Binalong Public School Glengarry Road BULLETIN filePaterson. When asked about how Tom Ings felt...

Open from 10am to 5pm. Mon, Wed, Fri & Weekends Telephone: (02) 62274251 Fax: (02) 62274406 Glengarry Road Phone or email Paul Glover, your local painter for a free quote on 6227 4435 or 0404 071 910 [email protected] No job too big or too small All work guaranteed. Yass Medical Centre Ph. 62266178 Fax. 62261673 116 Meehan Street Yass Open 6 days Mon-Fri 8.30am- 6.00pm Sat 9am-1pm ** New Female Doctor** *** Medicare Bulk Billing *** Visiting Allied Health on site * Dietitian * * Pathology * * Ultrasound Therapy * * Skin Cancer checks * * Hearing tests * * CardioFirst * Come in or call today for an appointment Would you like to advertise here? Call 6227 4381 Principal: Mrs Renée Arabin SAM: Mrs Susanne Ferry Address: Dickinson Street, Binalong, NSW, 2584 Phone : 02 6227 4381 Fax : 02 6227 4380 Email: [email protected] WELCOME BACK Welcome back to Term 2. Students and staall returned with enthusiasm and excitement for the term ahead. Students have quickly reengaged with their learning and on ANZAC Day Cooper Downey was overheard telling Mrs Innes about his commitment to learning saying, “During the holidays I pracƟsed my maths. Even on the weekend!” CREATIVE ARTS This term Mrs Winterood joins us to deliver the CreaƟve Arts Music Program. Mrs Winterood will teach students on a Thursday aŌernoon starƟng in Week 2. LIBRARY Mrs Arabin will conƟnue to take Library lessons and this term Library will take place on a Thursday aŌernoon. All students are encouraged to regularly borrow Library books. PLANNED POWER OUTAGE A planned power outage is scheduled for Wednesday 3 May. Provisions have been made to have a generator to supply power during the outage. The Binalong Preschool will operate from our school premises on this day. We do not anƟcipate any interrupƟons to the school day. NAPLAN Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will parƟcipate in the 2017 NAPLAN (NaƟonal Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) during Week 3. These students will complete their assessments in the Library Block. Families of students parƟcipaƟng in the assessment will receive further informaƟon regarding their child’s involvement. ADVERTISING SPACE Would you or a business you know like to adverƟse in our school newsleƩer? Spaces are currently available. Please see aƩachment or contact Mrs Ferry for more informaƟon. Mrs Arabin Principal ANZAC DAY The Binalong ANZAC Day commemoraƟons and ceremony were respecƞully led by students from Binalong Public School at Pioneer Park Binalong, with the assistance of the Binalong ANZAC CommiƩee and the Binalong Community. Thomasina Knight, Tom Ings and Abbey Paterson proudly led the march down the main street to Memorial Park, followed by Binalong Public School staand students, local children, Veterans and their families. At the compleƟon of the march Thomasina, Tom and Abbey led the service in remembrance and commemoraƟon of our ANZAC’s. “Being able to lead the service and represenƟng Binalong Public School made me feel happy that I could show my respect to our soldiers both past and present” said Abbey Paterson. When asked about how Tom Ings felt about leading the service Tom replied with “I felt honoured to represent our school”. Term 2 Week 2 Monday 1 May 2017 Attachments: 1. Sponsor Letter 2. Bookclub 3. Term 2 Calendar 4. NAPLAN Information (only for students in Years 3 and 5) Binalong Public School BULLETIN Year 5/6 District Touch Football Trials 4/5 NAPLAN Wk 3 Book Fair Wk 5 Murrumburrah Highschool Linkages Program Simultaneous Storytime and Book Parade 24/5 John Heffernan Writer’s Workshop 9/6 Primary Canberra Excursion 14/6 Dates for the Diary

Transcript of Binalong Public School Glengarry Road BULLETIN filePaterson. When asked about how Tom Ings felt...

Open from 10am to 5pm.

Mon, Wed, Fri & Weekends Telephone: (02) 62274251

Fax: (02) 62274406

Glengarry Road Phone or email Paul Glover, your local painter for a free quote on 6227 4435 or 0404 071 910

[email protected] No job too big or too small

All work guaranteed.

Yass Medical Centre

Ph. 62266178 Fax. 62261673 116 Meehan Street Yass

Open 6 days Mon-Fri 8.30am- 6.00pm

Sat 9am-1pm ** New Female Doctor** *** Medicare Bulk Billing ***

Visiting Allied Health on site * Dietitian * * Pathology *

* Ultrasound Therapy * * Skin Cancer checks * * Hearing tests * * CardioFirst *

Come in or call today for an appointment

Would you like to advertise here? Call 6227 4381

Principal: Mrs Renée Arabin SAM: Mrs Susanne Ferry Address: Dickinson Street, Binalong, NSW, 2584

Phone : 02 6227 4381 Fax : 02 6227 4380 Email: [email protected]

WELCOME BACK Welcome back to Term 2. Students and staff all returned with enthusiasm and excitement for the term ahead. Students have quickly re‐engaged with their learning and on ANZAC Day Cooper Downey was overheard telling Mrs Innes about his commitment to learning saying, “During the holidays I prac sed my maths. Even on the weekend!” CREATIVE ARTS This term Mrs Winterflood joins us to deliver the Crea ve Arts Music Program. Mrs Winterflood will teach students on a Thursday a ernoon star ng in Week 2.  LIBRARY Mrs Arabin will con nue to take Library lessons and this term Library will take place on a Thursday a ernoon. All students are encouraged to regularly borrow Library books. PLANNED POWER OUTAGE A planned power outage is scheduled for Wednesday 3 May. Provisions have been made to have a generator to supply power during the outage. The Binalong Preschool will operate from our school premises on this day. We do not an cipate any interrup ons to the school day. NAPLAN Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will par cipate in the 2017 NAPLAN (Na onal Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) during Week 3. These students will complete their assessments in the Library Block. Families of students par cipa ng in the assessment will receive further informa on  regarding their child’s involvement.  ADVERTISING SPACE Would you or a business you know like to adver se in our school newsle er? Spaces are currently available. Please see a achment or contact Mrs Ferry for more informa on.  

Mrs Arabin Principal 

ANZAC DAY The Binalong ANZAC Day commemora ons and ceremony were respec ully led by students from Binalong Public School at Pioneer Park Binalong, with the assistance of the Binalong ANZAC Commi ee and the Binalong Community. Thomasina Knight, Tom Ings and Abbey Paterson proudly led the march down the main street to Memorial Park, followed by Binalong Public School staff and students, local children, Veterans and their families. At the comple on of the march Thomasina, Tom and Abbey led the service in remembrance and commemora on of our ANZAC’s. “Being able to lead the service and represen ng Binalong Public School made me feel happy that I could show my respect to our soldiers both past and present” said Abbey Paterson.  When asked about how Tom Ings felt about leading the service Tom replied with “I felt honoured to represent our school”.  


Term 2 Week 2 Monday 1 May 2017

Attachments: 1. Sponsor Letter 2. Bookclub 3. Term 2 Calendar 4. NAPLAN Information (only for students in Years 3 and 5)

Binalong Public School


Year 5/6 District Touch Football Trials



Book Fair

Wk 5

Murrumburrah Highschool Linkages Program

Simultaneous Storytime and Book Parade


John Heffernan Writer’s Workshop


Primary Canberra Excursion


Dates for the Diary

                CRICKET  Students had a fantas c  me building on skills developed during tennis in Term 1 and applying these to cricket. Students who have finalised payment have received their par cipant pack which includes a cricket bat, ball and bag. 

        3‐6 News  A big welcome back to Term 2! From the conversa ons with the students they thoroughly enjoyed their holidays and loved spending  me with family and friends. It was fantas c to see the students at the ANZAC Day service and hear about their many adventures. In our Primary room we are extremely excited about returning to school and ge ng ready for a huge term of learning, sport, friendship and fun! This term we will see events like NAPLAN, 

Canberra, Year 6 Linkage program with Murrumburrah High School, cricket by an outside coach, John Heffernan wri ng workshop and Book Fair just to name a few.  Today will see the start of Home Learning! We will begin with sight words and ac vi es based around developing reading and comprehension skills.  This week has seen the introduc on to many new units and learning experiences. The students and I are extremely excited and eager to con nue and create a love of learning together throughout the up‐coming weeks! 

Ms King K‐2 News  K/1/2 were all happy to be back at school for Term 2, and ready to learn.  We will be focusing on high frequency/core words, and all students will be bringing home 'words they know' and 'words to learn' with a list of ac vi es to help your child develop their vocabulary and spelling.  I highly recommend these words are prac ced every night!  The students will also have a new password for Study Ladder, if you wish to reac vate your old account the le er provides instruc ons on how to do this.  For Kindergarten, Study Ladder ac vi es are a home learning ac vity that will assist your child to further develop their Mathema cs skills they are learning in the classroom.  Study Ladder will be used throughout the rest of the year, and I will add Literacy ac vi es too, as the year progresses.  Readers will also go home, and remember these are at your child's current level and are chosen to be easily read at home to reinforce their skills and their love of reading. As the term progresses your child will be reassessed and progressed based on their skill level. Mrs Hodson, Mrs Vasey and I are looking forward to wonderful Term 2.  Con nued over page  


Ice Cream Tuesday Ice creams are available every Tuesday for $2.00 




Thomasina Knight, Abbey Paterson and Tom Ings for 

leading the ANZAC  ceremony.  


Kyron Edwards for his  con nued improvement in 

sentence wri ng. 


Georgie Ings for her  commitment and  

enthusiasm towards the beginning of term. 

I really enjoy teaching your children, please remember I'm happy to talk to all of you about any concerns or ques ons you may have, just ask, and we can arrange a  me to talk.  Thank you.  Mrs Innes Mrs Innes  Na onal Simultaneous Story me Save the date: 24 May—The read is scheduled to start at 11am AEST.    

Term 2 Calendar Weeks 2‐3 

P & C News REMINDER  The next P&C mee ng is tonight Monday 1 May at 6pm in the dining room at Hotel Binalong.  ANZAC Day Thank you to all who baked , donated and supported the P&C Anzac morning tea. We appreciate your commitment and support to our school and our students. 

Binalong Public School Strategic Direc ons 2015—2017