Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their...

Wayamadi NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Term 2 Week 7 2020 Learning For Life Big Mover and Super Star Recipients Congratulaons to those students who were awarded their Superstar cerficates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 Big Mover recipients. Unfortunately, we are unable to conduct our regular Superstar assemblies, however students were excited to receive their awards at lines. Great Work Nicolas, Parker and Roman from KF shared their wonderful sentences about hot chips with me and I was very impressed with their wring. Alana from 5/6R read me her creave poem and Lucy from 5/6R shared her hero wring. It was also great to see the research tasks of Lucy, Claire and Alana from 5/6R, obviously a lot of effort had been put into their Powerpoint presentaons. Tilly and Parker from KF shared their whwords and all students in KF showed me their wonderful wring. Savannah, Charli, Jeffin and Frankie shared their beauful wring about chickens. Max from K/6P read me a very funny book about a clown and Eliza and Kit from 1S showed me their wonderful wring. Well done everyone! Opportunity Class Tesng The placement process for the Year 5 Opportunity Class entry in 2021, including the Opportunity Class Placement Test, has been delayed due to the impact of COVID-19. Due to the shorter me frame, changes have been made to the placement process for opportunity classes that will apply for 2020 applicants only. These include:- [email protected] Important Dates Thursday 2/7 * P&C Crazy Hair & Muſti Day - gold coin donaon Friday 3/7 * Term 2 ends Monday 20/7 * Staff Development Day No students at school Tuesday 21/7 * Term 3 Commences Students K-6 return Narara Valley Drive, Niagara Park, NSW 2250, Ph. (02) 43 283397 Fax (02) 43 291420 Big Movers and Superstar recipients

Transcript of Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their...

Page 1: Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 ig Mover recipients.

















Term 2 Week 7


Learning For Life

Big Mover and Super Star Recipients Congratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 Big Mover recipients. Unfortunately, we are unable to conduct our regular Superstar assemblies, however students were excited to receive their awards at lines.

Great Work Nicolas, Parker and Roman from KF shared their wonderful sentences about hot chips with me and I was very impressed with their writing. Alana from 5/6R read me her creative poem and Lucy from 5/6R shared her hero writing. It was also great to see the research tasks of Lucy, Claire and Alana from 5/6R, obviously a lot of effort had been put into their Powerpoint presentations. Tilly and Parker from KF shared their ‘wh’ words and all students in KF showed me their wonderful writing. Savannah, Charli, Jeffin and Frankie shared their beautiful writing about chickens. Max from K/6P read me a very funny book about a clown and Eliza and Kit from 1S showed me their wonderful writing. Well done everyone! Opportunity Class Testing The placement process for the Year 5 Opportunity Class entry in 2021, including the Opportunity Class Placement Test, has been delayed due to the impact of COVID-19.

Due to the shorter time frame, changes have been made to the placement process for opportunity classes that will apply for 2020 applicants only. These include:-

[email protected]

Important Dates

Thursday 2/7 * P&C Crazy Hair & Mufti Day - gold coin donation Friday 3/7 * Term 2 ends Monday 20/7 * Staff Development Day No students at school Tuesday 21/7 * Term 3 Commences Students K-6 return

Narara Valley Drive,

Niagara Park, NSW 2250,

Ph. (02) 43 283397 Fax (02) 43 291420

Big Movers and Superstar recipients

Page 2: Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 ig Mover recipients.


A new date for online applications. Parents must apply between Tuesday 9 June, 2020 and Friday 26 June, 2020. Late applications cannot be accepted.

A new test date - Wednesday 16 September, 2020.

Placement in an Opportunity Class will be based solely on the results of the test.

The illness/misadventure or appeals processes will not be available.

Parents are encouraged to continue to monitor the department’s website via: to remain up to date with information relating to Opportunity Classes.

Covid 19 Updates and Procedures There should be no visitors to school sites unless they are essential. Staff will continue to monitor the top, Scout hall and bottom gates in the morning and afternoon to ensure student safety. Please remember to socially distance when assembling outside gates. All students will be let out at the regular time of 2.55pm to ensure our learning time is not impacted.

Canteen lunch orders will continue through Flexischools online and students are able to purchase items at the Canteen before school, at recess and lunch.

Uniform shop orders will continue through Flexischools online and orders will be delivered to students in class.

Please continue to send a drink bottle in for your child as bubblers are not in use.

Page 3: Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 ig Mover recipients.


Kindergarten 2021 Enrolments for Kindergarten 2021 are now being taken. Please visit the school office for enrolment forms and visit our school website for further information. Student Attendance All students should be at school unless:

They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition. They are currently unwell. Students who have a medical certificate to stay at home will be supported to learn from home in line with regular procedures if they are able to.

These regular procedures are different to what was offered during the learning from home period. If you require work to be provided to your child whilst they are at home due to an underlying health condition, you should contact the school for assistance.

Please note, students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing.

If your child is unwell, do not send them to school. If they are unwell at school, you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date.

If a student is absent without a medical reason for more than three days, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and followed up by the school. Five ways to help your child sleep better at night As we all return to our regular routines, it is important to understand the benefits of a good nights sleep and the impacts this has on your child’s learning. Some handy tips are:

Avoid screen time before bed and no screens in bedroom Have a consistent bedtime routine (pick an order to the things you do before bed and stick to it, this makes bedtime predictable) No sugary drinks in the evening Keep children active during the day Avoid stimulating activities after dinner

Difficulties sleeping can really impact on your mood and emotional wellbeing during the day so if you or your child has difficulties sleeping seek more information through: or consult your GP for more personalised advice.

Further sleep tips for children can be found at: P&C - Term 2 Fundraiser The P&C have scheduled a fundraiser to be held on Thursday 2 July. This will be a Crazy Hair and Mufti day and students will need a gold coin donation to participate. Have a great weekend. Nicole Pattison Principal (Relieving)

Page 4: Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 ig Mover recipients.


SUPERSTAR AWARD WINNERS Congratulations to the following students who received their Superstar Awards.

One Star Asher S. (1/2H) Jayda McF. (1/2H) Harry S. (2G) Cody S. (2G) Chaise T. (2G) Tyson S-C. (2M) Scarlet L. (3/4H)

Two Star Thomas K. (K/6C) Mia G. (3/4G) Cooper A. (3/4G) Amelia T. (3/4H) Azriel C. (3/4H) Maddison B. (3/4T) Summer R. (5/6H) Alana C. (5/6R) Ella W. (5/6T) Samuel O. (5/6T)

Three Star Jack P. (K/6C) Elyanna R. (3/4C) Tully M. (5/6A) Olivia R. (5/6A) Mikayla D. (5/6A) Ethan H. (5/6D) Jackson S. (5/6D) Finlay J. (5/6H) Ashley W. (5/6T) Cooper Q. (5/6T)

Four Star Ella Y. (5/6A) Tegan M. (5/6D) Oliva P. (5/6R) Hunter C. (5/6S) Annaliese B. (5/6T)

BIG MOVER AWARD RECIPIENTS Mikayla T. (5/6R) Mikayla is a kind and caring student who has made pleasing gains in all aspects of school life. Her calm and gentle nature have made her a wonderful friend and classmate. Mikayla is constantly thinking of others and always considers the feelings of her peers. She is polite and courteous and shows great empathy and respect for those around her. Mikayla has a passion for all living things, in particular birds.

Mikayla has continued to gain confidence and always asks for help when she needs it. She has become more resilient and approaches challenging tasks with a positive attitude. Mikayla’s past and present teachers are extremely proud of the progress she has made in all areas of her school life. She is a very deserving recipient of the Big Mover Award. Congratulations Mikayla!


Izabella-May P. (5/6H) Izabella demonstrates an outstanding attitude towards all areas of school life. She is a kind, responsible student who always seeks to help and assist those around her. She is reliable and thrives on extra responsibilities provided to her by her teachers.

Izabella’s organisational skills and work ethic have improved out of sight and she always seeks to improve her work and learn more about the topic at hand. If Izabella finds a task challenging she never gives up and will seek assistance and use ICT to assist her in producing quality work samples.

She has demonstrated improved resilience and her confidence in her own abilities has grown significantly. Izabella has made tremendous gains throughout 2020, and we have no doubt she will continue to work hard and achieve amazing things in the future.

You are a very worthy recipient of the Big Mover Award. Congratulations Izabella!

Page 5: Big Movers and Superstar recipients · ongratulations to those students who were awarded their Superstar certificates and our Term 1 Week 10 and Term 2 Week 5 ig Mover recipients.