture


    # of audio diaries:2

    # of weapon upgrade stations:0

    New weapon types: Wrench, Pistol

    Plasmids Tonics

    Electro Bolt none

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    The game begins with a plane crash scene. When you are floating in the ocean, head towardsthe lighthouse and get inside. Get on the bathysphere and pull the lever in there. Youll be on

    your way to Rapture.

    After the Splicer gets away, pick up the radio. Youll come to know Atlas youll be gettingobjectives from him for quite a long time now.

    01 Here is where we really start our adventure. To make the best use of our guide, try tolook on our maps as often as necessary. Also, try to walk around the levels in the order wesuggest with our green numbers.

    Get to higher ground this is your first objective n the game.

    02 A Vita-Chamber to be found here. Vita-Chambers are sort of respawn locations for ourprotagonist. Each time youre defeated, youll be reborn in the nearest Vita-Chamber, noconsequences whatsoever.

    03 Pick up the wrench. It will serve you as a weapon of choice during most parts of the

    game. Why? Simple: ammo doesnt come in numbers in BioShock, and the wrench doesntrequire any. Use the wrench to smash the rubble and crouch to get further.

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    HINT: Remember to search everything and everyone in the game. Each body and eachcontainer can contain some useful items, such as ammo, health packs or EVE hypos. Yourinventory is unlimited in space so dont hesitate to collect lots of junk. Some of it might comein handy once you start using U-Invent stations later in the game.

    04 Youll meet your first adversary here. Its a Thuggish Splicer. Defeat him using theWrench and go up the stairs. Search through trash cans in there for some hypos, then pickup your first plasmid Electro Bolt. After a short scene use your newly acquired power toopen the door (hit the controls to the left). Grab some snacks from the table before you go.

    HINT: Possibly the best combo in the game is to hit an opponent with an electro bolt andthen smash him with the wrench.

    HINT: Use right mouse button to switch between weapon and plasmid attacks.

    Go through the passage and run along the corridor, through the destroyed plane fragment.Once youre on the other side, defeat another Splicer. There are some health packs and EVEhyposin here. Go through the door, defeat a Splicerand go further. Enter the elevator and goup.

    05 Atlas asks you to help him rescue his family. Well, you dont have anything better to do,do you?

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    06 Kill the Splicer and take a pistolfrom the pram.

    HINT: There are a few types of ammo for each weapon. Press [Shift] to check out whichammo types you can equip.

    07 Go down the stairs to the bottom floor. Youll meet a Lead Splicerin here. The differencebetween them and the Thugs is that they can use firearms. Dont use pistol for now, theseenemies can be easily dealt with using the wrench. Also, try out shooting an Electro Boltintoenemies who are standing in water (theres an Achievementfor that).

    Youll find your first Audio Diary here. These are therecordings that contain the essence of the gamesstory. Try not to miss them.

    AUDIO DIARY: [New Years Eve Alone] DianeMcClintock.

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    Head back up and go towards the toilets. Enter the right toilet first.

    08 AUDIO DIARY: [Hole in the Bathroom Wall] - Steve Barker.

    09 - Here youll see a Big Daddyshowing off for the first time. Remember: Big Daddies arealways neutral towards you, unless you attack them first.

    Destroy the padlock and go further. When you see three Splicers in water, shoot them withan Electro Bolt.

    When you approach the passage to Neptunes Bounty, a security alarm will sound. Defeat allthe Splicers (again, notice that theyre jumping into water!) and go towards the Medical.

    10- After a short speech from Andrew Ryan go through the hatch.

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    Medical Pavillon


    # of Audio Diaries:17

    # of weapon upgrade stations:0

    # of Little Sisters: 2

    New weapon types: Machine Gun, Shotgun

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    Plasmids Tonics

    Incinerate! Hackers Delight

    Telekinesis Security Expert

    Enrage(for sale) Speedy Hacker

    Wrench Jockey

    Static Discharge

    Armored Shell(for sale)

    EVE Link(for sale)

    01 Leave the hatch and head towards the foyer. Hack the security bot that blocks the doorto the South. When you succeed, this bot will fight by your side until its destroyed.

    HINT: A detailed description of hacking can be found in an appropriate section of the guide.

    02 Theres an Audio Diary in here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Adams Changes] Steinman

    Go up the stairs and use the lever. A few Splicers will appear. A door opened behind yourback so turn around and go through it. Theres a Machine Gunat the other end.

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    03 Use another switch and a few new enemies appear. Defeat them and collect anotherAudio Diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Released Today] Diane McClintock

    Go through the door into Medical Pavillon. Youll have another vision along the way youlsee some girls ghost. Use the switch to open the door at the end.

    04 There are two turrets here (check out the map), as well as 5 audio diaries. To makethings easier, strike both turrets with the electro bolt and try to hack them [press V to hack].

    This way they will help you eliminate your opponents around here.

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    AUDIO DIARY: [Higher Standards] Steinman

    AUDIO DIARY: [Parasite Expectations] Andrew Ryan

    AUDIO DIARY: [Vandalism] Andrew Ryan (jest obok automatw na pnocy)

    AUDIO DIARY: [Love for Science] Tenenbaum

    AUDIO DIARY: [Limits for Imagination] Steinman

    Go South, through the door that says Eternal Flame.

    05 Take an audio diary (its below the portrait) and go further due South. Youll meet a newtype of enemy here a Nitro Splicer. These folks mostly use grenades to bomb you from adistance.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Surgerys Picasso] Steinman

    When you see the furnace, press the button nearby to burn the body and youll get your firsttonic: Hackers Delight. For more information on tonics check out the appropriate section ofthe guide. For now, go up the stairs.

    06 Crouch and go through the opening in the wall into the office of sorts. Here you findyour second plasmid Incinerate! Take it and use it on a nearby oil patch to dispose of allthe enemies around.

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    07 You can now use your Incineratepower to melt the ice that blocks entrance to TwilighFields. In the western part youll see a door thats code protected. The code is 0451. Theressome ammo inside. Go further south and swim across the canal. Heres another tonic:Security Expert. When you head back, youll be attacked by a Thug.

    08 Go back to the main hall and go back the stairs to the dental section. Use Incinerate tomelt the ice again. Theres an audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Freezing Pipes] - McDonagh09 Youll see a shotgun in the middle of a room. Take it and the lights will go out for amoment. You now have to hold back a few Splicers that come at you. Near the entrance toDandy Dentals youll see another audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Useless Experiments] Tenenbaum

    10 In Dandy Dentalyoull see a room with a tennis look to it. Enter and grab another

    plasmid Telekinesis.HINT: You now only have 2 plasmid slots so you have to get rid of one of the plasmids forsome time. We strongly suggest you stick to Electro Bolt and Telekinesis. By the wayTelekinesis is used by clicking the mouse button and holding it to grab objects, thenreleasing to throw them. You can use this power in combat (throw explosive barrels), todestroy rocket turrets, or to solve some minor puzzles.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Testing Telekinesis] Suchong

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    17- Some Nitro Splicer will block your way from here. When he starts throwing grenades atyou from the balcony, grab one of them with Telekinesis and throw it into the rubble thatblocks the way. Go through. Youll find another tonic along the way Static Discharge.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Symmetry] Steinman

    18 Theres a safe and an audio diary in here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Aphrodite Walking] Steinman

    19 Here is where you finally face doctor Steinman. Hes quite resistant to blows and cancause you a little problem. The best way to kill him is to stun him with an Electro Boltandthen shoot him with a Shotgun(short range). Try to take cover whenever you are under heavyfire. When you see him running into the watery section of the arena, use an Electro Bolttoelectrify the water.

    When you defeat him, grab the key from him body. Also, search the body thats laying on histable for another audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Not what she wanted] Steinman

    20 When you head back to the main section, Ryan will blow up one of the corridors. Takeleft and youll see a scene with a Little Sister. You now have to decide whether you want to

    harvest her (160 ADAM) or rescue her (80 ADAM). This choice, well, matters. If you wantsome advice on what to choose, please read the Little Sisters and Big Daddies section of ourguide. Beware of the spoilers, though.

    Use the nearby Gatherers Garden vending machine to spend your ADAM. At this level wethink its best to buy some upgrades to health and EVE Enrage plasmid that can be foundhere didnt really impress us in terms of deadliness. Notice the audio diary near the machine.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Gatherers Vulnerability] Steinman

    21 Once you go back to the central part of the level, youll see another Little Sister. Thisone is protected by a Big Daddy. You shouldnt skip the Big Daddy fights in the game, youknow. This might seem a little tough at first, but saving/killing the Little Sisters is essentialto the game. Your weapons are quite weak now, but remember that you have infinite numberof lifes in the game, and Big Daddys health doesnt regenerate. You do the maths. Well, fornow itd be best for you to use Electric Bucks to deal with him.

    When you kill Big Daddy and get the ADAM, youll be done with this level. Head towards theemergency exit and use the lever once more. The alarm will be turned off and your passage toNeptunes Bounty will be finally open.

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    Neptunes Bounty


    # of Audio Diaries:19

    # of weapon upgrade stations:1

    # of Little Sisters: 3

    New weapon types: Granade Launcher

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    Plasmids Tonics

    Hypnotize Big Daddy(a reward for saving3 Little Sisters, to be collected by theGatherer Garden)

    Medical Expert

    Target Dummy(for sale) Shorten Alarms

    Winter Blast(for sale) Wrench Lurker

    Security Bullseye Focused Hacker

    Extra Nutrition(for sale)

    01 Go along the corridor up to the big room.

    02 Theres a Little Sister here, altogether with her Big Daddy. This ones a little bitdifferent from the one youve fought before. Hes mostly using firearms (this type of Big Daddyis called Rosie). Theres an audio diary in here as well, its at the southern end of this room

    (you have to crouch and get near the turret there). Also, notice a tonic around the center ofthe room: Medical Expert.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Bathysphere Keys] - Sullivan

    03 In this Gatherers Gardenyou can buy some new plasmids and tonics (Winter BlastTargetDummy, Extra Nutrition). May we suggest buying an extra plasmid slot?

    HINT: When you rescue 3 girls, Tenenbaum will send you a gift that can be collected righthere. It will contain 200 ADAM and a Hypnotize Big Daddyplasmid.

    04 Jump over the crates and knock on the door. Peach Wilkinswill talk to you. He wontlet you in unless you bring him 3 photos of Spider Splicers. One of these unpleasant typeswill attack you in a few seconds. Try to hold her off for a while and Atlas will help you bysending in a security bot. The damage you deal is too low for you to hurt her, but luckilyenough she will run off after a while. Peach will send you a Grenade Launcher through theconveyor belt.

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    05 Go down the stairs and go through the watery corridor until you see a code lock. Thecode is 5380(you can also hack it if you like). Theres an audio diary here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Timmy H. Interrogation] Sullivan

    06 In this corridor you will see another Audio Diary. In order to get it, you have to enter thehole in the floor and go under it.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaine Must Go] Andrew Ryan

    07 Head North through this corridor. Collect all the diaries along the way.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Finding the sea slug] Tenenbaum

    AUDIO DIARY: [Picked up Timmy H.] Sullivan (its by one of the bodies in the middle)

    AUDIO DIARY: [Masha come home] Mariska Lutz (its near the Little Sister vent)

    AUDIO DIARY: [Watch Fontaine] Andrew Ryan (its by the Circus of Value)

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    08 Go through the vent near the turrets to grab yet another audio diary and somemunitions.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Have my badge] - Sullivan

    When you smash through the turrets, go through a hole in the wall and head along the

    corridor until you find a research camera. Take it and take a photo of a nearby Spider Splicer

    HINT: You can find more info on using your camera (conducting research) in an appropriatesection of the guide. Notice that its best to start researching right from the start meaningnow.

    09 After an explosion jump down through the window (notice the Security Bullseyeplasmid here!). Grab two audio diaries as you progress.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Adam Discovery] - Tenenbaum

    AUDIO DIARY: [Eden Leaking] McDonagh

    10 Theres an Audio Diary at the junction.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaines Smugglers] Tenenbaum

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    11 In Jet Postalyou can see another Spider Spicer. Kill it and take its photo. Notice thatwhen a Spider Splicer grabs the ceiling and starts walking around it, you can use ElectroBolt to bring it down. If you run out of ammo for the camera, you can buy some more filmin most Circuses of Value. Grab an audio diary before you leave.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Death Penalty in Rapture] Andrew Ryan

    12 To find the audio diary hidden here, you must go into the water near the vital chamber

    and enter the vent. Once youre there, head to the other side of the tunnel.AUDIO DIARY: [Meeting Ryan] McDonagh

    13 Theres another Audio Diary here, as well as a safe with some minor items. You can getinto the hidden room by smashing the crates that block the entrance.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Rapture changing] McDonagh

    14 When going back from point [13], use Electro Bolt on the door mechanism to get here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Smuggling Ring] Sullivan (table at the middle)

    AUDIO DIARY: [Working late again] Andrew Ryan (table by the window)

    15 In the toilet you can find a few proximity mines. To enter, you have to put in 5$.

    16 Go up the stairs. Theres the last Spider Spliceryou have to photograph in here. Beforeyou head back to Peachs, look around the area here. In room nr 6 theres an audio diary(use Electro Bolton the door). The code to room nr 7 is 7533. Theres also an audio diary inthere, as well as a tonic: Shorten Alarms. Before you leave the tavern, you might comeacross a Little Sister for some ADAM.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Arresting Fontaine] McDonagh

    AUDIO DIARY: [Saw Masha today] Mariska Lutz17 A new tonic appeared by the Gatherers Garden: Wrench Lurker. Buy some upgrades if

    you have the currency and head to Fontaines Fisheries. Knock on the door again. This timehe will open it for you.

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    18 Theres a tonic frozen in the ice here: Focused Hacker. Use Incinerateto get to it. If youdont have this plasmid in any of your slots, use the nearby gene bank to enable it. You nowhave to place all your firearms into the pneumotube.

    19 Not surprisingly, you have to fight Peachin here. The difficulty about this fight is that

    you dont have any regular weapons: only your plasmids. Notice some security camerasaround the area. You can hack them for some serious support. This way Peach will be underheavy fire at all times. You, meanwhile, can try to throw explosive barrels at him usingTelekinesis. Its the best thing to do here as hes quite resistant to Electro Boltand IncinerateOf course, you can always try to chase him with a wrench. It isnt as stupid as it sounds.

    After you beat him, take your weapons from another pneumotube. Take a look around youcan melt any pile of ice here for some additional items.

    20 In here you will see your fist weapon upgrade station. These ones are called Power tothe People. Each of them gives you one free upgrade of choice, then shuts down irreversibly.Choose wisely, then. Before you leave, melt the ice to enter the storage to the right foranother audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Putting the screws on] Peach Wilkins

    21 Once youre ready, head for the exit.

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    Smugglers Hideout


    # of Audio Diaries:3

    01 Go along the corridor.

    02 Destroy the turret and take an audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Meeting with Fontaine] Peach Wilkins

    03 Smash the padlock and go through the gate.

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    04 Use the submarine control panel.

    05 Smash another padlock by the stairs and take an Audio Diary from there.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Kraut Scientist] Fontaine

    06 After the explosion head east to the exit. Yet another audio diary to be found.AUDIO DIARY: [Offered a deal] Peach Wilkins

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    # of Audio Diaries:16 (+ 1 after visiting Farmers Market)

    # of weapon upgrade stations:1

    # of Little Sisters:2

    New weapon types: Chemical Thrower

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    Plasmids Tonics

    Cyclone Trap(for sale) Security Evasion

    Electro Bolt 2(for sale) Hacking Expert

    Safecracker(for saving 6 girls)

    01 Go along the corridor up to the end. Shoot the padlock to open the door.

    02 Youre now in the Tea Garden.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Seeing Ghosts] McDonagh

    03 Use Incinerate to light one of the torches here. That will open a way to some ammo.

    04 2 audio diaries here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Mass Producing Adam] Tenenbaum

    AUDIO DIARY: [Big Night Out] Dieter Sonnekalb

    05 Go through the door here. Youll go down the stairs labeled on our map by the letter EApproach the desk with a wooden mask on it. Youll be attacked by a Houdini Splicer. Chasehim until he stops running and kill him.

    06 A gene bank and an audio diary. When youre ready, head east.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Arcadia Closed] Langford

    07 Go along the plank to the other side.08 In here youll find a turret and some Splicers. Defeat them and go through the hiddendoor into a room with safe in it. You can also open a door with broken lock by using ElectroBolton it. The last secret room is behind the little door by the turret.

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    09 This is the first time you come across these troublesome electric wires. To get rid ofthem, throw objects through them using Telekinesis, or shoot their heads using a pistol.

    10 When youre done with this part of the level, go through the door labeled by a letter D.

    11 Look around this room and youll see a passage that will take you behind the blocked

    gateway that youve seen before.

    12 If you go right at the junction you will see a U-Inventstation. To know how things workin there, check out the appropriate section of the guide.

    13 In here youll see a Little Sisterwith her Big Daddyand a Gatherers Garden. In thelatter you can buy some new plasmids: Cyclone Trapand Electro Bolt 2.

    14 Youre now in the Waterfall Grotto. Theres an audio diary here. Look around and go

    down the stairs.AUDIO DIARY: [The Market is Patient] Andrew Ryan

    15 Things can get hot in here: a few turrets and some splicers can ruin your day.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Offer a Better Product] Andrew Ryan

    AUDIO DIARY: [Early Tests Promising] Langford

    AUDIO DIARY: [Heroes and Criminals] Diane McClintock (behind a locked door; use ElectroBolt to enter)

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    AUDIO DIARY: [Lazarus Vector] Langford

    AUDIO DIARY: [Lazarus Vector Formula] - Langford

    24 Head to the tree farm. Youll find two audio diaries and a Power to the People station

    along the way.AUDIO DIARY: [Arcadia and Oxygen] Langford

    AUDIO DIARY: [Maternal Instinct] Tenenbaum

    25 Go to Famers Market.

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    Farmers Market


    # of Audio Diaries:8

    # of weapon upgrade stations:1

    # of Little Sisters: 1

    Plasmids Tonics

    Insect Swarm(for sale) EVE Link II

    Photographers Eye

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    Arcadia once more

    Before you can invent the Lazarus Factor, youll need 7 bottles of chlorophyll. Theres achance that you already have enough (check your in-game objectives). If you dont just walk

    around and kill some Houdini Splicers. Each of them has a bottle of it.

    Go back to Langfords lab and use the U-Inventstation to create the Lazarus Factor. Go tolate scientists office and use the Central Misting Control. As suggested by Atlas, run to thelabs entrance and close it by hitting the switch. You now have to hold off a number of Ryansthugs. The best way to win here is to use Hypnotize Big Daddyplasmid on the giant thatsneutrally walking around the lab. With his help there should be no problem.

    When Atlas says that its time to release the factor, run back to the office and use another

    lever. The forest will be brought back to life. When you feel ready, head to the Bathyspherestation. Theres one last audio diary on this level there.

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Great Chain] Andrew Ryan

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    Fort Frolic


    # of Audio Diaries:15

    # of weapon upgrade stations:2

    # of Little Sisters:3

    New weapon types: Crossbow

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    Plasmids Tonics

    Hypnotize Big Daddy II(for saving 9 girls) Extra Nutrition II

    Incinerate! II(for sale) Electric Flesh

    Winter Blast II(for sale) Alarm Expert

    Insect Swarm II Medical Expert II

    Frozen Field

    Hacking Expert II(for sale)


    Booze Hound(U-Invent)

    Hackers Delight II(U-Invent)

    01 Go towards the bathysphere station. Theres a fortune teller in here, and a slot machine you can have fun with them.

    02 When you reach the station, the bathysphere will be blocked by Sander Cohen. Go backto the main corridor and defeat all the Spider Splicers he sends at you. When youre done,head south.

    03 Wait for Cohen to finish speaking, then head south to Le Marquis DEpoque.

    04 Look around this area. There are 3 diaries here and Power to the Peoplestation.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Come to the Record Store] Cobb

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Wild Bunny] Sander Cohen

    AUDIO DIARY: [Artists Feud] Sullivan

    05 Heres the weapon upgrade station, as well as another diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fancy Cigarettes] Milonakis

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    06 Go back to the main hall and go up the stairs [A]. Grab an audio diary and check outthe Gatherers Garden. There are a few new things to be bought: Hacking Expert 2Incinerate 2, Winter Blast 2, Insect Swarm 2.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Stood Up Again] Diane McClintock

    07 Its a gallery of Cohens twisted artworks. Grab an audio diary and take some ammofrom the three safes in here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Doubters] Sander Cohen

    08 Fleet Hall. Go up the stairs to get to the storage. Take an audio diary. You cant enterthe projector room, so go back down. Press the elevator button and ride up.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Musical Insult] Sander Cohen

    09 When the piano blows up, take a photo of Fitzpatricks body. Before you head back tothe Atrium, take another engineering tonic: Alarm Expert. Its on the balcony in the

    southern part of the theater. In order to get to it, you have to jump from the balcony next toit.

    10 Here you will see Cohens masterpiece. Place Fitzpatricks photo on it and youll get acrossbow as a reward.

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    11 The Frozen Tunnel. Take an audio diary and go further to meet Finnegan.

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Iceman Cometh] - Finnegan

    12 Youll be frozen for a while now. When you regain your ability to move, find Finnegan

    and kill him (a single headshot from a crossbow sees the job done). Take his bodys photo(also search it for a Frozen Field tonic) and take it back to the masterpiece. This time youwill get some ammo. Look around for a Little Sister if you hear Big Daddys stepssomewhere.

    13 Go to Poseidons Plaza. To get through the frozen tunnel, just use Incinerateon the icethat blocks your way. There should be another Little Sisterwandering there.

    14 Sinclairs Spirits. Press the button behind the bar to open the door. Enter the cellar for aPower to the Peoplestation.

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    15 Go down the stairs [G] (they are closed unless you press the button from point [14])Youll find another tonic: Extra Nutrition 2.

    16 Go up the stairs [D] and enter Rapture Records. Theres an audio diary behind thecounter. Drop down from the ledge. Youll see Cobb running away. Defeat all the Spide

    Splicersand then go through the small vent to get back up. Kill Cobb using your trustworthycrossbow. Remember to photograph his body.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Ryans Stableboy] - Culpepper

    Take the photo back to the masterpiece. This time Cohen will loose his temper for somereason and send a group of Splicers on you. Defeat them to get your reward and a last questfrom this mad artist.

    17 Pharaohs Fortune Casino. Theres an audio diary here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Bomb Culpepper?] Sullivan

    18 Sir Prize. Another audio diary on the lower level.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaines Army] McDonagh19Robertsons Tobacco shop. Another audio diary and a code-protected door (7774).

    AUDIO DIARY: [Guns Blazing] McDonagh

    20 Eves Garden. After seeing the ghost go behind the stage.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Pregnancy] Jasmine Jolene

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    # of Audio Diaries:17

    # of weapon upgrade stations:2

    # of Little Sisters:3

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    Ryan will send some Splicers at you after a while. Defeat them and take the next audio diaryfrom a room a little bit to the south. Also, notice the tonic in there: Frozen Field 2. Gofurther to the south to find yourself by the core.

    AUDIO DIARY: [A Man or a Parasite] Andrew Ryan

    05 The first Little Sister wanders around here. Theres one audio diary on the top level ofthe core.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaines Legacy] McDonagh

    Theres also one diary on the middle level.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Running Short on R-34s] Pablo Navarro

    On the bottom level theres an audio diary and a Gatherers Garden. Notice new plasmids inthere: Electro Bolt 3, Wrench Lurker 2, Cyclone Trap 2. Just by the Garden theres aPower to the Peoplestation as well.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Assassin] Andersdotter

    Also, find the passage that leads to the very bottom of the core to find yet another diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Impossible Anywhere Else] Andrew Ryan

    Now turn south and head to Heat Loss Monitoring.

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    06 Upper Heat Loss Monitoring. Find an audio diary and deal with a Little Sister hereWhen youre done, go down the stairs.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Kyburz Door Core] Pablo Navarro

    07 Look around. There are 2 diaries here and a tonic: Security Evasion 2. To get to one ofthese diaries you will have to hack the power supply (as suggested by a vision).

    AUDIO DIARY: [Getting a Break] Pablo Navarro

    AUDIO DIARY: [Genetic Arms Race] McDonagh

    08 Head to the Workshops now. Go down the stairs [B].

    09 Theres a few items to be found here. The entrance to Kyburzs office is protected by twoturrets. Near the left one there is a barely visible passage (wooden door) that can take you toan audio diary below the stairs. The other diary is on the desk in one of the rooms in theeastern part of the workshops.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Market Maintenance Code] Pablo Navarro

    AUDIO DIARY: [Device Almost Finished] Kyburz

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Dream] Kyburz

    10- Kyburzs office door code is 0126. Inside, theres a Power to the People station and anaudio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Great Chain Moves Slowly] Andrew Ryan

    11 Go through the hidden tunnel to find a secret room where Kyburz was preparing hisbomb. Grab a tonic: Damage Research, as well as an audio diary. Youll now know what tocollect in order to finish the bomb.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Assembling the Bomb] KyburzYou need the following ingredients:

    1x Nitroglycerine Charge: Head back to Kyburzs office and press a button on his desk. Youcan now grab the charge from the wall.

    4x R-34 Wire Cluster: You have to search through 4 Big Daddies bodies to find these. Oneof them lays dead in the workshops, so its an easy shot, but the other three will require youto actually kill the monsters once more (well, if youre lucky, theres a chance that the bodiesof the ones youve already killed havent disappeared already).

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    2x Ionic Gel: If you looked closely around this area, you must have noticed strange bluecanisters that you couldnt pick up. These are the ones you want now. Two of them, to beprecise. You can find them around the core area.

    When you have all the ingredients, head back to Kyburzs secret room and place them allinside the bomb, then take the thing with you.

    12 Go to Geothermal Controland reach the end of the room. Itd be wise to hack the twoturrets instead of destroying them, they will come in handy in just a few seconds. Startturning the valve. Some Splicers will burst into the room. Fight them or rely on your turrets one way or another, you must turn the valve to make the lava flow. Once its done, turnaround and take the elevator down.

    Go along the corridor. Theres a tonic in here: Shorten Alarms 2. Reach the end and go up,using another elevator. Place the bomb on the core. When all hell breaks loose, run back toRyans Office. Hit the circuit breaker near the armored gate to make it open at last.

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    Rapture Main Controls


    # of Audio Diaries:3

    Grab the audio diary near the vita chamber. When Ryan initiates the auto-destructprocedure, go up the stairs and through the vent.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Vital Chamber] SuchongAUDIO DIARY: [Mind Control Test] Suchong

    AUDIO DIARY: [Baby Status] Suchong

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    HINT: If you miss any of the above diaries now, there will be no way to get back here andcollect them, mind you.

    Youll see a long scene featuring Andrew Ryan. Enter his chamber when youre asked to.

    When he is dead, approach the big machine in his office and use the genetic key youacquired. After another scene follow the Little Sisters out of here.

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    Olympus Heights


    # of Audio Diaries:6

    # of weapon upgrade stations:2

    # of Little Sisters:2

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    Plasmids Tonics

    Winter Blast III(for sale) Armored Shell II(for saving 15 girls)

    Incinerate III(for sale) Speedy hacker II(for sale)

    Insect Swarm III(for sale) Clever Inventor

    Electric Flesh II

    01 Youre in Tenenbaums hideout. When she is done talking, follow one of the sister whowill show you the exit.

    02 When you are outside, Fontaine will lower your maximum health. Pick up the valvelaying somewhere around here and place it on the mechanism near the gate. Turn it to openup the passage.

    03 Theres a safe with some ammo to the south. When you have it, head north. Youll seethe first Little Sistersomewhere around here.

    04 Fontaine will lower your health again. No matter. Theres a Gatherers Garden here,where you can buy Winter Blast 3, Incinerate 3, Insect Swarm 3. Grab the audio diaryfrom the central part of this plaza. Head north to reach the Mercury Suites.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Mozart of Genetics] Suchong

    05 Use the Power to the Peoplestation that right in the middle of the plaza. Notice theLittle Sisterwandering around with her Big Daddy.

    06 Cohens Apartment. This place will be closed if you killed Cohen in Fort Frolic. Youll seetwo Houdinis tanking in there. They wont attack you unless you disturb them. Well, that theheck do so, then kill them. Sander will show himself and fight you. He can be easilyeliminated using the crossbow. You can photograph his body for an Achievement, and thengo up the stairs to reach his secret room. In there you will find a Power to the Peoplestation, and unlock another Achievement.

    HINT: If you collect Sanders key from his body, you can grab his Muse back from Fort Frolic(take a bathysphere there). The priceless treasure is approximately 69 dollars, 8 bolts and 3spider splicer hearts. Wow, just wow, Sander.

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    07 Suchongs Apartament. Take the two diaries and a tonic: Clever Inventor.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaines Human Jukeboxes] - Suchong

    AUDIO DIARY: [Mind Control Antidote] Suchong

    08 Apartament Culpepper. One audio diary here.AUDIO DIARY: [Artist Woman] Sullivan

    09 Deserted apartment. Nothing of particular to be found here.

    10 Tenenbaums door is closed here, so you have to try the upper level.

    11 Another deserted apartment.

    12 Grab an audio diary near Tenenbaums apartment.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Fontaines Breakup] Paparazzi

    13 Enter Tenenbaums flat through a hole in the wall. Look around. It turns out thatFontaines men have beaten you to it. Go all the way down to the ground level again andenter the code to Fontaines apartament: 5744.

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    14 Defeat all the enemies in the hall and go further. To the right theres a small room withan audio diary in it. Go up the stairs and to the left.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Sad Saps] - Fontaine

    15 Youll find a combat tonic in here: Static Discharge 2. Besides, grab the antidote youseek: Lot 192.

    HINT: Until you find a second dose of Lot192, you will be unable to choose which plasmid

    you want to use. Active plasmid will be changed randomly once in a while.

    16 Thats all for this level. When youre ready, go to Apollos Square.

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    Apollo Square


    # of Audio Diaries:6

    # of weapon upgrade stations:1

    # of Little Sisters:2

    Plasmids Tonics

    Focused Hacker II

    Medical Expert III

    Prolific Inventor(for saving 18 girls)

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    01 Head east. Theres an audio diary by the vending machine.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Whats Happening Here?] Diane McClintock

    02 Theres an audio diary by the Gatherers Garden. A little bit further you will see a LittleSister.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Atlas Lives] Diane McClintock

    03 Having no control over your plasmids is quite an annoyance, so dont take long beforeyou decide to reach Artemis Suites. Suchongs lab is on the second floor.

    04 Grab a physical tonic here: Medical Expert 3

    05 In Suchongs officeyou will find the antidote you seek and an audio diary. When youdrink the antidote, your plasmids will be back to normal. You can now go back to the centralpart of the level. You wont find anything in particular on 1F and 3F, but you can always lookaround. Take care of another Little Sisterwhen you see her.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Protection Bond] Suchong

    06 Head south, to Hestia. Look right as soon as you enter the building search the cratefor an audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Meeting Atlas] Diane McClintock

    07 Get to the 4F and enter Atlas headquarters. In here you will find a tonic: FocusedHacker 2. Go down the stairs to find a Power to the People station and two audio diaries. If

    you have problems with beating all the guards in Hestia, use the Hypnotize Big Daddyplasmid to get some help.

    AUDIO DIARY: [The Longest Con] Frank Fontaine

    AUDIO DIARY: [Todays Raid] Diane McClintock

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    08 After leaving Hestia head to the Metro Station and enter the bathysphere.

    WARNING: Now is the last time you can visit all the previous levels!

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    Point Prometheus

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    06 Quickly run around the corridor to enter the room where you just turned off the power.Youll find some ammunition and a safe.

    07 An audio diary to be found here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Marketing Gold] Andrew Ryan

    08 A Power to the Peoplestation is here.

    09 Another audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Extra Munitions] - Suchong

    10- In here you will find a tonic: Alarm Expert 2 (just about time, huh) and a device that willmodify your voice so that you sound like a Big Daddy. When youre done with that procedurehead to the southern part of the level.

    11 Mendel Family Library. From here you have to grab a tonic: Damage Research 2, andBig Daddy Boots.

    12 Security Room. In here you can find some inactive security bots that you can activate foryour case.

    13Grab a Hackers Delight 3and a Big Daddy Helmet.

    HINT: Putting on the helmet will limit your vision a little.

    14 In here you will finally find a Big Daddy Suit.

    15 Storage room. The code is 1921. Theres a considerable amount of ammo inside.

    16- Storage room. Use Incinerate to get inside and grab an audio diary.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Cheap Son of a Bitch] Suchong

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    17 An audio diary to be found here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Missing Shoes] Suchang

    18 Three diaries here.

    AUDIO DIARY: [Protector Smell] SuchangAUDIO DIARY: [Mistakes] Andrew Ryan

    AUDIO DIARY: [Protecting Little Ones] - Suchong

    19 When you complete your Big Daddys outfit, head back to the Atrium and use thewrench to hit the Little Sister vent. One of them will come out and enable you to go afterFontaine.

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    Proving Grounds

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    Well, its not a fully-scaled level as those youve seen so far. Basically, the idea is: you are theBig Daddyand you have to protect your Little Sister. She is to collect ADAM from three bodies(marked by stars on our map above). Its not an easy task, really. Splicers will come at youmost of the time, and to make things worse the Little Sistertriggers all the security systems(they dont react to your presence, for a change). If your girl is defeated, you have to go backto the nearest vent and hit it with a wrench to summon another one. Dont be afraid, though:the outcome of this level doesnt influence the games ending. If you saved the girls, you can

    still get the good ending even if you let some of them die here.

    A few hints to keep you going:

    - Hack all the security systems instead of destroying them!

    - Use your surroundings. Theres a lot of spilled oil here and there.

    - A good plasmid to use here is Winter Blast. You might suppose why.

    - Your weapons dont deal damage to the Little Sister, so dont hesitate to throw grenades all

    over her if shes surrounded by enemies.

    Near the end of the level a Bouncer will blast through the wall and attack you. When youbring it down, youll be done with assisting the girl. Take the Hypothats given to you by oneof the Little Sisters. Look around the vending machines here. Now is the time to do yourshopping one last time. When youre ready, enter the elevator to meet your destiny (orwhatever).

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    After each phase you have to approach Fontaine when hes trapped in his machine and usethe hypo on him. If you dont make it fast enough, you will have to repeat a given phase and that sucks, believe me. After you defeat him in all three forms, a heartwarming (or not)ending will commence.

    So, youre done with BioShock. Did you like it?

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    Playing on highest difficulty setting

    Playing on highest difficulty setting Hard doesnt change the games story in any way, butmakes all opponents considerably more difficult to kill. You have to show some creativity andcourage to live up to that challenge. Mind that the game might actually begin to resemble asneaking title like Splinter Cell. The hints we summed up below can be obviously used onlower difficulty settings as well they will be equally effective.

    So, you want to sneak? Then be sure to use tonics like SportBoost, WrenchLurker andNaturalCamouflage. They should keep you going for the most part.

    Big Daddies these guys are creme de la creme of tough opponents in this game. Despitebeing tough, scary and all, they have one major weakness: they dont attack you on sight.You can freely choose when and where to battle a Big Daddy. You have all the time in theworld to choose the proper ammo (armor-piercing! electric gel! grenades!) and prepare thearena. Until you come to posses a Chemical Throwerwith an Electric Gel(thats a standaloneBig-Daddy-Killer), you should try to find a proper cover for the battle (a wide column, a bigtree, whatever suits you best). It will serve you as a mean to hide and to slow down theenemy (try running around it). Its always good to throw a few Proximity Minesbetween youand the Big Daddy. You might also use explosive barrels or canisters (move them using

    Telekinesis). Once you have the Chemical Thrower, Big Daddies cease to be such a greatthreat. Just produce as much Electric Gelas you can (U-Invent) and fry the beasts.

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    The Crossbow our weapon of choice in the later parts of the game. Why? Well, one headshottakes out every single enemy of the game, except for the Big Daddies even the sub-bosses!And how do you perform headshots since the Splicers are always on the move? Byelectrocuting them! Buy yourself an Electro Bolt 3 as soon as possible (Hephaestus), thingswill become a lot easier. Works for everyone, except Splicers who are resistant to electricity(which means, unfortunately, majority of Thuggish splicers in the last few levels). Also, thepossibility to retrieve ammo from the bodies is of great importance.

    Researching an important feature on all difficulty settings. On Hard you may have to focuson taking photos of dead enemies. Make sure that every time you take a photo there are atleast two objects on screen youll get some bonus points for multiple targets. The samething goes with taking photos of Little Sisters and Big Daddies, who always come in pairs.

    Playing on high difficulty setting gives a lot of satisfaction. If youre hardcore enough, youmight also restrain from saving your game too often. If only there was a way to turn off all thevita-chambers... Anyway, good luck out there.

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    Weapon types - Hints

    There are 7 different weapons in BioShock. Here are their descriptions.

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    Weapon Upgrade Stations - Maps

    There are only 12 Power to the People

    stations in the game. Each one gives youone free upgrade to choose. All theupgrades are cool to have, butconcentrate on the ones that boostweapons you use most often.

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    Tonics Hints and maps

    NOTE: Locations given below are just bookmarks for the appropriate sections of the

    walkthrough, where they are described in greater detail. In case a certain tonic is availablefor sale in Gatherers Garden, the below list indicates the location of its first appearance. Incase of Tenenbaums rewards for saving the girls, we assume that you save all of them andthus indicate the first level that you can get the reward on. In case that a tonic is a researchbonus, its location on this list is (research). Details can be found in an appropriate sectionof the guide.

    There are 3 tonics in the game that can only by obtained by producing them at U-Inventstations. Their location below is U-Invent.

    Physical Tonics

    Description Where to find

    Natural Camouflage

    One of the best tonics in the game grants you invisibility when you standstill!

    1 - (research)


    Increases damage dealt with a wrenchand movement speed.

    1 (research)

    2 (research)


    Regenerates a little bit of health andEVE every time you deal damage with awrench.

    1 U-Invent


    If you dont like random loot that youfound in a container, search it again itll be something else!

    1 (research)

    Medical Expert

    Increases the amount of healthregenerated by the medpacks.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Fort Frolic

    3 Apollo Square

    Hackers Delight

    Brings back a little health each time youperform a successful hack.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 U-Invent

    3 Point Prometheus

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    Security Evasion

    Cameras take longer to notice yourpresence.

    1 Arcadia

    2 Hephaestus

    Booze Hound

    Alcohol brings back your EVE instead ofdepleting it.

    1 U-Invent

    Extra Nutrition

    Snacks and drinks bring back morehealth and EVE.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Fort Frolic

    3 (research)

    EVE Link

    Causes the health packs to regenerateEVE as well.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 Farmers Market

    Engineering Tonics

    Description Where to find

    Speedy Hacker

    Slows down the liquid when hacking.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 Olympus Heights

    Security Expert

    Slows down the liquid when hackingcameras, bots and turrets.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 (research)

    Focused Hacker

    Decreased the number of overload fieldsby 2 (then 4).

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Apollo Square

    Prolific Inventor

    Doubles the number of items created atU-Invent stations.

    1 Apollo Square

    Clever Inventor

    Decreases the required number of eachingredient in U-Invents by 1 (withminimum of 1).

    1 Olympus Heights

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    Shorten Alarms

    Duuuuh.. Shortens alarms?

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Hephaestus

    Hacking Expert

    Decreases the number of alarm andoverload fields by 1 (then 2).

    1 Arcadia

    2 Fort Frolic


    Decreases the difficulty when hackingsafes.

    1 Arcadia

    2 Point Prometheus

    Alarm Expert

    Decreases the number of alarm fields by2 (then 4).

    1 Fort Frolic

    2 Point Prometheus

    Combat Tonics

    Description Where to find

    Photographers Eye

    Speeds up the research process.

    1 Farmers Market

    2 (research)

    Wrench Jockey

    Increases damage dealt with a wrench a great tonic to have!

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 (research)

    Static Discharge

    Releases an electric field each timeyoure hit by a melee weapon (can causeproblems with neutral Big Daddies!).

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 (research)

    Damage ResearchIncreases the research bonuses todamage.

    1 Hephaestus2 Point Prometheus

    Electric Flesh

    Increases resistance to electricity andthe power of our own electrical attacks.

    1 Fort Frolic

    2 - Olympus Heights

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    Armored Shell

    Considerably increases our defense.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 - Olympus Heights

    Wrench Lurker

    Increases wrench damage tounsuspecting enemies.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2- Hephaestus

    Frozen Field

    Increases our ice attacks power.

    1 Fort Frolic

    2 Hephaestus

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    Plasmids Hints and maps

    NOTE: Locations given below are just bookmarks for the appropriate sections of the

    walkthrough, where they are described in greater detail. In case a certain tonic is availablefor sale in Gatherers Garden, the below list indicates the location of its first appearance. Incase of Tenenbaums rewards for saving the girls, we assume that you save all of them andthus indicate the first level that you can get the reward on.

    Description Where to find

    Electro Bolt

    The most important plasmid in the game.Paralyzes enemies, enabling you to deal

    extra damage.

    1 Welcome to Rapture

    2 Arcadia

    3 Hephaestus


    Sets enemies and objects on fire (use it onspilled oil).

    1 Medical Pavillon

    2 Fort Frolic

    3 Olympus Heights


    Enables you to lift and throw any objectin the game. Comes in handy in a numberof situations.

    1 Medical Pavillon


    Attacked enemy becomes furious andattacks everyone in sight. Barely usable.

    1 Medical Pavillon

    Hypnotyze Big Daddy

    Fools Big Daddy into thinking that we arethe Little Sister, forcing him to protect us.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Fort Frolic

    Target Dummy

    Creates a dummy that grabs the enemiesattention. Didnt use it a single time on 3playthroughts makes you think.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    Winter Blast

    Freezes enemies and objects. If you freezea hackable object, the liquid will float alittle slower. If you smash a frozen enemyto bits, he wont leave any loot behind.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    2 Fort Frolic

    3 - Olympus Heights

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    Security Eye

    Makes a target trigger all the securitysystems. Can be useful when used on BigDaddies.

    1 Neptunes Bounty

    Cyclone Trap

    Creates a small cyclone that can grab anyenemy and throw him into the air. Didntfind it useful at all.

    1 Arcadia

    2 Hephaestus

    Insect Swarm

    Sends a swarm of bees towards a group ofenemies to distract them. Nothing special.

    1 Farmers Market

    2 Fort Frolic

    3 - Olympus Heights

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    When you decide to hack something, you have to complete a simple (not to be confused with

    easy) mini-game, in which you are to move the puzzles around so they form a pipe. Thispipe must connect input and output of the board, enabling some sort of liquid to flow fromone end to another. There are different types of pieces on the board, and they have differentimpact on the liquids behavior. For details see below.

    If you dont want to play this mini-game, in most cases you can buy out the machine(amount of money vary from very cheap to very expensive), or just use an auto-hack, which isa disposable item to be found in some vending machines.

    You can make hacking a bit easier by freezing the mechanism before you perform it.

    Hacked object Successful hack outcome

    Turret Fights by your side until its destroyed.

    Security Bot Fights by your side until its destroyed.

    Security Camera When it sees our enemy, it will summonsecurity bots to attack him.

    Safe Becomes open (these are the toughestobjects to hack!).

    Lock Becomes open.

    Hacking screen.

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    Pieces description:

    Normal piece you move these to form a pipe.

    Occupied piece this piece has already been taken by the liquid thatflows in the machine and you cant move it any further.

    Overload piece if the liquid reached it, you will be electrocuted.

    Alarm piece if the liquid reaches it, security alarm will go off.

    Slowdown piece it slows down the flow, giving you more time tothink.

    Speedup piece speeds up the flow. Dont use these unlessnecessary!

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    U-Invent stations enable you to process the junk you found into something of use. In most

    cases you can create ammo here. The only exceptions are Auto-Hackersand 3 types of tonicsBloodlust, Boozehoundand HackersDelight2.

    We cant really give you any advice on using U-Invent station. The stuff you find is mostlyrandom, so just play the game without thinking about it and once in a while visit thismachine to process the things you found. Theres no point to taking the things any furtherwith U-Invent.

    Heat-Seeking RGP

    Trap Bolt

    Electric Gel


    Armor-piercing machine gun ammo

    Explosive buck

    Anti-personnel pistol ammo

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    Enemies & Research

    Youll come across a research camera for the first time on Neptunes Bounty level. You canuse it to take photographs of your enemies, thus researching them and gaining certain

    bonuses. The better the pictures are, the faster you get the bonuses. Here are the factors thatdetermine your score:

    In plus: In minus:

    + Target is fighting (with you or with anyother object)

    - Target is dead (you can also photographdead bodies)

    + Multiple targets (more than one targeton one shot)

    - Target already photographed (if youtake multiple shots of a single enemy)

    Apart from above, the quality of your photo depends on how centered is the target on it thecloser it is to the middle, the better.

    Practice shows that it pays to take at least 3-4 photos of each enemy you fight, before evenengaging him in combat. This is the fastest way to get all the bonuses. Dont feel bad aboutwasting photos they are cheap and for sale in most Circuses of Value. Its best to startresearching enemies as soon as you get the camera. Theres really no point to wait. Its goodto research Rosiesas fast as possible, as they will grant you a bonus tonic: PhotographersEye 2, which will increase the speed of your research.

    Thuggish Splicer


    These are the first enemies you encounter in the game. Theyuse melee weapons such as wrenches, pipes, crowbars etc.

    The best way to deal with them is to electrocute them andthen hit them with a wrench.

    Research bonuses:1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo)

    2. Physical tonic: [SportBoost]

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. Physical tonic: [SportBoost 2]

    5. Increased damage +++

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    Lead Splicer


    Lead Splicers are the only human-like enemies in the gamewho use firearms. In most cases they use pistols, butsometimes upgrade to machine guns. Again, electro bolt +

    wrench works fine for them.

    Research bonuses:

    1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo)

    2. Physical tonic: [Scrounger]

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. Combat tonic: [Static Discharge 2]

    5. Increased damage +++

    Nitro Splicer


    Nitro Splicers use grenades in combat. They can createsmoke covers for themselves, which sometimes makes themtroublesome. Treat them like you treat other Splicers.

    Research bonuses:

    1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo)

    2. 15% chance that their grenade will be a dud

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. 15% chance that their grenade will be a dud

    5. Increased damage +++

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    Spider Splicer


    Spider Splicers are quick and deadly. They can walkaround the ceilings. Its good to use Incinerate againstthem just target them once, fire, and watch them burn to


    Research bonuses:

    1. Increased damage +

    2. Spider Splicers hearts can be used as health packs.

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. Physical tonic:[Extra Nutrition III]5. Increased damage +++

    Houdini Splicer


    Houdinis are the wizards of the lot; they use plasmids tostrike you. In most cases theyre not a real threat provided

    you know how to handle them. Their constant teleportation

    may be irritating, but they are easily dealt with by iceattacks. Just freeze them so that they cant escape andsmash them to bits.

    Research bonuses:

    1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo)

    2. Physical tonic: [Natural Camouflage]

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. Its easier to tell where the Houdini is going to appear

    after teleportation.5. Increased damage +++

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    Security Camera


    Cameras are not a real threat in BioShock. In fact, they canbe of great use to you, as long you have the patience tohack them. In most cases its not a problem to destroy a

    camera, but you shouldnt do so without thinking. Perhapsits better to have the security on your side?

    1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-armor ammo andelectricity)

    2. You find twice as much film in destroyed cameras

    3. Increased damage ++

    4. Decreased difficulty when hacking cameras

    5. Increased damage +++

    Security Bot


    Security Bots come at you whenever you trigger a securityalarm in most cases that is caused by getting spotted by asecurity camera. The research of Security Bots can be dealtwith quite fast, because there are more and more bots

    attacking you during each alarm. After reaching the 4thlevel of research you wont have to beat the hacking mini-game when hacking a security bot you success will beautomatic.

    Research bonuses:

    1. Increased damage + (vulnerable to anti-armor ammo andelectricity)

    2. Engineering tonic: [