


Pictures of bikes.

Transcript of Bicycles

Page 1: Bicycles

Parked Bikes Outside of Stewart

Bicycles are a major part of life here are Purdue. They are at any large college campus because they just make travel much easier and faster. There is not place on campus here at Purdue that you can go without seeing people ridding thier bikes or at least parked bikes outside of builings. There are bikes every kind her at Purdue. There are classic bikes for the more artsy type. Then there are the bikes for the major athlete. There are bikes in every different color and every can find their right match. It is part of people’s personality every can find their right match. It is part of people’s personality here at Purdue.

Page 2: Bicycles

Seatless Bicycle by Wiley

Security is number one for a bike owner and that is why some people go to the great length of removing their bicycle seat. Some people even remove their wheel every time they park it. People here really like thier bikes and do not want anyone to steal it. For us college students having your bike stolen is like having your car stolen. It is our only means of transportation other than walking, and after a while that can get real old real fast. Although I do not think i could be bothered with taking my bike seat off every time, I doubt their bike has been stolen. my bike seat off every time, I doubt their bike has been stolen.

Page 3: Bicycles

Bicycle Signs by Heavlon

With bikes being so prominent here at Purdue it is essential that bike lanes or “do not walk” lanes are. This is why they are so well marked with bright colors and big descriptive pictures. Also on top of that there are written signs to better explain what is going on. You would be surprised by how many people still get hit or hit other because they don’t look at the signs. There are desig-nated places for walks and bikers to avoid things like accidents but people stil get hurt on a wekly basis. but people stil get hurt on a wekly basis.

Page 4: Bicycles

Bike Path Infront of Wetherill

Bike paths are crucile here at Purdue and that its why they run everywhere among campus. It is away to keep people on foot and people bikes safe from head on collision. It has been said by many bike riders that they will pay attention and not hit you if you are just walking and minding your own buisiness, but if you step into the bike lane you are on your own. They wont think twice of they run you over. That is why thay are well marked for both the bike riders an pedestrians.both the bike riders an pedestrians.

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Everyone is always so preoccupied by locking up thier bikes. People spend a lot of money on buying the best bike lock they can get their hands on. This is because if you don’t you rick having your bike being stolen or the ever classic, having your bike put into a tree. Why do people do this? I have not a clue. Some people go to such great lengths to steel bikes that the bike owns have to go to ever further lengths to keep their bikes safe.

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Bike Rider Infront of Heavlon

There are people all over campus ridding on their bikes. No, they are not all suited up in their bike short and super expensive bicycle, but non the less thay are riders in thier own right. I do not know how they do it. Riding around all day trying to dodge people on foot, because they never pay attention, all while carring their ex-tremly heavy book bag on thier backs. People on bikes gat a bad name of running into people, but is it really their fault that people walk infront of them?walk infront of them?

Page 7: Bicycles

Rain Protection

There are always people riding around with these bags wrapped around their bicycle seat and it took me forever to understand what they were doing. They would always put them on their seats when it was rainning. Then it hit me. It is away to protect their seat and the butts from the rain. People cover their seats with whatever they have. Whether it be a Purdue bag like this one or a bag from Walmart. This is another example of what like with a bike is like.with a bike is like.

Page 8: Bicycles

There are bikes parked every where here at Purdue and it is a crucile part of life here at Purdue. So many people ride bikes to get around campus and that means they all need a place to park it. Purdue is a large campus and for many people the only way for them to geet from point A to point B in a short period of time by bicycle. That is why this is not the only place to park your bike on campus. They are every where.

Bikes Outside Wetherill