· [30]. Laser thermal injury...

REVIEW ARTICLE Imaging engineered tissues using structural and functional optical coherence tomography Xing Liang 1 , Benedikt W. Graf 1 , and Stephen A. Boppart * , 2 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 405 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 2 Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bioengineering, and Internal Medicine, Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA Received 19 June 2009, revised 13 July 2009, accepted 14 July 2009 Published online 12 August 2009 Key words: engineered tissue, optical coherence tomography, functional imaging, microscopy, scaffolds # 2009 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1. Introduction Transplantation and autologous grafting are techni- ques used to replace failed organs or damaged tis- sues. These medical treatments have improved hu- man health greatly, but are limited by factors such as availability of transplant organs and tissues, risk of transplant rejection, and the potential need for life- # 2009 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim Journal of BIOPHOTONICS As the field of tissue engineering evolves, there will be an increasingly important need to visualize and track the complex dynamic changes that occur within three-dimen- sional constructs. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), as an emerging imaging technology applied to biological materials, offers a number of significant advantages to visualize these changes. Structural OCT has been used to investigate the longitudinal development of engi- neered tissues and cell dynamics such as migration, pro- liferation, detachment, and cell-material interactions. Optical techniques that image functional parameters or integrate multiple imaging modalities to provide comple- mentary contrast mechanisms have been developed, such as the integration of optical coherence microscopy with multiphoton microscopy to image structural and functional information from cells in engineered tissue, optical coherence elastography to generate images or maps of strain to reflect the spatially-dependent biome- chanical properties, and spectroscopic OCT to differen- tiate different cell types. From these results, OCT de- monstrates great promise for imaging and visualizing engineered tissues, and the complex cellular dynamics that directly affect their practical and clinical use. Integrated optical coherence (top row) and multiphoton (bottom row) microscopy of GFP-vinculin fibroblasts seeded on a microtextured substrate in vitro (left col- umn), and of an epidermal cell layer from in vivo hu- man skin (right column). * Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] Early View publication on (issue and page numbers not yet assigned; citable using Digital Object Identifier – DOI) J. Biophoton. 1–13 (2009) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.200910048

Transcript of · [30]. Laser thermal injury...

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Imaging engineered tissues using structuraland functional optical coherence tomography

Xing Liang1, Benedikt W. Graf 1, and Stephen A. Boppart*, 2

1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 405 North Mathews Avenue,Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA

2 Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bioengineering, and Internal Medicine, Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory,Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA

Received 19 June 2009, revised 13 July 2009, accepted 14 July 2009Published online 12 August 2009

Key words: engineered tissue, optical coherence tomography, functional imaging, microscopy, scaffolds

# 2009 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

1. Introduction

Transplantation and autologous grafting are techni-ques used to replace failed organs or damaged tis-

sues. These medical treatments have improved hu-man health greatly, but are limited by factors such asavailability of transplant organs and tissues, risk oftransplant rejection, and the potential need for life-

# 2009 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Journal of


As the field of tissue engineering evolves, there will bean increasingly important need to visualize and track thecomplex dynamic changes that occur within three-dimen-sional constructs. Optical coherence tomography (OCT),as an emerging imaging technology applied to biologicalmaterials, offers a number of significant advantages tovisualize these changes. Structural OCT has been usedto investigate the longitudinal development of engi-neered tissues and cell dynamics such as migration, pro-liferation, detachment, and cell-material interactions.Optical techniques that image functional parameters orintegrate multiple imaging modalities to provide comple-mentary contrast mechanisms have been developed,such as the integration of optical coherence microscopywith multiphoton microscopy to image structural andfunctional information from cells in engineered tissue,optical coherence elastography to generate images ormaps of strain to reflect the spatially-dependent biome-chanical properties, and spectroscopic OCT to differen-tiate different cell types. From these results, OCT de-monstrates great promise for imaging and visualizingengineered tissues, and the complex cellular dynamicsthat directly affect their practical and clinical use.

Integrated optical coherence (top row) and multiphoton(bottom row) microscopy of GFP-vinculin fibroblastsseeded on a microtextured substrate in vitro (left col-umn), and of an epidermal cell layer from in vivo hu-man skin (right column).

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]

Early View publication and page numbers not yet assigned;citable using Digital Object Identifier – DOI)

J. Biophoton. 1–13 (2009) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.200910048

Page 2: · [30]. Laser thermal injury and subsequent wound healing in engineered skin tissue has been imaged, and OCT images

time immunosuppression, with its many associatedrisks [1–3]. Tissue engineering is an established fieldand a hopeful solution which has attracted consider-able interest for both clinical applications and basicscientific and technological research. Engineered tis-sues have the potential to organize and regeneratetissue, and eventually replace the tissues and organsthat have failed or have been damaged [4]. Engi-neered tissues including skin, muscle, bone, cornea,neurons, cartilage, and vessels, among others, havefound feasible applications [5, 6].

In engineered tissues, the intrinsic characteristicsof cells, such as proliferation, organization and distri-bution, cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions, andformation of extracellular matrix (ECM), combine incomplex ways to make a viable tissue replacement.Early types of engineered tissues used specific celltypes as a source for populating scaffolds, such assmooth muscle cells, which are known to rapidlyproliferate [7]. Recently, and with significant re-search efforts, stem cells are being used to providean alternative means for generating engineered tis-sues by their ability to differentiate into cells to formother mesenchymal tissues such as bone, cartilage,muscle, marrow stroma, and others [8]. The engi-neered tissue scaffold is another key component,with a function to support and direct cells towardproperly forming tissue, and to maintain a desiredshape. Scaffolds can be prepared from natural mate-rial like collagen or from biomimetic materials [9–11]. Finally, the bioreactor serves an important rolefor engineered tissues by providing the microenvi-ronment for operating and monitoring biological,biochemical, and biomechanical processes during en-gineered tissue development [12]. The cells, scaffold,and bioreactor all serve contributing roles in the de-velopment of engineered tissues. The process of de-velopment, however, is highly complex, dynamic,and inherently three-dimensional (3-D), and to morefully understand and ultimately control the develop-ment of engineered tissues, it will become increas-ingly important to monitor cells, scaffolds, and bio-reactors using advanced imaging and visualizationmethods, preferably using noninvasive, real-time,high-resolution methods.

There have been many imaging modalities usedfor tissue engineering. For example, X-ray imagingand corresponding micro computed tomography (mi-croCT) have been optimized for imaging engineeredtissue scaffolds using a combinatorial method tominimize the use of contrast agents [13]. Magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has been used to monitormesenchymal stem cell differentiation in tissue engi-neering [14]. MRI has been used to image nativeanatomical sites to first define shapes of molds forengineered tissues, followed by microCT to validatethe scaffold structure and composition prior to im-plantation [15]. Ultrasound elastography has been

used to map the elasticity distribution of bulk engi-neered tissues [16]. However, the use of many ofthese imaging modalities remains problematic. X-rays in microCT are ionizing, which may induce celldamage. MRI is excellent for 3-D tissue imaging, butsuffers from limited spatial resolution to study indivi-dual cells within scaffolds. Similar resolution limita-tions exist for ultrasound imaging.

Compared to the imaging modalities above, opti-cal imaging methods can offer advantages of high re-solution and non-invasive real-time imaging. A num-ber of optical imaging methods have been applied toimage engineered tissues. For example, FourierTransform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) has beenused to monitor changes in molecular scaffold com-position in engineered tissues including collagen,water and proteoglycans [17]. FTIR has also beenused for the analysis of a melanoma model in engi-neered skin by characterizing the biochemical prop-erties at different stages of engineered skin develop-ment [18]. FTIR, however, may suffer from theinability to image samples in vivo for tissue engineer-ing applications. Confocal microscopes (CM) havewidely been used for imaging engineered tissues [19,20]. For this technology, pinholes are used to spa-tially reject out-of-focus light, allowing for opticalsectioning. Three-dimensional volumes can be im-aged to a depth of about 100 microns. Scaffoldsbased on photocured dimethacrylate polymers havebeen imaged by CM [21], and fluorescently-labeledneural cells have been imaged to monitor their func-tions over time [22]. In samples where fluorescence-labeling is impractical, reflectance CM can be per-formed, where tissue structure and cells can be im-aged by collection of backscattered light [23]. Themain limitation of CM in engineered tissue imaging,however, is the limited penetration depth, especiallyfor highly scattering tissues. Multiphoton microscopy(MPM) is another optical imaging technology thathas been used for engineered tissue imaging. Two-photon excitation is the most common nonlinear me-chanism in MPM in which two photons are absorbedto excite a fluorescent molecule. MPM has been usedto image a 3-D organotypic tissue model combinedwith another nonlinear imaging technology, secondharmonic generation [24]. Using short-pulse lasersources, MPM usually extends the penetration depthof CM, but still is limited to 400–500 mm [25, 26].

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is anotheroptical imaging modality frequently used for imagingengineered tissues, offering non-invasive, label-free,real-time imaging with penetration depths on the or-der of several millimeters, depending on the opticalproperties of the sample. For example, OCT hasbeen used to monitor both the scaffold and seededcells in engineered bone tissue [27]. Pore size andporosity are important factors for scaffolds in tissueengineering, and these have been quantitatively esti-

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mated by analyzing OCT images of the scaffolds[28]. Optimization of scaffold design and composi-tion for tissue engineering of tendon has been de-monstrated using OCT [29]. Lung tumor cell growthin engineered membranes has been analyzed byOCT to investigate tumor cell growth and invasion[30]. Laser thermal injury and subsequent woundhealing in engineered skin tissue has been imaged,and OCT images were compared with histologicaland multiphoton microscopy images [31]. In this pa-per, we focus on using OCT to investigate several ofthe fundamental issues of tissue engineering, includ-ing tissue development and organization, cell dy-namics, and tissue mechanical properties. StructuralOCT has been used to investigate how engineeredtissue morphology and cell populations change overtime, while functional OCT techniques have beenused to extract information related to the elasticity,fluorescence, and spectroscopic properties of engi-neered tissues.

2. Optical coherence tomography

OCT was first introduced for imaging biological tis-sues in 1991 [32]. This technology combines inter-ferometric techniques with broad-band near-infraredlight sources and a transverse scanning mechanismthrough a focusing lens to achieve two dimensional(2-D) cross-sectional or 3-D imaging capabilities. Fortime-domain OCT (TD-OCT) systems, a low coher-ence near-infrared light source is split into two arms,namely reference and sample arms, using a beamsplitter or fiber-optic coupler. As the reference armmirror is moved, the path length between the twoarms is changed and subsequently, the time delay ischanged. When the time delay between the refer-

ence mirror and a scatterer in the sample is withinthe coherence time of the laser source, interferenceis detected at the output of the interferometer.When multiple scatterers are present along the axial(depth) direction in the sample, their locations canbe spatially resolved due to their different time de-lays with respect to the reference arm. The acquiredsignal can be seen as convolutions of the pointspread function and the scatterer distribution in thesample. By scanning the sample beam transversely, a2-D image can then be formed. The axial resolutionof OCT is determined by the coherence length ofthe light source while the transverse resolution is de-termined by the spot size of the incident beam. OCTis a non-invasive biomedical imaging modality whichhas been successfully applied clinically in ophthal-mology to image morphological changes in the retina[33], and has also been utilized for imaging in othermedical fields such as oncology, dermatology, cardi-ology, gastroenterology, and neurosurgery, to nameonly a few [34–37].

A lab-based TD-OCT system was one type ofsystem used for studies reported in this paper, withits schematic shown in Figure 1. In this system, thelow-coherence light source consisted of a neody-mium-doped yttrium orthovanadate (Nd : YVO4)pumped titanium:sapphire laser, which had a centerwavelength of 800 nm and a bandwidth of 100 nm,providing an axial resolution of approximately 3 mmin tissue. A lens with a diameter of 12.5 mm and afocal length of 20 mm was used in the sample arm toprovide a focused spot with a transverse resolutionof approximately 10 mm. The average power incidenton the samples was typically 10 mW. A galvan-ometer-driven reflector scanning a distance of 2 mmat a rate of 20–30 Hz was used as delay line in thereference arm. The interference fringes were de-tected by photodiodes.

Figure 1 (online color diagram of a time-do-main OCT system used in the stud-ies.

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3. Imaging engineered tissues using OCT

3.1 Imaging structural developmentof engineered tissue

OCT was used to image microstructural features ofengineered tissues during development, and wascompared with imaging results from CM, scanningelectron microscope (SEM), and histology on thesame sample [38]. In this OCT study, we investigated3-D microstructure and cell activities during thegrowth of engineered tissues. Fibroblast cells trans-fected with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) – vin-culin plasmid were seeded in a porous chitosan scaf-fold. A portable microincubator (LU-CPC, HarvardApparatus, Holliston, MA) was used for long-termcell culture in OCT and CM imaging, while SEMand histology images were acquired and processedafter fixing the engineered tissue.

The stages of engineered tissue developmentwere clearly identified, according to images acquiredon days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, as shown in Figure 2a to e.The corresponding histology images were shown inFigure 2f to j. From the OCT images, it is clear thatduring day 1, cells and extracellular matrices ap-peared as small highly backscattering regions, com-pared to the chitosan scaffold, which is not shown inthe image because of smaller unresolvable scaffoldwall sizes (typically less than 5 mm), which are alsolikely index-matched to the culture media. On days3 and 5, cells became more uniformly distributedthroughout the chitosan scaffold, with increasing cellnumber and matrix density. On days 7 and 9, cellsmigrated and became more concentrated within thetop 100–200 mm of the engineered tissue, and weresparse in the deeper scaffold regions. This responseis likely due to the reduction of media nutrients and/or the accumulation of waste products within thescaffold. This trend was validated by histologicalimages at each time-point. This data demonstratesthe use of OCT for longitudinally monitoring the dy-

namics of cell populations within non-transparentengineered tissues over time. However, due to theresolution of this OCT system, the morphology ofindividual cells could not be resolved in these OCTimages. Compared with CM images on the samesample, OCT images provided significant deeperimaging penetration (2 mm versus 150 mm), whichalso closely matched the observation depth shown inthe histological images.

Three-dimensional OCT images were also ac-quired and reconstructed to better interpret thestructural changes in engineered tissues. By using re-construction software (Slicer Dicer; Pixotec), cross-sectional OCT images with 20 mm interval spacingwere reconstructed for 3-D OCT images, as shownin Figure 2k–o. Figure 2k–m denote 3-D images ofthe engineered tissue on day 1, reconstructed with 6,12 and 50 cross-sectional OCT images, respectively.Figure 2n and o show 3-D images of the engineeredtissue on day 5 and 7, respectively. These providedmore details about the interior of the engineered tis-sue, which could subsequently be viewed from arbi-trary sectioning planes at any angle and direction(�60� y, 20� z, and 70� x angles used in 3-D imagesof Figure 2). From the 3-D images, a porous micro-architecture was identified, which accounts for thetime-dependent cell distribution phenomena. How-ever, at longer culture times, this structure disap-peared near the surface of the sample due to thecontinuously deposited matrix from the fibroblasts,the major matrix-secreting cells, which filled the scaf-fold pores. From these results, 3-D OCT images de-monstrated the ability to reveal more details aboutthe complex 3-D microstructure and morphologyduring engineered tissue development.

3.2 Imaging cell dynamicsin engineered tissue

In addition to obtaining structural information fromengineered tissue, OCT has also been applied for

Figure 2 (online color OCT images (a–e), their corresponding histologicalimages (f–j) and three-dimen-sional OCT images (k–o) underdifferent stages of engineered tis-sue development: day 1 (a, f, k, l,and m), day 3 (b and g), day 5 (c,h, and n), day 7 (d, i, and o), andday 9 (e and j).

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imaging cell dynamics in engineered tissue [39]. Inthis study, NIH 3T3 fibroblast cells (American TypeCulture Collection [ATCC], Manassas, VA), green-fluorescent-protein (GFP)-vinculin transfected 3T3fibroblasts, and mouse macrophages were used. Fouraspects of cell dynamics were monitored in thisstudy: migration, proliferation, detachment, and cell-material interactions.

For the cell migration study, Matrigel-based inva-sion assays were used as a representative method ofin vivo events. The same portable microincubator de-scribed earlier was used during the entire imagingstudy to ensure the cells remained under optimal phy-siological conditions. In the microincubator, a cus-tom-made two-chamber system constructed from amodified Boyden migration chamber design [40] wasused to hold porous filters coated with a 3 mm-thicklayer of Matrigel. The upper chamber was seededwith macrophage cells that had been starved for 12hours, while the lower chamber contained a macro-phage chemoattractant, 100 nM of monocyte chemo-attractant protein-1 (MCP-1, Research DiagnosticsInc, NJ). Three-dimensional OCT images were ac-quired, and by analysis of cell position over time, cellmigration direction and velocity were determined,which on average was toward the chemoattractant ata velocity of 0.67 mm/min. Individual cells weretracked by this method, and the cell migration velo-city was noted to decrease after 2 hours of migration.This study was subsequently validated by CM images.

For the cell proliferation study, 3T3 fibroblastsseeded in Matrigel were used as the tissue model.

The engineered tissue was cultured in a standard in-cubator and removed for OCT imaging on days 0, 4,and 8. Both 2-D and 3-D OCT images were ac-quired, as shown in Figure 3a to f. From the OCTimages, cell clusters or aggregates were observed,and their scattering volumes in 3-D images could beused as quantitative indicators of proliferation.These results were validated by corresponding histo-logical images taken from similar samples.

For the cell detachment study, 3T3 fibroblasts ina 3-D calcium phosphate scaffold (BD Bioscience,Bedford, MA) were used. For a low cell densitymodel, the tissue was cultured for 3 days and imagedby OCT from 10 minutes to 16 minutes after beingimmersed in the solution of 0.25% trypsin/EDTA.No obvious difference was noticed in this case. How-ever, a similar experiment was done on a high celldensity model, which was cultured for 10 days. Anapparent detachment of the cell-layer sheet from thescaffold was observed from 20 to 30 minutes afterimmersing the tissue in the trypsin solution. The re-sults were explained by the fact that trypsin affectedthe cell-scaffold adhesion, but not the cell-matrix ad-hesion.

For the cell-material interaction study, tissuemodels were fabricated using GFP-vinculin trans-fected fibroblasts cells seeded on flexible poly-di-methyl-siloxane (PDMS) microtextured substrates,which included an array of parallel microgrooves(30 mm � 30 mm � 40 mm) and an array of micro-grooves (10 mm � 10 mm) with spacing varying from5 mm to 20 mm. OCT was capable of imaging and de-

Figure 3 (online color (a–c) and two-dimensional (d–f) OCT imagesand corresponding histologicalimages (g– i) of cell proliferationin 3-D scaffolds at different stagesof development: day 0 (a, d, andg), day 4 (b, e, and h), and day 8(c, f, and i). Scale bar applies toall images.

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monstrating morphological differences in cell-materi-al interactions due to the topographical microstruc-tures. For microstructures larger than a single cell,OCT images showed cells spreading and extendingto the bottom of the microgrooves, while for micro-structures smaller than a single cell, OCT imagesshowed cells aggregating on top of the microgrooves,due to difficulty in forming initial attachment and ag-gregation. These results were validated by CM andphase contrast microscopy.

With these studies, we demonstrated the feasibil-ity of OCT for imaging and tracking cell dynamics inengineered tissue, namely cell migration, prolifera-tion, detachment, and cell-material interactions. Thisfour dimensional (3-D over time) quantitative meth-od is likely to contribute significantly to understand-ing complex cell behaviors in the field of tissue engi-neering.

4. Imaging engineered tissue usingfunctional OCT

As discussed, OCT imaging based on the detection ofbackscattered light from tissues had been used suc-cessfully to not only visualize engineered tissues inbulk, but also to investigate the cell dynamics occur-ring within these structures. However, in certain cir-cumstances, the endogenous scattering contrast aris-ing from the optical index changes within cells andscaffolds may not be sufficient to differentiate fea-tures. Thus, many variants of OCT have been devel-oped such as Doppler, polarization-sensitive, andspectroscopic OCT, and these techniques have beencombined with other optical imaging modalities in in-teresting ways. Integrated with a multiphoton micro-scope, OCT can provide a wider range of complemen-tary information and lead to the acquisition of morefunctional information from additional sources of con-trast. For example, Doppler OCTwas used to monitorand analyze a bioreactor containing engineered tissuein vitro, in which flow characteristics were retrieved[41]. In this paper, we focus on three types of thesestudies, namely integrated optical coherence and mul-tiphoton microscopy (OCM/MPM), optical coherenceelastography (OCE) and spectroscopic OCT (SOCT),and their applications in tissue engineering.

4.1 Imaging engineered tissues usingintegrated optical coherenceand multiphoton microscopy

Optical coherence microscopy combines coherencegating and rejection of multiply-scattered photons

with the spatial optical sectioning capabilities of con-focal microscopy, resulting in high sensitivity, highcontrast, en face imaging at greater depths in highly-scattering tissues [42]. In this integrated microscopesystem, OCM images represent optical backscatterinformation from the microstructure of sampleswhile MPM images represent functional parametersfrom endogenous autofluorescent molecules, fluores-cently-labeled probes, or genetically-expressed fluor-escent proteins. Both structural and functionalimages were acquired simultaneously and co-regis-tered. The experimental setup of the integrated mi-croscope is shown in Figure 4. The laser source andinterferometric detection for OCM are similar tothose used in spectral-domain OCT, except a 0.95numerical aperture (NA) objective lens was used inthe sample arm. A photomultiplier tube was usedfor detection of two-photon fluorescence. The enface sections are about 0.5 mm thick for MPMimages, depending on the laser intensity, and 2.2 mmthick for OCM images, depending on the confocalparameter of the focusing objective.

Typical OCM/MPM image sets are presented inFigure 5, showing GFP-vinculin fibroblasts seededon a microtextured (micropeg) substrate. Figure 5aand d are OCM images showing both cells and sub-strates based on their backscattering propertieswhile Figure 5b and e are MPM images showing nu-clei (blue channel) and GFP-vinculin (green chan-nel), denoting functional cell-cell or cell-substrateadhesions. Based on these observations, particularlythe functional properties revealed by GFP-vinculinexpression, it is suggestive that in Figure 5c and f thecombination of these two optical modalities can pro-vide not only cell morphology, but also information

Figure 4 (online color at: setup for the integrated optical coherenceand multiphoton microscope (OCM/MPM). Abbreviations:BS, beam splitter; CCD, charge-coupled line-scan camera;CU, collimating unit; DG, diffraction grating; DM, dichroicmirror; HWP, half-wave plate; M, reference-arm mirror;MMF, multimode fiber; OBJ, objective; PMT, photomulti-plier tube; SM, scanning mirrors; SMF, single mode fiber.

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about the scaffold microstructure and cell-scaffoldinteractions in engineered tissues.

The OCM/MPM system was used to image singlecells and small populations of cells under mechanicalstimulations [43], also shown in Figure 5. The sameengineered constructs shown in Figure 5a–c weremechanically stimulated by 18 hours of 5% cyclicequibiaxial sinusoidal mechanical stretching at a fre-quency of 1 Hz. OCM, MPM and the combinedOCM/MPM images are shown in Figure 5d, e, and f,respectively. Compared to the images before me-chanical stimulation, cells appear elongated with ahigher level of GFP-vinculin expression, which sug-

gests a mechanically-induced increase in cell-sub-strate interactions.

Cellular responses to mechanical stimulationswere also studied in 3-D scaffolds. Primary musclefibroblasts derived from transgenic GFP mice, andGFP-vinculin fibroblasts, were cultured in Matrigeland used in two types of engineered tissues. Three-dimensional images of engineered tissues culturedunder static conditions (Figure 6a and b) were com-pared with those cultured under dynamic conditions(Figure 6c and d). For the primary muscle fibroblastsin Matrigel, the cells in this engineered tissue be-came densely packed and aligned along a direction

Figure 5 (online color In-tegrated OCM/MPM imaging ofGFP-vinculin fibroblasts seeded ona microtextured substrate understatic (a–c) and dynamic (d–f) cul-ture. (a) and (d) OCM imagesshowing both cells and substrate.(b) and (e) MPM images showingnuclei (blue channel) and GFP-vin-culin (green channel) denoting cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesions. (c)and (f) Multimodal images of com-bined OCM/MPM showing struc-tural and functional relationshipsbetween cells and substrate/scaf-fold. The white arrows indicate thedirections of stretching. Scale barapplies to all images.

Figure 6 (online color OCM/MPMimages of fibroblasts from a trans-genic GFP mouse cultured in aMatrigel scaffold and GFP-vinculinfibroblasts seeded in a 3-D Matri-gel scaffold cultured under static(a and b) and dynamic (c and d)conditions. The white arrows indi-cate the direction of stretching.Scale bar applies to all images.

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parallel to the stretched axis after mechanical stimu-lation, as shown in Figure 6a (before stimulation)and c (after stimulation). However, for the GFP-vin-culin fibroblasts in Matrigel, the cells did not show asignificant degree of adhesion to the collagen-basedscaffold after dynamic mechanical stimulation, andthe cells appeared more spherical in shape, as shownin Figure 6b (before stimulation) and d (after stimu-lation). This may be due to a lack of certain trans-membrane protein receptors that are available tobind to the Matrigel proteins. Matrigel, lacking col-lagen I, may also contribute to a reduced amount ofcell-scaffold adhesions and subsequently, the re-duced GFP-vinculin expression.

4.2 Imaging engineered tissues using opticalcoherence elastography

Optical coherence elastography is a novel elasto-graphy technique used to determine tissue biome-chanical properties. In this technique, mechanical sti-

mulations are applied to biological tissues withsimultaneous OCT detection to determine biome-chanical properties of the sample. Micron scale reso-lution, several millimeters of imaging penetration,and non-invasive imaging are the main features forOCE. The first use of OCE was reported in 1998[44]. In this study, OCE system hardware and theoryof operation were described, and internal sampledisplacements indicating biomechanical properties ofgelatin phantoms, pork tissue, and in vivo skin wereshown using a 2-D cross-correlation speckle trackingalgorithm. OCE techniques have been widely ap-plied in different fields for making biomechanicalproperty measurements, such as from the arterialwall and in atherosclerotic plaques using intravascu-lar methods [45, 46], as well as breast and skin tis-sues [47, 48].

For engineered tissues, biomechanical propertieslargely depend on the scaffold composition, the po-pulated cells, the developing extracellular matrix,and the cell-substrate interactions. It is recognizedthat the mechanical properties affect metabolic per-formance and gene expression in certain tissues [49,

Figure 7 (online color Op-tical coherence elastography of de-veloping engineered tissue. Struc-tural OCT images (a, e, i, and m),displacement maps (b, f, j, and n),strain maps (c, g, k, and o) and re-presentative histological images (d,h, l, and p) of engineered tissuesunder different stages: day 0 (a–d), day 3 (e–h), day 7 (i– l) andday 10 (m–p). (q) Histological im-age of cells after 10 days of incu-bation without embedded micro-spheres. (r) Histological image of acell-free scaffold and microspheres.(s) Color map with g equal to 1.5times the average displacement. (t)Color map for �20% to 20%strain map range.

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50], and cell physiology and interactions can recipro-cally affect the mechanical properties of the tissuemicroenvironment. Thus, it is of great importance tomeasure the changing biomechanical properties indeveloping engineered tissues, not only for in vitroconstructs, but also for future monitoring of engi-neered tissues following grafting into hosts using invivo elastography methods.

An OCE system was constructed and based onthe TD-OCT system described above [51]. In thesample arm, a glass slide was used as a rigid upperboundary and a translation stage was used to com-press engineered tissues against the rigid glass slidein 2 mm increments. OCT images were acquired aftereach compression step and a cross-correlation algo-rithm was used for determining strain maps of thesample, a common elastography technique to charac-terize tissue mechanical properties [52]. The engi-neered tissue in this study was composed of two sec-tions (Figure 7), the left section contained NIH-3T3fibroblasts (ATCC) seeded in a 3-D collagen matrixalong with 6 mm diameter polystyrene microspheres(Polyscience, Niles, IL) which served as additionalscatterers for OCT imaging. The right section con-tained all of the same elements, with the exceptionof the cells.

Results from this study are shown in Figure 7.The first four rows of images correspond to incuba-tion times of 0, 3, 7, and 10 days, with structuralOCT images (Figure 7a, e, i and m), displacementmaps (Figure 7b, f, j and n), and strain maps (Fig-ure 7c, g, k and o) in each row. The last image ineach row is the corresponding histological image ofthe cell-seeded section (Figure 7d, h, l and p) stainedwith hematoxylin and eosin. There were minimal dif-ferences in the structural OCT images between theleft and right sections of the engineered tissue overthe incubation time. However, from the displacementand strain maps, we can notice that there was lessdisplacement and strain in the left section of the sam-ple compared to the right section, especially afterlonger incubation times. This is primarily due to theincreasing density of cells and extracellular matrix inthe left section of the tissue over time, which resultedin a stiffening of the tissue, and reduced amounts ofdisplacement and strain. These findings of increasingcell density and deposition of extracellular matrixwere validated by the histological images, as evidentby the increasing pink color from eosin staining ofthe extracellular matrix proteins.

4.3 Imaging engineered tissues usingspectroscopic OCT

Spectroscopic OCT is based on the depth-resolvedanalysis of spectral information contained within the

backscattered light returning from the sample.SOCT is enabled because of the broadband opticalsources used in OCT. SOCT was first used to detectspectral-centroid shifts as an indicator of spectralmodifications in an animal model [53]. Later SOCTtechniques used depth-resolved backscattered spec-tra and tissue transfer functions to make quantitativemeasurements [54–57]. Represented in this paper,SOCT was combined with light scattering spectro-scopy methods to provide spatially-resolved spectro-scopic information from cells in engineered tissues[58].

A theoretical model was derived from a singlescattering event in OCT for analyzing the spectro-scopic signal. Engineered tissues with fibroblasts andmacrophage cells cultured in 3 mm thick porous chit-osan scaffolds for 2 days were analyzed in this study.Representative OCT and SOCT images of macro-phage cells within this 3-D scaffold are shown in Fig-ure 8a and b, respectively, while OCT and SOCTimages of fibroblast cells are shown in Figures 8cand d, respectively. There are few differences be-tween the OCT images of these two cell populations.However, there are distinct differences in the SOCTimages. From these HSV-color reconstructed images,macrophage cells have more red-shifted centers,which correspond to narrower full-width 80% mag-nitude values of the spectral autocorrelation of the

Figure 8 (online color at: images of two types of cells in engineered tissues.(a) Structural OCT image of fibroblasts in a 3-D scaffold.(b) SOCT analysis of (a). (c) Structural OCT image ofmacrophages in a 3-D scaffold. (d) SOCT analysis of (c).The SOCT images are constructed using the HSV colorscale. Central color differences are noted for each celltype, representing differing degrees of optical scatteringfrom cell size, shape, nuclei size, and organelle distribu-tion.

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scattering signal. Fibroblast cells have more blue-shifted centers, which correspond to wider full-width80% magnitude values of the spectral autocorrela-tion of the scattering signal. The spectroscopic differ-ences are believed to be due to differences in thecell and organelle morphology between these twotypes of cells, specifically, differences in cell size,morphological features, nucleus size, and organelledistributions.

5. Discussion

OCT as a non-invasive, high resolution, real-timeimaging modality has been widely used to image bio-logical tissues for various applications. In this paper,we reviewed the ability and potential for OCT to im-age engineered tissues. Structural OCT was used toinvestigate engineered tissue development and celldynamics. The results demonstrate the ability ofOCT to differentiate 3-D microstructure and mor-phology during engineered tissue development, andto detect and track cell dynamics including migra-tion, proliferation, detachment, and cell-material in-teractions. Compared to traditional histological pro-cesses, OCT imaging provides features for real-timenon-invasive monitoring to investigate engineeredtissues. Compared to other imaging modalities suchas MRI, ultrasound, microCT, and CM, OCT offersimportant advantages, and provides relatively highresolution with deep imaging penetration in highly-scattering engineered tissues.

As extensions for structural OCT, functionalOCT techniques have also been successfully ap-plied to imaging engineered tissues. OCM inte-grated with MPM was used to image en face and3-D structural and functional information from var-

ious engineered tissues and cell-seeded substrates.OCE was used to generate strain maps of engi-neered tissues as an indicator of the biomechanicalproperties, an important capability, for use in bior-eactors. Finally, spectroscopic OCT was used to dif-ferentiate two cell types in engineered tissues.Functional OCT techniques provide more informa-tion on the state of engineered tissue development.These imaging methods and results are likely toprovide critical data for tissue engineering studiesand serve as powerful tools for investigating thecomplex changes that occur during tissue organiza-tion and development.

Despite these advantages, there are some fea-tures of OCT which need further improvement forits use in tissue engineering. First, due to the typicalresolutions achieved in OCT (5–10 mm), it is difficultto differentiate individual cell morphology in OCTimages. From the representative OCT studies dis-cussed in this review, small populations of cells werecommonly observed, rather than individual cells withrecognizable subcellular morphology. To address thisproblem, optical sources with wider bandwidths canbe used to improve the axial resolution of OCT,while objective lenses with higher numerical aper-tures can be used to improve the transverse resolu-tion, which were used in the OCM/MPM study. Sec-ond, in many of the studies cited, a time-domainOCT system was used, which is comparably slow fordata and image acquisition. The acquisition speed,however, can easily be improved by factors of 10–1000 using state-of-the-art spectral-domain or swept-source OCT systems. Third, many of the studies dis-cussed utilized OCT systems operating at 800 nmcenter wavelengths with broad bandwidths to maxi-mize imaging resolution. OCT imaging penetrationdepths can be improved by using optical sourceswith longer (1300 nm) center wavelengths, which

Figure 9 In vivo OCM (a–c) andMPM (d–f) images of epidermaland dermal human skin layers atdepths of 25 mm (a and d), 50 mm(b and e), and 70 mm (c and f).The circular structures are dermalpapillae projecting up into the epi-dermis, and imaged in cross-sec-tion at these en face planes.

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may be preferred when engineered tissues are com-parably thicker and more highly scattering. Fourth,OCT may suffer from limitations in studying engi-neered tissues with certain collagen fiber scaffolds[39]. Collagen fibers may have similar optical scatter-ing properties as some types of cells, which may re-duce the contrast between the cells and the matrix,and may reduce the penetration depth of OCT im-aging due to higher overall scattering. Furthermore,for high-resolution OCM/MPM, field-of-view mayneed to be improved for visualizing more of the tis-sue microenvironment.

In the future, OCT and its many variants arelikely to contribute significantly to our understand-ing and use of engineered tissues. In our laboratory,we are investigating the development of engineeredtissues, from early in vitro cell culture stages to laterin vivo post-grafting stages using structural and func-tional OCT techniques. For example, in addition tothe previously described in vitro studies, we havebeen imaging in vivo human skin using OCM/MPM,as shown in Figure 9. Results such as these demon-strate the potential to image epidermal and dermallayers of cells and structures not only in in vivo skin,but also in the developing engineered skin constructsafter in vivo grafting to a host. Non-invasive visuali-zation will be important at each stage of engineeredtissue development because activities such as cell dy-namics, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, and me-chanical strain variations play critical roles in deter-mining the processes and final performance of invivo engineered tissues. The field of tissue engineer-ing is addressing both the fundamental understand-ing of cell and tissue biology as well as the clinicalchallenges of human medicine. OCT offers the un-ique possibility to serve as a useful diagnostic techni-que for imaging cell dynamics at all stages, from invitro culture conditions to in vivo host tissue re-sponses.

Acknowledgements We thank Drs. Wei Tan and ClaudioVinegoni, former researchers in our Biophotonics ImagingLaboratory, for their significant contributions to the re-sults presented in this paper. We also thank Dr. HaohuaTu and Eric Chaney for their laboratory assistance withour optical imaging systems and our biological resources.This work was performed at the Beckman Institute forAdvanced Science and Technology at the University of Il-linois at Urbana-Champaign. This work was supported inpart by the National Science Foundation (CAREERAward, BES 03-47747, and BES 05-19920, S.A.B.) and theNational Institutes of Health (NIBIB, R01 EB005221, andRoadmap Initiative, NIBIB, R21 EB005321, S.A.B.). Ad-ditional information can be found at

Xing Liang received his B.S.and M.S. degrees in Opticsfrom Nankai University,Tianjin, China. He is cur-rently a Ph.D. candidate inthe Department of Electri-cal and Computer Engineer-ing at the University of Illi-nois at Urbana-Champaign.His current research in-cludes investigating biome-chanical properties at thetissue and cellular levelsusing optical coherence ima-

ging techniques. He is a student member of Optical So-ciety of America and Biomedical Engineering Society.

Benedikt Graf is a gradu-ate student in electricaland computer engineeringat the University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign. Heis a research assistant inthe Biophotonics ImagingLaboratory at the BeckmanInstitute for AdvancedScience and Technology.His research is focused on

developing methods for integrating different opticalimaging modalities and the applying these techniquesfor investigations in stem cell tracking in live tissueand non-destructive assessment of engineered skin.

Stephen A. Boppart re-ceived the B.S. degree inelectrical and bioengineer-ing and the M.S. degree inelectrical engineering in1990 and 1991, respectively,both from the University ofIllinois at Urbana-Cham-paign. He received thePh.D. degree in electricaland medical engineeringfrom the Massachusetts In-stitute of Technology, Cam-

bridge, in 1998, and the M.D. degree from HarvardMedical School, Boston, MA, in 2000. He completedresidency training in internal medicine from the Uni-versity of Illinois at in 2005. His research interests in-clude developing novel biometrical optical diagnosticand imaging technologies, and translating these intobiological and clinical applications.

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