BIM is a major breakthrough in AEC industry

BIM is a major breakthrough in AEC industry As per the current market trends there is an increasing competition among AEC firms when it comes to providing client satisfaction. Today ‘client satisfaction’ is a highly used term but what does it means and how can it be achieved. Well, in the case of engineering companies who supply engineering services to clients such as contractors, builders, architects and engineers it’s their responsibility to satisfy the requirements of their clients by providing them exceptional services with unmatched accuracy. But how can it be achieved by AEC firms. Well the solution lies in Building Information Modeling or BIM, wherein information models for the building in question are developed with the support of cutting edge tools. It won’t be wrong at all if I say Building Information Modeling is both a technology and process. It’s a technology because high end building design software Revit is used by key building professionals such as architects, engineers and modelers for creating building design. Whereas it can also be considered as a process in which 3D models for architecture, structure and MEP are created by modelers with the assistance of BIM software.


It won’t be wrong at all if I say Building Information Modeling is both a technology and process. It’s a technology because high end building design software Revit is used by key building professionals such as architects, engineers and modelers for creating building design. Tesla Outsourcing Services is delivering all types of top-notch CAD drafting and BIM modeling services to all clients at reasonable prices across the globe. If you want to get more information about us, send your enquiry at [email protected].

Transcript of BIM is a major breakthrough in AEC industry

  • BIM is a major breakthrough in AEC industry

    As per the current market trends there is an increasing competition among AEC firms when it comes to providing client satisfaction. Today client satisfaction is a highly used term but what does it means and how can it be achieved. Well, in the case of engineering companies who supply engineering services to clients such as contractors, builders, architects and engineers its their responsibility to satisfy the requirements of their clients by providing them exceptional services with unmatched accuracy. But how can it be achieved by AEC firms. Well the solution lies in Building Information Modeling or BIM, wherein information models for the building in question are developed with the support of cutting edge tools.

    It wont be wrong at all if I say Building Information Modeling is both a technology and process. Its a technology because high end building design software Revit is used by key building professionals such as architects, engineers and modelers for creating building design. Whereas it can also be considered as a process in which 3D models for architecture, structure and MEP are created by modelers with the assistance of BIM software.

  • Now lets get back to the point, which is how to provide effective engineering services to clients which can help them in achieving their targets. For any construction project important engineering services include the development of effective drawings for different disciplines along with 3D models which individually represent the design of multiple trades. BIM helps in providing both of them to clients with high accuracy.

    Highly accurate architectural, structural and MEP design can be developed by building professionals with the support of BIM. Revit modeling services are performed by AEC professionals for developing 3D design, wherein building elements belonging to different disciplines are created in different Revit flavors which includes Revit Architecture, Revit Structure and Revit MEP. That means models for distinguished building disciplines are developed separately by design and construction professionals which helps them in focusing their entire towards a single building trade. In this way meticulous models can be developed by building professionals for architecture, structure and MEP which are free from all kinds of errors.

    When such models are delivered to clients their construction work becomes very simple as these models carry accurate building data in them.

    BIM is a major breakthrough in AEC industry