Bio Metrics (Word Doc)

 BIOMETRICS – PALM VEIN TECHNOLOGY Authors: V.B. Pranava chary III Yr. ECE, MIST, [email protected] P. Mano Varun Kumar III Yr. ECE, MIST [email protected]

Transcript of Bio Metrics (Word Doc)

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V.B. Pranava chary

III Yr. ECE, MIST,[email protected]

P. Mano Varun Kumar 

III Yr. ECE, [email protected]

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 Although the field of biometrics is still in its

infancy, it’s inevitable that biometric systemswill play a critical role in the future of 

 security. Human identification based on

biometric identifiers provides a very

convenient way for providing access to a

variety of services. Their main benefit originates from the fact that biometrics can

not be forgotten, stolen or lost in contrast to

 for instance passwords. This paper discusses

 privacy-enhanced uses of biometrics, with a

 particular focus on the privacy and security

advantages of Biometric Systems. Through

decades there has been a lot of change in the Biometrics field and each newer system is

highlighting by eliminating the drawbacks of 

its prior one. The paper is intended to

engage a broad audience about the working 

of various developments in the field of 

biometrics and the functional working of the

 Palm Vein Technology which is the intended 

 subject of the paper.


Definition:Biometrics a digital recognition technology

that relies on highly distinctive physical and

 physiological characteristics of an individual

is potentially a powerful and reliable method

for personal authentication. The increasing

importance of biometrics is underscored by

the rapidly growing number of educational

and research activities devoted to this field.

Biometrics refers to 2 very different fields

of study and application. The first, which is

the older and is used in biological studies,

including forestry, is the collection,

synthesis, analysis and management of 

quantitative data on biological communities

such as forests. Biometrics in reference to

 biological sciences has been studied and

applied for several generations and is

somewhat simply viewed as "biological


More recently and incongruently, the term's

meaning has been broadened to include the

study of methods for uniquely recognizinghumans based upon one or more intrinsic

 physical or behavioral traits.

  Biometrics refers to the automatic

identification of a person based on his/her 

 physiological or behavioral characteristics.

Need of Biometrics.

(i) The person to be identified is

required to be physically present

at the point of Identification.

(ii) Identification based on

  biometric techniques obviates

the need to remember a

 password or carry a token. By

replacing PIN’s, biometric

techniques can potentially

 prevent unauthorized access to

or fraudulent use of A.T.M‘s,

Smart cards, computer  


(iii) PIN‘s passwords may beforgotten, and token based

methods of identification like

 passwords and driver’s licenses

may be forged, stolen or lost. A

 biometric system is essentially a

  pattern recognition systemwhich makes a personal

identification by determining

the authenticity of a specific

  physiological or behavioral

characteristic possessed by the


How Biometrics work 

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Biometric systems can seem

complicated, but they all use the same three


• Enrollment: The first

time you use a biometric

system, it records basic

information about you, like

your name or an identification

number. It then captures an

image or recording of your 

specific trait.

• Storage: Contrary to

what you may see in movies,

most systems don't store the

complete image or recording.

They instead analyze your trait

and translate it into a code or 

graph. Some systems also

record this data onto a smart

card that you carry with you.

• Comparison: The next

time you use the system, it

compares the trait you present

to the information on file.

Then, it either accepts or 

rejects that you are who you

claim to be.

Systems also use the same three


• A sensor that detects the

characteristic being used for 


• A computer that reads

and stores the information

• Software that analyzes

the characteristic, translates it

into a graph or code and

 performs the actual


A computer algorithm normalizes the

captured biometric signature so that it is in

the same format as an individual’s signature

that is stored on the system repository or 

token. Finally, a matcher compares the new

normalized signature to the signature in the

repository or token database. A measure of 

similarity or difference is computed for acomparison of normalized signatures.

The core subsystems include:

Digital Signal Processor : capable of 

running high speed mathematically

intensive Authentication (1:n)

and Verification 1:1) fingerprint matching


Fingerprint Sensor : - Biometric

sensor capable of capturing

distinguishing features of a fingerprintin digital format

External Memory : - stores executing

code and data/parameters such as

fingerprint templates

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RS232 Dual Channel/Receiver : -

Converts TIA/EIA-232-F inputs to 5V

TTL/CMOS levels for interfacing

across the RS232 standard

Power Management : - Converts the

input power from the AC adaptor or 

 battery to the correct regulated voltages for 

various functional blocks.

Trends in Biometrics.

• Fingerprints

• Voice

• Facial

• Iris

• Retina

• Signature Dynamics

• Hand Geometry

• Skin Spectroscopy

• Thermal (Face)

• Finger Geometry

• Stride Recognition


• Keystroke Dynamics

• Palm-Vein Patterns



Fingerprint recognition is one of the oldest biometric technologies, and its application in

criminal identification, using eyesight, has

 been in use for more than 100 years. Today,computer software and hardware can perform the identification significantly

accurate and rapid.


When the finger is placed on the surface of 

the Sensor, the sensor senses the ridges and

finger patterns, analyses, divides the imageinto pixels and then each pixel into a 3 X 3

matrix. Each matrix is then digitized and

stored in the memory of the device. This is a

conventional method. Advanced finger print

technologies scan the Minutiae i.e. endpoint

& junction of print ridges, and position,

direction & relation between them.

When the finger is made to scan, the device

digitally encodes the fingerprints so that

they can be subject to high-speed computer 

 processing. Automatic scanning devicesconvert the image of a fingerprint into

digital minutiae (the ridge characteristics)

that contains data showing ridges at their 

 points of termination (ridge endings) and the

 branching of ridges into two ridges

(bifurcations). The scanning converts the

spatial relationship of a fingerprint's ridge

endings and ridge bifurcations i.e. minutiae

 points into a digitized representation of the


The process of automated fingerprintingworks by scanning fingerprints and storing

them digitally in a computer's memory. The

computer then creates a spatial map of theunique ridge patterns of the prints and then

translates this spatial relationship into a

 binary code for the computer. As new

fingerprints are scanned into the computer,

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the computer searches for any identical

 prints and updates the system.


• Mature and proven core technology.

• Capable of high levels of accuracy.

• Can be deployed in a range of 


• Economical and Easy – to – use.

But the drawbacks of this technology is


• Cuts and bruises on finger; dry or 

oily finger.

• Most devices are not able to enroll a

small percentage of users (about 5 – 


• Liveness detection is a great problem.

• Wear and tear of sensor.

• Since touchable, fingerprint

impression is often left on the


• Incorrect Finger Placement and dry

finger (which yields Light Prints).

• Dark images from wet or perspiringfingers.

• Degraded or worn ridge structure.

Iris Recognition

Any Iris has a unique texture that is

generated through a random process before

 birth. This technology analyzes featuresfound in the coloured ring of tissue that

surrounds the pupil, use a fairly

conventional camera element and require noclose contact between the user and the

reader. As a high accuracy biometrics, iris

has more details than a

fingerprint. Highly detailed and unique

texture will remain stable over decades of 


The Iris recognition generally scans thetextures with striations, contraction furrows,

 pits,collage nous fibers, filament, crypts

(darkened areas resembling excavations),

serpentine vasculature, rings, and freckles of 

the Iris.

Iris recognition technology works by

combining computer  vision, pattern


and optics. First, a black-and-white video

camera zooms in on the iris and records a

sharp image of it. The iris is lit by a low-level light to aid the camera in focusing. A

frame from this video is then digitized into a

512 byte file and stored on a computer 


 Achievements of Iris Technology:

• Very high levels of accuracy,

capable of reliable identification and


• Each iris is a unique structure

 Demerits of this System:

• Potentially low contrast pattern in

dark irises.

• High cost capture devices or 

inconvenient devices

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•  Not easy to use since light

sensitivity of humans

• Accuracy decreases when users

wear eyeglass,

• Obscured by eyelashes,


• Any unusual lighting situations may

affect the ability of the camera to

acquire its subject.



The pattern of blood veins is unique to everyindividual, even among identical twins.

Palms have a broad and complicated

vascular pattern and thus contain a wealth of 

differentiating features for personal

identification. Furthermore, it will not vary

during the person's lifetime. It is a very

secure method of authentication because this

 blood vein pattern lies under the skin. This

makes it almost impossible for others to read

or copy. As veins are internal in the body

and have a wealth of differentiating features,

attempts to forge an identity are extremely

difficult, thereby enabling a high level of 

security. In addition, the sensor of the palm

vein device can only recognize the pattern if the deoxidized hemoglobin is actively

flowing within the individual's veins.

An individual's vein pattern image is

captured by radiating hand with near-infrared rays. The reflection method

illuminates the palm using an infrared ray

and captures the light given off by the region

after diffusion through the palm. The

deoxidized hemoglobin in the vein vessels

absorbs the infrared ray, thereby reducing

the reflection rate and causing the veins to

appear as a black pattern. An individual's

 palm vein image is converted by algorithmsinto data points, which is then compressed,

encrypted, and stored by the software and

registered along with the other details in his

 profile as a reference for future comparison.

Then, each time a person logs in attempting

to gain access by a palm scan to a particular 

 bank account or secured entryway, etc., the

newly captured image is likewise processed

and compared to the registered one or to the

 bank of stored files for verification, all in a

 period of seconds. Numbers and positions of 

veins and their crossing points are allcompared and, depending on verification,

the person is either granted or denied access.

As palm veins are inside the hand, they are

 protected and this system is not susceptible

to minor trauma, cuts, etc (conversely to

some fingerprint systems). Also, this system

doesn't have the same potential civil liberty

issues as face recognition techniques.

The backs of hands and palms have a more

complex vascular patterns than fingers and provide more distinct features for pattern

matching and authentication.

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This technology capitalizes on the special

features of the veins in the palm. As vein

 patterns are unique even among identical

twins, in fact each hand has a unique pattern.

Try logging in with your left hand after 

registering with your right, and you'll be

denied access. And if one registers profile

during his childhood, it is still accessible

after a considerable years, since, the vein

 patterns form at the womb stage only.

The scanned image may be compressed

using the conventional compression

technologies and is encoded into either 

electrical or digital format of distinctive and

uniquely coded one, which can betransmitted or taken to any other part of the

world, where the access is thus achieved

wherever one needs.

Vein Pattern Advantages and

Disadvantages :

Some advantages of vein pattern biometrics


· Vein pattern technology is perceived as

secure as it incorporated “liveness”


· Being contactless, it is also perceived as being hygienic and does not carry the stigma

associated with fingerprints.

· The human vascular structure is

individually distinct.

· Identical twins have different and distinct

vascular patterns.

· Vein patterns are not easily spoofed,observed, damaged, obscured or changed.

· Vein pattern recognition requires simplelow resolution imaging devices.

· The technology is reliable in that is shows

little performance degradation in harsh

environments, such as mines, manufacturing

and construction sites as well as heavy

traffic areas such as schools, military bases

and dormitorie

A vein pattern technologies have a high

degree of usability with some research


99.98 percent usability.· It is convenient, fast and requires little user 

training. Though this is a flexible

technology, the cost of equipment is dearer 

to ordinary people.


Many forms of biometric systems exist for 

identification and verification purposes;

each has a different price range with

associated crossover error rates and user-

acceptance levels. This paper dissects

the systems and formulates an easy-style

template for our own applications. In

addition, it formulates methodologies and

examines object-oriented source code for 

strong authentication solutions. Finally, it

looks at the weaknesses of each solution and

how to mitigate those weaknesses to

enhance security and risk acceptance in our 

environment—whether it is a small homeoffice, a medium-sized infrastructure, or a

vast enterprise.




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• Advances in Biometrics