BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J...

Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016 10:30AM-3 PM Florence-Carlton Community Church. From Hwy. 93 going north or south, turn west on W Carlton Creek Rd for .3 miles, then north on Old US 93 for .1 miles. The Ravalli County Fair runs from Aug 31 to Sept 3. The fair book is out or you can find information at RCFAIR.ORG . Entries are open to Ravalli County residents and residents of adjacent counties. Marty Walters will be calling shortly to schedule spinning demonstrators. Please note, I will be very happy to bring your exhibits to the fairgrounds for you if you get them to me before Sunday August 28 and have a copy of your entry form with your exhibits so I can get them entered properly. I am also glad to pick up your exhibits if you let me know. Lucille Molinari will pick up exhibits at the Yarn Center in Hamilton on Friday, August 26 at 2 PM. Please have a copy of your entry form with your exhibits. When you drop your exhibits off please let Lucille or me know if you are able to pick them up at the Fairgrounds. If you are not able to, please let us know what you want to do with your precious exhibits. We do not want to have them lost in the confusion of release day. We love and respect your work! In order to keep your skein's points up, remember: Skeins are to be 25-50 yds in length. Use four ties in a figure 8 configuration, self-tied or with a compatible yarn. Fiber content and end use must be specified on a hanging tag attached to the skein. Please think of all the lovely items you have made this last year with natural fibers and enter them. Last year we were the only department that did not go down in the number of entries. If we want to keep our department it is important to keep the number of entries up. This year we are fortunate to have Cathy Marquard judging the Natural Fiber Products Department on Monday, August 29 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. WE HAVE OPEN JUDG- ING! You are encouraged and invited to come and watch the judging. Cathy will be dictat- ing her comments to a clerk so you can hear what a judge is looking for. It is an education in itself. Cathy is so knowledgeable about all the techniques we use we can't help but learn from her. She gives honest (and kind) critiques. Do not miss this opportunity! IMPORTANT DATES Friday, August 12 - Entry forms due in the Fairgrounds Office by 5 pm Sunday, August 28 - Exhibits due by 7 pm Monday, August 29 - Judging 9 to 4 PM Wednesday, August 31 - Exhibit Buildings open 10:00 am Saturday, September 4 - Exhibits can be picked up between 12 and 4 PM Lucille Molinari Superintendent 363-2704 Marty Walters Co-superintendent 777-2421 July Meeting Agenda Same old stuff (I didn’t get the agenda) Western Montana Fair Aug 9-14, 2016 The entry deadline is Fri- day, July 29 for online entries and Wednesday Aug 3 for paper entries Enter on line at www.missoulafairgrounds. com/western-montana- fair/. The guild had offered to sponsor $10 prizes for the best of show for knitting, , spinning and weaving ( to be judged by our own Marty Walters. THURSDAY, Aug 11, everyone is invited to come for demonstration spinning at the Home Arts building, near the north entrance. We will also have a small display about the guild there. Molly McKinnon would be happy to take entries out on Aug 9 for anyone.

Transcript of BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J...

Page 1: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016

Ravalli County Fair 2016

JULY 2016

Fiber Arts Rag



J U L Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 6

1 0 : 3 0 A M - 3 P M


Community Church.

From Hwy. 93 going

north or south, turn

west on W Carlton

Creek Rd for .3 miles,

then north on Old US

93 for .1 miles.

The Ravalli County Fair runs from Aug 31 to Sept 3. The fair book is out or you can find information at RCFAIR.ORG .

Entr ies are open to Ravalli County residents and residents of adjacent counties. Marty Walters will be calling shortly to schedule spinning demonstrators.

Please note, I will be very happy to bring your exhibits to the fairgrounds for you if you

get them to me before Sunday August 28 and have a copy of your entry form with your

exhibits so I can get them entered properly. I am also glad to pick up your exhibits if you

let me know.

Lucille Molinari will pick up exhibits at the Yarn Center in Hamilton on Friday, August 26

at 2 PM. Please have a copy of your entry form with your exhibits.

When you drop your exhibits off please let Lucille or me know if you are able to pick them

up at the Fairgrounds. If you are not able to, please let us know what you want to do with

your precious exhibits. We do not want to have them lost in the confusion of release day.

We love and respect your work!

In order to keep your skein's points up, remember: Skeins are to be 25-50 yds in length.

Use four ties in a figure 8 configuration, self-tied or with a compatible yarn. Fiber content

and end use must be specified on a hanging tag attached to the skein.

Please think of all the lovely items you have made this last year with natural fibers and

enter them. Last year we were the only department that did not go down in the number of

entries. If we want to keep our department it is important to keep the number of entries up.

This year we are fortunate to have Cathy Marquard judging the Natural Fiber Products

Department on Monday, August 29 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. WE HAVE OPEN JUDG-

ING! You are encouraged and invited to come and watch the judging. Cathy will be dictat-

ing her comments to a clerk so you can hear what a judge is looking for. It is an education

in itself. Cathy is so knowledgeable about all the techniques we use we can't help but learn

from her. She gives honest (and kind) critiques. Do not miss this opportunity!


Friday, August 12 - Entry forms due in the Fairgrounds Office by 5 pm

Sunday, August 28 - Exhibits due by 7 pm

Monday, August 29 - Judging 9 to 4 PM

Wednesday, August 31 - Exhibit Buildings open 10:00 am

Saturday, September 4 - Exhibits can be picked up between 12 and 4 PM

Lucille Molinari Superintendent 363-2704

Marty Walters Co-superintendent 777-2421

July Meeting


Same old stuff

(I didn’t get the agenda)

Western Montana


Aug 9-14, 2016

The entry deadline is Fri-

day, July 29 for online

entries and Wednesday

Aug 3 for paper entries

Enter on line at




The guild had offered to

sponsor $10 prizes for the

best of show for knitting, ,

spinning and weaving ( to

be judged by our own

Marty Walters.


everyone is invited to

come for demonstration

spinning at the Home Arts

building, near the north

entrance. We will also

have a small display about

the guild there.

Molly McKinnon would

be happy to take entries

out on Aug 9 for anyone.

Page 2: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016

Big Sky Fiber Arts Guild, Inc. P AGE 2

At the February 13th spin in at Sugarloaf

Mill in Hall, the mother & daughter spin-

ning duo, Jan and Mathalia

Stroethoff, were spinning a pretty col-

ored, chunky single. At a loss of what to

ply it with, and afraid it wouldn't pass

through the orifice as a 2 ply, Jan asked for sugges-

tions. Ideas poured in from around the spinner's

circle! Sue James magically produced a commer-

cially spun thread or fine floss (this author does not

recall exactly!) for Mathalia and Jan to ply with

their heavier single. What a pleasant surprise it be-

came! It was transformed into a very attractive art

yarn or bouclé yarn that would make a great hat,

cowl or scarf!! Much oohing and ahhhing com-

menced ! We can't wait to see what it becomes and

will have a future show & tell to look forward to!!

Beautiful job Mathalia and Jan!!

Spinning at Sugarloaf

Mill, by Laura

More adventures in Dyeing!

by Chris Vance

If you want to do a fast, easy dyeing project,

try Spectra Bleeding Art Tissue on silk

scarves. You rip or cut the tissue paper and

lay or layer it on the fabric and spray with

vinegar and water. When it’s dry, (I couldn’t actually

wait quite that long) you peel off the paper and heat

set the dye with an iron or in the dryer. I did this with

adults and we had fun, but imagine how much fun a

bunch of second graders would have!

See the finished items on page 4.

Page 3: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016


Page 4: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016

B IG S KY F IBER ARTS GUILD , I NC. P AGE 4 Big Sky Fiber Arts Guild, Inc.

More adventures in Dyeing!


Look at these beauties! Oh and the scarves are nice too!

Page 5: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016

Wool Grading Systems

Information from the following sources:

Original written by:

Llyn Payne

Bella Online (past) Spinning Editor

Additional information from:

New Mexico State Univ.

College of Agriculture; Guide B-409

Many edits by S. Gibson

One of the important qualities of a fleece is its degree of fineness or coarseness. A hand spinner must be able to judge this in or-

der to select a fleece that will be suitable for the planned end use of the fiber.

Over the years, various systems have been developed in attempts to define exactly how fine or coarse a particular fleece may be,

and to set standards for the wool industry. Over time different systems developed. Different terminology was used to describe the

systems, and things became a bit muddled for hand spinners as various suppliers used different grading or count systems to de-

scribe their fleeces.

There are three count systems in use in the USA today. They are:

1. The Bradford Count System also called The English System or the Spinning Count System.

2. The Blood Count System also called the American Count System or simply, the Blood System.

3. The Micron Count System.

Let’s look at each of these grading systems individually and then see how they compare.

The Bradford Spinning Count System The oldest of the count systems in use today is the Bradford Count System, which dates back to 19th century England. Devel-

oped in the town of Bradford, this system is based on the number of 560 yard hanks of single ply yarn that could be spun from

one pound of combed top. Top is scoured wool that is processed by combing so that all of the fibers in the preparation lie parallel

to each other. The spinning method used would be worsted and the most experienced spinners would have spun this yarn. It is

possible that mechanical spinning equipment was used since it was developed about the same time as the Bradford scale was


Fleece graded on the Bradford Count System is marked with a number followed by the letter s, which stands for skeins. For ex-

ample, a marking of 56s would mean that 56 skeins of singles, each 560 yards could be spun worsted from one pound of that

fleece if it was prepared as combed top. That is 31,360 yards of yarn. 80s would be 80 skeins, 45s would equal 45 skeins. In this

system, the higher the number, the finer the fleece.

The American Blood Count System The American Blood system came into being in the early 1800’s when Spanish Merino rams were imported and crossed with

coarse wool sheep. Everyone agreed that Merino was the standard for fine wool so it was decided that wool would be classified

by the percentage of Merino blood in the sheep. A purebred Merino would be a full blood and would be classed as a fine wool;

then the scale took the cross breeding into account, with half blood being coarser and working down from there through 3/8th

blood, 1/4th blood, low 1/4th blood, common, and braid which is the coarsest grade in this system. This system also considers

CPI (crimps per inch) with the assumption that a higher CPI = finer wool. This system is rarely used by handspinners, though

some wool pools still use it. The Bradford system is able to break wool down into more precise categories of fineness than the

Blood Count System.

Continued on page 6

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The Micron Count System The latest and most accurate testing system, Micron Count measures the exact diameter of the wool. One micron is equal to

1/25400th of an inch or one millionth of a meter so special testing equipment is required. For testing, two fleece samples are taken

from different parts of the fleece and sent to a lab for measuring. The results of these two tests are averaged out with the average

being the Micron Count assigned to that fleece. In this system, the lower the count number, the finer the fleece. This is used by most

international wool markets, and more and more handspinners are becoming familiar with it.

The following is a table showing how the 3 systems compare.

Comparison of Blood, Bradford and Micron Counts:

General Type of Wool Blood Count Bradford Count Micron Count

Fine Fine Finer than 80s Under 17.70

Fine 80s 17.70 - 19.14

Fine 70s 19.15 - 20.59

Fine 64s 20.60 - 22.04

Medium 1/2 Blood 62s 22.05 - 23.49

1/2 Blood 60s 23.50 - 24.94

3/8 Blood 58s 24.95 - 26.39

3/8 Blood 56s 26.40 - 27.84

1/4 Blood 54s 27.85 - 29.29

1/4 Blood 50s 29.30 - 30.99

Coarse Low 1/4 Blood 48s 31.00 - 32.69

Low 1/4 Blood 46s 32.70 - 34.39

Common 44s 34.40 - 36.19

Very Coarse Braid 40s 36.20 - 38.09

Braid 36s 38.10 - 40.20

Braid Coarser than 36s Over 40.20

Page 7: BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. JULY Fiber Arts Rag ......2016/07/07  · Ravalli County Fair 2016 J ULY 2016 Fiber Arts Rag BIG SKY FIBER ARTS GUILD, INC. NEXT MEETING JULY 30, 2016

Big Sky Fiber Arts

Guild, Inc.

Guild Officers

Laura Miklautsch, President


[email protected]

Suzanne Artley, VP


[email protected]

Margie Lubinski, Treasurer


[email protected]

Molly McKinnon, Secretary


[email protected]

Kris Crawford, Program Director


[email protected]

Chris Vance, Newsletter


[email protected]

Shelley Hunter/Loey Knapp, Web-


([email protected])

[email protected]

PO Box 811

Stevensville, MT 59870


September 23-25, 2016 - Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival at the Clackamas County Events

Center at Canby, Oregon. For more information, visit

October 28-30, 2016 - 6th Annual Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival at the Fort Dalles Readiness

Center. Visit for more information.

August 9-14, 2016—Western Montana Fair in Missoula, MT. Home arts here:

August 31-September 3, 2016 Ravalli County Fair in Hamilton MT.


Sept.2-4, 2016—Festival of the Thread: a textile exhibit in Livingston MT. http://

June 26-July 2, 2017 - The Victoria Handweavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is joining with ANWG to

host the 2017 ANWG Conference at the University of Victoria.