Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named...

Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Transcript of Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named...

Page 1: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Billy’s Dog’s Adventure

A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog

named Billy.

Page 2: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR he could go back where the backyard met the forest and go on an exploring expedition.

What will he do?

Go after Billy?

Explore the forest?

Page 3: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Going After Billy

The dog decided to catch up to his loveable owner Billy. He took off down the road with a firm mind set of what he planned to do, and knew that nothing could possibly deter him from it.


Page 4: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Suddenly the dog hit a huge snag. It had come to some road construction! It’s possible to go around it, but that would take up time. However, going through it could potentially be dangerous. Another decision.

Through the construction

Going around

Page 5: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Flirting with danger

The dog runs through the construction zone, with only the thought of Billy on his mind. At first it’s just a few leaps over some potholes, then the dog runs through a pipe which starts moving just as he enters. Just barely getting out, he continues running, nearly getting crushed as a metal beam falls from above, saved by a construction worker who then starts toying with his radio, but you’ve no time to listen, onward!

Page 6: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Luck’s run out

You get through the construction zone luckily with only a scratch and keep running. You’re not more than five feet from the next stop light when an animal control truck stops in front of it. One of the workers jumps out and grabs you by the collar.

Page 7: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

You’re taken to the shelter where they read your tag and call Billy. That night he comes and brings you home … after which scolds you for running away, and more importantly through a construction zone.

Rules are not made to be broken, but made to protect. To break a rule or a law is

to gamble and to flirt with danger. Every action comes with a consequence, and a

foolish action has a fool-fixing consequence.

Page 8: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Going around

He goes around the construction and starts on his alternate route. He knows that it’s eaten up time and so now he’s really booking it. He keeps running and running and running, until he comes to a red stop light. What should he do here?

Short on time,

through the light!

Wait for a green

lightGo around

Page 9: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

A lost bet

You decide to conserve time, take a risk and run through the light. The dog gets about three quarters across the street when he’s hit by a car and suddenly can’t move his leg.

Page 10: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.


911 and animal control are called, and you are taken to a vet’s office where they determine that the dog will no longer be able to control his right hind leg. Billy is called out of school to come to the vet’s office and is grateful that the news isn’t worse.

Page 11: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Billy brings the dog home, and they finish off the years of high school not being able to play catch, wrestle, or even go for a jog around the block. Billy still loves his dog, but things just aren’t the same.

Gambling relies only on luck which relies only on happenstance. A gamble every

once and a while is acceptable while not advised; but a gamble or two every day is

just plain foolish, and it’s the fools who finance the gambling.

Page 12: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Waiting for the light

Unfortunately this light takes about 2 minutes to change, however it’s also the only light on the way. After the light’s turned green then once again the dog’s off!

Page 13: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Too late!

The dog makes it to school but the buses aren’t there and Billy's scooter is already parked and locked onto the bike rack! Another decision! Head back home, or go find Billy undeterred!

I could get Billy in trouble by walking in, I’ll wait at home. I’ve come all this

way, I’m finding Billy

Page 14: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Going around … Again!

Luckily Billy’s school is next to the jogging path that Billy always takes the dog on, so he decides to use his knowledge and gain a shortcut.

Page 15: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Walking home!

You head home slowly feeling disappointed that even though you put in all the hard work it seems like no reward. Finally you get home after what feels like a week, and wait at home for Billy. After about six and a half hours, Billy walks in the front door!

Page 16: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

“Hey Buddy!” Billy says as you run to him suddenly excited. “I saw you outside school today! I can’t believe you ran all that way! I’ll give you a treat for all your hard work!”

Hard work is always rewarded with great success and surprises, if not at first, then eventually. Persistence and Effort are key, for if you don’t give 100% in everything,

why give 100% in anything?

Page 17: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Going in!

You’ve come all this way and you’re not going to let something as boring and bureaucratic as school stop you now! You defiantly walk in to the building!

Page 18: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Here comes trouble

You haven’t gotten farther then the front door when somebody (much taller than Billy) stops you. “Hey, how’d you get in here buddy?” she says. She grabs onto your collar and brings you into the office, and after talking to a person sitting behind a desk you hear over the intercom: “Billy Simmons, please report to the office.”

Page 19: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Billy walks into the office and upon seeing you, begins to look disappointed. “Billy, you know there’s a rule against having pets in school, you’ll only get a warning this time, but next time lock him in a cage or something.”

Rules often seem unfair to the person who’s broken them, when in reality, and with a clear head, they’re usually only

meant to protect or conserve efficiency.

Page 20: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Exploring the forest

The dog decides to take this unique opportunity and runs into the forest. He doesn’t get farther than 200 yards when suddenly he hears a strange and loud whirring noise.

? Keep on


Change direction, away from the noise

Check out that noise!

Page 21: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Interesting …

You decide that loud noises probably shouldn’t be in the forest and probably wouldn’t be good for the dogs health either. So the dog runs in the opposite direction from them, when suddenly he comes across an old white house in the middle of the woods, one of the windows are broken and the mailbox says: Zork

Climb in through the broken window

Page 22: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The adventure begins

You are in the kitchen of a strange house, in the middle of which is a table. On said table there is a brown bag which smells like hot peppers, and a bottle of water. On the wall there is a picture of president Obama. There is a staircase leading upstairs, and a hallway leading into another room.

Go down the hallway

Go up the


Page 23: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The living room

You come into a living room in which there is a door, a trophy case, a wooden chest and an antique rug. The door has strange unreadable gothic lettering written in blood on it, the trophy case has many different trophies of all shapes and sizes, the wooden chest has a long sword with green trim hanging tip down above it, and the rug is lying on the floor.

Try to go through the door

Inspect the trophy case Go look at the chest

Page 24: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The trophy case

You’re walking towards the trophy case when suddenly you step on a button on the floor. Then the trophy case slams down on top of you, glass and metal fly everywhere and the dog never thinks, moves, or sees anything again.

Better luck next time … click here.

Page 25: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Through the door

You approach the door and hear a loud growling noise, when suddenly the door fly's off it’s hinges slamming the dog into the far wall and smashing it’s skull.

Better luck next time … click here.

Page 26: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The chest of treasures

You begin to walk towards the chest when suddenly you hear a sound of a rope snapping. In what you now realize is your last breath, you look up just in time to see the elfish looking sword that impales you.

Better luck next time … click here.

Page 27: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Alone in the dark

You walk up the stairs to only to discover that all the lights are gone. No longer entirely sure where the staircase is, you inadvertently wander farther away from it, until suddenly you see a green figure, hear a scream, and then breathe no more.

Better luck next time … click here.

Page 28: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

Still truckin’

You keep running until you get to the edge of the forest, where you see another development of houses, and Billy on his scooter! Should you catch up to him, or go back home?

Catch Billy!

Home again, home again.

Page 29: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

What’s that noise?

He wonders towards the noise only to come out of the forest and see Billy on his scooter! After he runs around the corner, the dog starts after him!


Page 30: Billy’s Dog’s Adventure A very repetitive chose your own adventure short story about a dog named Billy.

The End!!!

Thanks for playing, click on any white space now to end the game!