Big Data

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Data is everywhere but what's important is information. How you get it? How is it helpful to Business Intelligence.This document is just a glimpse of all this.

Transcript of Big Data

Rashesh A. DavePage4

Sldnerstrae 8, 97422 Schweinfurt. Deutschland. Mobil: +49 176 80539668Getting startedMoores Law is a computing term which originated around 1970; the simplified version of this law states that processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Gordon E. Moore, Moores Law, accessed December 24, 2014,]

Figure 1 Plot of CPU transistor counts against dates of introduction; note the logarithmic vertical scale; the line corresponds to exponential growth with transistor count doubling every two years.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Moores Law, Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia (Wikipedia, December 24, 2014),]

The constant exponential growth is the fundamental reason for a constant decrease in the shelf life of the products in this sector. The constant reshaping of the industry leads to the change in the given definition of the boundaries of the diligence. This gives rise to Business Intelligence, the smarter way to gather data from different products which are utilizing the Internet as a source of data. What makes businesses smarter, connected products fundamentally different is not the internet, but the switching nature and the potential use of the product for different purposes. The key to success is this missing dot of interconnectivity of the BIG DATA and the market demand.Hitched Embedded SystemsCoupled products with the cloud where the product data is stored and analysed for its betterment in terms of product functionality and performance.

Figure 2 Three Industrial Internet of Things capabilities to master[footnoteRef:3] [3: Paul Daugherty et al., Accenture Technology - Driving Unconventional Growth through the Industrial Internet of Things, Accenture Technology, 2014, 20.]

Innovation is crucial for the development and deliverance of differentiated new product service hybrids that drives growth.[footnoteRef:4] To reap all benefits the company must master the skill of handling data from sensor driven computing, industrial analytics and intelligent machine applications. [4: Ibid.]

Intelligent Machine Applications The mechanical machines loaded with software (as an application) for recording dynamic data.Industrial Analytics Analytical insights generated through the data from the digital sensors in the system.Sensor-Driven Computing The capability of recording physical data in to digital form. It can include the physical usage of the product or the service (or application) over an electronic product.Functions and benefits of Embedded System Consolidation with other equipment. Monitoring and analysing data. Self-coordination and self-diagnosis through artificial intelligence. Tailor their user interfaces. Mass customisation through user data from different products. Optimized yielding of Cloud Data.The convergence of these data leads success of the products and so as the company. This convergence is a methodological communication between the data resulting Business Intelligence. CommunicationOne-to-one: An individual product connects to the user, the manufacturer, or another product through a port or other interface.One-to-many: A central system is continuously or intermittently connected to many products simultaneously. Many-to-many: Multiple products connect to many other types of products and often also to external data sources. An array of types of farm equipment are connected to one another, and to geolocation data, to coordinate and optimize the farm system.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Michael E Porter and James E Heppelmann, How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition - HBR, Harvard Business Review, November 2014, 4,]

Figure 3 Distributed system for handling latency issues or network connectivity problems.[footnoteRef:6] [6: Denny Lee, Moving Data to Compute or Compute to Data? That Is the Big Data Question, Blog, Moving Data to Compute or Compute to Data? That Is the Big Data Question, (January 31, 2012),]

Connectivity helps to serve the hunger of products for data and it also performs it's primary task of interconnectivity. This would allow users to take benet from all the available technologies, without the need for deep knowledge about or expertise in it. This yields a rise to Virtualisation, it divides a physical computing, device into one or more "virtual" devices, each of which can be easily applied and managed to perform multiple computing tasks. This system uses Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which produces a scalable system of multiple independent computing devices, idle computing resources can be apportioned and used more efficiently.[footnoteRef:7] [7: Cloud Computing, Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, December 25, 2014,]

In the simplest example, the Predictive Writing offered by new generation iPhone and Android based mobile phone. Here the mobile devices record the data dynamically and stores patterns and phrases through artificial intelligence and using this artificial intelligence, it offers the user the predicted text with a couple of best suitable options. At industrial level one can contrive a system through SAP-HANA that uses dynamic data to check the mill operations with multiple variables and without human interventions.

Figure 4 Cloud Computing and Virtualisation[footnoteRef:8] [8: Ibid.]

What does it mean to me? Smart, connected products can increase buyer power by giving buyers a better understanding of true product performance, allowing them to play one manufacturer off another. Buyers may also find that having access to product usage data can decrease their reliance on the manufacturer for advice and support.[footnoteRef:9] [9: Porter and Heppelmann, How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition - HBR, 913.]

Smarter gadgets and ease of work. Permit users to have total access to a product but pay only for the amount of product they use.What does it mean to you?Broadening product definitions can raise barriers to entrants even higher. Smart, connected products can also increase buyer loyalty and switching costs, further raising barriers to entry.[footnoteRef:10] [10: Ibid., 10.]

The Hitched Embedded System delivers more value relative to physical components, the physical components can be commoditized or even put back by software over a period of time. As suppliers capture product usage data from end users, they can also supply new services to them with mass customisation if required.[footnoteRef:11] [11: Ibid., 913.]

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