Binary Search and AVL Trees

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  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 19991

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Binary Search Trees Insertion and Removal

    AVL Trees

    AVL Insertion


    AVL Deletion


    Adapted from: Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, John Wiley & Son (1998).

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 19992

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Binary Search Tree

    A Binary Search Tree is simply an ordered binary tree for storingcomposition Items of an ordered Dictionary.

    Each internal node stores a composition Item ( key, element ).

    Keys stored in the leftsubtree of a node are < k.

    Keys stored in the rightsubtree of a node are k.

    External nodes are simply place holders.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 19993

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown


    Algorithm: TreeSearch(k, v )

    Input: A search key, k, and a node, v, of a binary search tree, T.

    Output: The node storing the key, k, or an external node (after all internal nodes

    with keys < kand before all internal nodes with keys > k).

    if v is an external node then


    if k= key( v ) then // node found

    return v

    else if k< key( v ) then

    return TreeSearch( k, T.leftChild( v ) )

    else // k> key( v )return TreeSearch( k, T.rightChild( v ) )

    For this algorithm, the returned node requires one final

    test for an external node ( v.isExternal() ).

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    25 September, 19994

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Insert into a Binary Search Tree

    Algorithm: insert( key-elementpair )

    Start by calling TreeSeach( k, T.root() ) on T. Let w be the returned


    Ifw is an external node, then no Item with key kis stored in T.

    Call T.expandExternal( w ).

    Store new Item ( k, e ) at node (position) w.

    Ifw is an internal node, then anotherItem with key kis stored at w.

    Call TreeSearch( k, rightChild( w ) ) and apply the algorithm tothe returned node. Duplicates tend to the right.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 19995

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Insert into a Binary Search TreeExample

    Insert Item with key 78:

    A new Item will always be added at the bottom of the search tree, T.

    Each node visit costs O(1), thus, in the worst case, insert runs in O(h),

    the height of the tree, T.


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    25 September, 19996

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Removal from a Binary Search Tree

    TreeSearch( k, T.root() ) is called to locate the node w with key k.

    Two complicated situations may arise:

    Case I: The node w is internal with a single leafchildz.

    Call removeAboveExternal(z) to replace w with the



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    25 September, 19997

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Removal from a Binary Search Tree

    Case II: Both children ofw are internal nodes.

    Save the element stored at w into a temporary variable.

    Find the firstinternal node,y, in an inorder traversal of the right subtree ofw.

    Replace the contents ofw with the contents ofy.

    Call removeAboveExternal(x ) on the left child ofy.

    Return the element previously stored in w.


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    25 September, 19998

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Time Complexity of Binary Search Tree

    Searching, insertion, and removal of a node in a Binary Search Tree is

    O(h), where h is the of the tree.

    height of the tree is n, then the worst-case running time for

    , insertion removal is O(n) -- no better than a .

    To prevent the worst-case running time, a re-balancing scheme is

    needed to yield a tree that maintains the smallest possible height.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 19999

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    AVL Trees

    AnAVL Tree is a binary tree such that for every internal node v ofT,

    the heights of the children ofv can differ by at most 1.

    Adelson elskii and L .

    Every of an AVL tree is an AVL tree.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 199910

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Insertion in an AVL Tree

    A binary search tree Tis balanced if for every node v, the height ofvschildren differ by at most one.

    Insertinga node into anAVL tree involves performing an

    expandExternal( w ) on T, which may change the height of some nodes

    in T.

    If an insertion causes Tto become unbalanced, then travel up the tree

    from the newly created node, w, until the first node is reached,x, that

    has an unbalanced grandparent,z. Note thatx could be equal to w.

    Height(y ) = Height( sibling(y) ) + 2




    Expand external at w.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 199911

    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Insertion in an AVL TreeRebalance (rotation)

    In order to rebalance the subtree rooted atz, a restructuringis required.

    Renamex,y, andzto a, b, and c based on the order of the nodes in

    an in-order traversal. Let T0, T1, T2 and T3 be the subtrees located

    atx,y, and z.

    Four geometric structures are possible:

    Requires single rotation.

    Requires double rotation.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown


    Single Rotation Replace the subtree rooted atzwith a new subtree rooted at b.

    Let a be the left child ofb, such that T0 and T1 are left and right subtrees ofa.

    Let c be the right child ofb, such that T2 and T3 are left and right subtrees ofc.

    Rotate yover to z.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    RestructuringDouble Rotation

    Replace the subtree rooted atzwith a new subtree rooted at b.

    Let a be the left child ofb, such that T0 and T1 are left and right subtrees ofa.

    Let c be the right child ofb, such that T2 and T3 are left and right subtrees ofc.

    Double Rotation: rotate x over to y, and then x over to z.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown Removing a NodeNode has a single leaf Child

    Remove the internalnode above w by performing removeAboveExterna l( w ), which

    may result in an unbalanced Tree.

    Letzbe the firstunbalanced node encountered while travelling up the tree from w.

    Lety be the child ofzwith the largerheight, and letx be the child ofy with the larger


    Perform a restructure onx to restore the balance at the subtree rooted atz. As this restructuring may upset the balance higher in the tree, continue to check for

    balance until the root ofTis reached.


  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Removing a NodeExamples



    The two nodes with values 50 and 78 both have a height of 2.

    In the first example, the right subtree is assignedx, in

    the second example the left subtree is assigned x.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Implementation of AVL Tree

    AVL Node

    AnAVL Node extends the Item class to provide a variable for the node


    public class AVLItem extends Item

    { private int height;

    public AVLItem( Object k, Object e, int h )

    { super(k, e);

    height = h;


    public int height() { return height; }

    public int setHeight( int h )

    { int oldHeight = height;

    height = h;

    return oldHeight;



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    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Implementation of AVL Tree

    public class SimpleAVLTree extends SimpleBinarySearchTree implements Dictionary


    public SimpleAVLTree( Comparator c )

    { super(c);

    T = new RestructurableNodeBinaryTree(); // Adds the ability of rotation to a BinaryTree


    private int height (Position p ){ if( T.isExternal( p ) )

    return 0;


    return ((AVLItem) p.element()).height();


    private void setHeight( Position p ) // called only ifp is internal

    { ((AVLItem) p.element()).setHeight(1+Math.max( height(T.leftChild(p)), height(T.rightChild(p) )));


    private boolean isBalanced( Position p ) // test whether nodep has balance factor between -1 and 1

    { int bf = height( T.leftChild(p) ) - height( T.rightChild(p) );

    return ( (-1

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    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Implementation of AVL Tree, cont.

    private Position tallerChild( Position p ){

    // return a child ofp with height no smaller than that of the other child

    if( height( T.leftChild(p) ) >= height( T.rightChild(p) ) )

    return T.leftChild( p );


    return T.rightChild( p );


    private void rebalance( Position zPos ) // traverse the path ofT from zPos to the root;

    { // for each node encountered, recompute its height and

    // perform a rotation if unbalanced

    while ( !T.isRoot( zPos ) )

    { zPos = T.parent( zPos );

    setHeight( zPos );

    if ( !isBalanced( zPos ) ) // perform a rotation

    { Position xPos = tallerChild( tallerChild( zPos ) );

    zPos = ((RestructurableNodeBinaryTree) T).restructure( xPos );

    setHeight( T.leftChild( zPos ) );

    setHeight( T.rightChild( zPos ) );

    setHeight( zPos );




  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown

    Implementation of AVL Tree, cont.

    // dictionary methods

    public void insertItem( Object key, Object element ) throws InvalidKeyException

    { super.insertItem(key, element); // may throw an InvalidKeyException

    Position zPos = actionPos; // start at the insertion position

    T.replace( zPos, new AVLItem( key, element, 1) );

    rebalance( zPos );


    public Object remove( Object key ) throws InvalidKeyException

    { Object toReturn = super.remove(key); // may throw an InvalidKeyException

    if ( toReturn != NO_SUCH_KEY )

    { Position zPos = actionPos; // start at the removal position

    rebalance( zPos );


    return toReturn;



    Note: actionPos (defined in SimpleBinarySearchTree) is the insertion

    position or parent of a removed position.

  • 7/22/2019 Binary Search and AVL Trees


    25 September, 1999


    Binary Search and AVL Trees

    Lawrence M. Brown Summary

    A Binary Search Tree orders keys such that for any node, the left

    subtree has smallerkey values, and the rightsubtree haslargerkeyvalues.

    In the worst case, a Binary Search Tree may have heightn, the number

    of nodes, and the running time is O(n). In the best case, the height is

    h = log (n+1) and the running time is O( log(n +1) ).

    In anAVL tree, the heights of the children can differ by at most 1.

    An AVL insertion/deletion may require a single ordouble rotation of

    nodes to maintain the height-balanceproperty.

    The procedure for deleting a node from an AVL tree is the same as

    deleting a node from a Binary Search Tree followed by a restructuring if


    An AVL insert/delete runs in O( log n ) time.