Bills org536 assignment 6

Better Communication Through Power Point How To Make A Better Slide Show

Transcript of Bills org536 assignment 6

1. MainPoints!Know YourSubjectGrab TheirAttentionProvideRelevant &InterestingInformationUtilizeGraphicsWhen Able 2. Know YourSubject.You Must be the Experton the TopicPresented.Admit When You DontKnow Something 3. Grab TheirAttention!Grab Their Attention WithGood Information.Keep Their Attention.Most Important DontGo To FarKeep the audienceinvolved. 4. GoodInformationSubjectNo UselessInformationKeep onTaskNo FluffKeep The PresentationRelevant To The SubjectUse ProperTextBe TheExpertKnowyoursubjectDont include UselessInformationDont Get Off The Subject 5. Good Graphics AreParamount.Does ItMakeSense?I Used Too Much Gas Again!Do The Graphics Show The Message?Are They Relevant? 6. Learn How To InputMovementWOW! Use Movement To Make The PresentationMore Entertaining. Dont Get Carried Away. Provides Visual Stimulation. 7. Most Important Know YourSubject WellGrab TheirAttentionMake ItInterestingProvideRelevantInformationThese Tips Will HelpCreate an InterestingPresentation.SummaryUseGraphics