Biopulse NZ - Agent Intro

Biopulse NZ Detox Foot Spa Energy Field Enhancer Technology WE HEAL OURSELVES WHEN WE ARE CLEAN INSIDE

Transcript of Biopulse NZ - Agent Intro

Biopulse  NZ  Detox  Foot  Spa  Energy  Field  Enhancer  Technology


Toxins  cause  damage  in  DNA

Damaged DNA Healthy DNA

Toxins & Free Radicals


How  our  body  cleanses?

Strengthen  bio-­‐field=  health

•  BioPulse  balanced  energy  field  and  energy  centers.

Before BioPulse After BioPulse

Acidic  &  Alkaline  body •  Toxicity  causes  acids  to  build  up.    Too  much  acid  (acidosis)  in  

body  leads  to  health  problems,  from  chronic  degeneraKve  diseases  to  depression  and  premature  ageing.  

•  Acid  body  encourages  toxin  (e.g.  cancer)    to  grow!    

How  toxins  affect  health

Where  do  toxins  come  from?

BioPulse  Detox  Foot  Spa  Ionic  with  frequency

ü Use different modes to tackle different disease ü With unique frequencies to eradicate toxins ü Pain Free = comfortable

ü Drug Free = no pills

ü Relaxing foot spa

ü 30-40 minutes only

ü Can detox heavy metals, free radicals effectively ü 2 person can do at same time

Physical  Benefits  of  BioPulse

•  Higher  energy  levels  •  Clear  skin  and  sparkling  eyes  •  Weight  loss  •  Stress  reducBon,  feeling  relaxed  •  Pain  (muscle  and  joint)  relief  •  BeLer  sleep  quality  •  Kills  excess  candida  and  other  pathogenic  (bacterial,  viral,  fungal)  strains  

having  systemic  affects  •  Helps  quell  raging  inflammaBon  •  Increase  immunity  •  PosiBve  moods  •  DetoxificaBon  and  rejuvenaBon  at  the  cellular  level,  feeling  good!  

Energy  &  Vitality  Feeling  the  change

•  Fungus  or  Candida  reducing  in  3  months,  if  used  2  Bmes  a  week.  •  AnB-­‐aging  results,  with  increase  cellular  funcBoning.  •  Neutralizing  acidity  and  reducing  free  radicals.  •  Balance  meridians  through  the  toes  or  fingers.  •  Charges  the  blood  cells  with  energy  at  a  cellular  level.      •  DetoxificaBon  last  for  48  hours.  •  When  toxic  load  is  lessened,  the  body  system  is  beLer  equipped  to  

protect  itself  from  toxins,  viruses  and  pollutants.

Before  &  ARer  BioPulse  Changes  your  energy  field

How  does  it  work? •  Targeted  frequencies    (Rife  se^ngs)  to  help  improve  specific  ailments  

plus  negaBve  ions  make  the  BioPulse  superior  to  any  ionic  foot  detox  machine  in  the  world.      

•  7  MODES:    Cancer,  Fibromyalgia,  ArthriBs,  Parasites,  Schumann  Wave,  Pathogens,  RelaxaBon  

             (30  minutes  ionic  +  Rife  session  with  5  minutes  Schumann  Wave)    

Biopulse machine (dual outlet)

Water modules Made with surgica stainless steel

Good quality mineral salt


Foot basin

NZ made US made

How  does  it  work?  Expels  acidity  and  heavy  metals,  raises  PH  levels

Ionization in the foot spa delivers electrical-charged negative ions easily absorbed through skin to the cells. Charging up the cells to stimulate elimination of toxins in the blood, lymph streams. The neutralized particles are pulled out of the body through the skin via osmosis and diffusion back to the water in the foot spa (which is higher concentration of ion field set up by the array in the water spa.

Negative charged ions binds to positive charged ions in the cell. (Neutralizing free radicals)

These ions neutralize charged particles in the body & bio-stimulate cells

Nobel  Prize  research  on  Ion  Exchange  

Salt and water are important actors in the chemistry of life. Life on earth, and our own lives, originated in salt water – in the oceans and in the womb. Yet only fairly recently have we understood how water molecules and salt ions are transported in and out through the cell walls.

Dr Peter Agre Dr Roderick Mackinnon

1909 Ostwald receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. As early as 1890 he suggested that the electrical signals measured in living tissue could be caused by ion currents passing through the cell membrane.

1963 Eccles, Hodgkin and Huxley receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning ion mechanisms in nerve cell membranes.

1991 Neher and Sakmann awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells.

Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2003 for the research done by Dr Peter Agre and Dr Roderick Mackinnon on Ion Exchange through membranes.

Other  detox  machines •  Bohr’s  law  of  atomic  physics  states  that  you  need  at  least  

13.6  volts  to  break  apart  the  water  molecule.    •  BioPulse  runs  on  24  volts,  making  it  more  effecBve  in  

delivering  benefits  to  its  users.      •  BioPulse  has  Tri-­‐Vortex  Charger.  The  energy  field  created  by  

the  Tri-­‐Vortex  makes  water  “weLer’  and  easier  to  program  (proven  by  tesBng  using  Dynes  Scales).  

the cheap foot detox machines operate on just 9-12 volts, which are not enough to break the water molecules apart.

•  “WeLer  water”  in  BioPulse  creates  superior  medium  for  the  energy  to  transfer  with  frequencies.  

•  BioPulse  uses  Rife  &  Schumann  frequencies  

Explaining  Biopulse  IonisaAon  with  Rife  &  Schumann  Frequencies

Rife frequencies Schumann frequencies

Rife  Frequency Dr. Rife found every germ or pathogen has its own resonant frequency at which it vibrates until its structure is disrupted.

Most bacteria, viruses and other pathogens have very weak outer cell walls and when right frequency is aimed, they will dissolve and fall

apart with no danger to cell membranes.

Schumann  Frequency •  Since beginning of life, Earth has been surrounding and protecting all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83Hz.

• Artificial manmade EMF radiation cause us to feel more stressed, fatigued and ‘out of balance’.

• Exposing living cells to Schumann Resonance (SR) had effect of ‘protecting’ us from EMF influence, allowing cells to increase immune protection, decrease absorption of depression-inducing chemicals. • Producing 7.8Hz pulse can counter the effects of the irritating man-made fields.

• SR generator is installed in spacecraft to keep astronauts well in space.

Alpha/Theta state of brain

Schumann resonance has been researched by NASA , monitoring Earth’s field.

Toxic  level  Test    Heavy  metal  test

Specialized laboratory investigations is available for treatment suggestions. This will enhance health by minimizing the risk factors and optimizing the detoxification processes. These tests are available with Natural Health & Detox Clinic:

Check the toxic level, before and after!

• Toxic Element Hair test • Toxic Element Urine test

Nahaia’s  story  Bio  Cleanse  NZ  Ltd  

and  Natural  Health  &  Detox  Clinic

Managing Director: Nahaia Russ

Naturopath and Medical Herbalist

since 1997

             “I  became  interested  in  Detox  Therapies  around  2000  when  I  experienced  faKgue  that  seemed  to  come  from  nowhere  aRer  having  my  first  baby.  Previously  I  had  been  very  fit,  having  been  an  aerobics  instructor  and  personal  trainer  for  12  years.  I  learned  that  when  there  is  trauma  the  body  will  not  have  such  a  capacity  for  holding  heavy  metals.    There  is  a  reacKon  to  this,  one  that  can  be  described  as  the  body  suddenly  not  being  able  to  coping  with  the  level  of  toxicity  it  has  held  for  so  many  years.  

                   ARer  tesKng  my  own  heavy  metal  status,  I  was  surprised  to  find  a  very  high  

load  of  mercury  and  lead.  Then  I  realized  that  many,  if  not  most  of  us,  have  been  heavily  exposed  to  heavy  metals  starKng  from  our  concepKon  in  our  mother’s  womb.  

                     Through  a  heavy  metal  detox  program  that  included  IV  chelaKon,  I  

managed  to  get  my  levels  down  by  half  in  one  year!  The  second  year,  I  did  solely  BioPulse  (Bio  Cleanse)  every  second  day  and  found  that  this  not  only  improved  my  whole  well-­‐being  and  energy.  It  also  lowered  my  heavy  metal  levels  to  almost  zero!  This  is  why  we  emphasize  with  our  clients  that  the  body  has  zero  tolerance  with  heavy  metals  and  all  toxicity  in  general,  and  that  our  device  can  bring  down  toxicity  levels  to  almost  none.  “


BioPulse  NZ  Ltd  Company  background

•  BioPulse  is  a  NZ  Ltd  company  and  is  the  World  Wide  Distributor  for  BioCleanse  NZ  Ltd  made  Technology  plus  the  Exclusive  Distributor  in  NZ,  UK  and  South  Pacific  Islands  for  NZ  and  USA  made  Biopulse  Technology  Foot  Spa.  

•  Bio  Cleanse  Technology,  Bio  Cleanse  NZ  Ltd,  has  rebranded  to  be  called  BioPulse  February  2014.  

•  We  manufacture  in  NZ  our  own  machines.  We  can  provide  excepKonal  quality  with  both  types  of  machines,  and  our  customers  are  extremely  saKsfied  with  the  results.  

•  We  sell  and  lease  Biopulse  Technology  Foot  Spas  to  Natural  Health  PracBBoners,  Beauty  Therapists,  IntegraBve  Medical  Doctors  and  Home  Users.  We  have  many  clients  who  have  purchased  machines  for  their  family  to  use  and  enjoy  the  benefits.  

•  Managing  Director,  Nahaia  Russ  N.D  Naturopath  and  Medical  Herbalist,  has  been  involved  with  this  technology  since  2005.  

•  We  are  currently  the  only  Ionic  Foot  Bath  with  Rife  Frequencies  and  Schumann  Frequency  

Biopulse  PracKKoners

•   29  pracKKoners/  salons  across  New  Zealand Check:

TesKmonials •  I  have  had  eight  treatments  with  the  Bio-­‐Cleanse  Technologies  footbath  

unit.  On  Friday  I  mowed  for  six  hours  and  groomed  a  very  dirty,  small  pony  —  with  NO  allergy  symptoms.  It  was  quite  a  change  to  have  a  clear  head,  clear  sinuses,  no  drainage,  no  swelling,  no  itchy  eyes  the  next  morning.  It  is  most  remarkable  because  I  had  absolutely  no  symptoms!  Not  a  single  sneaky  sneeze.  My  energy  level  is  way  up  and  I’m  very,  very  pleased  with  what  is  happening.      Lola,  Auckland  

•  Had  a  very  good  report  from  my  fibro-­‐myalgia  paKent.  She  has  completed  15  treatments…  her  blood  work  shows  dramaKc  improvement  and  she  is  sleeping  through  the  night.  There  is  sKll  significant  liver  impairment…but  we  hope  that  will  look  beger  at  the  next  test.  It  is  incredible  that  we  have  been  able  to  accomplish  as  much  as  we  have  with  just  15  treatments.  She  has  been  sick  for  30  years  and  is  finally  geing  beger  instead  of  deterioraKng.        Prac<<oner,  Auckland  

TesKmonials •  I’ve  been  very,  very  pleased  with  the  treatments.  I  had  immediate  results  

which  were  noKceable  over  the  next  17  treatments.  I  kept  at  it  because  I  had  more  energy  and  I  never  dreamed  they  would  conKnue  to  improve  my  overall  health!      John,  Auckland  

•  “I  had  never  seen  my  blood  sugar  level  under  123.  ARer  3  treatments  with  the  machine,  the  results  read  out  a  blood  sugar  level  of  94!  Alan,    Whatatane    

•  I  had  kidney  failure  a  year  ago.  Doctors  wanted  to  put  me  on  Kidney  Dialysis.  I  did  one  cycle  of  fourteen  footbaths  and  my  Doctor  was  amazed  because  I  registered  as  having  normal  kidneys  for  the  first  Kme  in  30  years.  I  feel  a  lot  beger  and  have  more  energy.  You  really  have  a  powerful  piece  of  equipment  here!    Don,  USA  

End  of  PresentaKon  Thank  you.

BioCleanse NZ Ltd 6b Montrose Terrace Mairangi Bay Auckland 0630 Phone: +649 4788 123 Mobile: 0800 233 869 Fax: 09 478 8122

Email: [email protected] Web: