New and Noteworthy Textbooks for Your BIOENGINEERING and BIOTECHNOLOGY Courses


New and Noteworthy Textbooks for Your BIOENGINEERING and BIOTECHNOLOGY Courses from CRC Press


New and Noteworthy Textbooks for Your



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Bio Signals and Systems ........................................3

Biomechanics ........................................................9

Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials ........................11

Biomedical Imaging ............................................17

Biophysics ............................................................18

Biotechnology ......................................................20

General Textbooks ..............................................26

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Page 9 Page 11

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Bio Signals and Systems

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Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical InstrumentationSecond EditionRobert B. NorthropUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

What’s New in This Edition

• Updated and revised material throughout

• A chapter on the applications, circuits, and characteristics of power amplifiers

• A chapter on wireless patient monitoring usingUHF telemetry

• A chapter on RFID tags, GPS tags, and ultrasonictags

• A glossary to help you decode the acronyms andterms used in biomedical electronics, physiology,and biochemistry

• New end-of-chapter problems and examplesthat emphasize biomedical electronic applica-tions

Pedagogical Features

• An extensive glossary

• End-of-chapter problems and examples

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

This textbook helps biomedical engineers understandthe basic analog electronic circuits used for signal con-ditioning in biomedical instruments. It explains thefunction and design of signal conditioning systemsusing analog ICs—the circuits that enable ECG, EEG,EMG, ERG, tomographic images, biochemical spec-trograms, and other crucial medical applications.

The text demonstrates how op amps are the keystoneof modern analog signal conditioning system designand illustrates how they can be used to build instru-mentation amplifiers, active filters, and many otherbiomedical instrumentation systems and subsystems.It introduces the mathematical tools used to describenoise and its propagation through linear systems, andit looks at how signal-to-noise ratios can be improvedby signal averaging and linear filtering.


• Analyzes the properties of photonic sensors andemitters and the circuits that power them

• Details the design of instrumentation amplifiersand medical isolation amplifiers

• Considers the modulation and demodulation ofbiomedical signals

• Examines analog power amplifiers, includingpower op amps and class D (switched) PAs

• Describes wireless patient monitoring, includingWi-Fi and Bluetooth communication protocols

• Explores RFID, GPS, and ultrasonic tags and thedesign of fractal antennas

• Addresses special analog electronic circuits andsystems such as phase-sensitive rectifiers, phasedetectors, and IC thermometers

By explaining the "building blocks" of biomedical sys-tems, the author illustrates the importance of signalconditioning systems in the devices that gather andmonitor patients’ critical medical information.

Selected Contents

Sources and Properties of Biomedical Signals.Properties and Models of Semiconductor DevicesUsed in Analog Electronic Systems. The DifferentialAmplifier. General Properties of Electronic, Single-Loop Feedback Systems. Feedback, FrequencyResponse, and Amplifier Stability. OperationalAmplifiers and Comparators. Introduction to AnalogActive Filters. Instrumentation and Medical IsolationAmplifiers. Noise and the Design of Low-Noise SignalConditioning Systems for Biomedical Applications.Digital Interfaces. Modulation and Demodulation ofBiomedical Signals. Power Amplifiers and TheirApplications in Biomedicine. Wireless PatientMonitoring. RFID Tags, GPS Tags, and UltrasonicTags Used in Ecological Research. Examples ofSpecial Analog Circuits and Systems Used inBiomedical Instrumentation. Appendix. Glossary.Bibliography and Recommended Reading.

Catalog no. K12982, March 2012, 578 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-6669-6, $119.95

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Bio Signals and Systems

Signals andSystemsAnalysis inBiomedicalEngineeringSecond EditionRobert B. NorthropUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs,USA

The interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineeringrequires its practitioners to know and master not onlyengineering skills, but also a diversity of material in thebiological sciences. This textbook helps biomedicalengineering students and professionals strengthentheir skills in the network of applied mathematics thatties together these diverse disciplines. Based on theauthor's 30 years of experience in teaching as well ashis personal research on neurosensory systems, thisbook, now in its second edition, provides a readysource of information on the specialized mathematicaltechniques most useful in describing and analyzingbiomedical signals.

• Focuses on the mathematical tools required toanalyze and describe the signals and systemsfound in biomedical engineering

• Includes a comprehensive chapter on joint time-frequency analysis of nonstationary biomedicalsignals, and the use of wavelets in JTFA

• Explores the mathematics of tomographic imaging

• Describes the analytical signal and the Hilberttransform

• Discusses the analysis of nonlinear systems, nonlinear oscillators, and biological clocks

• Introduces the analysis of and modeling strategies for complex systems

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

Introduction to Biomedical Signals and Systems.Review of Linear Systems Theory. The LaplaceTransform and Its Applications. Fourier Series Analysisof Periodic Signals. The Continuous FourierTransform. The Discrete Fourier Transform.Introduction to Joint TimeFrequency Analysis ofBiomedical Signals. Introduction to the Analysis ofStationary Noise, and Signals Contaminated withNoise. Basic Mathematical Tools Used in theCharacterization of Physiological Systems.Introduction to the Mathematics of TomographicImaging. ...

Catalog no. K10633, March 2010, 654 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1251-8, $104.95

Introduction to Complexityand ComplexSystemsRobert B. NorthropUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs,USA

Written for students and professionals in the fields ofbiomedical engineering, systems biology, biophysics,and physiology, this unique reference covers com-plexity issues within living systems. Topics includehuman responses to coping with complex systems,the Law of Unintended Consequences, the relation ofcomplexity to evolution, the complexity inherent ininvertebrate immune systems, and the complexityinherent in economic systems. A comprehensive glos-sary provides acronyms and terms relating to com-plex, nonlinear biological systems. Dynamic modelsand homework questions are also included to furtheraid in understanding.

• Describes the characteristics of certain complexliving systems

• Provides dynamic models for various complexsystems

• Offers present-day examples for dealing withcomplex systems

• Includes homework problems for better comprehension

Selected Contents

Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems.Introduction to Large Linear Systems. Introduction toNonlinear Biochemical Systems and BiochemicalOscillators. Modularity, Redundancy, Degeneracy,Pleiotropy and Robustness in Complex BiologicalSystems. The Evolution of Biological Complexity;Invertebrate Immune Systems. The ComplexAdaptive and Innate Human Immune Systems.Complexity in Quasispecies: MicroRNAs.Introduction to Physiological Complexity: Examplesof Models of Some Complex Physiological Systems.The Quest for Quantitative Measures of Complexity."Irreducible and Specified Complexity" in LivingSystems. Introduction to Complexity in EconomicSystems. Dealing with Complexity. Appendix.Bibliography and References. Glossary. Index.

Catalog no. K11775, December 2010, 551 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-3901-0, $83.95

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Bio Signals and Systems

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Biomedical Engineering PrinciplesSecond EditionArthur B. Ritter, Vikki Hazelwood, and Antonio ValdevitStevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA

Alfred N. AscioneAlcatel-Lucent Technologies, New Jersey, USA

• Includes new chapters on capstone design inbiomedical engineering and entrepreneurship

• Contains new coverage of systems biology andcomputational biology

• Provides extensively revised and updated chap-ters on the emerging field of tissue engineering

Pedagogical Features

• Offers extensive examples and in-chapter problems

Solutions manual and figure slides available withqualifying course adoption

Praise for the Previous Edition

“[Provides] not only an in-breadth overview on cur-rent BME fields, but also an in-depth analysis of spe-cific selected topics that are supported by appropri-ate mathematical models, equations, quantitativedata charts and tables.”

—Biomedical Engineering Online

“... an excellent textbook for a class. Each chaptercontains numerous examples and contains many fig-ures to enhance learning. References and sugges-tions for further reading are included at the end ofeach chapter. Problems are included at the end ofchapters, where they will best test the student'sknowledge.”

—Richard C. Fries, PE, CRE, Baxter Healthcare, Inc., inIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine

“... well illustrated with figures, schemes, variousplots, and mathematical equations. This book willdefinitely be useful for biochemists, biophysicists,and specialists in cell biology and medicine.”

—G. Ya. Wiederschain, Doctor of Biological Science,Moscow State University, Russia

Integrating engineering, medicine, biology, andphysics, this book clearly defines basic principles inimage processing and biomechanics, modeling phys-iological processes, and bioelectric signal analysis tobuild a solid understanding of devices and designs forimproved functioning of the human body. It includescutting-edge discussions of tissue engineering, cardio-vascular components, bone regrowth, and nerveregeneration. Other topics include technologies at theforefront of cardiac care, such as total artificial hearts,left ventricular assist devices, and stents, as well asissues related to minimally invasive and robotic sur-gery, next-generation imaging devices, and nanode-vices.

Selected Contents

Introduction: Modeling of Physiological Processes.Cell Physiology and Transport. Principles andBiomedical Applications of Hemodynamics. ASystems Approach to Physiology. The CardiovascularSystem. Biomedical Signal Processing. SignalAcquisition and Processing. Techniques forPhysiological Signal Processing. Examples ofPhysiological Signal Processing. Principles ofBiomechanics. Practical Applications ofBiomechanics. Biomaterials. Principles of BiomedicalCapstone Design. Unmet Clinical Needs.Entrepreneurship: Reasons why Most Good DesignsNever Get to Market. An Engineering Solution inSearch of a Biomedical Problem to Solve. TissueEngineering. Future Trends in BME.

Catalog no. K10621, May 2011, 540 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1232-7, $99.95

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Bio Signals and Systems

Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical EngineeringThird EditionRonald L. FournierUniversity of Toledo, Ohio, USA

• Provides an introductory level text for studentsin bioengineering, chemical engineering,mechanical engineering, and the life sciences

• Presents a basic understanding of the theories oftransport in biological systems and then buildson this knowledge base to show real-worldapplications in the development and design ofartificial organs, drug delivery systems, and tis-sue engineering

• Contains an extensive bibliography of theresearch literature that supports the material inthe text

• Offers mathematical models using the “shell balance” or compartmental approaches

Pedagogical Features

• Includes numerous examples with a discussionof the numerical methods used to solve theproblems

• Supplies homework problems at the end of eachchapter

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Encompassing a variety of engineering disciplines andlife sciences, the very scope and breadth of biomed-ical engineering presents challenges to creating a con-cise, entry-level text that effectively introduces basicconcepts without getting overly specialized in subjectmatter or rarified in language. Basic TransportPhenomena in Biomedical Engineering, ThirdEdition meets and overcomes these challenges toprovide the beginning student with the foundationaltools and the confidence they need to apply thesetechniques to problems of ever-greater complexity.

Bringing together fundamental engineering and lifescience principles, this accessible text providesfocused coverage of key momentum and mass trans-port concepts in biomedical engineering. It offers abasic review of units and dimensions, material bal-ances, and problem-solving tips, and then emphasizesthose chemical and physical transport processes thathave applications in the development of artificial andbioartificial organs, controlled drug delivery systems,and tissue engineering. The book also includes a dis-cussion of thermodynamic concepts and covers topicssuch as body fluids, osmosis and membrane filtration,and pharmacokinetic analysis. It concludes with theapplication of these principles to extracorporealdevices as well as tissue engineering and bioartificialorgans.

Designed for the beginning student, this book pro-vides a quantitative understanding of the underlyingphysical, chemical, and biological phenomenainvolved. Encouraging students to work exampleswith the mathematical software package of theirchoice, this text provides them the opportunity toexplore various aspects of the solution on their own,or apply these techniques as starting points for thesolution to their own problems.

Selected Contents

Introduction. A Review of Thermodynamic Concepts.Physical Properties of the Body Fluids and the CellMembrane. The Physical and Flow Properties ofBlood. Solute Transport in Biological Systems.Pharmacokinetic Analysis. Extracorporeal Devices.Tissue Engineering. Bioartificial Organs. Index.

Catalog no. K11304, August 2011, 483 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-2670-6, $89.95

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Bio Signals and Systems

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Introduction to Biomedical Engineering TechnologySecond EditionLaurence StreetRosedale, British Colombia, Canada

• Covers a wider range of devices and includes anexpanded section on equipment management

• Describes the day-to-day work of biomedicalengineering technologists using extensive examples

• Offers chapter summaries and questions to aidin reader comprehension

• Contains more than 360 illustrations

• Includes a 16-page grayscale insert with photographs of real-life equipment problems

• Provides appendices listing normal medical values, biomedical associations, test equipmentmanufacturers, helpful Internet resources, andmore

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Equipment arrives for repair with a notesaying, “Broken.” – What do you do?

Medical devices are often very complex, but whilethere are differences in design from one manufactur-er to another, the principles of operation and, moreimportantly, the physiological and anatomical charac-teristics on which they operate are universal.Introduction to Biomedical EngineeringTechnology, Second Edition explains the uses andapplications of medical technology and the principlesof medical equipment management to familiarizereaders with their prospective work environment.

Written by an experienced biomedical engineeringtechnologist, the book describes the technologicaldevices, various hardware, tools, and test equipmentused in today’s healthcare arena. Photographs of rep-resentative equipment; the technical, physiological,and anatomical basis for their function; and wherethey are commonly found in hospitals are detailed fora wide range of biomedical devices, from defibrillatorsto electrosurgery units.

Throughout, the text incorporates real-life examplesof the work that biomedical engineering technologistsdo. Appendices supply useful information such as nor-mal medical values, a list of regulatory bodies, Internetresources, and information on training programs.Thoroughly revised and updated, this second editionincludes more examples and illustrations as well asend-of-chapter questions to test readers’ understand-ing.

This accessible text supplies an essential overview ofclinical equipment and the devices that are useddirectly with patients in the course of their care fordiagnostic or treatment purposes. The author’s practi-cal approach and organization, outlining everydayfunctions and applications of the various medicaldevices, prepares readers for situations they willencounter on the job.

Selected Contents

Introduction. Diagnostic Devices: Part One.Diagnostic Devices: Part Two. Diagnostic Devices:Part Three. Diagnostic Imaging. Treatment Devices:Part One. Treatment Devices: Part Two. TreatmentDevices: Part Three. Biomedical EngineeringTechnologist (BMET) Work. Testers and Tools.Batteries, Radiation, and Computers. TechnologyManagement. Appendix A: Normal Values. AppendixB: Regulations and Standards. Appendix C:Biomedical Engineering Technology Programs in theUnited States and Canada. Appendix D: BiomedicalAssociations. Appendix E: Devices andManufacturers. Appendix F: Test EquipmentManufacturers. Appendix G: Bibliography andInternet Resources. Index.

Catalog no. K12781, October 2011, 391 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-6058-8, $89.95

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Bio Signals and Systems

Biology for EngineersArthur T. JohnsonUniversity of Maryland, College Park, USA


• Explores areas in physics, chemistry, mathemat-ics, and engineering relating to biology

• Introduces concepts and terminology needed tounderstand more advanced biology literature

• Examines the differences between biologicalengineering and biological science

• Includes a chapter on scaling relations showinghow size affects other physical characteristics

• Surveys a broad range of application areas

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Biology is a critical application area for engineeringanalysis and design, and students in engineering pro-grams must be well versed in the fundamentals ofbiology as they relate to their field. Biology forEngineers is an introductory text that minimizesunnecessary memorization of connections and classi-fications and instead emphasizes concepts, technolo-gy, and the utilization of living things. Whether stu-dents are headed toward a bio-related engineeringdegree or one of the more traditional majors, biologyis so important that all engineering students shouldknow how living things work and act.

Classroom-tested at the University of Maryland, thiscomprehensive text introduces concepts and termi-nology needed to understand more advanced biolo-gy literature. Filled with practical detailed examples,the book presents:

• Scientific principles relevant to biology that allengineers must know

• A discussion of biological responses from theperspective of a broad range of fields such aspsychology, human factors, genetics, plant andanimal physiology, imaging, control systems,actuary, and medicine

• A thorough examination of the scaling of biolog-ical responses and attributes

• A classification of different types of applicationsrelated to biological systems

• Tables of useful information that are nearlyimpossible to find elsewhere

• A series of questions at the end of each chapterto test comprehension

Emphasizing the ever-present interactions between abiological unit and its physical, chemical, and biolog-ical environments, the book provides ample instruc-tion on the basics of physics, chemistry, mathematics,and engineering. It brings together all of the conceptsone needs to understand the role of biology in mod-ern technology.

Selected Contents


Principles from the Sciences: Principles of Physics.Principles of Chemistry. Principles of Mathematicsand Engineering Sciences. Principles of Biology.

Responses of Living Systems: Biological Responsesin Context.

Scaling Factors: Allometric Relationships fromEvolutionary Pressure.

Utilizing Living Systems: Systems Approach.

Appendices. References. Index.

Catalog no. 77635, September 2010, 775 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-7763-6, $104.95

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Biofluid MechanicsThe Human Circulation, Second EditionKrishnan B. ChandranUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

Stanley E. RittgersUniversity of Akron, Ohio, USA

Ajit P. YoganathanGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA


• Provides a classroom-tested textbook for a firstcourse on fluid mechanics in human circulation,focusing on the heart and major arteries

• Reviews fluid and solid mechanics and normalcardiovascular physiology

• Explains how to model steady and unsteadyflows

• Evaluates the design and development of artifi-cial heart valves, stent implants, and vasculargrafts

• Describes various considerations and approachesinvolved in the computational modeling of car-diovascular diseases and therapies

• Includes end-of-chapter references and problemsas well as numerous figures throughout thathave been selected from the publications ofmany eminent researchers

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

"... the book provides a good platform in fluidmechanics prior to progressing to the physiologicalapplications which make it an appropriate textbookfor BME students."

—Professor Tim McGloughlin, Centre for AppliedBiomedical Engineering Research and Department of

Mechanical Aeronautical and Biomedical Engineering,University of Limerick

Designed for senior undergraduate or first-year grad-uate students in biomedical engineering, BiofluidMechanics: The Human Circulation, SecondEdition teaches students how fluid mechanics isapplied to the study of the human circulatory system.Reflecting changes in the field since the publication ofits predecessor, this second edition has been exten-sively revised and updated.

New to the Second Edition

• Improved figures and additional examples

• More problems at the end of each chapter

• A chapter on the computational fluid dynamicanalysis of the human circulation, which reflectsthe rapidly increasing use of computational sim-ulations in research and clinical arenas

Drawing on each author’s experience teaching cours-es on cardiovascular fluid mechanics, the book beginswith introductory material on fluid and solid mechan-ics as well as a review of cardiovascular physiologypertinent to the topics covered in subsequent chap-ters. The authors then discuss fluid mechanics in thehuman circulation, primarily applied to blood flow atthe arterial level. They also cover vascular implantsand measurements in the cardiovascular system.

Selected Contents

Fluid and Solid Mechanics and CardiovascularPhysiology: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics.Introduction to Solid Mechanics. CardiovascularPhysiology. Biomechanics of the Human Circulation:Rheology of Blood and Vascular Mechanics. Staticand Steady Flow Models. Unsteady Flow andNonuniform Geometric Models. Native Heart Valves.Cardiovascular Implants, BiomechanicalMeasurements, and Computational Simulations:Prosthetic Heart Valve Dynamics. VascularTherapeutic Techniques. Fluid DynamicMeasurement Techniques. Computational FluidDynamic Analysis of the Human Circulation. Index.

Catalog no. K12006, February 2012, 451 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-4516-5, $104.95

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Biomechanics of the UpperLimbsMechanics, Modelingand MusculoskeletalInjuries, Second EditionAndris FreivaldsThe Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park, USA

Over the past two decades, the growth in computer-related jobs has led to considerable increase in the num-ber of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in theupper limbs. Now in its second edition, Biomechanicsof the Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling andMusculoskeletal Injuries is expanded to include recentfindings regarding job stressors and a variety ofergonomic solutions. Using the author’s medical andengineering expertise to distill essential subject matterand useful technical data, this textbook explores:

• Biomechanics of the upper limbs and the motorcontrol system

• The structure and physiology of the humanmusculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems

• Recent research findings and solutions to variousergonomic problems

• Models of various components of the neuromus-cular systems, as well as larger systems in theupper limbs

• Risk factors for disorders and tools used to iden-tify their causes

Pedagogical Features

• Provides numerous examples in each chapter

• Features downloadable PowerPoint slides, sam-ple exams, and other background material on asupporting website

• Includes an instructor's manual with completesolutions

• Contains end-of-chapter references to enhancefurther study

Selected Contents

Introduction to Biomechanics. Structure of theMusculoskeletal System. Neuromuscular Physiologyand Motor Control. Modeling of Muscle Mechanics.Models of the Upper Limbs. MusculoskeletalDisorders and Risk Factors. Instrumentation. Job andWorksite Analysis. Hand Tools. The OfficeEnvironment.

Catalog no. 91190, February 2011, 564 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-9119-9, $119.95

Also available as an eBook

Biomechanicsand ExercisePhysiologyQuantitativeModelingArthur T. JohnsonUniversity of Maryland, CollegePark, USA

Using numerous worked examples to demonstratewhat and when to calculate, this text covers morethan just the fundamentals of exercise physiology. Itdemonstrates the vast amount of physiological mate-rial that can be quantitatively predicted and describeshow to translate this information into applications.The book examines the energetics of exercise, biome-chanics, circulation, respiration, and thermoregula-tion, and includes numerical examples and homeworkproblems. With an emphasis on quantitative descrip-tion, it includes tables and illustrations which makethis book helpful for estimating magnitudes, deter-mining trends, and illustrating concepts.

• Covers how to quantitatively predict exercisethermal response, using metric units

• Addresses respiratory models, cardiovascularmodels, and thermal models

• Demonstrates exactly how equations and meth-ods are applied with worked quantitative exam-ples

• Provides mathematical equations you can use topredict physiological responses

• Includes tables of physiological variable valuesfor estimating normal responses and buildingmodels

• Presents models that contain precise information

• Discusses the mechanical approaches to theunderstanding of exercise, both from a staticand from an dynamic viewpoint

Selected Contents

Exercise Limitations: Introduction. Exercise Intensityand Duration. Muscle Metabolism. ...

Exercise Biomechanics: Introduction. Physics ofMovement. Energy Cost of Movement. ...

Cardiovascular Responses: Introduction.Cardiovascular Mechanics. Cardiovascular Control. ...

Respiratory Responses: Introduction. RespiratoryMechanics. Control of Respiration. ...

Thermal Responses: Introduction. ThermalMechanics. Thermoregulation. ...


Chapters include homework problems and references.

Catalog no. DK5813, March 2007, 688 pp.ISBN: 978-1-57444-906-8, $135.95

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

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A LaboratoryCourse in TissueEngineeringMelissa Kurtis MicouUniversity of California, SanDiego, USA

Dawn KilkennyUniversity of Toronto, Ontario,Canada

“The book is well organized to teach cell culture and tissueengineering experiments to novice and experienced stu-dents. There is a quantitative emphasis in the book thatstrengthens the ‘engineering’ part of tissue engineering.”

—Ann Saterbak, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA

A hands-on lab manual for tissue engineering instruc-tion, this book contains 15 standalone experimentsbased on both classic and modern approaches.Experiments encompass a set of widely applicabletechniques: cell culture, microscopy, histology,immunohistochemistry, mechanical testing, softlithography, and common biochemical assays. Inaddition to these specific techniques, the experimentsemphasize engineering analysis, mathematical mod-eling, and statistical experimental design. To minimizelab costs, experiments use equipment commonlyfound in labs equipped for tissue culture.

Pedagogical Features

• Contains standalone experiments, allowinginstructors to customize their courses

• Includes prelab and postlab questions for eachexperiment

• Includes more than 70 illustrations

A Solutions manual, available with qualifying courseadoption, includes answers to pre- and postlab ques-tions, suggested equipment suppliers and productnumbers, and other resources to help plan a new tis-sue engineering course

Selected Contents

Getting Started in the Lab. Lab Safety. Essential LabSkills for Tissue Engineers. Isolation of PrimaryChondrocytes from Bovine Articular Cartilage.Measuring and Modeling Growth of a Cell Population.Purification of a Cell Population Using Magnetic CellSorting. Decellularized Matrices for Tissue Engineering.Effect of Plating Density on Cell Adhesion to VariedCulture Matrices. Dynamic versus Static Seeding ofCells onto Biomaterial Scaffolds. Cell Patterning UsingMicrocontact Printing. Measuring and Modeling theMotility of a Cell Population Using an Under-AgaroseAssay. Characterizing Matrix Remodeling ThroughCollagen Gel Contraction. Effect of Substrate Stiffnesson Cell Differentiation. ...

Catalog no. K13694, August 2012, 304 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7893-4, $59.95

Also available as an eBook


Introduction toBioMEMSAlbert FolchUniversity of Washington,Seattle, USA

“The field has been waiting for a true textbook thatprovides a practical, historical, authoritative andcomprehensive introduction to bioMEMS. It hasfinally arrived, courtesy of Albert Folch, completewith PowerPoint lectures and thoughtful homeworkquestions. I highly recommend it.”

—David J. Beebe, University of Wisconsin–Madison

“... a monumental achievement which brings anauthoritative and comprehensive account to therapidly growing, multidisciplinary field ofbioMEMS.”

—Mehmet Toner, Helen Andrus Benedict Professor ofBioengineering, Harvard Medical School

“It provides a visual feast of images that lead to acomprehensive understanding of many complexconcepts. Applications presented range from biomol-ecules to cells, tissues, and organisms, and are pre-sented in clear, logical steps. It serves as an out-standing text for advanced undergraduates andgraduate students, as well as an excellent review forresearchers who are new to the field.”

—Dr. Fawwaz Habbal, Harvard University

Pedagogical Features

• Highlights fundamental concepts and definesthem in an extensive glossary

• Includes over 400 color figures, problem sets,design challenges, and key references

• Offers downloadable PowerPoint slides forinstructors

Selected Contents

How Do We Make Small Things? Micropatterning ofSubstrates and Cells. Microfluidics. Molecular Biologyon a Chip. Cell-Based Chips for Biotechnology.BioMEMS for Cell Biology. Tissue Microengineering.Implantable Microdevices. Appendix. Index.

Catalog no. K10966, August 2012, 528 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, $89.95

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

A Textbook for Your Lectures...

An Introduction to BiomaterialsSecond EditionEdited by

Jeffrey O. HollingerCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Selected Contents

Consensus Definitions, Fundamental Concepts, anda Standardized Approach to Applied BiomaterialsSciences. Biology, Biomechanics, BiomaterialInteractions: Wound Healing Biology: CutaneousWound Pathobiology: Raison d’etre for TissueEngineering. Osseous Wound Healing. Biology,Biomechanics, Biomaterial Interactions: CellularMechanics: Cell and Tissue Mechanobiology.Biology, Biomechanics, Biomaterial Interactions:Materials–Host Interactions: Cell–MaterialInteractions: Fundamental Design Issues for TissueEngineering and Clinical Considerations. HostResponse to Biomaterials. Protein Adsorption at theBiomaterial–Tissue Interface. Biomaterials Testing,Statistics, Regulatory Considerations, IntellectualProperty: Standardized Materials Testing: In VitroTesting of Biomaterials. Assessment of Biomaterials:Standardized In Vivo Testing. Biomaterials Testing,Statistics, Regulatory Considerations, IntellectualProperty: Statistics: Basic Principles of Statistics:Considerations for Biomaterials Engineers. TherapyDevelopment, Animal Testing, and RegulatoryIssues. Fundamentals of Patenting for theBiomaterials Scientist. Biomaterials Compositions:Proteins and Amino Acid–Derived Polymers. Three-Dimensional Fibrin Constructs in TissueEngineering. Biomedical Polyurethanes. PolymersDerived from l-Tyrosine. Poly(propylene Fumarate).Complex Polysaccharides: Chitosan and Alginate.Collagen: A Natural Biomaterial for TissueEngineering. Polyphosphazenes. Biologically ActiveGlasses. Silk-Based Biomaterials: Biology, Properties,and Clinical Applications. Calcium-BasedBioceramics: Biology, Properties, and ClinicalApplications. Biomaterials Applications: TissueEngineering of Skin. Polymeric Biomaterials forDrug and Nucleic Acid Delivery. OrthopedicProstheses and Joint Implants. Bone andBiomaterials. Functional Regeneration of SynovialJoints In Vivo: The Role of Biomaterials and ScaffoldDesign. Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, and theNervous System. Ligaments, Biomaterials, andTissue-Engineering Opportunities. CardiovascularTissue Engineering and Biomaterials. Index.

A practical road map to the key families of biomateri-als and their potential applications in clinical thera-peutics, An Introduction to Biomaterials, SecondEdition follows the entire path of development fromtheory to lab to practical application. It highlights newbiocompatibility issues, metrics, and statistics as wellas new legislation for intellectual property.

Divided into four sections, this dramatically revisededition includes both new and revised chapters oncells, tissues, and signaling molecules in wound heal-ing cascades, as well as two revised chapters on stan-dardized materials testing with in vitro and in vivo par-adigms consistent with regulatory guidelines.Emphasizing biocompatibility at the biomaterial-hostinterface, it investigates cell-cell interactions, cell-sig-naling and the inflammatory and complement cas-cades, specific interactions of protein-adsorbed mate-rials, and other inherent biological constraints includ-ing solid-liquid interfaces, diffusion, and protein types.Unique in its inclusion of the practicalities of biomate-rials as an industry, the book also covers the basic prin-ciples of statistics, U.S. FDA information on the bio-materials-biology issues relevant to patent applica-tions, and considerations of intellectual property andpatent disclosure.

With nine completely new chapters and 24 chaptersextensively updated and revised with new accom-plishments and contemporary data, this comprehen-sive introduction discusses 13 important classes ofbiomaterials, their fundamental and applied research,practical applications, performance properties, syn-thesis and testing, potential future applications, andcommonly matched clinical applications.

Contains end-of-chapter questions and answers.Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption.

Catalog no. K10637, November 2011, 644 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1256-3, $119.95

Also available as an eBook

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

For more information and complete contents, visit

A Laboratory Course in BiomaterialsWujing XianUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Pedagogical Features

• Presents detailed, step-by-step descriptions oflab procedures and explanations for the underly-ing principles

• Contains user-friendly graphic illustrations forthe experiments

• Provides a series of questions and answers at theend of each chapter to clarify concepts andinduce critical thinking

• Includes text boxes with in-depth information,case studies, and lab tips

• Offers information on equipment, reagents, andsupplies for instructors

The field of biomedical engineering has vastlyexpanded in the past two decades, as reflected inthe increased number of bioengineering and bioma-terials programs at universities. The growth of thisarea has outpaced the development of laboratorycourses that allow students hands-on experience,since the barriers involved in creating multidiscipli-nary biomaterials laboratory courses are high. A Laboratory Course in Biomaterials provides ateaching tool comprehensive in scope perspective.

Multidisciplinary approach

Suitable for junior- or senior-level laboratory coursesin biomaterials and bioengineering, this volumetrains students in laboratory skills, data analysis,problem solving, and scientific writing. The texttakes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating avariety of principles that include materials science,chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology,and engineering.

Step-by-step instructions

The author presents flexible modules that allow thecoursework to be adapted to the needs of differentdepartments. Each module is organized around acentral theme, such as drug delivery and natural bio-materials, to enhance student comprehension. Thisbook provides step-by-step descriptions of lab pro-cedures, reagents, equipment, and data processingguidelines. It also includes a series of thought-pro-voking questions and answers following each exper-iment, drawn from the author’s own experience inteaching a biomaterials laboratory course at theUniversity of Illinois.

Timely in its coverage, many of the experiments pre-sented in the book are adapted from research papersreflecting the progress in various disciplines of bio-engineering and biomaterials science.

Selected Contents

Basic Laboratory Skills. Module I. Drug Delivery:Controlled Release of Encapsulated Protein fromPLGA Microspheres. Module II. Natural Biomaterials:Collagen and Chitosan. Basic Laboratory Skills II. CellCulture and Microscopy. Module III. BiocompatibilityTesting: Cytotoxicity and Adhesion. Module IV.Tissue Engineering: Organotypic Cultures of SkinEquivalents. Module V. Bioceramics: PorousHydroxyapatite Composite. Appendix: Answers.Index.

Catalog no. 75829, June 2009, 216 pp., Soft CoverISBN: 978-1-4200-7582-3, $64.95

...and One for Your Lab Courses

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMSManufacturing Techniques and ApplicationsMarc J. MadouUniversity of California, Irvine, USA

Other volumes in the set include:

• Solid-State Physics, Fluidics, and AnalyticalTechniques in Micro- and Nanotechnology

• Manufacturing Techniques for Microfabrication andNanotechnology


• Focuses on applications of NEMS and MEMS

• Covers scaling laws, actuators, and fluidics

• Discusses top-down and bottom-up manufacturing methods

• Explains how to use nature as a guide

Pedagogical Features

• End-of-chapter problems

• Worked-out problems within the text

• Extensive references for further reading

• A comprehensive glossary of terms

• Color illustrations throughout

Solutions manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and elec-tronic figures available with qualifying course adoption

From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS:Manufacturing Techniques and Applications detailsmanufacturing techniques applicable to bionanotech-nology. After reviewing MEMS techniques, materials,and modeling, the author covers nanofabrication,genetically engineered proteins, artificial cells,nanochemistry, and self-assembly. He also discussesscaling laws in MEMS and NEMS, actuators, fluidics,and power and brains in miniature devices. He con-cludes with coverage of various MEMS and NEMSapplications. Fully illustrated in color, the text containsend-of-chapter problems, worked examples, exten-sive references for further reading, and an extensiveglossary of terms.

Details the Nanotechnology, Biology, andManufacturing Techniques Applicable toBionanotechnology

Topics include:

• Nonlithography manufacturing techniques withlithography-based methods

• Nature as an engineering guide and contraststop-down and bottom-up approaches

• Packaging, assembly, and self-assembly from ICsto DNA and biological cells

• Selected new MEMS and NEMS processes andmaterials, metrology techniques, and modeling

• Scaling laws, actuators, power generation, andthe implementation of brains in miniaturizesdevices

• Different strategies for making micromachinessmarter

• The transition out of the laboratory and into themarketplace

The third volume in Fundamentals ofMicrofabrication and Nanotechnology, ThirdEdition, Three-Volume Set, the book discusses top-down and bottom-up manufacturing methods andexplains how to use nature as a guide. It provides abetter understanding of how to match different man-ufacturing options with a given application that stu-dents can use to identify additional killer MEMS andNEMS applications.

Selected Contents

From Traditional Manufacturing to Nanotechnology:Nonlithography-Based (Traditional) and Lithography-Based (Nontraditional) Manufacturing Compared.Nature as an Engineering Guide: Biomimetics.Nanotechnology: Top-Down and Bottom-UpManufacturing Approaches Compared. Packaging,Assembly, and Self-Assembly. Selected Materials andProcesses for MEMS and NEMS. Metrology andMEMS/NEMS Modeling. Scaling Laws, Actuators,and Power and Brains in Miniature Devices: ScalingLaws. Actuators. Power and Brains in MiniatureDevices. Miniaturization Application: MEMS andNEMS Applications.

Catalog no. 5516X, June 2011, 650 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, $99.95

Also available as an eBook

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

For more information and complete contents, visit

BioMEMSScience and Engineering PerspectivesSimona Badilescu and Muthukumaran PackirisamyConcordia University, Montreal, Canada


• Provides a concise overview of BioMEMS principles

• Incorporates modern applications

• Covers fabrication techniques

Pedagogical Features

• Examples and problems in each chapter

• References, review questions, and case studies toaid with reader application

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

As technological advancements widen the scope ofapplications for biomicroelectromechanical systems(BioMEMS or biomicrosystems), the field continues tohave an impact on many aspects of life science oper-ations and functionalities. Because BioMEMS researchand development require the input of experts whouse different technical languages and come fromvarying disciplines and backgrounds, scientists andstudents can avoid potential difficulties in communi-cation and understanding only if they possess a skillset and understanding that enables them to work atthe interface of engineering and biosciences.

Keeping this duality in mind throughout, BioMEMS:Science and Engineering Perspectives supports andexpedites the multidisciplinary learning involved inthe development of biomicrosystems. Divided intonine chapters, it starts with a balanced introduction ofbiological, engineering, application, and commercial-ization aspects of the field. With a focus on moleculesof biological interest, the book explores the buildingblocks of cells and viruses, as well as molecules thatform the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), linkers,and hydrogels used for making different surfaces bio-compatible through functionalization.

The book also discusses:

• Different materials and platforms used to devel-op biomicrosystems

• Various biological entities and pathogens (inascending order of complexity)

• The multidisciplinary aspects of engineeringbioactive surfaces

• Engineering perspectives, including methods ofmanufacturing bioactive surfaces and devices

• Microfluidics modeling and experimentation

• Device level implementation of BioMEMS con-cepts for different applications

Because BioMEMS is an application-driven field, thebook also highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chip(LOC) and micro total analysis system (µTAS), alongwith their pertinence to the emerging point-of-care(POC) and point-of-need (PON) applications.

Selected Contents

Introduction. Substrate Materials Used in BioMEMSDevices. Biomolecules and Complex BiologicalEntities: Structure and Properties. Engineering ofBioactive Surfaces. Methods of Study andCharacterization of Surface-Modified Substrates.Biosensing Fundamentals. Fabrication of BioMEMSDevices. Introduction to Microfluidics. BioMEMS: LifeScience Applications.

Catalog no. K10877, April 2011, 368 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1699-8, $99.95

Also available as an eBook

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Bio MEMS, NEMS, and Materials

BiomedicalMicrosystemsEllis MengUniversity of Southern California,Los Angeles, USA

Written by an active researcher named one ofTechnology Review’s Young Innovators Under 35, thisbook begins with an introduction to the benefits ofminiaturization. It introduces materials, fabricationtechnology, and the necessary components of allbioMEMS. The author covers fundamental principlesand building blocks, including microfluidic concepts,lab-on-a-chip systems, and sensing and detectionmethods. The final chapters explore several importantapplications of bioMEMS, such as microdialysis,catheter-based sensors, MEMS implants, neuralprobes, and tissue engineering. Detailed examples,exercises, and illustrations help clarify the concepts.


• Presents a rigorous, in-depth treatment ofbioMEMS materials, methods, processes, andconcepts

• Emphasizes practical knowledge useful for appli-cation to real-world problems

• Describes research and commercializedbioMEMS devices as well as emerging applica-tions

Pedagogical Features

• Detailed examples, laboratory exercises, and avariety of homework problems

• Numerous illustrations of concepts, processes,and devices

• Downloadable original images for qualifyinginstructors at

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

Introduction. BioMEMS Materials. MicrofabricationMethods and Processes for BioMEMS. Microfluidics.Lab-on-a-Chip or Micro Total Analysis Systems.Sensing and Detection Methods. Applications toCells, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins. ClinicalMonitoring. MEMS Implants and BioelectricInterfaces. Index.

Catalog no. 51229, September 2010, 408 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-5122-3, $94.95

Also available as an eBook

BiomaterialsA Nano ApproachSeeram Ramakrishna,Murugan Ramalingam,T.S. Sampath Kumar,and Winston O. SoboyejoFrom a multi-disciplinary point of view, this bookexamines basic concepts, various processing method-ologies, and techniques involved in the preparationand characterization of nanobiomaterials that are spe-cific to biomedical applications. It spans their histori-cal development and reviews recent advances in thefield. It describes how basic concepts in nanotechnol-ogy are applied to the processing of novel nanobio-materials, including nanostructured metals and alloys.Presenting illustrative examples and a variety of appli-cations, this text offers a solid framework for under-standing present and future trends of biomaterials inhuman health care systems.

Catalog no. 47817, June 2010, 372 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-4781-3, $99.95


UnderstandingNanomedicineAn IntroductoryTextbookRob BurgessMedical NanotechnologiesIncorporated, Richardson, Texas,USA

Understanding Nanomedicine: An IntroductoryTextbook comprehensively covers a broad range oftherapeutic and diagnostic applications of nanotech-nology, providing descriptions of cutting-edge discov-eries along with historical perspectives. The text focus-es on nanomaterials and nanoparticles, the sectorsthat hold the most promise for the future of medicine.The author looks at how nanotechnology can impactcancer treatment, clinical neuroscience, tissue engi-neering, drug delivery, and diagnostics. He also dis-cusses the worldwide governmental regulatoryimpact on nanomedicine.

Catalog no. N10477, June 2012, 524 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4316-38-5, $149.95

Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Imaging

For more information and complete contents, visit

New Edition of a Bestseller!

Webb's Physicsof MedicalImagingSecond EditionEdited by

M.A. FlowerInstitute of CancerResearch/Royal Marsden NHSFoundation Trust, UK

Praise for the Bestselling First Edition

“... the text of choice for teaching graduate researchstudents in this new and exciting subspeciality ofphysics.”

—Physics Today

“… a worthwhile addition to the personal library ofanyone connected with this field.”

—Journal of Clinical Physics and PhysiologicalMeasurement

“For all those requiring a comprehensive review ofmedical imaging techniques, at a fairly basic level,this text is highly recommended.”

—Australian Physicist

Since the publication of the bestselling first edition,the technology and clinical applications of medicalimaging have changed significantly. Gathering thesedevelopments into one volume, this comprehensivesecond edition presents the basic physics, moderntechnology, and up-to-date examples of clinical appli-cation across all the modalities of medical imaging. Itnow covers state-of-the-art detector technology andcomputer processing used in medical imaging. Alongwith many new examples and figures, this editionincludes new chapters on medical image processingand multimodality imaging.

Contains more than 400 high-quality figures, withsome in color

Selected Contents

In the Beginning: The Origins of Medical Imaging.Diagnostic Radiology with X-Rays. X-RayTransmission Computed Tomography. ClinicalApplications of X-Ray Computed Tomography inRadiotherapy Planning. Radioisotope Imaging.Diagnostic Ultrasound. Spatially Localised MagneticResonance. Physical Aspects of Infrared Imaging.Imaging of Tissue Electrical Impedance. OpticalImaging. Mathematics of Image Formation andImage Processing. Medical Image Processing.Perception and Interpretation of Images. ...

Catalog no. IP743, June 2012, 864 pp.ISBN: 978-0-7503-0573-0, $89.95

Also available as an eBook

BiomedicalSignal andImageProcessingSecond EditionKayvan NajarianVirginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, VA, USA

Robert SplinterUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

"... a great introduction to the topic, while it alsoincludes advanced topics in the field for graduatecourses. … highly recommended to any research andeducator in this field."

—Purang Abolmaesumi, Department of ElectricalEngineering, University of British Columbia, Canada

"The authors’ ability to introduce concepts at thelevel appropriate for senior undergraduate or grad-uate-level students is impressive. ... I would definite-ly use this book as my textbook in a biomedical sig-nal-processing course."

—Shahram Shirani, McMaster University, Canada

"… an excellent bridge between the physiologicalsignificance of the methods, and the underlyingmathematics. … clear, well written, and easy to fol-low. … this is an excellent course textbook."—Dr. Kristian Sandberg, Computational Solutions, Inc., USA

This textbook describes fundamental signal and imageprocessing techniques used to process biomedicalinformation. It also discusses application of these tech-niques in the processing of some of the main biomed-ical signals and images, such as EEG, ECG, MRI, and CT.New features include the technical updating of eachchapter along with the addition of many more exam-ples, the majority of which are MATLAB® based.

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

Introduction to Digital Signal and Image Processing:Signals and Biomedical Signal Processing. FourierTransform. Image Filtering, Enhancement, andRestoration. Edge Detection and Segmentation ofImages. Wavelet Transform. Other Signal and ImageProcessing Methods. Clustering and Classification.Processing of Biomedical Signals: Electrical Activities ofCell. Electrocardiogram. Electroencephalogram.Electromyogram. Other Biomedical Signals. Processingof Biomedical Images: Principles of ComputedTomography. X-Ray Imaging and ComputedTomography. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. UltrasoundImaging. Positron Emission Tomography. OtherBiomedical Imaging Techniques. Related Titles. Index.

Catalog no. K13235, May 2012, 411 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-7033-4, $99.95

Also available as an eBook

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Biomedical Imaging

Applied MedicalImageProcessingA Basic CourseWolfgang BirkfellnerAssociate Professor, Department of Medical Physics and BiomedicalEngineering, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

“The topics covered are clearly explained, includingexplanations of the mathematical operations thatare required, therefore making it an ideal text foranyone who is new to medical image processing.”

—Sarah Cade, Scope, December 2011

“The CD adds substantial value to the text andserves as an excellent guide to practice the informa-tion covered in the text. … Students who take acourse where this book is used as the course text willbe fortunate indeed.”

—William Hendee, Medical Physics, December 2010

“... an outstanding work ... Relevant medical imagesused for processing complement many of the con-cepts discussed.”

—Edward J. Ciaccio, Columbia University, BioMedicalEngineering OnLine, 2011

“... a lucid, well-written, and hands-on textbookthat explains in simple terms and with examples thebasic issues of medical image processing.” —Professor Leo Joskowicz, Head of Computer-Assisted

Surgery and Medical Image Processing Laboratory, TheHebrew University of Jerusalem

“... a perfect blend of theory and practice. I highlyrecommend it.”

—Dr. Pascal Fallavollita, Technische UniversitätMünchen

Selected Contents

A Few Basics of Medical Image Sources. ImageRepresentation. Operations in Intensity Space.Segmentation. Filtering and Transformations. SpatialTransforms. Rendering, Visualization, and SurfaceModels. Registration. Volume Reconstruction.Appendix. Glossary. Index.

Catalog no. K11176, September 2010, 403 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-2444-3, $72.95

Also available as an eBook


Ultrasonic andElectromagneticNDE forStructure andMaterialCharacterizationEngineering andBiomedicalApplicationsEdited by

Tribikram KunduThe University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

“... an essential reference for researchers and gradu-ate students ... The different chapters contributed byrecognized experts in the field cover both funda-mental theory as well as current research areas.”

—Dr. Paul Fromme, University College London, UK

“... a comprehensive and rigorous approach of thefundamentals of linear and nonlinear ultrasonicsand electromagnetic methods, including a chapteron the newly emerging THz technique. The bookalso provides enough advanced engineering andbiological applications to make the reader familiarwith these technologies ... an excellent text for a sen-ior/first-year graduate course in nondestructive test-ing and evaluation, or as a text in a course in engi-neering and biological materials characterization.”

—Henrique Reis, Department of Industrial andEnterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, USA

Pedagogical Features

• Includes questions, problems, and worked-outexamples

• Contains more than 640 illustrations

Solutions manual and figure slides to enhance class-room PowerPoint presentations available with quali-fying course adoption

Selected Contents

Mechanics of Elastic Waves and UltrasonicNondestructive Evaluation. Modeling of UltrasonicFields by Distributed Point Source Method.Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation.Distributed Point Source Method for Imaging inElectrostatic and Electromagnetic Problems. GuidedWaves for Plate and Pipe Inspection. Fundamentalsand Applications of Nonlinear UltrasonicNondestructive Evaluation. Theory and Applicationsof Laser Ultrasonic Techniques. . ...

Catalog no. K11655, June 2012, 890 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-3663-7, $149.95

Also available as an eBook


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For more information and complete contents, visit

QuantitativeUnderstandingof BiosystemsAn Introduction to Biophysics

Thomas M. NordlundUniversity of Alabama atBirmingham, USA

“This terrific text offers a broad range of learningopportunities for many undergraduate majors. ... Itwill enable students to understand the significanceof biological parameters through quantitativeexamples—a modern way of learning biophysics.

—American Journal of Physics, February 2012

“... a beautiful review of essential physics for under-standing biological systems, particularly at themolecular scale, emphasizing that which is rarelytaught in standard physics classes: how to think likea physicist.”

—Ernest Barreto, George Mason University

“A superb pedagogical textbook.”—Midwest Book Review, May 2011

An accompanying CD includes a wealth of interactivematerial. Solutions manual and presentation-qualitydiagrams available with qualifying course adoption.

Catalog no. 89772, March 2011, 583 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-8972-1, $89.95

Also available as an eBook


MolecularMotors in Bio-nanotechnologyKeith Firman and James YouellUniversity of Portsmouth, UK

This textbook describes a wide range of molecularmotors, ranging from chemical motors to biologicalmotors, in a manner that updates, or reviews, bothclassification of the type of motor and the groupinginto families. Many techniques have evolved to studyand characterize molecular motors at the single-mol-ecule level, and readers are introduced to the con-cepts and benefits of each technique. In addition, thebook looks at structural information and how thishelps understand function and, finally, how some ofthese motors are being used or may be used in thefuture.

Catalog no. N10568, August 2012, 300 pp.ISBN: 978-981-4267-02-1, $149.95

Also available as an eBook


PhysicalChemistry forEngineeringand AppliedSciencesFrank R. FoulkesThis textbook is the result of more than 30 years ofteaching by the author of a one-semester course inphysical chemistry to first-year students at theUniversity of Toronto. The book is unique in that itprovides the detailed development of the equations,which can be followed relatively easily even with onlymoderate mathematical skills and backgrounds. Thebook provides interesting and inspiring examples, aswell as many problems and solutions.

Catalog no. K15157, August 2012, 675 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4665-1846-9, $89.95

Also available as an eBook

Dynamics ofBiologicalSystemsMichael SmallHong Kong PolytechnicUniversity

With exercises and projects ineach chapter, this classroom-tested text shows how toapply a variety of mathemati-cal and computational techniques to model and ana-lyze the temporal and spatial phenomena of biologi-cal systems. The mathematical models and computersimulations offer insight into cardiac pacemakers, arti-ficial electrical defibrillation, pandemics, pattern for-mation, flocking behavior, the interaction ofautonomous agents, and hierarchical and structurednetwork topologies. MATLAB® implementations ofalgorithms and case studies are available on theauthor’s website.

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Catalog no. K12463, August 2011, 284 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-5336-8, $79.95

Also available as an eBook

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Biophysics Biotechnology

Physics forDiagnosticRadiologyThird EditionP.P. DendyAddenbrookes NHS Trust,Cambridge, UK

B. HeatonAberdeen Radiation ProtectionServices, UK

“This is the third edition of a well-established andpopular textbook on physics of diagnostic radiology.... written in a clear and concise style, supported byexcellent illustrations. ... describes recent state-of-the-art advances in medical imaging in a way radi-ologists, radiographers and medical physicists willfind easy to understand. It is internationally recog-nised as one of the key textbooks in its field.”

—Dr. Keith Faulkner, North East Strategic HealthAuthority, UK

Fully revised and updated, this bestselling text helpsreaders understand how various imaging techniqueswork. Exercises, multiple choice questions, extensivereferences, and further reading aid in understanding.

Catalog no. 83155, August 2011, 720 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-8315-6, $79.95

Also available as an eBook

BiotechnologyOperationsPrinciples andPracticesMichael J. RoyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison,USA

Because of rapid developments in the biotechnologyindustry—and the wide range of disciplines that con-tribute to its collective growth—there is a heightenedneed to more carefully plan and fully integrate biotechdevelopment projects. Despite the wealth of opera-tions experience and associated literature available, nosingle book has yet offered a comprehensive, practicalguide to fundamentals.

Filling the void, Biotechnology Operations:Principles and Practices reflects this integrative phi-losophy, serving as a practical guide for students, pro-fessionals, or anyone else with interests in the biotechindustry. Although many books emphasize specifictechnical aspects of biotech, this is perhaps the first tointegrate essential concepts of product developmentand scientific and management skills with the sevenfunctional areas of biotechnology.

A practical roadmap to optimizing biotechnologyoperations, this reference illustrates how to use specif-ic product planning, design, and project manage-ment processes to seamlessly merge plans and effortsin the key functional areas. Applying lessons learnedthroughout the nascent history of biotech, authorMichael Roy highlights developmental principles thatcould bring future products to market more safely andefficiently. Drawing from his experiences working inindustry and teaching a graduate course at theUniversity of Wisconsin, this hotly anticipated bookclarifies basic methodologies and practices to helpreduce risks and resolve problems as future techno-logical discoveries are developed into tangible prod-ucts.

Selected Contents

Introduction to Biotechnology Operations: Planningfor Success. Project Management. Regulatory Affairs.Regulatory Compliance. Quality Systems.Biomanufacture. Quality Control. Nonclinical Studies.Clinical Trials. Glossary. Additional Reading. PracticalProblems and Questions.

Catalog no. K11486, March 2011, 416 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-3027-7, $99.95

Also available as an eBook

Physiology,Biophysics, andBiomedicalEngineeringEdited by

Andrew W. WoodSwinburne University ofTechnology, Hawthorn, Victoria,Australia

Showing how biophysics and biomedical engineeringhave advanced modern medicine, this text provides amultidisciplinary understanding of biological phe-nomena and the instrumentation for monitoringthese phenomena. It also explores the application ofphysics and engineering methods to medicine andbiology. The book includes a range of numerical prob-lems with worked solutions and offers MATLAB® codefor advanced mathematical analysis of physiologicaland clinical monitoring systems.

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Catalog no. C6513, February 2012, 782 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-6513-8, $99.95

Also available as an eBook

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For more information and complete contents, visit

Coming Soon!

Learning Bio-Micro-NanotechnologyMel I. MendelsonLoyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA

Selected Contents

Thinking Small and Big: Introduction. Bit ofTechnology History. Tera-to-Pico Multipliers. Size ofThings. What Is "Small Technology?" Memory Lane inElectronics. Applications. Biomolecules and Cells: Introduction. Science ofEvolution. Powers of "10" Revisited. Building a HumanCell. Biomolecules. Protein Folding. IdentifyingBiomolecules. Forensic Methods. Genetic Variation:Mutations. Molecular Chemistry: Introduction. Periodic Table.Some Chemical Definitions. Chemical Bonding.Macromolecules. Polymer Examples. Colloids. SolidNanomolecules. Bit of Physics: Introduction. Size Matters. Workingtoward the Bottom. Definitions at the Bottom. Bottom:Energy Levels and Bonding. Benefits at the Bottom. Engineering Bits and Bytes: Introduction. Electronics-on-a-Chip. Computer Applications. Control Systems. Seeing Small Things: Introduction. Human Eye. SomeMicroscope Definitions. Light Microscopes. ElectronMicroscopes. Nanoelectronics: Introduction. Computer Applications.Lithographic Tools. Recent Chip Developments.Emerging Technology. Bottom-Up Technology. Microelectromechanical Systems: Introduction.Overview. Microsensors. Microactuators. Biochips. Nanotechnology and Cancer: Introduction. What IsCancer? Discovery: L. Detection: I. Delivery: T.Destruction: R. Risks: Nano or Mega?: Introduction. Bit of Anatomy.Definitions Relating to Risk. Chemical and PhysicalFactors. Benefits versus Risks. Risk Assessment. RiskManagement. Ethics and Social Relevance: Introduction. Some EthicsDefinitions. Ethics Algorithm. Some Ethical Issues. Self-Assembled Future: Introduction. Definition: Self-Assembled Future. Geometric Proportions. ChemicalAssembly. Snow Flake Assembly. Self-Assembled Colloids.Linear-Step Assembly. Spiral-Step Assembly. AmphiphilicStructures. Biomolecular Assembly. Self-AssembledMonolayers. Some Future Predictions. Epilogue. Appendices.Index.

Chapters also include key concepts, questions and problems, and references.

A primary text for undergraduate nanotechnologycourses, this book is designed for students wholack a cross-disciplinary background and knowl-edge of micro- and nano-technology. Clearly andconcisely written, it contains many examples,questions, and problems divided into three hierar-chical learning skills: understanding, analyzing,and evaluating the concepts. The author attemptsto break down the boundaries between biology,chemistry, physics, engineering and ethics. Heaccomplishes this by co-mingling the vocabularyand concepts of these disciplines around bio-appli-cations. Copiously illustrated, this new text leansheavily towards biological and biomedical applica-tions and includes a comprehensive chapter onethics.

• Breaks down the barriers between biology,chemistry, physics, engineering, and ethicswith cross-disciplinary coverage

• Emphasizes ethics throughout the text

• Includes extensive references at the end ofeach chapter

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Catalog no. 82035, October 2012, c. 614 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-8203-6, $89.95

Also available as an eBook

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Introduction to Instrumentation in Life SciencesPrakash S. BisenDefense Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior, India

Anjana SharmaRani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, India

Exclusion Chromatography. AffinityChromatography. Spectroscopy: UV–Visible Spectroscopy. IR(Vibrational) Spectroscopy. Flame/Atomic AbsorptionSpectroscopy. Fluorescence Spectroscopy. ESRSpectroscopy. NMR Spectroscopy. MALDI-TOF MassSpectrometry. Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy.Centrifugation: Principle of Centrifugation. Types ofCentrifuges. Types of Centrifugal Separations. RotorCategories. Selection of Centrifuge Tubes. CommonCentrifugation Vocabulary and Formulas. AnalyticalUltracentrifuge.Electrophoresis: Principles of GE. Working with theElectrophoresis Apparatus. Denaturing Gradient GE.Temperature Gradient GE. Pulsed-Field GE. CapillaryElectrophoresis. X-Ray Microanalysis: Principles. Instrumentation.Applications of X-Ray Microanalysis. Techniques forthe Analysis of Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary.Proteins by X-Ray Crystallography. Techniques with Radioisotopes: Isotopes andRadioactivity. Ionization Effects. Measurement Units.Measurement Techniques. Autoradiography.Counting Statistics. Biological Uses of Radioisotopes.Tracer Dilution Technique. Radioimmunoassay.Miscellaneous Uses of Radioisotopes. RadioisotopeProduction. Most Widely Used Radioisotopes.Fermentation: History. Principles of Fermentation.Introduction to Microorganisms. Types ofFermentation Metabolism. Fermentation Process.Types of Fermentation. Types of Fermentors.Sterilization in Fermentation. Product Recovery.Conductivity Meters: Principles. CommonDefinitions. Conductivity Meter. Conductivity Cells.Factors Influencing the Measurement. MeasuringTechniques. Reliable Measurements. Maintenanceand Storage. Applications.GlossaryIndex

Chapters include an introduction, suggested read-ings, and important links.

Designed to serve a multitude of students andresearchers diversified in the field of life sciences, phar-macy, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry,and environmental sciences, this book addresses thedifferent aspects of instrumentation that hold the keyfor cutting-edge research and innovative application.The authors emphasize techniques encountered bothin the practical classes and also in high throughputtechniques involved in the modern era of commer-cialization and product inventories. It includes well-illustrated diagrams to explain the principles and the-ories behind these instruments.

• Provides a comprehensive overview of tech-niques and usage of key instrumentation neededin biotechnology and life sciences

• Contains unique coverage of chromatographyand spectroscopy

• Includes a CD with color illustrations

• Supplies exercises at the end of each chapter

Selected Contents

Microscopy: Magnification, Resolution, andContrast. Light (Bright Field) Microscopy. Dark FieldMicroscope. Phase Contrast Microscope. InterferenceMicroscope. UV and Fluorescence Microscopes.Electron Microscopy. Tunneling Electron Microscopy.Confocal Microscopy. Techniques in Microscopy.Electron Microscopy.Micrometry: Structure of an Ocular Micrometer.Conjugate Image-Forming Focal Planes. EyepieceDesigns. Stage Micrometer. Filar EyepieceMicrometer. Principle of Filar Eyepiece Micrometer.Working.Electrochemical Techniques: Structure of a pHMeter. Principles. Factors Limiting the Accuracy ofpH Measurements. Measurement of pH. Working.Procedure for Measuring pH Using a pH Meter.Cleaning and Troubleshooting of Glass Probes.Application of pH Measurements. Oxygen Electrode. Chromatography: General Principles. ColumnChromatography. Paper Chromatography and Thin-Layer Chromatography. Sample Collection,Preservation, and Preparation. AdsorptionChromatography. Partition Chromatography. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Fast ProteinLiquid Chromatography. Gas–LiquidChromatography. Ion-Exchange Chromatography.

Catalog no. K14893, September 2012, 392 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-1240-5$79.95

Also available as an eBook

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For more information and complete contents, visit

Biotechnology FundamentalsFirdos Alam KhanManipal University, Dubai, UAE


• Includes information on current research trends

• Covers novel medical genetics topics such asintra-uterine insemination

• Discusses the process of biotech product development, with suitable examples

• Examines ethical issues within biotechnologyresearch and product development (e.g. embryonic stem cells, cloning, gene therapy,and GM crops)

Pedagogical Features

• Learning objectives for each chapter

• Problems, lab assignments, references, and ancillary online resources

• Suggestions for field trips that can be used toapply and better understand concepts and othermaterial in the book

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

The focus of Biotechnology Fundamentals is to edu-cate readers on both classical and modern aspects ofbiotechnology and to expose them to a range of top-ics, from basic information to complex technicalities.Other books cover subjects individually, but this textoffers a rare topical combination of coverage, usingnumerous helpful illustrations to explore the informa-tion that students and researchers need to intelligent-ly shape their careers.

Keeping pace with the rapid advancementof the field, topics covered include:

• How biotechnology products are produced

• Differences between scientific research conducted in universities and industry

• Which areas of biotechnology offer the best and most challenging career opportunities

• Key laboratory techniques and protocolsemployed in the field

The contents of this book are derived from discussionsbetween teachers and undergraduate students anddesigned to address the concepts and methodsthought useful by both sides. Starting with the funda-mentals of biotechnology, coverage includes defini-tions, historical perspectives, timelines, and major dis-coveries, in addition to products, research and devel-opment, career prospects, ethical issues, and futuretrends.

The author explains that even before it had been clas-sified as its own field, biotechnology was alreadybeing applied in plant breeding, in vitro fertilization,alcohol fermentation, and other areas. He then delvesinto new developments in areas including stem cellresearch, cloning, biofuels, transgenic plants, geneti-cally modified food/crops, pharmacogenomics, andnanobiotechnology. Incorporating extensive peda-gogy into the content, this book provides plenty ofexamples, end-of-chapter problems, case studies, andlab tutorials to help reinforce understanding.

Selected Contents

Introduction to Biotechnology. Genes and Genomics.Proteins and Proteomics. Recombinant DNATechnology. Microbial Biotechnology. AgriculturalBiotechnology. Animal Biotechnology. EnvironmentalBiotechnology. Medical Biotechnology.Nanobiotechnology. Product Development inBiotechnology. Industrial Biotechnology. Ethics inBiotechnology. Careers in Biotechnology. LaboratoryTutorials. Glossary.

Catalog no. K11059, September 2011, 608 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-2009-4, $89.95

Also available as an eBook

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HealthcareBiotechnologyA Practical GuideDimitris DogramatzisDogramatzis Pharmacy, Athens,Greece

"... The section on marketing is also particularlystrong and well thought through. ... provides insightinto the biotechnology business sector."

—British Journal of Biomedical Science

Focusing on the management of health-care relatedbiotechnology, this text is a practical guide assisting allhealthcare-related biotech professionals in their day-to-day activities. It contains chapters on bioeconomy,biolicensing, biofinance, biopartnering, biodrugresearch, biomarket planning, biopromotion, productlife cycle management, and biobusiness models.Written by a well-established professional and regis-tered pharmacist, this reference is appropriate forgraduate students and industry professionals. It con-tains over 350 tables and figures and end-of-sectionproblems accompany each chapter. Extensive refer-ences follow each chapter.

• Provides end-of-chapter problems and appropri-ate essays for each subject covered

• Offers a practical step-by-step guide for bothgraduate students and industry professionals

• Offers many illustrations, including over 350tables and figures

• Contains extensive references at the end of eachchapter as well as three appendices to enhancefurther study

Selected Contents

The Healthcare Biotechnology Industry: Bioeconomy.Intellectual Property: Intellectual PropertyManagement. Biolicensing. Funding: Biofinance.Biopartnering. New Product Development: BiodrugResearch. Biomanufacturing. Marketing:Biomarketing planning. Biopromotion. Biopricing.Biosupply Chain. Product Life Cycle Management.Running the Business: Biobusiness models.Biosimilars Model. Biocompany Life Cycle.Appendices.

Catalog no. K12108, December 2010, 689 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-4746-6, $104.95

Also available as an eBook

EnvironmentalMicrobiologyfor EngineersVolodymyr IvanovNanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore

Designed specifically for engineers with little or nobiology training, this textbook covers diversity andfunction of microorganisms in environmental engi-neering systems, environmental bioengineeringprocesses, applied microbial genetics and molecularbiology, microbiology of water and wastewater treat-ment, biotreatment and bioremediation, and micro-bial monitoring. It also explores biocorrosion of theconstructions, biodeterioration of the materials, bio-cementation and bioclogging of soil, biopollution ofindoor environment, and biofouling of the facilities.

• Combines microbiological knowledge and environmental biotechnology principles in areadable fashion for environmental and civilengineers

• Discusses ‘hot’ topics in the area such as environmental bionanotechnology, microbialgeotechnology, and environmental engineeringof closed microbial ecosystems

Pedagogical Features

• Contains a glossary of terms

• Supplies a quiz and tutorial questions at the endof each chapter

• Teaches with minimal use of mathematical equations

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

Stages of Bioprocessing. Bioagents of Bioprocessing.Microbial Metabolism and its control. MolecularBiology and Genetics of Microorganisms. Selectionof Pure Cultures. Classifications ad Identifications ofProkaryotes. Periodic Table of Physiological Groups ofProkaryotes. Nutrition and Growth. Cultivation ofMicroorganisms and Downstream Processes.Microbial Adaptations and Engineering Control.Microbial Natural Ecosystems. Microbial EngineeringEcosystems. Public Health Microbiology forEngineers. Microbiology of Water Treatment.Microbiology of Aquatic Ecosystems. Microbiology ofAnaerobic Wastewater Treatment. Microbiology ofAerobic Wastewater Treatment. ...

Catalog no. 92340, November 2010, 438 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-9234-9, $104.95

Also available as an eBook

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For more information and complete contents, visit

Fundamentalsof Microfluidicsand Lab on aChip forBiologicalAnalysis andDiscoveryPaul C.H. LiSimon Fraser University, Burnaby,British Columbia, Canada

Authored by one of the field’s pioneering researchers,this volume focuses on all key aspects of the microflu-idic lab-on-a-chip technologies to offer an exception-ally cohesive overview of the science, its limitations,breakthroughs made over the years, and currentlyemerging advances. The book emphasizes analyticalapplications of microfluidic technology and presentsin-depth coverage of micromachining methods,microfluidic operations, chemical separations, samplepreparation and injection methods, detection tech-nology, and various chemical and biological analyses.Other topics of interest include the use of polymericchips, fluid flow valve and control, single-cell analysis,DNA and RNA amplification techniques, DNAhybridization, immunoassays, and enzymatic assays.

• Reviews fundamentals of micromachining andfluid flow and control for lab-on-a-chip

• Emphasizes analytical applications of microfluidictechnology

• Includes information that is key to cell, nucleicacid, protein, and genetic analyses, includingDNA sequencing

• Adapts traditional principles of operations forthe size of a chip, optimizing the miniaturizationadvantage and favorable scaling down

• Contains tables that summarize related materialsand problem sets that test comprehension of thematerial

• Includes a glossary and extensive referencesalong with a four-page color insert

Solutions manual is available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

Introduction. Micromachining Methods. MicrofluidicFlow. Sample Introduction. Sample Preconcentration.Separation. Detection Methods. Applications toCellular/Particle Analysis. Applications to NucleicAcids Analysis. Applications to Protein Analysis.References. Glossary. Technology. Index.

Catalog no. K10977, February 2010, 418 pp.Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1855-8$99.95

Also available as an eBook

Systems BiologyandBioinformaticsA ComputationalApproachKayvan Najarian,Christopher N.Eichelberger, Siamak Najarian, andShahriar GharibzadehEmphasizing computational methods, SystemsBiology and Bioinformatics provides an introductionto system biology and its impact on biology and med-icine. It reviews basic principles of molecular and cellbiology using a system-oriented approach, with abrief description of the high-throughput biologicalexperiments that produce databases. The methodspresented include techniques to discover genes, per-form nucleotide and amino acid sequence matching,and estimate static gene dynamic pathways. It alsoexplains applications for system-oriented models topredict the behavior of biological systems.

Catalog no. 46500, April 2009, 190 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-4650-2, $75.95

Also available as an eBook

Colloids andInterfaces inLife Sciencesand Bio-nanotechnologySecond EditionWillem NordeWageningen University andUniversity Medical CenterGroningen, The Netherlands

This classroom-tested reference presents a conciseintroductory treatment of the physicochemical princi-ples that determine interrelated colloidal and interfa-cial phenomena and their relevance to various life sci-ences. The book focuses on concepts that form thebasis for understanding this behavior. Whether deci-phering the spontaneous assembly of amphiphilicmolecules or the intentional fouling of surfaces for theimmobilization of cells in bioreactors, this bookdevotes special attention to reversible and soft col-loids, and discusses the colloidal domain in a historicalperspective, the size and distribution of particles, andelectrokinetic phenomena, and more.

Catalog no. K10890, June 2011, 495 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-1718-6, $129.95

Also available as an eBook

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General Textbooks

A First Coursein DifferentialEquations,Modeling, andSimulationCarlos A. Smith andScott W. CampbellUniversity of South Florida,Tampa, USA

Emphasizing a practical approach for engineers and sci-entists, A First Course in Differential Equations,Modeling, and Simulation avoids overly theoreticalexplanations and shows readers how differential equa-tions are derived by applying basic physical principlesand experimental observations to engineering systems.This textbook also covers classical methods for obtainingthe analytical solution of differential equations andLaplace transforms. In addition, the authors discuss howthese equations describe mathematical systems andhow to use software to solve sets of equations in whichanalytical solutions cannot be determined. Numericalvalues are provided in all examples and problems.


• Teaches how to model engineering systems

• Reviews the necessary physics material

• Explores how to obtain the analytical solution ofdifferential equations using actual physical sys-tems

• Discusses how the roots of the characteristicequation provide the qualitative nature of theresponse of any systems

• Explains how to use simulation software

• Provides numerical values in all examples andproblems

Solutions manual available with qualifying courseadoption

Selected Contents

IntroductionObjects in a Gravitational FieldClassical Solutions of Ordinary Linear DifferentialEquationsLaplace TransformsMechanical Systems: TranslationalMechanical Systems: RotationalMass BalancesThermal SystemsElectrical SystemsNumerical SimulationIndex

Catalog no. K12318, May 2011, 345 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4398-5087-9, $89.95

Also available as an eBook

TechnicalWritingA Practical Guide forEngineers andScientistsPhillip A. LaplanteThe Pennsylvania StateUniversity, Malvern, USA

Written by a renowned engineer and widely pub-lished technical author, this guide enables readers towrite, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature,including books, articles, reports, and electronicmedia. Complementing the traditional writer’s refer-ence manuals and other books on technical writing, ithelps readers understand the practical considerationsin writing technical content. Drawing on his ownwork, the author presents many first-hand examplesof writing, editing, and publishing technical materials.These examples illustrate how a publication originat-ed as well as various challenges and solutions.

Catalog no. K11106, July 2011, 250 pp., Soft CoverISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8, $39.95

Also available as an eBook

RandomPhenomenaFundamentals ofProbability andStatistics forEngineersBabatunde A.OgunnaikeUniversity of Delaware, Newark,USA

“... excellent ... distinguished from the crowded fieldby the well-explained theory of statistics and how itprovides interesting applications.”—Walid K. Sharabati, The American Statistician, August


“... offers many unique features ... core concepts arewritten in an easy-to-understand format ... exam-ples and application problems are selected from awide range ... I highly recommend this book.”

—Ali Cinar, Technometrics, August 2011

Solutions manual is available with qualifying courseadoption

Catalog no. 44974, September 2009, 1056 pp.ISBN: 978-1-4200-4497-3, $139.95

Also available as an eBook

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