Bionic Body Nutrition Guide and Five Day Meal...

Bionic Body Nutrition Guide and Five Day Meal Plan Nutrition is the single most important element to reaching your fitness goals. In a world of crazy fad diets, chemical diet foods, and empty promise diet pills it is easy to end up on the fat loss and gain roller coaster. At Bionic Body, we keep it simple. No calorie or point counting, diet foods, or low carb freak outs. Stick to these five basics tips and you will have more energy, have less cravings, and lose body fat fast! Before we jump into the meal plan, it’s important to under stand these five elements of proper nutrition. 1. Understand Calories. Calories count but you don’t have to count them! If you eat the right foods, at the right times of the day, and in the right amounts, you will never have to count another calorie! It is important to understand calories and know how many you are consuming, but I never recommend clients count calories for more then two weeks. Instead, focus on nutrient dense foods as I’ve listed below and in the meal plan. 1

Transcript of Bionic Body Nutrition Guide and Five Day Meal...

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Bionic Body Nutrition Guide and Five Day Meal Plan

Nutrition is the single most important element to reaching your fitness goals. In a world of crazy fad diets, chemical diet foods, and empty promise diet pills it is easy to end up on the fat loss and gain roller coaster. At Bionic Body, we keep it simple. No calorie or point counting, diet foods, or low carb freak outs. Stick to these five basics tips and you will have more energy, have less cravings, and lose body fat fast! Before we jump into the meal plan, it’s important to under stand these five elements of proper nutrition. !1. Understand Calories. Calories count but you don’t have to count them! If

you eat the right foods, at the right times of the day, and in the right amounts, you will never have to count another calorie! It is important to understand calories and know how many you are consuming, but I never recommend clients count calories for more then two weeks. Instead, focus on nutrient dense foods as I’ve listed below and in the meal plan. !


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2. Liquid Life-Stay Hydrated. A properly hydrated body is a happy body! Water is a key ingredient in your quest for weight loss and better health and fitness. Proper hydration improves cellular function, decreases appetite, promotes a feeling of fullness, and improves your metabolism by accelerating food breakdown. When properly hydrated, your body is a smoothly running machine that metabolizes food quickly and efficiently, giving you tons of energy and stamina.

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3. Your Body’s Building Blocks: Protein Protein is probably the most important nutritional element to consider when trying to lose weight and get in shape. Protein breaks down into amino acids, which are used to build and repair muscle, grow hair and nails, and manufacture hormones and enzymes. Because the body does not store amino acids like it does carbohydrates and fats, you have to eat them on a daily basis. Ideally you should be having a protein with each meal and snack, not only to provide your body with the amino acids it needs, but also to increase the satiety value of your meal and stabilize your blood sugar levels. Stabilizing blood sugar will help you avoid energy crashes.

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

4. Comprehending Carbohydrates !Just like a car, your body needs gas to run efficiently, and our gas comes in the form of carbohydrates. Despite what many people think, carbs are not bad for you! On the contrary, they provide the energy needed to run, jump, exercise, play with your kids, think, work, and a multitude of other tasks that require fuel. Moreover, in order to lose body fat, you’ve got to eat carbs!!There are two different categories of carbohydrates, fibrous and starchy, and eating a balance of both kinds of carbs throughout the day is important to maintaining a healthy, fat-burning diet. !Fibrous carbs are produce items such as broccoli, carrots, spinach and asparagus. These carbs provide tons of fiber, promote healthy digestion, lower blood pressure and make you feel fuller longer after eating a meal, which cuts down on overeating. !Starchy carbs are things like potatoes, rice and bread. These break down quickly into simple sugars, which the body then converts to energy in the form of glucose. Your body either uses that glucose then and there, or stores it in muscle cells and the liver as glycogen. You tap into these energy reserves throughout the day to perform activities, maintain metabolic function and run your brain. !When it comes to carb, if it comes from the ground or a tree it’s a good carb. If it was made in a factory, it is not going to be optimal for fat loss. Good carb sources don’t need an ingredient label! !Processed carbs are NOT ideal for fat loss, it is that simple.

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5. Sustainable Energy: Healthy Fat!!Fat is another misunderstood nutrient, and many people still adhere to the no-fat craze that rolled through a decade ago. While it is prudent to monitor your fat intake, it is not healthy to eliminate all fat from your diet. !!Fats are broken down into fatty acids and are used to transport fat-soluble vitamins, grow hair, skin, and nails, maintain healthy reproductive and immune systems, and build cell membranes. In terms of losing weight, fats provide satiety to a meal, meaning they make you feel full for a longer period of time. This can stave off cravings and keep you on track with your goals. Fat also provides tons of energy when it’s used for fuel, but because it’s so calorie dense, a little goes a long way, and eating too much of it is pretty easy.!!Like carbs, some fats are better for you than others. Saturated fats occur naturally in animal products such as meat and dairy as well as some plant sources such as palm oil. These fats have been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity, and should be eaten in moderation. !!Unsaturated fats, however, have the opposite effect on the body, reducing the risk of disease, decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) !cholesterol. These good fats are found in foods like olive oil, flaxseeds, almonds, fish, and avocados. !!But even though they are good for you, these good fats should still be eaten in moderation. !!Remember: they are high in calories and a little goes a long way!

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Five Day Meal Plan


Day 2 !Breakfast- 2-4 Egg Veggie Omelet, 1 slice of Sprouted Grain Toast!Snack- Piece of fruit and 1/4 cup nuts!Lunch- Brown Rice, Chicken, andBroccoli Scramble. Top with your favorite Salsa of Pico De Gallo !Snack- String Cheese!Dinner- Grilled Turkey burger with 1/2 bun or wrapped in lettuce. Top with grilled pineapple. Side dish: Beans of your choice with 1 tbsp of olive oil and a dash of your favorite seasoning. !

Day 1 !Breakfast- Oatmeal with sliced banana and cinnamon topped with almond milk (sweeten with stevia or 1 tsp of 100% pure maple syrup if you’d like) and a protein shake ( !Snack-Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup fruit!Lunch- Nitrate free turkey sandwich made with sprouted grain bread, mustard, tomatoes,and lettuce. Side: sliced veggies such as cucumber, peppers, or carrots. !Snack-Endive leaves and hummus!Dinner- Large spinach salad with grilled salmon (or your choice of protein). Add unlimited veggies, sprinkle with nuts and seeds to add texture and top with raspberry

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Day 3 !Breakfast- Egg sandwich- 2 eggs with 1 tbsp of natural ketchup on sprouted grain toast !Snack- Apple and 1/4 cup walnuts!Lunch- Whole grain road wrap! Your favorite protein, veggies, and a stick of string cheese rolled up in a tortilla. Great warm or cold! !Snack- 3 oz of Beef or Turkey jerky !Dinner- Turkey tacos. Make tacos as directed using lean turkey meat and eat on corn tortillas. Use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream and load up on the diced tomatoes, cilantro, avocado, and

Day 4 !Breakfast- Protein packed fruit smoothie. 1 Cup Greek yogurt with 1 Cup fresh or frozen fruit. Mix with ice, water, and/or almond or coconut milk. (use stevia if you’d like it sweeter)!Snack- 10 olives and string cheese!Lunch- Tuna Salad (see recipe on blog) on bed of mixed greens. !Snack- Banana and 2 Tbsp almond butter (Try Justin’s Nut butter in individual packs) !Dinner- Grilled flank steak and a sweet potato with a side of asparagus. (Use plenty of spices instead of buttery sauces!)

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Day 5 !Breakfast- Granola parfait. Layer 3/4 cup low fat natural granola, greek yogurt, and berries in a tall glass. Top with 1 Tbsp of honey. !Snack- 4 Light and Crisp Wasa crackers with sliced tomato, shredded basil, and lightly sprinkled with parmesan cheese and olive oil. !Lunch- Diced chicken mixed with quinoa and your favorite diced veggies or salsa. Mix in a large bowl and add your favorite herbs and a little olive oil and vinegar. !Snack- 2 small pieces of dark chocolate and a 1/4 almonds or your favorite nuts. !Dinner- Southwest Kale salad. Massage large bag of kale with 1/4 cup olive oil (using hands works best). Add black beans, corn, shredded carrots, diced onion, and pico de gallo. Mix well and enjoy.

Remember: !1. Follow the portion sized

suggested above, this is critical to your success.

2. Drink at least 96 oz of water throughout the day. More is better when it comes to water!

3. Small cheats add up. Skip the vending machines and office candy bowls.

4. Pack your own lunch to avoid temptation.

5. Plan ahead! A few hours of prep on the weekend can save you endless hours during the week.

6. Be conscious of what and when you are eating. Don’t sabotage yourself with mindless eating. It’s NOT worth it!

7. Ditch the soda, it is a chemical nightmare in your body.

8. If you are hungry before bed, eat protein or fibrous carbs, no starchy carbs before bed!

9. Clean out your pantry and fridge, get rid of those processed foods.

10. HAVE FUN! Embrace healthy changes and enjoy the process.