Biology 5-17 Tiger Essay

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  • 8/14/2019 Biology 5-17 Tiger Essay


    Eddy Egan May 17, 2007

    Tuliszewski Period

    The Siberian TigerThe Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaicais) is

    believed to be the largest animal in the cat, Felidae, family.

    These cats, although they are very large, are becoming

    more and more endangered everyday, reaching a point where it has been critical to save

    them. Aside from its rather large body structure these tigers can be differentiated from

    other species by its fur. The Siberian tiger has paler fur and darker stripes than most other

    tigers, as well as having longer and thicker hair and a layer of fat along its belly help it

    adapt to the temperatures ranging below - 46 Celsius of Siberia and places nearby. A

    tigers stripes act as camouflage within long grass and dense vegetation as they help

    distort its body outline, however, as the land here is covered in snow for most of the year

    the Siberian Tiger has developed stripes

    much paler than that of other tiger

    subspecies (YPTENC) .In addition, just as

    snow shoes work well in snow so do the

    very large feet of this species creating a

    difference between them and other species which do not have to be accustomed to these

    conditions. Around 80% of Siberian tigers live within the coniferous, scrub oak and

    birch woodlands of the Primorski Krai region of Russia (eastern Russia), with low

    numbers also being found in northeast China and northern North Korea(YPTENC) . In

    these habitats the tiger is of course a carnivorous creature and to supply him of his food

    he relies on: wild boar, roe deer, and sika deer while also relying on smaller prey like

    hares, rabbits and even the occasional fish like salmon. They hunt mainly at night time

  • 8/14/2019 Biology 5-17 Tiger Essay


    due to their excellent night vision and highly developed senses of hearing and smell.

    Unlike the Bengal Tiger, the Siberian Tiger rarely attacks humans. The mating season is

    usually from December to January and the normal conception period is three to three and

    a half months.

    Bengal Tigers

    The Bengal Tiger is another member

    of the Felidae family and one of the

    less endangered species, even though

    all of the 8 tiger subspecies are

    endangered if not extinct. The Bengal

    tiger is believed to have may rivaled

    the Siberian tiger in size at one point.

    For hunting the Bengal tiger feeds on wild boar, deer, gaurs and water buffalo. They also

    prey on smaller animals like hares, monkeys, langurs and peacocks. While maintaining

    this they prefer to hunt at night, but due to very tall grasses and their excellent

    camouflage from their stripes they hunt in the daytime as well. As adaptations, Bengal

    tigers can climb trees effectively and are great, strong swimmers. Swimming allows the

    tigers to ambush drinking or swimming prey and chase them into water leaving them to

    be easily caught. In reproduction they are similar to Siberian tigers and have a conception

    period of about 3 and half months but are born between February and May.

  • 8/14/2019 Biology 5-17 Tiger Essay
