
11/23/2009 1 On-going research projects @ ARTS and CRIM Labs ARTS (Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems) Lab Coordinator: Paolo Dario Artificial hands Hand prostheses Tactile sensors Neuro-robotics and bionics Neural interfaces Natural interfaces Sensory information processing Robotics for neuro- rehabilitation Assistive robotics Gerontechnologies Humanoid robotics Neurodevelopmental engineering Service robotics Biomimetic robotics Roboethics



Transcript of Biorobotics

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On-going researchprojects @ ARTS and CRIM Labs

ARTS (Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems) Lab Coordinator: Paolo Dario

� Artificial hands

� Hand prostheses

� Tactile sensors

� Neuro-robotics and bionics

� Neural interfaces

� Natural interfaces

� Sensory information processing

� Robotics for neuro-rehabilitation

� Assistive robotics

� Gerontechnologies

� Humanoid robotics

� Neurodevelopmental engineering

� Service robotics

� Biomimetic robotics

� Roboethics

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Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

The model:The human hand

Artificial hands @ ARTS Lab (1999-2008)

RTR1 Hand (2000-01)

SoftHand (2003)




EXPER II (2008)

RTR2 (2002)

RPP Hand(2007)



Paloma (2003)

Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza

Bio-inspired mechatronic

hand prosthesis with

embedded biomimetic




Implantable system for neural

stimulation and recording

Telemetric link (transceiver) for

both efferent and afferent


Unit for decoding patient's

intentions, for delivering

the cognitive feedback to

the patient and for

prosthesis control

Bionic Hand

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Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

CyberHand: A neuro-controlled Hand

1. Low-Level Control

2. Feedback Delivery

Allow natural control;


Large bandwidth;


Afference Neural Interface: Position, Touch, Pressure

Non-Invasive Interface: Touch, Temperature, Pressure.

Contact: Christian Cipriani, email: [email protected]

- 16 DoF- 4 Motors- 40 Sensors

SmartHand Prototype (2009)2009 Clinical evaluation @:-Lund University, Sweden;-Johns Hopkins University, USA;-Aalborg University, Denmark.

[1] G. S. Dhillon and K. W. Horch, “Direct Neural Sensory Feedback and Control of a Prosthetic Arm,” IEEE TNSRE, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 468-472, Dec. 2005.

[2] T. A. Kuiken, P. D. Marasco, B. A. Lock, R. N. Harden and J. P. A. Dewald, “Redirection of cutaneous sensation from the hand to the chest skin of human

amputees with targeted reinnervation,” PNAS, vol. 104, no. 50, pp. 20061-20066, 2007.

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Brain Computer Interface as a tool for

neurological rehabilitation and prosthetics

[1] Eric C. Leuthardt, M.D., Gerwin Schalk, M.S., Daniel Moran, Ph.D., Jeffrey G. Ojemann, M.D., “THE EMERGING WORLD OF MOTOR NEUROPROSTHETICS: A NEUROSURGICAL

PERSPECTIVE”, Review, Neurosurgery 59:1-14, 2006

• implement strategies to control


• implement methods to apply

in stroke rehab

Contact person: Maria Laura Blefari ([email protected])

To analyze and understand the working To analyze and understand the working

principles of principles of the natural sense of touchthe natural sense of touch

ToTo take take inspirationinspiration fromfrom thisthis

knowledgeknowledge toto design design novelnovel and and betterbetter

tactiletactile artificialartificial sensorysensory systemssystems in in

roboticsroboticsDESIGN&BUILD biomechatronic platforms for investigation of HUMAN TOUCH

study of texture

neural encoding

(measurement of

peripheral neural

firing and brain

responses by means

of microneurography

and EEG) and for for


experiments on



In collaboration with

Prof. Alan Wing

University of Birmingham, UK

Prof. Johan Wessberg, Goteborg University, SE

MEMS based approach for artificial fingerpad

for texture encoding

Tissue engineered skin

New approaches investigated for biomimetic


Integration of tissue

engineering approaches


approach to artificial skin

NEMS capacitive array

MEMS piezoresistive array

Contact person: Lucia Beccai ([email protected])

In collaboration with

Prof. Mike Adams, Dr. Liam Grover,

Dr. Mike Ward University of Birmingham, UK

Study of Human Touch and artificial Study of Human Touch and artificial

emulation with tactile systemsemulation with tactile systems


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•L. Beccai et al ““Design and fabrication

of a hybrid silicon three-axial force

sensor for biomechanical applications,”

Sensors and Actuators A, 120, 2, 2005,

pp. 370-382.

•C. M. Oddo et al ,Measurement

Science and Technology, 18, 2007, pp.


The artificial approach to a

bio-inspired fingerpad

•L. Beccai et al ,IEEE/ASME Transactions on

Mechatronics, 13, 2, 2008, pp. 158-168

•L. Beccai et al “Sensing fingertip for bioinspired tactile

encoding” 1st Nat. Bioengineering Cong., July 3-5

2008, Pisa (Italy)

•.C. M.Oddo et al ,Sensors 2009, 9(5), pp. 3161-3183

Integration of arrays of


with artificial materials

for mimicking human

fingerpad DESIGN&BUILD sensorized fingertips with miniature tactile sensors

Contact person: Lucia Beccai ([email protected])

SKILSENS – Artificial Sensing SkinSKILSENS is a soft and flexible artificial sensing skin able to detect

pressure and shape of the object that is contacting. It is composed of

silicone and its consistence is very similar to the human skin

Dimension, spatial resolution, shape, sensitivity and color of the

artificial skin can be changed according to the application.



25 analog outputs 25 analog outputs

Flexible / Rigid


Black / Skin


Proposed experimental research activities

• Design, development and characterization of Skilsens-based human-

machine interfaces for upper- and lower-limb exoskeletons for the neuro-

rehabiliation, shoe insoles, and other biomedical applications.

Contact persons:

Alessandro Persichetti

([email protected])

Fabrizio Vecchi

([email protected])

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L’ interazione uomo/macchina

In molti settori della Robotica il contatto

fisico fra Robot e Uomo è altamente

probabile, se non necessario


Requisito primario:

Garantire un alto livello di sicurezza per l’

Uomo degradando il meno possibile le

prestazioni del Robot

Limitazione delle forze di interazione e

problematiche di progettazione integrata

meccanica/controllo del Robot

Active compliance

L’impedenza meccanica del Robot è

regolata da algoritmi di controllo

software (controllo di forza e di


Passive compliance

L’impedenza meccanica del Robot è

ottimizzata in fase di progettazione

utilizzando materiali leggeri, rivestimenti

morbidi, trasmissioni elastiche

(più affidabile nel caso di eventi imprevisti

istantanei come un impatto)

Contact person:

Stefano Roccella

([email protected],

NEURARM, un modello robotico di arto superioreuno strumento potente per ricerca neuroscientifica

NEURARM è un robot seriale 2R, con giunti

attuati in modalità antagonista:

� masse, inerzie e dimensioni cinematiche

simili al quelle dell’uomo Europeo standard

� attuazione antagonista come nei giunti

umani, può quindi regolare la rigidezza dei

propri giunti

NEURARM è utilizzato per studiare:

1. Movimenti di “reaching point-to-point”

2. Interazione con una parete

3. Il task di “catching”

Contact person: Nicola Vitiello

[email protected]

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NEUROExos: un “esoscheletro” per la

riabilitazione del gomito• Gusci anatomici per elevato comfort

• meccanismo a 4-gdl per allinearsi all’asse di rotazione del gomito

• attuazione compliante e bio-inspirata

• Sistema di controllo basato sull’equilibrium point hypothesis, una teoria neuroscientifica

• L’interazione persona-macchina è ottenuta attraverso la “pelle artificiale Skilsens”

Argomenti di ricerca in corso

• Modulo polso

• Modulo spalla

• Gruppo di attuazione e di trasmissione

• Nuovi algoritmi e strategie di interazione uomo-macchina (EMG, etc.)

Contact persons:

Stefano Roccella

([email protected],

Nicola Vitiello

([email protected])


1. Exoskeleton device for post-stroke

rehabilitation of the hand

2. Device for biomechanical measures

of the hand

Proposed thesis:

• Characterization of the spasticity in post-

stroke patients through HANDEXOS


• 5-fingers independent modules

• fully mobility of the hand with a natural


• passive and adjustable mechanism on

the intermediate phalanx to partially fit

over hands of different sizes

• low encumbrance both on the lateral

side of the fingers and on lower side of

the hand

• easy wearability, light weight and


• extrinsic actuation system

Fig. 1. HANDEXOS concept

Fig. 2. HANDEXOS finger module,

first prototype

Fig. 3. HANDEXOS finger module with force sensorsContact person: Azzurra Chiri ([email protected])

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The ARTS humanoid robot

Anthropomorphic head &retina-like vision system�7 d.o.f.s (neck & eyes)�7 proprioceptive sensors�2 cameras

Biomechatronic hand�10 d.o.f.s�16 proprioceptive sensors�21 tactile sensors

Anthropomorphic arm�8 d.o.f.s�16 proprioceptive sensors

Total�d.o.f.s: 25�Visual sensors: 2�Proprioceptive sensors: 39�Tactile sensors: 135

PALOMA EU IST-FET Project IST-2001-33073

P. Dario, M.C. Carrozza, E. Guglielmelli, C. Laschi, A. Menciassi, S. Micera, F. Vecchi, “Robotics as a “Future and Emerging Technology: biomimetics, cybernetics and neuro-robotics in European projects”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol.12, No.2, June 2005, pp.29-43.

Prof. Paolo Dario

Prof. Cecilia Laschi

Robocasa Humanoid

Prof. Paolo Dario

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RoboCasa in Italy: Robot-An

Official opening:

March 23, 2007

Prof. Paolo Dario

G. Metta, G. Sandini, “Embodiment and complex systems. A commentary on Barbara Webb: Can robots make good models of biological behavior?”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(6) pp. 1068-1069, 2001.

To understand how the brain of living systems transforms sensory input into motor and

cognitive functions by implementing physical models of sensory-motor behaviours

EU RobotCub Project

Developing human-like cognitive capabilities through humanoid bodies

RobotCub Project

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Emotional robots� study of the brain mechanisms for emotion

recognition, by comparison of human and robot facial expression recognition� behavioural experiments

� fMRI

� identification of most significant face elements

� design of the robotic emotional face, based on Ekman’s classification of facial expressions

� Compared to normal condition, human facesevoke significant activity in the Fusiform Face Area (FFA) (red area in Figure 1). In neuroimaging studies, this area responds always to the category “faces”.

� On the contrary, compared to normal condition, robotic faces evoke significant activity in the lingual fusiform/gyrus (blue areas in Figure 2). This area usually responds to the category “objects”

Figure 1 Figure 2

E-Smiler Project (2006-2008), Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa

University of Pisa, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, CNR Pisa

Prof. Paolo Dario, Prof. Cecilia Laschi


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1 RATTLE with force sensors

2 RATTLE with contact sensors




Neuro-developmental engineering

Mechatronic sensorized

toys for monitoring sensory-motor


TACT - Tought in ActionNEST Project #15636

Early diagnosis of autism and ASD by monitoring neuro-motor development

Prof. Cecilia Laschi

Floating Sensorised Networked Robots for Water Monitoring

HydroNet (2008-2011)Objective: to design and develop a new technological platform for improving

the monitoring of water systems, based on a netwrok of sensorized floating

robots and buoys, integrated in an Ambient Intelligence infrastructure.

EU Program: ENV.2007. Technologies for measuring and monitoring networks

Prof. Paolo Dario

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Biomimetic Robotics: observations of the living octopus

� Identification of octopus control strategies for goal-directed behavior

Day/night light

80 cm



Pumps for



Sensors for PH, salinity, O2, temperature, water hardness

Moon phases light


Pump for water circulation

Filter for water


Novel Design Principles and Technologies for a New Generation of High Dexterity Soft-bodied Robots Inspired by the Morphology andBehaviour of the Octopus

OCTOPUS (2008-2012)

The OCTOPUS Project has the objective of designing and developing an 8-

arm robot inspired to the muscular structure, neurophysiology and motor

capabilities of the octopus (Octopus vulgaris).

Project Duration:

48 months

Project Cost:

9.745.000 €

EC contribution:

7.600.000 €

7 partners from 5


Coordinator: SSSA

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Livorno, ItalyLivorno, Italy

Official Opening, January 14, 2009



The CRIM Lab

Coordinator: Paolo Dario

BioBio--inspired and/or bioinspired and/or bio--applied miniaturized and microapplied miniaturized and micro--robots and systems robots and systems

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Progetto Europeo LAMPETRALife-like Artefacts for Motor-Postural Experiments and Development of new

Control Technologies inspired by Rapid Animal locomotion

LAMPETRA mira a sviluppare e usare piattaforme robotiche

innovative bioispirate (al modello animale della lampreda ovvero

della salamandra) con un duplice obiettivo:

- condurre studi neuroscientifici sul controllo neurale della

locomozione (“goal-directed locomotion”) nei vertebrati;

- progettare nuove soluzioni ingegneristiche per la locomozione

(e in generale l’attuazione) di sistemi, caratterizzate da elevata

efficienza energetica, adattività e affidabilità.



Il robot

Sistema di



basato su








Progetto Europeo ANGELSANGuilliform robot with ELectric Sense

ANGELS mira a sviluppare un robot

anguilliforme riconfigurabile:

- Il robot si può dividere in robot più piccoli

(moduli / agenti), anch’essi capaci di

nuotare secondo la modalità anguilliforme;

- Ciascun agente è in grado di percepire le

condizioni ambientali (ostacoli, oggetti, altri

moduli) e comunicare con gli altri agenti

attraverso la modulazione di un campo

elettrico (“electric sense”);

- Il modello animale sono i pesci

debolmente elettrici. Il robot amplifica le

loro capacità sensoriali permettendo anche

la riconfigurabilità del senso elettrico

(agendo insieme, gli agenti, possono

percepire oggetti grandi, non percepibili dal

singolo agente).

Gnathonemus petersii

Campo elettrico

attorno al pesce (tipo


Moduli connessi

tramite magneti


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Progetto Europeo Integ-MicroNew production technologies of complex 3D Micro – devices through multi-process

integration of ultra precision engineering techniques

Integ-Micromira a sviluppare nuove tecnologie per la

produzione di micro componenti.

In particolare, propone l’integrazione multi-processo

(micro-taglio, elettroerosione, ultrasuoni e laser) su

piattaforme riconfigurabili per la lavorazione ultra-precisa di

serie di pezzi miniaturizzati.

Questa strategia (lavorazione multitasking) permette il

raggiungimento di un’elevata precisione di lavorazione,

la riduzione dell’ingombro degli impianti di lavorazione,

la riduzione dei tempi di allestimento e di messa in opera

di linee di produzione innovative per prodotti strategici e,

in generale, l’aumento della produttività.

Testa di MU (microtaglio)

con laser integrato

KERN (partner) Pyramid


Versatile Endoscopic Capsule for gastrointestinal TumOr Recognition and therapy

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Progettazione di strumentazione avanzata per chirurgia

“interna” ed endoscopia…

…Non solo al PC o in officina, ma anche sul campo!

Tubingen, Germania,

Settembre 2009.

Un team misto

dall’università (SSSA e

università straniere),

dalle industrie, e dal

mondo della medicina,

in un centro avanzato

per la sperimentazione


Miniaturized Vision Systems for endoluminal applications

Endoluminal surgery requires the support of artificial vision system

Performance as close as possible to direct vision are required

Open research:

� Miniaturized wireless vision systemfor endoscopic pill applications

� 3D vision system for roboticsurgery

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www.araknes.orgARAKNES project

The ARAKNES (Array of Robots Augmenting the KiNematics of Endoluminal Surgery) Project has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement num. 224565

“…to integrate the advantages of traditional open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and robotics surgery into a deeply innovative system for bi-manual, tethered, visible scarless surgery, based on an array of smart

microrobotic instrumentation.”

Main intended interventions: Gastric and abdominal surgery


- Technologies for solid state sensor fabrication;

- Sensor for Hg based on resistivity variation of thin goldfilm (prototypes and transduction mechanism);

- Sensor networks and related problems,

- Sensor conditioning, Plug and play and smart sensorinterfaces.

- Micro-fabricated Hydrogen Sensor


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Smart materials

- Artificial muscles/electro active polymers;

- Plant-inspired actuators;

- Nano-structured materials for actuators and sensors.



Robot inspired to plant’s roots for soil exploration

The Plantoid

Dr. Barbara Mazzolai

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General Courses

Introduction to Biorobotics Paolo Dario 3

The main goal of Biorobotics is to analyze biological systems from a

“biomechatronic” viewpoint, with the aim of understanding the scientific

and engineering principles which govern and enable their extraordinary

performances. Biomechatronics is a novel paradigm for machine design,

which considers a mechatronic system together with its interactions with the

external world and with the human operator. After an overview of the

methodologies of Biorobotics, the course will address some biorobotic

systems and case-studies including: 1) a biorobotic system inspired by a

lamprey as a platform for neuroscientific investigations; 2) a biorobotic

system for endoluminal surgery whose locomotion is inspired by insect

locomotion; 3) a user-machine interface for friendly interaction with

teleoperated artefacts.

Human and Animal Models

in BioroboticsCecilia Laschi 3

The course introduces the rationale for bioinspiration and biomimetics in

robotics and teaches the methods for designing robotic systems

incorporating human and animal models. Specific cases are described,

like the human models for active vision and tactile perception in robots and

the animal models for soft-bodied robots

Micro- and nano-robotics

for biomedical applications



The course objective is to provide students with the basic knowledge of

micro- and nano-technologies for biomedical applications. In fact, micro-

and nano-systems for biomedical applications represent a very effective

alternative to traditional therapy and surgery techniques. The course will study

the different technologies and solutions for medicine with a system

approach, by investigating the micro- and nano-devices as mechatronic


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Specific Courses (1/3)

Innovation from Nature:

An introduction to Biomimetic




This course provides an introduction to the biological classification of living creatures

and to their performance, as well as to biomechanics, ranging from single cells toentire plants and animals, aimed at designing and developing bioinspired robots and

artificial sensors/actuators. The developed biorobotic systems allow to better understandthe complex biological phenomenon and the animal/environment relationships.

Neurointerfaces and




In the recent past, implantable neural interfaces have been used to gather important

information about the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. There

are also increasing evidences that they can be used to develop different classes of

neural prostheses to restore sensory-motor function in people who lost them for

neurological disorders and disabilities and for traumatic events such as amputation.

Therefore, neural implants could have significant potential to enhance our understanding

of normal and pathological states of the brain, and at the same time significantly impact

the design and use of neural prosthetic devices. The aim of this course is to provide

more information about leading research activities carried out by groups around the

world working to develop more effective neural prostheses. In particular, the following

topics will be covered: (1) neural interfaces as enabling technologies; (2) statistical

algorithms for the characterization of neural signals; (3) different examples of (cortical,

peripheral and vestibular) neural prosthesis. Particular attention will be also devoted to

the possible clinical applications of this kind of technology.

Fundamentals of Continuum




Starting from the definition of “continuum body”, the basic physics laws will be applied

to mechanical systems in order to understand their behaviour under external applied

loads. Solid and fluid bodies will be studied and fundamental criterions will be

discussed in order to verify their strength under applied loads and constraints. The most

important Computer Aided Engineering tools will be illustrated and some advanced

case studies will be investigated. The course will consist of hands-on sessions and

students will be able to solve advanced simulation problems. In particular contact

boundary conditions, structural-dynamics simulations, fluidodynamics simulations and

non linear materials simulations will be illustrated. The final test will consist of a

simulation excercise with a final technical report.

Specific Courses (2/3)

Wireless control for

biorobotic applications



Thanks to energy efficient systems and miniaturization of electronics, wireless

technology is nowadays enabling the development of unthetered robots. The

main topic of this course is to describe how to implement robotic control on

wireless and low-power platforms. First, the datasheet of a wireless

microcontroller will be analyzed. Then, several examples of unthetered robots

based on such core device will be designed. Finally, examples of programming

code will be given. Hands-on sessions will be organized depending on the

number of attendees.

Biological Materials:

structure and properties



The course introduces fundamental properties of most interesting classic natural

(biological) materials, by defining the structure and the properties essentially

from engineering point of view. Particular attention will be devoted to bio-

inspired materials derived form traditional synthetic materials.

Artificial tactile sensing in



Beccai 1

The aim of the course is to provide students with an insight on the development

of artificial tactile sensors and to provide a critical analysis on how such a

challenge has been addressed in biorobotics. The main areas that will be

addressed are: functional principles of artificial tactile sensors, technologies and

materials adopted for a tactile sensing and their evolution, case studies and

applications of bio-inspired tactile sensors.

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Specific Courses (3/3)

Energy issues

in Biorobotics

and relevant




In this course two main subjects are addressed: (1) what energy

sources to be used in bioinspired and bio-applied robotic systems

and (2) what means can be adopted to produce mechanical work in

those systems. Familiarity with the above subjects represents a

useful background for engineers involved in the design of high

performance autonomous machines, as in the case of bioinspired

robots and of wearable systems. The course is organized as follows:i.

introduction on energy and actuation issues in Biorobotic systems,

ii. energy sources, iii. actuators, iv. examples

Project Work and Integrative Courses

Projectual Work on

BioRoboticsPaolo Dario 3

Central Pattern

GeneratorsSten Grilliner 1

Humanoid Robotics

and BiomechanicsOussama Khatib 1


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Thank You

More info at [email protected],

or [email protected] or [email protected]