Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and...

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North American Journal of FisheriesManagementPublication details, including instructions for authors andsubscription information:

Bioenergetics Evaluation of the FishCommunity in the Western Arm of LakeSuperior in 2004Mary T. Negus a , Donald R. Schreiner a , Theodore N. Halpern a ,Stephen T. Schram b , Michael J. Seider b & Dennis M. Pratt ca Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Area FisheriesOffice, 5351 North Shore Drive, Duluth, Minnesota, 55804, USAb Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 141 South 3rdStreet, Bayfield, Wisconsin, 54814, USAc Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1401 Tower Avenue,Superior, Wisconsin, 54880, USA

Available online: 08 Jan 2011

To cite this article: Mary T. Negus, Donald R. Schreiner, Theodore N. Halpern, Stephen T. Schram,Michael J. Seider & Dennis M. Pratt (2008): Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in theWestern Arm of Lake Superior in 2004, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28:6,1649-1667

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Page 3: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in theWestern Arm of Lake Superior in 2004


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Area Fisheries Office, 5351 North Shore Drive,Duluth, Minnesota 55804, USA


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 141 South 3rd Street, Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814, USA


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1401 Tower Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin 54880, USA

Abstract.—Lake Superior’s fish community continues to change as a result of the recovery of populations

of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, the naturalization of introduced salmonids Oncorhynchus spp. and Salmo

spp., declines in the populations of rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax, and the fluctuating recruitment of cisco

Coregonus artedi. This study used bioenergetics modeling of the dominant predator fish in the western arm of

Lake Superior in 2004 to provide a comprehensive picture of the relationship between predator demand and

prey fish availability. The results, presented for nearshore and offshore areas and three geographically distinct

ecoregions, indicate that the western arm is at or near its carrying capacity for predators. Estimated predator

demand was about one-half the annual biomass plus production of coregonines but exceeded the biomass plus

production of rainbow smelt, possibly because of underestimates of this species in shallow areas and recent

shifts in predator diets. Lean lake trout were responsible for most of the consumption of these prey fish, while

the deepwater siscowet form ranked second. The commercial harvest of prey fish biomass was trivial

compared with the consumption by predator fish. Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, along with

other nearshore potamodromous species, played minor roles in total consumption. Chinook salmon are an

indicator of forage status, as they have responded to declines in the rainbow smelt biomass with a dramatic

diet shift to ciscoes and a decline in weight at age since the early 1990s. Slightly reduced lean lake trout

growth and density-dependent survival in some areas also indicate that competition for prey is intense.

Because most of the predators in the western arm are wild fish, stocked predators no longer have a great

impact on prey populations. Bioenergetics modeling of predator demand combined with hydroacoustic

estimates of prey supply can be valuable for managing the fisheries of large lakes, allocating resources to

various interest groups, and increasing basic understanding of lake production and community dynamics.

The Lake Superior fish community has been

changing for more than a century, but the alterations

have been most dramatic since the 1950s, when sea

lampreys Petromyzon marinus invaded the lake, native

populations of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush and

cisco Coregonus artedi declined, introduced rainbow

smelt Osmerus mordax became the dominant prey

species, and several species of Pacific salmon Onco-rhynchus spp. were introduced to enhance recreational

fishing (Kitchell et al. 2000; Bronte et al. 2003; Ebener

2007; Gorman 2007). The recent rehabilitation of lake

trout populations in much of Lake Superior, the

naturalization of introduced salmonine species, and

continued shifts in the abundance of forage species

have raised concern that increased predation may

negatively impact the forage base. Heist and Swenson

(1983) warned that rainbow smelt production was

insufficient to support the commercial fishery and

predator demand in the late 1970s, and dramatic

declines in rainbow smelt abundance and survival

appear to substantiate this prediction. Overstocking

predators could result in a catastrophic decline in a

primary prey stock (in our case, rainbow smelt), and a

rapid switch to other prey species could similarly

depress those populations (Stewart and Ibarra 1991).

The concept of limited productive capacity is

difficult to convey to the public proponents of each

predator species. Angling groups have opposed

reductions in stocking and have promoted the simul-

taneous restoration of both native and nonnative

species to historic high levels. This advocacy has only

recently begun to falter based on evidence of poor

survival of stocked fish and indications of inadequate

forage for some species (Corradin 2004; Schreiner et

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received October 3, 2007; accepted February 10, 2008Published online December 18, 2008


North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1649–1667, 2008� Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2008DOI: 10.1577/M07-176.1





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Page 4: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

al. 2006). Some of these same angler groups oppose the

commercial harvest of prey fish, suggesting that food is

being taken away from predatory game fish. The

emergence of hydroacoustics as an effective tool for

quantifying pelagic prey biomass and the application of

bioenergetics modeling to predator species has facili-

tated the comparison of predator demand and prey

supply. Thus, we can evaluate the capacity of Lake

Superior to support current and potential abundances of

wild, naturalized, and hatchery-reared predators, and

removal of prey species by commercial harvest.

In a previous study, Negus (1995) applied bioener-

getics models to fisheries data from Minnesota waters

in 1989 to quantify predator consumption relative to

prey supply. The Wisconsin bioenergetics model

(Hanson et al. 1997) provided a straightforward format

for compiling available data and integrating informa-

tion to investigate various management or growth

scenarios. Negus (1995) used simulation results to

compare the relative impacts of predator consumption,

commercial harvest, and sportfishing on the forage

base. The results were compromised by a paucity of

information, but the study nevertheless served to

identify areas for future research. For example, the

lack of adequate forage base estimates was used to

justify hydroacoustic studies of forage populations in

the western arm of Lake Superior (Johnson et al. 2004;

Mason et al. 2005; Hrabik et al. 2006b).

Other data deficiencies identified by Negus (1995)

have also been addressed, including diets of several

species (Ray 2004) and thermal distribution of lake

trout (Mattes 2004). Stocking of lean lake trout has been

reduced or eliminated due to population rehabilitation

(Schreiner and Schram 1997; Schreiner et al. 2006), and

statistical catch-at-age models have been used to

estimate lean lake trout abundance, mortality rates,

and size at age (Bence and Ebener 2002; Schreiner et

al. 2006; Linton et al. 2007). We have a greatly

improved understanding of the ecological role of the

fat (or ‘‘siscowet’’) form of lake trout in deepwater

regions (Bronte et al. 2003; Hrabik et al. 2006a;

Ebener 2007) and the size at age and mortality of

potamodromous fishes (lake-dwelling species that

spawn in streams; Halpern 2002; Schreiner et al.

2006; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

[MNDNR], unpublished data). Finally, research has

revealed the high degree of naturalization of Chinook

salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Jones and

Schreiner 1997; Peck et al. 1999; Schreiner et al. 2006).

By incorporating recent data into the bioenergetics

framework, we are able to revisit the earlier conclu-

sions of Negus (1995), validate the predictive ability of

the Wisconsin bioenergetics model (Hanson et al.

1997), and study community dynamics within Lake

Superior. Rand and Stewart (1998) undertook a similar

comparison to evaluate shifts in the forage base and

predator diets in Lake Ontario. While several other

studies have modeled specific aspects of the predator

and prey communities in Lake Superior (Ebener 1995;

Mason et al. 1998; Kitchell et al. 2000; Harvey et al.

2003), sufficient new data on predator and prey

populations have only recently become available to

allow an updated study to parallel the earlier one by

Negus (1995).

This modeling synthesis was designed to reveal the

current status of predator–prey relationships in the

western arm of Lake Superior, compare the relative

importance of various predator species, and evaluate

the current significance of stocking and harvest

operations relative to prey fish production and predator

consumption. Negus’s earlier study (Negus 1995) was

limited to primarily stocked fish in Minnesota waters of

Lake Superior, but the present study includes both

stocked and naturally reproduced predatory fish and

encompasses the entire western arm of the lake, which

comprises all of Minnesota and Wisconsin waters.

Further, these waters include three ecoregions that

encompass distinct habitats representative of much

larger areas of Lake Superior. The specific objectives

of this study were to (1) compile recent data on

predator and prey species in the western arm of Lake

Superior; (2) estimate predator demand by means of

bioenergetics models and compare these estimates with

estimates of available coregonine (including cisco, kiyi

C. kiyi, and bloater C. hoyi) and rainbow smelt

biomass; (3) compare the relative amounts of prey

consumed by predators in nearshore and offshore areas

and within three ecoregions of the western arm; (4)

compare commercial, sport, and assessment harvests

with predator consumption and available biomass of

coregonines and rainbow smelt; (5) compare the

consumption by stocked predators with that of

naturally reproduced predators; (6) compare diets and

lifetime consumption by individual fish and popula-

tions of each predator species; and (7) compare current

estimates of predator consumption with those found in

previous bioenergetics studies conducted in western

Lake Superior.

Study Area

The western arm of Lake Superior includes both

Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has

been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat

type (Figure 1; Table 1). The three ecoregions are

similar to those used in hydroacoustic studies of the

forage base (Johnson et al. 2004; Mason et al. 2005),

except that this study included Minnesota and

Wisconsin waters in their entirety, and divisions





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Page 5: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

FIGURE 1.—Maps of the western arm of Lake Superior showing (A) Minnesota lake trout management zones MN-1, MN-2,

and MN-3 and Wisconsin lake trout management zones WI-1 and WI-2 and (B) ecoregions 1–3 (see text for explanation).

Chequamegon Bay was not included in the ecoregions studied. The management zones in Minnesota waters incorporate

definitional changes in 2006 that reflect current and historic management practices. The bathymetric contours were supplied by

the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in November 2005.





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Page 6: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

between ecoregions incorporate the borders of lake

trout management zones rather than the 100-m contour.

Ecoregion 1, at the western tip of the lake, includes the

cities of Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin,

and has the highest amount of development. This

region has low-to-moderate slope and intermediate

water temperatures and fish densities. Ecoregion 2 is

the Apostle Islands area (excluding Chequamegon

Bay) and includes the largest area of shallow water,

warmer temperatures than the other ecoregions, and the

highest fish densities. Ecoregion 3, located along

Minnesota’s steep, rocky north shore, represents the

deep open lake and has low temperatures and fish

densities. Chequamegon Bay was not included in this

study because of its dissimilarity to the rest of the

western arm and because that area was the focus of

another bioenergetics study (Devine et al. 2005).


The Wisconsin bioenergetics model (Hanson et al.

1997) was used to model consumption based on the

growth of the major predator species in the western arm

of Lake Superior. The year 2004 was modeled,

including extant year-classes of all major predators,

both stocked and naturally reproduced. Predators

included native species (lake trout [both the lean and

siscowet forms], burbot Lota lota, and walleye Sandervitreus) and nonnative species (Chinook salmon, coho

salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch, two migratory strains of

rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss [the naturalized

steelhead strain and the Kamloops hatchery strain

stocked in Minnesota], and brown trout Salmo trutta).

The 80-m contour was used to distinguish nearshore

and offshore communities (Harvey et al. 2003).

The model parameters for most predators came from

Fish Bioenergetics 3.0 (Hanson et al. 1997). Additional

parameters for lean lake trout and siscowets (Johnson

et al. 1999), brown trout (Hayes et al. 2000; Dieterman

et al. 2004), and burbot (Rudstam et al. 1995; Johnson

et al. 1999) were also used. The required inputs to the

model included the abundance at age, mortality rate,

weight at age, age of maturity, spawning date, average

weight lost during spawning, diet, prey energy density,

and temperature occupied for each predator species in

each ecoregion.

We modeled only the time that each species spent in

Lake Superior, omitting stream-dwelling periods for

potamodromous species. For most species, the first

simulation day was 1 June, and the final day was 31

May. Most migratory species enter the lake as smolts

or are stocked about 1 June, and thus their predatory

impact begins at that time. Age-0 lake trout simulations

began on 1 July to correspond to the approximate start

of exogenous feeding (Bronte et al. 1995; Hudson et al.

1995). Chinook salmon and coho salmon stop eating

before fall spawning and die after spawning, so

simulations ended on 15 September for age-5 Chinook

salmon and 15 October for age-2 coho salmon.

The total consumption of coregonines and rainbow

smelt by all predators was compared with the

availability (i.e., the standing stock biomass estimated

from summer hydroacoustic surveys, plus annual

production derived from published production-to-

biomass [P:B] ratios) of these prey categories in the

western arm as a whole, in nearshore and offshore

areas of the western arm, and in the three ecoregions.

Consumption of prey fish by predators was also

compared with the commercial, sport, and assessment

harvests (i.e., fish captured in gill nets set by agency

personnel and licensed netters to monitor prey

populations). The lifetime levels of consumption of

coregonines and rainbow smelt by individual predators

and by populations of predators were compared to

determine which species had the greatest impact on

TABLE 1.—Areas (km2) within the western arm of Lake Superior (Figure 1) calculated using ArcView GIS (ESRI 1996)

software. Depth contours were taken from a map supplied by NOAA in November 2005. Surface areas within Minnesota

management zones reflect 2006 boundary changes.

Management zoneor ecoregion

Nearshore(depth ,80 m)

Offshore(depth .80 m)


Percentage ofwestern arm

MN-1 388 368 755 6.5MN-2 127 1,950 2,077 17.8MN-3 184 3,592 3,776 32.4Minnesota total 699 5,910 6,608 56.7

WI-1 532 387 919 7.9WI-2a 2,662 1,467 4,130 35.4Wisconsin total 3,194 1,855 5,049 43.3

Ecoregion 1 (western tip of lake) 920 755 1,674 14.4Ecoregion 2 (Apostle Islands)a 2,662 1,467 4,130 35.4Ecoregion 3 (north shore) 311 5,542 5,853 50.2Western arm totala 3,893 7,764 11,657 100.0

a Minus Chequamegon Bay and land areas of the Apostle Islands. Chequamegon Bay encompasses

about 145 km2.





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Page 7: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

these forage fish. Similar comparisons were made for

total prey consumption by individuals and by popula-

tions of predators.

Detailed tables of model input data and data source

descriptions are provided in Negus et al. (2007);

general information is provided below.

Predator population abundance.—Predators in the

western arm of Lake Superior in 2004 (Table 2)

included naturally reproduced and stocked fish of each

species. Most lean lake trout in Lake Superior are

naturally reproduced, although some continue to be

stocked as yearlings. The abundances of both popula-

tions were estimated with statistical catch-at-age

models developed for three Minnesota lake trout

management zones (MN-1, MN-2, and MN-3) and

Wisconsin lake trout management zone WI-2 (Figure

1; Bence and Ebener 2002; Linton et al. 2007; M.

Drake, MNDNR, personal communication). The abun-

dances in Wisconsin lake trout management zone WI-1

were calculated using the densities in MN-1. The

abundances of siscowets were estimated based on the

ratios of siscowets to lean lake trout caught in

assessment nets set in four depth zones (,73, 73–

,110, 110–146, and .146 m) in each of three

locations (the deepest portion of MN-1, WI-1, and


Estimates of potamodromous predator populations

were based on annual harvests as determined by creel

surveys and the numbers returning to fish traps in

Minnesota’s French and Knife rivers; Wisconsin’s

Brule, Flag, Cranberry, Sioux, and Onion rivers; and

Wisconsin’s North Fish, Whittlesey, and Pikes creeks

(MNDNR and Wisconsin Department of Natural

Resources [WIDNR], unpublished file data). Percent

survival at each age was applied to the numbers

stocked to determine the numbers at age within each

management zone, and these estimates were expanded

to include wild fish based on the percentage of stocked

fish (identified by fin clips) in the total population

(Negus et al. 2007). Population estimates within each

management zone were combined to represent appro-

priate ecoregions (Figure 1).

Chinook salmon are stocked as age-0 fingerlings in

May and June. They smolt and migrate to the open lake

within a few days or weeks and live in Lake Superior

for 3 to 5 years before returning to streams to spawn

and die in September and October. However, nearly

95% of Chinook salmon in Minnesota waters are now

wild fish (Schreiner et al. 2006), and at least 76% of

those in management zone WI-2 are also wild (Peck et

al. 1999; Ebener 2007). Coho salmon have become

naturalized in Lake Superior and are no longer stocked

in the western arm. They spend 16–18 months in

streams, smolt and migrate to Lake Superior in spring,

and spend 18–20 months in the lake before returning to

spawn and die in November. Populations of potamodr-

omous rainbow trout in the western arm include

naturalized steelhead that reproduce in the wild and

are supplemented by fry, fingerling, and yearling

stocking, and the Kamloops hatchery strain that is

stocked as fin-clipped yearlings in Minnesota waters.

Simulations of unclipped rainbow trout began with

age-2 fish because most steelhead that survive to

adulthood smolt at this age. Brown trout are stocked in

Wisconsin waters, but survival of the stocked fish is

very low, and at least 95% of the brown trout in the

western arm are wild fish.

Burbot abundance was estimated at 100,000 in WI-2

(Schram et al. 2006) and expanded to 200,000 fish age

1 and older in the western arm. Numbers in each

ecoregion were estimated by applying equal densities

per unit of surface area (including nearshore and

offshore waters). The primary stock of walleyes in the

western arm spawns in the St. Louis River estuary, and

population estimates were made in 2002 (Negus et al.

2007; WIDNR, unpublished data).

Mortality rates.—Mortality rates for lean lake trout

(Table 2) were derived from statistical catch-at-age

models developed for Minnesota waters and the

Apostle Islands region of Wisconsin (Linton et al.

2007; M. Drake, personal communication). Mortality

rates for siscowets were assumed to equal the natural

mortality plus sea lamprey mortality rates in the lean

lake trout model. Mortality rates for Chinook salmon,

coho salmon, rainbow trout, brown trout, and walleyes

were calculated from catch curves derived from creel

census and trap return data (Negus et al. 2007). Burbot

mortality was estimated by Schram et al. (2006).

Weights at age.—The weights at age of most

predators (Table 2) came from unpublished MNDNR

and WIDNR data (Negus et al. 2007); those for burbot

came from Schram (1983) and Schram et al. (2006) and

those for walleyes from Mayo et al. (1998).

Age of maturity, spawning date, and weight lostduring spawning.—Spawning data are summarized in

Table 3. This information represents an average for

each species, taking into account both genders and

variation in rates of development. Because Chinook

salmon and coho salmon die after spawning, spawning

weight loss is not included in the models of these


Predator diets and prey energy densities.—Most

diet information came from the MNDNR Lake

Superior Fisheries office (unpublished data) and Ray

(2004) (Figure 2; see also Negus et al. 2007). All

predator diet files were based primarily on data

collected during the spring and summer and were

modified for fall and winter to reflect seasonal





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Page 8: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

availability of diet items. Rainbow smelt are a favored

diet item and are most vulnerable in spring, when they

congregate in shallow nearshore areas, but consump-

tion of this species was greatly reduced in other

seasons. The different species of coregonines and

sculpins (slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus and deepwater

sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsoni ) consumed by lean

lake trout and siscowets reflect their different habitats

and had different energy densities (Table 4). The

indigestible portion of the diet was assumed to be 3.3%for fish and 10% for invertebrates (Stewart et al. 1983).

Temperatures.—The temperatures used in the sim-

ulations reflected species’ preferences coupled with the

available temperature ranges within each ecoregion

(Table 5; Negus et al. 2007). For example, thermal

distribution recorded using archival tags implanted in

lean lake trout in Lake Superior (Mattes 2004)

provided monthly mean temperatures for lean lake

trout in ecoregion 2, which were modified for

ecoregions 1 and 3 based on available temperature

ranges. Thermal stratification in nearshore areas of

Lake Superior provided a range of temperatures from

June through November, but nearly uniform cold

temperatures occurred from about December through

May, so all nearshore salmonines were assumed to

occupy similar temperatures during the coldest months.

Nearshore and offshore distributions.—The distri-

butions of predator populations were categorized as

‘‘nearshore’’ or ‘‘offshore,’’ the 80-m depth contour being

used as the dividing line. Lean lake trout primarily

occupy water less than 80 m in depth, and siscowets

primarily occupy areas deeper than 80 m (Becker 1983;

Bronte et al. 2003), but distributions within ecoregions

were modified based on assessment netting done at

various depths by MNDNR and WIDNR. Burbot

populations were assumed to distribute evenly in

nearshore and offshore areas. Potamodromous species

were assumed to occupy the nearshore zones for this

study, based on their thermal and diet preferences,

although they are sometimes found in the upper 80 m of

offshore waters. For the purposes of this study,

TABLE 2.—Mean weight (W; g) at age, abundance (N), and annual mortality (A) of predator species modeled in the western

arm of Lake Superior in 2004. The mortalities listed for each species reflect the values for ecoregion 1. Predator abundances and

mortalities in each ecoregion are available in Negus et al. (2007). For unclipped steelhead, weight at age varied by ecoregion

(W1, W2, W3 for ecoregions 1, 2, and 3 respectively).


Lean lake trout(wild)a

Lean lake trout(stocked)a Siscowet Chinook salmon Coho salmon

W N A W Nb A W N A W N A W N A

0 0.02 6,295,476 0.897 0.02 20,432,275 0.898 6 423,259 0.9951 41 644,046 0.151 41 27,226 0.148 5 1,729,044 0.150 300 24,469 0.380 35 114,011 0.8502 105 546,938 0.151 105 22,461 0.148 45 1,469,466 0.150 1,240 33,237 0.300 620 22,802 0.9003 170 464,475 0.157 170 21,887 0.149 59 1,248,866 0.150 2,550 24,540 0.480 1,3074 362 391,674 0.158 362 20,883 0.153 125 1,061,538 0.155 4,100 10,671 0.8005 663 305,393 0.167 663 5,507 0.168 200 899,549 0.163 5,500 3,020 0.9906 910 338,428 0.189 910 4,075 0.185 250 755,499 0.172 5,5007 1,234 285,522 0.209 1,234 2,957 0.204 290 627,957 0.1698 1,600 202,370 0.229 1,600 17,017 0.229 350 519,632 0.1869 1,836 151,682 0.233 1,836 14,931 0.251 430 423,684 0.197

10 2,100 144,276 0.238 2,100 13,987 0.260 500 340,599 0.20311 2,400 112,971 0.247 2,400 7,026 0.302 600 272,059 0.21212 2,695 76,382 0.237 2,695 15,162 0.317 700 218,651 0.21313 2,960 47,265 0.243 2,960 4,322 0.285 800 173,106 0.21814 3,213 30,794 0.248 3,213 4,231 0.286 950 136,475 0.22115 3,390 22,202 0.254 3,390 3,487 0.290 1,070 107,595 0.23316 3,543 16,582 0.253 3,543 2,399 0.305 1,210 83,729 0.22617 3,620 12,389 0.253 3,620 1,668 0.303 1,355 65,667 0.22618 3,732 9,100 0.251 3,732 674 0.277 1,540 51,515 0.22619 3,780 6,261 0.250 3,780 363 0.255 1,700 40,424 0.22520 3,861 2,850 0.250 3,861 4,802 0.257 1,900 31,730 0.22521 2,100 24,913 0.22522þ 2,300c 86,396 0.224

Total age 1þWestern arm 3,811,600 195,065 10,368,095 95,937 136,813Ecoregion 1 675,797 149,250 1,220,915 73,476 32,312Ecoregion 2 2,689,258 0 5,486,660 8,790 93,571Ecoregion 3 446,545 45,815 3,660,521 13,671 10,930

a Lean lake trout in ecoregion 2 were modeled with higher weights at age after age 15, reaching 4,400 g at age 22.b Numbers of stocked lean lake trout following initial stocking mortality.c Siscowets were modeled up to age 25þ, reaching 3,270 g at the end of their 25th year.d Values apply to all three ecoregions together.





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Page 9: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

commercial harvest of prey fish was assumed to occur

nearshore, although some deepwater netting occurs.

Prey fish biomass estimates.—Rainbow smelt and

coregonine biomass estimates (Table 6) were based on

hydroacoustic sampling of pelagic fish in western Lake

Superior. Biomass estimates of both prey categories

were means calculated from hydroacoustic assessments

conducted in 2003, 2004 (Hrabik et al. 2006b), and 2005

(T. Hrabik, University of Minnesota–Duluth, personal

communication). Annual production was added to the

standing stock biomass estimates to determine the total

biomass of these forage species ‘‘available’’ to predators

or harvesters within 1 year. Annual production was

calculated by using P:B ratios of 0.90 for juvenile

coregonines, 0.36 for adult coregonines, and 1.90 for all

age-classes of rainbow smelt (Cox and Kitchell 2004).

TABLE 3.—Spawning data for predator fish in the western arm of Lake Superior.

SpeciesAge at



weight loss Reference

Lean lake trout 9 1 Nov 7.5% Devine et al. (2005)Siscowet 11 1 Nov 6%a Surmised from Becker (1983)Chinook salmon 5 15 Sepb

Coho salmon 3 15 Octb

Rainbow trout 4 1 May 12% Scholl et al. (1984)Brown trout 3 14 Oct 20%c Modified from Devine et al. (2005)Burbot 6 1 Jan 11% Rudstam et al. (1995)Walleye 7 20 Apr 10% Devine et al. (2005)

a Because the average egg production by siscowets is less than that of lean lake trout (Becker 1983), the

percent weight lost at spawning was assumed to be less also.b Approximate date that feeding stops before entering spawning streams.c The gamete weight of Chequamegon Bay brown trout was about 25% of the total weight (Devine et

al. 2005), but lower spawning weight loss was used in simulations of open-lake fish.

TABLE 2.—Extended.

Unclipped steelheadClipped

rainbow trout Brown trout Burbot Walleye

W1 W2 W3 Nd Ad W N A W N A W N A W N A

2 635,710 0.950150 133,313 0.800 91 121,494 0.430 25 31,785 0.400

48 67 29 152,040 0.750 782 30,339 0.400 21 32,001 0.850 138 69,252 0.430 121 19,071 0.165800 777 953 42,378 0.500 1,548 15,485 0.450 425 6,645 0.700 213 39,474 0.430 250 15,930 0.165

1,649 1,545 1,542 21,002 0.450 2,310 8,792 0.720 905 2,088 0.700 317 22,500 0.430 423 13,307 0.1652,260 2,340 1,950 11,579 0.540 2,577 2,459 0.720 1,444 1,599 0.700 452 12,825 0.430 619 11,115 0.1652,735 2,851 2,449 5,298 0.540 2,850 684 0.720 2,042 291 0.900 619 7,310 0.430 844 9,284 0.1653,089 3,188 2,722 2,430 0.540 3,133 182 0.720 820 4,167 0.430 1,074 7,755 0.1653,296 3,499 2,767 1,105 0.540 3,250 52 0.900 1,055 2,375 0.430 1,301 9,736 0.1653,476 4,098 2,850 503 0.900 3,300 1,326 1,354 0.430 1,521 5,411 0.165

1,635 772 0.430 1,733 5,510 0.1651,982 440 0.430 1,931 3,050 0.3232,369 251 0.430 2,120 5,288 0.3232,797 143 0.430 2,282 4,559 0.3233,267 81 0.430 2,426 1,275 0.3233,781 46 0.430 2,562 5,061 0.323

2,689 6,047 0.3232,791 450 0.3232,880 734 0.3233,000 354 0.3233,120 207 0.323

236,335 191,306 42,624 282,484 155,92994,716 151,514 12,630 40,678 155,92937,496 0 29,994 100,000 0

104,125 39,792 0 141,807 0





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Page 10: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;


Prey Consumption versus Availability

Based on bioenergetics modeling, we estimate that

predators consumed about 44% of the available

coregonines in the western arm of Lake Superior in

2004 (Figure 3A). They consumed 68% of the

available coregonines in nearshore waters (Figure 3B)

and about 28% in offshore waters (Figure 3C).

FIGURE 2.—Annual proportions of diet items in bioenergetics simulations of predator fish cohorts. Diets also varied seasonally

(Negus et al. 2007). The coregonines consumed by lean lake trout were ciscoes, those consumed by siscowets were kiyis and

bloaters, and those consumed by burbot were assumed to be one-half ciscoes and one-half kiyis and bloaters. The sculpins

consumed by lean lake trout were slimy sculpins Cottus cognatus, those consumed by siscowets were deepwater sculpins

Myoxocephalus thompsonii, and those consumed by burbot were assumed to be one-half slimy sculpins and one-half deepwater

sculpins. The ‘‘other’’ prey category consists of warmwater fishes consumed by walleyes at the mouth the St. Louis River near

Duluth, Minnesota.





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Page 11: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

Estimates of rainbow smelt consumption exceeded

estimates of available biomass in both nearshore and

offshore waters. Predators consumed about 57% of the

available coregonine biomass in ecoregion 1, 70% in

ecoregion 2, and 15% in ecoregion 3 (Figure 4).

Estimates of rainbow smelt consumption exceeded

estimates of available biomass in ecoregions 2 and 3.

Coregonine biomass in the western arm was greater

and constituted a larger portion of the prey base than

rainbow smelt biomass. These two prey categories

made up about 55% of the total prey biomass

consumed by all predator species (Table 7; Figure 5).

Relative Consumption by Predator Species

In the western arm, lean lake trout were the primary

consumers of rainbow smelt and coregonines, and

TABLE 4.—Energy densities (J/g of wet weight) of prey species.

Prey speciesEnergydensity Reference

Burbot 5,135 Johnson et al. (1999)Coregoninesa

Cisco ;6,500 Pangle et al. (2004)Bloater 9,879 Rottiers and Tucker (1982)

Insects (aquatic and terrestrial) 3,138 Lantry and Stewart (1993)Other small fish

Bluegill Lepomis macrochirusb 4,186 Kitchell et al. (1974)Dace Phoxinus spp.c 5,006 Hanson et al. (1997)Yellow perch Perca flavescens 5,700 Adults: Hartman and Margraf (1992)

2,512 Larvae and juveniles: Post (1990)Ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus 4,843 Mayo et al. (1998)

Salmonines, small 5,442 Stewart (1980)Sculpinsd

Slimy sculpin 5,743 Rottiers and Tucker (1982)Deepwater sculpin 5,421 Rottiers and Tucker (1982)

Rainbow smelt 5,000 Intermediate value from Foltz (1974),Rottiers and Tucker (1982), andRand et al. (1994) used in this study

Zooplankton Mysis relicta 3,537 Gardner et al. (1985)

a Values for ciscoes were used in the lean lake trout diets, the values for bloaters in the siscowet diets,

and a mean value in the burbot diets.b Value used for black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus in the walleye diet.c Value used for spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius and emerald shiner N. atherinoides in the walleye

diet.d Values for slimy sculpin were used in the lean lake trout diets, values for deepwater sculpin in the

siscowet lake trout diets, and a mean value in the burbot diets.

TABLE 5.—Water temperatures (8C) used in bioenergetics simulations of predators in three ecoregions of Lake Superior. The

preferred temperatures of the species were used when available in the environment.


Leanlake trout Siscowet



Rainbow trout(steelhead and

Kamloops strains)Browntrout Burbota Walleyeb

1 2 3 1–3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1

Jan 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 2.2 2.6 3.0 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.2Feb 1.5 1.0 2.2 2.7 1.5 1.1 2.5 1.5 1.1 2.2 1.5 1.1 2.2 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1 2.2 1.5Mar 1.3 0.4 1.6 2.4 1.3 0.3 2.0 1.3 0.3 2.0 1.3 0.3 2.0 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.6 1.3Apr 2.0 1.4 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.4 2.0 2.0 1.4 3.0 2.0 1.4 3.0 2.0 1.4 2.0 1.4 2.0 3.0May 3.4 3.4 3.0 1.5 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.0 7.7Jun 5.4 6.0 3.5 3.0 5.4 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 5.5 6.0 5.4 5.4 3.5 11.5Jul 8.2 7.9 4.0 3.8 9.5 9.5 5.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 8.5 8.5 4.0 13.8Aug 8.3 8.0 5.5 3.8 11.5 12.0 7.0 12.0 14.0 7.0 12.0 12.0 7.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 5.5 16.8Sep 8.2 8.5 6.0 4.0 11.5 12.0 8.0 14.0 15.0 8.5 13.5 13.5 8.5 13.0 13.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 13.1Oct 7.9 8.5 6.7 4.0 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 6.7 8.5Nov 5.6 6.9 5.5 4.0 5.6 5.6 6.0 6.0 7.1 5.5 6.0 7.1 5.5 6.0 7.1 5.6 5.6 5.5 4.0Dec 3.8 4.7 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.9 3.9 3.8 4.9 3.9 3.8 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.8Mean 4.8 4.9 3.9 3.2 5.5 5.5 4.5 5.9 6.2 4.5 5.8 5.9 4.5 5.7 5.8 5.1 5.0 3.9 7.3

a Temperatures shown were used for adult burbot. Juveniles were modeled by using 128C in August and September, 98C in October, and 78C in

November.b Ecoregion 1.





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Page 12: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

siscowets were the second-largest consumers (Table 7;

Figure 5). Chinook salmon and walleyes were each

responsible for about 4% of the total rainbow smelt

plus coregonine consumption. The nonnative predators

modeled in this study were responsible for 7% of the

total consumption of rainbow smelt plus coregonines.

Rainbow trout were the third highest consumers in

terms of total prey, although a high percentage of their

diet consisted of insects and invertebrates that contain

less energy and more indigestible material than do prey

fish (Table 7). In all nearshore areas, lean lake trout

were the primary predators, and the relative importance

of other predator species varied by ecoregion. Based on

the assumed distribution of nonnative potamodromous

predators, their predatory impact was confined to

nearshore waters in this study. In all offshore areas of

the western arm, siscowets were the dominant

predators followed by lean lake trout; burbot played a

relatively minor role (Table 7; Figure 6).

In ecoregion 1, lean lake trout were the primary

predators of coregonines, while Chinook salmon,

walleyes, and siscowets were roughly equal and of

secondary importance. Walleyes were the primary

consumers of rainbow smelt (Figure 5). Within

ecoregion 2, lean lake trout were the primary predators,

followed by siscowets; other species were responsible

for less than 6% of the total consumption. In ecoregion

3, siscowets were the primary predators, followed by

lean lake trout.

Commercial, Sport, and Assessment Harvests

Commercial fishers harvested less than 2% of the

available coregonine biomass and less than 1% of the

rainbow smelt biomass in the western arm (Figure 3A).

Our modeling suggests that the loss of coregonine and

rainbow smelt biomass from commercial fishing is

trivial compared with losses from predator consump-

tion. The commercial harvest was assumed to occur

nearshore, where the impact on local coregonines

increased slightly to 4% of the available biomass

(Figure 3B). The sport and assessment harvests of

rainbow smelt and coregonines were also trivial, far

TABLE 6.—Biomass (B) and production (P) (metric tons) of

prey species in the western arm of Lake Superior in 2004.

Data for Ecoregions 1 and 3 are averages of hydroacoustic

estimates from 2003 to 2005 (Hrabik et al. 2006 and

unpublished data). Data for Ecoregion 2 are from nearshore

hydroacoustic estimates collected in this region in 2004, along

with offshore estimates from contiguous areas in management

area MN-3 (Hrabik et al., unpublished data).

Area ofLake Superior

Coregonines Rainbow smelt

B B þ P B B þ P

Entire western arm

Ecoregion 1 1,900 2,645 40 115Ecoregion 2 4,415 6,132 135 391Ecoregion 3 5,413 7,563 15 43Minnesota waters 6,258 8,752 32 92Wisconsin waters 5,471 7,587 157 457Western arm total 11,729 16,339 189 549

Nearshore areas (,80 m deep)

Ecoregion 1 1,230 1,700 32 94Ecoregion 2 2,795 3,864 133 386Ecoregion 3 556 763 1 2Minnesota waters 1,075 1,500 14 42Wisconsin waters 3,507 4,827 152 440Western arm total 4,582 6,327 166 482

Offshore areas (.80 m deep)

Ecoregion 1 671 945 7 21Ecoregion 2 1,620 2,268 2 5Ecoregion 3 4,857 6,800 14 40Minnesota waters 5,183 7,252 17 50Wisconsin waters 1,964 2,761 6 17Western arm total 7,147 10,013 23 67

FIGURE 3.—Biomass of coregonines and rainbow smelt

consumed by predator fish, harvested commercially, and

available (standing stock plus annual production) in 2004 in

(A) the western arm of Lake Superior, (B) nearshore areas

only (,80 m), and (C) offshore areas only (see Figure 1).





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Page 13: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

below 0.01% of the total predator consumption or

available biomass.

Consumption by Stocked Predators

Stocked fish in the western arm (which include some

lean lake trout, Chinook salmon, rainbow trout, brown

trout, and walleyes) were responsible for 6% of the

total consumption of rainbow smelt and coregonines in

2004 (Table 7). Lean lake trout were the primary

predators among stocked fish, and most of the stocked

lake trout inhabited Minnesota waters.

Predator Diets and Consumption Rates

The lean lake trout consumed more coregonine

biomass than rainbow smelt biomass, but their diverse

diet included mysids, sculpins, burbot, and other taxa

as well (Figure 6). Siscowets, rainbow trout, and

walleyes also had diverse diets and were not as heavily

dependent on coregonines or rainbow smelt (Figure 6).

In contrast, the Chinook salmon diet lacked diversity

and was heavily dependent on coregonines (Figure 6).

While the coho salmon diet also lacks diversity during

the 18–20-month lake phase of their lives, they spend

the first half of their lives in streams consuming

primarily insects and invertebrates.

As individuals, Chinook salmon consumed more

rainbow smelt and coregonines per unit time than any

other predator, but walleyes and lean lake trout

consumed a greater total amount if they survived 13

or 16 years, respectively (Figure 7A). Individuals of all

the potamodromous species consumed more total prey

per unit time at younger ages than the longer-lived

species (Figure 7B). However, populations and not

individual fish impact prey resources, and the more

abundant lean lake trout and siscowets dominate the

consumption of either prey aggregate (Table 7).

DiscussionPredator Consumption versus Prey Availability

Bioenergetics estimates of prey consumption by

predators reveal that the biomass of coregonines is

adequate to support the estimated populations of

predator species in the western arm of Lake Superior

(Figures 3, 4). However, predation pressure is high,

especially in nearshore regions where 50% or more of

the available coregonines may be consumed annually.

Predation pressure is highest in ecoregions 1 and 2,

which contain the greatest amount of nearshore area.

Ecoregion 3 had higher coregonine abundances and

lower predator biomass density and is dominated by

deep offshore water, creating a potential refuge for

prey. Hrabik et al. (2006b) demonstrated that large

ciscoes (.150 mm) and kiyis and bloaters (.120 mm)

were abundant in the offshore waters of ecoregion 3,

suggesting better survival. In contrast, estimates of

rainbow smelt consumption exceeded available sup-

plies in ecoregions 2 and 3 (Figure 4), but rainbow

smelt population estimates were so low that small

variations in simulated predator diet could produce

consumption estimates that exceeded availability.

Ciscoes reach a much larger size than rainbow smelt

in the western arm (495 mm versus 210 mm; MNDNR

assessments, 2006), but their large size may provide

only a limited refuge from predation. Diet studies in

Minnesota waters have shown that large lake trout will

consume coregonines as large as 50% of their total

length (MNDNR, unpublished data), and in 2006,

ciscoes up to 460 mm total length were found in the

stomachs of lean lake trout, although most prey fish

consumed were smaller. At about age 10, lean lake

trout become large enough to consume spawning-size

ciscoes (.305 mm), which dominated total cisco

FIGURE 4.—Biomass of coregonines and rainbow smelt

consumed by predator fish, harvested commercially, and

available (standing stock plus annual production) in 2004 in

(A) ecoregion 1, (B) ecoregion 2, and (C) ecoregion 3 in the

western arm of Lake Superior (see Figure 1).





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Page 14: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

biomass in 2003 (86%) and 2004 (68%; Hrabik et al.

2006b). Just 2% of the ciscoes captured in the

commercial fishing nets and MNDNR assessment nets

in 2006 exceeded the 460 mm length found in lean lake

trout stomachs.

Our estimates of the consumption of rainbow smelt

exceeded those of supply (standing stock plus

production), which is clearly not the case. This

discrepancy has five possible explanations: (1) the

predator diet information for all seasons was incom-

plete; (2) predator population estimates were inaccu-

rate; (3) prey population estimates were inaccurate; (4)

predators, prey, or both moved between or beyond

ecoregion boundaries and between nearshore and

offshore areas; and (5) prey production was underes-

timated owing to inaccurate P:B ratios. Each of these

explanations will be discussed in more detail below.

Incomplete diet information would overestimate the

consumption of one prey type while underestimating

that of other prey. The diet information for this study

came primarily from samples taken from 1996 to 2001.

While some modifications were made to the 2004 diets

based on known rainbow smelt population declines and

occasional stomach samples examined by MNDNR, it

is probable that we overestimated the rainbow smelt

proportions in the diets of lean lake trout, siscowets,

rainbow trout, and walleyes in 2004. Diet information

for all predator fish during fall is limited and for winter

is unavailable. More frequent monitoring of diets of all

dominant predators on a seasonal basis will capture

shifts in dietary preference resulting from changes in

available forage and therefore improve our bioenerget-

ics estimates.

Obtaining accurate estimates of predator abundance

and mortality remain one of the greatest challenges for

fishery managers. Substantial resources are directed

toward obtaining estimates of lean lake trout abun-

dance, and population parameters are under constant

revision based on creel data, assessment netting, and

improvement to stock assessment models. Absolute

abundance of other predators is less well known.

TABLE 7.—Consumption (metric tons) in 2004 by major predators in the entire western arm of Lake Superior, nearshore areas,

and offshore areas (divided at the 80-m contour). The values for rainbow smelt and coregonines are followed by percentages of

each item consumed by each predator species. Prey species abbreviations are as follows: RBS ¼ rainbow smelt, COR ¼coregonines, SAL ¼ salmonines, BUB ¼ burbot, SCU ¼ sculpins, MYS¼ mysids, and INS ¼ insects.

Species RBS CORa SAL BUB SCUb MYS INSTotal bypredator

% of totalpredator consumption

Western Arm totals

Lean lake trout 1,080 (64) 4,018 (56) 81 520 786 889 128 7,502 47Siscowet 395 (23) 2,277 (32) 15 87 2,119 200 198 5,290 33Chinook salmon 11 (1) 381 (5) 0 0 0 54 4 450 3Coho salmon 0 (0) 132 (2) 0 0 0 13 11 156 1Rainbow trout 55 (3) 0 (0) 0 0 0 661 1,221 1,938 12Brown trout 12 (1) 23 (,1) 0 0 0 0 10 45 ,1Burbot 5 (,1) 30 (,1) 0 4 79 40 3 162 1Walleye 133 (8) 254 (4) 0 0 0 0 0 388 2Total 1,693 (100) 7,115 (100) 96 611 2,984 1,858 1,575 15,931 100Stocked fish only 40 (2) 266 (4) 18 29 45 353 515 1,267 8

Nearshore areas of the western arm

Lean lake trout 897 (75) 3,080 (72) 45 168 278 399 53 4,920 57Siscowet 86 (7) 413 (10) 1 9 212 20 20 761 9Chinook salmon 11 (1) 381 (9) 0 0 0 54 4 450 5Coho salmon 0 (0) 132 (3) 0 0 0 13 11 156 2Rainbow trout 55 (5) 0 (0) 0 0 0 661 1,221 1,938 22Brown trout 12 (1) 23 (1) 0 0 0 0 10 45 1Burbot 3 (,1) 9 (,1) 0 0 7 5 0 25 ,1Walleye 133 (11) 254 (6) 0 0 0 0 0 388 4Total 1,198 (100) 4,293 (100) 46 178 497 1,152 1,319 8,682 100Stocked fish only 35 (3) 163 (4) 1 392 483 716 858 2,650 31

Offshore areas of the western arm

Lean lake trout 183 (37) 938 (33) 36 352 508 490 75 2,582 35Siscowet 310 (63) 1,863 (66) 15 85 2,065 196 195 4,730 64Burbot 2 (,1) 21 (1) 0 1 71 36 1 131 2Total 495 (100) 2,822 (100) 51 438 2,644 722 271 7,443 100Stocked fish only 5 (1) 102 (4) 4 4 7 36 8 166 2

a The coregonines consumed by lean lake trout were ciscoes, those consumed by siscowets were kiyis and bloaters, and those

consumed by burbot were assumed to include 50% ciscoes and 50% kiyis and bloaters.b The sculpins consumed by lean lake trout were slimy sculpins, those consumed by siscowets were deepwater sculpins, and

those consumed by burbot were assumed to include 50% of each sculpin species.





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Page 15: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

Continued investment in these analyses for all species

will improve future estimates of predator demand.

Spatial and temporal influences can greatly affect

hydroacoustic estimates (Yule et al. 2007), and

rainbow smelt probably use depths shallower than

those surveyed acoustically. Hydroacoustic surveys of

prey populations conducted by Yule et al. (2008) in

October and November 2006 produced higher corego-

nine and rainbow smelt density estimates in the western

arm than the surveys conducted from July to September

2003–2005 (Hrabik et al. 2006b) referenced in this

study. The higher 2006 densities are the combined

result of a large 2003 year-class of ciscoes, slightly

increased densities of rainbow smelt in 2006 (Geving

2007), and nearshore concentrations of spawning

coregonines in the fall. Use of the 2006 estimates

would resolve the rainbow smelt predator demand or

prey availability discrepancy and slightly reduce the

FIGURE 5.—Consumption of prey items by predator populations in 2004 in the entire western arm of Lake Superior and each of

three ecoregions. Detailed information on prey consumption in each ecoregion and the nearshore and offshore areas of each

ecoregion can be found in Negus et al. (2007).





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Page 16: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

heavy predation pressure on coregonine populations

we observed.

Vertical migration and movement between ecore-

gion boundaries can occur on a daily basis and for

different life stages of predators. Siscowets, for

example, generally live in water deeper than 80 m

(Becker 1983; Bronte et al. 2003) but are known to

forage near the surface or in shallower water (Hrabik et

al. 2006a). Stable isotope analyses of lean and siscowet

lake trout in western Lake Superior suggest that these

strains feed in similar locations at young ages (Harvey

et al. 2003). Chinook salmon stocked in each

jurisdiction surrounding Lake Superior have been

recaptured in every other jurisdiction (Peck et al.

1999), and rainbow trout are known to stray widely

(Negus 2003). Therefore, an improved understanding

of the proportional distribution of predators and prey

between habitats throughout the year would further

FIGURE 6.—Consumption of prey items by predators in nearshore and offshore areas of the western arm of Lake Superior. The

consumption by brown trout (45 metric tons) and burbot (25 metric tons) has not been plotted on the nearshore graph owing to

the low values involved.





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Page 17: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

improve our estimates of predator demand relative to

prey supply.

The P:B ratios reported in the literature are variable

(e.g., Lantry and Stewart 1993; Kitchell et al. 2000;

Cox and Kitchell 2004), and because they are used to

calculate prey availability from the standing stock, they

play a critical role in our interpretation of predator–

prey interactions. The most recently published P:Bratios that we used were the basis of a whole-lake

ecosystem mass balance (Ecopath) model (Cox and

Kitchell 2004).

Relative Consumption by Predator Species

Lean lake trout were the primary consumers of

coregonines and rainbow smelt in this study, and

siscowets played a secondary role. Other studies have

demonstrated that siscowet and lean lake trout have

minimal dietary overlap (Harvey and Kitchell 2000).

Consumption by siscowets was considerably less than

that predicted by Ebener (1995), but he used an older

set of model parameters, and the waters he modeled

had more siscowets per unit area, a higher growth rate

was used, and the modeled diet consisted of more

coregonines and fewer sculpins. The western arm

contains about 33% nearshore water (,80 m deep),

offering less habitat for deep-dwelling siscowets than

does Lake Superior as a whole (only 22% nearshore

water), so the impact of this form in the western arm

may be less than that lakewide (Bronte et al. 2003).

Negus (1995) cautioned that the bioenergetics

models do not account for fish behavior, and reduced

prey availability may not equate to reduced rations for

both lean lake trout and Chinook salmon if lake trout

are more efficient predators. Lake trout are able to

sustain high predation rates at low prey densities, so

reduced availability of prey would have less effect on

lake trout feeding preference (Eby et al. 1995) such that

the composition of their diverse diet may not reflect

changes in relative abundance of the various items

(Stewart and Ibarra 1991). Indeed, lean lake trout diets

in the western arm of Lake Superior have changed only

slightly since 1989. The major change is a higher

reliance on coregonines by older fish. During this same

period, wild lean lake trout populations have increased

through natural reproduction to levels that justified a

reduction or cessation of stocking in most areas of the

lake (Schreiner and Schram 1997; Bronte et al. 2003;

Ebener 2007). Within the western arm, only in

ecoregion 2 did lean lake trout show some decline in

growth rates between 1981 and 2003, although

abundance of lean lake trout was high enough in four

out of five management zones (MN-1, MN-3, WI-1,

and WI-2) to cause density-dependent survival (Corra-

din 2004).

In contrast, since 1989, Chinook salmon growth has

decreased significantly (Figure 8). This coincides with

a decline in rainbow smelt populations (Gorman 2007)

and a shift in the major component of their diet from

rainbow smelt to coregonines, for which competition is

high, especially in nearshore areas. Despite high levels

of stocking, returns of spawning Chinook salmon to the

French River in Minnesota showed a precipitous

decline from more than 1,600 fish in 1986 to 25 fish

in 2001, although summer angler harvest rates have

remained fairly constant (Schreiner et al. 2006). Most

of the Chinook salmon in the western arm are now wild

fish, and the minimal influence of stocking on

population abundance led to the discontinuation of

Chinook salmon stocking in Minnesota waters after

2006. Elsewhere in the Great Lakes basin, Chinook

salmon are exhibiting a similar pattern of declining

growth rates and condition, lower survival, and a diet

shift in response to major declines in alewife Alosapseudoharengus, suggesting insufficient forage as a

FIGURE 7.—Cumulative consumption of (A) coregonines

and rainbow smelt and (B) all prey items by individual

predator fish (lean lake trout, coho salmon, burbot, siscowets,

rainbow trout, walleyes, Chinook salmon, and brown trout)

over their life spans.





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Page 18: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

mechanism (Stewart and Ibarra 1991; Rand and

Stewart 1998; Ebener 2005; Holey and Trudeau 2005).

The impact on the forage base by all the introduced

potamodromous predators was small relative to that of

lean lake trout and siscowets, which are native to Lake

Superior. The preference of both forms of lake trout for

colder temperatures and their lower and slower

individual consumption of prey fish, slow growth,

and efficient foraging behavior despite fluctuations in

the prey base all indicate that this species is well

adapted to the challenging habitat of Lake Superior.

Commercial, Sport, and Assessment Harvests

The commercial harvest of rainbow smelt and

coregonines in the entire western arm is minor, and

the low harvests by both sport anglers and assessment

fishers are insignificant compared with the total

consumption by predator fish and the total available

biomass of prey fish. Because commercial harvest is

concentrated nearshore in areas where predation

pressure is already high and the harvest season

typically corresponds with prespawning or spawning

for rainbow smelt and coregonines, the local impacts

on their populations are greater than the overall totals

imply. This situation emphasizes the critical need for

regular hydroacoustic monitoring of prey populations

and bioenergetics evaluation of predator impacts.

Comparison of Current Study with PreviousBioenergetics Studies

This bioenergetics study of the western arm of Lake

Superior provides a more complete estimate of

consumption by predators and a more coherent

overview of predator–prey relationships than previous

studies. The consumption estimates obtained in this

study fell within the same order of magnitude as those

reported in previous bioenergetics analyses in western

Lake Superior (Ebener 1995; Negus 1995); the

variations are due to the numbers of species modeled

and updated population, growth, and diet information.

The combined consumption estimates of coregonines

and rainbow smelt in Minnesota waters in 2004

declined 39% from the 1989 estimates (Negus 1995),

primarily owing to a 40% reduction in the estimated

numbers of age-1þ lean lake trout and Chinook salmon

and lower modeled growth rates for these species in

Minnesota waters in 2004. The predictions of Negus

(1995) that lake trout might be better able to survive

fluctuations in the forage base as a result of their

efficiency at capturing prey fish at low densities and

their natural adaptation to the oligotrophic environment

of Lake Superior, while Chinook salmon populations

might suffer under those circumstances, were validated

with the current study.

One obvious advantage that this study has over

previous bioenergetics studies is that the prey estimates

were based on hydroacoustic sampling. The earlier

studies by Ebener (1995) and Negus (1995) demon-

strated large discrepancies between predator consump-

tion and prey availability. Both of the earlier studies

relied on estimates of forage fish derived from daytime

bottom trawl surveys conducted annually in May–June,

which have since been shown to greatly underestimate

pelagic prey fish, especially ciscoes, compared with

surveys conducted with night midwater trawls and

hydroacoustic gear (Stockwell et al. 2006; Yule et al.


Management Implications

This study suggests that the western arm of Lake

Superior is at or near its carrying capacity for predators.

Lake trout rehabilitation has progressed, but we should

be attentive to signs of inadequate forage, such as

reduced growth rates or lower population abundance,

especially in ecoregions 1 and 2 where lean lake trout

densities are highest. Chinook salmon could be

considered an indicator species that demonstrates early

warning signs of reduced forage, although this species

plays a less significant role than that of lake trout in the

total fish community. The diet shift and declining

growth rates of Chinook salmon reveal that this

introduced species is not as well adapted as the native

lake trout to this oligotrophic lake. Burbot exhibit a

high degree of cannibalism and a high diversity of fish

in their diet, which may indicate resource limitation

(Schram et al. 2006). Lean lake trout utilize both

nonnative rainbow smelt and native ciscoes, even as

these prey populations fluctuate in abundance, so

consequences of reduced forage may not be as evident

FIGURE 8.—Mean weight at age (g) of Chinook salmon

returning to spawn in the French River, Minnesota, in 1991–

1995, 1996–2000, and 2003–2004.





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Page 19: Bioenergetics Evaluation of the Fish Community in the ... · Minnesota and Wisconsin waters, and this region has been divided into three ecoregions based on habitat type (Figure 1;

in this native predator until prey populations are quite

low. Reduced lean lake trout growth reported in

ecoregion 2 and density-dependent survival in all

management zones except MN-2 (Corradin 2004) may

already indicate that competition for prey is intense.

Reduced survival of all stocked salmonids is an

obvious and direct indicator that there is little capacity

left in the western arm to support additional predators.

The superficial boundaries applied to this study,

inclusive of Minnesota and Wisconsin waters only, are

obviously irrelevant to fish that may range widely, and

our conclusions apply beyond these borders. The type

of ecosystem-based approach used here is applicable to

other parts of Lake Superior and to other Great Lakes.

The poor performance of introduced species relative to

that of native cohorts and competitors has implications

for natural resource managers with limited budgets and

staff. This ecosystem-based evaluation has immediate

practical applications as well. For example, bioener-

getics modeling can assist in determining the allocation

of prey fish to different fisheries. The low levels of

rainbow smelt available in the western arm, and the

relatively small impact of commercial fishing on

coregonine and rainbow smelt populations compared

with the high consumption levels by predator fish, have

already been factored into determinations of allowable

commercial harvest in Minnesota waters. Commercial

harvest of rainbow smelt is limited, and quotas for the

coregonine fishery will be based on hydroacoustic

biomass estimates and total allowable catch calcula-

tions to maintain a productive fishery while adequately

protecting the spawning stock (Schreiner et al. 2006).

Data that directly affect predator numbers and food

quality (i.e., population estimates, mortality rates,

growth, and prey caloric densities) have the greatest

impact on bioenergetics model output, according to

sensitivity analyses (Negus 1992). Focusing on these

areas will therefore have the most impact on future

refinement of bioenergetics analyses. Continual up-

dates to the statistical catch-at-age models used to

estimate lean lake trout populations are warranted.

Siscowet population estimates are rudimentary at

present, but if a fishery develops for this strain,

statistical catch-at-age models could be very informa-

tive. Diet information from all seasons and life stages

(especially for lean lake trout and siscowets) is still a

critical need for accurate consumption estimates.

Refined estimates of mortality (especially natural

mortality), natural reproduction, and growth for both

stocked and naturally reproduced fish will increase the

accuracy of future bioenergetics evaluations and help

in development of demographic models incorporating

density-dependent processes and species interactions.

Although less critical to model output (Negus 1992),

further acquisition of temperatures and depths occupied

by siscowets and potamodromous species would

increase our understanding of their habitat and

migrations. The development of bioenergetics models

for different life stages, and analysis of the sizes of prey

fish utilized by different life stages, may assist in

determining where bottlenecks exist in both predator

and prey populations. Hydroacoustic sampling of the

prey base in different seasons will provide needed

perspective on these populations and assist in the

calculation of realistic P:B ratios. Finally, periodic

examinations of the relationship between predator

demand and prey supply employing bioenergetics and

hydroacoustics is helpful in the management of

fisheries in large lakes, allocation of resources to

various interest groups, and understanding of lake

production and community dynamics.


We thank Bill Mattes for supplying lean lake trout

temperature data, Tim Johnson for supplying model

parameters for lean and siscowet lake trout, and Doug

Dieterman for supplying model parameters for brown

trout. Tom Hrabik generously offered assistance in

hydroacoustic data manipulation and interpretation. We

thank Charles Anderson and Donald Pereira, who

critically reviewed an earlier draft of this manuscript,

and Gary Phillips, who provided copyediting. We are

grateful for the thorough reviews of the final

manuscript provided by Chris Harvey, Daniel Yule,

and Timothy Johnson. This project was funded in part

by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration (Dingell–

Johnson) program.


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