Biogas between renewable energy and bio-economy policies ...

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Open Access Biogas between renewable energy and bio-economy policiesopportunities and constraints resulting from a dual role Swinda F. Pfau 1* , Janneke E. Hagens 1 and Ben Dankbaar 1,2 Abstract Background: Biogas plays a major role in two policy domains: the renewable energy domain and the bio-economy domain. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship of current biogas practices with the two policy domains and to identify how biogas can contribute to both. Methods: The paper is based on an analysis of views and ideas gained in a large European project addressing different aspects of biogas production and application, gathered through interviews with a variety of stakeholders involved in the project. Results: Current practice shows opportunities for biogas to contribute to both domains. Biogas production is an efficient way of using especially residual biomass and can provide multiple products for both policy domains. Biogas can function as a system service provider in the renewable energy domain, and various products of the biogas production chain can serve as input for bio-based products. However, the diverging goals of the two policy domains and associated instruments currently hinder the development of innovative connections between them. Conclusions: The focus on biogas for energy as single main product should be diversified towards creating multiple products and using biogas optimally through innovative solutions. To maximize the contribution to both policy goals, policy makers should jointly aim at optimal use of biomass for multiple goals. Policies should aim at improving the competitive position of biomass-based products over fossil-based products and optimizing the use of biomass resources, rather than inciting competition between the different biomass applications. Keywords: Biogas, Bio-economy, Renewable energy, Policy coherence Background Biogas plays a major role in relation to two different, but in- terconnected, policy goals currently pursued by the Euro- pean Union and its member states: increasing the share of renewable energy and achieving a transition towards a bio- economy. These two policy domains partly overlap where they are concerned with the same resource, biomass, but different applications. This overlap results in a competition between policies over scarce biomass resources. The pur- pose of this paper is to examine the relationship of current biogas practices with the two policy domains and identify how biogas can contribute to both policy goals, maximizing the efficiency and sustainability of biomass use. Empirically, it is based on data collected through interviews with project partners in the Dutch-German INTERREG project Green Gas. The project partners, addressing a great variety of topics related to biogas production in this project, can all be considered stakeholders involved in current practice in the biogas sector. We first review the goals and drivers of the two policy domains in the EU, Germany and the Netherlands, and elaborate on the position of biogas within them (Dual role of biogas in policy goalssection). We then analyse the scientific debate regarding the position of biogas in the two policy domains (Between renewable energy and bio- economysection). In the Research approachand Results and discussionsections, we present our research and ex- plore current biogas practices with regard to both policy domains. We discuss the opportunities identified by * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, Nijmegen 6500 GL, The Netherlands Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Energy, Sustainability and Society © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Pfau et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2017) 7:17 DOI 10.1186/s13705-017-0120-5

Transcript of Biogas between renewable energy and bio-economy policies ...


Biogas between renewable energy andbio-economy policies—opportunities andconstraints resulting from a dual roleSwinda F. Pfau1*, Janneke E. Hagens1 and Ben Dankbaar1,2


Background: Biogas plays a major role in two policy domains: the renewable energy domain and the bio-economydomain. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship of current biogas practices with the two policydomains and to identify how biogas can contribute to both.

Methods: The paper is based on an analysis of views and ideas gained in a large European project addressingdifferent aspects of biogas production and application, gathered through interviews with a variety of stakeholdersinvolved in the project.

Results: Current practice shows opportunities for biogas to contribute to both domains. Biogas production is anefficient way of using especially residual biomass and can provide multiple products for both policy domains.Biogas can function as a system service provider in the renewable energy domain, and various products of thebiogas production chain can serve as input for bio-based products. However, the diverging goals of the two policydomains and associated instruments currently hinder the development of innovative connections between them.

Conclusions: The focus on biogas for energy as single main product should be diversified towards creatingmultiple products and using biogas optimally through innovative solutions. To maximize the contribution to bothpolicy goals, policy makers should jointly aim at optimal use of biomass for multiple goals. Policies should aim atimproving the competitive position of biomass-based products over fossil-based products and optimizing the useof biomass resources, rather than inciting competition between the different biomass applications.

Keywords: Biogas, Bio-economy, Renewable energy, Policy coherence

BackgroundBiogas plays a major role in relation to two different, but in-terconnected, policy goals currently pursued by the Euro-pean Union and its member states: increasing the share ofrenewable energy and achieving a transition towards a bio-economy. These two policy domains partly overlap wherethey are concerned with the same resource, biomass, butdifferent applications. This overlap results in a competitionbetween policies over scarce biomass resources. The pur-pose of this paper is to examine the relationship of currentbiogas practices with the two policy domains and identifyhow biogas can contribute to both policy goals, maximizingthe efficiency and sustainability of biomass use. Empirically,

it is based on data collected through interviews withproject partners in the Dutch-German INTERREG project‘Green Gas’. The project partners, addressing a great varietyof topics related to biogas production in this project, can allbe considered stakeholders involved in current practice inthe biogas sector.We first review the goals and drivers of the two policy

domains in the EU, Germany and the Netherlands, andelaborate on the position of biogas within them (‘Dual roleof biogas in policy goals’ section). We then analyse thescientific debate regarding the position of biogas in thetwo policy domains (‘Between renewable energy and bio-economy’ section). In the ‘Research approach’ and ‘Resultsand discussion’ sections, we present our research and ex-plore current biogas practices with regard to both policydomains. We discuss the opportunities identified by

* Correspondence: [email protected] for Science, Innovation and Society, Faculty of Science, RadboudUniversity Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, Nijmegen 6500 GL, The NetherlandsFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Energy, Sustainabilityand Society

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Pfau et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2017) 7:17 DOI 10.1186/s13705-017-0120-5

practitioners to contribute to the different goals as well asthe constraints they encountered. In a concluding section(‘Conclusion, policy implications and future research’), wediscuss the most promising ways for biogas to contributeto both policy goals in the future and give recommenda-tions for aligning policies in the two domains.

Dual role of biogas in policy goalsFollowing the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), theEuropean Union aims at a 20% share of renewableenergy in the total energy consumption in 2020 [1].Important drivers for renewable energy policies inEurope are security of energy supply, related to depend-ence on oil and gas-exporting countries, concerns re-garding nuclear energy, and the impact of greenhousegas (GHG) emissions on the global climate [2–7]. Elec-tricity and heat production from biogas are importantbuilding blocks to achieve the European 20% goal. In2014, biogas accounted for 6.4% of all renewable elec-tricity production in the EU 28 [8]. In Germany andthe Netherlands, biogas contributed to renewable elec-tricity production for 16.8 and 10.6%, respectively, in2015 [9, 10]. Germany is the European leader in biogasproduction with around 8900 installations in 2015[11], mainly due to the introduction of performancesubsidies1 that were relatively high in comparison withother countries until 2012 [12, 13]. The high contribu-tion of 16.8% to overall renewable electricity produc-tion shows the important position of biogas in theGerman renewable energy strategy. Biogas is consid-ered a versatile form of energy, since it can provideelectricity and heat and can be stored and distributedvia gas pipelines. Storage offers the potential to bufferfluctuations in the provision of photovoltaic and windenergy [7, 14, 15]. Figure 1 schematically shows a bio-gas production chain with typical routes for energyproduction. Especially, heat production from biogashas a high potential to reduce CO2 emissions [7]. Inthe Netherlands, support for biogas production hasbeen described as a ‘roller coaster’ [5]. It was initiallyaimed at treating waste streams such as manure andorganic waste and not seen as a promising technologyfor energy production. The sector suffered from polit-ical and financial uncertainties until regulations andsubsidy regimes were altered in 2003–2004 [5, 16].This is reflected in the relatively low contribution of

biogas to Dutch renewable electricity production(10.6%). Later, the introduction of a fixed premiumsubsidy enabled the development of biogas and green gasprojects, but a finite budget for this subsidy and a firstcome, first served granting system made it less reliable forboth businesses and investors than the German subsidysystem [17]. In the last few years, renewable energy pol-icies focused mainly on heat production from biomassand the combination with carbon capture and storage(bio-CCS) [18, 19].The EU, Germany and the Netherlands have pub-

lished strategies for a so-called ‘bio-economy’, wherebiomass replaces fossil resources for a great variety ofapplications, including not just bioenergy but also bio-based materials [20–22]. Important drivers in the bio-economy policy domain are the need to reducedependence on fossil fuels, reduction of GHG emis-sions, secure supply of energy and commodities, andan expected boost for economies in general and ruralareas in particular [20, 22–25]. These drivers not onlypartly overlap with the drivers for renewable energypolicies (security of supply and reduction of GHGemissions) but also feature some additional aspects.Bio-economy policies do not exclusively focus only onbioenergy but also on other biomass-based products,for example replacing fossil resources in material pro-duction and securing commodity supply. In WesternEurope, hopes are high that high-tech, bio-based prod-ucts will create economic revenues [26]. There are nosubsidy schemes aimed directly at biogas productionin the bio-economy domain; biogas production is onlystimulated from a renewable energy perspective. InGermany, in reaction to sustainability issues and thefood vs. fuel debate, research and development policyspecifically focuses on the use of residual biomass forbiogas production and the integration of biogas in thebio-economy through cascading and biorefineries [27].In the Netherlands, an academic and societal debatearound different biomass applications has evolved inthe last years. On the one hand, it is argued that bioe-nergy is extremely important to reach renewable en-ergy goals and mitigate climate change [4]. On theother hand, bioenergy is heavily criticized as being in-efficient in actually reducing carbon emissions andcompeting with other land uses [28]. It is argued thatwhile there are other sources of renewable energy,

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of typical biogas production chains

Pfau et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2017) 7:17 Page 2 of 15

fossil resources as raw material for the production ofvarious materials can currently only be replaced bybiomass (ibid.). In current bio-economy policies, bioe-nergy is included as one of the products, but it isviewed as the least valuable utilization of biomass[21, 25, 29]. Different concepts, such as cascadingprinciples, biorefineries or prioritization according tothe value of the end product, are discussed. Generally,these concepts aim at using biomass resources effi-ciently for multiple products and favour higher-valueapplications. Biogas for electricity and heat productionis often ranked particularly low in this context (ibid.).While the different applications compete for the same

resource, they may also face similar problems regarding,for example resource availability, and may thus be ableto profit from joined undertaking. This may offer varioussynergies between policy domains.

Between renewable energy and bio-economyIn the scientific literature, several issues regarding biogasare discussed that relate to this position between differ-ent policy domains. We summarize the debate under thefollowing headings: resources, technology, products andfinancing and regulations.

ResourcesVarious biomass resources can be used as a feedstock toproduce biogas. The majority of biogas installations in theEU currently use energy crops, such as corn, as a co-substrate together with manure [30]. But due to high cornprices, competition for land and ethical considerations,some argue that residual biomass resources should be pre-ferred for energy production, while cultivated biomass,which is generally of a higher quality, should be used forother purposes (cf., [31]). Other proposed routes arefocusing on the production of multi-purpose biomass,aiming to overcome the food vs. fuel debate through theprovision of multiple products from agricultural biomass[32], and the adoption of multi-feedstock technologiesthat allow for the use of both waste and agriculturalbiomass, depending on local resource availability [33].

ProductsBiogas can be used to produce energy in different ways. Asan alternative to the production of electricity and heat incombined heat and power (CHP) units, biogas can beupgraded to ‘green gas’ (or biomethane), which is gas witha higher methane to carbon dioxide ratio. For example,carbon dioxide in biogas can be converted into methanethrough methanation reactions adding hydrogen. Thehydrogen needed for these reactions can be produced withpower-to-gas technology [34–36]. Through the conversion,the methane content in the gas is increased, which makesgreen gas compatible with natural gas. It can be fed into

the natural gas grid and thus replace natural gas [34]. Thesustainability of green gas, (partly) replacing natural gas,has been shown to be perceived as positive by the Dutchpublic [37]. Not only does green gas enable energy applica-tions in other locations and at other times, it also providesan interesting link to other sectors, where natural gas iscurrently used as a source of methane for the production ofchemicals. Using biogas or green gas based on residualbiomass for the production of chemicals could increase thesocietal acceptance of bio-economy products [38].

TechnologyMost biogas installations produce biogas with a methaneto carbon dioxide ratio of 60 to 40 as main valuableoutput, which is subsequently converted into energy inCHP units [30, 39]. The technology of biogas productionis still under development, aiming at higher biogas yields.However, it is argued that rather than focussing on in-creasing biogas yield, innovative technologies should beapplied to produce multiple products. An example is thetreatment and use of digestate, the residue remaining afterprocessing in the biogas reactor, as synthetic fertilizersubstitute. This way, biogas installations could be inte-grated in small biorefineries, a concept which is increas-ingly appreciated in the development of a bio-economy[40, 41]. Moreover, the decentralized production of biogasbecomes more economically viable through integratedproduction systems [33].

Financing and regulationsCurrently, subsidies for biogas production are providedin the renewable energy domain. Other applications ofbiogas do not enjoy the same financial advantage.Production of green gas as transportation fuel has tocomply with sustainability regulations defined in theEuropean RED,2 while bio-based products are not yetsubject to comparable regulations. Some biomaterialapplications can be realized despite the unfavourable fi-nancial situation, but this is expected to result in acompetition over resources that increase feedstockprices, which in turn strongly influence the economicviability of applications [42]. Both energy and materialapplications furthermore face different types of regula-tions, e.g. regarding feedstock requirements or wastetreatment regulations [12, 43].

MethodsTo analyse the current practice of biogas productionand its position between policy domains, we analysedthe results and experiences gained in the Dutch-GermanINTERREG IV A project ‘Green Gas.’ This Europeantrans-boundary project started in 2012 and was finalizedin June 2015. It consisted of 16 subprojects with a greatvariety of project partners including research institutes,

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governmental organizations and private sector organiza-tions from both Germany and the Netherlands. TheGreen Gas subprojects addressed different aspects ofbiogas production and application in Germany and theNetherlands, aiming to advance the biogas sector. Mostsubprojects focussed on the possibilities of green gasapplications and the use of residual biomass resources.The diversity of subproject aims provided the possibilityto gain a comprehensive overview of current biogaspractice.We conducted semi-structured interviews with pro-

ject partners from the different subprojects. A total of15 interviews with partners from 14 subprojects werecarried out in 2014. We interviewed the project leadersof these subprojects, as shown in Table 1. They werechosen as interview partners because they had compre-hensive knowledge of their own subproject and workedin close interaction with project partners from researchinstitutes, private sector and governmental organiza-tions. Furthermore, they were also able to reflect on theexperiences gained in other subprojects in which theywere involved as project partners. The interviews wereconcerned with the views and ideas of the intervieweesregarding the relationships of current biogas practiceswith the renewable energy and bio-economy policy do-mains. The interviewees were regarded as stakeholdersinvolved in current practice in the biogas sector, notnecessarily as policy experts but knowledgeable on theimpact of current policies.The interviews were analysed in line with a thematic

analysis approach. We used the qualitative data analysis(QDA) software package ATLAS.ti (version 7) to identifycommon themes in the interviews, coding the transcriptsin several steps. The interview questions were based onthe topics derived from the literature as discussed in the‘Between renewable energy and bio-economy’ section(resources, products, technology, financing and regula-tions) and addressed context, goals and results of the indi-vidual subprojects, the experience of project partnersregarding current practices, their views on the potential ofbiogas production, and the relationship between biogasand the policy goals of renewable energy production andthe bio-economy. In the ‘Resources’ to ‘Financing andregulations’ sections, we present the common themesidentified in relation to each topic.Figure 2 shows the various topics addressed in the

Green Gas subprojects and their relationship to a sche-matic biogas supply chain, incorporating various optionsof feedstock choices, processing steps and distributionpathways. The fact that this project addressed so manydifferent aspects of biogas is of particular value regard-ing the goal of this paper, since opportunities and con-straints may be found along the whole biogas supplychain. All subprojects considered biogas production in

co-production facilities, using animal manure in combin-ation with a co-product as feedstock. Only the feedstockchoice for the co-product is depicted separately in thisfigure. Mono-digestion of manure receives a lot of atten-tion in the Netherlands, but since manure is currently notconsidered as feedstock for bio-based products, there isno competition between bioenergy and bio-economy ap-plications. Therefore, we do not consider biogas produc-tion from mono-digestion of manure in this paper butrather focus on the competition over biomass that servesas co-products in biogas production. The subprojects arebriefly introduced in Table 1. More information can befound on the project website.3

Results and discussionIn this section, we present the results of our analysis,organized according to the four headings described inthe ‘Between renewable energy and bio-economy’ sec-tion. Under each heading, we will first describe the viewsand expectations of the interviewees and subsequentlyinterpret and discuss them in relation to the position ofbiogas between the renewable energy and bio-economypolicy domains. We will refer to one (1), some (2–7), ormost (>7) interviewees expressing a certain view orexperience. Most issues were raised by only a couple ofthe 15 interviewees, which can be explained by thedifferences in project focus and background. Finally, inthe ‘Overview of results and general discussion’ section,we will provide an overview of our results.

ResourcesSome interviewees point out that there are currentlybiomass resources available that are underused. Whileprocessing routes and markets for bio-based productsare still under development, biogas production is cur-rently feasible and could make use of such resources, forexample manure, landscaping residues, agricultural resi-dues, catch crops and biomass from field borders. Someinterviewees suggest that resources should not be wastedwhile waiting for innovative technologies but used nowfor applications that are already developed, such as biogasproduction. Furthermore, they expect that the demand forbiomass created when the biogas production is increasedwill also help to mobilize the provision of more biomassresources. The supply of biomass is still underdevelopedand increased demand could be an incentive for more andbetter harvesting and logistic structures, increasing theavailability of resources not only for energy productionbut all for biomass applications. According to the inter-viewees, improved logistics may also include new types ofcontracts to enable cost effective biomass management,for example parties that maintain landscapes for free inexchange for the right to harvest, use or sell the biomassgrowing there.

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Some interviewees suggest that biogas production canbecome an added value for waste processing. It can beused to process organic waste streams, creating added

value through the production of energy and, in the fu-ture, extraction of valuable components. Intervieweesexpect that even if the focus may shift towards other

Table 1 Goals and results of the Green Gas subprojects and information on the interviewees

Subproject name and short description Background interviewees

New generation biogas digesters: optimizing all process parameters inbiogas digestion for more biogas production, higher economic returnsand reduced environmental impact. Comparing different thermal andchemical pre-treatment options for residual biomass streams.Modelling fluid dynamics in digester

aProject developer; HoSt (industry, NL)

Researcher; Saxion University of Applied Sciences (NL)

Researcher; Münster University of Applied Sciences (GER)

Mechanical and enzymatic pre-treatment of organic residues: testingdifferent mechanical and enzymatic pre-treatment options on variousligno-cellulosic substrates, focusing on biogas return, energy use andcost reduction

aResearcher; Münster University of Applied Sciences (GER)

Director; DNL contact (industry, GER)

More divers resource use focussing on sugar beet: assessing possibilitiesto use sugar beets instead of maize in biogas installations

aProject coordinator; Centre of Competence 3N (industry, GER)

Biogas collection as connection between green gas producers: analysingpossibilities to connect biogas producers via a biogas net andcentralized green gas production

aConsultant; Ekwadraat (industry, NL)

Natural grass chain: improving biogas technology from pre-treatmentto post-treatment to enable utilization of natural grass and roadsidevegetation. Technological and economic analysis

aManaging director; Byosis group (industry, NL)

Information exchange via potential map: plotting information relevantfor biogas development (e.g. existing biogas installations, biomasspotentials, energy demand) on an interactive, web-based map toenable more biogas projects in the future

aPublic servant; Province of Groningen (governmentalorganization; NL)

Researcher; Münster University of Applied Sciences (GER)

Green Gas InNet: comparing different applications of biogas regarding,e.g. GHG emission reduction potential and technical and juridicalconditions. Analysing possibilities to feed green gas into the naturalgas net

aResearcher; Münster University of Applied Sciences (GER)

Green Gas in spatial energy concepts: analysing possibilities for biogasin joint energy management in industrial areas

aResearcher; University of Oldenburg (GER)

Assessment and management of Green Gas supply chains: technicalbenchmarking of biogas installations, identifying key levers for efficiencyand environmental performance

aResearcher; University of Oldenburg (GER)

Waste water treatment plants as part of Green Gas hubs: optimizingsludge digestion in combination with waste water treatment, lookinge.g. at processing, energy use, pre-treatment options. Analysingalternative options of using existing sludge digesters, e.g. usingother feedstock.

aResearcher; Saxion University of Applied Sciences (NL)

Researcher; Saxion University of Applied Sciences (NL)

Cheap resources and Sabatier process: analysing possibilities to improvethe overall business case for biogas and looking for better technologiesto upgrade biogas to green gas.

aDirector; Hanze Welands (industry, NL)

Biogenic methane production from hydrogen and German–Dutchdatabase biogas research: analysing technical possibilities to realizebiogenic methanization to create CH4 from CO2 and H2 as alternativefor catalytic methanization. Developing an open source database forbiogas literature in three languages

aResearcher; Münster University of Applied Sciences (GER)

Decentralized energy landscapes Germany–the Netherlands: integratedassessment of the use of residual biomass for biogas production.Focusing on sustainability and feasibility assessment of complete biogassupply chains, integration in regional context and landscapes. Analysingpotential of using various residual biomass streams in biogas digesters.Investigating the potential of applying public-private partnerships forthe use of residual biomass for biogas production

aPersonal participation, Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)

Researcher; University of Oldenburg (GER)

International trade of Green Gas via certificates: comparing policies forbiogas and green gas in GER and NL and modelling possibilities ofharmonizing international policies. Analysing possibilities of improvinginternational trade of green gas via certificates, comparing existingcertification schemes

aProject coordinator; JIN (industry, NL)

aSubproject leaders

Pfau et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2017) 7:17 Page 5 of 15

products in the future, unusable waste streams will al-ways remain that can be used for energy production.

Discussion: towards low-value biomassThese suggestions show the rise of a new perspectiveon resources in current biogas practice, focusing onbiomass that is less attractive, less readily available andmore difficult to process. Until now, the choice of re-sources was mainly focused on high energy food crops,enabling a high return of biogas per tonne. Risingprices for traditional biogas co-substrates, such as corn,and the food vs. fuel debate appear to force the sectorto look for alternatives. Moreover, the upcoming bio-economy, where higher-value products from biomassare expected to be developed, forces the biogas sectorto look for different resources such as residual biomass.The switch from high energy food crops to residual bio-mass is not a new idea; it reflects a movement in thebiofuel sector from first generation biofuels (producedfrom food crops) to second generation biofuels (pro-duced from energy crops and residues) and a prefer-ence for residual biomass that has also been discussedfor the broader bio-economy [31, 44]. However, whilethis switch has been approached from a sustainabilityperspective in the scientific debate, in biogas practice,economic incentives appear to be at least as influential.From a renewable energy perspective, optimal biogasproduction would be achieved with high-value biomass,but in practice it is expected that these resources willbecome the main feedstock for bio-based products.Thus, the perspective of the bioenergy sector movesaway from choosing the best feedstock towards tryingto find appropriate processing for otherwise unusableresources. This may reduce the energy output but couldincrease the overall benefit gained by using all re-sources efficiently, either for energy or for bio-basedproducts.

ProductsAll interviewees were asked to reflect on the choice be-tween using biogas to produce electricity in CHP unitsand upgrading biogas to green gas. Their commentsshowed that biogas is generally applied locally, whereasgreen gas is sold nationally or even internationally. Themarkets for biogas and green gas differ, and the choiceshould be made based on local conditions. One of themost important considerations is the vicinity of con-sumers: in CHP units, both heat and electricity are pro-duced. While electricity can be fed into the grid andthus distributed easily, heat has to be used locally in aconsiderable proportion. Next to the heat used in theinstallation itself, the ability to sell heat in the vicinityis of great importance for the business case of biogasinstallations. An alternative that has been considered inone of the subprojects is to set up a regional networkspecifically for biogas, enabling the transport of biogasto locations where a CHP unit can serve both electricityand heat consumers. However, this appeared to be ex-pensive and difficult to realize. Green gas offers the ad-vantage of wider application; it can be fed in where it isproduced and used where it is needed (provided accessto the gas grid is in reasonable proximity, e.g. by choos-ing the location for upgrading installations strategic-ally). Furthermore, the gas is storable (in the grid orotherwise) and can be used when needed, while CHPunits always produce heat as well as electricity, evenwhen the heat cannot be used (e.g. when there is littledemand at night or in the summer). The biggest disad-vantage of green gas is that, according to interviewees,it is very expensive to upgrade, requiring high invest-ment costs up front. Furthermore, for feed-in, strictquality standards apply for green gas, and sometimes,conditions are unclear or changing. Some intervieweesdescribe that some network operators in the Netherlandsare not keen on accepting green gas, setting up conditions

Fig. 2 Topics addressed in the Green Gas subprojects

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that are difficult to meet. Some interviewees emphasizedthat biogas can best be applied regionally, but the applica-tion has to be adapted to the geographical, demographicaland political landscape. Biogas is considered useful tocreate and keep value in a certain region, but if regionaluse is not possible, green gas becomes more attractive anduseful.All interviewees emphasized advantages biogas can

offer for the energy system. First of all, they describedthe potential for biogas to be a ‘system service provider’for the electricity system. Electricity from biogas couldbe used complementary to other renewable energies,providing power when the sun does not shine and thewind does not blow, buffering oscillations in electricityproduction. However, it does not fulfil this function atthe moment. Subsidies for renewable energy productionare always paid when electricity is produced and fed intothe grid. It is therefore most convenient to have the sys-tem running continuously. Biogas could be stored for atleast some hours (e.g. in the digesters, as green gas inthe grid, or in storage units) and thus be regulated muchmore easily than other renewable electricity. Accordingto the interviewees, current regulations and subsidy sys-tems do not promote this system service provider functionin the Netherlands, while there is an attempt to changethis with a flexibility premium in Germany. However, thisrequires specific technological adaptations, and the nor-mal route of running a CHP unit continuously is currentlymore attractive for most biogas producers.4

Interviewees also argued that another role for biogas inthe energy mix could be to replace fossil energy that is dif-ficult to replace with other renewable energies. Most oftenmentioned are energy sources for sectors that cannotswitch easily to electric energy, such as fuels for shipping,road transport and air transport, and the production of in-dustrial heat. Next to the use of green gas, upgrading bio-gas to bio-LNG could provide an opportunity to replacefossil fuels in these sectors. One interviewee observed thatgreen gas, just like natural gas, is often used for heat pro-duction, while it could substitute transportation fuels thatare far more difficult to make and more valuable.Most interviewees expected that in the future, biogas

production will diversify into producing multiple prod-ucts. Technology development is focussing on usingby-products and creating additional products (see thefollowing section). The whole production chain isconsidered, from pre-treatment of biomass to post-treatment of digestate. Potential products named areproteins, fibres, lignin, nitrate, phosphate, potassium,rare earth elements, carbon dioxide and water. Theseadditional products could make the business modelaround biogas more stable by adding new customers,while energy remains as one of the products or evenbecomes a by-product.

According to some interviewees, additional advan-tages are win-win situations, where the products miti-gate currently existing problems, for example replacingartificial nitrate production requiring high energy in-puts, or recirculating phosphate, which is less and lessreadily available in concentrated form and as a conse-quence turning into a scarce resource worldwide. Theyalso propose that biogas installations can form a pro-cessing step, separating biomass into its components.While some parts could be separated up front, othersremain in a more concentrated form in the residuesafter organic components have been removed duringthe digestion, making them a good input for furtherprocessing. However, some interviewees say that it isstill unclear how a good balance between products canbe achieved. Biogas energy yields could decrease if thefocus shifts to multiple products, but the traditionalfocus on one product could also inhibit the optimizationof the process towards multiple products.

Discussion: biogas as by-product for specific energyapplicationsThe choice between biogas or green gas productiondescribed by the interviewees is mainly related to renew-able energy production and the integration of bioenergyin the current energy system. Generally, this choiceshould aim at using biogas or green gas as efficiently aspossible, taking into consideration aspects, such as theregional situation, the efficiency of CHP vs. green gas inhousehold heating installations and the potential forshort-term storage of heat. Both biogas and green gasproducers are adapting to the current possibilities of theenergy market. In December 2015, the Dutch Ministryof Finance published a vision paper on biomass in theNetherlands by the year 2030, in which it confirms theopinion of some interviewees that bioenergy is espe-cially interesting for transportation fuels and industrialapplications [29]. Specific energy applications, such astransportation fuels, industrial applications and func-tioning as a system service provider, could be the mostinteresting future routes for biogas production accord-ing to the ministry. The broader option of producingmultiple (energy and non-energy) products and viewingbiogas for energy as only one of the products or even aby-product is closely related to the bio-economy devel-opment, where different concepts such as bio-refineryand cascading strive for the creation of multiple productsfrom biomass resources. This could offer new possibilitiesfor the biogas sector. Expanding biomass use from energyproduction to other products has been described as notonly promising for the enhancement of energetic and eco-nomic efficiency but also challenging regarding the defin-ition of efficient biomass use [45]. Combinations of biogasfor energy with other bio-economy applications, though

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technically interesting, may be difficult at this stage be-cause they further complicate both the production processand the business case, thereby increasing risks.

TechnologyTechnology for biogas production is perceived by most in-terviewees as still under development but getting moreand more robust and efficient. The development nowoften focuses on using more difficult, heterogeneousfeedstock, making use of by-products such as CO2, andextracting components from digestate, such as nitrogenand phosphate compounds. Interviewees identified the de-pendence of the business case around biogas productionon subsidies as one of the reasons for this development.Traditionally, biogas producers have to pay for both theinput (the co-substrate) and the output (treatment ofdigestate). The price for the produced biogas is deter-mined by current subsidies, so it is the input and outputside where the business case can be influenced, creatinghigher incomes by reducing the costs for resources andresidues. This stimulates the search for cheaper resourcesand better use of by-products and digestate. The moretraditional biogas digester may then transform into awider processing route, where biogas itself is only one ofthe products. Interviewees expect the most promisingprocessing route to be a useful application of biogenicwaste streams, i.e. where biogas provides the energy forthe process and some extra, and components in the efflu-ent are extracted, concentrated or purified. They expectthat biogas can serve as a basis for further development oftechnology for the bio-economy, increasing the efficiencyof energy production and developing methods to extractdifferent components, making different or multiple prod-ucts. In the estimation of some interviewees, the biogassector can still learn from other sectors, especially regard-ing processing technologies and equipment. Examplesnamed are the food and feed industry (processing of strawto make it better digestible, drying techniques), the chem-ical industry and biotechnology.An issue that requires further consideration according to

some interviewees is the logistic organization of biogastechnology. Decisions not only regarding location for thebiogas installation itself (transport distance biomass) butalso nutrient recovery or upgrading installations (decentra-lized or centralized), as well as energy production (locationCHP or feed-in into the gas grid), influence the overallbusiness case.

Discussion: from energy production to broader biomassprocessingFocus in biogas technology appears to be moving awayfrom mainly increasing yields within the digester itself totweaking the front and rear end of the production chain.This also widens the focus from one product, biogas, to

multiple potential products and a more diverse businesscase. With regard to the renewable energy and bio-economy policy domains, this development couldrepresent a shift away from pure energy productiontowards broader biomass processing routes with mul-tiple outputs, similar to the technologies envisioned ina bio-economy. The bio-economy may offer chances toincrease knowledge transfer between sectors, since it isenvisioned that fossil-based products in various sectorsare replaced by biomass, and concepts such as cascad-ing use of biomass and bio-refineries not only enablebut also require collaboration across sectors. Logisticdecisions could be influenced by the development ofboth the renewable energy sector and the bio-economy.Especially, the development of bio-refineries coulddetermine the level of centralization of processingsteps. Biogas production may become an integral partof a bio-refinery.

Financing and regulationsInterviewees described financing (both through subsidiesand investors) and regulations as main barriers for the fur-ther development of biogas production both as renewableenergy and in the context of a bio-economy. Somecriticize the fact that subsidies are mainly stimulating theuse of biogas for electricity production. They claim thatthis focus on specific technologies leads to very uniformbiogas installations with little room for experimentationand innovation. Developments towards more diverseproducts or other energy products are scarcely stimulatedand thus unattractive. Furthermore, the financial push ofusing biomass for energy indirectly hampers other appli-cations or cascading, since only energy applications canreceive a subsidy. For example, methane based on greengas could serve as an input in the chemical industry but israrely applied. In Germany, subsidy is not granted for me-thane production itself but only for the electricity outputat the CHP unit.A crucial difficulty in the realization of biogas produc-

tion for many interviewees is the financing of projects.Financing from banks or public funds is connected tostrict requirements, especially in the Netherlands. Forexample, it is required that biogas producers show thatthey will receive subsidy for renewable energy produc-tion and have established long-term user agreements forthe produced energy and long-term biomass supply con-tracts. Especially, the latter is very hard to acquire forbiogas producers that do not produce their own co-substrate. Intermediaries, trading biomass from varioussources can offer security of supply but orient theirprices on the subsidies to be received, increasing theirown profit margin while reducing that of the biogas pro-ducers and thus increasing the risk of investments.When residual biomass resources are used, an additional

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difficulty is that the amount of residues depends on theoriginal product stream, not the demand of the biogasinstallation.Financing of innovative projects is perceived to be espe-

cially difficult. Technically, higher yields of biogas may beachievable, but new technologies require higher invest-ments, which constitute a risk few investors are willing totake. If anything else but energy is produced, subsidies arenot granted and often that rules out financing. The secur-ity of demand is difficult to prove for additional productsnext to energy, since they rely upon new or developingmarkets.Interviewees identified several bureaucratic obstacles

that in their perception hamper biogas development. Firstof all, when setting up a biogas project, companies have tohand in a variety of permit applications, including envir-onmental reporting and public consultation procedures.The process is perceived to be overly complicated, time-consuming and difficult for small companies. Decisionson applications regularly took half a year or even a year inthe Netherlands.Regulations regarding input and output streams fur-

ther complicate matters. At the moment, it is notallowed to use digestate as a replacement for artificialfertilizers in the Netherlands. This is described as a bigconstraint for biogas production in the Netherlands,because the treatment or export of digestate has to bepaid for. Furthermore, regulations regarding resourcesthat are allowed to be used as co-substrates in biogasinstallations differ across the EU. In some countries, acertain biomass resource may be allowed, while it is notin another and the other way around. As a consequence,biomass distributers profit from transporting biomassacross the EU, selling it where it is allowed. Intervieweesargue that this decreases the efficiency of biogas produc-tion and makes it more complicated to use biomass locallyor regionally.Different EU countries use different systems of pricing,

subsidies and certifications. Additionally, they have dif-ferent gas quality regulations. This can be difficult forinternational trade, e.g. in green gas. Opinions regardingtrade in green gas differed among the interviewees. Oneinterviewee argued that systems dealing with the ‘greenvalue’ of gas could provide a good opportunity for na-tional and international trade. However, the prices ofcertificates are not high enough and an offer by a thirdparty to buy a certificate is insufficient to get financingfrom a bank. Other interviewees argued that certificateschemes can carry the risk of quickly losing value, as hasbeen experienced with CO2 certificates in the past.Certification schemes are often not compatible inter-nationally and according to some would have to be basedon a measureable, technical value, not only on guaranteesof origin or similar paper trails.

Two main differences between Germany and theNetherlands became apparent in the interviews. First ofall, in the Netherlands, many data are more freely avail-able than in Germany, for example geographical data,information about gas networks and locations of usersor companies. Secondly, the main focus and the level ofconsistency in policies regarding biogas productiondiffered in both countries. In Germany, the focus isvery much on renewable energy production as part ofthe ‘Energiewende’ (energy transition). To promote this,subsidies were granted to specific technological solu-tions, mainly the application of biogas in CHP units,and specific groups of people, mainly farmers. This hasincreased the number of biogas installations but hasalso resulted in a very uniform landscape of biogas pro-duction. In the Netherlands, less subsidies were grantedand they were a lot less stable, leading to more experi-mentation and more diverse solutions but also a lowerimplementation of biogas technology.

Discussion: subsidies vs. innovative solutionsThe experiences shared by the interviewees suggest thata subsidy focus on renewable electricity has hamperednot only the development and production of otherforms of renewable energy by means of biogas but alsothe production of alternative or additional productsand technologies. This is neither favourable for bio-economy policy goals nor does it promote the positionof bioenergy in the renewable energy mix. With finan-cing being strictly linked to renewable energy subsidies,which in turn are largely based on electricity produc-tion, innovative solutions in the production of biogasand other products, which may be technically feasibleand attractive to improve the overall business case, be-come difficult to realize. While developments in the sectorare focusing on integration in the bio-economy, subsidiesfor biogas production are currently only granted in the re-newable energy policy domain. Chemical production frombiogas or green gas is not subsidized, which currentlymakes it less attractive than energy production. Currentenergy policies aim for an increased production of renew-able energy and especially electricity. The focus of subsidyschemes on electricity production from biogas or greengas is therefore logical, but does not necessarily pro-mote an efficient use of resources or optimal businesscases. Instead of efficient resource use and creation ofmultiple products, the focus of subsidies lies on optimalenergy production only, because it is motivated solelyby energy considerations. This focus does not go wellwith the vision in the bio-economy domain, where dif-ferent and more drivers are at play and energy is only asideshow. Innovations in the sectors towards a bettercontribution to both policy goals are thus hampered bythe diverging focus of the two policy domains and a

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lack of incentives in the bio-economy domain. To in-crease overall benefit, policies in the two domainswould have to be aligned better and aimed at optimaluse of biomass resources for multiple goals.

Overview of results and general discussionThe results of our empirical analysis of the current prac-tices of biogas production and its position betweenpolicy domains are summarized in Fig. 3 and Table 2.Figure 3 shows the most important technical linksbetween biogas and the two policy domains. Importantopportunities and constraints to contribute to the twopolicy goals resulting from the in-between position ofbiogas are summarized in Table 2.In the renewable energy domain, biogas is mainly ap-

preciated as a versatile energy source that can be used toproduce electricity, (industrial) heat or transportationfuels, and that can be stored, transported and used whenand where needed. In the bio-economy domain, it is in-cluded as a way to use low-value biomass, at the end ofcascades, and as a by-product. In current practice oppor-tunities are explored to link biogas production to thebio-economy through extraction of components andproduction of by-products (Fig. 3).One of the biggest challenges in the transition to a bio-

economy is to prioritize between different applications.

Concepts such as cascading and biorefineries aim at pro-ducing multiple products and using resources efficiently,as discussed by Bruins and Sanders and Vaneeckhaute etal. [41]. Our study shows, however, that current practice isstill dominated by a competition for resources used forenergy production only. Furthermore, many technologiesstill rely on cultivated (first generation), high-quality andhomogenous biomass while policies aim at more diversefeedstock [27, 29]. Our study revealed that in the biogassector, it is expected that higher-value applications in thebio-economy will increasingly compete for biomass andwill be able to pay higher prices. As a consequence,biomass owners tend to be cautious with long-term com-mitments of biomass supply for fixed prices, because theyexpect to profit from the higher purchasing power of bio-based producers in the future. However, bio-based prod-ucts not only compete with bioenergy over resources, theyalso compete with fossil-based products via productprices. While they try to close in on the cost price of theirfossil benchmarks, their business case is not necessarilystronger than that of biogas, especially because they donot receive subsidies. The expectation that in the futurebiomass will increase in value because different players areable to pay more for it is thus not necessarily accurate.This is especially true for low-value, heterogeneous bio-mass, such as many residual biomass streams, that require

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of potential technical links of biogas with the renewable energy and bio-economy policy domains

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intensive pre-treatment. The feasibility of all businesscases is furthermore dependent on the development of oilprices.The subsidies currently granted in the energy domain

are instruments designed to bridge the gap between themarket price for energy and the cost of renewable energyproduction. Arguably, this gap exists only because the ex-ternal (societal) costs of non-renewable energy productionare not reflected in the price of energy. The costs of theseexternalities (like the production of GHG and radioactivewaste) are borne by society. As long as these costs are notreflected in the price of energy, renewable energy produc-tion will probably require subsidies. However, thesesubsidies make other uses of biomass, which are not sub-sidized, less attractive. In the light of multiple goals forbiomass use in both the renewable energy and the bio-economy domain, the competitive position of biomass-based products in comparison with fossil-based productsis an important aspect limiting the potential to achieve thegoals in both policy domains.The idea to move away from high-value crops to re-

sidual biomass is regularly discussed as a possibility toaddress controversies and land use issues [31, 44]. How-ever, a narrow focus on the sustainability challenges ofhigh-value crops, such as the ‘food vs. fuel’ debate, and afocus on biomass supply hamper a holistic view on re-sidual biomass as alternative biomass source [44]. Ourstudy revealed that in current practice, there is a focus

on using all biomass resources optimally and combiningprocessing of organic waste with energy production(Table 2). But it has to be taken into account thatresidual biomass is seldom without function, which islost when it is re-directed to biogas production [31]. Theimpacts of using residual biomass should be addressedfrom a broad and more inclusive sustainability perspec-tive, including ecological and economic impacts. Moregenerally, in the future, it will be important to ensure asustainable supply of biomass under increasing demandfor biomass from different sectors, which may be lessstrictly regulated than the energy sector.Logistic aspects of biogas production, such as an appro-

priate scale of installations, the level of (de)centralizationand integration in landscapes pose uncertainties in currentbiogas practice and require more attention (Table 2). Re-garding the spatial context of biogas installations issues ofimportance are, for example, local availability of resources(manure and co-substrate, e.g. on farms), vicinity of usersof the produced heat and connectivity to infrastructure(transport networks, gas and electricity grid access). Onthe one hand, decentralized biogas production offers theadvantage of being adaptable to local circumstances andusing locally available biomass to avoid transport [46].Vicinity of potential users of by-products of biogas pro-duction may, for example, increase chances to realizemulti-purpose applications of biomass [47]. On the otherhand, upgrading biogas to green gas is very expensive and

Table 2 Opportunities and constraints of biogas between policy domains

Topic Discussion point

Resources Change of perspective: from using the best feedstock for energy production to using all biomassresources optimally

Better use of residual biomass: combining efficient processing of organic waste streams with creatingadded value through extraction of valuable components and production of renewable energy

Starting today: using all available biomass for currently feasible processes, thereby mobilizing biomassand creating stepping stones towards a more integrated use of biomass resources

Products Context: adapting choice between biogas and green gas to the local and regional landscape

Function in energy system: from inflexible renewable energy source to system service provider, usingbiogas where it offers advantages over other renewables, e.g. profiting from flexibility and applicationfor difficult energy carriers

Multiple products: no longer just energy but multiple products, integrating in bio-economy conceptslike bio-refinery

Technology Shifting focus: away from only increasing biogas yields towards tweaking the front and rear of theproduction chain

More diversity: more products and more diverse business cases. Fermentation as processing step,creating enabling technologies for a bio-economy

Unclear logistics: appropriate scales, logistics and integration in landscapes require more attention

Financing and regulations Financing related to subsidies: aiming at specific technologies or products leaves little room forexperimentation and innovation

Level playing field: subsidies favour energy production over new or additional products andinflexible financing possibilities hamper innovative business cases

Complications: bureaucratic obstacles and international differences counteract expansion andinnovation

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far more feasible on a centralized scale than for individualinstallations. In between these extremes, regional net-works of local initiatives can help biogas producers toprofit from e.g. multiple biomass suppliers or multipleheat users, making both supply and demand more robust[47]. Embedding biogas production in a local situationdoes, however, rely heavily on social capital [48].It should be noted that this paper was based on inter-

views with project leaders of a large European projectfocused on green gas, which imposes some limitationson our findings but allowed us to receive practical andpersonal information. Interviews provide indirect infor-mation filtered through the views of the interviewee[49], which is further influenced by the type of questionsin this study, relating not only to objective project out-comes but also to experiences and perceptions on thepotential of biogas in the realm of current and futurepolicy domains. The answers of our interviewees wereinfluenced by their background and the subprojects theyparticipated in. This may have triggered them to addresscertain opportunities and constraints while neglectingothers. In this sense, the interviews are not necessarilyrepresentative for the experience of all relevant stake-holders in the biogas sector. However, any effects of sub-jectivity were minimized through the thematic analysisof the interviews, in which we collated themes expressedby the interviewees and discussed them in the context ofthe policy domains to provide generalized insights. Wethink that the practical and personal nature of data inthis study provided valuable in-depth information on theactual challenges in current biogas practice, partly con-firming but also extending and highlighting the informa-tion from policy and research (‘Dual role of biogas inpolicy goals’ and ‘Between renewable energy and bio-economy’ sections).

ConclusionsThe purpose of this paper was to examine the relationshipof current biogas practices with the renewable energy andbio-economy policy domains and identify how biogas cancontribute to both policy goals. The exploration of theposition of biogas within the policy domains showed thatbiogas can play an interesting, dual role in both of them.Our empirical study revealed some developments incurrent biogas practice that offer opportunities for an im-proved contribution of biogas to both policy domains.Innovation efforts appear to be focused mainly on a betterintegration in the bio-economy. In the renewable energydomain, upgrading to green gas has the potential to makebiogas the envisioned system service provider but facestechnical, financial and logistical difficulties. Technical de-velopments mostly focus on using lower value and moredifficult resources and adapting the processing technology

towards producing multiple products. These develop-ments fit well with bio-economy policies.Our study also revealed several constraints for a

contribution of biogas to both policy goals. The advan-tage of biogas as versatile system service provider in therenewable energy domain is underused in current prac-tice and not stimulated effectively. Innovations towardsmultiple products for a bio-economy are hampered bysubsidy schemes, regulations and bureaucracy. And theuse of alternative, residual biomass resources is impededby limited financing possibilities.Biogas can provide a valuable contribution to both

policy domains but only if the current focus on energyis diversified. In the long run, it is probable that biogaswill no longer be a solitary main product but rather oneof the many products created in intricate biomass pro-cessing. It can, however, remain a useful processing stepand a way to make use of otherwise unusable biogenicresidues and create added value during necessary wastetreatment. Future research should focus on defining themost efficient use of all biomass resources and develop-ing technologies to extract as many valuable compo-nents as possible. In the meantime, biogas productionis a technology that is already available and can be ap-plied to use biomass efficiently right now. There arevarious links to new and existing technologies in boththe renewable energy and the bio-economy sector thatcan be used and developed further. The use of biomassto produce biogas right now can furthermore providean incentive for biomass owners to harvest and use orsell their biomass, thus increasing the availability ofbiomass. Biogas can thus serve as a stepping stone inthe transition towards a bio-economy: biomass can beused for feasible applications now while also enablingthe development of new technologies for improved effi-ciency in the future.Energy transitions have been described to be chan-

ging in character, with different drivers than in the pastand the potential to accelerate, drawing on synergiesbetween multiple domains [50]. Biogas has the potentialto contribute to such synergies and as a system serviceprovider can also serve as a stepping stone in thetransition towards a renewable energy future (cf., [51]).This underlines the dual but also time-dependent roleof biogas in two transitions.The diverging goals of both domains currently hinder

the development of innovative connections between them,even though current practice already offers many oppor-tunities for smart combinations. Hurdles such as overlycomplicated bureaucracy and rigid financing schemesshould be lowered, and subsidy schemes should allow foralternative business cases, including different products.Political insecurity and ups and downs in policy schemeshave been a major hurdle for development in the past. In

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the future, joint goals, clear priorities and fair policyschemes should be designed to overcome inefficiency inthe sector. Policy makers should jointly aim at optimal useof biomass resources for multiple goals to increase theoverall benefit. To maximize the contribution to bothpolicy goals, policies must be more balanced to enable allvaluable functions of biogas. Policies should aim atimproving the competitive position of biomass-basedproducts over fossil-based products and optimizing theuse of biomass resources, rather than inciting competitionbetween the different biomass applications. This alignswith the conclusion of Silveira and Johnson [52], stressingthe importance of coordinating bioenergy policies acrosssectors and considering biomass not only in the energydomain, but taking advantage of complementary uses ofbiomass in different sectors.The project under investigation in this paper involved

two European countries, but similar developmentsmight also be observed in other countries with policiesfor both renewable energy and a bio-economy. Futurepolicy development could benefit from research aboutthe policy coherence in other countries and comparisonof opportunities and constraints experienced there.Lessons can be learned both from countries where thepolicy coherence might be greater and countries wherebio-economy policies are more fragmented, such asCanada, where competing visions were detected evenwithin one domain [53]. This paper, based on interviewswith a selection of stakeholders, provides insights into op-portunities and constraints for biogas to contribute toboth domains. Further research to understand visions ofvarious stakeholders can be a valuable instrument to es-tablish aligned goals for the renewable energy and bio-economy policy domains.Biogas is not the only issue that falls under two policy

domains. The concept of coherence between policy do-mains has been addressed in general by May et al. [54],concluding that increased policy coherence can improveimplementation success and policy acceptance. Theyfound that focussed attention for specific issues, support-ive institutional structures and involvement of interestgroups can foster greater policy coherence. Examples ofother issues falling under two policy domains are the con-sideration of forestry in climate change policies [55] andthe changing perspective on water management, wherethe technical water management and spatial planning pol-icies meet [56]. Future policy development in the bio-economy and renewable energy domains could benefitfrom research into lessons learned from other sectorswhere policy domains intersect.

Endnotes1The term ‘subsidy’ is commonly used for any kind of

financial support by government, whether it involves a

transfer of funds from government to the receiving partyor a (partial) waiver of taxes or a lower than normal ratepayable for government services by the subsidized party.In this paper, we use the term ‘subsidy’ to refer to instru-ments installed to bridge the gap between the marketprice for energy and the (higher) cost of energy produc-tion from biogas. The financial support to bridge this gapcan be realized with different instruments (e.g. perform-ance subsidies or market premiums). Currently, these in-struments differ in Germany and the Netherlands.

2The RED specifies legal sustainability criteria for bio-fuels and liquid biomass (Article 17). Biogas thus does notfall under these regulations. However, the sustainabilitycriteria do apply for all transportation fuels, includinggreen gas (Article 2.i). Green gas to be inserted into thegas grid as a replacement of natural gas thus has to be cer-tified, for example by NTA8080 or ISCC.

3 flexibility premium has been introduced in the

2012 update of the German subsidy scheme Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG). In 2014, about 20% (ca. 800 MWof 3905 MW) of installed capacity of biogas productionwas able to provide electricity flexibly [14]. In the 2014update of the EEG, the stimulation of flexible provisionwas increased further for new installations: only half ofthe installed capacity is subsidized, and this is combinedwith an additional supplement for flexible provisionthrough use of gas storage [57].

AbbreviationsBio-CCS: Bioenergy production with carbon capture and storage;CHP: Combined heat and power; EU: European Union; GHG: Greenhouse gas;QDA: Qualitative data analysis; RED: Renewable Energy Directive

AcknowledgementsWe are thankful to the interviewees who agreed to participate in this study.

FundingThe research leading to this paper has received funding from the INTERREG IVA program (Deutschland-Nederland 2007–2013) as part of the project ‘GroenGas-Grünes Gas’. It was partly conducted in the subproject ‘DecentralizedEnergy Landscapes Netherlands Germany’ (DELaND). This research is also partof the research program RiverCare, supported by the Dutch TechnologyFoundation STW, which is part of the Netherlands Organization for ScientificResearch (NWO), and which is partly funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairsunder grant number P12-14 (Perspective Programme). The funding agencieswere not involved in the design, execution and reporting of this study.

Availability of data and materialsAll data supporting our findings are presented in this paper. The originaltranscripts of the interviews are not published to protect the privacy of theinterviewees.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors were involved in the design of the study. SP performed theinterviews, analysed the data and drafted the paper. All authorsparticipated in the interpretation of the results, revised the manuscriptcritically and approved the final content.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Pfau et al. Energy, Sustainability and Society (2017) 7:17 Page 13 of 15

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, Faculty of Science, RadboudUniversity Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, Nijmegen 6500 GL, The Netherlands.2Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box9108, Nijmegen 6500 HK, The Netherlands.

Received: 27 January 2017 Accepted: 19 May 2017

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