Bio Informatics

ABATSACT Biometrics is the technology of examining the unique physical features of a person to establish his identity for security purpose. Encryption is the method of coding the identity in a secure manner. In authentication process the biometric trait a new user is compared with the stored data, if the match is found then the access is given. The different physical features used for recognition are fingerprint, optical, signature, voice, keystroke and facial structure. Biometrics is slowly becoming a part of day-to-day life as it is being used at ATM, Airport, and automobiles etc.for security purpose. CONTENTS: 1. What is Biometrics? 2. History 3. Biometric for authentication 4. Authentication process



Transcript of Bio Informatics

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Biometrics is the technology of examining the unique physical features of a person to establish his identity for security purpose. Encryption is the method of coding the identity in a secure manner. In authentication process the biometric trait a new user is compared with the stored data, if the match is found then the access is given. The different physical features used for recognition are fingerprint, optical, signature, voice, keystroke and facial structure. Biometrics is slowly becoming a part of day-to-day life as it is being used at ATM, Airport, and automobiles etc.for security purpose. 


1. What is Biometrics?

2. History

3. Biometric for authentication

4. Authentication process

5. Methods of Biometrics

6. How to sense Biometrics

7. Uses

8. Conclusion

9. References


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“A term, which describes automated methods of establishing someone’s identity for there unique physiological or behavioral characteristics. Physical features typically used for biometric identification are fingerprint, voice, and optical facial or hand geometry.”


Today's biometric encryption process was derived as a natural offshoot from some common uses of biometrics in the past. Possibly the most well known biometric was the use of fingerprinting by law enforcement agencies for identification of criminals, children, and for licensing of people employed in federally regulated careers such as security brokers. In many cases matches were difficult if not impossible to make, and it was not uncommon for misidentifications to occur. With the advancements made in computer technology, some agencies began to construct archives electronically that could allow that matching process to occur much faster and with a much lower error rate as the computer could distinguish better than the naked eye the subtle traits that occurred in the fingerprints. The next step in the evolutionary process of biometric encryption came from the desire not only to match an individual's data with the individual, but also to restrict access to that person's information to those who should have such access. It was at this point that biometric encryption technologies began to be used to ensure that only the people, who should have access, those with the biometric key, were able to unlock the information contained in the code.

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Advancing automation and the development of new technological systems have led users to more frequent use of technical means rather than human beings in receiving authentication. In order to identify an individual, humans differentiate between physical features. In order to perform recognition tasks at the level of the human brain, 100 million computations per second are required.  Only recently have standard PCs reached this speed, and at the same time, the sensors required to measure traits are becoming cheaper and cheaper.









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In the fig above first the biometric trait (any one) is captured at the first stage and then it is converted into the machine language which is then compared with the stored database of the persons if it matches .Then the access is granted to the person else wise he is denied. So study of biometric is very interesting.

1. Uniqueness: - as unique as possible.2. Universality:-occur in as many people as possible.3. Permanence: - don't change over time.4. Measurability: -are measurable with simple technical instruments.5. User friendliness: -are easy and comfortable to measure.


Ø      Keystroke Recognition

Ø Finger print method

Ø      Optical Recognition

Ø      Signature Recognition

Ø      Voice Recognition

Ø      Facial Recognition


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  In biometrics reliable recognition of a person has long been an attractive goal.

The two common type of optical recognition are

1. Retinas 2.irisIn optical recognition the two important parameters

Are the length of the eyelet and the radius of the Pupil?

Iris patterns become interesting as an alternative approach to reliable visual recognition of persons when imaging can be done at distances of less than a meter, and especially when there is a need to search very large databases without incurring any false matches despite a huge number of possibilities.

While storing the image onto the system the NIR (near infrared radiation) light is emitted because it is of shorter wavelength as, they are reflected and scattered by the stroma. NIR wavelength wavelengths used for unobtrusive imaging at distances of up to 1 meter. To capture the rich details of iris patterns, an imaging system should resolve a minimum of 70 pixels in iris radius. In the field trials to date, a resolved iris radius of 100 to 140 pixels has been more typical. Monochrome CCD cameras (480 x 640) have been used because NIR (near infrared radiation)

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illumination in the 700nm -900nm band was required for imaging to be invisible to humans.

The error rate for the typical retina or iris scanner is about one in two million attempts, which further demonstrates the reliability of this technology. Two drawbacks to these devices however are that they have difficulty reading images of those people who are blind or have cataracts, and that they currently are cumbersome to use.


Fingerprints have been legally accepted for verifying identity for over a century. They cannot be altered, forgotten or cracked by hackers running a software routine. They are universally accepted as unique to each individual, and they are used in situations where there can be no mistake of identity, such as criminal proceedings and high security access control.

During the enrolment (Figure 1), biometric data is captured. The data is pro-cussed, and a pattern is extracted. The pattern is chosen so as much unique information as possible is recorded. The extracted pattern is then stored as a biometric template.

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During verification (Figure 2), a new pattern is extracted from the incoming Fingerprint image. The pattern forms the fingerprint data that is matched against the stored template, containing the fingerprint information from the enrolment. The figure is given next.

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One concern of fingerprint biometrics is that latent prints left on

the glass will register the prior user; however there already exist

units that will not scan unless a "live" finger is on the glass and

will only register the later imprint. Studies have shown that

fingerprint identification is currently thought to be the least

intrusive of all biometric techniques.



Facial biometrics can function from either short distances or over greater distances. Reasonable controlled indoor lighting, the current state of the art in face recognition is 90 % verification at a 1% false accept rate.

In this recognition process at least three images of each person. The images are of good quality and were gathered in a consistent manner in a background that is universally uniform. Difference of three years in the images stored in the database. Data set is composed of a heterogeneous set of still images and video sequences of subjects in a Variety of poses, activities and illumination conditions.

Facial recognition system calls the attention of the researcher on the following points.

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1.      Watch list performance decreases as a function of size – performance using smaller watch lists is better than performance using larger watch lists.

2.      since characteristics such as age and sex can significantly affect performance.

3.      Changes in lighting can also increase the error rate in these devices.



There are several distinct advantages that voice recognition has for use in encryption technology. Not only are voice biometrics perfect for telecommunication applications, most of the modern personal computers already possess the necessary hardware to utilize the applications. Even if they don't, sound cards can be purchased for as little as $50 and condenser microphones can be purchased for as little as $10. Therefore, for less than $100 individuals can possess the technology needed to have fairly reliable biometric encryption technology for use over the Internet. This system embeds command recognition technology into software you developed according to your imagination. The error rate for this type of technology ranges between two and five percent but is more efficient than PIN.

Some drawbacks to this technology are that voiceprints can vary over the course of the day, and ones health, such as a cold or laryngitis, can affect verification of the user

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by the system.



  Signing documents is something that most every adult is familiar with. In the business world we sign things such as expense accounts and other official documents. This lends itself well for signature recognition to be used as a means of biometric verification in electronic commerce. This type of signature identification is different however from the normal two-dimensional signature that one would find on a form or document. Biometric signature recognition operates in a three-dimensional environment where, not only is the height and width of pen strokes measured, but also the amount of pressure applied in the pen stroke to measure the depth that would occur as if the stroke was made in the air. This helps to reduce the risk of forgery that can occur in two-dimensional signatures.

One drawback to this form of encryption is that people do not always sign documents in exactly the same manner. The angle at which they sign may be different due to seating position or due to hand placement on the writing surface. Therefore, even though it is three-dimensional which adds to its ability to discern impostors, it is not as accurate as other forms of biometric verification.

These types of systems are not as expensive as some of the higher end systems such as iris scanners, and they are

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priced more in the range of voice and fingerprint scanners, which makes them quite affordable for network use.



Keystroke biometrics provides a foolproof authentication solution. Authentication using the typing rhythm of the user on a keyboard or a keypad takes advantage of the fact that each user would have a unique manner of typing the keys. It uses the inter-stroke gap that exists between consecutive characters of the user identification code.

When a user types his authentication code, there exist any abrupt change in this rhythmic manner, and this uniqueness can be used as an additional security constraint. As the user logs onto the system for the first time, a database entry is created for the user and he is put through a training period, which consists of 15-20 iterations. This calculates the mean and standard deviation of the above code. The system has to incur the additional overhead of maintaining the database, which would contain all the users’ information. The inter stoke interval between the keys is measured in milliseconds. The systems delay routine can be used to serve the purpose. The delay routine measures in milliseconds and the amount of delay incurred between successive strokes can be used as a counter to record this time interval. Once the database entry has been allotted for the user, this can be used in all further references to the user. The next time

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the user tries to login, one would obtain the entered inter-stroke timing along with password. A combination of both these matrix is used a security check of the user.

This is most likely one of the least secure of the new biometric technologies that has evolved in recent years; however, it is also probably one of the cheapest and easiest to implement.

The disadvantage of this type of recognition is that if the user looses his rhythm abruptly, he will not be able to access the system.


For the electronics engineer the key to biometrics recognition technique is the type of sensor and the principle on which it is based. Some of them are described below:

Biometric traits


Fingerprint Capacitive, optic, thermal, acoustic, pressure, sensitive

Signature tabletfacial cameravoice microphoneoptical camerakeystroke keyboard

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The area of application of these is very vast and in each and every place where security is of prime importance. The following are a few of them:


1. Time and attendance reporting 2. Building access control

3. ATM transaction vivificate 4. Vault and safe access

5. Residential access and security alarm control 6. Security guard tour tracking

7. Computer data base and network access 8. Inmate identity verification

9. Vehicle access and ignition security 10. Point-of-sale identity verification

11. Refugee and POW identification 12. Cellular telephone security


Biometrics now a days is growing as a fast adopting recognition technique as it needs no artificial authentication rather needs live authentications, which truly impeccable. The field of application is really going to increase, no doubt about it.

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1. Electronics for you (Jan 2004).
